Diffraction and Low-x 2022

from Saturday 24 September 2022 (17:00) to Friday 30 September 2022 (14:30)
Corigliano Calabro, Italy

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
24 Sept 2022
25 Sept 2022
26 Sept 2022
27 Sept 2022
28 Sept 2022
29 Sept 2022
30 Sept 2022
08:30 Welcome - Alessandro Papa (University of Calabria & INFN-Cosenza) Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))   ()
Recent theoretical results on QCD and saturation (until 10:25) ()
08:45 Recent developments in exclusive photoproduction of excited vector mesons - Roman Pasechnik (Lund university) Roman Pasechnik Roman Pasechnik (Lund university)   ()
09:05 Quark and gluon Helicity evolution at small-x: Revised and updated. - Florian Cougoulic (SUBATECH) Florian Cougoulic   ()
09:25 Production of forward charm and neutrinos and unintegrated gluon distributions at very small $x$ - Antoni Szczurek   ()
09:45 J\psi production in high multiplicity pp and pA collisions - Tomasz Stebel (CERN) Tomasz Stebel (Institute of Theoretical Physics Jagiellonian University)   ()
10:05 Effect of Sudakov factor in Golec-Biernat Wusthoff saturation model - Tomoki Goda (IFJ PAN)   ()
10:25 --- Coffee break ---
Recent theoretical results on QCD and saturation (until 13:00) ()
10:50 A one-loop central-emission vertex for two gluons in N=4 SYM - Emmet Byrne   ()
11:10 High-energy signals from heavy-flavor physics - Michael Fucilla   ()
11:30 Mechanisms of fully heavy tetraquark production in proton-proton collisions - Antoni Szczurek   ()
11:50 Production of 1S, 2S, 1P quarkonium state production in light-cone $k_{\perp}$-factorization approach - Izabela Babiarz   ()
12:10 Discussion session: AdS CFT, high energy resummation - Martin Hentschinski (Universidad de las Americas, Puebla) Dr Francesco Giovanni Celiberto (ECT*/FBK Trento & INFN-TIFPA) Cyrille Marquet (CPHT - Ecole Polytechnique) Prof. Agustin Sabio Vera   ()
Spin physics (until 10:20) ()
08:30 Introductorion to the spin session - Umberto D'Alesio Barbara Badelek (University of Warsaw (PL))   ()
08:50 Current Status and Future Prospects on Transverse-Momentum Distribution Functions - Prof. Bernd Surrow (Temple University)   ()
09:15 TMD phenomenology and Single Spin Asymmetries - Alexey Prokudin Alexey Prokudin (PSU Berks and JLab)   ()
09:40 Forward proton measurements with ATLAS - Sara Valentinetti (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   ()
10:00 Unpolarized cross section and transverse single spin asymmetry of $Z^{0}$ in 500/510 GeV p+p collisions - Xiaoxuan Chu Salvatore Fazio (Universita della Calabria e INFN (IT))   ()
10:20 --- Coffee break ---
Spin physics (until 13:00) ()
10:50 On the odderon mechanism for transverse single spin asymmetry in the Wilczek-Wandzura approximation - Sanjin Benić   ()
11:10 Determination of Generalized Parton Distributions in the nucleon through exclusive electoproduction. - Fabienne Kunne (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   ()
11:35 Accessing GPDs through the exclusive photoproduction of a photon-meson pair with a large invariant mass - Saad Nabeebaccus (IJCLab)   ()
11:55 Phenomenology of GPDs: status and perspectives - Jakub Wagner   ()
12:20 Discussion session: spin, GPD, TMD... - Umberto D'Alesio Barbara Badelek (University of Warsaw (PL))   ()
Low x, PDFs and hadronic final states (until 10:10) ()
08:30 Measurement of mass dependence of the transverse momentum of lepton pairs in Drell-Yan production in proton-proton collisions at sqrt{s} = 13 TeV - Kyeongpil Lee (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))   ()
08:50 Measurement of the cross-section ratio sigma(psi(2S))/sigma(J/psi(1S)) in exclusive photoproduction at HERA - Grzegorz Grzelak   ()
09:10 Helix string fragmentation and charged particle correlations with ATLAS - Sarka Todorova (Charles University (CZ))   ()
09:30 Jets separated by a large pseudorapidity gap at the Tevatron and at the LHC - Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))   ()
09:50 Impact of jet-production data on the next-to-next-to-leading-order determination of HERAPDF2.0 parton distributions - Florian Lorkowski (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
10:10 --- Coffee break ---
Low x, PDFs and hadronic final states (until 13:00) ()
