In this talk, recent measurements of distributions sensitive to the underlying event, the hadronic activity observed in relationship with the hard scattering in the event, by the ATLAS experiment are presented. Underlying event observables like the average particle multiplicity and the transverse momentum sum are measured for Kaons as Lambda baryons as a function of the leading track-jet and...
The main mission of IPPOG, the International Particle Physics Outreach Group, is to bring the excitement of particle physics to the public and especially to the young generatiοn. In the last years, IPPOG has undertaken to emphasize also the benefits to society from fundamental research. A tangible example is the particle therapy masterclass, an integral part of the masterclasses programme,...
The Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment, pioneering in its measurement of a non-zero value for the neutrino mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ in 2012, operated for about nine years from Nov. 24, 2011 to Dec. 12, 2020. Antineutrinos emanating from six reactors with a thermal power of 2.9 GW$_{\mathrm{th}}$ were detected by eight identically designed detectors, which were positioned in two near and...
The ICARUS LArTPC, currently placed at Fermilab, is collecting data exposed to Booster Neutrino and Numi off-axis beams within the SBN program. A light detection system, based on PMTs deployed behind the TPC wire chambers, is in place to detect vacuum ultraviolet photons produced by ionizing particles in LAr. This system is fundamental for the detector operation, providing an efficient trigger...
We shall introduce the novel [LiquidO][1] technology, relying for the first time on light detection in “opaque” media. This way, LiquidO enables sub-atomic particle event-wise imaging, so event topology, which, once combined with fast timing, the combined system enables powerful particle-ID even at MeV energies. The development is led by the homonymous international academic collaboration with...
The latest measurements on W and Z boson production, decays and properties at CMS obtained with CMS proton collision data at 13 and 13.6 TeV are presented. Some of these measurements lead to constraints to SM parameters and to new physics models.
Heavy ion collisions allow access to novel QCD and QED studies in a laboratory setting. This talk will present recent CMS highlights on precision measurements of the properties of quark-gluon plasma and the strong electromagnetic fields produced in high-energy heavy ion collisions.
Rare kaon decays are among the most sensitive probes of both heavy and light new physics beyond the Standard Model description thanks to high precision of the Standard Model predictions, availability of very large datasets, and the relatively simple decay topologies. The $K^{+} \rightarrow \pi^{+}\nu\bar{\nu}$ decay is a “golden mode” for search of New Physics in the flavour sector. The...
The Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND) is a 112-ton liquid argon time projection chamber 110 m away from the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) target at Fermilab (Illinois, USA). In addition to its role as a near detector enabling precision searches for short-baseline neutrino oscillations, the proximity of SBND to the BNB target makes the experiment ideal for many beyond the Standard Model (BSM)...
The discovery of the Higgs boson marked the beginning of a new era in HEP. Precision measurement of the Higgs properties become a natural next step beyond the LHC and HL-LHC. Among the proposed Higgs factories worldwide, the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) was proposed in 2012. CEPC can produce Higgs/W/Z and top which aims to measure Higgs, EW, flavor physics and QCD with...
The axion represents a well-motivated dark matter candidate with a relatively unexplored range of viable masses. Recent calculations argue for post-inflation axion mass ranges corresponding to frequencies of roughly 10-100 GHz. These frequency ranges offer challenges for the traditional cavity halscope which can be overcome through the use of metamaterial resonators that fill large volumes....
The LHC will undergo an upgrade program to deliver an instantaneous luminosity of $7.5\times 10^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ and collect more than 3 ab$^{-1}$ of data at $\sqrt{s}=$13.6 (14) TeV. To benefit from such a rich data-sample it is fundamental to upgrade the detector to cope with the challenging experimental conditions. The ATLAS upgrade comprises a new all-silicon tracker with extended...
Inclusive event shape distributions, as well as event shapes as a function of charge particle multiplicity are extracted from CMS low-pileup and compared with predictions from various generators. Multi-dimensional unfolded distributions are provided, along with their correlations, using state-of-the-art machine-learning unfolding methods.
The study of single W and Z boson production at the LHC provides stringent tests of the electroweak theory and perturbative QCD. The ATLAS experiment has measured the W boson production cross section in the LHC data collected in 2022 at 13.6 TeV. By forming ratios of Z, W, and ttbar production cross sections, this measurement becomes a sensitive probe of the quark and gluon content of the...
The NA62 experiment at CERN reports new results from the analyses of rare kaon and pion decays, using data samples collected in 2017-2018. A sample of $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \gamma \gamma$ decays was collected using a minimum-bias trigger, and the results include measurement of the branching ratio, study of the di-photon mass spectrum, and the first search for production and prompt decay of an...
The RENO experiment has precisely measured the amplitude and frequency of reactor antineutrino oscillation at Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant since Aug. 2011. The 2018 publication reported the measured oscillation parameters based on 2200 days of data. Before the RENO far detector was shut down in March 2023, additional 1600 days of data had been acquired. This presentation reports the updated and...
Showcasing the ATLAS detector and its enormous facilities to local audiences often proves difficult as it's difficult to convey the sheer size of the project. In a project together with the National Videogame Museum (NVM) in Sheffield, we have developed a virtual tour through ATLAS and the CERN site. It can be used in a web browser but is also available for use with google cardboard, a cheap...
Traditionally used for photon detection, superconducting Transition-edge Sensors (TESs) take on a new role in the PTOLEMY project as we investigate their application for electron detection to establish the existence of relic neutrinos. PTOLEMY requires TESs with 50 meV energy resolution for discerning electrons in the tens of eV range. Our focus is on exploring TES detectors' response to...
The MicroBooNE detector, an 85-tonne active mass liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) at Fermilab, is ideally suited to search for physics beyond the standard model due to its excellent calorimetric, spatial, and energy resolution. We will present several recent results using data recorded with Fermilab’s two neutrino beams: a first search for dark-trident scattering in a neutrino...
The research conducted by the NA61/SHINE spans a broad spectrum of hadronic physics within the CERN SPS energy range.This presentation will delve into the energy-dependent characteristics derived from the SMES model (the horn and step phenomena), along with the latest findings concerning particle production properties observed in p+p collisions and Be+Be, Ar+Sc, and Xe+La collisions at SPS...
The MAgnetized Disk and Mirror Axion eXperiment is a future experiment aiming to detect dark matter axions from the galactic halo by resonant conversion to photons in a strong magnetic field. It uses a stack of dielectric disks, called booster, to enhance the axion-photon conversion probability over a significant mass range. Several smaller scale prototype systems have been developed and used...
The International Linear Collider (ILC) and Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) are well-developed with mature and resource-conscious designs as next-generation high-energy electron-positron colliders. With their key features of polarised beams and extendable energy reach they offer unique possibilities to explore the Higgs boson, the electroweak gauge bosons, the top quark as well as beyond...
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB $e^+e^-$ collider started recording collision data in 2019, with the ultimate goal of collecting $50~\mathrm{ab}^{-1}$. The wealth of physics results obtained with the current data sample of $424~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ demonstrate excellent detector performance. The first years of running, however, also reveal novel challenges and opportunities for reliable...
The Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment (P-ONE) is a planned cubic-kilometer deep-sea detector targeting the study of high-energy neutrinos, their sources, and their unknown acceleration mechanisms. With low expected scattering in the deep sea, the ocean is an ideal location for high-energy neutrino detectors with the potential for sub-degree angular resolution. However, operating large-scale...
In this presentation we will discuss the most recent measurements of the couplings of the Higgs boson, as well as its inclusive and fiducial production cross sections, with data collected by the CMS experiment. Data collected at centre of mass energies of 13 and 13.6 TeV are analyzed.
We will present results on exclusive production processes in CMS, including the production of charged hadron or lepton pairs. To select these signatures, some analyses use intact protons tagged in the TOTEM roman pot detectors.
Exographer is a video game based on particle physics, coming out in 2024. It will put our field of research in brand new (gamer) hands. In Exographer, players use gluoboots or a photosphere to overcome obstacles while discovering, one by one, all the particles of the Standard Model. The levels are inspired by real laboratories (giant colliders and detectors, neutrino underground facilities,...
This talk will present a reactor flux and spectrum measurement with the Daya Bay full data set, 34% increase in statistics compared to the previous results. Using detector data spanning effective $\mathrm{^{239}Pu}$ fission fractions $F_{239}$ from 0.25 to 0.35, Daya Bay measures an average IBD yield and a fuel-dependent variation in IBD yield, $d\sigma_f/dF_{239}$. In addition, the yields and...
The GENEVA method provides a means to combine resummed and fixed order calculations at state-of-the-art accuracy with a parton shower program. GENEVA NNLO+PS generators have now been constructed for a range of colour-singlet production processes and using a range of different resolution variables. I will review the GENEVA framework and then describe several recent advancements, such as the use...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), a 20-kiloton liquid scintillator detector equipped with more than 43 thousand photomultiplier tubes, is under construction currently, aiming primarily to determine the neutrino mass ordering by detecting reactor electron anti-neutrinos. To achieve the physics goal, the detector energy resolution should be better than 3% at 1 MeV and the...
The Haloscope At Yale Sensitive To Axion CDM (HAYSTAC) experiment is a microwave cavity used to search for cold dark matter (CDM) axions with masses above 10 $\mu$eV. HAYSTAC searches for axion conversion into a resonant photon signal in an 8 T magnetic field, due to the Primakoff effect. In typical cavity experiments, the output signal power is exceedingly small, and thus quantum amplifiers...
The LHCb detector is a unique tool for studying high-energy heavy-ion colli-
sions. Its forward geometry, along with its excellent vertex reconstruction and
particle identification capabilities, allow the LHCb detector to study a wide vari-
ety of observables in pPb and PbPb collisions in previously unexplored kinematic
territory. Recent results from the LHCb heavy-ion program will be...
The BDF/SHiP experiment is a general purpose intensity-frontier experiment for the search of feebly interacting GeV-scale particles and to perform neutrino physics measurements at the HI-ECN3 (high-intensity) beam facility at the CERN SPS, operated in beam-dump mode, taking full advantage of the available 4x$10^{19}$ protons per year at 400 GeV. The CERN Research Board recently decided...
High-energy neutrinos propagating over cosmological distances are the ideal messenger particles for astrophysical phenomena, but the neutrino landscape above 10 PeV is currently completely uncharted. At these extreme energies and the frugal flux expected, the dominant experimental strategy is to detect radiofrequency emissions from particle cascades produced by neutrinos interacting in the...
The SuperKEKB is a high-luminosity electron-positron collider where a “nanobeam collision scheme” is utilized to achieve an unprecedented high luminosity. Its luminosity performance had gradually improved, achieving a peak luminosity of 4.7e34 cm-2s-1 in June 2022. While making steady progress, it was found that the SuperKEKB encountered some challenges as a luminosity frontier machine such as...
The Upgrade II of the LHCb experiment is proposed for the long shutdown 4 of the LHC. The upgraded detector will operate at a maximum luminosity of 1.5×1034 cm-2 s-1, with the aim of reaching a total integrated luminosity of ∼300 fb-1 over the lifetime of the HL-LHC. The collected data will probe a wide range of physics observables with unprecedented accuracy, with unique sensitivities for the...
This talk presents precise measurement of the Higgs boson mass, obtained using the full dataset collected in pp collisions at 13 TeV during Run 2 of the LHC. The measurements are performed exploiting the Higgs boson decays into two photons or four leptons, as well as their combinations. The talk will describe the adopted analysis strategies, and it will stress the impact of the experimental...
The KOTO II is a next-generation experiment to measure the branching ratio of $K_L\to \pi^0\nu\overline{\nu}$ with 30-GeV proton beam at J-PARC. The KOTO II is a successor of the currently running KOTO experiment. We plan to expand the hadron experimental facility at J-PARC, and construct a new beamline of KOTO II there. The extraction angle of the $K_L$ is 5 degrees, which is smaller than...
Virtual reality (VR) is emerging as a transformative tool across various disciplines, revolutionising the way we perceive and interact with objects, data, and their visualisation. In this talk, we present a novel CMS project wherein we use VR, utilising Meta Quest headsets, to create an immersive virtual experience. The virtual world features 3D models of the CMS detector and the underground...
The production of W/Z bosons in association with light or heavy flavor jets or hadrons at the LHC is sensitive to the flavor content of the proton and provides an important test of perturbative QCD. In this talk, measurements by the ATLAS experiment probing the charm and beauty content of the proton are presented. Inclusive and differential cross-sections of Z boson production with at least...
New DANSS results on searches for sterile neutrinos based on 8.5M $\nu$ events exclude an important part of the $\nu_s$ parameter space. Obtained limits exclude practically all sterile neutrino parameters preferred by BEST results for $Δm^2$ < 5 $eV^2$. Analysis relying on absolute $\nu$ flux predictions excludes practically all $\nu_s$ parameters preferred by the BEST results. The neutrino...
A large mystery that is currently being investigated by the High Energy Physics (HEP) field is the origin and the nature of the Ultra-high energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR). Coming from deep within the Universe, they bring information from afar as well as on possible new physics. This talk reports on the development and design of DUCK (Detector system of Unusual Cosmic-ray casKades), a new...
Charged particles in Liquid Argon (LAr) produce light in the Vacuum Ultraviolet range, challenging traditional optics. Current LAr particle detectors rely on drift electron signals for readout, but this method is not efficient in high event-rate scenarios. New readout methods are needed for scintillation light detection in LAr. The Near Detector complex (ND) of DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino...
Owing to the injection of gas into the LHC beampipe while multi-TeV proton
or ion beams are circulating, the LHCb spectrometer has the unique capabil-
ity to function as the as-of-today highest-energy fixed-target experiment. The
resulting beam-gas collisions cover an unexplored energy range that is above
previous fixed-target experiments, but below RHIC or LHC collider energies.
In this...
In response to the directives of the 2020 European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPP), CERN, in collaboration with international partners, is exploring the feasibility of an energy-frontier, 100 TeV hadron collider, including, as an initial stage, a high-luminosity circular electron-positron collider serving as Higgs and electroweak factory.
This effort builds upon the 2019 conceptual...
The LHCb detector underwent a major upgrade after Run-2 of the LHC which
ended in 2018. To fully profit from an increased instantaneous luminosity
of 2x10^33 cm-2s-1 , the lowest level hardware trigger is removed, and the
full event information is shipped to a software trigger at 40 MHz. As a
result, all detector readout electronics is replaced. In addition, the
tracking detectors...
The ICARUS collaboration employed the 760-ton T600 detector in a successful three-year physics run at the underground LNGS laboratory, performing a sensitive search for LSND-like anomalous $\nu_e$ appearance in the CNGS beam. After a significant overhaul at CERN, the T600 detector has been installed at Fermilab where, in June 2022, the data taking for neutrino oscillation physics began...
The LHCb experiment covers the forward region of proton-proton collisions, and it can improve the current electroweak landscape by studying the production of electroweak bosons in this phase space complementary to ATLAS and CMS. The precision measurements of the properties of single W and Z boson at LHCb could not only provide stringent test of the Standard Model, but also are essential inputs...
The study of the associated production of vector bosons and jets constitutes an excellent environment to check numerous QCD predictions. Total and differential cross sections of vector bosons produced in association with jets have been studied in pp collisions using CMS data. Differential distributions as a function of a broad range of kinematical observables are measured and compared with...
CMS Virtual Visits allow thousands of people each year to experience CMS from the comfort of their own homes or schools. These visits are hosted online where people interact with CMS scientists as they are shown the experimental areas in Cessy, France, often in their own language! Not everybody can visit the site in person, but this should not be a barrier to experiencing everything CMS has to...
An important aspect of the Higgs boson physics programme at the LHC is to determine all the properties of this particle, including its mass, which is a free parameter in the SM, and its width. This presentation will discuss the latest developments in measurements of the Higgs boson mass and width, with data collected by the CMS experiment at a centre of mass energy of 13 TeV. Both direct and...
The Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) is an in-ice ultrahigh energy (UHE, >10 PeV) neutrino experiment at the South Pole that aims to detect radio emissions from neutrino-induced particle cascades. ARA has five independent stations which together have collected nearly 30 station-years of livetime of data. Each of these stations searches for UHE neutrinos by burying in-ice clusters of antennas ∼200...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next-generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment with a primary physics goal of observing neutrino and antineutrino oscillation patterns to precisely measure the parameters governing long-baseline neutrino oscillation in a single experiment, and to test the three-flavor paradigm. DUNE is being built with the exquisite imaging...
Dark matter candidates with masses below 10 GeV/c² show considerable potential. Our last-generation detector, DarkSide-50, has achieved world-leading results in this mass range using ionization-only analysis with 46kg of active mass. Building upon the advancements of DarkSide-50 for low-mass dark matter searches, and in line with the ongoing progress towards the next-generation high-mass dark...
sPHENIX is a next-generation, state-of-the-art particle detector at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) that has recently taken its first dataset of 200 GeV Au+Au collisions during a commissioning run in 2023. sPHENIX features a variety of subsystem capable of detailed studies of bulk particle production in heavy-ion collisions, including the first barrel hadronic calorimeter at RHIC....
We explore the potential of neutrinoless double-beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decays to probe scalar leptoquark models that dynamically generate Majorana masses at the one-loop level. By relying on Effective Field Theories, we perform a detailed study of the correlation between neutrino masses and the $0\nu\beta\beta$ half-life in these models. We describe the additional tree-level leptoquark...
During LHC LS3 (2026-28) ALICE will replace its inner-most three tracking layers by a new detector, "ITS3", based on newly developed wafer-scale monolithic active pixel sensors, bent into cylindrical layers, and held in place by light carbon foam edge ribs. Unprecedented low values of material budget (0.07% per layer) and closeness to interaction point (19 mm) lead to a factor two improvement...
With concerted R&D efforts under way, the Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) technique is an outstanding novel means to considerably improve the performance of particle physics colliders, providing excellent physics opportunities with significantly reduced power as is required for a next generation of sustainable machines. The European R&D Roadmap for ERL, endorsed by CERN Council, identifies the...
With the large datasets of $𝑒^+𝑒^−$ annihilation at the 𝐽/𝜓 and 𝜓(3686) resonances collected by the BESIII experiment, multi-dimensional analyses making use of polarisation and entanglement can shed new light on the production and decay properties of hyperon-antihyperon pairs. In a series of recent studies performed at BESIII, significant transverse polarisation of the (anti)hyperons has been...
Jet substructure measurements, using the distribution of final state hadrons, provide insight into partonic shower and hadronisation. Observables for such measurements include the transverse momentum ($j_\mathrm{T}$) and longitudinal momentum fraction ($z$) of jet constituent particles. ALICE has recently measured the $j_\mathrm{T}$ distributions of the jet fragments in proton-proton and...
MiNNLOPS is a method which uses different jet-multiplicities in order to perform QCD simulations at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) accuracy which are naturally combined with Parton Showers (PS) for a realistic description of LHC events. In this talk I summarise the method and our recent implementation for the Higgs production via bottom annihilation (bbH). Although the bbH signal is...
The T2K neutrino experiment in Japan obtained a first indication of CP violation in neutrino oscillations. To obtain better sensitivity, T2K upgraded the near detector. A novel 3D highly granular scintillator detector called SuperFGD of a mass of about 2 tons will be functioning as a fully-active neutrino target and a 4\pi detector of charged particles from neutrino interactions. ...
The pseudorapidity dependence of charged particle production provides information on the partonic structure of the colliding hadrons and is, in particular at LHC energies, sensitive to non-linear QCD evolution in the initial state. For Run3, ALICE has increased its pseudorapidity coverage to track charged particles over a wider range of −3.6 < $\eta$ < 2 combining the measurement from the...
DarkSide-20k is a direct dark matter search experiment located at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS). It is designed to reach an exposure of 200 tonne-years free from instrumental backgrounds. The core of the detector is a dual-phase Time Projection Chamber (TPC) filled with 50 tonnes of low-radioactivity liquid argon. The TPC is surrounded by a gadolinium-loaded polymethylmethacrylate...
The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider at CERN is expected to produce proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV, aiming to achieve an unprecedented peak instantaneous luminosity of 7 x 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1, implying an average pileup of 200. To cope with these running conditions, the CMS detector will undergo an extensive upgrade: Phase-2. This upgrade includes the complete...
Hadronic object reconstruction is one of the most promising settings for cutting-edge machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms at the LHC. In this contribution, highlights of ML/AI applications by ATLAS to particle and boosted-object identification, MET reconstruction and other tasks will be presented.
The development of Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL) has been recognized as one of the five main pillars of accelerator R&D in support of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. Two projects for high power ERLs, PERLE and bERLinPro are considered key infrastructures for the development of ERLs for future HEP colliders, like e.g. LHeC or FCC-eh. Whereas bERLinPro will be demonstrating high...
ATLAS has used the W and Z boson production processes to perform a range of precision measurements of SM parameters. The production rate of Z+jet events with large missing transverse momentum is used to measure the decay width of the Z boson decaying to neutrinos. Differential measurements of this topology with minimal assumptions on theoretical calculations are discussed and allow comparisons...
The Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND) is one of three Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detectors positioned along the axis of the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermilab, as part of the Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) Program. The detector is currently being commissioned and is expected to take neutrino data this year. SBND is characterized by superb imaging capabilities...
In any relativistic quantum field theory, such as Quantum Chromodynamics or Electroweak theory, the interactions are invariant under the combined operation of Charge conjugation (C), Parity transformation (P) and Time reversal (T). One of the consequences of this (CPT) symmetry is that particles and their corresponding antiparticles must have exactly the same mass. While the mass difference...
The LHCb detector at the LHC offers unique coverage of forward rapidities. The detector also has a flexible trigger that enables low-mass states to be recorded with high efficiency, and a precision vertex detector that enables excellent separation of primary interactions from secondary decays. This allows LHCb to make significant (and world-leading) contributions in these regions of phase...
We have studied saturated LiCl water solution for the neutrino detection for Jinping Neutrino Experiment. The solution takes advantage of the high electron-neutrino charge-current interaction cross-section with Li-7, high natural abundance of Li-7, and the high solubility of LiCl. We have achieved a 50-m long attenuation length at 430 nm. The solution is good in studying energy-dependent solar...
The Energy-Energy Correlator is an observable that explores the angular correlations of energy depositions in detectors at high-energy collider facilities. It has been extensively studied in the context of precision QCD. In this presentation, I will discuss our recent work on the energy-energy correlator in the context of Deep Inelastic Scattering. In the limit where the energy emissions are...
The ALICE detector underwent significant upgrades during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 from 2019 to 2021. A key upgrade was the installation of the new Inner Tracking System (ITS2), comprising 7 layers with 12.5 billion pixels over 10 m², enhancing its tracking capabilities using the ALPIDE chips that are capable of recording Pb-Pb collisions at an interaction rate of 50 kHz. It offers a significant...
A novel approach to science communication is presented, using cake to explain particle physics ideas to engage new audiences. This talk will present a public engagement strategy where baking has been used to engage the general public, both at in-person events and with online platforms such as social media and virtual science fairs. This innovative approach using the juxtaposition of cake and...
The proposed STCF is a symmetric electron-positron beam collider designed to provide e+e− interactions at a centerof-mass energy from 2.0 to 7.0 GeV. The peaking luminosity is expected to be 0.5×10^35 cm−2s−1. STCF is expected to deliver more than 1 ab−1 of integrated luminosity per year. The huge samples could be used to make precision measurements of the properties of XYZ particles; search...
This talk presents a comprehensive overview of recent ATLAS measurements of collective flow phenomena in a variety of collision systems. Measurements of the mean, variance, and skewness of the distribution of event-by-event per- particle average transverse momentum, [pT] are reported for Pb+Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV and Xe+Xe collisions at 5.44 TeV. These measurements give insight into the...
The Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab aims to measure the muon magnetic moment anomaly, aμ = (g−2)/2, with a final accuracy of 0.14 parts per million (ppm). The experiment’s first result, published in 2021 and based on Run-1 data collected in 2018, confirmed the previous result obtained at Brookhaven National Laboratory with a similar sensitivity of 0.46 ppm. In this talk, we will present the...
We will discuss the latest differential measurements of Higgs boson cross sections with the CMS detector. Both fiducial differential cross section measurements and measurements in the simplified template cross section framework will be presented. The data collected during Run 2 of the LHC by the CMS experiment are used. We also present interpretations of these measurements as constraints on...
The HERD (High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection facility) experiment is a future experiment for the direct detection of high energy cosmic rays that will be installed on the Chinese space station in 2027. It is constituted by an innovative calorimeter made of about 7500 LYSO scintillating crystals assembled in a spheroidal shape and it is surrounded on five faces by multiple sub-detectors, in...
Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) was proposed as a third-generation circular electron-positron collider of 2-7 GeV (CoM) and 5*10^34 cm^-2s^-1 (luminosity), aiming to explore charm-tau physics in the next decades. This presentation will introduce the accelerator design and R&D efforts for STCF. Under the financial support of the local provincial and national funding agencies, the STCF...
The BeInspired project for high school students aims to dispel the myth that individuals are inherently inclined towards either the sciences (such as mathematics and physics) or the humanities and arts. Instead, the project seeks to foster a dialogue between the artistic and technical aspects of each individual.
The project began with an initial one-day workshop, where students were...
The radiation pattern within high energy quark and gluon jets (jet substructure) is used as a precision probe of QCD and for optimizing event generators. As compared to hadron colliders, the precision achievable by collisions involving electrons is superior, as most of the complications from hadron colliders are absent. Therefore jets are analyzed in deep inelastic scattering events, recorded...
Large scale noble element time projection chambers (TPC's) play a central role in many HEP experiments. Future planned experimental programs using noble element TPC's aim to construct very large detectors, up to the multi-kiloton scale. Pixel based 3D readout offers the opportunity to realize such robust large scale noble element TPC's by recording the information from ionization events in an...
The Standard Model predicts several rare Higgs boson processes, among which are the production in association with c-quarks, the decays to a Z boson and a photon, to a low-mass lepton pair and a photon, and to a meson and photon. The observation of some of these processes could open the possibility of studying the coupling properties of the Higgs boson in a complementary way to other analyses....
LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) is an experiment built for direct detection of dark matter with world-leading sensitivity over a diverse science program. LZ has been operating at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota since 2021. The experiment employs three nested detectors; a central dual phase TPC with 7 tonnes of xenon in its active region, an instrumented liquid xenon skin, and...
We investigate the possibility of a partonic phase in small systems with the elliptic flow of mesons (π⁺⁻, K⁺⁻, K⁰) and baryons (p+p̅, Λ+Λ̅) in high-multiplicity p--Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{{\rm NN}}}$ = 5.02 TeV and pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV measured by ALICE. The results show a grouping (with 1$\sigma$ significance) and splitting (with 5$\sigma$ confidence) behavior of $v_2$ at...
The LHC produces a vast sample of top quark pairs and single top quarks. Measurements of the inclusive top quark production rates at the LHC have reached a precision of several percent and test advanced Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order predictions in QCD. In this contribution, comprehensive measurements of top-quark-antiquark pair and single-top-quark production are presented that use data...
The tracking system of the CMS experiment is the world’s largest silicon tracker with its 1856 and 15148 silicon pixel and strip modules, respectively. To accurately reconstruct trajectories of charged particles the position, rotation and curvature of each module must be corrected such that the alignment resolution is smaller than, or comparable to, the hit resolution. This procedure is known...
The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection facility (HERD) will be the largest calorimetric experiment dedicated to the direct detection of cosmic rays. HERD aims at probing potential dark matter signatures by detecting electrons from 10 GeV and photons from 500 MeV, up to 100 TeV. It will also measure the flux of cosmic protons and heavier nuclei up to a few PeV, shedding light on the origin...
Creativity and vision are essential across disciplines, shaping both artistic and scientific endeavors. "Art & Science across Italy", a project led by the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) in collaboration with CERN, cultivates a broad perspective in high-school students to disseminate scientific knowledge. Embracing the STEAM field, it integrates STEM and arts without...
We describe the procedures that were developed to verify the consistency and combine multiple independent analyses of the muon precession measurement by the FNAL-E989 collaboration. These procedures were applied to the first (2021) and second (2023) results published by the collaboration. To properly verify the consistency of different analyses up to 20 ppb, correlations have been modeled and...
The H1 Collaboration at HERA reports the first measurement of groomed event shapes in deep inelastic ep scattering (DIS) at $\sqrt{s} = 319$ GeV, using data recorded between 2003 and 2007 with an integrated luminosity of $351.1\pm 9.5$ pb$^{−1}$. Event shapes in DIS collisions provide incisive probes of perturbative and non-perturbative QCD, and recently developed grooming techniques...
The nature of the neutrino mass ordering and whether neutrino oscillations violate CP symmetry remain among several open questions surrounding PMNS mixing. At present no single experiment has the ability to resolve these issues. Atmospheric neutrino data at Super-Kamiokande (Super-K) and accelerator neutrino data from T2K, however, offer complementary sensitivity to these puzzles. As both...
The machine-detector interface (MDI) issues are one of the most complicate and challenging topics at the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). Comprehensive understandings of the MDI issues are decisive for achieving the optimal overall performance of the accelerator and detector. The machine will operate at different beam energies, therefore, a flexible interaction region design will be...
The tracking performance of the ATLAS detector relies critically on its 4-layer Pixel Detector. As the closest detector component to the interaction point, this detector is subjected to a significant amount of radiation over its lifetime. At present, at the start of 2024-Run3 LHC collision ATLAS Pixel Detector on innermost layers, consisting of planar and 3D pixel sensors, will operate after...
LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) is a dark matter experiment located at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota, USA employing a 7 tonne active volume of liquid xenon in a dual-phase time projection chamber (TPC). It is surrounded by two veto detectors to reject and characterize backgrounds. A comprehensive material assay and selection campaign for detector components, along with a xenon...
Microchannel plate photomultiplier tubes working in photon-counting
mode to detect extremely low number of photons see adoption at the
future large liquid-based neutrino detectors. By coating materials of
high secondary electron yield by the atomic layer deposition at the
end face of the microchannel plates, collection efficiencies of
photo-electrons are pushed to 100%. That, however,...
Studies have yielded strong evidence that a deconfined state of quarks and gluons, the quark-gluon plasma, is created in heavy-ion collisions. This hot and dense matter exhibits almost zero friction and a strong collective behavior. An unexpected collective behavior has also been observed in small collision systems. In this talk, the origin of collectivity in small collision systems, which is...
The couplings of the Higgs boson to fermions have been studied with third and second generation quarks and leptons, while no direct measurements of its interactions with the lighter u,d,s quarks have been performed to date. The search for ultra rare decays H->gamma+ phi/rho/K*0 can probe these couplings. While the contribution to the rate of these decays from the diagrams involving Yukawa...
We present the study of the massless dark photon ($\bar\gamma$) in the $K_{L}^{0}\rightarrow\gamma\bar\gamma$ decay at the J-PARC KOTO experiment. Distinguished from the massive dark photon, the massless one does not directly mix with the ordinary photon but could interact with Standard Model (SM) particles through direct coupling to quarks. Some theoretical models propose that the branching...
The Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is an ongoing space-borne experiment for the direct detection of cosmic rays (CR). Thanks to its large geometric acceptance and thick calorimeter, DAMPE is able to detect CR ions up to unprecedented energies of hundreds of TeV. Following by now more than 8 years of successful operation, DAMPE has amassed a large dataset of high-energy hadronic...
We report a measurement of the $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ cross section in the energy range from 0.62$~$GeV to 3.5$~$GeV using an initial-state radiation technique. We use an $e^+e^-$ data sample corresponding to $191~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity, collected at a centre-of-mass energy at or near the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance with the Belle$~$II detector at the SuperKEKB collider....
The H1 Collaboration reports the first measurement of the 1-jettiness event shape observable $\tau_{1}^{b}$ in neutral-current deep-inelastic electron-proton scattering. The analysis is based on data recorded in 2003-2007 by the H1 detector at the HERA collider for ep collisions at sqrt(s)=319 GeV, with integrated luminosity of 351.1 pb$^{-1}$. The observable $\tau_{1}^{b}$ is equivalent to a...
The HALHF concept utilises beam-driven plasma-wakefield acceleration to accelerate electrons to very high energy and collide them with much lower-energy positrons accelerated in a conventional RF linac. This idea, which avoids difficulties in the plasma acceleration of positrons, has been used to design a Higgs factory that is much smaller, cheaper and greener than any other so far conceived....
The Cosmic Piano is designed to detect Muons generated by the arrival of cosmic rays to Earth. When Muons impact a module, sounds and flashes of light are generated, by means of a phase shift fiber and two avalanche photodiodes (APD) placed at the ends of the fiber, the flashes are detected, converting them into electrical pulses. The APDs collect the light produced by the scintillator...
While the Standard Model predicts that the Higgs boson is a CP-even scalar, CP-odd contributions to the Higgs boson interactions with vector bosons or fermions are presently not strongly constrained. A variety of Higgs boson production processes and decays can be used to study the CP nature of the Higgs boson interactions. This talk presents the most recent CP measurements of such analyses by...
The Water Cherenkov Test Experiment (WCTE) will be installed in CERN's recently upgraded T9 “Test Beam” Area in Summer 2024. It has three goals: to prototype photosensor and calibration systems for Hyper-Kamiokande, to develop new calibration and reconstruction methods for water Cherenkov detectors and to measure lepton and hadron scattering on Oxygen.
The collaboration performed a...
The LHCb Experiment is running after its first major upgrade to cope with increased luminosities of LHC Run3, being able to improve on many world-best physics measurements. A new tracker based on scintillating fibers (SciFi) replaced Outer and Inner Trackers and is delivering an improved spatial resolution for the new LHCb trigger-less era, with a readout capable of reading ~524k channels at...
Precision measurements of transverse momentum-differential elliptic flow, $v_{2}(p_{\rm T})$, of identified particles have been done in proton-lead (p-Pb) collisions. The characteristic mass-ordering of $v_{2}(p_{\rm T})$ at low $p_{\rm T}$ and the grouping/splitting of $v_{2}(p_{\rm T})$ for mesons and baryons at intermediate $p_{\rm T}$, which have been regarded as the smoking gun of QGP...
Flavour violation in axion models can be generated by choosing flavour non-universal Peccei-Quinn(PQ) charges. Such an axion is easily implemented in a UV completion with a DFSZ model: containing two Higgs doublets (PQ-2HDM) and the PQ scalar. This charge arrangement also produces flavour violation at tree level in the PQ-2HDM, which we will show it is directly correlated to the flavour...
We investigate the impact of recent LHC measurements of differential top-quark pair production cross sections on the proton parton distribution functions (PDFs) using the ABMP16 methodology. The theoretical predictions are computed at NNLO QCD using the state-of-the-art MATRIX framework. The top-quark mass and strong coupling constants are free parameters of the fit, and we pay particular...
The Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is a cosmic-ray observatory operating since October 2015 on the International Space Station. The primary scientific goals of the CALET mission include the investigation of the mechanism of cosmic-ray acceleration and propagation in the Galaxy and the detection of potential nearby sources of high-energy electrons and potential dark matter signatures....
Measurements of the substructure of jets are presented using 140 fb-1 of proton-proton collisions with sqrt(s)=13 TeV center-of-mass energy recorded with the ATLAS detector at CERN Large Hadron Collider. Various results are presented including the measurement of non-perturbative track functions, or, the ratio of a jet transverse momentum carried by its charged constituents to its complete...
The CERN Future Circular electron-positron Collider (FCC-ee) will enable extreme precision physics experiments from the Z-pole up to above the top-pair production threshold. Very precise beam energy measurements will be performed by resonant depolarization (RD) of e+ and e- pilot bunches, using novel 3D-polarimeters. Additional measurements will be needed to reduce the center-of-mass energy...
T2K and NOvA are two currently active long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments studying $\nu_\mu$/$\bar{\nu}_\mu$ disappearance and $\nu_e$/$\bar{\nu}_e$ appearance in $\nu_\mu$/$\bar{\nu}_\mu$ accelerator neutrino beams.
This talk presents a joint T2K+NOvA neutrino oscillation analysis within the standard three active neutrino flavor paradigm, which includes each experiment’s fully...
To fully characterize the Higgs boson, it is important to establish whether it presents coupling properties that are not expected in the Standard Model of particle physics. These can probe BSM effects, such as CP conserving or CP violating couplings to particles with masses not directly accessible at the LHC through virtual quantum loops. In this talk we will present the most recent searches...
Balance functions have been used extensively to elucidate the time evolution of quark production in heavy-ion collisions. Early models predicted two stages of quark production, one for light quarks and one for the heavier strange quark, separated by a period of isentropic expansion. This led to the notion of clocking particle production and tracking radial flow effects, which drive the...
The Q-Pix concept is a continuously integrating low-power charge-sensitive amplifier (CSA) viewed by a Schmitt trigger. When the trigger threshold is met, the comparator initiates a ‘reset’ transition and returns the CSA circuitry to a stable baseline. The reset time is captured in a 32-bit clock value register, buffers the cycle and then begins again. The time difference between one clock...
To cope with the resulting increase in occupancy, bandwidth and radiation damage at the HL-LHC, the ATLAS Inner Detector will be replaced by an all-silicon system, the Inner Tracker (ITk). The innermost part will consist of a pixel detector with an active area of about 13m^2. Several silicon sensor technologies will be employed. The pixel modules assembled with RD53B readout chips have been...
The high center-of-mass energy of the LHC opens the window to precise measurements of electroweak top quark production as well as vector boson and quark-associated production of top quark pairs and single top quarks. In this talk, recent inclusive and differential measurements of single-top and rare-top quark production will be discussed.
Positron source yield is crucial for achieving the required luminosity in future lepton colliders. The conventional approach involves an e-beam impinging a high-density solid target to initiate an electromagnetic shower and capture positrons afterwards. But, this scheme is limited by the Peak Energy Deposited Density(PEDD) on the target before its structural failure.
We can utilize the large...
In half a century of predictions on the potential of X-Ray polarimetry, we have encountered ideas—sparse yet not infrequent—on how it could provide insights into several fundamental physics problems. These include birefringence or strong-gravity effects as evidence of photon propagation in extreme magnetic or gravitational fields, anomalies in propagation over large distances due to Lorentz...
I present a new method of teaching that blends a science fiction narrative into an intermediate
level astronomy course. “The Salvation of the Yggdrasil” is a sci-fi scenario where students must
solve a series of challenges to guide the people of an intergenerational spaceship through a
catastrophe and set them safely back on their journey to a new home amongst the stars. Each
This talk presents the ALICE measurements of $\pi^{0}$, $\eta$, and $\omega$ meson production in pp collisions at 13 TeV. The results are given for several multiplicity classes, each for an unprecedented $p_{\rm T}$ coverage. Furthermore, the measurement of $\pi^{0}$ and $\eta$ mesons inside of jets will be shown.
ALICE measurements of neutral meson production in pp, p+Pb and Pb+Pb...
One of the open questions in neutrino physics is that of the mass-ordering. In the three flavor paradigm, it is unknown if the masses of the three massive neutrinos are arranged in the normal (m1>m2>m3) or inverted (m3>m1>m2) ordering. Atmospheric neutrinos, which are electron and muon neutrinos produced in the atmosphere by cosmic rays, provide a window into the neutrino mass-ordering. If the...
The MEG II experiment searches for the lepton flavour violating decay $\mu^+\to e^+\gamma$ with the world's most intense continuous muon beam at the Paul Scherrer Institute and high-performance detectors, aiming at ten times higher sensitivity than the previous MEG experiment. The result with the first dataset in 2021 was published, and the MEG II experiment took data in 2022 and 2023...
Measurements of light-flavour particle production in small collision systems at the LHC energies have shown the onset of features that resemble what is typically observed in nucleus- nucleus collisions. New results on the (multi-)strange hadron production in Pb–Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ =5.02 and 5.36 TeV will be presented. These results are discussed in the context of recent...
