EGEE'09 - Uniting our strengths to realise a sustainable European grid
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Welcome Plenary Barcelona B-C
Barcelona B-C
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe opening session will welcome you to EGEE’09 and Barcelona. Following welcomes from the local organiser, and the national and regional governments there will be an overview of the EGEE project and its current status. After this introduction there will be two keynote presentations that reflect on activities within Spain covering the use of the Life Sciences community of the Spanish Grid and then how the High Energy Physics community of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid is being served by the Spanish Tier 1.
Welcome from local organisers and Spanish Dignitaries
a) Manuel Delfino, Port d'Informacio CientificaSpeaker: Prof. Manuel Delfino (PIC)
b) Bob Jones, EGEE Project Director
c) Kostas Glinos (European Comission) Head of the Géant and e-Infrastructures Unit, Directorate General for Information Society and MediaSpeaker: Kostas Glinos
d) Luis E. Ruiz López de la Torre Ayllón, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) Subdirector General de Instalaciones y Organismos InternacionalesSpeaker: Luis E. Ruiz López de la Torre Ayllón
e) Ramon Moreno Amich, Generalitat de Catalunya, Director del programa de Centres de Recerca (CERCA), Pacte Nacional per a la Recerca i la InnovacióSpeaker: Ramon Moreno Amich
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A framework for rapid prototyping e-Science experiments Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaGrid Technology brings the power of many computers and storage systems geographically distributed to scientists. However, the development of Grid-enabled applications requires knowledge about Grid infrastructure and low-level API to Grid services. The demo will show a high-level environment for rapid prototyping of e-Science experiments which fills the gap between the required complex infrastructure and the various scientific domains. A set of tools are composing this framework, and together they provide full support for the design and execution of scientific experiment over a complex and distributed infrastructure. The tools can be divided in two categories, one for assisting the development and the design of complex experiment and one for executing and enacting these experiments on a fairly heterogeneous and dynamic infrastructure. Applications from the bio-informatics and medical domain will be used to present the core features of the proposed environment.
ACC CYFRONET AGH / PL-GRID Demo booth nr 7
Demo booth nr 7
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe demos given on this booth will be availabe throughout the week.
• An Efficient Resource-related SLA Management with Bazaar Portal
• Virtual Laboratory Powered by GridSpace in PL-Grid
• Migrating Desktop - Intuitive Interface to Grid Resources -
Interoperation of gLite and OurGrid in the Context of the EELA-2 Project -DEMO Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaIn this demo we present our approach to interoperate a service grid (SG) based on the gLite middleware with an opportunistic grid (OG) based on the OurGrid middleware. In addition to the traditional gateway-based approach, we have also leveraged on the facilities of OurGrid to provide a way to opportunistically explore the SG resources whenever they are idle. The advantages of this approach are threefold: firstly, it allows idle resources belonging to the SG to be used in an opportunistic way, improving the efficiency of the service grid; secondly, the provision of an OG allows shared resources to be added to the infrastructure, a feature that turns out to be very important for consortia in which many of the member institutions cannot afford the provision of dedicated resources; finally, the OG can efficiently execute the embarrassingly parallel workload, liberating the SG to execute mostly tightly-coupled applications, with a great reduction on the response time of these applications.
LifeWatch Demo booth nr 20
Demo booth nr 20
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe demos given on this booth will be availabe throughout the week.
Migrating Desktop – Intuitive Interface to Grid Resources Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe success of computing technologies depends heavily on interfaces that should enable easy and transparent access to underlying infrastructures. To achieve this goal we propose The Migrating Desktop – a powerful user interface, that hides the middleware complexity and provides user-friendly and intuitive access to the resources.
Key product features include: simple applications integration, easy job defining, submission, and tracking as well as intuitive management of grid data. Intuitive interface, open architecture and possibility of interoperation between various middlewares makes the Migrating Desktop a valuable tool that could be used both: by inexperienced user or skilled application developer with their work with grid.