10:40 Probing low-x phenomena at LHCb - Murilo Santana Rangel (Federal University of of Rio de Janeiro (BR))   ()
11:00 Measurement and QCD analysis of inclusive jet production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA - Florian Lorkowski (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
11:20 Single, double and central diffractive dissociation of protons at high energies - Laszlo Jenkovszky   ()
11:40 Higher-point functions in N=4 SYM from an integrable system - Burkhard Eden (Humboldt U.)   ()
12:00 Discussion session: PDFs - Prof. Pavel Nadolsky (Southern Methodist University) Marco Bonvini (INFN, Rome 1 Unit) Cristian Baldenegro Barrera (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet) Amanda Sarkar (University of Oxford (GB))   ()
Photon-photon physics and hard diffraction (until 09:55) ()
08:30 Photon-photon and photon-proton physics in ultraperipheral collisions at CMS - Dr Georgios Krintiras (The University of Kansas (US))   ()
08:50 Photon-photon fusion and tau g-2 measurement - Melike Akbiyik (Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE))   ()
09:10 Photon-induced processes with tagged protons at CMS - Michele Gallinaro (LIP Lisbon)   ()
09:35 Anomalous coupling studies with intact protons at the LHC - Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))   ()
09:55 --- Group photo ---
10:15 --- Coffee break ---
Photon-photon physics and hard diffraction (until 13:00) ()
10:40 Light-by-light scattering - an ongoing challenge for theory (forward rapidity) and experiment (low invariant mass) - Mariola Kłusek-Gawenda (IFJ PAS) Mariola Klusek-Gawenda (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)   ()
11:00 Exclusive production of vector mesons at LHCb - Mr Lucas Meyer Garcia (Federal University of of Rio de Janeiro (BR))   ()
11:20 Recent ALICE results on ultra-peripheral heavy-ion collisions - Aleksandr Bylinkin (University of Bergen (NO))   ()
11:40 Quarkonia Production in Ultra-peripheral PbPb collisions at LHCb - Xiaolin Wang (South China Normal University (CN))   ()
12:00 Photon-photon transition form factors of axial vector quarkonia in a light front approach - Wolfgang Schaefer   ()
12:20 Discussion session: photon photon and hard diffraction - Murilo Santana Rangel (Federal University of of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) Michael Pitt (CERN) Javier Alberto Murillo Quijada (Universidad de Sonora (MX))   ()
Soft and low-mass diffraction (until 10:10) ()
08:30 The High-Energy Limit of 2 $\to$ 2 QCD scattering amplitudes - Calum Milloy (University of Turin)   ()
08:50 Precision small scattering angle measurements of proton-proton and proton-nucleus analyzing powers at the RHIC hydrogen jet polarimeter - Andrei Poblaguev (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Andrei Poblaguev (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   ()
09:10 The Low theorem for diffractive bremsstrahlung and the soft photon puzzle - Boris Kopeliovich Boris Kopeliovich   ()
09:30 Modeling photon radiation in soft hadronic collisions - Boris Kopeliovich Boris Kopeliovich   ()
09:50 Measurement of multijet events and photon production with ATLAS - Leonardo Carminati (INFN Sezione di Milano (INFN))   ()
10:10 --- Coffee break ---
Soft and low-mass diffraction (until 13:00) ()
10:40 Multiple pion pair production in a Regge based model - Rainer Schicker (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))   ()
11:00 GRANIITTI: Towards a deep learning enhanced MC event generator for high energy diffraction - Matti Mikael Mieskolainen (Imperial College (GB))   ()
11:20 Nuclear effects in coherent photoproduction of heavy quarkonia - Jan Nemchik (Unknown) Jan Nemchik (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ) and Institute of Experimental Physics, Kosice (SK))   ()
11:40 Hunting for QCD Instantons at the LHC in the forward proton mode - Valery Khoze (University of Durham (GB))   ()
12:05 Evolution equation for elastic scattering of hadrons - Anderson Kendi   ()
12:25 Isolating the Odderon in central production in high energy pA and AA collisions - Ronan Mcnulty (University College Dublin (IE))   ()