The large dataset of about 3 ab-1 that will be collected at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will be used to measure Higgs boson processes in detail. Studies based on current analyses have been carried out to understand the expected precision and limitations of these measurements. The large dataset will also allow for better sensitivity to di-Higgs processes and the Higgs boson self coupling....
The vector $U$-bosons, or so called 'dark photons', are one of the possible candidates for the dark matter mediators. We present a procedure to define theoretical constraints on the upper limit of $\epsilon^2(M_U)$ from heavy-ion as well as $p+p$ and $p+A$ dilepton data from SIS to LHC energies. We used the microscopic Parton-Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD) transport approach which reproduces...
Being the heaviest fermion and having a Yukawa interaction almost equal to one, the top-quark represents one of the most interesting portals to New Physics (NP). If it is light or belongs to a secluded sector, NP can be difficult to detect in colliders with traditional methods. An alternative way, at least for setting bounds, is studying the virtual corrections to SM processes. Kinematical...
The HL-LHC is expected to provide an integrated luminosity of 4000 fb-1, that will allow to perform precise measurements in the Higgs sector and improve searches of new physics at the TeV scale. ATLAS is currently preparing for the HL-LHC upgrade, and an all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) will replace the current Inner Detector, with a pixel detector surrounded by a strip detector. The strip...
Jet substructure measurements sensitive to the strong coupling are presented, namely the primary Lund jet plane and the energy-energy correlated. The measurements are motivated by their sensitivity to the strong coupling and present interesting experimental properties.
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multipurpose neutrino detector under construction in China. It is located 700 m underground, 53 km away from 8 nuclear reactors. It will use 20 kt of liquid scintillator surrounded by 17,512 20" photomultipliers and 25,600 3" photomultipliers to detect neutrino interactions with a 3% energy resolution at 1 MeV. JUNO's main physics goals...
Positron Sources for high luminosity high-energy colliders are a challenge for all future lepton colliders as, for instance, the International Linear Collider (ILC) as well as new concepts as the HALHF collider design. In the talk new R&D developments for the undulator-based positron source are discussed. The talk includes current prototypes for optic matching devices as pulsed solenoid as...
The CMS at DESY outreach Instagram account provides science communication and outreach for a large experimental particle physics group. It aims to promote science, engage young scientists in outreach and showcase their work. The Instagram platform was selected for its demographic alignment with the target stakeholders and broad user base in Germany and abroad.
The communication focuses on...
The coupling constant of the strong force is determined from the transverse-momentum distribution of Z bosons produced in 8 TeV proton-proton collisions. The Z-boson cross sections are measured in the full phase space of the decay leptons. The analysis is based on predictions evaluated at third order in perturbative QCD, supplemented by the resummation of logarithmically enhanced contributions...
The increased instantaneous luminosity levels expected to be delivered by the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will present new challenges to High-Energy Physics experiments, both in terms of detector technologies and software capabilities. The current ATLAS inner detector will be unable to cope with an average number of 200 simultaneous proton-proton interactions resulting from HL-LHC collisions....
In the Standard Model, the ground state of the Higgs field is not found at zero but instead corresponds to one of the degenerate solutions minimising the Higgs potential. In turn, this spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking provides a mechanism for the mass generation of nearly all fundamental particles. The Standard Model makes a definite prediction for the Higgs boson self-coupling and...
Millions of top quarks already produced at LHC TeV are ideal for searching for rare top-quark decays. Besides flavor-changing neutral currents that are highly suppressed in the Standard Model, baryon and lepton number conservation can be probed in top quark events. In this talk, recent searches for rare and beyond the Standard Model top-quark production and decay with significantly increased...
The High-Luminosity LHC project aims to increase the integrated luminosity by an order of magnitude and enable its operation until the early 2040s. This presentation will give an overview of the current status of the project, for which several achievements can be reported, from the completion of the civil engineering to the successful demonstration of new key technologies such as the Nb3Sn...
Explaining the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe requires new sources of CP violation beyond the predictions of the Standard Model (SM). Electric dipole moments (EDMs) of particles, being zero if CP is exactly conserved and extremely small in the SM, are a very clean and sensitive probe for new physics. We will present the status of the muEDM experiment, a search for a muon EDM at...
The Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) is a high-luminosity electron-positron collider proposed in China. It will operate in an energy range of 2-7GeV with a peak luminosity higher than 0.5*10^35 cm^2 s^-1. The STCF physics goals require efficient and precise reconstruction of exclusive final states produced in the e+e- collisions. This places stringent demands on the performance of the STCF...
An ambitious project of the CzechInvest agency implemented with financial support from the state budget through the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the programme The Country for the Future.
Without supporting high disruptive start-ups in the Czech Republic. Our goal is to seek out and help create companies/projects that are exceptionally innovative, feasible and scalable.
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next-generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment aimed at determining the neutrino mass hierarchy and the CP-violating phase. The DUNE physics program also includes the detection of astrophysical neutrinos and the search for signatures beyond the Standard Model, such as nucleon decays. DUNE consists of a near detector complex...
Although unobservable in the standard model, charged lepton flavour violating (LVF) processes are predicted to be enhanced in new physics extensions. We present the final results of a search for electron-muon flavour violation in 𝛶(3S) → e±μ∓ decays using data collected with the BaBar detector at the SLAC PEP-II e+e− collider operating with a 10.36 GeV centre-of-mass energy. The search was...
A new measurement of inclusive-jet cross sections in the Breit frame in neutral current deep inelastic scattering using the ZEUS detector at the HERA collider is presented. The data were taken at a centre-of-mass energy of 318 GeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 347 pb-1. Massless jets, reconstructed using the kt-algorithm in the Breit reference frame, have been measured as a...
Low and high energy radiation resistance behaviour of synthetic compounds to immobilize HLWs is made out on zirconolites for radiation and thermal stability besides high loading capacity on incorporation of lanthanides and actinides, maintaining crystallinity of host element. Nuclear energy significantly contributes to global energy needs from low carbon emissions providing clean environment...
For the first time, correlations between higher order moments of two and three Fourier flow harmonics (up to orders 8 or 10) are measured in Run 2 XeXe (deformed nuclei) and Run 3 PbPb (spherical nuclei) collisions data as a function of collision centrality. The measurements are performed with multiparticle mixed harmonic cumulants using charged particles in the pseudorapidity region...
The measurement of the production of Higgs boson pairs (HH) at the LHC allows the exploration of the Higgs boson interaction with itself and is thus a fundamental test of the Standard Model theory and has a key role in the determination of the Higgs boson nature. The most recent results from the CMS collaboration on measurements of non-resonant HH production using different final states and...
The FORMOSA detector at the proposed Forward Physics Facility is a scintillator-based experiment designed to search for signatures of "millicharged particles" produced in the forward region of the LHC. This talk will cover the challenges and impressive sensitivity of the FORMOSA detector, expected to extend current limits by over an order of magnitude. A pathfinder experiment, the FORMOSA...
Supersymmetry (SUSY) provides elegant solutions to several problems in the Standard Model, and searches for SUSY particles are an important component of the LHC physics program. With increasing mass bounds on MSSM scenarios other non-minimal variations of supersymmetry become increasingly interesting. This talk will present the latest results of searches conducted by the ATLAS experiment...
In the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) and most future colliders crab crossing is required to recuperate the significant geometric luminosity loss due to finite crossing angle at the collision point. In the framework of the HL-LHC, a decade long R&D program on ultra-compact superconducting crab cavities led to the successful demonstration of crabbing with high energy proton...
The LHC is a top factory and run 2 has delivered billions of top quarks to the experiments. In this contribution, the results are presented of searches by the ATLAS experiment for Charge Lepton Flavour Violation (cLFV), and lepton flavour universality where the ratio of the branching ratios of the W boson to muons and electrons is measured.
The VELO is the detector surrounding the interaction region of the LHCb experiment, responsible of reconstructing the proton-proton collision as well as the decay vertices of long-lived particles. It consists of 52 modules with hybrid pixel technology, with the first sensitive pixel being at 5.1 mm from the beam line. It operates in an extreme environment, which poses significant challenges to...
Next-generation experiments aim at ensuring high-precision measurements of the oscillation parameters to reveal the main unknowns in neutrino physics. Among them, validating the three-flavors paradigm remains one of the most stimulating because it allows for exploring new physics.
KM3NeT/ORCA is a water Cherenkov neutrino telescope, under construction in the Mediterranean Sea, whose...
Muon tomography has emerged as a powerful technique for non-invasive imaging in various fields, including nuclear security, geology, and archaeology. For ten years, genetic multiplexed resistive Micromegas (MultiGen) detectors, invented at CEA/Irfu, have been developed for muon tomography, aiming to enhance imaging resolution and efficiency. MultiGen detectors provide telescopes with high...
Launched in 2016 and confirmed by the Update of the European Strategy of Particle Physics, the Physics Beyond Colliders Initiative aims to exploit the scientific potential of CERN's accelerator complex and technical infrastructure, as well as its expertise in accelerator and detector science and technology. The diverse PBC projects, ranging from QCD to BSM searches and, in particular, searches...
The production of jets at hadron colliders provides stringent tests of perturbative QCD. The latest measurements by the ATLAS experiment are presented in this talk, using multijet events produced in the proton-proton collision data at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV delivered by the LHC. Jet cross-section ratios between inclusive bins of jet multiplicity are measured differentially in variables that are...
The Belle and Belle$~$II experiments have collected a $1.4~\mathrm{ab}^{-1}$ sample of $e^+e^-$ collision data at centre-of-mass energies near the $\Upsilon(nS)$ resonances. This sample contains approximately 1.3 billion $e^+e^-\to \tau^+\tau^{-}$ events, which we use to search for lepton-flavour violating decays. We present searches for tau decay to three charged leptons, $\tau^-\to K_{\rm...
The speed of sound squared, $c_s^2$, a property of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) connected to the QCD equation of state, can be extracted from ultra-central heavy-ion collisions, where the medium maintains a fixed size and the initial-state and thermal fluctuations dominate. We present the first ALICE measurements of the event-by-event mean transverse momentum, $\langle[p_\mathrm{T}]\rangle$,...
We consider next-to-leading order electroweak corrections to Higgs boson pair production and to Higgs plus jet production in gluon fusion. This requires the computation of two-loop four-point amplitudes with massive internal particles such as top quarks, Higgs and gauge bosons. We perform analytic calculations in various kinematical limits and show that their combination covers the whole phase...
Since the classic searches for supersymmetry under R-parity conserving scenarios have not given any strong indication for new physics yet, more and more supersymmetry searches are carried out on a wider range of supersymmetric scenarios. This talk focuses on searches looking for signatures of stealth and R-parity-violating supersymmetry. The results are based on proton-proton collisions...
A storage ring proton electric dipole moment (EDM) experiment (pEDM) would be the first direct search for a proton EDM and would improve on the current (indirect) limit by 5 orders of magnitude. It would surpass the current sensitivity (set by neutron EDM experiments) to QCD CP-violation by 3 orders of magnitude, making it potentially the most promising effort to solve the strong CP problem,...
The LHCb detector has undergone a major upgrade, enabling the experiment to acquire data with an all software trigger, made possible by front-end readout in real-time and fast and efficient online reconstruction. At the heart of the real-time analysis is a fast and efficient track reconstruction, without spurious tracks composed of segments associated with hits from different charged...
The LHC is a top quark factory and provides a unique opportunity to look for top quark production and decay processes that are highly suppressed or forbidden in the SM. In this contribution results are presented of searches for Flavour Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC) interactions of the top quark. These processes are beyond the experimental sensitivity in the SM, but can receive enhanced...
The build-up of electron clouds in accelerator beam chambers can lead to detrimental effects, such as transverse instabilities, emittance growth, beam loss, vacuum degradation, and heat load. Such effects are systematically observed in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) during operation with proton beams, limiting the total intensity achievable in the collider. The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC)...
A vast program of measurements of the strong coupling constant alpha_S is being undertaken by CMS. These measurements exploit several QCD dominated processes that are sensitive to alpha_S, and present different theoretical and experimental challenges. A review of the current public results and perspective is given.
We use particle physics as a prime example to engage young students to get involved in this subject area and gain a new, everyday perspective on STEM topics. Our strategy is designed to demystify physics, making it more accessible and attractive early in school.
In Germany, students usually decide whether or not to continue physics education around the age of 15. That's why our project is...
KM3NeT/ORCA is a water-Cherenkov neutrino telescope currently under construction in the Mediterranean sea, with the goal of measuring atmospheric neutrino oscillations and determining the neutrino mass ordering. The detector is located 40 km off-shore Toulon, France, and consists of a three-dimensional grid of detection units equipped with 18 digital optical modules, hosting 31...
The Belle$~$II experiment has collected a $424~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ sample of $e^+e^-$ collision data at centre-of-mass energies near the $\Upsilon(nS)$ resonances. This sample contains 389 million $e^+e^-\to \tau^+\tau^{-}$ events, which we use for precision tests of the standard model. We present measurements of leptonic branching fractions, lepton-flavour universality between electrons and...
The ``Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications'', LhARA, is being developed to serve the Ion Therapy Research Facility (ITRF). ITRF/LhARA will be a novel, uniquely-flexible facility dedicated to the study of the biological impact of proton and ion beams. The technologies that will be demonstratedcan be developed to transform the clinical practice of proton and ion beam...
The elliptic flow ($v_2$) of identified hadrons is an observable sensitive to the early dynamics of heavy-ion collisions and to the equation of state (EoS) of the medium. In particular, strange and (multi-) strange baryons have small hadronic cross-sections, thus being clean probes of the early stages of the collision systems' evolution. Additionally, strange and multi-strange baryons are also...
The proposed LHeC and the FCC in electron-hadron mode will make possible the study of DIS in the TeV regime. These facilities will provide electron-proton (nucleus) collisions with per nucleon instantaneous luminosities around $10^{34}$($10^{33}$) cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$ by colliding a 50-60 GeV electron beam from a highly innovative energy-recovery linac system with the LHC/FCC hadron beams,...
At the beginning of 2024 data taking of the Belle II experiment resumed after the Long Shutdown 1, primarily required to install a new two-layer DEPFET detector (PXD) and upgrade accelerator components. The whole silicon tracker (VXD) was extracted, the two halves of the outer strip detector (SVD) were split for the PXD insertion and reconnected again. The new VXD was commissioned for the...
Supersymmetry (SUSY) models with featuring small mass splittings between one or more particles and the lightest neutralino could solve the hierarchy problem as well as offer a suitable dark matter candidate consistent with the observed thermal-relic dark matter density. However, the detection of SUSY higgsinos at the LHC remains challenging especially if their mass-splitting is O(1 GeV) or...
We present a new simulation for Higgs boson production in association with bottom quarks ($bbH$) at next-to-leading order (NLO) matched to parton showers. The contributions proportional to the bottom-quark Yukawa coupling and top-quark Yukawa coupling (from gluon fusion) are both taken into account in a scheme with massive bottom quarks. The $bbH$ process constitutes a crucial background to...
SABRE aims to deploy arrays of ultra-low background NaI(Tl) crystals to carry out a model-independent search for dark matter through the annual modulation signature. SABRE will be a double-site experiment, made up of two separate detectors which rely on a joint crystal R&D activity, located in the North (LNGS) and Sout hemisphere (SUPL). SABRE has carried out, since more than 10 years, an...
The HL-LHC performance relies on handling safely and reliably high intensity beams of unprecedented stored energy. The 7TeV design target is compatible a factor 2 larger current than the LHC and levelled peak luminosities 5 times, and ultimately 7.5 times, larger. This goal requires a massive collimation system upgrade, both for the halo betatron collimation that must sustain beam losses up to...
The jet cross sections and azimuthal correlations among jets with large transverse momentum at CMS are measured, the results were compared to theory predictions, and the strong coupling constant was extracted.
The Hyper-Kamiokande experiment aims to discover the CP violation in
leptons by the precise measurement of $ \nu_{\mu} \to \nu_{e}$ and
$\bar{\nu}_{\mu}\to\bar{\nu}_{e}$ oscillations. It will be realized
by high statistics using the new 260 kiloton far-detector and the
intense neutrino beam from J-PARC, and by precise understand on the
neutrino-nucleus interaction using the new...
The European Researchers’ Night stands as a beacon of scientific outreach and engagement. It unfolds as a platform for dialogue, enabling researchers to share their passion and latest breakthroughs with a diverse audience. In this talk, we delve into the journey of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) within this prestigious event. The INFN obtained so far a large number...
We discuss the use of Low Gain Avalanche (LGAD) silicon detectors for two specific applications, namely measuring cosmic rays in space in collaboration with NASA and beam properties and doses for patients undergoing cancer treatment in flash beam therapy. For the first time, the use of LGADs and fast sampling electronics will be used in space in order to identify the type of particles in...
The International Linear Collider (ILC) offers favorable low-background
environment as well as the high energy reach to measure properties of heavy
quarks and the top-quark in particular. As these particles are likely messengers of
new physics, precision measurements of their properties can be interpreted in the
context of search for beyond-the-Standard-Model (BSM) realizations. The...
Intense electromagnetic fields from ultrarelativistic heavy ions can trigger photonuclear reactions, which can be used to probe the nuclear gluon distribution at low Bjorken-$x$ and targets gluonic fluctuations. Our study examines ultra-peripheral and nuclear-overlap collisions, covering measurements of peripheral Pb--Pb collisions' $y$-differential cross section and coherent J/$\psi$...
A wide variety of searches for Supersymmetry have been performed by experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. In this talk, we focus on searches for electroweak production of Supersymmetric particles as well as third generation Supersymmetric particles. Some analyses are optimized for Supersymmetric particles in compressed spectra. The results are obtained from the proton-proton collision data...
SUB-Millicharge ExperimenT (SUBMET) searches for sub-millicharged particles from the proton fixed-target collisions at J-PARC. The detector, installed 280 m from the target, is composed of two layers of stacked scintillator bars and PMTs. The main background is expected to be a random coincidence between the two layers due to dark counts in PMTs and the radiation from the surrounding...
Higgs boson pair production plays an important role in the determination of the Higgs boson self coupling, a major element in the LHC physics program. The predictions based on next-to-leading order corrections show a large dependence on the renormalization scheme of the top quark mass, which requires a...
ALICE 3 is the next generation heavy-ion experiment proposed for the LHC Runs 5-6. Its tracking system includes a vertex detector, on a retractable structure inside the beam pipe to achieve a pointing resolution of better than 10 microns for $p_{\rm T}$>200 MeV/c, and a large-area tracker covering 8 units of pseudorapidity (|$\eta$|<4). The tracking system will be based on Monolithic Active...
Indirect dark matter detection experiments aim to observe the annihilation or decay products of dark matter. The flux of neutrinos produced by such processes in nearby dark matter containers, such as the Sun and the Galactic Centre, could be observed in neutrino telescopes. The KM3NeT observatory is composed of two undersea Čerenkov neutrino telescopes (KM3NeT-ORCA and ARCA) located offshore...
The ongoing feasibility study of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) comprises two distinct accelerators: a high-luminosity circular electron-positron collider known as FCC-ee and an energy-frontier hadron collider named FCC-hh. These two facilities are designed to take advantage of a common tunnel infrastructure. We present the new baseline design of FCC-hh, underlining the most recent...
Since 1960s nuclear polarised targets have been an essential tools for study of spin structure of nucleons. The solid state polarised targets make use of the Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation (DNP). Spin physics observables strongly depend on the degree of nuclear polarisation. This is similar issue for the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and NMR Imaging, where the sensitivity also strongly...
The unparalleled production of beauty and charm hadrons and tau's in the $6\cdot 10^{12}$ Z boson decays expected at FCC-ee offers outstanding opportunities in flavour physics. A wide range of measurements will be possible in heavy-flavour spectroscopy, rare decays and CP violation, benefitting from a low-background environment, initial-state energy-momentum constraints, high Lorentz boost,...
It was the best of methods, it was the worst of methods... This talk will introduce and discuss the low-ν method for constraining the neutrino flux shape by isolating neutrino interactions with low energy transfer to the nucleus in two different contexts. Firstly, at few-GeV accelerator neutrino energies relevant for precision oscillation experiments where the method is well known, but we find...
The ATLAS Collaboration has recently, for the first time, released a large volume of data for use in research publications. The entire 2015 and 2016 proton collision dataset has been made public, along with a large quantity of matching simulated data, in a light format, PHYSLITE, which is also used internally for ATLAS analysis. In order to allow detailed analyses of these data, all the...
We extend the existing NNPDF4.0 sets of parton distributions (PDFs) to approximate next-to-next-to-next-to-leading (aN3LO).
We construct an approximation to the N3LO splitting functions that includes all available partial information from both fixed-order computations and from small- and large-x resummation, and estimate the uncertainty on this approximation. We include known N3LO corrections...
The COmpact DEtector for EXotics at LHCb (CODEX-b) is a particle physics detector dedicated to displaced decays of exotic long-lived particles (LLPs), compelling signatures of dark sectors Beyond the Standard Model, which arise in theories containing a hierarchy of scales and small parameters. CODEX-b is planned to be installed near the LHCb interaction point and makes use of fast RPCs, which...
We analyse the sensitivity to beyond-the-Standard-Model effects of hadron-collider processes involving the interaction of two electroweak (V) and two Higgs (H) bosons, VVHH, with V being either a W or a Z boson.
We examine current experimental results by the CMS collaboration in the context of a dimension-8 extension of the Standard Model in an effective-field-theory formalism. We show that...
Magnet technology is a key enabler for the Future Circular Collider (FCC) and its hadron collider variant (FCC-hh). The European High-Field Magnet Program (HFM), hosted at CERN, implements a European research network for high-field accelerator magnets that is geared towards FCC-hh. The research network includes four national laboratories and CERN for magnet design and construction, as well as...
The electro-weak couplings of the top quark are directly accessible in rare "top+X" production processes at the LHC, where top quark pairs or single top quark are produced in associations with bosons. We present a new analysis of the top sector of the Standard Model EFT. The fit is based on a fully NLO parameterization and includes the most recent (differential) results from ATLAS and CMS. We...
The Belle II experiment considers upgrading its vertex detector with new pixel sensors to prepare for the target luminosity of 6 10^35 cm-2 s-1. The 5 layers of the new VTX detector are equipped with the same depleted monolithic active CMOS pixel sensor, featuring a 33 µm pitch, a 100 ns integration time and a trigger logic matching 30 kHz average rate and 10 µs trigger latency for a maximum...
The neutrino research program in the coming decades will require improved precision. A major source of uncertainty is the interaction of neutrinos with nuclei that serve as a target of many such experiments. Broadly speaking, this interaction often depends, e.g., for Charge-Current Quasi-Elastic (CCQE) scattering, on the combination of “nucleon physics” expressed by form factors and “nuclear...
Recent R&D work associated with upgrading the SuperKEKB $e^+e^−$ collider with polarized electron beams and Chiral Belle’s program of unique precision measurements using Belle II will be described. These include five values of $\sin^2\theta_W$ via left-right asymmetry measurements ($A_{LR}$) in $e^+e^- \rightarrow e^+e^-, \mu^+\mu^-, \tau^+\tau^-, c\bar{c},b\bar{b}$. $A_{LR}$ yields values of...
Scintillation materials can convert high-energy rays into visible light. Compared with crystal scintillator, the glass scintillator has many advantages, such as a simple preparation process, low cost and continuously adjustable components. Therefore, glass scintillator has long been conceived for application in the nuclear detection such as hadronic calorimeter. Given the deficiency of the...
The CEPC is a proposed electron-positron Higgs factory. It is expected to deliver millions of Higgs bosons, Teras of Z boson, Gigas of W boson, and potentially Teras of Z boson. On top of the precise Higgs property measurement, it could also conduct an intriguing flavor physics program that is highly complementary to other flavor physics facilities, as well as to other physics measurements at...
Photographic films are still used in a number of medical and industrial x-ray imaging applications need to reconstruct an image on a flexibile surface. We will present the FleX-RAY project, which aims to create an electronic X-ray detector with the flexibility of photographic film, suitable for a variety of applications.
FleX-RAY uses a sheet of flexible scintillating fibers to detect...
The Future Circular Collider physics programme is based on the sequence of a 90-365 GeV high luminosity e+e- collider (FCC-ee) followed by a 100 TeV hadron collider (FCC-hh). A main goal of the FCC is to fully study the Higgs boson properties. The FCC-ee makes use of the well-known c.m. energy by using Z tagging to perform a model-independent determination of the ZH cross-section at 240 GeV,...
The CERN Future Circular Collider (FCC) is a post-LHC project aiming at direct and indirect searches for physics beyond the SM in a new 91 km tunnel. In addition, the FCC-ee offers unique possibilities for high-precision studies of the strong interaction in the clean e+e- environment, thanks to its broad span of c.m. energies from the Z pole to the top-pair threshold, and its huge integrated...
Relativistic heavy-ion beams at the LHC are accompanied by a large flux of nearly-real photons, leading to a variety of photon-induced processes. This talk presents a series of measurements of dilepton production from photon fu- sion performed by the ATLAS Collaboration. Recent measurements of exclu- sive dielectron production in ultra-peripheral collisions (UPCs) are presented. These...
We study the possibility for large volume underground neutrino experiments
to detect the neutrino flux from captured inelastic dark matter in the Sun.
The neutrino spectrum has two components: a mono-energetic "spike" from
pion and kaon decays at rest and a broad-spectrum "shoulder" from prompt
primary meson decays. We focus on detecting the shoulder neutrinos
from annihilation of...
The high center-of-mass energy of proton-proton collisions and the large available datasets at the CERN Large Hadron Collider allow us to study rare processes of the Standard Model (SM) with unprecedented precision. Observation of the four-top-quark process is presented. This final state is combined with the Higgs to gammagamma final state and limites on the Higgs boson width is set.
The upgraded LHCb detector is taking data at a five times higher instantaneous luminosity than in Run 2. To cope with the harsher data taking conditions, LHCb deployed a purely software based trigger composed of two stages: in the first stage the selection is based on a fast and simplified event reconstruction, while in the second stage a full event reconstruction is used. This gives room to...
Realization of high intensity neutrino beam over 1 MW beam power is crucial to search for CP violation in Lepton sector. J-PARC accelerator and neutrino beamline are being upgraded towards 1.3 MW beam power for Hyper-Kamiokande experiment. Magnetic horns are used to focus secondary particles produced in a neutrino production target and can intensify the neutrino beam by more than an order of...
It is well known that inside an oriented crystal a strong acceleration of the e.m. shower development is observed, if a high energy ($> 10$ GeV) e$^\pm$ or photon impinges within 0.1$^\circ$ from one of its crystallographic axes. This phenomenon can be exploited to develop novel ultra-compact calorimeters, capable of containing the energy of the incident particles as efficiently as much...
The Observing Run 4 (O4) is the most recent period of data taking for the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) network of ground-based gravitational-wave (GW) interferometric detectors. Its first half, O4a, started in May 2023 and ended in January 2024 while its second part, O4b, is scheduled to start in April 2024 after a two-month commissioning break, and to end in January 2025. After an introduction...
This study explores the possibility of employing pure cesium iodide (CsI) crystals for a total-body positron emission tomography (TB-PET) device. When operated at cryogenic temperatures, these crystals exhibit an excellent light yield, up to 120 photons/keV, which is approximately four times larger than LYSO. Although CsI has a slightly smaller stopping power and a slower decay time compared...
The MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) experiment operated in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino (BNB) and Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beams from 2015-2021. Among the major physics goals of the experiment is a detailed investigation of neutrino-nucleus interactions. MicroBooNE currently possesses the world's largest neutrino-argon scattering data set, with a number...
The Large Hadron-electron Collider and the Future Circular Collider in electron-hadron mode [1] will make possible the study of DIS in the TeV regime providing electron-proton (nucleus) collisions with per nucleon instantaneous luminosities around $10^{34}$ ($10^{33}$) cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$. Following the renewal of the CERN mandate, in this talk we present the status of the studies on proton and...
The increased particle flux expected at the HL-LHC poses a serious challenge for the ATLAS detector performance, especially in the forward region which has reduced detector granularities. The High-Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD), featuring novel Low-Gain Avalanche Detector silicon technology, will provide pile-up mitigation and luminosity measurement capabilities, and augment the new...
At the Future e+e- Circular Collider a long data taking period is also foreseen at the ttbar production threshold and slightly above, up to $\sqrt{s}$=365 GeV, with more than 300 000 ZH events expected at these energies. We study the precision which can be reached with this dataset on the Higgs mass, and combine it with the measurement obtained with the same recoil mass technique in the e+e-...
Electroweak-inos, superpartners of the electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons, play a special role in supersymmetric theories. Their intricate mixing into chargino and neutralino mass eigenstates leads to a rich phenomenology, which makes it difficult to derive generic limits from LHC data. We present a global analysis of LHC constraints for promptly decaying electroweak-inos in the context of the...
We will present the latest measurements of charmonia photoproduction and two-photon processes in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC, using the ALICE detector. These processes probe the nuclear gluon distribution at low Bjorken-x and QED effects in strong fields. ALICE has an active program on UPC physics, which is benefiting from the Run 3 detector upgrades because of a continuous...
LUXE experiment: For the measurements of positrons, a tracker and an
electromagnetic calorimeter are foreseen. Since the expected number of positrons
varies over five-orders of magnitude, and has to be measured over a widely spread
low energy background, the calorimeter must be compact and finely segmented. The
concept of a sandwich calorimeter made of tungsten absorber plates...
A plethora of ideas for exploiting the full scientific potential at the fixed-target complex has been brought forward within the Physics Beyond Colliders Initiative (PBC) at CERN seeking to exploit the full intensity the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) can provide. Out of the findings of a PBC Task Force, a new project has been mandated to prepare the technical design for a new high-intensity...
The high center-of-mass energy of proton-proton collisions and the large available datasets at the CERN Large Hadron Collider allow to study rare processes of the Standard Model with unprecedented precision. Measurements of rare SM processes provide new tests of the SM predictions with the potential to unveil discrepancies with the SM predictions or provide important input for the improvement...
The CREMA project investigates channeling for low energy carbon ions interacting with bent crystals in
the hundreds MeV/u energy range. The experimental setup to assess the process efficiency will be operated
in the experimental area (XPR) of the CNAO accelerator complex in Pavia (Italy). The project's aim consists on
optimising a bent crystal that could be installed at a later stage in a...
The Belle and Belle$~$II experiments have collected a 1.1$~$ab$^{-1}$ sample of $e^+ e^- \to B\bar{B}$ collisions at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance. These data, with low particle multiplicity and constrained initial state kinematics, are an ideal environment to study semileptonic and leptonic decays of the $B$ meson. Combined with theoretical inputs, measurements of both inclusive and exclusive...
MicroBooNE is a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC), able to image neutrino interactions with excellent spatial resolution, enabling the identification of complex final states resulting from neutrino-nucleus interactions. MicroBooNE currently possesses the world's largest neutrino-argon scattering data set, with a number of published cross section measurements and more than thirty...
We evaluate the unintegrated gluon distribution of the proton starting from a parametrization of the color dipole cross section including Dokshitzer--Gribov--Lipatov--Altarelli--Parisi (DGLAP) evolution and saturation effects. To this end, we perform the Fourier-Bessel transform of $\sigma(x,r)/\alpha(r)$. At large transverse momentum of gluons we match the so-obtained distribution to the...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is undergoing an extensive Phase 2 upgrade program to prepare for the challenging conditions of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). A new timing detector for CMS will measure minimum ionizing particles (MIPs) with a time resolution of ~30-40 ps. The precise timing information from the MIP timing detector (MTD) will...
A muon collider is being proposed as a next generation facility. The incredible physics potential comes at the cost of technological challenges due to the short muon lifetime. The beam-induced background, produced by the muon decays in the beams and subsequent interactions, may limit the detector performance. A diffused flux of photons and neutrons passes through the calorimeter, which thus...
We will present the latest measurements of the anomalous magnetic moment (g – 2) of the tau lepton at CMS. These are obtained from photon-induced processes in heavy-ion collisions, or in proton-proton collisions.
The top-quark pair production in association with heavy-flavour jets (b/c) is a difficult process to calculate and model and is one of the leading sources of background to ttH and 4tops in 1l/2LOS channel. To improve our understanding of this process, a new inclusive and differential measurement of this process was performed. Results from ATLAS using the full run 2 dataset will be presented.
The Physics Beyond Colliders (PBC) study at CERN explores, among other topics, the potential of extending the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) physics program by Fixed-Target (FT) experiments. One option is to use two bent crystals (double-crystal setup): the first crystal deflects particles from the beam halo onto an in-vacuum target. Another crystal deflects short-lived particles created in the...
So far, high frequency gravitational waves (GWs) remain unexplored messengers of new physics. Proposed sources in the MHz - GHz band include primordial black hole (PBH) mergers, PBH superradiance and several stochastic backgrounds.
Our collaboration is working on tapping into this source by employing superconducting radio frequency cavities for high precision measurements.
The detection...
Next generation high energy physics experiments will feature high-granularity detectors with thousands of readout channels, thus requiring ASICs (low power and dimension).
CAEN FrontEnd Readout System (FERS) integrates ASICs on small, synchronizable and distributable systems with Front and Back Ends. The A5203 FERS houses the recently released CERN picoTDC ASIC and provides high-resolution...
The need of percent precision in high energy physics requires the inclusion of QED effects in theoretical predictions, for example like the contributions coming from photon initiated processes. It is trivial then, to correctly determine the photon content of the proton.
In this work, we extend the NNPDF4.0 NNLO determination of parton distribution functions (PDFs) with a photon PDF,...
NOvA is a long-baseline accelerator-based neutrino experiment based in the USA. For its physics goals, NOvA uses two functionally-identical detectors. The Near Detector is situated at Fermilab, 1 km from the neutrino target and the Far Detector is located at Ash River, MN, a distance of 810 km from the neutrino source. The ND sees high intensity of the neutrino beam due to its close proximity...
We investigate the role of different schemes in deciding at what order to truncate form factor expansions for semileptonic decays and how to determine the appropriate combination of truncations when multiple form factors are involved. The specific choice of truncation orders can significantly impact the reported values of exclusive $|V_{cb}|$. Additionally, we explore whether and how unitarity...
As one of the future collider experiments, CEPC aims to achieve extremely precise measurements of Standard Model particles. This necessitates a high granularity imaging calorimeter system and a dedicated Particle Flow reconstruction. In CEPC’s reference detector, a homogeneous crystal ECAL is proposed, offering optimal EM resolution, a low photon energy threshold and a promising jet energy...
We review the current plans for the EIC Electron Injector chain. These include and overview of the accelerator chain necessary to deliver 5, 10 and 18 GeV polarized electrons to the Electron Storage Ring (ESR), the charge accumulation and polarized electron transport approach.
At a center-of-mass energy of 10 TeV, muon collisions copiously produce Higgs bosons, enabling the measurement of their couplings with bosons and fermions with unprecedented accuracy, achievable with just 10 ab$^{−1}$ of data. Additionally, pairs of Higgs bosons are produced with a significant cross-section, enabling the determination of the second term of the Higgs potential through...
The interpretation of LHC data, and the assessment of possible hints of new physics (NP), require precise knowledge of the proton structure in terms of parton distribution functions (PDFs). These are usually extracted with a data-driven approach, assuming that the underlying theory is the SM, and later used as inputs for theoretical predictions in searches for NP. The evident inconsistency of...
We will present the state-of-the-art full off-shell NLO QCD results for the $pp \to t\bar{t}W^+\, j+X$ process. The multi-lepton top-quark decay channel at the LHC with $\sqrt{s}= 13$ TeV will be analysed. In our calculation off-shell top quarks and gauge bosons are described by Breit-Wigner propagators. Furthermore, double-, single- as well as non-resonant top-quark contributions along with...
Diagrammatic approaches to perturbation theory transformed the practicability of calculations in particle physics. In the case of extended theories of gravity, however, obtaining the relevant diagrammatic rules is non-trivial: we must expand in metric perturbations and around (local) minima of the scalar field potentials, make multiple field redefinitions, and diagonalise kinetic and mass...
In ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions, intense electromagnetic fields enable the generation of magnetic monopole pairs via the Schwinger mechanism. Due to their high ionization and unique trajectories in a solenoidal magnetic field, monopoles are expected to leave a large number of clusters in the innermost ATLAS pixel detector without associated reconstructed charged-particle tracks or...
The ALICE Collaboration proposed a completely new apparatus, ALICE 3, for the LHC Runs 5 and 6, which will enable novel studies of the QGP focusing on low-pT heavy-flavour production and on precise multi-differential measurements of dielectron emission. The detector consists of a large pixel tracker covering eight units of pseudorapidity and a comprehensive particle identification (PID)...
The Euclid mission satellite was launched on July 1st, 2023 from Cape Canaveral, Florida, with a Space X Falcon 9 rocket . After one month journey it is set in its orbit around the Sun-Earth L2 point and has already finished its commissioning period. Euclid survey started in February 2024 and will map 15000 deg2 of the sky in the following six years observing more than 1 billion galaxies with...
We present recent results based on the IR-improvement of unintegrable singularities in the infrared regime via amplitude-based resummation in $QED\times QCD ⊂ SU(2)_L \times U_1 \times SU(3)^c$. In the context of precision LHC/FCC physics, we focus on specific examples, such as the removal of QED contamination in PDF’s evolved from data at $Q_0^2\sim 2 GeV^2$ and used in evaluating precision...
It is long known that interference effects play an important role in understanding the shape of the $\pi^+\pi^-$ spectrum of resonances near the threshold. In this manuscript, we investigate the role of the $\rho-\omega$ interference in the study of semileptonic $B \to \pi^+ \pi^- \ell \bar \nu_\ell$ decays. We determine for the first time the strong phase difference between $B \to \rho \ell...
During the second LHC long shutdown, the LHCb experiment underwent a major upgrade in order to be able to operate at the instantaneous luminosity of 2 × 10−33 cm−2 s−1, reading data at the full LHC bunch crossing rate. The RICH system of LHCb has been completely refurbished installing new photon detectors (Multi-anode Photomultiplier Tubes) equipped with a custom developed read-out chain. In...
Sterile neutrinos are well-motivated and simple dark matter (DM) candidates. However, sterile neutrino DM produced through oscillations by the Dodelson-Widrow mechanism is excluded by current X-ray observations and bounds from structure formation. One minimal extension, that preserves the attractive features of this scenario, is self-interactions among sterile neutrinos. In this work, we...
The Drell Yan (DY) scattering is an highly sensitive probe for new physics. Indeed, being a well measured phenomenon, any deviation between experimental and theoretical results could point at new physics beyond the Standard Model. To enable precise comparisons between theory and experimental data, extensive calculations have been performed in both the electroweak and QCD sectors of the...
The Mu2e experiment will search for the charged-lepton flavor violating conversion of muons into electrons in the field of a nucleus, planning to reach a single event sensitivity of 3x10$^{−17}$. The conversion electron has a monoenergetic signature at ~105 MeV and is identified by a high-resolution tracker and an electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC). The EMC is composed of 1348 CsI crystals,...
Operating in the Higgs factory mode and beyond at center-of-mass energies up to
1 TeV, ILC offers plethora of measurements in the Higgs sector to address open
questions of the Standard Model of particle physics and cosmology. This will be
discussed from the perspective of global fits and individual measurements of the
Higgs properties, including its exotic and CP violating interactions as...
Leveraging the novel concept of ERLs, we present the LHeC and FCC-eh that allow the exploration of electron-hadron interactions above TeV scale. The presented design of the electron accelerator is based on two superconducting linear accelerators in a racetrack configuration that can produce lepton beam energies in excess of 50 GeV. In energy recovery mode, the accelerator is capable of...
Observed anomalies in the flavor sector as displayed by the LFU ratios $R_{D^{(*)}}$ in the tree level $b\rightarrow c \tau\nu_\tau$ transitions motivate the search for new physics beyond the standard model. The semileptonic tree level $b\rightarrow u$ sector may hide similar unexplored new physics. Considering a model-dependent approach, we explore the decay channel $B_c\rightarrow D...