Migrating Desktop was created in the CrossGrid project and proved its usefulness in everyday work of BalticGrid int.and eu.grid project users communities. Accepted for EGEE RESPECT program, currently is developed in the BalticGrid-II and PL-Grid (Polish NGI). -
OpenNebula RESERVOIR and StratusLab Demo booth nr 22
Demo booth nr 22
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe demos given on this booth will be availabe throughout the week.
Integration Scenarios of Cloud to Optimize the use and Operation of Distributed Computing Infrastructures -
Worldwide LHC Computing Grid Demo booth nr 2
Demo booth nr 2
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe demos given on this booth will be availabe throughout the week.
• The distributed computing of the ALICE experiment at a glance
• The distributed computing of the ATLAS experiment at a glance
• The Distributed Computing of the CMS Experiment at a glance
• A challenge for the LHCb computing: how to produce, manage and analyse PetaBytes of data over the Grid
• Monitoring of the LHC Distributed Computing using Experiment Dashboard
• Using Ganga and Diane tools to introduce new communities to the Grid
• VO Specific Service Monitor -
e-NMR Demo booth nr 8
Demo booth nr 8
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe demos given on this booth will be availabe throughout the week.
e-NMR: Web-enabled life-science applications on EGEE -
Technical Plenary: Policy Issues in Distributed Computing Infrastructures Barcelona B-C
Barcelona B-C
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaPublicly funded research infrastructures, of which EGEE is Europe’s flagship example for high throughput distributed computing, exist within the policy environment specified by their funding bodies. For EGEE, it is the European Commission’s Framework VII programme that provides the policy mechanisms that drive the project, and other funded research activities within Europe.
The first keynote presentation in this session will be given by Kostas Glinos describing the broader policy environment that is driving the development of research infrastructures in Europe. The second keynote presentation by Jennifer Schopf provides a perspective on the policy environment in the USA from the National Science Foundation’s Office of CyberInfrastructure (equivalent to e-Infrastructure in Europe). The last keynote presentation will describe the European Grid Initiative (EGI) model and the work being undertaken within the community to transition from the EGEE based project infrastructure to a more sustainable longer term model as described within EGI. At the heart of EGI is the federation of independent National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) into the EGI structure.
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EGEE Accounting Portal: Integrating data from different accounting providers. Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaEGEE has a complex accounting ecosystem that involves different accounting providers (APEL, DGAS, SGAS, and Gratia) publishing to a common central repository. Accounting records are periodically aggregated in order to be displayed in the EGEE accounting portal that acts as a connection point between the providers and presents the information in a common interface.
The EGEE/WLCG accounting portal is currently one of the most complete grid accounting portals in the world providing different views that go from a global and public view to very specialised views.
Using the user DN it is possible to create statistics about the accounting at the individual user level. To access the accounting per user statistics pages it is necessary to authenticate using a X.509 certificate signed by an IGTF approved CA.
The demo will provide an opportunity to see the current status of the portal and all the possibilities it can offer to the grid community.
Further development of P-GRADE Portal for advance user support Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaP-GRADE Portal has been downloaded from sourceforge in about 1400 copies since 2008 January. Its popularity has been constantly growing and has been deployed by new communities (Belgium Grid, WhiteRoseGrid UK, Grid Malaysia, etc.) beyond the previously existed ones. Our mission is to improve the portal for these communities with new features and functionalities. The goal of this demo is to show these new features:
1.) Features requested by SEE-GRID-SCI project:
a. Extending the portal with a community workflow repository based on the D-Space OSS repository system.
b. Creating an infrastructure test portlet by which users can test the grid CEs and SEs with their own certificate proxys.