12:45 Discussion session: soft and low mass diffraction - Kenneth Osterberg (University of Helsinki) Kenneth Osterberg (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI)) Ronan Mcnulty (University College Dublin (IE)) Boris Kopeliovich Boris Kopeliovich   ()
09:30 Announcement of best talk awards and closing - Alessandro Papa (Università della Calabria & INFN-Cosenza) Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))   ()
17:00 --- Registration ---
19:00 --- Welcome drink ---
20:00 --- Dinner ---
13:00 --- Lunch break ---
Recent theoretical results on QCD and saturation (until 16:15) ()
14:30 The QCD shockwave approach at NLO: towards precision physics in gluonic saturation - Samuel Wallon Dr Samuel Wallon   ()
14:55 NLO computation of diffractive di-hadron production in a saturation framework - Emilie Li (IJCLAB)   ()
15:15 Signature of Accidental Symmetry Breaking in Two Particle Correlations Within the CGC - Víctor Vila (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   ()
15:35 Diffractive structure function in the dipole approach - Tuomas Lappi   ()
15:55 Exclusive vector meson production at next-to-leading order in the Color Glass Condensate framework - Jani Penttala Jani Penttala (University of Jyväskylä (FI))   ()
16:15 --- Coffee break ---
Recent theoretical results on QCD and saturation (until 19:30) ()
16:40 Gluon dipole factorization and saturation in diffractive dijet production - Dionysios Triantafyllopoulos (ECT*/FBK)   ()
17:00 On NLO BFKL impact factors from NLO collinear amplitudes - Leszek Motyka   ()
17:20 NLO JIMWLK with massive quarks - Michael Lublinsky (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (IL)) Prof. Michael Lublinsky   ()
17:40 Evolution of initial stage fluctuations in the Glasma - Pablo Guerrero Rodríguez (LIP)   ()
18:00 Sudakov suppression and gluon saturation at NLO - Farid Salazar (UCLA/UCB/LBNL)   ()
18:20 Next-to-leading order photon+jet production - Yair Mulian   ()
18:40 Discussion session: CGC, saturation - Prof. Agustin Sabio Vera Martin Hentschinski (Universidad de las Americas, Puebla) Dr Francesco Giovanni Celiberto (ECT*/FBK Trento & INFN-TIFPA) Cyrille Marquet (CPHT - Ecole Polytechnique)   ()
20:00 --- Dinner ---
13:00 --- Lunch break ---
Low x, PDFs and hadronic final states (until 16:10) ()
14:30 New constraints on PDFs with CMS data - Luis Alcerro Alcerro (The University of Kansas (US))   ()
14:50 Determination of proton parton distribution functions using ATLAS data - Amanda Sarkar (University of Oxford (GB))   ()
15:10 Small-x resummation in PDF fits and future prospects - Marco Bonvini (INFN, Rome 1 Unit)   ()
15:30 News from NNPDF - Zahari Dimitrov Kassabov Z.D. Kassabov-Zaharieva   ()
15:50 TMD gluon density at low x and soft and hard processes at LHC energies - Gennady Lykasov   ()
16:10 --- Coffee break ---
Low x, PDFs and hadronic final states (until 19:30) ()
16:40 Small-x resummation in coeffcient function for differential heavy-quarks production and next-to-leading logarithms - Federico Silvetti (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics) Federico Silvetti (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   ()
17:00 An interplay of small- and large-x effects in the QCD predictions for prompt atmospheric neutrino flux at IceCube - Dr Rafal Maciula   ()
17:20 Pseudo- and quasi-PDFs in the BFKL approximation - Giovanni Antonio Chirilli Giovanni Antonio Chirilli (Univ. Regensburg)   ()
17:40 New developments in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories: integrability, black holes - Daniele Gregori (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))   ()
18:00 Discussion seesion: PDFs, Low x - Prof. Pavel Nadolsky (Southern Methodist University) Marco Bonvini (INFN, Rome 1 Unit) Cristian Baldenegro Barrera (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet) Amanda Sarkar (University of Oxford (GB))   ()
20:00 --- Dinner - "Calabrian style" ---
13:00 --- Lunch break ---
14:30 --- Workshop tour ---
20:00 --- Dinner ---
13:00 --- Lunch break ---
Joint session: Recent theoretical results on QCD and saturation + low x, PDFs and hadronic final state (until 16:20) ()
14:30 QCD at a Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC - Antonia Di Crescenzo (CERN)   ()