The ATLAS experiment is gearing up for the HL-LHC upgrade, with an all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk). The ITk will feature a pixel detector surrounded by a strip detector, with the strip system consisting of 4 barrel layers and 6 endcap disks. The strip tracker will consist of 11,000 silicon sensor modules in the central region and 7,000 modules in the end-cap region, which are mounted onto...
The Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment, located at the LHC, plays a crucial role in high-energy particle physics research, specifically in measuring neutral particle production in the forward pseudorapidity region, to improve the understanding of ultra-high energy cosmic ray interactions with the Earth atmosphere. Our presentation will summarize the latest advancements from LHCf,...
ProtoDUNE-SP was a large-scale prototype of the single phase DUNE far detector which took test beam data in Fall 2018. The beam consisted of positive pions, kaons, muons, and protons, and this data is being used to measure the various hadron-Ar interaction cross sections. Uncertainties in these interaction cross sections are a significant systematic uncertainty in long baseline neutrino...
We measure proton structure parameters sensitive primarily to valence quarks using $8.6~{\rm fb}^{−1}$ of data collected by the D0 detector in $\sqrt{s} = 1.96~{\rm TeV}$ ${\rm p\bar{p}}$ collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron. We exploit the property of the forward-backward asymmetry in dilepton events to be factorized into distinct structure parameters and electroweak quark-level asymmetries....
TORCH is a novel particle identification detector for the high-luminosity Upgrade-II of LHCb. This research also contributes to CERN’s DRD4 programme. TORCH is designed to provide 15 ps timing resolution for charged particles, resulting in K/pi (p/K) particle identification up to 10 (15) GeV/c momentum over a 10 m flight path. Cherenkov photons radiated from a 1cm thick quartz plate are...
The Large Hadron-electron Collider and the Future Circular Collider in electron-hadron mode will make possible the study of DIS in the TeV regime providing electron-proton collisions with instantaneous luminosities of $10^{34}$ cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$. With a charged current cross section around 200 (1000) fb at the LHeC (FCC-eh), Higgs bosons will be produced abundantly. We examine the...
The commissioning work of a Cosmic Muon Veto detector (CMVD)
on top of the mini-ICAL detector at Madurai, India is continued using extruded plastic scintillators, embedded
WLS fibers and the SiPM as a photo-transducer. The CMVD is being built to study the
feasibility of a cosmic muon veto for a shallow-depth neutrino experiment. An experimental setup was
designed to characterise...
The associated top-quark pair production with a photon $t\bar{t}\gamma$ represents an important process to further test the Standard Model. Among others, it allows to directly probe the electric charge of the top quark, as well as the top-photon coupling. Therefore, precise predictions are of utmost importance.
In this talk, I will discuss the application of QCD resummation techniques to...
The internal motion of partons has been studied through its impact on
very low transverse momentum spectra of Drell Yan pairs
created in hadron-hadron collisions at NLO using the Parton Branching
(PB) Method which describes the evolution of transverse momentum
dependent (TMD) parton distributions. The main focus is on studying the
dependence of the intrinsic transverse momentum of partons...
Water distribution systems can experience high levels of leakage, causing financial losses, supply problems, as well as being a risk for public health.
In this talk we present a non-invasive water leakage detection technique based on cosmic ray neutrons, that exploits the difference in the above ground thermal neutron flux between dry and wet soil conditions. The potential of the technique...
We will report on our study focusing on developing a logical circuit for the Leven-0 (L0) Endcap Muon Trigger in the HL-LHC ATLAS experiment. We aim to achieve systematic and efficient firmware validation through a comprehensive study across hardware, software, and databases. Specific approaches include conducting systematic tests using benchmarking artificial track data, high-statistics...
SAND, System for on-Axis Neutrino Detection, will be one of the three components of the DUNE Near Detector complex and it will be placed permanently on the axis of the neutrino beam. It consists of a solenoidal magnet, an electromagnetic calorimeter, an inner Straw Tube Tracker, and finally GRAIN (GRanular Argon for Interaction of Neutrinos) a 1-ton liquid argon target, placed in the upstream...
We propose here a set of new methods to directly detect light mass DM through its scattering with abundant atmospheric muons or accelerator beams. Firstly, we plan to use the free cosmic muons interacting with dark matter in a volume surrounded by tracking detectors, to trace possible interaction between dark matter and muons. Secondly, we will interface our device with domestic or...
We present an innovative charge detector designed with high resolution and a wide dynamic range to fulfill ion beam monitoring requirements. The detector prototype, constructed using HERD Si photodiodes and Calo PD readout electronics, underwent rigorous testing during HERD and AMS beam tests at CERN SPS facilities. Initial testing showcased the detector's exceptional performance, emphasizing...
Monolithic Water Cherenkov Neutrino detectors are crucial for understanding neutrino astrophysics and oscillations. Traditional calibration involves analyzing calibration data sequentially, which may overlook parameter correlations and necessitates frequent retuning of reconstruction algorithms. This leads to duplicated efforts and increased detector-related uncertainties in next-generation...
The ALICE data-taking concept for the LHC Run 3 and Run 4 allows the collection of minimum bias collisions in a continuous readout mode, their subsequent asynchronous reconstruction, and the final offline selection of events for permanent storage. This design enables the implementation of dedicated event selection schemes, tailored for a given observable, and avoids the need for dedicated...
The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the hadronic calorimeter covering the central region of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. This sampling device is made of plastic scintillating tiles alternated with iron plates and its response is calibrated to electromagnetic scale by means of several dedicated systems. The accurate time calibration is important for the energy reconstruction, non-collision...
Neutrinoless double beta decay experiments are pushing their sensitivities to reach half-lives on the order of $10^{28}$ years. A promising approach involves detecting the daughter ion generated in the decay. The NEXT collaboration is testing chemical sensors to identify the Ba$^{2+}$ ion produced in the double beta decay of $^{136}$Xe, coinciding with the emission of two electrons. This...
The Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment has measured the positive muon magnetic anomaly to an unprecedented precision of 0.2 ppm, based on the data taken in the first three years. The magnetic anomaly is derived from the ratio between the muon anomalous spin precession frequency in a magnetic storage ring and the magnetic field experienced by the muon ensemble. In addition, systematic effects on the...
The demands of HL-LHC data processing and the challenges of future colliders are pushing to re-think High Energy Physics (HEP) computing models.
This talk aims at providing transparent resources for users and experiments, with suitable tools and environment, coupled with flexible and cloud-independent deployment in the framework of the ICSC project (Italian National Centre on HPC, Big Data...
The DANSS detector is placed under the reactor core of Kalinin NPP and collects up to 5000 ν events per day. Experiment is aimed to scrutinize the sterile ν hypothesis, and obtained limits exclude practically all sterile neutrino parameters preferred by BEST experiment. The main goal of the energy calibration is the determination of the energy scale coefficient $K_Е$, however, the Birks and...
A new front-end ASIC named "PIST" (pico-second timing) has been successfully developed using 55 nm CMOS technology for the silicon photomulplier (SiPM) readout with a single channel with a major aim of fast timing. We performed extensive tests to evaluate the timing performance of a dedicated test stand. The results show that the system timing resolution can reach sub 10 ps, while the PIST...
The ATLAS Inner Detector will be completely replaced with an all-silicon tracking detector (ITk) to cope with the new challenging conditions arising with the HL-LHC. The pixel detector will be located in the innermost part of the ITk and consists of five layers of detectors, with different thickness and sensor technology. n-in-p planar hybrid modules 150 μm thick and 100 μm thick will...
In the context of the CMS improved Resistive Plate Chambers (iRPC) upgrade, a strategy has developed that leverages cosmic muon triggers along with web-based automation for Quality Control (QC) steps. A key aspect of this approach was finding a way to bridge slow and fast control parameters, a crucial step towards achieving full automation. This integration not only enhances the efficiency and...
This poster presents the efforts to boost the performance and the reliability of the Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) of the muon system of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. The focus is on both, maintenance of the existing RPC chambers and the installation of the improved RPC detectors (iRPC) for the Phase-2 upgrade. The RPC system consolidation is based on the cooling system upgrade...
Improving the identification of jets initiated from gluon or quark will impact the precision of several analysis in the ATLAS collaboration physics program. Using jet constituents as inputs for developing quark/gluon taggers gives the models access to a superset of information with respect to the use of high-level variables. Transformer architecture is used to learn long-range dependencies...
Darkside-20k is an underground direct dark matter search experiment designed to reach a total exposure of 200 tonne-years nearly free from instrumental backgrounds. The detector's core is a dual-phase Time Projection Chamber filled with 50 tonnes of low-radioactivity liquid argon. The TPC wall is surrounded by PMMA acting as a neutron veto, immersed in an argon bath.
The key technological...
To study the feasibility of a shallow-depth neutrino detector, a Cosmic Muon Veto Detector (CMVD) is being built around the mini-ICAL detector at the IICHEP in Madurai, India. CMVD will use extruded plastic scintillators for muon detection and wavelength-shifting fibres coupled with silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) for signal readout. A power supply source is needed for biasing the SIPMs,...
Core-collapse supernova bursts are among the most energetic phenomena known in the universe. PandaX-4T, a dark matter and neutrino experiment that employs a dual-phase xenon TPC as the detector, has the ability to detect neutrinos from supernova bursts via the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering process. In this study, the total number of supernova neutrino events in PandaX-4T is...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a neutrino detector currently under construction in China. It will use 20 ktons of liquid scintillator as the target medium, which will be surrounded by 45,000 photomultiplier tubes to collect the scintillation light produced by the interacting particles. The JUNO physics program encompasses a comprehensive range of measurements,...
We study detection possibilities of the Odderon interaction in the elastic meson-nucleon scattering, by measuring K0s regeneration at CERN, using the planned HIKE (Phase II) and existing LHCf infrastructures. Basic geometrical requirements and kinematic constraints of such experimental efforts at CERN are considered and the published predictions of the Odderon signatures in K0s regeneration...
We present an updated set of SKMHS diffractive parton distribution functions (PDFs). In addition to the diffractive deep-inelastic scattering (diffractive DIS) datasets, the recent diffractive dijet cross-section measurement by the H1 experiment from the HERA collider are added to the data sample. The new set of diffractive PDFs, entitled SKMHS23 and SKMHS23-dijet, are presented at NLO and...
Supersymmetry (SUSY) is one of the most interesting theories for Physics beyond the Standard Model and LHC experiments have searched for its evidence during Run1 and Run2. The search for direct production of top squark pairs in which each stop decays in two, three or four bodies depending on the hypotheses on its mass was performed, on data collected during Run2, in final states with two...
Domain walls are a type of topological defects that can arise in the
early universe after the spontaneous breaking of a discrete symmetry. This occurs in several beyond Standard Model theories with an
extended Higgs sector such as the Next-to-Two-Higgs-Doublet model
(N2HDM). In this talk I will discuss the domain wall solution related
to the singlet scalar of the N2HDM as well as...
Tau leptons serve as an important tool for analyzing the production of Higgs and electroweak bosons in the context of the Standard Model as well as for physics phenomena beyond the Standard model. Therefore, an accurate reconstruction and identification of the hadronically decaying tau leptons is a crucial for contemporary and future high energy physics experiments. Building on the results of...
The ATLAS hadronic Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is one of the sub-systems of the ATLAS detector installed at the LHC. The calorimeter is composed of alternating iron plates and plastic scintillating tiles. Our study aims to determine the azimuthal uniformity of the energy response and intercalibration of the TileCal longitudinal layers using isolated muons. The muons from the decay of the W...
The ATLAS Collaboration has developed a variety of Education and Outreach activities designed to engage young minds at home and in the classroom. This material ranges from an original particle physics baby book to colouring books, onlne printable information sheets and a challenging Masterclass program using real data from LHC proton collisions. Here we present our most recent developments...
The ATLAS Collaboration hosts several popular programmes bringing visitors to our detector at CERN or via video conference from remote locations. ATLAS physicists take advantage of technical stops and shutdowns to show off the world’s largest collider detector to local audiences via guided visits and to remote audiences via virtual visits. Throughout the year, local visitors join guided tours...
The ESSnuSB project aims to measure the leptonic CP violation at the second neutrino oscillation maximum using an intense neutrino beam.
ESSnuSB+ is a continuation of this study which focuses on neutrino interaction cross-section measurement at the low neutrino energy region as well as the study of the sensitivity of the experimental set-up to additional physics scenarios. Among them, it...
Event-by-event fluctuations of mean transverse momentum, $\langle p_{\rm{T}}\rangle$, help to characterize the properties of the system created in heavy-ion collisions and are linked to the phase transition dynamics from quark-gluon plasma (QGP) to a hadron gas. In this contribution, $\langle p_{\rm{T}}\rangle$ fluctuations of charged particles produced in pp at $\sqrt{s}= 5.02$ TeV, Xe-Xe and...
The INO-ICAL collaboration has built a prototype detector called miniICAL at IICHEP, Madurai, India. A Cosmic Muon Veto detector (CMVD) based on an extruded plastic scintillator (EPS) is being built on top of the miniICAL detector to investigate the feasibility of constructing a large-scale neutrino experiment at shallow depths. All the individual components of the veto walls, e.g, SiPM $\&$...
Within the framework of the Standard Model, the Higgs sector is minimally composed of one doublet of complex scalar fields, essential for achieving spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking. Nevertheless, a myriad of advanced theories transcending the Standard Model envision more intricate Higgs sectors, leading to the prediction of charged Higgs bosons. Notably, the Georgi- Machacek(GM) model...
Resonances play a crucial role in probing the characteristic of the hadronic phase, created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Rescattering and regeneration processes influence the measurable resonance yields and $p_{\rm T}$ spectra shapes. Measurements of resonance productions in high-multiplicity pp collisions could provide insight into the possible presence of a hadronic phase in...
Monte-Carlo (MC) simulations play a key role in high energy physics, for example at the ATLAS experiment. MC generators evolve continuously, so a periodic validation is indispensable for obtaining reliable and reproducible physics simulations. For that purpose, an automated and central validation system was developed: PMG Architecture for Validating Evgen with Rivet (PAVER). It provides an MC...
We studied the CP violating phases in the neutral kaon oscillations and decays in the effective field theory of kaons, without going into the quark level, and connected the CP violating parameters to the Bargmann invariants and hence to the geometrical phases. We extended this approach to demonstrate how the CP violating parameters appearing in the processes of baryogenesis and leptogenesis...
The study of nucleon pairs momentum correlations can provide input for describing the formation of light nuclei, such as deuterons, through the coalescence of protons and neutrons into bound states. The femtoscopy technique is applied to measure the correlation in momentum among protons emitted after the hadronization phase of a hadronic collision. The spatial properties of the proton-emitting...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a next-generation large liquid-scintillator neutrino detector, which is designed to determine the neutrino mass ordering. Moreover, high-energy atmospheric neutrino measurements could also improve its sensitivity to mass ordering via matter effects on oscillations, which depend on the capability to identify the flavors of neutrinos....
The DeepTau tau identification algorithm, based on Deep Neural Network techniques, has been developed to reduce the fraction of jets, muons and electrons misidentified as hadronically decaying tau leptons by the Hadron-plus-strip algorithm. Its recently deployed version 2.5 for Run3 has brought several improvements to the existing algorithm, e.g. the addition of domain adaptation to reduce...
A fundamental aspect of CMS researches concerns the identification and characterisation of jets originating from quarks and gluons produced in high-energy pp collisions. Electroweak scale resonances (Z/W bosons), Higgs bosons and top quarks are often produced with high Lorentz-boosts, where their products become highly collimated large and massive jets, usually reconstructed as AK8 jets....
The T2K long-baseline neutrino experiment in Japan harnesses its sensitivity to search for CP violation in neutrino sector by observing the appearance of electron (anti-)neutrinos from a beam of muon (anti-)neutrinos at its far detector, Super-Kamiokande (SK). For the next iteration of T2K's oscillation analysis, a new $\nu_e$ appearance sample was developed, targeting charged-current single...
Mu2e will search for the neutrinoless coherent μ^-→e^- conversion in the field of an Al nucleus and improve the current limit by 4 orders of magnitude. Mu2e consists of a straw-tube tracker and crystal calorimeter in a 1T B field complemented by a plastic scintillation counter veto to suppress cosmic ray backgrounds. Tracker geometry makes track reconstruction a quite unique problem. The first...
The poster collects measures adopted by the ERC over the years in order to facilitate the participation of diverse groups, and it presents some of the main results of these, with a focus on gender and physical sciences.
We integrated the detector and the readout electronics for a new inner-station TGC system at the ATLAS experiment and evaluated the performance. The TGC detectors installed in the endcap inner stations of the ATLAS detector will be upgraded from the doublet to triplet chambers for an improved selectivity of the first-level muon trigger at the HL-LHC. The challenging structure of fitting a...
The flagship activity of the International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) is the International Masterclasses (IMC) in particle physics. This very successful programme brings cutting-edge science to high-school students. Invited to a university or laboratory, the students spend a day of immersion in particle physics, learning about the standard model and beyond, about experimental...
In this talk, we report recent progress on the development of a local renormalisation formalism based on Causal Loop-Tree Duality. By performing an expansion around the UV-propagator in an Euclidean space, we manage to build counter-terms to cancel the non-integrable terms in the UV limit. This procedure is then combined with the so-called causal representation, and the UV expansion is...
We investigate the effects of parameters in the Bestest Little Higgs Model (BLHM) on rare flavor-changing decays of the top quark. In this study, we incorporate new flavor mixing terms between the light quarks of the Standard Model (SM) and the fermions and bosons of the BLHM. We compute the one-loop contributions from the heavy quark $(B)$ and the heavy bosons $(W^{\prime\pm}, \phi^{\pm},...
The ATLAS physics program at HL-LHC calls for a precision in the luminosity measurement of 1%. To fulfill such requirement in an environment characterized by up to140 simultaneous interactions per crossing (200 in the ultimate scenario), ATLAS will feature several luminosity detectors. LUCID-3, the upgrade of the present ATLAS luminometer (LUCID-2), will fulfill such a condition. In this...
Precise luminosity determination is of paramount importance for the ATLAS physics program. A set of complementary luminometers is crucial to ensure high stability and precision of the luminosity measurement. In 2018, two Timepix3 detector setups were installed to study their capabilities of measuring luminosity. The detectors benefit from a fine segmentation and a narrow per-pixel time...
Searches for beyond the SM physics can involve heavy resonances identified by multi-prong jets. Calibration techniques rely on SM candles, which makes it challenging to calibrate jets with more than three prongs. This talk will highlight a new method for calibrating the tagging of multi-prong jets using the Lund Jet Plane to correct the substructure of simulated jets. The technique is based on...
Tau leptons are very important objects for testing the predictions of the standard model, such as the characterization of the Higgs boson. Tau leptons are also vital in the search for beyond the standard model physics, as many models predict new particles which decay into final states with tau leptons. An efficient tau lepton trigger is therefore essential to maximize the physics reach of the...
The second MoEDAL Apparatus for Penetrating Particles (MAPP-2) is proposed for deployment at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) a large instrumented tunnel decay volume adjacent to IP8 with a volume of 1200m3. The detector utilizes large area scintillator panels with x-y WLS fibres readout by SiPMs arranged in a “Russian Doll configuration to measure the vertices of very Long-Lived Particles...
Analysis of the high-multiplicity triggered pp data at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV, obtained by the ALICE detector, is carried out to study the event-by-event fluctuations of mean transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$) using two particle correlator, $\sqrt{C_m}/M(p_{\rm T})_m$. The driving force behind these studies is the search for dynamical fluctuations that may be associated with the formation of QGP...
The ATLAS measurement of differential cross-sections for the production of four charged leptons and two jets with the full Run 2 pp collision data will be presented. The cross-sections were measured in two distinctive signal regions characterised by an enhanced contribution from events arising out of strong and electroweak interactions, respectively. An iterative unfolding procedure was used...
KATRIN aims to measure the electron neutrino mass
$𝑚_𝜈$ with <0.3 eV/$𝑐^2$ (90 % C.L.) sensitivity, by measuring the $^3$H β spectrum near its endpoint $𝐸_0$. In the fit yielding the searched for quantity $𝑚^2_𝜈$ also the parameter $𝐸_0$ is fitted. Since both parameters are highly correlated in the fit any systematic effect influencing the parameter $𝑚^2_𝜈$ will also manifest in $𝐸_0$. After...
The associated production of the Higgs boson with the top quark allows to directly probe the Top Yukawa coupling, which is a key parameter for the Standard Model. The presented ttH(bb) analysis exploits the distinctive signature of the large H-> bb branching ratio and the leptonic decays of the top quarks and, uses the full Run 2 dataset collected with the ATLAS detector at the centre-of-mass...
The first inclusive cross section measurements for the diboson production of a W and a Z bosons (WZ) in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13.6 TeV are presented. The data used were recorded with the CMS detector of the LHC during 2022. Events containing three electrically charged leptons in the final state, which can be electrons or muons, are analysed. The selection is...
The Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND) is a 100-ton scale Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detector positioned in the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab, as part of the Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program. The detector is currently being commissioned and is expected to take neutrino data this year. Located only 110 m from the neutrino production target, it will be...
Top quarks, the heaviest elementary particles carrying colour charges, are considered to be attractive candidates for probing the quark-gluon plasma produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In proton-lead collisions, top-quark production is expected to be sensitive to nuclear modifications of parton distribution functions at high Bjoerken-x values, which are difficult to access...
Upgrades to the CMS Muon system for the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) include the new GEM detectors GE1/1, GE2/1 and ME0. The development of the GEM-Online Monitoring System (OMS) is crucial for their successful operation. The GEM-OMS provides real-time monitoring of key parameters, enabling the detection of anomalies by filtering data directly through different controllers. With a focus on...
This contribution addresses the need for reliable and efficient data storage in the high-energy physics experiment called AMBER. The experiment generates sustained data rates of up to 10 GB/s, requiring optimization of data storage. The study investigates single-disk performance, including random and sequential disk operations, highlighting the impact of parallel access and disk geometry. A...
The LEP precision physics requirements on the theoretical precision tag for the respective luminosity were 0.054 % (0.061%) at $M_Z$, where the former (latter) LEP result has (does not have) the pairs correction. For the contemplated FCC-ee, ILC, and CEPC Higgs/EW factories, one needs improvement at $M_Z$ to at least 0.01% for the theoretical precision tag. We discuss the paths one may take...
PMT is widely used in high energy physics experiments to detect single photons. The PMT single photoelectron (PE) response (SER) is a template function describing the pulse shape of single PE. In PMT waveform simulation and analysis, the shape of SER are usually fixed among different pulses from the same PMT. This work proposes a linear model using multiple Gaussian parameters and multiple...
The Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) is a new generation $e^+ e^-$ collider designed for various physics topics in the $\tau$-charm energy region. The particle identification (PID), as one of the most fundemental tools in physics analysis, is crutial for achieving excellent physics performance. In this work, we present a powerful PID software based on ML techniques, including a global PID...
The SuperNEMO experiment aims to search for neutrinoless double beta decay. Whilst the standard approach relies on detecting the sum of the kinetic energy of two emitted electrons, SuperNEMO has an additional tracking detector, enabling investigation of kinematic parameters of the decay and further background suppression through post-processing. Comprising 2034 drift cells operating in Geiger...
The current ATLAS Inner Detector is to be replaced with the all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) to cope with high pile-up and harsh radiation environment expected at the HL-LHC. During prototyping and early production phases of the ITk project, the performance of all types of ITk strip modules has been extensively evaluated using high-energy electron or hadron beams available at the DESY II and...
KKMChh is a precision Monte Carlo program for photonic and electroweak radiative corrections to hadron scattering, implementing the amplitude level exponentiation originally developed for electron-positron scattering at the quark level, modeling initial and final state QED radiation as well as initial-final interference to all orders in a soft-photon approximation, adding hard photon...
Scenario with a lepton-flavor-violating (LFV) interaction, either due to LFV coupling of a scalar or a vector boson, is an intriguing BSM phenomenon. This LFV coupling in the presence of muons leads to a rich phenomenology including an extra contribution to muon anomalous magnetic moment. With the low-energy effective coupling ${\cal L}_{\phi e\mu}=\phi\bar...
Long-range angular correlations between particles could potentially reveal physics beyond the Standard Model, such as Hidden Valley (HV) scenarios. Our emphasis is on a hidden QCD-like sector, where the emergence of HV matter alongside QCD partonic cascades could amplify and extend azimuthal correlations among final-state particles.
Our study at the detector level focuses on the...
We investigate the effect of photon-axionlike particle (ALP) oscillations in the gamma-ray spectra of fourth most distant blazar QSO B1420+326 measured by Fermi-LAT and MAGIC around the flaring activity in January 2020. We set 95% CL upper limit on the photon-ALP coupling constant $g_{a\gamma} < 2 \times 10^{-11}$ GeV$^{-1}$ for ALP masses $m_{a} \sim 10^{-10} - 10^{-9}$ eV. Assuming the...
Science students encounter multiple challenges with employment or upper level courses thus teaching them solid lab skills and analysis provide needed solid foundation. The lab for intro-level Physics I and II must provide students with practical experience and laboratory skills that would be further developed by upper-level courses.
A new approach was instituted to provide meaningful lab...
The MIP Timing Detector (MTD) is a new sub-detector planned for the Phase 2 upgrade of the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC, designed to measure the time-of-arrival of charged particles with a resolution of 30-60 ps. The barrel region of MTD (Barrel Timing Layer, BTL) is made of arrays of Cerium-doped Lutetium-Yttrium Oxyorthosilicate (LYSO:Ce) scintillating bars, readout by silicon...
We simulate deuteron production in Pb+Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV and focus particularly on the elliptic flow. In coalescence, the deuteron yield depends on the size of the region producing the coalescing nucleons. The elliptic flow also depends on how the size of the effective emitting region varies with the azimuthal angle. Thus the elliptic flow of deuterons from coalescence is expected to be...
We investigate the potentially observable consequences at the LHC of resonant production of a vectorlike quark pair through an ultraheavy diquark scalar. For this study, we performed comprehensive Monte-Carlo simulations for a diquark mass of 7 TeV or 8.5 TeV, and a vectorlike quark mass of 2 TeV. We assume that each vectorlike quark decays into a W boson and a b quark, and given the very...
The MUonE experiment proposes a novel approach to determine the hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment, by measuring the running of the QED coupling through the analysis of $\mu e$ elastic scattering events. The experiment will be carried out at CERN North Area, by scattering the high intensity 160 GeV muon beam available on a low-Z target. The detector would have 40...
The ATLAS Online Luminosity Calculator (OLC) is a standalone component of luminosity-related software responsible for the calibration of online luminosity measurements from the various ATLAS luminometers, as well as for providing an interface between ATLAS and the LHC. It also provides the infrastructure for synchronizing the LHC beam movements with the ATLAS DAQ during beam separation scans....
Though the Standard Model has been a very successful theory, there are still many questions left unanswered like incorporation of gravity into SM, neutrino masses, matter-antimatter asymmetry,... One of the possible solutions to address these challenges is the extension of the present SM by incorporating an additional Higgs doublet. This search aims at exploring the presence of a scalar or...
An integrated luminosity of 138 fb-1 collected by CMS during Run 2, allows to perform search for new particles with unprecedented sensitivity. The search for a scalar particle with higher mass than the Higgs Mass boson is performed investigating resonances that decays into two W bosons. Results are interpreted in a model independent way as well as in various extensions of the standard models,...
The $U(1)_{B-L}$ model contains three heavy Right-Handed (RH) neutrinos, essential for anomaly cancellation and preserving gauge invariance. The model is attractive due to its relatively simple theoretical structure, and the crucial test of the model is the detection of the new heavy neutral $Z'$ gauge boson, the heavy-neutrinos $\nu_R$, and the new Higgs boson $H$. With these motivations, we...
A search for HH or $X\to SH$ production in final states with one or two light leptons and a pair of $\tau$-leptons is presented. The search uses a $pp$ collision data sample with an integrated luminosity of 140 fb$^{-1}$, recorded at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV, with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The search selects events with two hadronically decaying...
This poster presents results from a search for exotic decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson (H) to a pair of light pseudoscalars a, where one pseudoscalar decays to two b quarks and the other to a pair of muons or tau leptons (H ->aa->2b2mu/2b2tau). The analysis is performed on the full CMS Run-2 dataset of proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass-energy 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated...
Supersymmetry (SUSY) models with nearly mass-degenerate higgsinos could solve the hierarchy problem as well as offer a suitable dark matter candidate consistent with the observed thermal-relic dark matter density. However, the detection of SUSY higgsinos at the LHC remains challenging especially if their mass-splitting is O(1 GeV) or lower. A novel search using 140 fb^{-1} of proton-proton...
We present searches for Lepton Flavor Violation (LFV) in the top quark sector using 138 fb^{-1} of proton-proton collision data collected by the CMS experiment at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The analysis focuses on events containing a single muon and an additional lepton, either a tau or an electron. Modern deep learning techniques are employed to distinguish between signal and...
The discovery of neutrino oscillations has provided experimental evidence that neutrinos have nonzero masses. Cosmological constraints as well as direct measurements indicate that the neutrino masses are orders of magnitude smaller than the masses of other SM fermions. The introduction of new heavy states, N, with right-handed chirality, known as heavy neutral leptons (HNLs), is a possible...
The "4321" renormalizable model proposes a mechanism that accommodates the experimental anomalies found in B-meson decays while remaining consistent with all other indirect flavor and electroweak precision measurements. Among the fundamental particles provided by the 4321 model are three families of Vector-Like Leptons (VLLs), with a mass predicted to be around 1 TeV. Using the full dataset...
This contribution presents a search for rare decays of the Z and Higgs bosons to a photon and a charmed meson J/$\Psi$ or $\Psi'$, which subsequentially decays to a pair of muons. The employed data set corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 123 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at center of mass energy $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV, collected with the CMS detector during LHC Run-2. The analysis...
After the discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, we undoubtedly live in a phase characterized by a lack of discoveries of Beyond Standard Model physics in particles accelerators. Anomaly Detection is a novel machine learning approach that could be used to resolve this stalemate, as it allows to be very general with the searched signatures without losing...
Many new physics models, such as the Sequential Standard Model, Grand Unified Theories, models of extra dimensions, or models with eg. leptoquarks or vector-like leptons, predict heavy mediators at the TeV energy scale. We present recent results of such searches in leptonic final states obtained using data recorded by the CMS experiment during Run-II of the LHC.
Measurements of two-neutrino double beta decay ($2\nu\beta\beta$) have played a key role in advancing the understanding of neutrino properties. Further exploration of $2\nu\beta\beta$ and its possible exotic decay modes (decay with right-handed or sterile neutrinos) may provide further knowledge. The recently published improved description of the shape of $2\nu\beta\beta$ spectrum provides a...
The high-luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC) will lead to a factor of five increase in instantaneous luminosity, making it possible for experiments as CMS and ATLAS to collect ten times more data. This proton-proton collision rate will result in higher data complexity, making more sophisticated trigger algorithms unavoidable during the HL-LHC phase. The availability of information on the...
The Inert Triplet Model (ITM) is a well-studied scenario that contains a neutral scalar Dark Matter (DM), along with an inert charged scalar in a compressed mass spectrum. The DM constraints corner the ITM to a narrow TeV-scale mass range, the production of which is inefficient at the present and future iterations of the LHC. However, Vector Boson Fusion (VBF) at a future Muon Collider...
The axion provides a solution for the strong CP problem and is one of the promising candidates for dark matter. The leading approach is probing gamma-ray emission from the nuclear transitions associated with the axion-nucleon coupling. Monochromatic 14.4 keV axions would be produced by de-excitation of the thermally excited isotope of iron-57 in the Sun and could be detected as a 14.4 keV...
The Neutrino Experiment with a Xe TPC (NEXT) is searching for neutrinoless double beta decays (0nubb) of Xe-136 using high pressure xenon gas time projection chambers (HPXeTPC). The power of electroluminescent HPXeTPCs for 0nubb derives from their excellent energy resolution (FWHM <1%), and their topological classification of signal events. The NEXT-100 detector was successfully constructed...
The future e+e- colliders offer excellent facilities for SUSY searches. The stau, superpartner of the tau-lepton, is one of the most interesting particles for these searches, being likely the lightest of the sfermions, first one that could be observed, and it can be regarded as the worst and thus most general scenario for the searches.
The prospects for discovering stau-pair production at...
Recent measurements in small collision systems at the LHC show striking similarities between high multiplicity pp, p–Pb collisions and Pb–Pb collisions. In particular, study of hadronic resonances provide valuable information about the final state hadronic interaction. Due to the short lifetime, resonances decay inside the hadronic medium after the chemical freezeout and their decay daughters...
A 20-kiloton liquid scintillator detector is designed in the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) for multiple physics purposes, including the determination of the neutrino mass ordering through reactor neutrinos, as well as measuring supernova neutrinos, solar neutrinos, and atmosphere neutrinos to explore different physics topics. Efficient reconstruction algorithms are needed to...
The current ATLAS Inner Detector will be replaced with the new Inner Tracker (ITk) to cope with the increased track density and corresponding radiation levels at the HL-LHC. The ITk is designed to be an all-silicon tracking detector with a strip detector surrounding the inner pixel detector. The strip tracker will consist of a central barrel detector with four layers and two end-caps. The...
The CMS experiment will undergo different upgrades in view of the HL-LHC phase of LHC. A key feature is the complete replacement of the Inner Tracker (IT), which will be equipped with detectors with improved radiation hardness, enhanced granularity, and the ability to manage higher data rates. A pioneering serial powering strategy will be deployed for biasing the pixel modules, accompanied by...
The determination of the detector efficiency is a critical ingredient in any physics measurement. It can be in general estimated using simulations, but simulations need to be calibrated with data. The tag-and-probe method provides a useful and elegant mechanism for extracting efficiencies directly from data. In this work, we present the tracking performance measured in data where the...
The minimum ionizing particles (MIPs) Timing Detector (MTD) will be installed during the Phase II Upgrade of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the CERN LHC. The MTD will provide time information for tracks with a time resolution of about 30-60 ps, helping manage the increased pileup level to preserve the CMS detector's reconstruction performance. The MTD's barrel part (BTL) is...
For the upgrade of the LHC to the High-Luminosity LHC, the ATLAS inner detector will be replaced with an all-silicon detector, the Inner Tracker (ITk). The innermost part of the ITk will consist of a pixel detector with five layers that will consist of modules combined into serially powered chains and loaded on ring and stave shaped low mass carbon-fiber local supports (LLS).
During 2024, the...
The Time-of-Flight (ToF) detectors in the ATLAS Forward Proton (AFP) system are used to measure the primary vertex z-position of the pp -> pXp processes using the arrival times of the two intact final state protons. Detection efficiencies and timing resolutions using low, and moderate pile-up data collected are presented. While efficiencies of a few percent are observed in the Run 2, the...
The new ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk), consisting of pixel and microstrip detectors, will replace the current tracking system of the ATLAS detector to cope with the challenging conditions of the high luminosity LHC. System tests of the strip sub-detector are being developed which serve as a testbed for testing and evaluating the performance of several close-to-final detector components before...
To face the hightened requirements of real-time and precision bunch-by-bunch luminosity determination and beam-induced background monitoring at the High-Luminosity LHC, the CMS BRIL project constructs a stand-alone luminometer, the Fast Beam Condition Monitor (FBCM). It will be fully independent from the CMS central timing, trigger and data acquisition services and able to operate at all times...
Since 1983 the Italian groups collaborating with Fermilab have been running a 2-month summer training program for students in physics and engineering. Many students have extended their collaboration with Fermilab for their Master Thesis and PhD.
The program has involved more than 600 students from more than 20 universities. Each intern is supervised by a Fermilab Mentor. Training programs...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multi-purpose neutrino experiment under construction in China with the main goal of measuring the neutrino mass ordering from reactor antineutrinos. The Top Tracker constitutes part of the veto system of JUNO. Its main task is to track the muons crossing the Central Detector and evaluate the cosmogenic background contribution to the...
The MIP Timing Detector (MTD) of the CMS experiment, currently under construction for the High Luminosity phase of LHC, emerges as a key player in the pursuit of unrivaled temporal precision in particle physics.
The precise measurement of the time-of-arrival of charged particles provided by the MTD enables the implementation of a 4D vertex reconstruction and helps to discriminate...
The Fluorescence detector Array of Single-pixel Telescopes (FAST) project proposes a simplified Schmidt telescope designed for detection of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. It maintains its optical excellence while featuring cost-effective components. The FAST prototype utilizes a segmented 1.6 m diameter mirror and four 200 mm photomultipliers at its focal plane. Currently, the first generation...
The NEXT collaboration uses a high-pressure gaseous time projection chamber with an electroluminescent amplification to search the neutrinoless double beta decay in Xe-136. The experimental program is built on solid and successful R&D, showing an excellent energy resolution (<1%) and remarkable topological discrimination. This prompts the tonne scale proposals for the technology in a phased...
We report on a novel application of computer vision techniques to extract beyond the Standard Model (BSM) parameters directly from high energy physics (HEP) flavor data. We develop a method of transforming angular and kinematic distributions into "quasi-images" that can be used to train a convolutional neural network to perform regression tasks, similar to fitting. This contrasts with the...
We report progress in using transformer models to generate particle theory Lagrangians. By treating Lagrangians as complex, rule-based constructs similar to linguistic expressions, we employ transformer architectures -proven in language processing tasks- to model and predict Lagrangians. A dedicated dataset, which includes the Standard Model and a variety of its extensions featuring various...
The High-Luminosity LHC will open an unprecedented window on the weak-scale nature of the universe, providing high-precision measurements of the Standard Model as well as searches for new physics beyond the standard model. The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment is planning to replace entirely its trigger and data acquisition system to achieve this ambitious physics program. Efficiently...
In view of the HL-LHC, the Phase-2 CMS upgrade will replace the entire trigger and data acquisition system. The readout electronics will be upgraded to allow a maximum L1 accept rate of 750 kHz, and a latency of 12.5 µs. The muon trigger is a multi-layer system designed to reconstruct and measure the momenta of the muons by correlating information across muon chambers on the so-called muon...
The precision measurement of daily helium fluxes with AMS during twelve years of operation in the rigidity interval from 1.71 to 100 GV is presented. The helium flux and the helium to proton flux ratio exhibit variations on multiple timescales. In nearly all the time intervals from 2014 to 2018, we observed recurrent helium flux variations with a period of 27 days. Shorter periods of 9 days...
Cosmic Nitrogen, Sodium, and Aluminum nuclei are a combination of primaries, produced at cosmic-ray sources, and secondaries resulting from collisions of heavier primary cosmic rays with the interstellar medium. We present high statistics measurements of the N, Na and Al rigidity spectra. We discuss the properties and composition of their spectra and present a model-independent determination...
To cope with the large amount of data and high event rate expected from the planned High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade, the ATLAS monitored drift tube (MDT) readout electronics will be replaced. In addition, the MDT detector will be used at the first-level trigger to improve the muon transverse momentum resolution and reduce the trigger rate. About 100 small-radius MDT chambers have been...
The use of generative deep learning models has been of interest in the high-energy physics community intending to develop a faster alternative to the compute-intensive Monte Carlo simulations. This work focuses on evaluating an ensemble of GANs on the task of electromagnetic calorimeter simulations. We demonstrate that the diversity of samples produced by a GAN model can be significantly...
The CMS upgrade for the High Luminosity phase of the LHC involves the installation of three GEM stations: GE1/1, GE2/1, and ME0. While GE1/1 has been operational since Run-3's onset, only two GE2/1 chambers are in place as of early 2024. ME0's installation is slated for LHC Long Shutdown 3, with GE2/1 chamber installation resuming post ME0 completion.
These GEM stations, coupled with...
Multipacting in particle accelerator elements is a major challenge. Multipacting is strongly dependent on the surface total electron yield (TEEY). Developing thin coatings to reduce it is of critical importance. The surface dissipation induced by RF fields is also a critical parameter and the thin film electrical conductivity has to be tuned accordingly. For each application, an optimal set of...