2.) Accounting portlet (requested by Grid Malaysia)
3.) gUSE/WS-PGRADE for advance users:
a. embeding workflows
b. generator and collector nodes in workflows
4.) Application specific portals:
a. Rendering portal (by Univ. of Westminster)
b. OmNet simulation portal
c. CancerGrid portal -
Integrating SAGA with GANGA and gLite Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaSAGA is a high-level API that is currently an OGF techincal specification;
it is slated to become a standard in 2010. Several production grids
worldwide currently support SAGA or are deploying it currently (including
TeraGrid and UK's NGS). SAGA provides the ability to develop applications
and tools that can work on and interoperate across different distributed
systems.The aim of this talk/demo is to show progress towards integrating (i) SAGA
with GANGA and (ii) developing gLite adaptors for SAGA. We will discuss
the advantages that will arise as a consequence to the broader EGEE
applications community. -
Activities of the Spanish National Grid Initiative Barcelona C
Barcelona C
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaAlthough the Spanish National Grid Initiative is officially starting in July 2009, it has a long trajectory as a consequence of the participation in numerous general-purpose and application-area specific Grid infrastructure projects, such as DATAGRID, CrossGrid, EGEE,-II,-III, EELA-1/-2,, DORII, EUFORIA, WLCG, etc. and a large activity at the national level. The main actors have been organised in the form of research networks since 8 years ago and have progressed strongly in the last 2 years with the start-up of the Spanish Network for e-Science.
This session is a window for the exchange of experiences at the international level. The session will cover middleware, infrastructure organisation and main applications, developed in the frame of the groups working at the Spanish National Grid Initiative. -
An Introduction to Regional Operational Tools Sant Gervasi
Sant Gervasi
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaOne aim of the EGEE SA1 Operations Tools is to provide solutions that could exist after the end of EGEE-III in a regional/NGI context. In this session we will show the regional tools that exist as part of the EGEE SA1 OAT Milestone 3 deliverable, how they interact and how they can be used to manage a regional infrastructure.
We will also cover the potential integration points where regional infrastructures can add their own existing tools, such as regional helpdesk, configuration repository, accounting information.
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Regional NagiosSpeaker: Mr Emir Imamagic (SRCE / EGEE-SA1)
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Earth Science GRID highlights Montjuic
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe European Earth Science Grid community is currently organized around different projects and Virtual Organisations- at least 7 today. This community has ported many applications on Grid and has also developed tools and interfaces with its environment. This session will be an opportunity to present (1) a few highlighting talks to demonstrate international and standardisation activities of ES in EGEE and related projects and (2) few architectures developed or under development by ES disciplines. The interoperability and interfaces between EGEE and those architectures are important for the ES scientists.
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European e-Infrastructure Forum (Closed) Sarrià
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaClosed meeting of the European E-infrastructure forum
The European e-Infrastructure Forum is a forum for the discussion of principles and practices to create synergies for distributed Infrastructures. The goal of the European e-Infrastructure Forum is the achievement of seamless interoperation of leading e-Infrastructures serving the European Research Area. The focus of the forum is the needs of the user communities that require services which can only be achieved by collaborating Infrastructures.
Notes from European E-infrastructure Forum, Barcelona, 21st September Attendance: Patrick Aerts (PRACE) Hans Döbbeling (GEANT) Thomas Eickermann (PRACE) Licia Florio (Terena – replacing Karel Vietsch) Kostas Glinos (EC) – part-time Stefan Heinzel (DEISA) Richard Hughes-Jones (GEANT) Bob Jones (EGEE) Jürgen Knobloch (EGI) Hermann Lederer (DEISA) Ludek Matyska (EGI_DS) Steven Newhouse (EGEE/ Agenda: The order of the agenda was changed to take into account the unannounced presence of Kostas Glinos How to publicise the work of EEF? The discussion focused around the relationship between EEF and eIRG. EEF could provide input to eIRG in line with the recommendations made in the recent eIRG whitepaper which are consistent with the mission of EEF. The relationship of EEF to the various eIRG and ESFRI working groups was also discussed. Kostas stated that some reorganisation is being considered to facilitate better interaction between eIRG & ESFRI. The agreed action was to make eIRG and ESFRI aware of the existence of EEF and that we are willing to interact with them. What could be EEF’s input to the concertation meeting? Bob has been asked to give a summary of the conclusions of EGEE’09 and it was agreed that he would include material on EEF its mission. Kostas stated that