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International Workshop on Breakdown Science and High Gradient Technology (HG2022)

from Monday 16 May 2022 (14:30) to Thursday 19 May 2022 (23:50)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
16 May 2022
17 May 2022
18 May 2022
19 May 2022
Poster Session (until 15:00) ()
14:30 Design and Prototyping of high-gradient Ka-band accelerating structures - Bruno Spataro Luigi Faillace   ()
14:30 High temperature superconductor-based RF cavity development high power test - Mitch Schneider Jessica Golm (Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena (DE))   ()
14:30 SEY reduction and assembly techniques of dielectric accelerating structure applications - Alexej Grudiev (CERN)   ()
14:30 Status and plans of the new XBand laboratory for accelerators and beams, X-LAB - Matteo Volpi (University of Melbourne (AU)) Matteo Volpi (The Melbourne University)   ()
14:30 Wakefield Damping of a Distributed Coupling LINAC for CLIC - Evan James Ericson (University of Saskatchewan (CA))   ()
15:00 Welcome - Jiaru Shi   ()
Facility Update - Walter Wuensch (CERN) (until 17:05) ()
15:05 Nextef2: Reborn X-band High-Gradient Test Stand at KEK - Tetsuo Abe (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))   ()
15:25 Operation status of C-band accelerator at SACLA and NewSUBARU - Takahiro Inagaki (RIKEN SPring-8 center)   ()
15:45 High-power X and S-band testing at CERN - Marçà Boronat (CERN)   ()
16:05 Updates on Tsinghua High-power test stand - Hao Zha   ()
16:25 X-band activities at INFN-LNF - Fabio Cardelli   ()
16:45 Analysis of the Commissioning and Operation of the SwissFEL Linac - Tom Lucas   ()
17:05 --- Break ---
Facility Update - Chunguang Jing (Euclid Techlabs / Argonne National Laboratory) Chunguang Jing (until 18:55) ()
17:15 Update on C-band High Gradient Testing at Los Alamos - Evgenya Simakov (Los Alamos National Laboratory)   ()
17:35 UCLA Update - Gerard Lawler Jamie Rosenzweig   ()
17:55 Updates on the High Gradient S Band Experiments at IFIC - Pablo Martinez-Reviriego   ()
18:15 Status of FERMI upgrade and RF system development and test - Nuaman Shafqat (Elettra Sincrotrone) nuaman shafqat (Elettra)   ()
18:35 HG activities at AWA - John Power   ()
Poster Session (until 19:35) ()
18:55 Design and Prototyping of high-gradient Ka-band accelerating structures - Luigi Faillace Bruno Spataro   ()
18:55 High temperature superconductor-based RF cavity development high power test - Jessica Golm (Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena (DE)) Mitch Schneider   ()
18:55 SEY reduction and assembly techniques of dielectric accelerating structure applications - Alexej Grudiev (CERN)   ()
18:55 Status and plans of the new XBand laboratory for accelerators and beams, X-LAB - Matteo Volpi (University of Melbourne (AU)) Matteo Volpi (The Melbourne University)   ()
18:55 Wakefield Damping of a Distributed Coupling LINAC for CLIC - Evan James Ericson (University of Saskatchewan (CA))   ()
Poster Session (until 15:00) ()
14:30 Breakdown study on an X-band RF gun - Liuyuan Zhou   ()
14:30 Design and test of a short pulse X-band deflector - Chunguang Jing (Euclid Techlabs / Argonne National Laboratory) Chunguang Jing Chunguang Jing   ()
14:30 Design of disk-loaded traveling wave structure for the muon linac - Kazumichi Sumi   ()
14:30 Development of X-band high gradient structures and CuAg alloys - Bruno Spataro (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))   ()
14:30 High-Field Studies in the Linac4 RFQ at CERN - Lee Millar (CERN)   ()