The CMS experiment has recently established a new Common Analysis Tools (CAT) group. The CAT group implements a forum for the discussion, dissemination, organization and development of analysis tools, broadly bridging the gap between the CMS data and simulation datasets and the publication-grade plots and results. In this talk we discuss some of the recent developments carried out in the...
Precision measurements by AMS reveal unique properties of cosmic charged elementary particles. In the absolute rigidity range ~60 to ~500 GV, the antiproton flux and proton flux have nearly identical rigidity dependence. This behavior indicates an excess of high energy antiprotons compared with secondary antiprotons produced from the collision of cosmic rays. More importantly, from ~60 to ~500...
To achieve the physics goals of the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC), a tracking system combining a silicon tracker and a drift chamber is proposed. The drift chamber could provide excellent particle identification (PID) performance with cluster counting (dN/dx) technique. By measuring the number of primary ionizations along the particle trajectory, the dN/dx will significantly...
Semileptonic $b$-hadron decays proceed via charged-current interactions and provide powerful probes for testing the Standard Model and for searching for New Physics effects. The advantages of studying such decays include the large branching fractions and reliable calculations of the hadron matrix elements. In this contribution, LHCb measurements on CKM paramenters and test of new physics will...
Event classifiers based on the charged-particle multiplicity have been extensively used in pp collisions at the LHC. However, one drawback of the multiplicity-based event classifiers is that requiring a high charged-particle multiplicity biases the sample towards hard processes. These biases blur the effects of multi-parton interactions (MPI) and make it difficult to pinpoint the origins of...
The Zubarev approach of the non-equilibrium statistical operator [1] is used to account for the enhancement of the low-$p_T$ part of pion spectra by introducing an effective pion chemical potential [2]. This is an alternative to the explanation of the low-$p_T$ enhancement by resonance decays. We report on the first results obtained with a newly developed thermal particle generator that...
The DsTau (NA65) experiment at CERN was proposed to measure an inclusive differential cross-section of production in p-A interactions. The DsTau detector is based on the nuclear emulsion technique providing an excellent spatial resolution for detecting short-lived particles like charmed hadrons. The first results of the analysis of the pilot-run data are presented. A high precision in vertex...
The ATLAS experiment in the LHC Run 3 uses a two-level trigger system to select events of interest to reduce the 40 MHz bunch crossing rate to a recorded rate of up to 3 kHz of fully-built physics events. The trigger system is composed of a hardware based Level-1 trigger and a software based High Level Trigger.
The selection of events by the High Level Trigger is based on a wide variety of...
The "Workshop on Sustainable High Energy Physics" was initiated as an international grassroots initiative by early and mid-career researchers in 2021. It was organized as a virtual workshop and featured a three-day program with keynote lectures, panel discussions, and contributed talks. The 2nd edition took place in 2022, and the 3rd edition in 2024. The workshop series focuses on all aspects...
The MUonE experiment at CERN aims to determine the leading-order hadronic contribution to the muon $g-2$, $a_\mu^{\rm HLO}$, by an innovative approach, using elastic scattering of 160 GeV muons on atomic electrons in a low-Z target. $a_\mu^{\rm HLO}$ is extracted from the precision measurement of the shape of the differential cross section of the muon-electron elastic process. The target...
Ultra-short and intense electron beams are now routinely generated by the Laser Wakefield acceleration (LWFA) mechanism. However, achieved beams remain unstable compared to conventional beams, even at state-of-the-art laser facilities, because of the inherent nature of the laser systems and the gaseous target involved. An online, accurate and non-perturbative beam diagnostic system is required...
The FCC-ee offers unparalleled opportunities for direct and indirect evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM), via a combination of high precision measurements and searches for forbidden and rare processes. The precision measurement program benefits from an extraordinary conjunction of (i) very clean experimental conditions and excellent c.m. energy determination from the Z up to...
The impact of large scale scientific infrastructure such as accelerators, observatories and big data centres cannot be denied. This presentation is based on the recently published reflection document covering the HECAP+ communities (High Energy Physics, Cosmology, Astroparticle Physics, and Hadron and Nuclear Physics). It reflects on the environmental impacts of work practices and research...
The neutrino flux for accelerator-based neutrino experiments originates from the decay of mesons, which are produced via hadron-nucleus interactions in extended targets. Since the cross sections of hadronic processes are not well known, neutrino flux uncertainties are typically
a leading uncertainty in present day measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters with these experiments....
Recent CMS results on production of open heavy flavor hadrons and quarkonia in pp collisions are discussed. The measurements are performed with data collected in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV between 2016 and 2018.
The ATLAS experiment at CERN comprises almost 6000 members. To develop and maintain a system allowing them to analyze the experiment's data, significant effort is required. Such a system consists of millions of lines of code, hundreds of thousand computer cores, and hundreds of petabytes of data. Even a system of this size, while sufficient for current needs, will need to be significantly...
Well established measurements of high-multiplicity proton-proton (pp) and proton-lead (p-Pb) collisions at the LHC have revealed that small collision systems show the onset of phenomena (e.g. strangeness enhancement, collective flow) typical of heavy-ion collisions, suggesting that light-flavor hadron production arises from a set of complex mechanisms whose relative contributions evolve...
The Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab, whose second result was published in August 2023, conducts the world’s most precise measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Muon g-2 data can be used to search for a sidereal variation of the anomalous spin precession of the muon, one of the important signatures of CPT and Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV) in the muon sector. The BNL...
A large, worldwide community is working to realize physics program of the International Linear Collider (ILC).The International Large Detector (ILD) is one of the detector concepts. The ILD tracking system consists of a Si vertex detector and a large volume Time Projection Chamber (TPC), all embedded in a 3.5 T solenoidal field. An extensive research and development program has been carried...
The ALICE Fast Interaction Trigger (FIT) has been working since beginning of LHC Run 3, demonstrating excellent performance. FIT serves as an interaction trigger, online luminometer, initial indicator of the vertex position, and the forward multiplicity counter. In the offline mode, it provides collision time, collision centrality and interaction plane. It also selects diffractive and...
The positron flux measured by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer in the TeV region exhibits complex energy dependence. It is described by the sum of a term associated with the positrons produced in the collision of cosmic rays, which dominates at low energies, and a new source term, which dominates at high energies and is associated with either dark matter or astrophysical origin. The positron...
The CLIC study has developed compact, high gradient, and energy efficient acceleration units as building blocks for a future high-energy, electron-based linear collider. The components to construct such units are now generally available in industry and their properties promise cost effective solutions for making electron-based linacs (already a crucial technology in many research, medical, and...
Recent ATLAS results on heavy-flavour hadron production are presented, including production of open charm and beauty, charmonia, and associated production of $J/\psi$ with $t\bar t$.
We discuss the experimental prospects for measuring differential observables in b-quark and c-quark production at the International Linear Collider (ILC) baseline energies, 250 and 500 GeV.
The study is based on full simulation and reconstruction of the International Large Detector (ILD) concept.
Two gauge-Higgs unification models predicting new high-mass resonances beyond the Standard...
Experiments using positron beams impinging on fixed targets offer unique capabilities for probing new light dark particles feebly coupled to e^+ e^- pairs, that can be resonantly produced from positron annihilation on target atomic electrons. In this talk, I will discuss the impact of correctly accounting for the momentum distribution of the atomic electrons that shifts the center of mass...
The observed matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe is a serious challenge to our understanding of nature. BNV/LNV decays have been searched for in many experiments to understand this large-scale observed fact. In this talk, we present recent results on searches for BNV and LNV decays of charmed meson, hyperons and light hadrons at the BESIII experiment.
A 10 TeV muon collider is a promising machine for the high energy frontier. However, the beam-induced background (BIB), originated from the interaction of leptons from muon decay with the machine, represents a big challenge. To deal with its high occupancy, new reconstruction algorithms and high performance detectors are required.
In this context, the studies concerning the muon spectrometer...
Strangeness production in heavy-ion collisions is a longstanding and actively researched topic, offering crucial insights into the properties of strongly interacting matter. The NA61/SHINE experiment at CERN SPS North Area is one of the leading experiments in this field, focusing on measuring hadron production in a wide range of collision energies and system sizes.
This talk emphasizes the...
The Auger Offline Framework is a general-purpose C++-based software that allows the reconstruction of the events detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory. Thanks to its modular structure, the collaborators can contribute to the code development with their algorithms and sequencing instructions required for their analyses. It is also possible to feed the Auger Offline Framework with different...
Analysis of anisotropy of the arrival directions of galactic positrons, electrons and protons has been performed with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. This measurement allows to differentiate between point-like and diffuse sources of cosmic rays for the understanding of the origin of high energy positrons. The AMS results of the dipole anisotropy are...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) features a sophisticated two-level triggering system composed of the Level 1 (L1), instrumented by custom-design hardware boards, and the High-Level Trigger (HLT), a software based trigger. The CMS L1 Trigger relies on separate calorimeter and muon trigger systems that provide jet, e/γ, τ, and muon candidates along...
LHCb functions as a spectrometer targeting the forward region of proton-proton collisions, focusing on a pseudo-rapidity range between 2 and 5. Due to the scarcity of background events in the high mass region, its precise reconstruction capabilities and an optimized trigger system, LHCb offers an optimal environment for probing (exotic) Higgs decays. In this talk, we discuss the latest...
Employing the full $BABAR$ dataset with hadronic tagging, we present a model-independent form factor analysis for $B\to D^{(*)}\ell\nu$ and a moments analysis for $B\to D^{*}\ell\nu$ . We also perform a combined lattice+$BABAR$ joint $B\to D^{(*)}\ell\nu$ form factor analysis employing an HQET parameterization. We report updated $|V_{cb}|$ and SM theory predictions for R(D(*)) from this analysis
Current artificial muon beam sources require conventional radiofrequency (RF) accelerators that can be 100s-1000s of meters in size. Laser wakefield acceleration, instead, can achieve acceleration gradients up to 100 GeV/m, 1000 times greater than RF accelerators. Therefore, by using a meter-scale long plasma and combining it with next-generation laser driver technology the system could be...
We present the continuous daily electron and positron spectra over twelve years from 1 to 42 GeV. These unique data provide critical information to the understanding of the propagation of the same mass but opposite charge particles in the heliosphere. The characteristics of the data can not be explained by current theoretical models.
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next-generation international experiment that aims to make high-precision measurements of neutrino mixing parameters. DUNE will include a multiple-component near detector (ND) complex that will be located on the LBNF beamline at Fermilab in Batavia, IL. During DUNE Phase II, there will exist a high-pressure gaseous argon TPC surrounded by a...
Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (cLFV) is highly suppressed in the Standard Model (SM) by the finite, but tiny neutrino masses. Its branching fraction is calculated to be extremely small in the SM and so far no charged lepton flavour violating process has been found in experiments, including searches performed in lepton ($\mu$, $\tau$) decays, pseudoscalar meson (K, $\pi$) decays, vector meson...
We use the Boltzmann Equation in Diffusion Approximation (BEDA) as a tool to explore the time evolution of an initially out-of-equilibrium and highly occupied expanding system of gluons. We study the hydrodynamization of this system as well as the quark production until chemical equilibration is established. A comprehensive study of such processes will be presented based on parametrical...
Since 2022, the LHCb experiment is using a triggerless readout system collecting data at an event rate of 30 MHz and a data rate of 4 TB/s. The trigger system, implemented as a high-level trigger (HLT), is split in two stages. During the first stage (HLT1), implemented on GPGPUs, track reconstruction and vertex fitting for charged particles is performed to reduce the event rate to 1 MHz, where...
The ATLAS Collaboration operates a large, distributed computing infrastructure: almost 1M cores of computing and almost 1 EB of data are distributed over about 100 computing sites worldwide. These resources contribute significantly to the total carbon footprint of the experiment, and they are expected to grow by a large factor as a part of the experimental upgrades for the HL-LHC at the end of...
Jet substructure observables are sensitive to the effects arising from the mass of quarks produced by QCD hard-scattering interactions. In particular, QCD predicts the suppression of collinear emission around a massive quark, the so-called dead-cone effect, recently observed by the ALICE collaboration at the LHC.
In this talk we discuss how the quark mass affects the theoretical...
We present a new global fit for inclusive $|V_{cb}|$ based on the Kolya open-source library, utilizing the full available set of spectral moments of semileptonic $B \to X_c \ell \bar \nu_\ell$ decays with state-of-the-art precision. Our approach includes a novel prescription to estimate the uncertainty arising from missing higher-order contributions of order $1/m^4$ in the heavy quark...
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab investigates rare muon-to-electron conversion using a muon beam generated by an 8 GeV proton beam. To achieve the required high muon flux, minimizing extraction losses is crucial. An important source of such losses are the particles impacting on the electric septum anode. An ideal solution to the problem lies in the beam shadowing scheme tested at CERN SPS. In...
In the last 15 years the "Radio MontecarLow (“Radiative Corrections and Monte Carlo Generators for Low Energies”) Working Group (WG), see, has been providing valuable support to the development of radiative corrections and Monte Carlo (MC) tools for low energy e+e- data. By bringing together in more than 20 meeting experts working in the field of e+e- physics, the WG...
One of the main goal of the next generation space experiments is to extend the measurement of cosmic positron in the TeV region: this will provide unique information related to dark matter indirect search and cosmic ray physics. The detection techniques currently in use are not suited to reach this energy region in a relatively short time scale.
An alternative method relies on the detection...
The NEWS-G experiment, located at SNO lab, aims for direct detection of WIMPs via nuclear recoils using Spherical Proportional Counter (SPC). Accurate measurement of the recoil energy requires knowledge of quenching factor (QF). Our past measurements were performed in Ne+CH4 gas mixture at 2 bar. Next, we intend to measure QF for different gas mixtures with different detector parameters. To...
In this talk, we present our recent studies on thermal field theories using quantum algorithms. We first delve into the presentations of quantum fields via qubits on general digital quantum computers alongside the quantum algorithms employed to evaluate thermal properties of generic quantum field theories. Then, we show our numerical results of thermal field theories in 1+1 dimensions using...
Lorentz and CPT symmetry in the quark sector of the Standard Model are studied in the context of an effective field theory using ZEUS $e^{\pm}p$ data. Symmetry-violating effects can lead to time-dependent oscillations of otherwise time-independent observables, including scattering cross sections. An analysis using five years of inclusive neutral-current deep inelastic scattering events...
The ATLAS Level-1 Trigger, crucial for the selection of LHC events at CERN, has been upgraded for Run-3 with advanced processors and FPGAs, extensively using optical links to enhance performance. The software has adopted modern continuous integration tools and advanced monitoring. The Calorimeter Trigger system, utilizing the detector's full granularity, enhances object identification...
The PADME experiment was originally designed to test dark matter theories predicting the existence of a "Dark Sector" composed of particles that interact with Standard Model ones exclusively through the exchange of a new, massive mediator.
The confirmation of the X17 anomaly, observed in nuclear decays at the ATOMKI in Debrecen, sparked considerable interest in the particle physics community....
In order to obtain total charm cross sections in hadron-hadron collisions, measured fiducial cross sections need to be extrapolated including the treatment of charm fragmentation non-universality effects which have recently been reported by the LHC experiments. For this, a novel phenomenological approach [1] was introduced with a theory-inspired extrapolation function which is constrained by...
The CONNIE experiment uses high-resistivity silicon CCDs with the aim of detecting the coherent elastic scattering (CEνNS) of reactor antineutrinos with silicon nuclei at the Angra-2 reactor. It was recently upgraded with two Skipper-CCDs, increasing the sensitivity reach down to a record 15 eV, and becoming the first experiment to employ Skipper-CCDs for reactor neutrino detection. We report...
Meson factories are powerful drivers of diverse physics programs and play a major role in particle physics at the intensity frontiers.
Currently, PSI delivers the most intense continuous muon beam in the world up to 10^8 μ+/s. The High-Intensity Muon Beam (HiMB) project at PSI aims to develop new muon beamlines that deliver up to 10^10 μ+/s, with a huge impact for low energy muon-based...
The production of antihelium in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV is studied with the LHCb experiment. The used dataset corresponds to 5.1 f b−1. The helium nuclei are identified using mainly ionisation losses in the silicon detectors, resulting in a nearly background-free sample of more than 105 candidates. Recent improvements lead to further suppression of the residual background from photon...
We study whether in-medium showers of high-energy quarks and gluons can be treated as a sequence of individual splitting processes or whether there is significant quantum overlap between where one splitting ends and the next begins. Accounting for the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect, we calculate such overlap effects to leading order in high-energy $α_s(\mu)$ for the simplest...
The HIBEAM/NNBAR experiment is a two stage experiment for the European Spallation
Source to search for baryon number violation. The experiment would make high sensitivity searches for baryon number violating processes: n → nbar and n → n′(neutron to sterile neutron), corresponding to the selection rules in baryon number ΔB = 2, 1 , respectively. The experiment addresses open questions such as...
High Energy Photon Source(HEPS) will produce huge amount of data. Efficiently storing, analyzing, and sharing this huge amount of data presents a significant challenge for HEPS.
HEPS Computing and Communication System(HEPSCC), has designed and established a network and computing system. A deliciated machine room and high speed network have been ready for production. A computing architecture...
The IDEA detector, designed for future e+e- colliders like FCC-ee or CEPC, features an innovative design with a central tracker enclosed in a superconducting solenoidal magnet, a preshower system, and a dual readout calorimeter. Positioned within the iron yoke are three muon detector stations. The preshower and muon detector employ μ-RWELL technology, inheriting the best characteristics of GEM...
Dark SHINE is a fixed-target experiment initiative at SHINE (Shanghai high repetition rate XFEL and extreme light facility, being the 1st hard X-ray FEL in China) under construction targeting completion in 2026. Dark SHINE aims to search for the new mediator, Dark Photon, bridging the Dark sector and the ordinary matter. In this work and presentation, we present the idea of this new project...
We present a novel long-lived particle (LLP) trigger that exploits the Run~3 upgrade of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL), which introduced a precision timing ASIC, programmable front-end electronics, and depth segmentation to the CMS HCAL barrel. The hardware- and firmware-based trigger algorithm identifies delayed jets resulting from the decay of massive LLPs, and...
High-precision calculations are crucial for the success of the LHC physics programme. However, the soaring computational complexity for high-multiplicity final states is threatening to become a debilitating bottleneck in the coming years. At the same time, the rapid proliferation of non-traditional GPU-based computing hardware in data centres around the world demands an overhaul of the event...
The nuSTORM facility enables innovative neutrino physics studies through the decay of muons circulating in a storage ring. The well-defined composition and energy spectra of the neutrino beam from the decays of muons,combined with precise muon flux measurements, facilitate a diverse research program probing fundamental neutrino properties.
nuSTORM has been optimized to store muons with...
Nuclear power reactors offer an intense source of antineutrinos (ν̄ e) for investigating Coherent Neutrino Nucleus Elastic Scattering (CνAel − a Standard Model process) at low energy in the complete coherency regime [1, 2]. Furthermore, they offer avenues for probing the beyond Standard Model (BSM) aspects of CνAel, including various low mass light mediators and non-standard interactions. The...
Measurements of beauty-hadron production in pp collisions provide a fundamental tool for testing perturbative QCD calculations. Studies in p--Pb collisions allow us to shed light on the role of cold nuclear matter effects on beauty production and their impact on beauty-quark hadronisation.
In this presentation, the final results on the production of charm mesons and baryons from...
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will search for the coherent, neutrino-less conversion of a negative muon into an electron in the field of an aluminum nucleus, an example of Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (CLFV). Observation of CLFV at Mu2e would be an unambiguous signal of physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). Mu2e aims to improve previous sensitivity on the conversion rate by four orders...
Resonance production is one of the key observables to study the dynamics of high-energy collisions. The analysis of $K^*(892)^0$ meson allows to better understand the time evolution of high-energy nucleus-nucleus collision. Namely, the ratio of $K^*(892)^0$ to charged kaons is used to determine the time between chemical and kinetic freeze-outs.
In this talk, the first NA61/SHINE results of...
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will search for the neutrinoless muon-to-electron conversion in the nuclear field by stopping $\mu^{-}$ on an Al target. The experimental signature of $\mu^{-}$ to $e^{-}$ conversion on Al is the 104.97 MeV mono-energetic conversion $e^{-}$s. Rejection of one of the most important experimental backgrounds coming from muon Decays-In-Orbit requires a momentum...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next-generation long-baseline neutrino experiment currently under construction in the US. The experiment consists of a broadband neutrino beam from Fermilab to the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota, a high-precision near detector, and a large liquid argon time-projection chamber (LArTPC) far detector. The...
SuperCDMS SNOLAB is a direct dark matter search experiment currently under construction at SNOLAB in Sudbury, Canada. SuperCDMS will deploy 24 cryogenic Si and Ge detectors, arranged in 4 towers with 6 detectors each. Although all 4 towers have been previously tested at SLAC, the extent of testing was limited due to large cosmogenic background at this surface facility. Two of the towers...
We introduce a modification to the standard expression for tree-level CP-violation in scattering processes at the LHC, which is important when the initial state in not self-conjugate. Based on that, we propose a generic and model-independent search strategy for probing tree-level CP-violation in inclusive multi-lepton signals. Then, as an illustrative example, we show that higher-dimension...
LHCb functions as a spectrometer targeting the forward region of proton-proton collisions, focusing on a pseudo-rapidity range between 2 and 5. Due to the scarcity of background events in the high mass region, along with its precise reconstruction capabilities and a trigger system featuring low energy thresholds, LHCb offers an optimal environment for probing (exotic) Higgs decays,...
The Circular Electron Positron Collider accelerator TDR, as a Higgs and high luminosity Z factory, has been released in 2023. The baseline design of a detector concept consists of a large 3D tracking system, which is a high precision (about 100μm) spatial resolution Time Projection Chamber (TPC) detector as the main track embedded in a 3.0T solenoid field, especially for the accelerator...
Measurements of charm-strange meson and charm-baryon production in pp and heavy-ion collisions at the LHC are fundamental to investigate the charm-quark hadronisation across collision systems.
In this contribution, the final results of the ALICE Collaboration on the production of strange ($\mathrm{D_s}^+$ , $\Xi_\mathrm{c}^{0,+}$, $\Omega_\mathrm{c}^0$) and non-strange ($\mathrm{D}^0$ ,...
Circular muon colliders provide the prospect of colliding particles at unprecedented center-of-mass energies. However, the stored muons decay along their trajectory, inducing several technological challenges for the collider and detector design. In particular, secondary decay $e^{+/-}$ are a source of background and induce radiation damage in the machine and detector components, requiring a...
The NEXT collaboration seeks to discover the neutrinoless double beta decay (ββ0ν) of Xe-136 using a high-pressure gas time projection chamber with electroluminesence gain and optical read-out. An initial medium-scale prototype, NEXT-White, with 5-kg of xenon was operational at the Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc (LSC) from 2016 to 2021. This prototype has proven the outstanding...
To fully exploit the extended capability of its upgraded L1 trigger at the High-Luminosity LHC, CMS is pioneering a novel L1 Data Scouting (L1DS) system, capable of acquiring and processing the quasi-offline-quality trigger primitives produced by the upgraded L1 at the accelerator bunch-crossing rate of 40 MHz. The goal of the system is to give full access to potential physics signatures...
KM3NeT is a deep-sea neutrino observatory currently under construction in the Mediterranean Sea. Its main goals are the search for sources of high energy cosmic neutrinos and the study of neutrino oscillation phenomena with atmospheric neutrinos.
KM3NeT comprises 3D arrays of multi-PMT optical modules optimised to detect the Cherenkov light emitted by charged particles resulting from...
As a hadron collider, the LHC produces a large number of hadronic jets. Properties of these jets are good tests of QCD; however, hadronic decays of Standard Model particles, as well as signs of new physics, can be hidden in events containing jets too. The ATLAS jet trigger system is an important element of the event selection process, providing data to study a wide range of physics processes...
The Belle and Belle II experiments have collected a 1.1$~$ab$^{-1}$ sample of $e^+ e^-\to B\bar{B}$ collisions at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance. These data, with low particle multiplicity, constrained initial state kinematics and excellent lepton identification, are ideal to study lepton-flavour universality in semileptonic decays of the $B$ meson.
We present results on the ratios of...
Fragmentation functions (FFs) are typically parametrised exploiting measurements performed in $\mathrm{e^+e^-}$ and $\mathrm{e^-p}$ collisions, under the assumption of universality across collision systems. Measurements of charmed-hadron yields in pp collisions at LHC have proved that the fragmentation of heavy quarks differ in hadronic and leptonic collisions.
In this talk, we present...
The AMoRE-II experiment is the next phase of the AMoRE project. Its aim is to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 100Mo isotopes. The experiment will use 100 kg of 100Mo target nuclei enriched in more than 95%, which are mainly contained in hundreds of scintillating lithium molybdate crystal absorbers to use MMC (metallic magnetic calorimeter) sensors for a cryogenic calorimeter. The...
Modular Invariance is a relatively new approach to the flavour problem: in special cases, only one flavon is needed to reproduce the neutrino masses and mixing parameters, with just a small number of free parameters. By combining this framework with generalised CP-symmetry, one can determine that the flavon vacuum expectation value also dictates the CP-violation of the lepton sector. Hence,...
The study of Higgs boson production in association with one or two top quarks provides a key window into the properties of the two heaviest fundamental particles in the Standard Model, and in particular into their couplings. This talk presents property measurement of Higgs boson, in particular cross section and CP nature, with tH and ttH production in pp collisions collected at 13 TeV with the...
The extension of the BESIII experiment (IHEP, Beijing) until 2030 has triggered a program to improve the accelerator and the detector. In particular, it is proposed to replace the current inner drift chamber with a cylindrical GEM detector.
The inner CGEM tracker consists of three coaxial layers of triple GEM and is expected to restore efficiency, improve z-determination and secondary vertex...
The HL-LHC will open an unprecedented window on the weak-scale nature of the universe, providing high-precision measurements of the standard model (SM) as well as searches for new physics beyond the SM. Collecting the information-rich datasets required by such measurements and searches will be a challenging task, given the harsh environment of 200 proton-proton interactions per bunch crossing....
The correlations between net-conserved quantities such as net-baryon, net-charge and net-strangeness play a crucial role in the study of QCD phase structure, as they are closely related to the ratios of thermodynamic susceptibilities in lattice QCD (LQCD) calculations. This presentation introduces new results focusing on the correlations between net-kaon and net-proton as well as net-kaon and...
The international muon collider collaboration is working toward a staged implementation of a 10 TeV muon collider. The talk will summarise the key challenges and the progress that the collaboration is making in addressing them.
Multi-messenger astronomy studies transient phenomena by combining the information provided by different cosmic messengers, such as neutrinos, photons, charged particles or gravitational waves. A coincident detection enhances the chances for the identification of new astrophysical sources, which motivates the distribution of external alerts and their follow-ups by multiple observatories...
ATLAS RPC detectors have been operated with a gas mixture selected after an extensive R&D work and consisting of 94.7% C2H2F4, 5.% i-C4H10, and 0.3% SF6. The gas mixture has a high environmental impact, having a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of about 1400. So all possible measures to reduce its dispersion into the atmosphere should be put in place.
The contribution of RPC detectors to...
The ATLAS Trigger, upgraded for the increased instantaneous luminosity of the LHC in Run 3, includes a topological trigger system (L1Topo) that performs complex multi-object trigger calculations within a very small processing time of 75 ns. L1Topo is based on 6 Xilinx Ultrascale+ 9P FPGAs for massively parallel and fully synchronous computation using 2.5M LUTs per FPGA. Its firmware is...
Polarization and spin correlations have been explored very little for quarks other than the top. Utilizing the partial preservation of the quark's spin information in baryons in the jet produced by the quark, we examine possible analysis strategies for ATLAS and CMS to measure the quark polarization and spin correlations in $pp\to q\bar{q}$ processes. We find polarization measurements for the...
Neutrinoless double-beta decay plays a crucial role in addressing crucial questions in particle physics, including lepton number conservation and the Majorana nature of neutrinos. CUPID is a next-generation experiment to search for 0νββ of 100Mo using scintillating bolometers. CUPID profits from the experience acquired with CUORE, the first ton-scale bolometric array, currently in operation,...
Flavor deconstruction refers to ultraviolet completions of the Standard Model where the gauge group is split into multiple factors under which fermions transform non-universally. We propose a mechanism for charging same-family fermions into different factors of a deconstructed gauge theory in a way that gauge anomalies are avoided. The mechanism relies in the inclusion of a strongly-coupled...
This R&D project, initiated by the DOE Nuclear Physics AI-Machine Learning initiative in 2022, leverages AI to address data processing challenges in high-energy nuclear experiments (RHIC, LHC, and future EIC). Our focus is on developing a demonstrator for real-time processing of high-rate data streams from sPHENIX experiment tracking detectors. Integrating streaming readout and intelligent...
The full set of data collected by CMS experiment at a centre of mass energy of 13 TeV allows searches for rare production modes of the Higgs boson, subdominant with respect the ones already observed at the LHC, by using a variety of decay modes profiting of the ones with largest expected branching fractions. They include associate production of the Higgs with two b-quarks, with a c-quark, or...
The FASTSUM Collaboration has developed a comprehensive research programme in thermal lattice QCD using 2+1 flavour ensembles. We will review our recent hadron spectrum results including analyses of open charm mesons and charm baryons at non-zero temperature. We also detail our determination of the interquark potential in the bottomonium system using NRQCD quarks. Finally, we summarise our...
A new detector concept optimizes MPGD geometry for low-cost and large-area applications while keeping the same performance. The base element, a µRtube, is a cylindrically shaped µRWELL of 0.9cm radius, which works as an amplification stage and readout. The external sleeve is 18 cm in diameter and accommodates the cathode, completing a radial tubular TPC having a small internal surface used for...
In High Energy Physics Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) detectors are typically operated in avalanche mode, making use of a high-performance gas mixture which main component, Tetrafluoroethane (C2H2F4), is classified as a fluorinated high Global Warming Potential greenhouse gas.
The RPC EcoGas@GIF++ Collaboration is pursuing an intensive R&D on new gas mixtures for RPC detectors to explore...
A 10 TeV muon collider has the potential to directly search for new physics and uniquely probe electroweak SM properties. An important component of such a collider is cooling, in which a cloud of muons is converted into a beam. In the last stage of this process called final cooling, emittance decreases in the transverse axes while increasing in the longitudinal axis. This step is critical to...
The DAMIC-M (DArk Matter In CCDs at Modane) experiment will use skipper CCDs to search for low mass (sub-GeV) dark matter underground at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (LSM). With about 1kg of silicon target mass and sub-electron energy resolution, the detector will surpass the exposure and threshold (eV-scale) of previous experiments. Thus, DAMIC-M will have world-leading sensitivity to...
Neutrino telescopes play a fundamental role in highlighting the hadronic component of cosmic ray accelerators in the Universe. The ANTARES underwater neutrino telescope was operated for more than 15 years in the Mediterranean Sea off shore the coast of Toulon, France. The KM3NeT/ARCA detector, designed for the observation of high energy cosmic neutrinos, is under construction at the KM3NeT...
In the SM, the electroweak bosons couple to the three lepton families with the same strength, the only difference in their behaviour being due to the difference in mass. In recent years, some deviations have been found in measurements of the ratios of branching fractions for $b$-hadrons decaying into final states with different lepton flavours. This talk presents recent results of lepton...
We discuss production of $D$ mesons in $p\!-\!H\!e$ and $p\!-\!N\!e$ collisions at the LHCb in the fixed-target mode. We explain how the LHCb data may put constraints on the intrinsic charm (IC) component in the nucleon. We show that there is a possible scenario in which the traditional components are insufficient to describe the LHCb data, especially for backward rapidities and large meson...
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is a cubic kilometer Cherenkov light detector that also searches for signatures of particles beyond the standard model including fractionally charged particles. These are predicted to carry a fraction of the elementary charge, resulting in faint tracks in the detector.
To enhance the efficiency of detecting these faint signatures, we developed the novel Faint...
Saturated fluorocarbons (CnF(2n+2)) are chosen for their optical properties as Cherenkov radiators, with C4F10 and CF4 used in COMPASS and LHCb RICH1&2. Non-conductivity, non-flammability and radiation resistance make them ideal coolants with C6F14 used in all LHC experiments, while C3F8 evaporatively cools the ATLAS silicon tracker. These fluids however have high GWPs (>5000*CO2).
While not...
The near detector of T2K experiment is undergoing a major upgrade. A new Time Projection Chambers have been constructed, based on the innovative resistive Micromegas technology. A resistive layer is deposited onto the segmented anode in order to spread the charge onto several adjacent pads. This way, the spatial resolution for a given segmentation is improved. The results of the first detailed...
Lepton flavor violation in tau decays, an unambiguous signature of New Physics, has been searched in many channels by multiple collaborations, including BaBar, Belle, Belle II, LHCb, ATLAS and CMS. Combined upper limits as compiled by the Tau subgroup of the Heavy Flavor Averaging group are presented, for channels where multiple searches provide significant contributions.
Direct photons are emitted throughout the development of a relativistic heavy ion collisions; their observation, therefore, provides a snapshot of the evolution of the collisions.This talk will present the latest results of the PHENIX experiment at RHIC obtained from high statistics Au+Au data set taken at 200 GeV. The results expand earlier measurements and isolate the non-prompt direct...
Detailed measurements of Higgs boson properties can be performed using its decays into fermions, providing in particular a key window into the nature of the Yukawa interactions. This talk presents the latest measurements by the ATLAS experiment of Higgs boson properties in its decays into pairs of tau leptons, using the full Run 2 pp collision dataset collected at 13 TeV.
Dark matter is a hypothetical new form of matter that does not interact with the electromagnetic field and has a very weak interaction with ordinary matter. WIMPs are prime dark matter candidates, but most experiments are constrained to spin-independent interactions in the 10-100 GeV/$c^2$ mass range.
QUEST-DMC (Quantum Enhanced Superfluid Technologies for Dark Matter and Cosmology) is a...
The International Muon Collider Collaboration (IMCC) is investigating the key challenges of a 10 TeV center-of-mass muon collider ring, along with its injector complex and an intermediate 3 TeV collider stage. Muon and anti-muon bunches are produced via a proton driver complex and then undergo 6D cooling. The bunches are then accelerated before entering the collider ring by a series of Linacs,...
The search for neutrinoless double beta decay could cast light on one critical piece missing in our knowledge i.e. the nature of the neutrino mass. The observation of such a potentially rare process demands a detector with an excellent energy resolution, an extremely low radioactivity and a large mass of emitter isotope. Nowadays many techniques are pursued but none of them meets all the...
In arxiv:2312.07758 and arxiv:2206.11281 we applied the recently-developed Residual Chiral Expansion (RCE) to significantly reduce the set of unknown subsubleading hadronic functions to a set of highly-constrained functions at second order in Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET). In this talk, we present updated predictions for $R(D/D*)$ using the RCE and the recent new experimental inputs...
The azimuthal correlation angle, $\Delta\phi$, between the scattered lepton and the leading jet in deep inelastic $ep$ scattering at HERA has been studied using HERA II data collected with the ZEUS detector. Differential cross sections, $d\sigma/d\Delta\phi$, are presented for the first time as a function of the azimuthal correlation angle in various ranges of the jet transverse momentum...
During the third data taking period, the Large Hadron Collider provided record-breaking integrated and instantaneous luminosities, resulting in huge amounts of data being provided with numbers of interaction per bunch crossing significantly beyond initial projections. In spite of these challenging conditions, the ATLAS Inner Detector (ID) track reconstruction continued to perform excellently....
I will describe a Left-Right symmetric model that provides an explanation for the mass hierarchy of the charged fermions within the framework of the Standard Model. This explanation is achieved through the utilization of both tree-level and radiative seesaw mechanisms. In this model, the tiny masses of the light active neutrinos are generated via a three-loop radiative inverse seesaw...
Recent advancements in High Energy Physics experiments demand innovative particle detectors capable of operating efficiently in high-background and high-radiation environments. This necessitates R&D in MPGD technology, targeting particle fluxes up to 10 MHz/cm2. Our project focuses on single-stage amplification resistive Micromegas, addressing challenges such as miniaturization of readout...
New readout electronics for the ATLAS LAr Calorimeters are being developed, within the framework of the experimental upgrades for the HL-LHC, to be able to operate with a pile-up of up to 200 simultaneous pp interactions. Moreover, the calorimeter signals of up to 25 subsequent collisions are overlapping, which increases the difficulty of energy reconstruction. The energy computation will be...
Testing the Yukawa couplings of the Higgs boson with fermions is essential to understanding the origin of fermion masses. Higgs boson decays to quark pairs are an important probe of these couplings, and of properties of the Higgs boson more generally. This talk presents various measurements of Higgs boson decays into two bottom quarks as well as searches for Higgs boson decays into two charm...
A TeV muon-ion collider could be established if a high energy muon beam that is appropriately cooled and accelerated to the TeV scale is brought into collision with a high energy hadron beam at facilities such as Brookhaven National Lab, Fermilab, or CERN. Such a collider opens up a new regime for deep inelastic scattering studies as well as facilitates precision QCD and electroweak...
DarkSide-20k, a noble liquid argon using double-phase time projection
chamber, being constructed as a direct dark matter detection experiment
with 50 tonnes of fiducial target mass. The key component of the
experiment is low radioactivity argon (UAr) depleted in the isotope
The journey of UAr shall start from Urania plant in Colorado, with a
purity of 99.99% post extraction from...
The efficient and precise reconstruction of charged particle tracks is crucial for the overall performance of the CMS experiment. Prior to the beginning of the Run 3 at the LHC in 2022, the first layer of the Tracker Barrel Pixel subdetector was replaced in order to cope with the high pileup environment, and significant upgrades were made to the track reconstruction algorithms. Performance...
Observation of the neutrinoless double-beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay would demonstrate lepton number violation and provide insights into matter-antimatter asymmetry and the Majorana nature of neutrino. It is a challenging quest that requires experimental conditions ensuring little to no background and superb energy resolution. The Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay...
We will present an analysis of IceCube public data from its IC86configuration, namely PSTracks event selection, to search for pseudo-Dirac signatures in high-energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources NGC 1068, TXS 0506+056, PKS 1424+240 and GB6 1542+6129which have been detected with high significance. Neutrino flux from astrophysical sources is reduced in the pseudo-Dirac scenario due to...
The study of charmonium production in proton-proton collisions provide an excellent probe of QCD, as it involves both the perturbative and non-perturbative regime. At the LHC, charmonia are produced via hadroproduction in proton-proton collision vertex or from b-hadron decays. In both cases, they can also originate from an intermediate excited charmonium, which is required to be understood to...
With the ambition to maintain competitiveness of European accelerator-based research
infrastructures, the Horizon Europe project Innovate for Sustainable Accelerating Systems (iSAS) has been approved. Within total 17 academic and industrial partners, the objective of iSAS is to develop, prototype and validate new impactful energy-saving technologies so that SRF accelerators use significantly...
While the ionization process by charged particles (dE/dx) is commonly used for particle identification, uncertainties in total energy deposition limit particle separation capabilities. To overcome this limitation, the cluster counting technique (dN/dx) takes advantage of the Poisson nature of primary ionization, providing a statistically robust method for inferring mass information. This...
We present the preparation, deployment, and testing of an autoencoder trained for unbiased detection of new physics signatures in the CMS experiment Global Trigger (GT) test crate FPGAs during LHC Run 3. The GT makes the final decision whether to readout or discard the data from each LHC collision, which occur at a rate of 40 MHz, within a 50 ns latency. The Neural Network makes a prediction...
The impact of finite bottom-quark mass effects at next-to-next-to-leading order constitutes one of the leading theory uncertainties of the Higgs production cross section.
In this talk, I will present our evaluation of this contribution. We computed the relevant two-loop master integrals that enter the real-virtual contribution numerically using the method of differential equations. In...