he would like EEF to provide some input on the proposed governance models for e-Infrastructures. The people present felt it was an important question but EEF has not yet discussed the question in detail. There is not enough time at EGEE09 to be able to discuss this point so another telephone meeting, ahead of the EC concertation event will be organised. EEF membership – request of NDGF and SEEGRID to become members Patrick said that EEF should first have an agreed scope and defined work programme before addressing the question of new members. While EEF wants to be open and inclusive, the number of regional/national grid projects could be overwhelming. Taking into account the transition to EGI, EEF felt it was more important to reinforce EGI’s role as Europe grid infrastructure coordinator and ask national and regional grids to channel their input via EGI. Kostas Glinos added that EEF should consider the inclusion of data repository/access projects as a useful complement to its current membership and suggested the OpenAIRE project which will be starting shortly. Kostas Glinos left the room at this point. Future EEF meetings and common events We will have a telephone meeting before the EC concertation event in Brussels on 12-13 October. We could also organise an EEF meeting during the EC concertation event. Following that, we will organise another EEF meeting in conjunction with other e-infrastructure events (candidates are the DEISA/PRACE symposium and GEANT will also be organising an event). Note that if EEF is going to actually produce some added value then there will need to be more detailed work between these meetings. What could be EEF’s input to the EC/NSF session at this event? In the remaining 5 minutes we confirmed the key points we would like to transmit during the EC/NSF session: - Joint EC-NSF support for global virtual research communities-
How to make the existence of EEF known and publicise it's work?
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What could be EEF’s input to the EC/NSF session that follows this meeting?
EEF membership - request of NDGF and SEEGRID to become members
Future EEF meetings and common events
Fusion Activities in the Grid, and related projects L'Eixample
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe usage of grid infrastructures for fusion research has provided interesting results that
open themselves new lines of research. There is an important number of applications
running in the grid with different schemes and structures, which has allowed to gain
experience in porting different types of codes. For instance, we can find serial
applications, PIC codes and optimisation procedures based upon genetic algorithms. The
use of the grid for data management is totally new in fusion and the results of this pilot
experience will be shown in this session. Finally, some experiment of complex work-flow
between applications running in different architectures will be presented.
The session will be used to coordinate the activities to build a Fusion-SSC.- 25
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Grid Observatory: One Year of the Grid Observatory Parallel
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe creation of the Grid Observatory (GO) cluster in EGEE-III contributes to involving the Computer Science community in the production grid. The goal of the GO cluster is to integrate the collection of data on the behaviour of the EGEE Grid and EGEE users with the development of grid models.
The evolution towards an independent self-supporting community required by the EGI scheme is a major challenge for the segment of the Computer Science community involved or interacting with the GO, given its short history. On the other hand, the GO achievements - data portal and scientific visibility - are strong encouragements to continue and expand the support to the exploration of the computer science/production grid interfaces.
This session will provide an opportunity for those already involved, as well as those considering participating into a Grid Observatory/Computer Science SSC for EGI to present their motivations, expectations, and possible contributions.- 27
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Grids and Cloud Computing: Perspectives and Early Experiences Barcelona B
Barcelona B
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaCloud Computing has emerged as a very promising paradigm to simplify and improve the management of current IT infrastructures of any kind. Clouds have opened up avenues in this area to ease the maintenance, operation and use of Grid sites, and to explore new resource sharing models that could simplify in some cases the porting and development of Grid applications. In the first part of the session the selected talks will provide an overview of novel cloud provisioning models and virtualization technologies for Grid infrastructures. Then the second part will provide an overview of real-life experiences based on the multi national cloud infrastructure BalticCloud. The BalticCloud is a cross national (EST, LT, LV, BY) cloud infrastructure based/experimenting with many open source solutions (Eucalyptus, Enomaly, OpenNEbula, and more), and with grid users used to gLite, ARC and UNICORE. In addition the BalticCloud is connecting to the new Northern Europe Cloud (SE, NO, DK, Poland and more).