14:30 Parallel Feed structures - Yuliang Jiang   ()
14:30 Results and observations from high-gradient photoinjector testing - Louise Cowie (Science and Technology Facilities Council)   ()
HG Structure - Wencheng Fang (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI-SSRF)) (until 17:00) ()
15:00 High Gradient Linac for High Intensity Positron Production - Yoshinori Enomoto   ()
15:20 X-band deflector test results at X-BOX3 - Jianhao Tan   ()
15:40 Updates on structures for CEPC and HEPS - Jingru Zhang   ()
16:00 X-band Linacs in AWAKE - Steffen Doebert (CERN)   ()
16:20 C-band Photocathode gun testing - Cheng Wang   ()
16:40 X-band linac and optimized accelerating structures of the CompactLight project - Marco Diomede (DESY - MSK)   ()
17:00 --- Break ---
HG Structure - Gerardo D'Auria (Elettra Trieste) Gerardo D'Auria (Elettra Trieste) (until 18:50) ()
17:10 Recent Results on S and C band high gradient/high repetition rate RF Guns design, construction and test - David Alesini   ()
17:30 Progress of accelerator system for the VIGAS project in Tsinghua Unviersity - Gao Qiang   ()
17:50 Demonstration of Gradient above 300MV/m in short pulse regime using an X-band single-cell structure - Jiahang Shao   ()
18:10 Commissioning results of the ASU CXLS kHz repetition rate X-band photoinjector and linac - William Graves   ()
18:30 Metamaterial structures for High-Gradient Wakefield Acceleration - Xueying Lu   ()
Poster Session (until 19:30) ()
18:55 Breakdown study on an X-band RF gun - Liuyuan Zhou   ()
18:55 Design and test of a short pulse X-band deflector - Chunguang Jing (Euclid Techlabs / Argonne National Laboratory) Chunguang Jing Chunguang Jing   ()
18:55 Design of disk-loaded traveling wave structure for the muon linac - Kazumichi Sumi   ()
18:55 Development of X-band high gradient structures and CuAg alloys - Bruno Spataro (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))   ()
18:55 High-Field Studies in the Linac4 RFQ at CERN - Lee Millar (CERN)   ()
18:55 Parallel Feed structures - Yuliang Jiang   ()
18:55 Results and observations from high-gradient photoinjector testing - Louise Cowie (Science and Technology Facilities Council)   ()
Poster Session (until 15:00) ()
14:30 Applying Machine Learning to Breakdown Prediction in High-Gradient RF Cavities - Christoph Obermair (Graz University of Technology (AT)) Lee Millar (CERN)   ()
14:30 Atomistic modeling of the coupling between electric field and bulk plastic deformation - Soumendu Bagchi   ()
14:30 Bveri activities on MBK RF source - Zhizhi Wan   ()
14:30 Cathode versus Anode Breakdown Features in Cryogenic Conditioning - Iaroslava Profatilova Marek Jacewicz (Uppsala University (SE))   ()
14:30 Comparative material study of breakdown threshold and robustness to low-energy proton irradiation - Catarina Serafim (University of Helsinki (FI)) Ruth Peacock (Lancaster University (GB))   ()
14:30 Field enhancement sharpening mechanism via biased surface diffusion - Jyri Kimari   ()
14:30 Recent Developments in X-band Klystrons at CETD - Toshiyasu Higo (KEK)   ()
Application - David Alesini (until 17:00) ()
15:00 The CompactLight project and beyond - Gerardo Dauria   ()
15:20 The CHUV/CERN FLASH radiation facility collaboration - Walter Wuensch (CERN)   ()
15:40 Compact Linac systems for VHEE and X-ray Flash radiotherapy - Hao Zha (Tsinghua University)   ()
16:00 Proton CT facility based S-band linac - Wencheng Fang   ()
16:20 High-gradient C-band linacs for a VHEE-FLASH radiotherapy facility - Luigi Faillace   ()