$E_6$ Grand Unified Theories introduce novel symmetry-breaking patterns compared to the more common $SU(5)$ and $SO(10)$ GUT. We explore in this talk how $SU(3)^3$ (trinification), $SU(6)\times SU(2)$ and $SO(10)\times U(1)$ symmetries can explicitly arise from $E_6$ at an intermediate breaking stage.
Due to perturbative limitations associated with very large $E_{6}$ representations, the...
We propose a model for leptons based on the smallest modular finite group $\Gamma_2\simeq S_3$, incorporating two right-handed sterile neutrinos $N_{1,2}$ and a single modulus $\tau$ into the Standard Model (SM) particle spectrum. In addition to offering an excellent fit to low-energy neutrino observables, we investigate the potential for explaining the baryon asymmetry of the Universe (BAU)...
Results are presented on LF(U)V tests through precise measurements of decays involving heavy mesons and leptons, which are compared to the standard model predictions. The measurements use 13 TeV pp collision data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC.
Unstable long-lived particles with lifetime above 100 ps occur in the Standard Model (SM) and show up in many of their extensions. They are, however, challenging to reconstruct and trigger at the LHC due to their very displaced decay vertices. The new software-based trigger system of the LHCb experiment for Run 3 onwards consists of two stages, HLT1 and HLT2, the first one enabling the...
We investigate the challenges posed by non-global logarithms in analyzing the jet mass observable within the context of Z+jet production, employing jet grooming techniques. Their presence is obvious even if the jet clustering effects tend to reduce their contribution. Our approach involves both an analytical fixed-order calculation, extending up to second order in the coupling, and an...
The Run 3 data-taking conditions pose unprecedented challenges for the DAQ systems of the LHCb experiment at the LHC. Consequently, the LHCb collaboration is pioneering a fully software trigger to cope with the expected increase in event rate. The upgraded trigger has required advances in hardware architectures, expert systems and machine learning solutions. Among the latter, LHCb has explored...
Measurements of jets in heavy-ion collisions provide detailed information about the dynamics of the hot, dense plasma formed in these colli- sions at the LHC. This talk gives an overview of the latest jet measurements with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, utilizing the high statistics 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb and 8.16 TeV p+Pb data collected in 2015, 2016 and 2018. Multiple new results will be featured in...
Every bunch crossing at the LHC causes not just one proton-proton interaction, but several which are called "pileup". With the increasing luminosity of the LHC the number of pileup interactions per bunch crossing increases and it will reach up to 200 during high-luminosity LHC operation. Removing the pileup from an event is essential, because it does not only affect the jet energy but also...
With the ever-increasing requirement for sustainability in the modern age, it is crucial to understand the environmental impact of High Energy Physics (HEP) and related fields, especially considering the field's high resource consumption. This talk attempts to quantify the carbon footprints associated with four categories: Experiment, corresponding to the large infrastructure within HEP...
Outreach and communication with the public is an integral part of our work as researchers. A wide range of activities and platforms allow ALICE members to share, especially with the young generation, the excitement of our field. ALICE Masterclasses for high-school students, both in-person and online, are expanding, reaching a higher number of students every year. Visits to the experiment site,...
We present for the first time a revised study of charmonium production in nuclear ultra-peripheral collisions (UPC) based on a rigorous Green's function formalism. Such a formalism allows to incorporate properly effects of the color transparency, as well as the quantum coherence inherent in the higher twist quark shadowing related to the $Q\bar Q$ Fock component of the photon. The significance...
Charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV), poses a compelling indicator of potential physics beyond the standard model by violating the conservation of lepton flavor. A model is utilized featuring an additional Z$^{\prime}$ gauge boson to conduct an extensive comparative analysis of CLFV investigations at future lepton collider facilities, including a 240 GeV electron-positron collider and a muon...
Determination of the nature of dark matter is one of the most fundamental problems of particle physics and cosmology. This talk presents recent searches for dark matter particles in mono-X final states from the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. The results are based on proton-proton collisions recorded at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV with the CMS detector.
Several physics scenarios beyond the Standard Model predict the existence of new particles that can subsequently decay into a pair of Higgs bosons. This talk summarises ATLAS searches for resonant HH production with LHC Run 2 data. Several final states are considered, arising from various combinations of Higgs boson decays.
The Forward Physics Facility (FPF), is a proposed underground cavern that will greatly expand the LHC”s physics potential in the HL-LHC era. The FPF will house several experiments, including FASER2, FASERnu2, Advanced SND, FORMOSA, and FLArE. These experiments will detect thousands of TeV-energy neutrinos per day, with far-reaching implications for detecting BSM physics in neutrinos, QCD...
Scientists are becoming more aware of the impact of their activities on the environment. They also want to base their analysis of the situation on measurements, leading to decisions to minimise their contribution to climate change and pollution. With this in mind, scientists in French labs started the Labos 1point5 collective in 2019, to collect what is already ongoing, study how research is...
The exclusive photoproduction reactions γp → J/ψ(1S)p and γp → ψ(2S)p have been measured at an ep centre-of-mass energy of 318 GeV with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 373 pb$^{−1}$. The measurement was made in the kinematic range 30 < W < 180 GeV, Q$^2$ < 1 GeV2 and |t| < 1 GeV$^2$, where W is the photon-proton centre-of-mass energy, Q$^2$ is the photon virtuality...
Experimental uncertainties related to hadronic object reconstruction can limit the precision of physics analyses at the LHC, and so improvements in performance have the potential to broadly increase the impact of results. Recent refinements to reconstruction and calibration procedures for ATLAS jets and MET result in reduced uncertainties, improved pileup stability and other performance gains....
The Pierre Auger Collaboration has a long tradition of outreach that engages a wide range of people of all ages worldwide. In Malargue, Argentina, the heart of the Pierre Auger Observatory, the Visitor Centre offers a permanent interactive exhibition. Every November Collaboration meeting, we organize a Science Fair where Argentinian students from across the country can present their works and...
The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment is probing the effective electron anti-neutrino mass by a precise measurement of the tritium beta-decay spectrum near its kinematic endpoint. Based on the first two measurement campaigns a world-leading upper limit of 0.8 eV (90% CL) was placed. New operational conditions with an improved signal-to-background ratio, the reduction of systematic...
In this work, we revisit the experimental constraints on the multipolar dark matter that has derivative coupling to the visible sector mediated by the Standard Model photon. The momentum dependent interaction enables them to be captured efficiently within massive celestial bodies boosted by their steep gravitational potential. This phenomena makes compact celestial bodies as an efficient...
Tree Tensor Networks (TTNs) are hierarchical tensor structures commonly used for representing many-body quantum systems, but can also be applied to ML tasks such as classification or optimization. We study the implementation of TTNs in high-frequency real-time applications such as the online trigger systems of HEP experiments. The algorithmic nature of TTNs makes them easily deployable on...
The Belle and Belle$~$II experiment have collected samples of $e^+e^-$ collision data at centre-of-mass energies near the $\Upsilon(nS)$ resonances. These data have constrained kinematics and low multiplicity, which allow searches for dark sector particles in the mass range from a few MeV to 10$~$GeV. Using a 426$~$fb$^{-1}$ sample collected by Belle$~$II, we search for a light dark photon...
Many new physics models such as compositeness, extra dimensions, extended Higgs sectors, supersymmetry, and dark sectors are expected to manifest themselves in the final states with photons. This talk presents searches in CMS for new phenomena in the final states that include photons, focusing on the recent results obtained using the full Run-II data-set collected by the CMS Experiment at the LHC.
The measurement of jets recoiling from a trigger hadron provides unique probes of medium-induced modification of jet production. Jet deflection via multiple soft scatterings with the medium constituents may broaden the azimuthal correlation between the trigger hadron and the recoiling jets. The R-dependence of recoil jet yield probes jet energy loss and intra-jet broadening. The hadron+jet...
If, as so many believe, there are "BSM" Higgs bosons, it poses three questions:
- Why is the 125 GeV Higgs, H, so light?
- Why does H have only the Standard Model (SM) couplings to gauge bosons and fermions?
- What are the BSM Higgs masses?
Their answers are in a forgotten treasure by Eldad Gildener and Steven Weinberg (GW), Phys Rev D33, 3333 (1976)). GW assume a scale-invariant...
The CERN test beam lines and experimental areas serve over 200 test beams and experiments per year with more than 2000 users and are considered one of the most important facilities for detector R&D worldwide. Both the East and North Areas host several experimental areas and are in the process of extensive renovation to ensure the availability of test beams for the coming decades. We present...
The $B^0 \to K^{*0}\mu^+\mu^-$ decay is mediated via the rare flavour changing neutral current transition $b \to s\ell^+\ell^-$, and constitute sensitive probes for New Physics (NP), as they are forbidden at tree-level in the SM. Virtual NP contributions can therefore have a large impact, and previous LHCb measurements of the decay have shown interesting tensions with the SM predictions at the...
The electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) of the CMS experiment at LHC is crucial for many physics analyses, from Higgs measurements to new physics searches. A precise calibration of the detector and its individual channels is essential to achieve the best possible resolution for electron and photon energy measurements, as well as the measurement of the electromagnetic component of jets and the...
LHAASO is the world's highest-altitude, largest-scale, and most sensitive cosmic ray detection facility.It has achieved a number of significant results.
Modern Physics(MP) is a popular science magazine in physics.It focuses on popularizing and promoting modern physics knowledge and advanced scientific and technological developments.
Campus Cosmic-ray Observation Collaboration(CCOC) is a...
We investigate the exclusive photoproduction of J/psi mesons in
ultraperipheral heavy-ion collisions in the color dipole approach. We
use the color dipole formulation of Glauber-Gribov theory to calculate
the diffractive amplitude on the nuclear target.
We discuss the role of $c \bar c g$-Fock states, which can be understood
in terms of the shadowing of the nuclear gluon distribution. We...
Taking axion inflation as an example, we consider a scenario where the inflaton is coupled solely to a pure SU(3) Yang-Mills sector. In the low-energy phase of this sector, glueball states are formed. If non-renormalizable operators are considered, these glueballs may become unstable and reheat the standard model fields. Yet, for a certain parameter range, C-parity can protect part of the...
Neutrinos produced in an early stage of the Big Bang are believed to pervade the Universe.
The Ptolemy project is studying novel experimental techniques to observe this relic cosmological background neutrinos and to eventually study their flux and compare it with cosmological models.
This requires to face challenges in material technologies as tritium storage on nanostructure and...
We present the current status of the R&D performed for the ePIC dual-radiator RICH (dRICH) detector at the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). The dRICH will be equipped with silicon photomultipliers (SiPM), the first large-scale application of SiPM for single-photon detection in HEP. Special focus will be given to the beam test performed with the prototype SiPM optical readout, consisting of...
Various extensions of the Standard Model predict the existence of additional Higgs bosons. If these additional Higgs bosons are sufficiently heavy, an important search channel is the di-top final state. In this channel, interference effects between the signal and the corresponding QCD background process are important. If more than one heavy scalar is present, besides the signal-background...
Although the LHC experiments have searched for and excluded many proposed
new particles up to masses close to 1 TeV, there are many scenarios that
are difficult to address at a hadron collider. This talk will review a
number of these scenarios and present the expectations for searches at an
electron-positron collider such as the International Linear Collider.
The LHCb detector generates vast amounts of data (5 TB/s), necessitating efficient algorithms to select data of interest and reduce the bandwidth to acceptable levels in real time. Deploying machine learning (ML) models for inference at all trigger stages is challenging, as the models need to fulfill strict throughput requirements.
To achieve the throughput aims, optimized batched...
We use the parametric approach to analyze jet suppression measured using the nuclear modification factor of inclusive jets and jets from gamma-jet events. With minimum model assumptions, we quantify the magnitude of the average energy loss, its pt-dependence, and flavor dependence. Further, we quantify the impact of fluctuations in the energy loss and nuclear PDFs on the measured jet...
We present the most recent $BABAR$ searches for reactions that could simultaneously explain the presence of dark matter and the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. This scenario predicts exotic $B$-meson decays of the kind $B\to\psi_{D} {\cal B}$, where $\cal{B}$ is an ordinary matter baryon (proton, $\Lambda$, or $\Lambda_c$) and $\psi_D$ is a dark-sector anti-baryon, with branching...
Neutrino has been regarded as an unique tool to reveal the interiors of astronomical objects. KamLAND, which is a 1 kt liquid scintillator located in the Kamioka mine, detects electron-anti neutrinos through the inverse beta decay. Due to its significant sensitivity around a few MeV energy region, supernova neutrino (SN$\nu$) search has been conducted. Neutrinos emitted a few hours before a...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is embarking on an ambitious quest to unravel the mysteries surrounding neutrinos and their intricate interactions. At the heart of our collaboration is a dedication to not only probe the depths of neutrino physics but also to engage the public, students and policy makers with all aspects of the DUNE experiment. We are committed to communicating...
We present a study of both inclusive and diffractive neutrino-nucleus scattering in the framework of the QCD dipole model and Color Glass Condensate effective field theory. This study fills the gap in this topic, as diffractive production in such process is investigated for the first time. We show that although the effect of gluon saturation is small, there are some of its signatures which...
I will discuss cosmological domain walls which are described by tension red-shifting with the expansion of the Universe so that this network eventually fades away completely. These melting domain walls emit gravitational waves with the low-frequency spectral shape corresponding to the spectral index γ=3 favoured by the recent NANOGrav 15 yrs data. This scenario involves a feebly coupled scalar...
Rare B-hadron decays mediated by $b\to s\ell^+\ell^-$ transitions provide a sensitive test of Lepton Flavour Universality (LFU), a symmetry of the Standard Model by which the coupling of the electroweak gauge bosons to leptons is flavour universal. Extensions of the SM do not necessarily preserve this symmetry and may give sizable contributions to these processes. Precise measurements of LFU...
The High Luminosity upgrade of the CERN LHC (HL-LHC) will deliver unprecedented instantaneous and integrated luminosities to the detectors and an average of up to 200 simultaneous interactions per bunch crossing is expected. The CMS detector is undergoing an extensive Phase-2 upgrade program to prepare for these severe conditions and a major upgrade of the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) is...
The ISIS-II Neutron and Muon source is the proposed next generation of, and successor to, the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source based at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the United Kingdom. Anticipated to start construction in 2032, the ISIS-II project presents a unique opportunity to incorporate environmental sustainability practices from its inception.
A (Simplified) Life Cycle Assessment...
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a large-scale collider facility that can serve as a factory of the Higgs, Z, and W bosons and is upgradable to run at the ttbar threshold. While it also has a tremendous potential to search for the direct production of new physics states, which including Supersymmetry, Dark Matter and Dark Sector, Long-Lived Particles, and more. This talk will...
Based on a data-driven approach and a scaling analysis, we demonstrate that the quenching of hadron spectra at RHIC and LHC allows for a precise determination of the path-length dependence of parton energy loss in quark-gluon plasma. We find that the average energy loss is proportional $\langle \epsilon \rangle \propto L^\beta$ with $\beta=1.02^{+0.09}_{-0.06}$, consistent with the pQCD...
The dMu/DT collaboration plans to measure the $\mu$CF rate and sticking fraction at temperatures ~10$^3$K and pressure ~10$^5$ bar using a diamond anvil cell with D-T mixture. In parallel, physics processes related to formation, transport, transfer, and other deexcitations of muonic atoms, as well as $\mu$CF and reactivation of muons to the fusion cycles are being modeled in GEANT4. Although...
Properties of the Higgs boson (H) at current and future particle colliders are crucial to explore new physics beyond the standard model. In particular, experimental and theoretical outlooks at future colliders drive interest in Higgs to gauge boson couplings. Single Higgs production via vector-boson fusion allows probing Higgs couplings with massive vector bosons (V = W, Z). We consider...
Identification of hadronic jets originating from heavy-flavor quarks is extremely important to several physics analyses in High Energy Physics, such as studies of the properties of the top quark and the Higgs boson, and searches for new physics. Recent algorithms used in the CMS experiment were developed using state-of-the-art machine-learning techniques to distinguish jets emerging from the...
The natural scenario where dark matter originates from thermal contact with familiar matter in the early universe requires the DM mass to lie within about MeV to 100 TeV. Considerable experimental attention has been given to exploring WIMPs in the upper end of this range, while the sub-GeV region is largely unexplored, even though a thermal origin for dark matter works in a predictive manner...
Charged Lepton flavour violation (cLFV) is a flavour-changing short-range interaction among charged leptons. cLFV processes, although allowed by neutrino oscillations, are in the Standard Model highly suppressed, hence below any experiment sensitivity. Thus, a search for cLFV constitutes a clear probe of Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics. The LHCb collaboration has recently conducted...
In this study, we revisit the extraction of parton-to-$K^0_S$ hadron fragmentation functions (FFs)focusing on both next-to-leading-order(NLO) and next-to-next-to-leading-order (NNLO) accuracies.
Our approach involves the analysis of single inclusive electron-positron annihilation (SIA) data, marking the first incorporation of the most recent experimental data from BESIII. Employing the...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is one of the two multi-purpose experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and has a broad physics program. Many aspects of this program depend on the ability to trigger, reconstruct, and identify events with final state electrons, positrons, and photons with high efficiency and excellent resolution.
In this talk we present the characteristics and the...
The initial density of both the Dark Matter(DM) and the Standard Model (SM) particles may be produced via perturbative decay of inflaton with different decay rates, creating an initial temperature ratio, $\xi_i$=T$_{DM,i}$/T$_{SM,i}$. This scenario implies inflaton mediated scatterings between the DM and the SM, that can modify the temperature ratio even for high inflaton mass. The effect of...
In this talk, we will discuss the studies presented in PRX ENERGY 2, 047001, where the carbon impact of the Cool Copper Collider (C$^3$), a proposed e$^{+}$e$^{-}$ linear collider operated at 250 and 550 GeV center-of-mass energy, is evaluated. We introduce several strategies to reduce the power needs for C$^3$ without modifications in the ultimate physics reach. We also propose a metric to...
In this talk we discuss factorization of jet cross sections in heavy-ion collisions based on fixed-order calculations. First, using Glauber modelling of heavy nuclei, a factorized formula for jet cross sections is derived, which involves defining jet functions in QCD medium. Then, we present our result of the jet function for producing a heavy quark-antiquark pair, denoted by $Q\bar{Q}$, at...
One of the indirect detection method of dark matter (DM) is based on the search of the products of DM annihilation or decay. They should appear as distortions in the gamma rays spectra and in the rare Cosmic Ray (CR) components, like antiprotons, positrons and antideuterons, on top of the standard astrophysical production. In particular, the antiprotons in the Galaxy are mainly of secondary...
Flavour-tagging is a critical component of the ATLAS experiment physics programme. Existing flavour tagging algorithms rely on several low-level taggers, which are a combination of physically informed algorithms and machine learning models. A novel approach presented here instead uses a single machine learning model based on reconstructed tracks, avoiding the need for low-level taggers based...
A major obstacle for detection of meV-scale rare events is demonstrating sufficiently low energy detection thresholds in order to detect recoils from light dark matter particles. We have developed a method of cryogenic optical beam steering that can be used to generate O(μs) pulses of small numbers of photons over the energy range of 0.1 - 5eV and deliver them to any location on the surface of...
With the current precision of measurements by ATLAS and CMS experiments, it cannot be excluded that a SM-like Higgs boson is a CP violating mixture of CP-even and CP-odd states. We explore this possibility here, assuming Higgs boson production in ZZ-fusion, at 1 TeV ILC, with unpolarized beams. The full reconstruction of SM background and fast reconstruction of the signal is performed,...
High-Electric-Charge compact Objects (HECOs) appear in several theoretical particle physics models beyond the Standard Model, and are actively searched for in current colliders, such as the LHC. In such searches, mass bounds of these objects have been placed, using Drell-Yan and photon-fusion processes at tree level so far. However, such estimates are not reliable, given that, as a result of...
Fragmentation Functions (FF) play a crucial role in the description of the hadronization process. We report the measurements of normalized differential cross sections of inclusive hadron production as a function of hadron momentum at six energy points with $q^2$ transfer from 5 to 13 GeV$^2$ at BESIII.
We study under which conditions a first-order phase transition in a composite dark sector can yield an observable stochastic gravitational-wave signal. To this end, we employ the Linear-Sigma model featuring Nf = 3, 4, 5 flavours and perform a Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis computation also accounting for the effects of the Polyakov loop. The model allows us to investigate the chiral phase...
The FAMU experiment (Fisica degli Atomi MUonici), led by INFN at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK), is designed to measure the hyperfine splitting of the muonic hydrogen ground state. This measurement, aiming to give an accurate insight of the proton's magnetic structure, plays a key role in verifying the most accurate QED calculations and tests the interaction between proton and muon. A...
Recent CMS results on rare decays with FCNC transition. The analyses are based on proton-proton collision data collected in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV.
SND@LHC is a stand-alone experiment to measure neutrinos produced at the LHC in an unexplored pseudo-rapidity region (7.2<𝜂<8.6). It is located at 480m from IP1 in the TI18 tunnel. Its hybrid detector is composed of 800kg tungsten target-plates, interleaved with emulsion and electronic trackers, followed by a calorimeter and a muon system. This allows to identify all three neutrino flavours,...
The European Laboratory Directors Group that coordinates European programme of accelerator R&D, took recently the decision to establish a working group on sustainability assessment of future accelerators. Working group mandate is to develop guidelines and a minimum set of key indicators pertaining to the methodology and scope of the reporting of sustainability aspects for future HEP projects....
The presence of a non-baryonic Dark Matter (DM) component in the Universe is inferred from the observation of its gravitational interaction. If Dark Matter interacts weakly with the Standard Model (SM) it could be produced at the LHC. The ATLAS experiment has developed a broad search program for DM candidates, including resonance searches for the mediator which would couple DM to the SM,...
We propose a differentiable vertex fitting algorithm that can be used for secondary vertex fitting, and that can be seamlessly integrated into neural networks for jet flavour tagging. Vertex fitting is formulated as an optimization problem where gradients of the optimized solution vertex are defined through implicit differentiation and can be passed to upstream or downstream neural network...
Two-dimensional (2D) jet tomography is a promising tool to study jet medium modification in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. It combines gradient (transverse) and longitudinal jet tomography for selection of events with localized initial jet production positions. It exploits the transverse asymmetry and energy loss that depend, respectively, on the transverse gradient and jet path length...
Organic scintillators detect ionizing radiation and are crucial in Particle and Nuclear Physics research. This study aims to enhance scintillator properties for next-gen experiments, focusing on Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) and Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) as promising alternatives for emitting blue light when exposed to radiation. We manufacture, PET, PEN, and PET:PEN blend scintillator...
The causal view of hadron formation allows to establish a simple quantization scheme describing mass spectra of light hadrons. The resulting model predicts a multitude of observable effects. The talk contains a short introduction to the model followed by the comparison of its predictions with recent LHC measurements.
At the LHCb Experiment, we search for very rare decays of heavy hadrons containing b or c quarks. Most of these decays occur in the Standard Model (SM) through heavily-suppressed Flavour-Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC) leading to decay rates expected to be as tiny as 10^-9 or considerably below. These decays offer therefore various possibilities to search for deviations from SM predictions....
We will present the operational status of the LHC Run 3 milliQan detector un, whose installation began last year and was completed during the 2023-4 YETS, and is being commissioned at the time of submission. We will also show any available initial results from data obtained with Run 3 LHC Collisions.
Sustainability has become a prioritized goal in the design, planning and implementation of future accelerators; approaches to improved sustainability include overall system design, optimization of subsystems, and operational concepts. A direct quantification of the ecological footprint, is currently performed only sporadically, with Lifecycle Assessments (LCA) emerging as a more comprehensive...
As the $\phi$ meson is composed of a pair of strange-antistrange quarks, it puts implicit constraints on modelling the hadronization procedure itself. Perturbative QCD inspired models, such as PYTHIA 8, describe hadronization through parton showers where strangeness is conserved on a quark-by-quark basis. In contrast, quark-gluon plasma inspired models, such as EPOS-LHC and EPOS4, model...
Our understanding of neutrinos faces limitations from neutrino-nucleus interaction uncertainties. Constraining the uncertainties has proven challenging given the absence of a complete model. To bypass most uncertainties, a DUNE physics program named PRISM employs a data-driven approach to measure neutrino oscillations. It involves the near detector (ND) moving off the neutrino beam axis to...
The physical sciences can struggle to engage teenagers, sometimes being perceived as complex or daunting. To combat this, Badminton School developed its ‘Science Outreach’ programme enabling students to deliver liquid nitrogen based shows in 25 schools each year and at national events such as WOMAD, the UK Big Bang and the Northern Ireland Science Festival, appearing on these events’ main...
The nature of dark matter is one of the most relevant open problems both in cosmology and particle physics.The NEWSdm experiment, located in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory in Italy, is based on a novel nuclear emulsion technology with nanometric resolution and new emulsion scanning microscopy that can detect recoil track lengths down to one hundred nanometers. Therefore, it is the most...
A precise measurement of the luminosity is a crucial input for many ATLAS physics analyses, and represents
the leading uncertainty for W, Z and top cross-section measurements. ATLAS luminosity determination in Run-3 of the LHC follows the procedure developed in Run-2 of the LHC. It is based on van-der-Meer scans during dedicated running periods each year to set the absolute scale, and an...
The Belle and Belle II experiments have collected a 1.1$~$ab$^{-1}$ sample of $e^+ e^-\to B\bar{B}$ collisions at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance. These data, with low particle multiplicity and constrained initial state kinematics, are an ideal environment to search for rare $B$ decays proceeding via electroweak penguin processes and lepton-flavour violating decays to final states with missing...
Many extensions of the standard model can give rise to tau leptons produced in non-conventional signatures in the detector. For example, certain long-lived particles can decay to produce taus that are displaced from the primary proton-proton interaction vertex. The standard tau reconstruction and identification techniques are suboptimal for displaced tau leptons, which require specialized...
We present a compact scintillating fiber timing detector developed for the Mu3e experiment. Mu3e is a novel experiment for the search of the charged lepton flavor violating neutrinoless muon decay mu -> eee. Mu3e is about to start taking data at PSI using the world's most intense continuous surface muon beam. The scintillating fiber detector is formed by staggering three layers of 250 um...
Experimental data on the interaction between vector mesons and nucleons are a crucial input for understanding the pattern of in-medium chiral symmetry restoration (CSR) and the dynamically generated excited N($\Delta$) states. However, accessing these interactions is hampered by the short-lived nature of vector mesons, making conventional scattering experiments unfeasible. Leveraging the...
We present a general family of effective $SU(2)$ models with an adjoint scalar. We construct the Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) limit and derive monopole solutions in analytic form. In contrast to the 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole, included here as a special case, these solutions tend to exhibit more complex energy density profiles. Typically, we obtain monopoles with a hollow cavity at...
The MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) experiment was exposed to Fermilab's neutrino beamlines from 2015 to 2021. The experiment has established a rich physics program. MicroBooNE records and utilizes both the ionization charge and scintillation light produced inside the TPC to select and reconstruct its events. Crucial to the experiment's physics program is a detailed...
The Belle-II experiment has recently measured $\mathcal{B}(B\to K\nu\nu)$, which appears to be almost $3\sigma$ larger than its Standard Model (SM) prediction. In this talk, I will critically revisit the status of the SM predictions for the $B\to K^{(\ast)}\nu\nu$ decays, and discuss the interpretation of this Belle-II measurement in terms of a general Effective Field Theory, as well as...
In this report, we present the development of a new type of particle identification (PID) detector, the DIRC-like time-of-flight (DTOF). The DTOF detector uses the arrival time of Cherenkov photons to achieve better PID performance than a classic TOF detector with the same time resolution. It features fast response, a wide momentum range of PID, compact structure, ease of operation and...
The upcoming HL-LHC represents a steep increase in the average number of pp interactions and hence in the computing resources required for offline track reconstruction of the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk). Track pattern recognition algorithms based on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been demonstrated as a promising approach to these challenges. We present in this contribution a novel algorithm...
Quarkonium is an ideal probe to explore the properties of QCD. Unlike Large Hadron Collider (LHC) measurements, quarkonium production at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) has different production mechanisms, can access different kinematic phase space and may experience different medium densities/temperatures. The PHENIX experiment has collected a large $J/\psi \to \mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ data...
Motivated by the remarkable Belle II experimental result on $B\to K ^{}\, E_{\rm miss}$, and phenomenological difficulties in accommodating it exclusively in terms of processes with SM neutrino final states, we systematically investigate possibilities that $E_{\rm miss}$ comes not only from the SM neutrinos but also from other light undetected particles. We consider both single scalar or...
The KNU Advanced Positronium Annihilation Experiment (KAPAE) has developed a phase II detector to search for positronium invisible decay such as milli-charged particles, mirror world, axion, new light X-boson, and extra dimensions. KAPAE phase II detector optimized to detect gamma rays emitted during the annihilation of positronium and identify missing energy. It consists of a 5 × 5 array of...
Precision luminosity evaluation is an essential ingredient to cross section measurements at the LHC, needed to determine fundamental parameters of the standard model and to constrain or discover beyond-the-standard-model phenomena. The latest results of the CMS experiment are reported. The absolute luminosity scale is obtained with beam-separation “van der Meer” scans, and the systematic...
Since 2013, the University of Michigan has hosted semester research programs for undergraduates at CERN. Students are selected from a diverse mix of universities and embedded in active research programs at the laboratory. Mentors are selected for their leadership skills and their ability to educate and inspire the students. Projects include detector R&D, software development, trigger design...
The theory of an independent Higgs field is given by an $\textrm{O}(N)$ model with an $N$-component scalar $\vec{\phi}$ and a quartic $\lambda(\vec{\phi}\cdot\vec{\phi})^2$ potential when $N=4$. The phase structure of the theory can be studied analytically for all values of the coupling $\lambda$ using the large-$N$ limit, both at zero and finite temperature. However, authors in the 70s and...
MicroBooNE utilizes an 85-tonne active volume Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) to pursue an ambitious physics programme including the search for oscillations between active and sterile neutrinos, and a broad range of cross section measurements and searches for new physics. LArTPCs are high-precision imaging detectors that capture fine details of particle interactions, driving the...
The composition of the innermost region of neutron stars is unknown, and the possible appearance of QCD axions has recently been proposed to help understand this puzzle. The properties of axions at high baryon densities can be related to the in-medium properties of pions, which are accessible in pp collisions at the LHC. Here, the emission of multiple hadrons helps to mimic high densities due...
We explore how quantum gravity effects, manifested through the breaking of discrete symmetry responsible for both Dark Matter and Domain Walls, can have observational effects through Dark Matter indirect detections and gravitational waves. To illustrate the idea we consider a simple model with two scalar fields or one fermion field plus one scalar field, together with two $Z_2$ symmetries, one...
The Czech Particle Physics Project (CPPP) is introduced. It consists of two types of modules, learning modules for masterclasses aimed at high-school students (aged 15 to 18), and modules for educational aid and sources for expert information as web portals dedicated to Higgs boson research and searches for Supersymmetry. The modules are accessible at The modular...
In this presentation we describe the performance obtained running machine learning models studied for the ATLAS Muon High Level Trigger. These models are designed for hit position reconstruction and track pattern recognition with a tracking detector, on different models of commercially available Xilinx FPGA cards: Alveo U50, Alveo U250, and Versal VCK5000. We compare the inference times...
The LGAD could be used as the time of flight detector for the Chinese electron-positron collider (CEPC). As suggested by the CEPC board, the time of flight is urgent for the flavor physics in CEPC, especially for the k/p and k/pi separation in the low-energy part. Two designs based on LGAD technology have been studied for the CEPC. One is pure ToF with 50 ps time resolution and would be...
Measurements of top quarks in heavy-ion collisions are expected to provide novel probes of nuclear modifications to parton distribution functions as well as to bring unique information about the evolution of strongly interacting mat- ter. We report the observation of the top-quark pair production in proton-lead collisions at the centre-of-mass energy of 8.16 TeV in the ATLAS experiment at the...
The LHCb detector optimised its performance in Run 1 and 2 by stabilising the instantaneous luminosity during a fill, by tuning the distance between the two colliding beams according using a hardware-based trigger. In Run 3, the LHCb experiment has being upgraded to cope with the 5-fold increase of luminosity and it has a fully software-based trigger. A brand new luminometer, PLUME, has been...
Dealing with modern physics, particularly in a cutting-edge laboratory with hands-on experiments, serves as a valuable tool for inspiring high school students to pursue STEM careers. In this case, in fact, students can immerse themselves, become part of the research setting, interact with researchers, raise awareness of the numerous applications of research in everyday life, and conduct...
The electroweak hierarchy problem and the naturalness framework have been a
driving theme for model building beyond the Standard Model of particle physics.
In the case of the Higgs boson, the problem lies in the difficulty of
producing a model where the Higgs mass is insensitive to parameters in the
ultraviolet (UV) completed theory. With time, more traditional solutions to
the hierarchy...
The 2016 discovery of gravitational waves by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration is a watershed moment in cosmology. Now, with the approval of the space-based LISA experiment, the hunt is on: A search for gravitational-wave remnants of the Electroweak phase transition; to probe the Higgs potential and perchance even explain the Baryon asymmetry problem. Yet the theoretical hurdles are...
In the last decade, several resonances in the mass range 900-2000 MeV/$c^{2}$ (e.g. $f_{0}$(980) and $f_{1}$(1285)) have been proposed to have exotic quark compositions. Theory predicts it can be a linear composition of two u and d quarks or can have hidden strangeness to form tetra-quark hadrons or hadrons with a hybrid structure. The excellent particle identification capabilities of the...
Radiative rare b-hadron decays are sensitive probes of new Physics through the study of branching fractions, angular observables, CP violation paramenters and photon polarization. The LHCb experiment is ideally suited for the analysis of these decays due to its high trigger efficiency, as well as excellent tracking and particle identification performance. Recent measurements of the b-hadron...
The SBND experiment, a 112-ton liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC), functions as the near detector for the Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program at Fermilab. Positioned only 110 metres from the beam target, SBND anticipates capturing over a million neutrino interactions annually, surpassing the dataset sizes of other LAr experiments by more than an order of magnitude. Due to its...
Increases in instantaneous luminosity and detector granularity will increase the amount of data that has to be analyzed by high-energy physics experiments, whether in real time or offline, by an order of magnitude. In this context, Graph Neural Networks have received a great deal of attention in the community for the reconstruction of charged particles, because their computational complexity...
The ePIC detector is specifically designed to address the entire physics program
at the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). It consists of several sub-detectors, each tailored
to address specific physics channels. One of the key sub-systems of ePIC is
the dual-radiator Ring Imaging Cherenkov (dRICH) detector, which is a highmomentum
particle-identification system located in the hadronic end-cap....
Charmonia is a valuable tool to investigate nuclear matter under extreme conditions, particularly in the strongly interacting medium formed during heavy-ion collisions. At the LHC energies, the regeneration process has been found to significantly impact the observed charmonium characteristics. In particular, the ψ(2S) production relative to J/ψ is a physical observable with strong...
Anti-nuclei heavier than anti-D are unlikely to be formed during cosmic rays (CRs) propagation, as confirmed by the PHOENIX and ALICE collaborations. Anti-He observations could be related to Dark Matter interactions. Dedicated experiments must possess high charge sign discrimination to observe anti-He due to the He abundance in CR. Detector's effects, such as the rigidity resolution and the...
Cross section measurements are an essential part of the ALICE physics program and require precise knowledge of the luminosity delivered by the LHC. In ALICE, the luminosity determination relies on visible cross sections measured in dedicated calibration sessions, the van der Meer scans.
In this talk, the methodology and results of the luminosity measurement will be discussed. For the LHC Run...
The ultimate dream of unification models consists in combining both gauge and Yukawa couplings into one unified coupling. This is achieved by using a supersymmetric exceptional E6 gauge symmetry together with asymptotic unification in compact five-dimensional space-time. The ultraviolet fixed point requires exactly three fermion generations: one in the bulk, and the two light ones localised on...
We show that the masses of pion and its excited states as well as the pion decay constant, charge radius, electromagnetic form factor and photon-to-pion transition form factor can be simultaneously described by the holographic light-front QCD for the transverse dynamics augmented by the 't Hooft equation governing the longitudinal dynamics. We point out that this formalism satisfy the GMOR constraint.
T2K is a long-baseline experiment for the measurement of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations. The ND280 near detector at J-PARC plays a crucial role to minimise the systematic uncertainties related to the neutrino flux and neutrino-nucleus cross-sections.
ND280 has been recently upgraded with a new suite of sub-detectors: a high granularity target with 2 million optically-isolated...
Weak decays of beauty baryons offer an attractive laboratory to search for effects beyond the Standard Model (SM), complementary to searches in meson decays. Flavour changing neutral currents such as $b \to s\ell^+\ell^-$ transitions are of particular interest due to their high suppression in the SM. The LHCb experiment is ideally suited for the analysis of these decays due to its high trigger...
3D granularity plastic scintillator detectors combine particle tracking, calorimetry and sub-ns time resolution. Future detectors will aim to larger volumes and finer segmentation, making the manufacturing and the assembly prohibitive. The 3DET is developing additive manufacturing of plastic scintillator, opening the door to large-scale production of 3D-segmented detectors. A monolithic...
Tracking charged particles in high-energy physics experiments is a computationally intensive task. With the advent of the High Luminosity LHC era, which is expected to significantly increase the number of proton-proton interactions per beam collision, the amount of data to be analysed will increase dramatically.
Traditional algorithms suffer from scaling problems. We are investigating the...
The recent ATOMKI experiments provided evidence pointing towards the existence of an X17 boson in the anomalous nuclear transitions of Beryllium-8, Helium-4, and Carbon-12. The favored ranges for X17 boson couplings to u and d quarks are determined through fittings to these nuclear transitions. In this work, we consider X17 boson contributions to the previously measured $D$ meson decays,...
Open heavy flavor and quarkonium have long been identified as ideal probes for understanding the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Heavy quarks are produced in the early stage of the heavy-ion collisions, therefore they experience the evolution of the medium produced, providing an important tool to investigate the properties of the QGP. In particular, the magnitude of the elliptic flow measured at the...
The NEWS-G collaboration is searching for light dark matter candidates using a novel gaseous detector concept, the spherical proportional counter. Access to the mass range from 0.05 to 10 GeV is enabled by the combination of low energy threshold, light gaseous targets (H, He, Ne), and highly radio-pure detector construction. First physics results using the commissioning data of a 140 cm in...
The CMS Beam Radiation, Instrumentation and Luminosity (BRIL) system aims to provide high-precision bunch-by-bunch luminosity determination in the harsh conditions of the High-Luminosity LHC. Luminosity instrumentation will use diverse technologies, including a dedicated detector, the fast beam conditions monitor (FBCM) with Si-pad sensors and a fast triggerless readout. Various CMS...
Bound state constituents move in the instantaneous potential generated by their companions. QED and QCD have instantaneous potentials when the gauge is fixed over all space at an instant of time (eg., A^0=0). Thus the Schrödinger equation can be generalised to relativistic motion [1].
The QCD potential felt by a quark or gluon can be non-vanishing at spatial infinity for color singlet...
The NOvA experiment uses the ~1 MW NuMI beam from Fermilab to study neutrino oscillations over a long distance. The experiment is focused on measuring electron neutrino appearance and muon neutrino disappearance at its Far detector situated in Ash River, Minnesota. NOvA was the first experiment in High Energy Physics to apply convolutional neural networks to the classification of neutrino...
We present an update of the likelihood analysis of the general two Higgs doublet model, using both theoretical constraints and the latest experimental measurements of the flavour observables. We make use of the public code GAMBIT and find that the model can explain the neutral anomalies while respecting the latest measurement of RK((*)) by the LHCb and simultaneously fitting the values of the...