- "Enabling Distributed Job Submission in Dynamic Virtual Execution Environments for EGEE Users", D.Salomoni, M.Cecchi, A.Ghiselli, A.Italiano, M.Orrù, D.Rebatto, V.Venturi, L.Zangrando (INFN)
Abstract: Grid infrastructures are often limited in terms of execution environments provided to users, e.g. for what regards architecture, operating system, or the presence (or absence) of certain libraries. At INFN, we have developed a software called Worker Nodes on Demand (WNoD), where compute (worker) nodes are dynamically created on virtual machines for the sole purpose of executing a user job. The images of these virtual machine can be different for different users, thus providing support for customized execution environments. WNoD is under progressive deployment at the INFN CNAF Tier-1 center, and it has been been integrated with gLite submission tools. This allows EGEE users to select their virtual image of choice for a job through standard Job Description Language (JDL) statements. WNoD is also being extended to provide access to cloud-like services either locally or via external providers (to expand computing capacity).
- "Virtual Machines at a Tier-1 site." Sander Klous (Nikhef)
Amsterdam hosts one of the Tier-1 sites for the LHC experiments. This particular Tier-1 is part of a larger e-science infrastructure in the Netherlands, called 'Big Grid'. Recently we have started a working group to investigate the possibility to deploy various kinds of Virtual Machines on the Big Grid infrastructure. In my presentation I will address the motivation, the status and the challenges of this project.
- "Experiences with Virtualization of Grid Infrastructure", David O'Callaghan and Brian Coghlan. (TCD)
TCD and Grid-Ireland have been deploying grid systems on virtual machines for five years in Irish and international grid infrastructures. Grid-Ireland currently manages more than ten sites on VMs and operates VM testbeds for development, porting, certification and training. Recent work includes setting up redundant VM hosts with transparent replication for national or central grid services.
- "The batch virtualization project at CERN"., Sebastien Goasguen, Ewan Roche, Tony Cass and Schwickerath Ulrich
Between March and August 2009 a project has been set up at CERN with the aim to evaluate possibilities to use virtualization at a large scale, with the focus on batch computing. Two key issues have been identified for this specific application: the placing of virtual machines on an appropriate hyper-visor, and the selection of an appropriate image which should be driven by the actual demand.
Both commercial and free software solutions exist which are able to solve the placing issue. The virtual machine orchestrater, VMO, a commercial solution by Platform computing, and the free software solution OpenNebula have been evaluated during the project. For VMO, the vendor provided a first implementation of an algorithm for selecting the image to be deployed, which is driven by user requirements of pending batch jobs. For OpenNebula, an external mechanism needs to be developed to perform this task. In the presentation, the basic concepts of the project and lessons learned will be presented. Further visions and possible implications for services offered at CERN will be described.The session concludes with a panel where relevant researchers of the Grid and Cloud arena will debate about these two technologies, current trends and opportunities for the European Grid Infrastructure. The following speakers will share his view with the audience:
- Ignacio M. Llorente (UCM, RESERVOIR Project)
- Cal Loomis (CNRS, StratusLab Initiative)
- Aake Edlund (KTH, Northern Europe Cloud)
- Sander Klous (NIKHEF, EGEE)
- Ulrich Schwickerath (CERN, EGEE)
- Ilja Livenson (kbfi ,Baltic Cloud)
The Grid Security Vulnerability Group (GSVG) and the Joint Security Policy Group (JSPG). Sants
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThis session is aimed at users, managers and developers of EGEE resources. In this session a summary of the Grid Security Vulnerability issue handling and Risk Assessment process which has been carried out since the start of EGEE-II will be presented. Plans for how to continue handling Grid Security Vulnerabilities after transition to EGI will also be presented. The examination of software using vulnerability assessment techniques will also be described. Work defining security policies for EGEE, WLCG and several other Grids aimed at establishing trust between the various parties will be presented, along with a summary of the current status and future plans for transition and continuation in EGI.
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EC and NSF Work-Programmes and Opportunities for closer Collaboration Sarrià
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaDuring this session, representatives from the European Commission and the National Science Foundation will present their plans for their work programmes and next solicitations for proposals in detail and answer questions from the audience. Of particular interest will be areas where research groups on each side of the Atlantic can take advantage of the programmes to increase collaboration.
