ACES 2014 - Fourth Common ATLAS CMS Electronics Workshop for LHC Upgrades

222/R-001 (CERN)



Build 222-R-001
Show room on map
Magnus Hansen (CERN), Philippe Farthouat (CERN)

This workshop will be dedicated to electronic issues for upgrades, focusing on subjects where common features or developments are likely. Developments for upgrades for proton-proton and heavy ion running for Phase I and for high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will be included.

The following main areas will be covered:

* Front-end electronics development for Phase I and HL-LHC,

* Electronics systems for triggering and DAQ at Phase I and HL-LHC, including level-1 tracking trigger and the use of modular electronics standards such as xTCA,

* Optical and electrical links,

* Power distribution and low power design techniques,

* Progress on upgrades for HL-LHC.

The oral presentations will be made by invitation. A poster session will be organised for which abstracts will have to be submitted on the indico page. More details can be obtained in contacting a member of the programme committee:

Programme Committee

Marco Dallavalle (INFN Bologna)
Philippe Farthouat (CERN - co Chair)
Alex Grillo (UC Santa-Cruz)
Geoff Hall (Imperial College London)
Magnus Hansen (CERN - co Chair)
Francesco Lanni (BNL)
Wesley Smith (Wisconsin)
Stefano Veneziano (INFN Roma)

Administrative assistance will be provided by Evelyne Dho

Registration is free (except for the conference dinner), but participants must register online before 08 March 2014.

  • Agnieszka Anna Zagozdzinska
  • Agostino Lanza
  • Ahmed Hasib
  • Alessandro Iovene
  • Alessandro La Rosa
  • Alex Tapper
  • Alexander Grillo
  • Alexander Paramonov
  • Alexandre Rozanov
  • Andreas Kugel
  • Andrew William Rose
  • Anna Peisert
  • Attila RACZ
  • Austin Lesea
  • Babak Rahbaran
  • Bernd Dehning
  • Cairo Caplan
  • Carlos Solans Sanchez
  • Caterina Deplano
  • Christian BOHM
  • Christian Faerber
  • Claudio Gotti
  • Daniel Magalotti
  • Daniel Muenstermann
  • David Sankey
  • David Strom
  • Dimitrios-Marios Kolotouros
  • Dong Su
  • Dragoslav Lazic
  • Duccio Abbaneo
  • Eric Shearer Hazen
  • Erik Henricus HEIJNE
  • Evelyne DHO
  • Fabrizio Palla
  • Federico Alessio
  • Federico Faccio
  • Fernando Varela Rodriguez
  • Francesco Lanni
  • Francis ANGHINOLFI
  • Francois Vasey
  • Geoff Hall
  • George Iakovidis
  • Gianluigi De Geronimo
  • Gianluigi Pessina
  • Gilles De Lentdecker
  • Giovanni Calderini
  • Giovanni Spiezia
  • Gueorgui Antchev
  • Gustaaf Brooijmans
  • Guy Perrot
  • Hans Kristian Soltveit
  • Hans MULLER
  • Helio Takai
  • Herbert Bergauer
  • Ian Brawn
  • Ivan Amos Cali
  • Jan Troska
  • Jared Sturdy
  • Jay Chapman
  • jean-louis FAure
  • Jeroen Hegeman
  • Jingbo Ye
  • Jinlong Zhang
  • Joao Guimaraes da Costa
  • Joerg Lehnert
  • Johannes Wittmann
  • jorgen christiansen
  • Jos Vermeulen
  • Jose Da Silva
  • Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco
  • K.K. Gan
  • Karl Ecklund
  • Karl Gill
  • Karolos Potamianos
  • Konstantinos Ntekas
  • Kostas Kloukinas
  • Livio Mapelli
  • Lorne Levinson
  • Magnus Hansen
  • Manfred Jeitler
  • Manoel Barros Marin
  • Marcelo Vicente
  • Marco Dallavalle
  • Marco Leite
  • Marcos Fernandez Garcia
  • Mark Prydderch
  • Mark Raymond
  • Markus Joos
  • Martin Eichelberger
  • Matt Warren
  • Merritt Miller
  • Mike Wirthlin
  • Nachman Lupu
  • Natale Demaria
  • Nikitas LOUKAS
  • Nikolaos Trikoupis
  • Pamela Klabbers
  • Panagiotis Gkountoumis
  • Pascal Joel
  • Paul Aspell
  • Peter W. Phillips
  • Petr Levchenko
  • Phil Allport
  • Philippe Farthouat
  • Piotr Burtowy
  • Piotr Pawel NIKIEL
  • Pooja Saxena
  • Ralf SPIWOKS
  • Rebecca Carney
  • Riccardo Travaglini
  • Richard Teuscher
  • Robert Richter
  • Rusty Boyd
  • Ruud Kluit
  • Ryan Edgar
  • Salvatore Danzeca
  • Sandra Saornil Gamarra
  • Sergio Gonzalez Sevilla
  • Sophie BARON
  • Sorin Martoiu
  • Stefano Magnoni
  • Stefano Mersi
  • Stefano Veneziano
  • Stefanos Leontsinis
  • Steven Welch
  • Suen Hou
  • Susanne Kersten
  • Tatsuo Kawamoto
  • Ted Liu
  • Theodoros Alexopoulos
  • Thomas Lenzi
  • Tiesheng Dai
  • Timon Heim
  • Tobias Flick
  • tsirou andromachi
  • Tullio Grassi
  • Ulrich Heintz
  • Valerie Chambert
  • Walter Muller
  • Walter Snoeys
  • Weiming Qian
  • Wesley Smith
  • Wladyslaw Dabrowski
  • Yasuyuki Horii
  • Yifan Yang
There is a live webcast for this event