The multi-gluon exchanges between quark loops constitute a contribution to confining force inside hadronic states at vanishing transferred momenta and finite strong coupling. In this talk, we present calculations of QCD corrections to Coulomb potential in the configuration of multi-gluon exchanges between two quark loops (four-quark scattering amplitude) in the limit of vanishing transferred...
Axions in the mass range of tens to hundreds of micro-electron volts represent a promising dark matter candidate. Traditional cavity haloscopes represent a sensitive experimental configuration for probing low axion mass ranges, corresponding to frequencies up to a few GHz. However, the scaling of these cavity detectors to higher frequencies proves impractical due to limitations imposed by the...
Tracking is one of the most crucial components of reconstruction in collider experiments. It is known for high consumption of computing resources, and various investigations are ongoing to cope with this challenge. The track reconstruction can be considered as a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problem. Recent progress with two complementary approaches will be presented: (1)...
The physics program at the HL-LHC calls for a precision in the luminosity measurement of 1%. To fulfill this requirement in an environment characterized by up to 140 simultaneous interactions per bunch crossing (200 in the ultimate scenario), ATLAS will rely on multiple, complementary luminosity detectors, covering the full range of HL-LHC beam conditions from the low-luminosity, low-pileup...
The beauty baryon spectroscopy exhibit a rich phenomenology, which contributes to a deep comprehension of fundamental interactions. The large sample of beauty baryons produced at the Large Hadron Collider offers an unprecedented opportunity to enhance our understanding of these particles through searching for new decay channels, measurement of b-baryon properties, and the exploration of new...
For fifty years, the standard model of particle physics has been hugely successful in describing subatomic phenomena. Recently, this statement appeared to be contradicted by the strong disagreement between the recent measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, $a_\mu$, and the reference standard-model prediction for that quantity. Such a large discrepancy should signal the...
The ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter readout electronics will be upgraded for the HL-LHC. This includes the development of custom preamplifiers and shapers with low noise and excellent linearity, a new ADC chip with two gains and new calibration boards with excellent non-linearity and non-uniformity between all calorimeter channels. New ATCA compliant signal processing boards equipped with FPGAs...
The China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL) is an excellent location for studying solar, geo- and supernova neutrinos. As an early stage of the Jinping Neutrino Experiment (JNE), we have been studying the performance of a 1-ton liquid prototype neutrino detector at CJPL-I. We aim to improve its electronics system and photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) to explore its potential capabilities...
The Mu2e experiment will search for the CLFV process of neutrinoless coherent conversion of muon to electron in the field of an Al nucleus. The experimental signature is a monochromatic conversion electron with energy $E_{CE} = 104.97$ MeV/c. One of the possible background processes is $\bar{p}$s produced by the proton beam at the Production Target, annihilating in the ST. The background...
Understanding the formation of (anti)nuclei in high-energy collisions has attracted large interest over the last few years. According to the coalescence model, nucleons form independently and then bind together if they are close in phase-space. A recent advancement of the model is the Wigner function formalism, which allows the calculation of the coalescence probability based on the distance...
The exploration of the Higgs boson's properties and its interactions with top quarks constitutes a pivotal aspect of the post-Higgs discovery era. Among these, the measurement of the associated production of a Higgs boson with a pair of top quarks (ttH) offers a unique window into the Yukawa coupling between the Higgs and the top quark, the heaviest known fundamental particle. This poster...
Inspections and interventions in radioactive environments are often reliant on human personnel because of the complexity of the infrastructures that have not been designed for robotic or remote access. This is the case also for particle and nuclear physics experimental facilities which can become highly activated over time.
To alleviate problems with the decommissioning of the ATLAS inner...
The upcoming wave of neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) experiments is geared towards probing the inverted mass ordering and transitioning into the normal ordering domains. We undertake a quantitative assessment of the projected experimental sensitivities, with a specific emphasis on the discovery potentials anticipated prior to the execution of experiments. We assess the sensitivity of the...
Visualization is integral to high-energy physics (HEP) experiments, spanning from detector design to data analysis. Presently, depicting detectors within HEP is an intricate challenge. Professional visualization platforms like Unity offer advanced capabilities, and also provide promising avenues for detector visualization. This work aims to develop an automated interface facilitating the...
The ATLAS experiment will undergo major upgrades for the high luminosity LHC. The high pile-up interaction environment (up to 200 interactions per 40MHz bunch crossing) requires a new radiation-hard, fast readout tracking detector.
The Inner Tracker (ITk) upgrade design includes ~28,000 modules. It is vital to follow the complex global production flow. The ITk production database (PDB)...
An ATLAS search for axion like particles (ALPs) that decay into diphoton is presented. ALPs are hypothetical light particles that may be a component of a hidden (dark) dark sector. ALPs arising from Higgs decays are studied, where the Higgs is produced in association with a Z boson that is reconstructed leptonically. For prompt ALP decays, a dedicated search looking for two leptons and two...
High Energy Physics as a field is necessarily situated within the
broader societal context that surrounds it. As a result, societal biases
also shape physics research. Be it through retention of physicists who
are LGBTQ+, recruitment of young LGBTQ+ physicists, or fighting
discrimination in the lives and careers of our LGBTQ+ friends, family,
and colleagues, much can be done to fight the...
The S-matrix for a QFT in 4D Minkowski space is an inherently holographic object, i.e. defined at the (conformal) boundary of spacetime. A section of this boundary is the celestial 2-sphere and Lorentz group acts on it by conformal transformations. I will briefly review scattering, when translated from the basis of plane waves (translation eigenstates) to the conformal basis (dilatation...
We investigate the elastic production of top quark pairs ($t\bar{t}$) in $pp$ collisions at low and high luminosities. We extend the study of the sum of two semi-exclusive $t\bar{t}$ production modes, namely in photon--Pomeron ($\gamma-\!IP$) and Pomeron--Pomeron ($\!IP-\!IP$) interactions. We consider semi-leptonic $t\bar{t}$ decay, tagging of both forward protons, and low pile-up. We find...
The INO-ICAL collaboration has built a prototype detector called mini-ICAL at IICHEP, Madurai, India$\:$(9$^\circ$ 56' N, 78$^\circ$ 00' E). The mini-ICAL is being used to measure charge-dependent cosmic muon flux at the earth’s surface. Mini-ICAL is a magnetised detector, composed of 11 layers of iron plates interspaced with resistive plate chambers to track cosmic ray muons. The iron is...
Particle identification (PID) is crucial for future particle physics experiments like CEPC and FCC-ee. A promising breakthrough in PID involves cluster counting, which quantifies primary ionizations along a particle’s trajectory in a drift chamber (DC), bypassing the need for dE/dx measurements. However, a major challenge lies in developing an efficient reconstruction algorithm to recover...
We improve the YFS IR resummation theory so that it includes all of the attendant collinear contributions which exponentiate. The attendant new resummed contributions are shown to agree with known results from the collinear factorization approach. We argue that they improve the corresponding precision tag for a given level of exactness in the respective YFS hard radiation residuals as the...
Non-identical femtoscopy is sensitive to the two-particle pair source size ($R$) and the pair-emission asymmetry ($\mu$). Here, we studied the dependence of $R$ and $\mu$ on the centrality and pair transverse velocity ($\beta_{\rm T}$). For this purpose, we modelled the femtoscopic correlations between all charged pion-kaon pairs in Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=$ 5.02 TeV using a)...
Majoron-like particle J in the mass range between 1 MeV to 10 GeV, which dominantly decays into the standard model (SM) neutrinos, can be constrained from the big-bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). For majoron lifetime ($\tau_J$) smaller than 1sec, the injected neutrinos from the majoron decay heat up the background plasma and it results in the deficit of Helium-4 abundance and enhancement of...
Sub-GeV dark matter particles evade standard direct detection limits since their typical energies in the galactic halo don’t allow for detectable recoil of the heavy nuclei in the detectors. It was, however, pointed out recently that if the dark matter particles have sizable couplings to nucleons, they can be boosted by interactions with galactic cosmic rays and also sub-GeV dark matter can be...
The initial density of both the Dark Matter(DM) and the Standard Model (SM) particles may be produced via perturbative decay of inflaton with different decay rates, creating an initial temperature ratio, $\xi_i$=T$_{DM,i}$/T$_{SM,i}$. This scenario implies inflaton mediated scatterings between the DM and the SM, that can modify the temperature ratio even for high inflaton mass. The effect of...
The contribution provides an overview of the Data Quality Control System (QC) of the ALICE Inner Tracking System (ITS2).
QC is a software developed during the ITS commissioning before the beginning of the LHC Run 3. It is used to validate
the detector performance and guarantee efficient data taking.
QC is capable of synchronous data flow monitoring at different levels: data integrity, data...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is located in southern China, in an underground laboratory with a 650 m rock overburden. The primary scientific goal of JUNO is to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy.
Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) system is crucial to ensure the correct and smooth operation of the experimental apparatus during data taking of an experiment. The DQM...
This poster will present the Drell-Yan differential cross-section measurement in the wide dilepton mass range of 40-3000 GeV. The measurement was done using 2016-2018 CMS experiment data. A special emphasis will be placed on the background estimation procedures in dielectron and dimuon measurements.
The precision measurements of the Drell-Yan process are important inputs to parton...
The influence of exploiting Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) for signal-over-background classification in High Energy Physics (HEP) analysis is often underrated. In this research, we investigated the effect of a DNN classifier on the Vector Boson Fusion (VBF) production mode of the Higgs boson that decays into b-quark pairs. The DNN improves the identification of the signal events overwhelmed by...
Large neutrino liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) experiments can broaden their physics reach by incorporating isolated MeV-scale features present in their data. We use data from MicroBooNE, an 85 tonne LArTPC exposed to Fermilab neutrino beams from 2015 until 2021, to demonstrate new calorimetric and particle discrimination capabilities for isolated ~O(1 MeV) energy depositions...
Hardware random number generators (HRNG) are widely used in the computer world for security purposes as well as in the science world as a source of the high-quality randomness for the models and simulations. Currently existing HRNG are either costly or very slow and of questionable quality. This work proposes a simple design of the HRNG based on the low-number photon absorption by a detector...
In offline software of JUNO experiment, detector identifier (ID) and geometry management are indispensable parts. Detector identifier provides a unique ID number for every detector unit with readout, which is used by different applications in offline software. An ID mapping service is under development to provide associations between different sets of ID systems, including offline software,...
Outreach & Education is an essential part of HEP experiments where visualisation is one of the key factors. 3D visualisation and advanced VR, AR, and MR extensions make it possible to visualise detectors’ facilities, explain their purpose, and functionalities, and visualise different physical events. The visualisation applications should be extensive, easily accessible, compatible with most...
The Upstream Tracker (UT) is a crucial component in the LHCb tracking system installed in the Upgrade I. The UT is a silicon microstrip detector that speeds up track reconstruction, reduces the rate of ghost tracks, and improves reconstruction of long-lived particles. LHCb is planning Upgrade II during Long-Shutdown 4 aiming at increasing the peak luminosity by a factor of 7.5. The event...
Generation of the relativistic electron beams using Laser Wakafield Acceleration technology (LWFA) has recently achieved Technology Readiness Level (RTL) sufficient to deliver MeV level electron beams for user experiment. Recently built LWFA accelerators can be operated at 1 kHz pulse repetition rate. The LWFA technology enables the production of electron beams with the ultra-shot time...
The water Cherenkov detector stands as a cornerstone in numerous physics programs such as precise neutrino measurements. In a conventional physics analysis pipeline, the understanding of detector responses often relies on empirically derived assumptions, leading to separate calibrations targeting various effects. The time-consuming nature of this approach can limit the timely analysis...
We present a comprehensive differential study of $\Lambda$ hyperon polarization in (ultra-)central Au+Au collisions at low and intermediate energies, employing the microscopic transport model UrQMD in conjunction with the statistical hadron-resonance gas model. This study entails a complex analysis of the fireball dynamics and thermal vorticity field evolution. The resulting thermal vorticity...
A cosmic muon veto detector (CMVD), using extruded plastic scintillator (EPS) strips, is being built around the mini-ICAL detector which is operational at IICHEP, Madurai. CMVD will study the feasibility of building a shallow depth neutrino detector. Muon interactions in the EPS are detected by SiPMs mounted at both ends of two wavelength shifting fibres that are inserted in the EPS strips....
DUNE is a long-baseline neutrino experiment that will precisely measure neutrino oscillation parameters, observe astrophysical neutrinos, and search for processes beyond the standard model. DUNE will build four LAr-TPCs far detectors with a total mass of ~70 kT LAr located at SURF (Sanford Underground Research Facility), 1.5 km below the earth’s surface. A near-site complex, hosting different...
We are interested in thermal corrections to dark matter (DM) annihilation cross sections in a MSSM-inspired BSM theory, having bino-like Majorana DM ($\chi$), annihilating to SM fermions through Yukawa interactions via a charged scalar channel in freeze-out scenario. We apply real-time formalism of thermal field theory (TFT) to investigate corrections due to thermal fluctuations of DM...
Within the ATLAS Experiment the Prompt Lepton Isolation Tagger (PLIT) served as an essential tool to distinguish between prompt muons originating from the decays of W and Z bosons and non-prompt muons generated in the semi-leptonic decays of b- and c-hadrons. Its central role was to effectively mitigate the presence of fake and non-prompt leptons in various multi-lepton final state analyses...
In the realm of high-energy physics experiments, the ability of software to visualize data plays a pivotal role. It supports the design of detectors, aids in data processing, and enhances the potential to refine physics analysis. The integration of complex detector geometry and structures, using formats such as GDML or ROOT, into systems like Unity for 3D modeling is a key aspect of this...
Jefferson lab is considering an energy increase from current 12 GeV to 22 GeV for its CEBAF accelerator. This will be accomplished by recirculating 5-6 additional turns through two parallel CEBAF LINACs using an FFA arc at each end of the racetrack. The total recirculation turns would be 10 times, the first four turns use present conventional arcs to make the 180-degree bends from one LINAC to...
We disclose a serious deficiency of the Baym-Kadanoff construction of thermodynamically consistent
conserving approximations. There are two vertices in this scheme: dynamical and conserving. The divergence of each indicates a phase instability. We show that each leads to incomplete and qualitatively different behavior at different critical points. The diagrammatically controlled...
The pixelated semiconductor tracking detectors became standard tool in experiments of high energy physics. An increasing demand for high resolution data requires highly granular detectors. Small pixels size and low noise electronics allows more data to be recorded for each event (cluster of pixels). Every pixel of modern detectors (e.g. Timepix3/4) can record deposited energy and time of...
At the LHC, Electrons and Photons play a crucial role for precision measurements of the Higgs Bosons properties as well as of Standard Model parameters such as the weak mixing angle, the W boson mass and related cross-sections which have proven to be competitive to prior determinations at the LEP or Tevatron colliders. In addition, they are crucial for searches using electron and photon final...
At the LHC, the vast amount of data from the experiments demands both sophisticated algorithms and substantial computational power for efficient processing. Hardware acceleration is an essential advancement for HEP data processing, focusing specifically on the application of High-Level Synthesis (HLS) to bridge the gap between complex software algorithms and their hardware implementation. We...
We present SKMHS22, a new set of diffractive PDFs and their uncertainties at NLO and NNLO accuracy in pQCD within the xFitter
framework. We describe all diffractive DIS datasets from HERA and the most recent H1/ZEUS combined measurements Three scenarios are considered: standard twist-2, twist-4 (including longitudinal virtual photons), and Reggeon exchange. For the contribution of heavy...
A new hadronic calorimeter (HCAL) with scintillating glass tiles has been designed for future lepton collider experiments (e.g. the Circular Electron Positron Collider). Using a sampling structure (similar to the CALICE AHCAL technology), the new HCAL design aims for better handron and jet performance, with a higher sampling fraction by using glass instead of plastic scintillator.
The KOTO experiment at J-PARC is dedicated to searching for the rare decay $K_L \rightarrow \pi^0 \nu \bar{\nu}$. This decay violates CP symmetry and is sensitive to new physics beyond the Standard Model(SM) because its branching ratio is predicted to be $3 \times 10^{-11}$ with a small theoretical uncertainty in SM. One of main backgrounds is caused by a small contamination of charged kaons...
The ALICE Collaboration has proposed a next-generation heavy-ion experiment to be installed at the LHC Interaction Point 2 during the LHC Long Shutdown 4, in preparation for Run 5 (2035) and 6. ALICE 3 will be equipped with a Time-Of-Flight (TOF) detector for the identification of charged particles and which should reach a time resolution of about 20 ps, with novel silicon sensors. In this...
In view of the High-Luminosity LHC era the ATLAS experiment is carrying out an upgrade campaign which foresees the installation of a new all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) and the modernization of the reconstruction software. Track reconstruction will be pushed to its limits by the increased number of proton-proton collisions per bunch-crossing and the granularity of the ITk detector. In order to...
The experimental & theoretical research on physics of massive neutrinos is based on standard paradigm of three-neutrino mixing, which describes the oscillations of neutrino flavors measured in solar, atmospheric a& long-baseline experiments. However, several anomalies , corresponding to an L/E of 1m/MeV could be interpreted by involving sterile neutrino as RAA & Galium anomaly.
STEREO was...
Successful reconstruction of hadronic events is critical for the physics measurements at high energy frontier, where the precise measurement of Higgs boson properties is essential, as it provides excellent opportunities to discover New Physics.
We propose a new methodology called jet origin identification, which could identify the jet seemed from 11 different colored SM particles (udsbc,...
The HL-LHC phase will be a challenge for the CMS-RPC system since the expected operating conditions are much higher with respect to those for which the detectors have been designed, and could introduce non-recoverable aging effects which can alter the detector properties. A longevity test is therefore needed to estimate the impact of HL-LHC conditions on RPC detector performance. This will...
We update the lepton universality tests and the Vus determination using measurements of tau decays. The tau lepton branching fraction global fit has been improved taking into account uncertainties on external nuisance parameters in its constraints. It will be included in the Heavy Flavour Averaging Group (HFLAV) as-of-2023 report and in the updated Tau Branching Fractions review in the PDG...
In view of the HL-LHC, the Phase-2 CMS upgrade will replace the entire trigger and data acquisition system. The detector readout electronics will be upgraded to allow a maximum L1A rate of 750 kHz, and a latency of 12.5 µs. The upgraded system will be entirely running on commercial FPGA processors and should greatly extend the capabilities of the current system, being able to maintain trigger...
The performance of the Level-1 Trigger (L1T) is pivotal for the data-taking endeavor of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The custom hardware-based L1T system reduces the event rate from the collision frequency of 40 MHz to around 115 kHz as input to the High Level Trigger (HLT). The effective operation and monitoring of the L1T are critical for...
Hyper-K is a next-generation long baseline neutrino experiment. One of its primary physics goals is to measure neutrino oscillation parameters precisely, including CP-asymmetry. As conventional νµ beam from J-PARC neutrino baseline contains only 1.5% of νe interaction of total, it is challenging to measure νe/νe(anti) scattering cross-section on nuclei. To reduce systematic uncertainty, IWCD...
Heterogeneous computing solutions for real-time event reconstruction are an emerging trend for future designs of trigger and data-acquisition systems, especially in view of the upcoming high-luminosity program of the LHC. FPGA devices offer significant improvements on latency when highly-parallelised algorithms, also based on machine-learning solutions, are coded and deployed on such devices....
Future e$^+$e$^-$ colliders provide a unique opportunity for long-lived particle (LLP) searches. This study focusses on LLP searches using the International Large Detector (ILD), a detector concept for a future Higgs factory. The signature considered is a displaced vertex inside the ILD's Time Projection Chamber. We study challenging scenarios involving small mass splittings between heavy LLP...
The European Strategy for Particle Physics identifies an e+e- Higgs factory as its top priority and the first step towards an ultra-high energy future hadron collider. The Future Circular Collider (FCC) is being proposed at CERN to address these goals. The FCC includes an electron-positron collider (FCC-ee), which will be followed by an energy-frontier hadron collider (FCC-hh).
New long...
This poster will illustrate the key aspects covered in the upcoming LHC EFT WG Note: SMEFT predictions, event reweighting, and simulation.
Emphasising the challenges associated with the generation of SMEFT predictions using the event reweighting technique, we illustrate the subtleties behind operators that introduce helicity configuration not allowed in the SM. Furthermore, we introduce a...
Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) is a next-generation international neutrino experiment currently under construction in Japan. HK will explore proton decay and have the capability to detect Earth-crossing, atmospheric, solar, cosmic, and accelerator neutrinos. Expected to start data collection in 2027, HK will require periodic calibration for optimal performance.
The calibration at lower energies will...
The measurement of low-mass e+e− pairs is a powerful tool to study the properties of the quark-gluon plasma created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Since such pairs do not interact strongly and are emitted during all stages of the collisions, they allow us to investigate the full space-time evolution and dynamics of the medium created. Thermal radiation emitted by the colliding...
The transformer models are dominating the generative modeling, namely in the natural language processing domain. The attention mechanism in those models does not suffer from implicit bias and it enables the processing of large amounts of data thanks to the parallelization of computations during the training. This study presents experiments with the transformer blocks in an image completion...
We present results using an optimized jet clustering with variable R, where the jet distance parameter R depends on the mass and transverse momentum of the jet. The jet size decreases with increasing $p_{T}$, and increases with increasing mass. This choice is motivated by the kinematics of hadronic decays of highly Lorentz boosted top quarks, W, Z, and H bosons. The jet clustering features an...
China JinPing Underground Laboratory (CJPL) is an underground laboratory with 2800 meters rock overburden and is ideal to carry out experiment for rare-event searches. Cosmic muons and muon-induced neutrons present an irreducible background to neutrino experiment and dark matter experiment at CJPL. A precise measurement of the cosmic-ray background of CJPL would play an important role in the...
ProtoDUNE Single-Phase was DUNE's first full-scale engineering prototype and operated from 2018-2020. It took test beam data of charged hadrons in 2018, including data of positively charged kaons at high GeV-scale momenta. A total inelastic cross section was measured using these test beam kaons with the thin-slice method, which artificially divides the detector into slices where the particle...
Muon reconstruction performance plays a crucial role in the precision and sensitivity of the LHC data analysis of the ATLAS experiment. Di-muon J/Psi and Z resonances are used to calibrate to per-mil accuracy the detector response for muons. This poster aims to provide an overview and the current status of the Muon Momentum Calibration within the ATLAS detector, thus the study of the procedure...
We present an interpretable implementation of the autoencoding algorithm, used as an anomaly detector, built with a forest of deep decision trees on FPGA, field programmable gate arrays. Scenarios at the Large Hadron Collider are considered for which the autoencoder is trained using the Standard Model. The design is then deployed for anomaly detection of unknown processes. The inference is...
The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed certain societal weaknesses, including the lack of scientists in the media and the readiness of the public to believe in fake news. "Neutralina" is a character conceived on Instagram ( in response to the observed need for scientific outreach done by women in Peruvian and Latin American society. The objectives of this project include normalizing...
The precise knowledge of neutrino flux and related uncertainties at the near and far detectors of the T2K experiment is crucial for extracting various neutrino oscillation parameters and neutrino cross-section measurements. The current Monte Carlo beam simulation framework, JNUBEAM, relies on the GEANT3 toolkits, which are no longer maintained. Additionally, it utilizes the FLUKA software to...
The poster will show the aspect of neutron skin and links of this topic with different areas of physics. After a theoretical introduction and examples of where neutron skin research can be used, I would like to show calculations made in recent months. Pb+Pb, proton+Pb, antiproton+Pb collisions at a high momentum were studied, and simulations were done with the UrQMD program. Among the...
Antiproton annihilation at-rest can provide a unique probe into the intra-nuclear structure of nuclei. This process was first observed in the 1950’s using photographic emulsion and has since been observed and studied on a variety of nuclei. We present here the first observation and reconstruction of antiproton annihilation at-rest interactions on argon nuclei using data from the LArIAT...
We present the observation of entanglement in top quark pairs using data collected with the CMS detector in the 2016 Run II of the LHC. Event signatures are selected only when two high pT leptons are present consistent with the dileptonic decay channel. An entanglement proxy D is used to determine whether the top quark pairs are entangled in the production threshold with D < -⅓ signaling...
ATLAS Open Data for Education delivers proton-proton collision data from the ATLAS experiment at CERN to the public along with open-access resources for education and outreach. To date ATLAS has released a substantial amount of data from 8 TeV and 13 TeV collisions in an easily-accessible format and supported by dedicated documentation, software, and tutorials to ensure that everyone can...
We present a novel readout circuit tailored primarily for PbWO4 scintillation detectors in high-energy experiments. The design integrates a 4x4 SiPM array directly coupled to a preamplification stage, housed within a compact electronics module. The readout circuit is design to work with independent number of the SiPMs without affecting the timing output. This module incorporates bias control...
The CMS Level-1 Trigger Data Scouting (L1DS) defines a new approach within the CMS Level-1 Trigger (L1T), enabling the acquisition and processing of L1T primitives at the 40 MHz bunch-crossing (BX) rate. The L1DS will reach its full potential with the CMS Phase-2 Upgrade at the HL-LHC, harnessing the improved Phase-2 L1T design, featuring tracker and high-granularity calorimeter data for the...
The RPC detectors in the CMS experiment operate with a gas mixture made of 95.2% C2H2F4, known to be a greenhouse gas. Several eco-friendly alternatives to C2H2F4, such as HFO, have been studied in the last few years in order to find an alternative mixture with low Global-Warming Potential (GWP), while maintaining the performance of the RPC chambers. Another way to improve the RPC standard gas...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) far detectors require readout of several hundred thousand charge-sensing channels immersed in the largest liquid argon time projection chambers ever built, calling for cryogenic front-end electronics in order to be able to adequately instrument the full detectors. The ProtoDUNE-II program at the CERN neutrino platform consists of 2 liquid argon...
The high luminosity operation of the LHC will deliver collisions with a luminosity about 10 times the original design value. This poses a big challenge for trigger and data acquisition in real-time due to nearly 200 overlapping collisions, called pile up, within a bunch crossing. The CMS experiment will revamp its trigger structure as part of the required upgrade, to have tracker and more...
ProtoDUNE-SP is a single-phase liquid argon time projection chamber, which was in operation at CERN from 2018 to 2020. It is a prototype detector for the DUNE far detector, which is designed to contain about 70 kiloton liquid argon for neutrino detections. In addition to the R&D studies, it also implements charged particle beam to study their behaviors in the liquid argon. These particles,...
The Higgs boson discovery at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) completed the Standard Model of Particle Physics, and it confirmed the Higgs mechanism as a suitable description of the Electroweak-Symmetry-Breaking (EWSB). Nevertheless, the dynamics of the EWSB is still one of the most consequential questions in particle physics and a fascinating topic due to its connection to other open questions...
Developed within the European Project STRONG2020, PrecisionSM is an annotated database that compiles the available data on low-energy hadronic cross sections in electron-positron collisions. It is important to collect and organize these experimental measurements since they are used to perform precise tests of the Standard Model, such as in the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. In...
During the upcoming High Luminosity phase of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), the integrated luminosity of the accelerator will increase to 3000 fb-1. The expected experimental conditions in that period, in terms of background rates, event pileup and the probable aging of the current detectors, present a challenge for all existing experiments at the LHC, including the Compact Muon Solenoid...
The Baur, Spira, and Zerwas model of composite quarks and leptons predicts the excited neutrinos to be produced in proton-proton collisions via contact interactions. Subsequently, the excited neutrinos decay via gauge interaction or contact interaction. The final states always include missing transverse energy; there can also be zero to three charged leptons and/or jets. The present study...
The quest for proton decay is a pivotal endeavor in particle physics, offering potential validation of Grand Unification Theories. In this pursuit, DUNE employs LArTPC technology and ML to boost detection sensitivity and minimize background events. This poster presents a new multimodal ML framework to distinguish proton decay into charged kaons and muons from DUNE's atmospheric neutrino...
Neutrino flavor oscillation, a crucial phenomenon in particle physics, explores the interplay between flavor and mass eigenstates, revealing insights beyond the standard model. Probabilistic measures traditionally study these transitions, while the quantum features of neutrinos, such as entanglement, open avenues for quantum information tasks. Quantum complexity, an evolving field, finds...
The aim of the SABRE (Sodium-iodide with Active Background REjection) experiment based in Australia is to detect an annual rate modulation from dark matter interactions in ultra-high purity NaI(Tl) crystals in order to provide a model independent test of the signal observed by DAMA/LIBRA.
Radionuclides from intrinsic and cosmogenic processes including $^{40}$K, $^{210}$Pb, $^{232}$Th and...
This work utilizes text analysis techniques to uncover connections and trends in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) research over time. Through embedding-based analysis, we are able to draw conceptual connections between disparate works across QCD subfields. Examining topic clustering and trajectories over time provides insights into new phenomena gaining momentum and experimental approaches coming...
The aim of the LHCb Upgrade II is to operate at a luminosity of up to 1.5 x 10$^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. The required substantial modifications of the current LHCb ECAL due to high radiation doses in the central region and increased particle densities are referred to as PicoCal. An enhancement already during LS3 will reduce the occupancy and mitigate substantial ageing effects in the central...
A search for scalar resonances decaying to four leptons is presented, with the data collected by the CMS detector from 2016 to 2018 at center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb-1. A model-independent approach is introduced and applied. Large mass region is covered from 130 GeV to 3 TeV, and different production mechanisms and width assumptions are tested.
A search for low mass narrow vector resonances decaying into quark-antiquark pairs at high transverse momentum is presented. The analysis is based on data collected in Run 2 with the CMS detector at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{13}~\mathrm{TeV}$. Signal candidates are reconstructed as large-radius jets and identified using the ParticleNet algorithm. This analysis presents the...
While experimental data has not ruled out the possibility of additional Higgs bosons or gauge sectors, several alternative models have been proposed to go beyond the standard model and tackle the question of hierarchy. These models predict the existence of heavy vector-like partner quarks that exhibit vector-axial (V-A) coupling, typically on the TeV scale. In this work, We focus on the...
This poster is dedicated to searches for additional Higgs bosons from an extended Higgs sector in fermionic final states. These scalar states are predicted by several Beyond Standard Model theories, like Two Higgs doublet Models (2HDM) and the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM). The results are interpreted in various benchmark scenarios.
Many extensions of the Standard Model with Dark Matter candidates predict new long-lived particles (LLP). The LHC provides an unprecedented possibility to search for such LLP produced at the electroweak scale and above. The ANUBIS concept foresees instrumenting the ceiling and service shafts above the ATLAS experiment with tracking stations in order to search for LLPs with decay lengths of...
In this study we investigate the feasibility of detecting heavy neutral leptons ($N_d$) through exotic Higgs decays at the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC), specifically in the channel of $e^+ e^-\to qq~H$ with $H\to\nu N_d\to\nu~lW\to\nu l~qq$. Analyses based on full detector simulations of the ILD are performed at the center-of-mass energy of 250 GeV for two different beam...
The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment probes the absolute neutrino mass scale by precision spectroscopy of the tritium $\beta$-decay spectrum. By 2025, a final sensitivity better than 0.3$\,$eV/c$^2$ (90% C.L.) is anticipated with a total of 1000 days of measurement.
Going beyond this goal, for instance towards the regime of inverted mass ordering, requires novel technological...
We present a detailed analysis of the transverse momentum distribution of charged particles from three different schemes. The first two arise from considering the color string picture described by the Schwinger mechanism convoluted with Gaussian and q-Gaussian string tension fluctuations, obtaining the $p_T$-exponential and the Tricomi’ function, respectively. Both are compared with the...
The ALLEGRO detector concept is a proposal for the detector to be operating at the Future Circular Collider FCC-ee. The calorimetry system consists of a high granular noble liquid electromagnetic calorimeter and a hadronic calorimeter with scintillating tiles using wavelength shifting fibers. The individual components of the calorimetry system in the barrel and extended barrel regions will be...
In several models of beyond Standard Model physics discrete symmetries play an important role. For instance, in order to avoid flavor changing neutral currents, a discrete Z2 symmetry is imposed on Two-Higgs-Doublet-Models (2HDM). This can lead to the formation of domain walls as the Z2 symmetry gets spontaneously broken during electroweak symmetry breaking in the early universe.
Due to...
ALICE is the LHC experiment designed for the study of nucleus-nucleus collisions. Its primary goal is to characterize the quark--gluon plasma (QGP), a deconfined state of matter created at extreme temperatures and energy densities. Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are excellent QGP probes, as they are mostly produced at the earliest collision stages and survive the entire medium evolution, thus...
The coupling of the Higgs boson to fermions is a crucial part of the standard model with still much room to explore. Since we’ve measured the interaction with the heavy third generation, our focus naturally shifts to the lighter generations. As the Higgs boson coupling scales with mass, this endeavor is much more difficult. The next natural candidate, the charm quark, in particular poses a...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a long-baseline neutrino-oscillation experiment aiming to measure CP-violation and the neutrino mass ordering. The far detector consists of four 17-kt modules based on Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) technology. The technologies chosen for the first and second DUNE modules are tested with large scale prototypes at the CERN...
The Higgs boson was discovered in 2012 and most of its properties agree with the standard model (SM). However, several rare Higgs boson decay channels haven't been observed, including the $H→Zγ$ channel with the branching ratio of $(1.5±0.1)×10^{−3}$. The rare Higgs decays provide probes for physics beyond the SM (BSM). Therefore, the search for $H→Zγ$ decay is performed, where $Z→l^+l^-$ with...
In the Color String Percolation Model, the QGP formation is associated with the emergence of the percolation cluster of color strings. Then, the estimation in the thermodynamic limit of phenomenological observables is suitable for heavy ion collisions, where a large number of particles are produced. In order to extrapolate these estimations to small systems, such as pp collision, finite size...
Using the most recent experimental data and lattice calculations of scattering lengths of pipi scattering and employing dispersive representation of the amplitude based on Roy equations, we compute the subthreshold parameters of this process. We use Monte Carlo sampling to numerically model the probability distribution of the results based on all uncertainties in the inputs. In the second part...
We present latest developments in Analysis Description Language (ADL), a declarative domain-specific language describing the physics algorithm of a HEP data analysis decoupled from software frameworks. Analyses written in ADL can be integrated into any framework for various tasks. ADL is a multipurpose construct with uses ranging from analysis design to preservation, reinterpretation, queries,...
In my poster, I will present four sub-topics related to radiation protection for the CPEC:
1. Conceptual design for the collider dump system: This includes the parameters of two dilution kickers and the sizes of a graphite core and iron shell. The maximum temperature rises in the collider dump for four operations are calculated and they are below the graphite melting point.
2. Radiation...
The T2K experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan. A muon (anti-)neutrino beam produced at J-PARC is detected at the near detector ND280 and the far detector Super-Kamiokande (SK). The ND280 detects neutrino interaction candidates before oscillation to predict the neutrino flux in SK and constrain neutrino-nucleus interaction models.
To reduce systematic...
The Penetrating particle Analyzer (PAN) is an instrument designed to operate in space to measure and monitor the flux, composition, and direction of highly penetrating particles in energy range from 100 MeV/n to 20 GeV/n. The demonstrator, called Mini.PAN, employs 2 sectors of permanent magnets arranged in Halbach geometry. These are interleaved with silicon strip detectors with 25 µm pitch in...
The Hyper-Kamiokande experiment will study long-baseline neutrino oscillations with the primary focus of a search for the leptonic CP violation, following the successful T2K experiment. Thanks to an 1.3MW beam produced at J-PARC and an 184 kilotonne fiducial mass of the far detector, the event rates will be 20 times higher than those of T2K, and the search will be systematically limited mainly...
The LHCb experiment will undergo its high luminosity detector upgrade in 2033-2034 to operate at a maximal instantaneous luminosity of 1.5 × 1034cm-2s-1. This increase in instantaneous luminosity poses a challenge to the tracking system to achieve proper track reconstruction with a tenfold higher occupancy. Here we focus on foreseen solutions for the new tracking stations after the magnet,...
KM3NeT is a research infrastructure with neutrino telescopes at two sites in the Mediterranean Sea for the detection of high-energy cosmic neutrinos. The two underwater telescopes, ARCA and ORCA, are Cherenkov detectors, using similar technology but with different geometrical layouts. In this way, it is possible to cover a large range of neutrino energy and address various science topics...
ALICE 3 is a new detector proposed to operate during the LHC Run 5 and 6. The Muon IDentifier (MID) detector is one of the ALICE 3 subsystems optimized to detect muons down to momenta below 1.5 GeV/c for rapidities |y|<1.3 for the reconstruction of J/ψ vector mesons down to zero transverse momentum at midrapidity. The ALICE 3 tracker large-acceptance will offer access to rare charmonium and...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) comprises a suite of Near Detectors and Far Detectors based on the Liquid Argon TPC technology, enhanced by a powerful Photon Detection System (PDS) that records the scintillation light emitted in Argon. Besides providing the timing information for an event, photon detectors can be used for calorimetric energy estimation.
The two observables...
The KOTO experiment at J-PARC searches for the rare decay, $K_L \rightarrow \pi^0\nu\overline{\nu}$. This search requires a high intensity $K_L$ beam which sets KOTO in a unique position to probe sub-GeV quark coupling to dark matter. One avenue to study this is the mode $K_L \rightarrow \pi^0\pi^0X$, where $X\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$. This mode was studied in the E391a experiment at KEK in the...
Unitarity and $CPT$ symmetry constrain the $CP$ asymmetries entering the Boltzmann equation for net particle number generation. These constraints often manifest as cancelations of the leading-order asymmetries in decays and scatterings. In this poster, we consider the asymmetries of seesaw type-I leptogenesis with top-Yukawa corrections. Even when starting with Maxwell-Boltzmann phase-space...
The Aether-Scalar-Tensor (AeST) theory is an extension of General
Relativity (GR) which allows for Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) in
its static weak-field limit and a LCDM-like cosmological limit.
MOND successfully describes the behaviour of galaxies without the need
for dark matter. This is best summarised by the Radial Acceleration
Relation (RAR), which directly relates the...
This presentation concerns the application of non-extensive statistics, more specifically that proposed by C. Tsallis, in the study of transverse momentum distributions of mesons composed of charm quarks produced in collisions between heavy ions at relativistic energies. Non-extensive statistics has been successful in the description of transverse momentum spectra of particles produced in...
DUNE will be a long baseline neutrino experiment with a broad physics program, including neutrino oscillation, proton decay, and supernova studies. The detector, located 1,500 m (4,850 ft) underground at SURF, South Dakota, will be 1,300 km (810 mi) away from the ultimate 2.4 MW proton beam source at Fermilab. Four far detector modules, of 17 kt total mass of liquid argon each, will produce...
Trilinear Higgs Couplings are crucial quantities for determining precisely the electroweak breaking mechanism. In the talk both Type 2 and Type 4 THDMS are analyzed and compared with respect to embedding the different current excesses at the LHC. In the talk also vacuum stability is discussed in the THDMS compared with the NTHDM. Precision requirements for measuring the trilinear couplings...
Pileup, or the presence of multiple independent proton-proton collisions within the same bunch-crossing, has been critical to the success of the LHC, allowing for the production of enormous proton-proton collision datasets. However, the typical LHC physics analysis only considers a single proton-proton collision in each bunch crossing; the remaining pileup collisions are viewed as an...
Mixed Layer (ML) in Oceans is defined as the less dense upper region of the water column where turbulent mixing occurs. Mixed Layer Depth (MLD) is the depth of this region and shows diurnal, seasonal fluctuations, and spatial variations. MLD is an indicator for climate change. When atmospheric muons enter the sea, a decreased muon count at the bottom of water is observed. Muon count is...
The precision measurement of daily proton fluxes with AMS during twelve years of operation in the rigidity interval from 1 to 100 GV is presented. The proton fluxes exhibit variations on multiple time scales. From 2014 to 2018, we observed recurrent flux variations with a period of 27 days. Shorter periods of 9 days and 13.5 days are observed in 2016. The strength of all three periodicities...
In high energy physics experiments, visualization not only plays important roles in detector design, data quality monitoring, simulation and reconstruction, but also aids physics analysis to improve the performance.