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Discussion and suggestions for how trans-Atlantic research communities can collaborate more effectively in the future
Deployment of the Chelonia storage system in 30 mins Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaChelonia is a user-friendly, grid-enabled storage system from the developers of the ARC middleware. Chelonia talks fluently with ARC and users can easily upload and download files and collections to the storage cloud managed by Chelonia and share their files (data, photos, movies etc) with any other user of the system. Chelonia is also capable of interacting with other storage solutions, allowing users to map third party storage elements into the storage cloud managed by Chelonia. Chelonia has a distributed, non-intrusive architecture that allows for flexible setup and the elimination of single points of failure. Based on SOAP, Chelonia consists of four web services residing within the ARC service container HED. All the services are replicated and all metadata are consistently replicated to ensure high availability. We aim to demonstrate how a fully operational system can be installed and configured in less then 30 minutes. Additionally we will demonstrate its usability and robustnes.
Disaster Mitigation on Earthquake in EUAsiaGrid Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaEarthquake was chose to be the target based on partners’ common interest, impacts of casualty and economic loss, regional collaboration in place, domain knowledge and community engagement, and also the technology maturity for gLite. Disaster mitigation lies on accurate risk estimation and then effective mitigation plan could be devised accordingly. Even though global model is available in terms of computing system and data, regional model is necessary for much accurate impact analysis. Moreover, historical data, seismic wave propagation analysis model and also the alleviation strategy have to be taken into account altogether. Though earthquake is still not predictable, in aid of accurate wave propagation analysis, potential hazards could be scrutinized beforehand with designated hypocenter and parameters. A synergetic lifecycle from data collection and management, analysis, mitigation assessment and understanding the sciences could be enforced.
Real Time Monitor Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Barcelona -
An Introduction to Regional Operational Tools Sant Gervasi
Sant Gervasi
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaOne aim of the EGEE SA1 Operations Tools is to provide solutions that could exist after the end of EGEE-III in a regional/NGI context. In this session we will show the regional tools that exist as part of the EGEE SA1 OAT Milestone 3 deliverable, how they interact and how they can be used to manage a regional infrastructure.
We will also cover the potential integration points where regional infrastructures can add their own existing tools, such as regional helpdesk, configuration repository, accounting information.
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ESFRI & e-Infrastructure Collaborations Barcelona C
Barcelona C
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures Roadmap states that Research Infrastructures “often require structured information systems related to data management, enabling information and communication. These include ICT-based infrastructures such as Grid, computing, software and middleware.” and continues with “e-Infrastructures are critical to all projects in this roadmap”.
A dialog has started between individual ESFRI projects and existing ICT-based infrastructures, such as EGEE, to understand how best they can make use of e-Infrastructures. This session aims to push forward this dialog by bringing together the relevant experts to elaborate suitable ICT architectures for ESFRI projects and guide the e-Infrastructures in their priorities for the future.
IntroductionSpeaker: Mr Bob Jones (CERN)
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Fusion Activities in the Grid, and related projects L'Eixample
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe usage of grid infrastructures for fusion research has provided interesting results that
open themselves new lines of research. There is an important number of applications
running in the grid with different schemes and structures, which has allowed to gain
experience in porting different types of codes. For instance, we can find serial
applications, PIC codes and optimisation procedures based upon genetic algorithms. The
use of the grid for data management is totally new in fusion and the results of this pilot
experience will be shown in this session. Finally, some experiment of complex work-flow
between applications running in different architectures will be presented.
The session will be used to coordinate the activities to build a Fusion-SSC.- 54
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Grid Observatory: Building the SSC Sarrià
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe creation of the Grid Observatory (GO) cluster in EGEE-III contributes to involving the Computer Science community in the production grid. The goal of the GO cluster is to integrate the collection of data on the behaviour of the EGEE Grid and EGEE users with the development of grid models.
The evolution towards an independent self-supporting community required by the EGI scheme is a major challenge for the segment of the Computer Science community involved or interacting with the GO, given its short history. On the other hand, the GO achievements - data portal and scientific visibility - are strong encouragements to continue and expand the support to the exploration of the computer science/production grid interfaces.