16:40 High-gradient linac for image-guided hadron therapy with FLASH capability - Aurora Araujo (Radiabeam) Sergei Kutsaev   ()
17:00 --- Break ---
Breakdown and HG Structure - John Power (until 18:50) ()
17:10 Monte Carlo Model of High-Gradient Conditioning and Operation - Lee Millar (CERN)   ()
17:30 Ab-initio Cu alloy design for high-gradient accelerating structures - Gaoxue Wang   ()
17:50 Development of e-beam welding for high gradient accelerating structures - Paul Carriere (RadiaBeam Technologies)   ()
18:10 Cryogenic Brightness-Optimized Radiofrequency Gun - Gerard Lawler   ()
18:30 Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Accelerating Structures Fed by High-Power Ultra-Short Pulses - Sergey Kuzikov   ()
Poster Session (until 19:30) ()
18:50 Applying Machine Learning to Breakdown Prediction in High-Gradient RF Cavities - Lee Millar (CERN) Christoph Obermair (Graz University of Technology (AT))   ()
18:50 Atomistic modeling of the coupling between electric field and bulk plastic deformation - Soumendu Bagchi   ()
18:50 Bveri activities on MBK RF source - Zhizhi Wan   ()
18:50 Cathode versus Anode Breakdown Features in Cryogenic Conditioning - Iaroslava Profatilova Iaroslava Profatilova Marek Jacewicz (Uppsala University (SE))   ()
18:50 Comparative material study of breakdown threshold and robustness to low-energy proton irradiation - Ruth Peacock (Lancaster University (GB)) Catarina Serafim (University of Helsinki (FI))   ()
18:50 Field enhancement sharpening mechanism via biased surface diffusion - Jyri Kimari   ()
18:50 Recent Developments in X-band Klystrons at CETD - Toshiyasu Higo (KEK)   ()
Poster Session (until 15:00) ()
14:30 Copropagating schemes for highgradient Dielectric Laser Accelerators (DLAs) - Giuseppe Torrisi (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
14:30 Modulator - Bas Eikelboom (Jema)   ()
14:30 Simulation Design of Multicell DDA Structure - Sarah Weatherly   ()
14:30 VDL Machining - Paul Blom   ()
Power Source / SLED - Tetsuo Abe (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)) (until 17:00) ()
15:00 High-intesity 300-GHz Terahertz-wave generation based on nonlinear optical down-conversion - Hiroaki Minamide   ()
15:20 X-band and high-efficiency development - Igor Syratchev (CERN)   ()
15:40 Magnetron Power Combination as compact X-band RF source - Jiayang Liu   ()
16:00 Pulse-to-Pulse Waveform Analysis for Evaluation of Pulse Compressor System - Yusei Bando (SOKENDAI/KEK)   ()
16:20 X-band Novel open cavity SLED - Xiaowei Wu   ()
16:40 RF design of the Pulse compression system for the klystron-based CLIC main linac - Ping Wang   ()
17:00 --- Break ---
HG Structure - Evgenya Simakov (Los Alamos National Laboratory) (until 18:50) ()
17:10 Development and high power testing of an APF IH-DTL for the muon linac - Yuga Nakazawa   ()
17:30 High-performance RFQ development - Alexej Grudiev (CERN)   ()
17:50 High Power Test Results of X-Band Dielectric Disk Accelerating Structures - Ben Freemire (Euclid Techlabs)   ()
18:10 Development of a THz-driven field emission electron gun - Elliot claveau   ()
18:30 Design of a corrugated waveguide for a high gradient wakefield accelerator - Sasha Siy   ()
18:50 Closing remarks - Alessandro Gallo Walter Wuensch (CERN) Jiaru Shi   ()
Poster Session (until 19:40) ()
19:00 Copropagating schemes for highgradient Dielectric Laser Accelerators (DLAs) - Giuseppe Torrisi (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
19:00 Modulator - Bas Eikelboom (Jema)   ()
19:00 Simulation Design of Multicell DDA Structure - Sarah Weatherly   ()
19:00 VDL Machining - Paul Blom   ()