Besides the traditional physics data analysis based on statistical methods, the visualization method is intuitive and can provide unique advantages, especially in searching for...
If a high school student asks ten physicists what a particle is, he/she might get ten different answers, including a) particle is what we see in the detector, b) a point-like object with mass and various charges, c) a collapsed wave function, d) an excitation of a quantum field or even e) an irreducible representation of the Poincare group. I will briefly discuss strong and weak points of the...
Future collider experiments represent a frontier in particle physic, and tracking and particle identification (PID) are crucial aspects for these experiments. In this contribution, innovations in detector technologies, such as high-resolution silicon detectors and ultra light drift chambers with PID capabilities, as proposed for the IDEA detector at Future Circular Collider (FCC), are...
Deep learning methods are becoming indispensable in the data analysis of particle physics experiments, with current neutrino studies demonstrating their superiority over traditional tools in various domains, particularly in identifying particles produced by neutrino interactions and fitting their trajectories. This talk will showcase a comprehensive reconstruction strategy of the neutrino...
The CMS Collaboration is preparing to replace its current endcap calorimeters for the HL-LHC era with a high-granularity calorimeter (HGCAL), featuring a previously unrealized transverse and longitudinal segmentation, for both the electromagnetic and hadronic compartments, with 5D information (space-time-energy) read out. The proposed design uses silicon sensors for the electromagnetic section...
The latest CMS results on spectroscopy and properties of beauty mesons and baryons are presented. The results are obtained with the data collected by the CMS experiment in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV.
The radiative decays of $J/\psi$ provide a gluon-rich environment and are therefore regarded as one of the most promising hunting grounds for glueballs. Using the world's largest samples of $J/\psi$ events produced in $e^+e^-$ annihilation, BESIII performed the first measurements of the quantum numbers of the $X(2370)$ particle, along with its mass, production, and decay properties, and...
I will describe recent results on the double copy for amplitudes in (A)dS4 and their soft limits, which are relevant for holography and cosmology.
Effective Field Theories provide an interesting way to parameterize indirect BSM physics, when its characteristic scale is larger than the one directly accessible at the LHC, for a large class of models. Even if the Higgs boson is SM-like, BSM effects can manifest itself through higher-dimension effective interactions between SM fields, providing indirect sensitivity through distortions of...
The ATLAS Collaboration consists of more than 5000 members, from over 100 different countries. Regional, age and gender demographics of the collaboration are presented, including the time evolution over the lifetime of the experiment. In particular, the relative fraction of women is discussed, including their share of contributions, recognition and positions of responsibility, including...
Since the start of the LHC, pinning down the properties of top quarks has been a vital point of the LHC research program. Only recently, it was understood how top-quark properties can even be used to probe quantum entanglement and by such study foundational problems of quantum mechanics at the LHC. In this talk, recent CMS measurements of top-quark properties and their interpretation in terms...
The quest for new physics is a major aspect of the CMS experimental program. This includes a myriad of theoretical models involving resonances that can decay to massive bosons, photons, leptons or jets. This talk presents an overview of such analyses with an emphasis on new results and the novel techniques developed by the CMS collaboration to boost the search sensitivity. The searches are...
The Pierre Auger Observatory is the world's largest cosmic ray detector. It employs a hybrid technique combining a 3000 km$^2$ surface detector (SD) array comprising 1660 water-Cherenkov stations with 27 fluorescence telescopes, arranged in 4 sites, that overlook the atmosphere above the SD array during clear and moonless nights. In stable operation since 2004, we have published numerous...
The FoCal is a high-granularity forward calorimeter to be installed as an ALICE upgrade during the LHC Long Shutdown 3 and take data in Run 4.
It will cover a pseudorapidity interval of $3.4 < \eta < 5.8$, allowing to explore QCD at unprecedented low Bjorken-$x$ of down to $\approx 10^{-6}$ -- a regime where non-linear QCD dynamics are expected to be sizable.
It consists of a compact...
At BESIII, the lineshapes of $e^+e^- \to \phi \pi\pi$, $\omega \pi\pi$, $\phi \pi^0$, $K_sK_L \pi^0$, $\eta \pi \pi$ and $\omega \eta^{'}$ are
measured from 2.0 to 3.08 GeV, where resonant structures are observed in these processes. These results provide important information on light vector mesons (i.e. excited $\rho$, $\omega$ and $\phi$) in the energy regions above 2 GeV.
The Belle and Belle$~$II experiments have collected a $1.4~\mathrm{ab}^{-1}$ sample of $e^+e^-$ collision data at centre-of-mass energies near the $\Upsilon(nS)$ resonances. These data include a 19.2$~$fb$^{-1}$ sample collected near the $\Upsilon(10753)$ resonance. We present several results related to the following processes: $e^+e-\to \Upsilon(nS)\eta$, $e^+e-\to \gamma...
The duality between color and kinematics and associated double-copy construction has proven remarkably useful as a computational tool first in integrand construction at the multi-loop level, and more recently in efficiently constructing the contributions of higher derivative operators. Intriguingly double-copy consistency relates information measured in the IR to behavior in the UV. I will...
Many new physics models predict the existence of new, heavy particles. This talk summarizes recent ATLAS searches for Beyond-the-Standard-Model heavy resonances which decay to quarks, or leptons, using Run 2 data collected at the LHC.
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next-generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment with a broad research program including measuring CP-violation in the neutrino sector, determining neutrino mass ordering and studying neutrinos from space. DUNE will employ massive, high-precision Liquid-Argon Time-Projection Chambers at the far site (70 kt total mass) to produce...
We present SMEFiT3.0, an updated global SMEFT analysis of Higgs, top quark, and diboson data from the LHC complemented by electroweak precision observables (EWPOs) from LEP and SLD. We consider the most recent inclusive and differential measurements from the LHC Run II, alongside with a novel implementation of the EWPOs. We assess the impact on the SMEFT parameter space of HL-LHC measurements...
In the passive CMOS Strips Project, strip sensors were designed by a collaboration of German institutes and produced at LFoundry in 150 nm technology. Up to five individual reticules were connected by stitching at the foundry in order to obtain the typical strip lengths required for the LHC Phase-II upgrade of ATLAS or CMS trackers. The sensors were tested in a probe station and characterised...
Many world-known scientists and engineers like G. Breit, G. Budker, G. Charpak, G. Gamow, M. Goldhaber, A. Ioffe, S. Korolyov, E. Lifshitz, M. Ostrogradsky, S. Timoshenko, V. Veksler were born in Ukraine, while some, like L. Landau and M. Bogolybov, started their career there. Reclaiming their scientific legacy as well as that of many others helps to promote Ukrainian contributions to particle...
We present the first complete high-precision results for the top-quark decay width $\Gamma_t$, $W$-helicity fractions and semi-inclusive distributions for the top-quark decay process to the third order in the strong coupling constant $\alpha_s$. We find, in particular, that the pure $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^3)$ correction decreases $\Gamma_t$ by $0.8\%$ of the previous $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^2)$...
The mass composition of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECR) is the key input in searches for new physics, understanding the astrophysical processes and hadronic interactions at extreme center-of-mass energies exceeding 400 TeV. At the Pierre Auger Observatory, the largest UHECR observatory ever built, accurate inferences on the UHECR mass composition were recently extended up to cosmic-ray...
A new Quantum Field Theory (QFT) formalism for neutrino oscillations in a vacuum is proposed. The neutrino emission and detection are identified with the charged-current vertices of a single second-order Feynman diagram for the underlying process, enclosing neutrino propagation between these two points. The L-dependent master formula for the charged lepton production rate is derived, which...
In electron-positron annihilation, the process $e^+e^- \to \chi_{c1}$ can occur via the production of two virtual photons or through neutral current, therefore being suppressed with respect to the normal annihilation process via one virtual photon. Using a dedicated scan sample around the $\chi_{c1}$ mass, the direct production of $\chi_{c1}$ has been established for the first time. This...
The latest studies of beauty meson decays to open charm final states from LHCb are presented. Several first observations and branching fraction measurements using Run 1 and Run 2 data samples are shown. These decay modes will provide important spectroscopy information and inputs to other analyses.
The FASER experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) aims to detect new, long-lived fundamental particles and to study neutrino interactions. To enhance its discovery potential, a new W-Si preshower detector is being built, which will enable the identification and reconstruction of electromagnetic showers produced by high-energy photon pairs with separations as fine as 200 µm. The detector...
Experiments have confirmed the presence of a mass gap between the Standard Model and potential New Physics. Consequently, the exploration of effective field theories to detect signals indicative of Physics Beyond the Standard Model is of great interest. In this study, we examine a non-linear realizations of the electroweak symmetry breaking, wherein the Higgs is a singlet with independent...
Deep learning can give a significant impact on physics performance of electron-positron Higgs factories such as ILC and FCCee. We are working on two topics on event reconstruction to apply deep learning; one is jet flavor tagging. We apply particle transformer to ILD full simulation to obtain jet flavor, including strange tagging. The other one is particle flow, which clusters calorimeter hits...
Detectors at future high energy colliders will face enormous technical challenges. Disentangling the unprecedented numbers of particles expected in each event will require highly granular silicon pixel detectors with billions of readout channels. With event rates as high as 40 MHz, these detectors will generate petabytes of data per second. To enable discovery within strict bandwidth and...
We present results of searches for massive vector-like top and bottom quark partners using proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. Single and pair production of vector-like quarks are studied, with decays into a variety of final states, containing top and bottom quarks, electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons. We search...
In this talk, I will present the results of the first calculation of open bottom production at hadron colliders at NNLO+NNLL, i.e. a next-to-next-to-leading-order calculation that resums collinear logarithms at next-to-next-to-leading-logarithmic accuracy. This new computation achieves significantly reduced theory errors compared to previous calculations, with errors of just a few percent at...
Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays are a unique probe for studying hadronic interactions at the $\sqrt{s} \sim 100\:\mathrm{TeV}$ scale. The Pierre Auger Observatory, the world's largest cosmic ray detector ever built, has gathered unprecedented statistics about the highest energetic particles in the Universe. Our results point to inconsistencies in hadronic interaction models, namely, a deficit in...
The LHCb experiment collected the world's largest sample of charmed hadrons during the Run 1 and 2 of the LHC (2011--2018). This allows performing some of the world's most precise measurements of production, quantum numbers and decay properties of known charmed baryons, as well as searching for new excited states. The latest results in this field are presented, including some new amplitude analyses.
We propose a dynamical scoto-seesaw mechanism using a gauged $B-L$ symmetry. Dark matter is reconciled with neutrino mass generation, in such a way that the atmospheric scale arises through the standard seesaw,
while the solar scale is scotogenic, arising radiatively from the exchange of dark sector particles. This way we explain the solar-to-atmospheric scale ratio. The TeV-scale seesaw...
Abstract: The effective field theory (EFT) approach for new physics has risen to a prominent role given the current status of the LHC. However, the large number of operators in the Standard Model EFT (SMEFT) calls for a new organizing principle. In this talk, I will introduce the geometry construction for EFT that manifests the invariance from field redefinition and neatly organizes physical...
This talk will present four recent measurements conducted by BESIII, focusing on the cross-sections of electron-positron annihilation into open-charm and hidden-charm final states within the center-of-mass energies ranging from 3.80 to 4.95 GeV. The open charm final states include $e^+ e^- \to D \bar{D}$ and $D_s^+ D_s^-$, revealing abundant structures in their cross-section line shapes. The...
To cope with the increase of the LHC instantaneous luminosity, new trigger readout electronics were installed on the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeters. On the detector, 124 new electronic boards digitise at high speed 10 times more signals than the legacy system. Downstream, large FPGAs are processing up to 20 Tbps of data to compute the deposited energies. Moreover, a new control and monitoring...
The Standard Model of Particle Physics explains many natural phenomena yet remains incomplete. Leptoquarks (LQs) are hypothetical particles predicted to mediate interactions between quarks and leptons, bridging the gap between the two fundamental classes of particles. Vectorlike quarks (VLQs) lie at the heart of many extensions seeking to address the Hierarchy Problem, as they can naturally...
This session will present European Research Council (ERC) funding opportunities, available for both early career researchers and senior research leaders. The ERC operates according to a «bottom-up» approach, allowing researchers to identify new opportunities in any field of research. It encourages competition for funding between the most creative and competent researchers of any nationality...
In this work, we would like to present a novel approach to the reconstruction of multiple calorimetric clusters within the Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment using Machine Learning techniques. The LHCf experiment is dedicated to understand the hadronic components of cosmic rays by measuring particle production in the forward region of LHC collisions. One of the significant...
Semiconductor hybrid pixel detectors with Timepix3 chips developed by Medipix collaboration at CERN can simultaneously measure deposited energy and time of arrival of individual particle hits in all 256 x 256 pixels with 55 µm pitch size. Their nanosecond temporal resolution was exploited to perform characterization of the ultra-high dose-per-pulse electron beam from a linear accelerator with...
We discuss the sensitivity to quartic $\gamma \gamma \gamma \gamma$, $\gamma \gamma WW$, $\gamma \gamma ZZ$, $\gamma \gamma t \bar{t}$ anomalous couplings at the LHC via photon-induced processes. Tagging the intact protons allow improving the sensitivities by two or three orders of magnitude with respect to standard methods. We also discuss the sensitivity to Axion Like Particles production.
To unveil the origin of galactic PeV cosmic rays, observation of sub-PeV gamma rays is crucial. Sub-PeV gamma-ray astronomy is established in the northern hemisphere since the discovery of the Crab nebula >100TeV by the TibetASγ collaboration in 2019. ALPACA is a new air shower experiment under construction in Bolivia to explore the sub-PeV gamma-ray sky in the southern hemisphere for the...
The world’s largest sample of $J/ψ$ events accumulated at the BESIII detector offers a unique opportunity to investigate $η$ and $η^′$ physics via two body $J/ψ$ radiative or hadronic decays. In recent years the BESIII experiment has made significant progresses in $η/η^′$ decays. A selection of recent highlights in light meson spectroscopy at BESIII are reviewed in this report, including...
Radiative seesaw models are examples of testable extensions of the SM to explain the light neutrino masses. In radiative seesaw models at 1-loop level, such as the popular scotogenic model, in order to successfully reproduce neutrino masses and mixing, one has to rely either on unnaturally small Yukawa couplings or on a very small mass splitting between the CP-even and CP-odd components of the...
Studying the properties and behavior of pentaquarks deepens our understanding of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the strong interactions. The LHCb experiment, with a large heavy-flavor dataset and detector performance optimized for beauty and charm hadron studies, is uniquely positioned to explore the properties of heavy-flavor pentaquark states. This talk highlights the latest advancements...
Black holes, neutron stars and other compact gravitating objects can be described at long distances by a point particle effective field theory. In such effective theory, tidal effects and/or the dynamics of the horizon are captured in a series of Wilson coefficients, the so-called Love numbers, which can be determined by matching with a complete description of the compact object in general...
The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is a sampling hadronic calorimeter covering the central region of the ATLAS experiment, with steel as absorber and plastic scintillators as active medium. New electronics of the TileCal is needed to meet the requirements of a 1 MHz trigger, higher ambient radiation, and to ensure better performance under high pile-up conditions at the HL-LHC. Both the on- and...
In this talk we study the phenomenological implications of multiple Higgs boson production from longitudinal vector boson scattering in the context of effective field theories. We find compact representations for effective tree-level amplitudes with up to four final state Higgs bosons. Total cross sections are then computed for scenarios relevant at the LHC in which we find the general Higgs...
Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) is a next generation water-Cherenkov neutrino experiment, currently under construction to build on the success of its predecessor Super-Kamiokande (Super-K). With 8 times greater fiducial volume and enhanced detection capabilities, it will have significantly reduced statistical uncertainties as compared to Super-K. For corresponding suppression of backgrounds and...
In this study, high-energy Carbon-ion and proton beams produced in an accelerator were used. The Minipix Sprinter, a hybrid semiconductor pixel detector with novel operation and configuration customized for highly energetic particles was positioned in the primary beam for spectral and component characterization of individual particles. This detector has a demonstrated quantum-imaging...
Leptoquarks are hypothetical particles with non-zero lepton and baryon numbers, predicted by many extensions of the Standard Model, and can provide an explanation for the similarity between the quark and lepton sectors. We present searches for leptoquarks that have been carried out by the CMS Experiment with a focus on the most recent results with the full integrated luminosity of the Run-II...
Promoting gender equality in physics, particularly through educational initiatives, is crucial given the low representation of women in the field, as evidenced by enrollment statistics. To address this, we initiated the Physics Project Days (PPD), a four-day workshop tailored for schoolgirls. This program aims to foster interest in physics and establish cross-school networks. Through hands-on...
Unraveling the origin and nature of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) stands as an essential inquiry in astroparticle physics. Motivated by unprecedented observational capabilities, the Fluorescence detector Array of Single-pixel Telescopes (FAST) emerges as a promising next-generation, ground-based UHECR observatory.
The FAST employs a cost-effective array of cutting-edge fluorescence...
This talk will present the recent results from various analyses on signals containing intact protons measured by the CMS Precision Proton Spectrometer (PPS), which includes searches for New Physics in the electroweak sector. As the operation of the HL-LHC will require more stringent selection of intact protons due to the higher pileup, the PPS2 project will be presented and projections for...
Since the obervation of the X(3872), a large number of exotic tetraquark candidates has been observed in the past 20 years. Moreover, some of these hadrons suggest an explicit exotic internal structure: charged, open-flavour, doubly heavy-flavour, full heavy-flavour states have enriched the field of exotic spectroscopy along with an increasing interest from the theory community. These states...
This presentation will feature several recent results of charmonium decays, including four first-time observations: $\psi(3686) \to \Omega^- K^+ anti-\Xi^0$, $\eta_c(2S) \to K^+ K^- \eta$, $\eta_c(2S) \to \pi^+ \pi^- K_s K^{+/-} \pi^{-/+}$, and $\chi_{cJ} \to 3(K^+K^-)$. Additionally, an updated measurement of the M1 transition $\psi(3686) \to \gamma \eta_c(2S)$ with $\eta_c(2S) \to K\bar{K}...
The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is a central hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The TileCal plays an important role in the reconstruction of jets, hadronically decaying tau leptons, missing transverse energy and provides information to the dedicated calorimeter trigger. This sampling calorimeter is composed by the plastic scintillating tiles and steel absorbers. The...
The fidelity of detector simulation is crucial for precision experiments, such as DUNE which uses liquid argon time projection chambers (LArTPCs). We can improve the detector simulation by performing dedicated calibration measurements. Using conventional calibration approaches, typically we are only able to tackle individual detector processes per measurement. However, the detector effects are...
LHCb is a collaboration of about 1600 members from 98 institutions based in 22 countries, and representing many more nationalities. We aim to work together on experimental high energy physics, in the best and most collaborative conditions. The Early Career, Gender & Diversity (ECGD) office supports this goal, and in particular to work towards gender equality, and support diversity in the...
Future collider experiments, operating at exceptionally high instantaneous luminosities, will require tracking detectors with space and time resolutions of a tenth of microns and a tenth of picoseconds, to properly perform tracks and vertices reconstruction. Several technologies have been explored, with the 3D-trench silicon pixel developed by the INFN TimeSPOT collaboration emerging as one of...
We present an overview of searches for new physics with top and bottom quarks in the final state, using proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The results cover non-SUSY based extensions of the SM, including heavy gauge bosons or excited third generation quarks. Decay channels to vector-like top partner quarks, such as...
The sky in ultra-high-energy cosmic ray (UHECRs) above a few EeV is surprisingly isotropic which complicates the identification of the sources. UHECR spectrum, composition and angular distributions are influenced by interactions with background photon fields and by the deflection in extragalactic and galactic magnetic fields (EGMF and GMF). Moreover, the spatial structure of the EGMF is not...
The future collider LHeC is set to operate at a center-of-mass energy of 1.2 TeV and is anticipated to provide an integrated electron-proton luminosity of about 1 ab$^{-1}$. This talk will present a comprehensive survey of possible studies of high-energy photon-photon processes at the LHeC, for the $\gamma \gamma$ center-of-mass energy of up to 1~TeV. The scientific potential of studying such...
Recent ATLAS results on exotic hadron spectroscopy will be presented, including studies of exotic tetraquarks using various final states and searches for exotics in $\Upsilon+2\mu$ channel
The Belle and Belle$~$II experiments have collected a $1.4~\mathrm{ab}^{-1}$ sample of $e^+e^-$ collision data at centre-of-mass energies near the $\Upsilon(nS)$ resonances. These samples contain a large number of $e^+e^-\to c\bar{c}$ events that produce charmed mesons. We present measurements of charm-mixing parameters from flavour-tagged $D^0\to K^0_{\rm S}\pi^+\pi^-$ decays. Direct $C\!P$...
Diversity and inclusion are vital for effective collaboration within an organisation like ATLAS, and the Early Career Scientists Board (ECSB) is an essential part of ATLAS’s efforts in this area.
The ECSB continuously organises workshops and events to provide a platform for early-career scientists to develop their skills and careers in science more effectively and works to identify and...
Obtaining experimental data on the trilinear Higgs boson self-coupling $\kappa_3$ and the quartic self-coupling $\kappa_4$ is crucial for understanding the structure of the Higgs potential in beyond the Standard Model theories. While Higgs pair production allows directly investigating $\kappa_3$, triple Higgs production processes offer complementary insights into $\kappa_3$ and can also...
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) introduces new challenges for the vertex detector in terms of material budget, spatial resolution, readout speed, and power consumption. A Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (TaichuPix) has been developed for CEPC.
The baseline vertex detector is designed with a three double-layers barrel structure. This structure aims to minimize particle...
We have derived a general and explicit expression for the Jarlskog invariant of CP violation in flavor oscillations of three active neutrinos by using the 18 original parameters in the canonical seesaw mechanism (i.e., 3 heavy Majorana neutrino masses, 9 active-sterile flavor mixing angles and 6 CP-violaing phases). This novel analytical result provides the first model-independent window to...
The production mechanism of (anti)nuclei in ultrarelativistic hadronic collisions is under intense debate in the scientific community. Two successful models used for the description of the experimental measurements are the statistical hadronisation model and the coalescence approach. In the latter, multi-baryon states are assumed to be formed by coalescence of baryons that are close in...
We study the (ambi-)twistor model for spinning particles interacting via electromagnetic field, as a toy model for studying classical dynamics of gravitating bodies including effects of both spins to all orders. The all-orders-in-spin effects are encoded as a dynamical implementation of the Newman-Janis shift, and we find that the expansion in both spins can be resummed to simple expressions...
LHCb has collected the world's largest sample of charmed hadrons. This sample is used to measure the $D^0 -\overline{D}^0$ mixing and to search for $C\!P$ violation in the mixing. New measurements of several decay modes are presented, along with prospects for the sensitivity at the LHCb upgrades.
A key focus of the physics program at the LHC is the study of head-on proton-proton collisions. However, an important class of physics can be studied where the protons narrowly miss one another and remain intact. In such cases, the electromagnetic fields surrounding the protons can interact producing high-energy photon-photon collisions. Alternatively, interactions mediated by the strong force...
Many extensions to the Standard Model predict new particles decaying into two bosons (W, Z, photon) making these important signatures in the search for new physics. Searches for such diboson resonances have been performed in different final states and novel analysis techniques, including unsupervised learning, are also used to extract new features from the data. This talk summarises such...
In preparation for Run 3 at the LHC, the MC Simulation performed with Geant4 within ATLAS has undergone significant improvements to enhance its computational performance and overall efficiency. This talk offers a comprehensive overview of the optimizations implemented in the ATLAS simulation for Run 3. Notable developments include the application of EM range cuts, the implementation of Neutron...
We present high statistics measurements of primary cosmic rays Proton, Helium, Carbon, Oxygen, Neon, Magnesium, Silicon, Sulfur, Iron, and Nickel.
The data shows that to high degree of accuracy there are only two classes of primary cosmic ray elements for nuclei with Z>=2.
Vector boson scattering is a key production process to probe the electroweak symmetry breaking of the standard model, since it involves both self-couplings of vector bosons and coupling with the Higgs boson. If the Higgs mechanism is not the sole source of electroweak symmetry breaking, the scattering amplitude deviates from the standard model prediction at high scattering energy. Moreover,...
The LHCb experiment published the first observation of CP violation in the decay of charmed particles in 2019, using the decay channels $D^0 \to \pi^+\pi^-$ and $D^0 \to K^+K^-$. Additional measurements in other decay channels are essential to understand whether this effect can be explained within the Standard Model, or if new sources of CP violation are needed. We present the latest searches...
In this talk I will present the role of the often neglected "mixed" scattering processes within realistic hybrid type I + Type II seesaw framework. It will be demonstrated that as the seesaw scales comes close the mixed processes become numerically significant and can result in orders of magnitude correction to the present day baryon asymmetry. I will quantitatively discuss the level of...
(Anti)hypernuclei are among the most promising probes to study the production mechanism of light nuclei in high-energy hadronic collisions. According to coalescence, the production of $\mathrm{^{3}_{\Lambda} H}$, $\mathrm{^{4}_{\Lambda} H}$, and $\mathrm{^{4}_{\Lambda} He}$ in small colliding systems (pp and p–Pb) is extremely sensitive to their internal wave function, while in the Statistical...
Measurements of diboson production in association with two additional jets at the LHC probe interactions between electroweak vector bosons predicted by the Standard Model and test contributions from anomalous quartic gauge couplings. The ATLAS experiment has recently performed such measurements in a variety of final states, amongst them the scattering into a massive electroweak gauge boson and...
Precision measurements of the cosmic ray D flux are presented as function of rigidity from 1.9 to 21 GV, based on 21 million D nuclei. We observed that over the entire rigidity range D exhibit nearly identical time variations with p, $^3$He, and $^4$He fluxes. Above 4.5 GV, the D/⁴He flux ratio is time independent and its rigidity dependence is well described by a single power law $\propto...
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a proposed future Higgs and Z factory. To achieve an excellent momentum resolution for the precision measurements, the tracking system has to be covered by sensors with good spatial resolution and low material budget, while keeping cost-effective for a large sensitive area. High-Voltage CMOS (HVCMOS) is a promising technology option. In this...
The Muon g-2 collaboration consists of approximately 200 members with a variety of backgrounds: different scientific research disciplines, home institutions, countries of origin, and career stages. The scientific mission of the collaboration is to measure the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon with unprecedented precision. To perform such measurements every day, we face complex problems...
Simulating detector and reconstruction effects on physics quantities is of paramount importance for data analysis, but unsustainably costly for the upcoming HEP experiments.
The most radical approach to speed-up detector simulation is a Flash Simulation, as proposed by the LHCb collaboration in Lamarr, a software package implementing a novel simulation paradigm relying on deep generative...
Triple Higgs production will allow us to probe the nature of the scalar potential in High energy physics directly. In particular, it will permit us to probe the quartic self coupling of the Higgs boson. In this talk we will discuss the prospects of measuring triple Higgs production in proton-proton colliders within and beyond the Standard Model (BSM) considering the final state in which each...
A summary of searches for heavy resonances with masses exceeding 1 TeV decaying into pairs or triplets of bosons is presented, performed on data produced by LHC pp collisions at sqrt{s}=13TeV and collected with the CMS detector during 2016 - 2018. The common feature of these analyses is the boosted topology, namely the decay products of the considered bosons (both electroweak W, Z bosons and...
The CMS Precision Proton Spectrometer is designed for studying Central Exclusive Production in pp collisions at the LHC. It consists of tracking and timing detectors to measure protons that escape along the LHC beam line after the interaction in CMS. Both tracking and timing systems underwent a substantial upgrade for Run 3. The tracking detector employs new single-sided 150 um-thick silicon...
We update our analysis of D meson mixing including the latest experimental results. We derive constraints on absorptive and dispersive CP violation by combining all available data, and discuss future projections. We also provide posterior distributions for observable parameters appearing in D physics.
This talk reviews recent measurements of multiboson production using CMS data at sqrt(s) = 13 and 13.6 TeV. Inclusive and differential cross sections are measured using several kinematic observables.
We show that, in a $U(1)_{R-L}$-symmetric SUSY model, the pseudo-Dirac bino and wino can give rise to three light neutrino masses through effective operators, generated at the messenger scale between a SUSY breaking hidden sector and the visible sector. The neutrino-bino/wino mixing follows a hybrid type I+III inverse seesaw pattern. The light neutrino masses are governed by the ratio of the...
We present high statistics measurements of the secondary cosmic rays Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Fluorine, and Phosphorus The unexpected rigidity dependence of the secondary cosmic ray fluxes and their ratios to the primary cosmic rays such as Li/C, Be/C, B/C, Li/O, Be/O, B/O, F/Si, and P/Si are discussed.
Experimental results on the electromagnetic form factors are very useful to constrain the QCD-based theoretical models. The electron-positron collider experiments are powerful tools to study the EMFFs of various baryons in time-like region via energy scan or ISR-return methods. We will report recent progress of baryon EMFFs measurements in time-like region at BESIII, including the EMFFs of the...
The CERN proposed $e^+e^-$ Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee) is designed as an electroweak, flavour, Higgs and top factory with unprecedented luminosities. Many measurements at the FCC-ee will rely on the precise determination of the vertices, measured by dedicated vertex detectors.
All vertex detector designs use Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) with a single-hit resolution of ≈3 µm...
The CMS Collaboration is host to thousands of members from around the world, working together on a wide variety of research topics towards a better understanding of the fundamental processes that make up our universe. CMS is formed from over 250 institutes in 58 countries, as such bringing a wealth of diverse perspectives which enhance our science. The CMS Diversity and Inclusion Office has...
Measuring the Higgs self-coupling is a key target for future colliders, in particular through di-Higgs production at e+e- Linear Colliders with $\sqrt{s} \ge 500$GeV, e.g. at ILC, C3 or CLIC. This contribution will discuss the roles and the interplay of di-Higgs production processes at various collider energies, including the case of non-SM values of the self-coupling. Previous studies,...
Beyond the standard model theories with extended Higgs sectors (e.g. SUSY) or extra spatial dimensions predict resonances with large branching fractions in a pair of Higgs bosons with negligible branching fractions to light fermions. We present an overview of searches for new physics containing Higgs boson pairs in the final state, using proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS...
The simulation of MC events is a crucial task and an indispensable ingredient for every physics analysis. To reduce the CPU needs of the GEANT simulation, ATLAS has developed a strong program to replace parts of the simulation chain by fast simulation tools. Among those tools is AtlFast3, which utilizes a combination of Generative Adversarial Networks and sophisticated parametrizations for the...
The TOTEM experiment at the LHC has produced a
large set of measurements on diffractive processes and pp cross sections.
A new detector, called nT2, has been designed to measure the inelastic scattering rate during the LHC special run of 2023.
Due to the high radiation environment and the special run schedule,
the detector had to be installed in 10-20 minutes at most, then commissioned...
We will discuss the light-front formulation of quarkonium $\gamma^* \gamma$ transition form factors for $J^{PC} = 2^{++}$ meson states. We will present $\gamma^* \gamma \to \chi_{c2}$ transition amplitudes and the pertinent helicity form factors. We show the results for the two-photon decay width of $\chi_{c2}$ as well as three independent $\gamma^* \gamma$ transition form factors of...
Gravity is a fundamental theory of physics, but due to its weakness, our understanding of it remains limited. Despite our knowledge of it being restricted due to its weakness, recent computational advancements, initially developed for the Standard Model, have provided us with new tools to explore its effects. It has opened up exciting opportunities to study gravitational interactions and...
We revisit the problem of nonperturbative contribution to the mass difference in D0−D0bar mixing within the Standard Model.
As it is known the GIM cancellation in the leading OPE is very effective, and the SM calculation gives the result which is orders of magnitude smaller than the experimental value for this quantity. Therefore, it is necessary to go beyond the leading terms to catch...
Measurements of multiboson production at the LHC are important probes of the electroweak gauge structure of the Standard Model and can constrain anomalous gauge boson couplings. In this talk, recent measurements of diboson production by the ATLAS experiment at 13 TeV and 13.6 TeV are presented. Studies of gauge-boson polarisation and their correlation in WW, WZ and ZZ events are also...
In the PMNS matrix, the relation $U_{\mu i}=U_{\tau i}$ (with $i=1,2,3$) is experimentally favored at the present stage. The possible implications of this relation on some hidden flavor symmetry has attracted a lot of interest in the neutrino community. In this paper, we analyze the implications of $U_{\mu i}=U_{\tau i}$ (with $i=1,2,3$) in the context of the canonical seesaw mechanism. We...
We present for the first time the high statistics precision measurement of time structures of Li, Be, B, C, N, and O nuclei in cosmic rays in an entire solar cycle (11 years), from May 2011 to Nov 2022 between 2 and 60 GV. The fluxes and their ratios have been determined for 147 Bartels rotations. The fluxes are anti-correlated with solar activity, and the amplitude of the time structures...
Many theories beyond the Standard Model (SM) predict new physics phenomena that decay hadronically to dijet or multijet final states. This talk summarises the latest results from the ATLAS detector using the Run-2 dataset, involving these final states. A number of sensitive kinematics are explored, including the invariant mass and angular distributions. More exclusive final states and novel...
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a future Higgs factory to measure the Higgs boson properties. Like the other future experiments, the simulation software plays a crucial role in CEPC for detector designs, algorithm optimization and physics studies. Due to similar requirements, the software stack from the Key4hep project has been adopted by CEPC. As the initial application of...
The process of Higgs pair production at the LHC is of particular interest since it sensitively depends on the trilinear Higgs self-coupling of the detected Higgs boson and therefore provides experimental access to the Higgs potential and important information about the electroweak phase transition in the early Universe. In this talk both resonant and non-resonant di-Higgs production will be...
The Institute of Physics' flagship gender equality award, Project Juno, was a pivotal initiative for fostering inclusivity within UK & Ireland university physics departments. In 2023, the School of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh achieved the highest level of recognition – Juno Champion status.
In this presentation, as the Chair of the Juno application activity in...
The IDEA detector concept has been proposed for experiments future high-energy electron-positron colliders, covering a rich physics program from the Z to WW, H and ttbar. The tracking system of the IDEA detector concept consists of different subsystems: a vertex detector, an inner tracker, a drift chamber and a silicon wrapper between the drift chamber and the calorimeters. In this talk the...
The ATLAS Zero Degree Calorimeters (ZDCs) detect neutral particles emitted at very forward rapidities in nuclear collisions at the LHC. The ZDCs consist of modules of sampling hadronic calorimeters made up of alternating tungsten-fused silica rod layers that act as Cherenkov radiators. They have been upgraded for LHC Run 3 with new fused silica rods for better radiation hardness, along with...
We present a first-principles lattice QCD calculation of the local form factors describing the $B_{s}\to \mu^{+}\mu^{-}\gamma$ decay. We focus on the region of large di-muon invariant masses $\sqrt{q^{2}} \gtrsim 4.2~{\rm GeV}$, where the contributions from the four-quarks operators in the effective weak Hamiltonian (which are neglected at present) are expected to be small. We use our results...
We show that testing Bell inequalities in $W^\pm$ pair systems by measuring their angular correlation suffers from the ambiguity in kinetical reconstruction of the dilepton decay mode. We further propose a new set of Bell observables based on the measurement of the linear polarization of the $W$ bosons that can be used in the semileptonic decay mode of $W^\pm$ pair, and we analyze the...
The Belle and Belle$~$II experiments have collected a $1.4~\mathrm{ab}^{-1}$ sample of $e^+e^-$ collision data at centre-of-mass energies near the $\Upsilon(nS)$ resonances. These samples contain a large number of $e^+e^-\to c\bar{c}$ events that produce charmed mesons and baryons. We present searches for rare flavour-changing neutral current $c\to u\ell^+\ell^-$ processes in several decay...
The double copy is a powerful tool allowing us to obtain amplitudes in gravity from simpler ones in gauge theory. It was originally derived from string theory, relating the tree level amplitudes of closed string amplitudes to two copies of open string amplitudes. In the field theory limit, this reduces to being able to obtain tree-level graviton amplitudes from the "square" of tree-level gluon...
Information on time variations of the anti-proton spectrum is very limited. We present the continuous twelve-year measurements of cosmic ray anti-protons spectrum from 1 to 42 GV. The measured antiproton spectrum time variations are distinctly different from electrons, positrons, and protons. This provides unique information to the understanding of heliosphere physics.
Micropattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGDs) rely heavily on the simulation of the particle passage as conducting these studies allows scientists to cut huge costs and development for prototyping. Even though Garfield++ is a very important part of the simulation of MPGDs, it is very comprehensively intensive particularly when large detector volumes and high gas gains are required. In order to mimic...
The smallness of neutrino masses in conjunction with together their observed oscillations could be pointing to physics beyond the standard model that can be naturally accommodated by the so-called "seesaw" mechanism, in which new Heavy Neutral Leptons (HNL) are postulated. Several models with HNLs exist that incorporate the seesaw mechanism, sometimes also providing a DM candidate or giving a...
High voltage CMOS pixel sensors are proposed to be used in future particle physics experiment. The ATLASPIX3 chip consists of 49000 pixels of dimension 50μm x 150 μm, realized in in TSI 180nm HVCMOS technology. It was the first full reticle size monolithic HVCMOS sensor suitable for construction of multi-chip modules and supporting serial powering through shunt-LDO regulators. The readout...
SND@LHC is a new forward experiment measuring neutrinos produced at the LHC. Its detector has been installed in 2021-2022. The first physics data yielded, among the rest, the first observation of neutrinos produced at a collider.
The detector currently in use is a hybrid system based on a 830 kg target with tracking capabilities, followed by a calorimeter and a muon system. Its...
It is well known that the decay rates of leptonic decays of mesons, as well as the rates and angular observables of semileptonic decays of mesons and baryons, can provide a window to physics beyond the Standard Model. We point out the difficulties and prospects of such an endeavor in the case of $c\to s e\nu$ for which both the experimental and theoretical uncertainties are under control....
The rare radiative $K^+\to\pi^+\ell^+\ell^-$ decays ($\ell=e,\mu$) provide experimental access to the $K^+\to\pi^+\gamma^*$ transition. The relevant form factor is conventionally written in terms of two hadronic parameters, $a_+$ and $b_+$, which are being measured by NA62 in both electron and muon channels. Comparing the two channels allows for a stringent test of lepton-flavor universality....
The NUSES space mission focuses on advancing observational and technological approaches to investigate various cosmic phenomena.
This includes high-energy astrophysical neutrinos, the study of low-energy cosmic and gamma rays, the Sun-Earth environment, space weather, and the interactions within the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Lithosphere Coupling (MILC) system.
NUSES embodies two experiments,...
Precise experimental data from the Large Hadron Collider and the lack of any persuasive new physics signature demand improvement in the understanding of the Standard Model. The scattering cross-sections are plagued with Leading power (LP) and next-to-leading power (NLP) logarithms. Resummation of LP logarithms has a long history of almost three decades and their resummation methods are well...
Particle physics relies on Monte Carlo (MC) event generators for theory-data comparison, necessitating several samples to address theoretical systematic uncertainties at a high computational cost. The MC statistic becomes a limiting factor and the significant computational cost a bottleneck in most physics analyses. In this talk, the Deep neural network using Classification for Tuning and...
LHC experiments are diverse environments that bring together thousands of members from various countries to achieve common goals. Thus, they offer great opportunity for successful collaboration. However, the culturally diverse nature of these collaborations also presents unique hindrances. Differences in culture can manifest in our communication style. This directly affects how we perceive...
The hadron particle identification provided by the RICH system in LHCb over a momentum range of 2.6 – 100 GeV/c has been a key element of the success of the experiment and will remain equally important for Upgrade II. A substantial improvement in the precision of the measurements of the space and time coordinates of the photons detected in the RICH detectors is needed to keep the excellent...