This session will provide an opportunity for those already involved, as well as those considering participating into a Grid Observatory/Computer Science SSC for EGI to present their motivations, expectations, and possible contributions.- 56
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Grids and Cloud Computing: Perspectives and Early Experiences Barcelona B
Barcelona B
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaCloud Computing has emerged as a very promising paradigm to simplify and improve the management of current IT infrastructures of any kind. Clouds have opened up avenues in this area to ease the maintenance, operation and use of Grid sites, and to explore new resource sharing models that could simplify in some cases the porting and development of Grid applications. In the first part of the session the selected talks will provide an overview of novel cloud provisioning models and virtualization technologies for Grid infrastructures. Then the second part will provide an overview of real-life experiences based on the multi national cloud infrastructure BalticCloud. The BalticCloud is a cross national (EST, LT, LV, BY) cloud infrastructure based/experimenting with many open source solutions (Eucalyptus, Enomaly, OpenNEbula, and more), and with grid users used to gLite, ARC and UNICORE. In addition the BalticCloud is connecting to the new Northern Europe Cloud (SE, NO, DK, Poland and more).
- "Enabling Distributed Job Submission in Dynamic Virtual Execution Environments for EGEE Users", D.Salomoni, M.Cecchi, A.Ghiselli, A.Italiano, M.Orrù, D.Rebatto, V.Venturi, L.Zangrando (INFN)
Abstract: Grid infrastructures are often limited in terms of execution environments provided to users, e.g. for what regards architecture, operating system, or the presence (or absence) of certain libraries. At INFN, we have developed a software called Worker Nodes on Demand (WNoD), where compute (worker) nodes are dynamically created on virtual machines for the sole purpose of executing a user job. The images of these virtual machine can be different for different users, thus providing support for customized execution environments. WNoD is under progressive deployment at the INFN CNAF Tier-1 center, and it has been been integrated with gLite submission tools. This allows EGEE users to select their virtual image of choice for a job through standard Job Description Language (JDL) statements. WNoD is also being extended to provide access to cloud-like services either locally or via external providers (to expand computing capacity).
- "Virtual Machines at a Tier-1 site." Sander Klous (Nikhef)
Amsterdam hosts one of the Tier-1 sites for the LHC experiments. This particular Tier-1 is part of a larger e-science infrastructure in the Netherlands, called 'Big Grid'. Recently we have started a working group to investigate the possibility to deploy various kinds of Virtual Machines on the Big Grid infrastructure. In my presentation I will address the motivation, the status and the challenges of this project.
- "Experiences with Virtualization of Grid Infrastructure", David O'Callaghan and Brian Coghlan. (TCD)
TCD and Grid-Ireland have been deploying grid systems on virtual machines for five years in Irish and international grid infrastructures. Grid-Ireland currently manages more than ten sites on VMs and operates VM testbeds for development, porting, certification and training. Recent work includes setting up redundant VM hosts with transparent replication for national or central grid services.
- "The batch virtualization project at CERN"., Sebastien Goasguen, Ewan Roche, Tony Cass and Schwickerath Ulrich
Between March and August 2009 a project has been set up at CERN with the aim to evaluate possibilities to use virtualization at a large scale, with the focus on batch computing. Two key issues have been identified for this specific application: the placing of virtual machines on an appropriate hyper-visor, and the selection of an appropriate image which should be driven by the actual demand.