14:55 BSM and SM signals and backgrounds in Far-Forward Experiments at the LHC - Maria Vittoria Garzelli (INFN, Italia & Universidad de Granada, Espana) Maria Vittoria Garzelli   ()
15:20 Next-to-Leading Order virtual correction to the Higgs-induced DIS - Anna Rinaudo   ()
15:40 Quarkonium inclusive production: negative NLO cross sections, scale fixing and high-energy resummation - Jean-Philippe Lansberg (IPN Orsay, Paris Saclay U. / IN2P3-CNRS) Jean-Philippe Lansberg (Ecole Polytechnique) Jean-Philippe Lansberg (Ecole polytechnique) Jean-Philippe Lansberg (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   ()
16:00 Stabilizing BFKL via heavy-flavor and NRQCD fragmentation - Dr Francesco Giovanni Celiberto (ECT*/FBK Trento & INFN-TIFPA)   ()
16:20 --- Coffee break ---
Joint session: Recent theoretical results on QCD and saturation + low x, PDFs and hadronic final state (until 20:00) ()
16:50 Higher-order fiducial distributions within the transverse momentum resummation formalism - Giancarlo Ferrera (University of Milan) Giancarlo Ferrera (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))   ()
17:15 Direct-space pT resummation and the N3LO Drell-Yan cross section - Paolo Torrielli (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH)) Paolo Torrielli (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   ()
17:40 Soft and next-to-soft resummation for QCD observables - Ajjath Abdul Hameed (LPTHE, Paris)   ()
18:00 A parton branching algorithm with transverse momentum dependent splitting functions - Aleksandra Anna Lelek (University of Antwerp (BE))   ()
18:20 The next-to-leading order Higgs impact factor in the infinite top-mass limit - Michael Fucilla   ()
18:40 BFKL factorizations for Mueller-Tang jets at LHC in NLLA - Dimitri Colferai (University of Florence (Italy)) Dimitri Colferai (University of Florence)   ()
19:00 Discussion session: High-energy QCD and resummations - Prof. Agustin Sabio Vera Prof. Pavel Nadolsky (Southern Methodist University) Martin Hentschinski (Universidad de las Americas, Puebla) Marco Bonvini (INFN, Rome 1 Unit) Dr Francesco Giovanni Celiberto (ECT*/FBK Trento & INFN-TIFPA) Cyrille Marquet (CPHT - Ecole Polytechnique) Cristian Baldenegro Barrera (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet) Amanda Sarkar (University of Oxford (GB))   ()
20:00 --- Dinner ---
13:00 --- Lunch break ---
Soft and low-mass diffraction (until 16:15) ()
14:30 The ReBB model at 8 TeV: Odderon exchange is a certainty - Mr István Szanyi (Eötvös Loránd University) Istvan Szanyi (Eötvös University, Wigner RCP, MATE KRC)   ()
14:50 Model-independent results for Odderon-exchange based on new TOTEM data at 8 TeV - Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU))   ()
15:10 Universal scaling properties of proton-proton elastic scattering - Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))   ()
15:30 Odderon observation from elastic pp and ppbar difference and pp forward scattering: an update with answers to questions and objections - Kenneth Osterberg (University of Helsinki) Kenneth Osterberg (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))   ()
15:55 Discussion sssion: Odderon - Boris Kopeliovich Boris Kopeliovich Ronan Mcnulty (University College Dublin (IE)) Kenneth Osterberg (University of Helsinki) Kenneth Osterberg (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))   ()
16:15 --- Coffee break ---
Diffraction in e-p and e-ion collisions (until 18:45) ()
16:40 Azimuthal correlations in photoproduction and deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA - Marta Ruspa (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   ()
17:00 The LHCspin project - Marco Santimaria (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   ()
17:25 Detectors and physics at the Electron-Ion Collider - Charlotte Van Hulse (UAH)   ()
17:45 Electron-Ion Collisions at the LHeC and FCC-eh - Jani Penttala Jani Penttala (University of Jyväskylä (FI))   ()
18:05 Far-Forward detectors at the Electron-Ion Collider - Aleksandr Bylinkin (University of Bergen (NO))   ()
18:25 Discussion: ep and e-ion physics - Prof. Daniel Tapia Takaki (University of Kansas) Marta Ruspa (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   ()
19:00 --- Workshop dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---