AugerPrime, the major upgrade of the Pierre Auger Observatory, has as its main objective to provide an enhanced estimation of the mass composition of the highest energy cosmic rays on an event-by-event basis. It consists of the addition of a surface scintillator detector (SSD) and a radio antenna on top of the existing water-Cherenkov detectors (WCD) of the surface detector array (SD). An...
2-color QCD (SU(2) gauge theory coupled to fundamental fermions) has several novel features: for instance, enhanced Pauli-Gursey symmetry yields degeneracies between mesons and di/tetra-quark states. The quantum mechanical matrix model provides a simplified platform to directly probe the properties of low-energy (spin-0 and spin-1) hadrons. Using variational calculation, we numerically obtain...
LHCb is playing a crucial role in the study of rare and forbidden semileptonic decays of charm hadrons, which might reveal interactions beyond the Standard Model. We present the latest measurements of charm decays with two leptons in the final state.
The existence of sterile neutrinos can lead to a matter-enhanced resonance that results in a unique disappearance signature for Earth-crossing neutrinos, providing a different probe of the short baseline anomalies. Sterile neutrinos have been proposed as an explanation of the tension between appearance and disappearance experiments in the vanilla 3+1 model. IceCube has performed an improved...
The origin of the neutrinos masses, baryon asymmetry in the universe, and the nature of dark matter remain fundamental open problems in HEP. The FCC-ee provides exciting opportunities to resolve these mysteries with the discovery of heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) via e+e- → Z → vN by exploiting a huge sample ($5\cdot 10^{12}$) of Z bosons. The expected very small mixing between light and heavy...
BESIII has accumulated 4.5 $fb^{-1}$ of $e^+e^-$ collision data at the 4.6 and 4.7 GeV energies, presenting a unique opportunity to investigate $\Lambda_c^+$ decays. Our presentation will include the first measurement of the decay asymmetry in the pure W-boson-exchange decay $Λ_c^+→Ξ^0 K^+$, as well as the study of $\Lambda_c^+ \to \Lambda l^+ \nu$ and the branching fraction measurements of...
The forthcoming generation of $e^+e^-$ colliders demands advanced mass resolutions for the Higgs ($H$), $W$, and $Z$ bosons when decaying into jets. Dual-readout calorimetry achieves this by making use of two independent energy readings of the hadronic shower, leveraging the distinct $e/h$ factors of Cherenkov and scintillation light produced in a calorimeter equipped with two types of optical...
LHC restarted in April 2022 and the plan is to run at an average instantaneous luminosity of 2.0×10^33 cm−2 s−1 at the LHCb interaction point, a factor of five higher than in the past. In order to cope with the increased luminosity and to take data at the full bunch crossing frequency (30MHz visible interaction rate) in trigger-less mode, the LHCb Detector has undergone a major...
COMPASS is the longest-running experiment at CERN, having performed a series of data takings from 2002 to 2022, spanning a record-breaking 20 years.
One of the objectives of the experiment's broad physics program was to perform semi-inclusive measurements of target spin-dependent asymmetries in (di-)hadron production in DIS using 160 GeV muons and polarized targets.
These measurements...
Nowadays, research in Beyond Standard Model scenarios aimed at describing the nature of dark matter is a very active field. DarkPACK is a recently released software conceived to help to study such models. It can already compute the relic density in the freeze-out scenario, and its potential can be used to compute other observables. With the present contribution, I would like to introduce...
The CMS Collaboration has recently approved the publication of full statistical models of physics analyses. This includes the publication of the CMS data, which facilitates the construction of the full likelihood. The statistical inference tool "Combine" needed for this purpose is now available under an open source licence. This talk highlights some features of Combine and discusses the use of...
BESIII has collected 2.93 and 7.33 $fb^{-1}$ of $e^+e^-$ collision data at 3.773 and 4.128-4.226 GeV, recording the largest dataset of $D\bar{D}$ and $D_sD_s$ pairs in the world, respectively.
We will present the observation of $D^+ \to K_s a^0(980)$ and a new $a^0$-like state with a mass of 1.817 GeV, and the determination of U-spin breaking parameters of the decay $D^0 \to K_L \pi^+...
It has been proposed that at small Bjorken x, or equivalently at high energy, hadrons represent maximally entangled states of quarks and gluons. This conjecture is in accord with experimental data from the electron-proton collider HERA at the smallest accessible x. In this Letter, we propose to study the onset of the maximal entanglement inside the proton using Diffractive Deep Inelastic...
We study the new approaches to explore the ultralight (axion) dark matter by gravitational wave experiments and radio telescope based on the superradiance process and resonant conversion process.
Two technological prototypes of high granularity calorimetry based on the scintillator option have been developed within the CALICE collaboration, including an electromagnetic calorimeter prototype (ScW-ECAL) and a hadron calorimeter prototype (AHCAL). The ScW-ECAL prototype is finely segmented with 6700 readout channels in total and consists of 32 longitudinal layers, each with scintillator...
We study the phenomenology of charged Higgs bosons ($H^\pm$) and Vector-Like Quarks (VLQs), denoted as $T$, with a charge equal to the top quark, within the Two Higgs Doublet Model Type-II (2HDM-II) framework. We examine two scenarios: one with a singlet $(T)$ (2HDM-II+$(T)$) and another with a doublet $(TB)$ (2HDM-II+$(TB)$). We find that VLQs significantly influence the 2HDM-II's...
The most important ATLAS upgrade for LHC run-3 has been in the Muon Spectrometer, where the replacement of the two forward inner stations with the New Small Wheels (NSW) introduced two novel detector technologies: the small strip Thin Gap Chambers (sTGC) and the resistive strips Micromegas (MM). The integration of the two NSW in the ATLAS endcaps marks the culmination of an extensive...
The CMS Collaboration has carried out a rich program of top quark mass measurements, providing thorough tests of the internal consistency of the Standard Model. While direct measurements suffer from ambiguities in interpreting the measured parameter, extractions from cross-section measurements provide a solution to this problem with the drawback of being less precise and relying on the picture...
The SoLid experiment has taken data at the 70 MW BR2 reactor (SCK·CEN, Belgium), exploring very short baseline anti-neutrino oscillations. The 1.6-tons detector uses an innovative antineutrino detection technique based on a highly segmented target volume made of PVT cubes and LiF:ZnS screens read by wavelength shifting fibers and MPPCs. The technology has a linear energy response and allows...
The Correlahedron describes correlation functions in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. In this talk, I present an alternative geometric formulation. This allows us to study the loop geometry using a novel idea of so-called chambers. We characterize the boundary structure of the chambers and compute their canonical form up to three loops.
A strongly self-interacting component of dark matter can lead to formation of compact objects. These objects (dark stars) can in principle be detected by emission of gravitational waves from coalescence with black holes or other neutron stars or via gravitational lensing. However, in the case where dark matter admits annihilations, these compact dark matter made objects can have significant...
The rich structure of flavor physics provides a plethora of possibilities to test or constrain the standard model. This requires both precise experimental measurements as well as theoretical predictions. Determining nonperturbative contributions due to the strong force is the prime task of lattice QCD calculations leading e.g. to determinations of decay constants, form factors or bag...
Studies of the transverse-spin dependent azimuthal asymmetries in the Drell-Yan process permit to access the spin-dependent structure of the nucleon and in particular to test the limited universality of its transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions, which are known from deep inelastic scattering.
In 2015 and 2018 the COMPASS Collaboration at CERN performed measurements of the...
Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) serve as useful probes for investigating the properties of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) generated in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. The characterisation of the heavy-quark in-medium energy loss and of their diffusion process within the medium are, in particular, of great interest.
In this contribution, measurements of charm-hadron $R_{\rm{AA}}$ and...
The top-quark mass is one of the key fundamental parameters of the Standard Model that must be determined experimentally. Its value has an important effect on many precision measurements and tests of the Standard Model. The Tevatron and LHC experiments have developed an extensive program to determine the top quark mass using a variety of methods. In this contribution, the top quark mass...
A flexible and dynamic environment capable of accessing distributed data and resources efficiently, is a key aspect for HEP data analysis, especially for the HL-LHC era. A quasi-interactive declarative solution, like ROOT RDataFrame, with scale-up capabilities via open-source standards like Dask, can profit from the "HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing" Italian Center DataLake model under...
We study how the recent experimental results constrain the
gauge sectors of U(1) extensions of the standard model
using a novel representation of the parameter space.
We determine the bounds on the mixing angle between the massive
gauge bosons, or equivalently, the new gauge coupling as a function of
the mass $M_{Z'}$ of the new neutral gauge boson $Z'$ in the
approximate range...
The ALLEGRO is a detector concept optimized for precision measurements at the Future Circular Collider FCC-ee with a noble liquid calorimeter as an electromagnetic calorimeter. An extensive R&D program on the high granular noble liquid calorimeter suitable for advanced reconstruction techniques, e.g. machine learning and particle flow, has been launched. The fine segmentation of the...
The CMS experiment at the LHC has started data taking in Run 3 at a pp collision energy of 13.6 TeV. A highly performing muon system has been crucial to achieve many of the physics results obtained by CMS. This is achieved by the highly efficient muon spectrometer. The legacy CMS muon detector system consists of Drift Tube chambers in the barrel and Cathode Strip Chambers in the endcap...
Magnetic monopoles are intriguing hypothetical particles and inevitable predictions of Theories of Grand Unification. They are produced during phase transitions in the early universe, but mechanisms like the Schwinger effect in strong magnetic fields could also contribute to the monopole number density. I will show how from the detection of intergalactic magnetic fields we can infer additional...
Chiral symmetry constrains QCD properties in large magnetic fields $e B \sim m_\pi^2$, thereby providing stringent model-independent tests for lattice QCD and hadronic models. As examples of magnetic-field dependent observables calculated with chiral perturbation theory, we exhibit the finite-volume dependence of the pressure anisotropy and magnetization, as well as detail how finite-volume...
The measurement of the decay rates $\eta_c\to\gamma\gamma$ and $\eta_b\to\gamma\gamma$ are part of the BES3 and Belle II programmes respectively as tests of the Standard Model. Here we provide, for the first time, precise SM values for these decay rates using lattice QCD. For $\Gamma(\eta_c\to\gamma\gamma)$ we obtain 6.788(61) keV in good agreement with, but much more accurate than,...
The KATRIN experiment aims to measure the neutrino mass by precision spectroscopy of tritium β-decay. Recently, KATRIN has improved the upper bound on the electron-neutrino mass to 0.8 eV/c² at 90% CL and is continuing to take data.
Beyond the neutrino mass, the ultra-precise measurement of the β-spectrum at KATRIN can reveal further distinct signatures of new physics. Current investigations...
I will review the application of techniques from Gröbner theory and tropical geometry to describe the singularities of massless scattering amplitudes.
In this work we present the first semi-analytical predictions of the azimuthal anisotropies for jets in heavy-ion collisions, obtaining a quantitative agreement with available experimental data. Jets are multi-partonic, extended objects and their energy loss is sensitive to substructure fluctuations. We find that jet azimuthal anisotropies have a specially strong dependence on color coherence...
Conventional searches at the LHC operate under the assumption that Beyond the Standard Model particles undergo immediate decay upon production. However, this assumption lacks inherent a priori justification. This talk delves into the exploration of displaced decay signatures across various collider experiments. Combining insights from several studies, we show how small Yukawa couplings,...
A multi-Tev muon collider has been proposed as a powerful tool to investigate the Standard Model with unprecedented precision, after the High-Luminosity LHC era. However muons are not stable particles and it is of extremely important to develop technologies able to distinguish collisions from the background radiation induced by the beam itself. In this context, an innovative hadronic...
In recent years, the data published by the Particle Data Group (PDG) in the Review of Particle Physics has primarily been consulted on the PDG web pages and in pdgLive, or downloaded in the form of PDF files. A new set of tools (PDG API) makes PDG data easily accessible in machine-readable format and includes a REST API, downloadable database files containing the PDG data, and an associated...
In the Standard Model, one doublet of complex scalar fields is the minimal content of the Higgs sector in order to achieve spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking. However, several theories beyond the Standard Model predict a non-minimal Higgs sector and introduce charged scalar fields that do not exist in the Standard Model. As a result, singly- and doubly-charged Higgs bosons would be a...
We generalize and update our former top quark mass calibration framework for Monte Carlo event generators based on the e+e- hadron-level 2-jettiness distribution in the resonance region for boosted top production. The updated framework includes the addition of the shape variables sum of jet masses, modified jet mass and the treatment of two more gap subtraction schemes to remove the leading...
The muon system of the CMS experiment at the LHC has been upgraded by the installation of the first station of Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM), GE1/1, over the Long Shutdown 2 (LS2). The High-Luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade for CMS incorporates two additional stations, GE2/1 and ME0. Three GE2/1 chambers have been installed in CMS, with two new ones added at the beginning of 2024,...
The process of Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CEvNS), first observed in 2017 by the COHERENT collaboration, has provided a powerful tool to study Standard and beyond the Standard Model physics within the neutrino sector. In this talk, we present the results of constraining different new physics scenarios by using data from current CEvNS measurements. We mainly focus on...
he Belle and Belle$~$II experiments have collected a 1.1$~$ab$^{-1}$ sample of $e^+ e^-\to B\bar{B}$ collisions at the $\Upsilon(4S)$. The study of hadronic $B$ decays in these data allow the precise measurement of absolute branching fractions and angular distributions of the decay products. These measurements provide tests of QCD and enable the generation of more realistic simulation samples....
A measurement of additional radiation in $e^+e^-\to\mu^+\mu^-\gamma$ and $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\gamma$ initial-state-radiation events is presented using the full $BABAR$ data sample. For the first time results are presented at next-to- and next-to-next-to-leading order, with one and two additional photons, respectively, for radiation from the initial and final states. The comparison with the...
We investigate possible signatures of gluon saturation using forward p + A → j + j + X di-jet production processes at the Large Hadron Collider. In the forward rapidity region, this is a highly asymmetric process where partons with large longitudinal momentum fraction x in the dilute projectile are used as a probe to resolve the small x partonic content of the dense target. Such dilute-dense...
Various theories beyond the Standard Model predict new, long-lived particles decaying at a significant distance from the collision point. These unique signatures are difficult to reconstruct and face unusual and challenging backgrounds. Signatures from displaced and/or delayed decays anywhere from the inner detector to the muon spectrometer are examples of experimentally demanding signatures....
We present searches from the CMS experiment, performed with data collected during LHC Run 2 at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, for additional Higgs bosons. A variety of states are searched for, at masses both above and below 125 GeV. A range of decay channels is covered in the searches for additional Higgs bosons, including - but not limited to - the channels used for measurements of the...
The precision measurements planned at future lepton colliders require excellent energy resolution especially in multi-jet events to successfully separate Z, W, and Higgs decays.
Over the past years the dual-readout method, which exploits complementary information from Scintillation and Cherenkov channels, has emerged as candidate to fulfil these requirements. Dedicated studies in simulation...
Precision measurements of the top quark mass at hadron colliders have been notoriously difficult. Energy-Energy Correlators (EECs) provide clean access to angular correlations in the hadronic energy flux, but their application to the precision mass measurements is less direct since they measure a dimensionless angular scale.
Inspired by the use of standard candles in cosmology, I will show...
With the LHC operating beyond its design parameters, CMS keeps pushing the limits of SM measures and BSM searches. In this context, the CMS Drift Tubes community is challenged to assess performance with increasing accuracy, while identifying issues as soon as possible. Novel strategies and tools were explored for these purposes. Dedicated analysis-oriented data formats were designed to retain...
We present an update of the analysis of $B^0_d$ and $B^0_s$ mesons to charmless three-body final states that include a $K^0_S$ meson. The primary goal of the analysis is to search for the as-yet unobserved decay mode $B^0_s \to K^0_S K^+K^-$ In addition, the branching-fraction measurements for the set of decay modes $B^0_{(d,s)} \to K^0_S h^+ h^{'-}$ (where $h$ and $h^{'}$ are each a pion or...
In recent years modern amplitude methods have been successfully applied to so-called exceptional scalar effective field theories, chief among them the non-linear sigma model (NLSM) describing the dynamics of pions. A hallmark feature of NLSM amplitudes is their vanishing soft behavior (Adler zero) which was crucial for the formulation of on-shell recursion relations at tree-level.
In this...
We consider extensions of the soft-gluon effective coupling that generalize the Catani-Marchesini-Webber (CMW) coupling in the context of soft-gluon resummation beyond the next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. Starting from the probability density of correlated soft emission in d dimensions we introduce a class of soft couplings relevant for resummed QCD calculations of hard-scattering...
ESSνSB is a design study for a long-baseline ν-experiment to measure the CP violation in the leptonic sector at the second neutrino oscillation maximum using a beam driven by the uniquely powerful ESS linear accelerator. The ESSνSB CDR showed that after 10 years, more than 70% of the possible CP-violating phase, δCP, range will be covered with 5σ C.L. to reject the no-CP-violation hypothesis....
We present a new coherent jet energy loss model for heavy-ion collisions. It is implemented as a Monte Carlo perturbative final-state parton shower followed by elastic and radiative collisions with the medium constituents. Coherency is achieved by starting with trial gluons that act as field dressing of the initial jet parton. These are formed according to a Gunion-Bertsch seed. The QCD...
A pioneering fixed-target experiment is proposed for the LHC, aimed at measuring the dipole moments of charm baryons and potentially the tau lepton. Leveraging particle channeling and spin precession in bent crystals, the experiment offers a novel approach to probe these elusive properties. The detector system comprises a high-precision spectrometer for charged particle momentum measurement...
"Data deluge" refers to the situation where the sheer volume of new data generated overwhelms the capacity of institutions to manage it and researchers to use it. This is becoming a common problem in industry and big science facilities like the MAX IV laboratory and the LHC.
As a solution to this problem, a small collaboration of researchers has developed a machine learning-based data...
The discovery of the Higgs boson with the mass of about 125 GeV completed the particle content predicted by the Standard Model. Even though this model is well established and consistent with many measurements, it is not capable to solely explain some observations. Many extensions of the Standard Model addressing such shortcomings introduce additional neutral bosons. The current status of...
Many models beyond the standard model predict new particles with long lifetimes. These long-lived particles (LLPs) decay significantly displaced from their initial production vertex thus giving rise to non-conventional signatures in the detector. Dedicated data streams and innovative usage of the CMS detector boost are exploited in this context to significantly boost the sensitivity of such...
Muon objects play a key role in the CMS physics program, as many are the analyses targeting final state with muons. The ability to trigger, reconstruct, and identify events with prompt and non-prompt muons with high efficiency and excellent resolution is thus crucial for the success of the experiment. In this talk, muon reconstruction, identification and isolation efficiencies as well as...
The presence of charmonium in the final states of $B$ decays is a very clean experimental signature that allow the efficient collection of large samples of these decays. Such a clean experimental signature makes these decays also suitable for precision measurements of beauty hadrons lifetime and width differences $\Delta\Gamma_{q}$ ($q=d,s$). In this work we present the most recent results of...
Uncover recent breakthroughs in Charge-Parity Violation (CPV) and lifetime measurements as presented by the CMS experiment. The measurements use 13 TeV pp collision data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC.
Effective Field Theory (EFT) provides a universal language for testing beyond the Standard Model physics at LHC scales. With increasing complexity and new sophisticated techniques, the sensitivity of these analyses could be significantly improved in past years. In this talk, recent searches for anomalous couplings in the top quark sector and their combination with other EFT results from CMS...
In recent years, research studies in high-energy physics have confirmed the creation of strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma (sQGP) in ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions. NA61/SHINE at CERN SPS investigates hadronic matter properties by varying collision energy (ranging from 5 GeV to 17 GeV) and systems (such as p+p, p+Pb, Be+Be, Ar+Sc, Xe+La, Pb+Pb). Utilizing femtoscopic...
The NP06/ENUBET experiment concluded its ERC funded R&D program demonstrating that the monitoring of charged leptons from meson decays in an instrumented decay tunnel can constrain the systematics on the resulting neutrino flux to 1%, opening the way for a cross section measurement with unprecedented precision. The two milestones of this phase, the end-to-end simulation of a site independent...
Hard exclusive meson production and deeply virtual Compton scattering are common processes to constrain generalised parton distributions. The measurement of exclusive reactions, notably the exclusive $\pi^0$ production, were conducted at COMPASS in 2016 and 2017 using the 160 GeV/$c$ muon beam scattering off a 2.5~m long liquid hydrogen target equipped with time-of-flight detector to record...
FASER, the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment, has successfully taken data at the LHC since the start of Run 3 in 2022. From its unique location along the beam collision axis 480 m from the ATLAS IP, FASER has set leading bounds on dark photon parameter space in the thermal target region and has world-leading sensitivity to many other models of long-lived particles. In this talk, we will give a full...
Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), located in the southern part of China, will be the world’s largest liquid scintillator (LS) detector upon completion. Equipped with 20 kton LS, about 17612 20-inch PMTs and 25600 3-inch PMTs in the central detector (CD), JUNO will provide a unique apparatus to probe the mysteries of neutrinos, particularly the neutrino mass ordering puzzle. In...
Originally motivated for the generation of (Majorana) neutrino masses, the Type-II Seesaw Model has also a rich extended Higgs sector with, if accessible at the LHC, a distinctive phenomenology of neutral, charged and doubly-charged states. The goal of the work is to present an exhaustive phenomenological study of the most promising production and decay channels of pair or associated scalars,...
The future circular electron-positron collider (FCC-ee) is receiving much attention in the context of the FCC Feasibility Study currently in advanced progress described in the mid-term report, in preparation for the next EU strategy update. We present IDEA, a detector concept optimized for FCC-ee and composed of a vertex detector based on DMAPS, a very light drift chamber, a silicon wrapper, a...
I present recent efforts to tame the algebraic complexity of two-loop five-point scattering amplitudes in the spinor helicity formalism. These amplitudes are required, for instance, to obtain next-to-next-to-leading order predictions for the production of three jets or of a massive vector boson with two jets at the Large Hadron Collider. I review the method of numerical generalized and the...
During runs 1 and 2 of the LHC, the ALICE Muon Spectrometer (MS) has produced many results at forward pseudorapidities (2.5<$\eta$<4) and down to $p_{\rm T}$=0, mainly on quarkonia and open heavy flavors. However, the frontal absorber of the MS prevented the separation of charm and beauty contributions because of the lack of spatial resolution in the interaction point region. To remove this...
ATLAS results on weak decays on b hadrons are presented, including studies of $B^0_{(s)}\to\mu^+\mu^-$ rare decay, precision CP violation measurements with $B^0_s\to J/\psi\phi$ decay, as well as $B^0$ meson lifetime measurement.
Recent developments on Feynman integrals and string amplitudes greatly benefitted from multiple polylogarithms and their elliptic analogues — iterated integrals on the sphere and the torus, respectively. In this talk, I will review the Brown-Levin construction of elliptic polylogarithms and propose a generalization to Riemann surfaces of arbitrary genus. In particular, iterated integrals on a...
The LHCb detector, a single-arm forward spectrometer designed for the investigation of heavy flavor physics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), features one of the world’s largest and most radiation-exposed muon detectors. Throughout Runs 1 and 2 of the LHC, operating at an instantaneous luminosity of 4x10^32 cm-2 s-1 this detector has exhibited remarkable performance, with a tracking...
We present a novel strategy based on the step-scaling technique to study non-perturbatively thermal QCD up to very high temperatures. As a first concrete application, we compute the meson and baryonic screening masses with a precision of a few per mille in the temperature range from approximately 1 GeV up to the electroweak scale in the theory with three massless quarks. We observe a clear...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a future long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment featuring a 70kT liquid argon (LAr) far detector. The near detector complex, situated at Fermilab, includes NDLAr - a LAr detector that is critical for constraining systematic uncertainties via in situ measurements to enable precision studies of neutrino oscillations. Challenging event...
Knowledge of the primordial matter density field from which the present non-linear observations formed is of fundamental importance for cosmology, as it contains an immense wealth of information about the physics, evolution, and initial conditions of the universe. Reconstructing this density field from the galaxy survey data is a notoriously difficult task, requiring sophisticated statistical...
The future circular electron-positron collider (FCCee) will be used to study the heaviest known particles with unprecedented precision, a goal that introduces multiple challenges in the detector design. One of the proposed experiments for FCCee is ALLEGRO, a general-purpose detector concept that is currently in its design and optimization phase. This contribution will introduce ALLEGRO’s...
Advanced machine-learning (ML) based methods are being increasingly used to tackle the analyses of large and complex datasets. At CMS we explore the unique opportunity to exploit these new ML methods to extract information and address scientific questions to search for physics beyond the Standard Model, with the overarching aim to discern possible signatures for new physics. In this talk we...
Femtoscopy is a unique tool to investigate the space-time geometry of the matter created in ultra-relativistic collisions. If the probability density distribution of hadron emission is parametrized, then the dependence of its parameters on particle momentum, collision energy, and collision geometry can be given. In recent years, several measurements have come to light that indicate the...
The NA62 experiment at CERN, designed to measure the highly-suppressed decay $K^{+} \rightarrow \pi^{+}\nu\bar{\nu}$, has the capability to collect data in a beam-dump mode, where 400 GeV protons are dumped on an absorber. In this configuration, New Physics (NP) particles, including dark photons, dark scalars and axion-like particles, may be produced and reach a decay volume beginning 80 m...
We present searches from the CMS experiment, performed with data collected during LHC Run 2 at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, for rare Higgs bosons decays into light pseudoscalars. A variety of final states are explored, probing both boosted and resolved topologies.
The production of a single top quark $t$ in association with a $W$ and a $Z$ boson receives large contributions from beyond-the-standard-model (BSM) theories, particularly through the electroweak interaction of the top quark. This talk presents a study on the sensitivity of the $tWZ$ process to such effects in the form of effective field theory (EFT) operators. The study is based on the...
We propose a set of new optimized observables using penguin mediated decays together with their CP conjugate partners that are substantially cleaner than the corresponding branching ratios, which are plagued by large end point divergences. We find that the dominant contribution to the uncertainties of these observables stem from the corresponding form factors. The Standard model estimate of...
The SoLAr collaboration proposes to use the liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) technology to detect MeV-scale neutrinos, specifically to search for solar neutrinos, at the Boulby Underground Laboratory in the United Kingdom. SoLAr's innovative approach combines the light and charge readout of LArTPCs onto a combined dual readout anode plane, allowing for better positional resolution...
To withstand the challenging conditions of increased luminosity and higher pileup expected during the high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), the muon spectrometer of the CMS experiment will undergo specific upgrades targeting both the electronics and detectors to cope with the new challenging data-taking conditions and to improve the present tracking and triggering capabilities. The upgrade of the...
We investigate the role of elastic and inelastic (radiative) processes in the strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma (sQGP) within the effective dynamical quasi-particle model (DQPM) constructed for the description of non-perturbative QCD phenomena of the strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma (sQGP) in line with the lattice QCD equation-of-state.
We present the results for the:
We present theoretical results at approximate NNLO in QCD for top-quark pair-production total cross sections and top-quark differential distributions at the LHC in the SMEFT. These approximate results are obtained by adding higher-order soft gluon corrections to the complete NLO calculations. The higher-order corrections are large, and they reduce the scale uncertainties. These improved...
Designing the next generation colliders and detectors involves solving optimization problems in high-dimensional spaces where the optimal solutions may nest in regions that even a team of expert humans would not explore.
Resorting to Artificial Intelligence to assist the experimental design introduces however significant computational challenges in terms of generation and processing of the...
Searches for axion-like-particles (ALPs) in Higgs boson decays, as well as searches for ALP production with two top quarks are presented, using LHC collision data at 13 TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment in Run 2. The searches cover a mass range of ALPs below the Z-boson mass. Novel reconstruction and identification techniques used in these searches are described.
Space–time properties of quark--gluon plasma (QGP), a state of matter with unbound partons produced in heavy-ion collisions, can be studied using femtoscopic correlations of particle pairs emitted after the hadronization.
In this talk, results of 1D and 3D femtoscopic analyses of identical charged kaon pairs are reported in p--Pb and Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{{\rm NN}}}$ = 5.02 TeV...
The International Large Detector (ILD) is a detector designed primarily for the International Linear Collider (ILC), a high-luminosity linear electron-positron collider with an initial center-of-mass energy of 250 GeV, extendable to 1 TeV or more. The ILD concept is based on particle flow for overall event reconstruction, which requires outstanding detector capabilities including superb...
The MoEDAL experiment at IP8 on the LHC ring is the 7th LHC experiment and the 1st dedicated to the search for BSM physics. It took data at LHC’s Run-1&2. The MoEDAL detector is an unconventional and mostly passive detector dedicated to the search for Highly Ionizing Particle (HIP) avatars of new physics. An upgraded MoEDAL detector, installed for Run-3, is currently taking data allowing us...
We calculate differential distributions for diffractive dijets production in $e p \to e' p$ $jet$ $jet$ using off diagonal unintegrated gluon distributions (GTMDs). Different models are used.
We concentrate on the contribution of exclusive $q \bar q$ dijets.
Results of our calculations are compared to H1 and ZEUS data. In general, except of one GTMD, our results are below the HERA data....
The CMS Muon system is undergoing significant upgrades for High-Luminosity LHC operation, including the installation of the Muon Endcap 0 (ME0) detector. ME0 is a 6-layer station, scheduled for production starting in 2024, that will expand the geometrical acceptance for muons in the pseudorapidity range 2.03<|η|<2.8. Comprising 18 chambers per endcap, each housing 6 triple-GEM detectors, ME0...
We consider the 5-mass kite family of self-energy Feynman integrals and present a systematic approach for putting its associated differential equation into a convenient form (also called the epsilon or canonical form).
We show that this is most easily achieved by making a change of variables from the kinematic space to the function space of two tori with punctures.
We demonstrate how the...
The latest time-dependent CP violation measurements using beauty to open charm decays from LHCb are presented. These decays provide sensitivity to important CKM parameters such as the angles beta and gamma from the unitarity triangle.
Recent advances in AI have been significant, with large language models demonstrating astonishing capabilities that hold the promise of driving new scientific discoveries in high-energy physics. In this report, we will discuss two potential approaches to large models. The first is a specialized intelligent agent for BESIII experiment based on large language models, encompassing its brain,...
Heavy quarks are produced in hard partonic scatterings at the very early stage of heavy-ion collisions and experience the whole evolution of the Quark-Gluon Plasma medium. Two-particle femtoscopic correlations at low relative momentum, are sensitive to the final-state interactions and to the space-time extent of the region from which the correlated particles are emitted. Correlations study...
This study explores fully leptonic WZ and WW production within the SMEFT framework at NLO in QCD, focusing on both CP-even and CP-odd triple gauge coupling dimension-six operators. We investigate the off-shell production processes and contrast our findings with those derived under the narrow-width approximation. Alongside the conventional kinematical observables, we examine...
Decays of Higgs bosons produce pairs of vector bosons in highly entangled states - near-perfect Bell states. In the language of quantum information theory the pair of spin-1 W and Z bosons is a bipartite system of two qutrits. The chiral decays of the W and Z permit measurement of the full bipartite bipartite spin-density matrix, allowing the LHC experiments to perform quantum state...
The Hybrid Asymmetric Linear Higgs Factory (HALHF) proposes a shorter and cheaper design for a future Higgs factory. It reaches a $\sqrt{s}$ = 250 GeV using a 500 GeV electron beam accelerated by an electron-driven plasma wake-field, and a conventionally-accelerated 31 GeV positron beam. Assuming plasma acceleration R&D challenges are solved in a timely manner, the asymmetry of the collisions...
Many extensions of the Standard Model with Dark Matter candidates predict new long-lived particles (LLP). The LHC provides an unprecedented possibility to search for such LLP produced at the electroweak scale and above. The ANUBIS concept foresees instrumenting the ceiling and service shafts above the ATLAS experiment with tracking stations in order to search for LLPs with decay lengths of...
The occurence of $CP$-asymmetric processes is one of the necessary conditions for successful matter-antimatter asymmetry generation in the early universe. Considering any initial state, by unitarity and $CPT$ symmetry, the sum of the asymmetries over all possible final states vanishes. In this contribution, we present a diagrammatic approach to simplifying asymmetry calculations and allowing...
In the context of high-energy particle physics, a reliable theory-experiment confrontation requires precise theoretical predictions. This translates into accessing higher-perturbative orders, and when we pursue this objective, we inevitably face the presence of complicated multiloop Feynman integrals. There are serious bottlenecks to compute them with classical tools: the time to explore novel...
We evaluate the cross section for diffractive bremsstrahlung of a single photon in the $pp \to pp \gamma$ reaction at high energies and at forward photon rapidities. Several differential distributions, for instance, the rapidity, the absolute value of the transverse momentum, and the energy of the photon are presented. We discuss also azimuthal correlations between outgoing particles. We...
In view of the challenging data taking of CMS in HL-LHC Collisions, an extensive upgrade is underway for the CMS Muon System to ensure its optimal performance in muon triggering and reconstruction. The key role of RPCs as dedicated muon detectors will provide relevant timing information, profiting of their time resolution, to secure sub-bunch crossing event timestamp. To meet the requirements...
The potential for a new Europe-based flagship neutrino experiment opens with dismantling the EDF Chooz-A nuclear reactor complex (up to 50,000m3 of underground volume) hosting the SuperChooz experiment. The new site is ~1km from the N4-nuclear reactors of the EDF Chooz-B. This shallow location is expected to be possible thanks to the novel LiquidO technology, heralding the...
A 10 TeV muon collider is the ideal machine to explore the energy frontier. In addition to producing large samples of Standard Model particles, it has the potential to create new, possibly massive states, enabling a broad physics program that includes direct and indirect searches for new physics, precise Standard Model measurements in an unexplored energy regime, and significant advancements...
Signatures of new physics at the LHC are varied and by nature often very different from those of Standard Model processes. Novel experimental techniques, including dedicated datastreams are exploited to boost the sensitivity of the CMS Experiment to search for such signatures. In this talk we highlight the most recent CMS results, obtained using the data collected at the LHC Run-II through the...
The production yield of (hyper)nuclei is commonly described using two conceptually different models: statistical hadronization (SHM) or coalescence. This talk will present the elliptic flow measurements ($v_{2}$) of $\mathrm{^{3} He}$ and $\mathrm{^{3}_{\Lambda} H}$ at LHC energies using the large Pb-Pb data sample collected by ALICE during the Run 3 of LHC. Results will be compared with the...
In the framework of the two Higgs doublet Model (2HDM) type-1, we investigate the scope of the LHC in accessing the process $gg\to H \to hh\to b\bar b\tau\tau$ by performing a Monte Carlo (MC) analysis aimed at extracting this signal from the SM backgrounds, in the presence of a dedicated trigger choice and kinematical selection. We prove that some sensitivity to such a channel exists already...
The CMS Tracker in Run 3 is made up of thousands of silicon modules (Pixel:1856 modules, Strip: 15148 modules). Because of the aging of the detector, and all other possible accidents that may happen during the operations, there is the need for constant monitoring of the detector components, in order to guarantee the best data quality. The procedures and tools adopted by the CMS Tracker group...
Accurate predictions for Standard Model and Beyond the Standard Model phenomena are fundamental to collider experiments. In this context, electroweak corrections, enhanced by Sudakov logarithms, emerge as the dominant higher-order effect at the TeV scale and beyond. We computed Sudakov EW corrections in the high-energy limit for the dimension-6 SMEFT operators that maximally grow with energy....
Measuring the mixing phases of the B0 and Bs mesons is very important to validate the CP violation paradigm of the Standard Model and to search for new physics beyond it. Golden modes to measure these quantities are those governed by tree-level $b\to c\bar{c}q$ transitions, that allow precise and theoretically clean determinations to be performed. Besides, measuring the mixing phases with...
Resistive Plate Chambers are used in the ATLAS experiment for triggering muons in the barrel region. These detectors use a Freon-based gas mixture containing C2H2F4 and SF6, high global warming potential greenhouse gases. To reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and cost, it is crucial to search for new environmentally friendly gas mixtures. In August 2023, at the end of the proton-proton...
We present our results for azimuthal decorrelation of a vector boson and jet in proton-proton collisions. We show that using a recoil-free jet definition reduces the sensitivity to contamination from soft radiation and simplifies our calculation by eliminating non-global logarithms. Specifically, we consider the $p_T^n$ recombination scheme, as well as the $n\to \infty$ limit, known as the...
Next generation long-baseline neutrino experiments require precision measurements of neutrino interactions in near detectors The Intermediate Water Cherenkov Detector (IWCD) will operate as a near detector for Hyper-K, and a similar sized near detector is considered for ESSnuSB. The Water Cherenkov Test Experiment (WCTE) is a 50-ton test experiment that will operate in CERN's recently...
We augment the conventional $T$-$\mu_B$ planar phase
diagram for QCD matter by extending it to a multi-dimensional domain spanned by temperature $T$, baryon chemical potential $\mu_B$, external magnetic field $B$ and angular velocity $\omega$. This is relevant for peripheral heavy-ion collisions or astrophysical systems where $B$, $\omega$ are non-zero. Using two independent approaches, one...
This talk will summarise a method based on machine learning to play the devil's advocate and investigate the impact of unknown systematic effects in a quantitative way. This method proceeds by reversing the measurement process and using the physics results to interpret systematic effects under the Standard Model hypothesis. We explore this idea in arXiv:2303.15956 by considering the...
While the physics program for the future Higgs factory focuses on measurements of the 125 GeV Higgs boson, production of new exotic light scalars is still not excluded by the existing experimental data, provided their coupling to the gauge bosons is sufficiently suppressed. We present prospects for discovering an extra scalar boson produced in association with a $Z$ boson at the ILC running at...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multipurpose neutrino experiment under construction. The JUNO detector requires an unprecedent energy resolution of 3% at 1 MeV. It is composed of the central liquid scintillator detector, the water Cherenkov detector and the top tracker. The central detector is a φ35.4 m acrylic vessel supported by a stainless-steel structure,...
The Large Hadron-electron Collider and the Future Circular Collider in electron-hadron mode will make possible the study of DIS in the TeV regime providing electron-proton collisions with instantaneous luminosities of $10^{34}$ cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$. In this talk we will review the opportunities for measuring standard and anomalous top quark couplings, both to lighter quarks and to gauge bosons,...
Flavour physics represents a unique test bench for the Standard Model (SM). New analyses performed at the LHC experiments and new results coming from Belle II are bringing unprecedented insights into CKM metrology and new results for rare decays. The CKM picture provides very precise SM predictions through global analyses. We present here the results of the latest global SM analysis performed...
The Jinping Neutrino Experiment (JNE), situated in the world's deepest underground laboratory, the China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL), conducts research on solar neutrinos, geo-neutrinos, supernova neutrinos, and neutrinoless double beta decay. The Jinping Neutrino one-ton prototype, located in CJPL-I, has completed measurements of cosmic rays and background. Next, JNE plans to build...
RPC detectors play a crucial role in triggering events with muons in the ATLAS central region; it is facing a significant upgrade in view of the HL-LHC program. In the next few years, 306 triplets of new generation RPCs, with 1 mm gas gap (instead of 2 mm) will be installed in the innermost region of the ATLAS Muon Barrel Spectrometer, increasing from 6 to 9 the number of tracking layers,...
Understanding the cancellation of ultraviolet and infrared singularities in perturbative quantum field theory is of central importance for the development and automation of various theoretical tools that make accurate predictions for observables at high-energy colliders. The loop-tree duality aims to find an efficient solution by treating loop and tree-level contributions under the same foot...
The current RPC system of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer is undergoing a major upgrade, with the installation of approximately 1000 RPC detector units of new generation in the innermost barrel layer. The goal of the project is to increase the detector coverage and improve the trigger robustness and efficiency. The Italian collaboration is taking care of the construction and test of the chambers...
Fabiola Gianotti (CERN), Lia Merminga (FNAL), Yifang Wang (IHEP), and Shoji Asai (KEK)
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This year's ICHEP2024 series will feature a panel discussion on Future Colliders. While large-scale future collider projects offer groundbreaking physics opportunities, they also pose various daunting...