Both commercial and free software solutions exist which are able to solve the placing issue. The virtual machine orchestrater, VMO, a commercial solution by Platform computing, and the free software solution OpenNebula have been evaluated during the project. For VMO, the vendor provided a first implementation of an algorithm for selecting the image to be deployed, which is driven by user requirements of pending batch jobs. For OpenNebula, an external mechanism needs to be developed to perform this task. In the presentation, the basic concepts of the project and lessons learned will be presented. Further visions and possible implications for services offered at CERN will be described.The session concludes with a panel where relevant researchers of the Grid and Cloud arena will debate about these two technologies, current trends and opportunities for the European Grid Infrastructure. The following speakers will share his view with the audience:
- Ignacio M. Llorente (UCM, RESERVOIR Project)
- Cal Loomis (CNRS, StratusLab Initiative)
- Aake Edlund (KTH, Northern Europe Cloud)
- Sander Klous (NIKHEF, EGEE)
- Ulrich Schwickerath (CERN, EGEE)
- Ilja Livenson (kbfi ,Baltic Cloud)
Software lifecycle management Montjuic
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaProduct Teams: Changes have been made to the EGEE-III description of work in order to orient the project towards a decentralised EGI era. This session reexamines the changes and discusses their effectiveness in the light of experience
SoftLife Cycles: Having established a partly distributed software lifecycle process (build, integration, testing release) the EGEE project now faces the challenge of designing an even more distributed process for the EGI project. The session welcomes talks from distributed collaborations highlighting their experience. Talks about tools, techniques or best practicies for supporting a distributing software lifecycle are also possible.
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OSG development lifecycle
Systems & Software Security Session Sants
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaPSNC is performing source code security tests of gLite; basing on our experience (and commonly found vulnerabilities) we'd like to tell the programmers how to avoid making common security vulnerabilities and how to use several simple tools to find the most trivial vulnerabilities (like using potentially dangerous functions or simple memory leaks). Input data filtering mechanisms would be especially emphasized. Another short talk will show some simple tools that may be used by the developers (of C, PHP, Java). Additionally, a talk about a simple hardening of a Web server would be included (e.g. avoiding Information Disclosure attacks).
A general idea is that the programmers and administrators should not be security specialists, but should be taught more about secure programming/configuration and its significance. That would help also the security specialists, who would be able to devote more effort for finding vulnerabilities that are hidden deeply and require a thorough analysis.
Submitter affiliation
Collaboration between the EGEE and RESERVOIR projects Barcelona B
Barcelona B
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaEGEE and RESERVOIR are working together to explore how the institutes providing computing resources to EGEE could benefit from adopting private and hybrid cloud models to provide resources. The RESERVOIR virtualization manager, built on the OpenNebula Virtual Infrastructure Engine, offers the ability for EGEE sites to easily meet the changing needs of the users, from scaling up services to meet peak loads and improving redundancy or to changing the resources provided to run particular applications.
A Virtual Research Environment for Species Distribution Map Generation and Management Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaIn the context of marine species distribution prediction, AquaMaps started providing a service, that by combining survey data with environmental data and habitat profiles, generates model-based species distribution maps. To improve the scientific activity behind this modeling based approach D4Science started a collaboration with AquaMaps by developing a Virtual Research Environment. Through this supporting environment, scientists have a seamless access to all the resources that are needed to experiment different algorithms/models (data and computing resources) and are provided with tools for sharing their research findings. The development of this scenario was facilitated by the exploitation of the EGEE infrastructure: different applications for data elaboration and maps generation have been gridified. The Demo will focus on the data production (data import and indexing, map generation) and
data consumption (search, browse, annotation) facilities. -
Global Grid User Support - A worldwide distributed user support infrastructure Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaGrid user support is a challenging task due to the distributed nature of the grid. The variety of users and Virtual Organisations adds further to the challenge. With the GGUS infrastructure, EGEE provides a portal where users can find support in their daily use of the grid. The current use of the system shows that this goal has been achieved with success. During the remainder of the EGEE-III project the focus will be on preparing for the transition to EGI.
This demo will give an overview of the functionalities of the GGUS system. During EGEE-III a number of new features have been introduced in GGUS. Direct ticket routing to sites, alarm and team tickets have been implemented to accommodate for requirements of the LHC VOs, nevertheless they could be of interest to other VOs as well. A Ticket Timeline Tool aims at giving a quick graphical overview of all tickets under the responsibility of a support unit. These and other features would be appropriately shown as a live demonstration. -
Poster Session
RadiotherapyGrid: Demonstration of the power of Grid in the e-IMRT computational services for cancer radiation therapy treatment planning Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaRadiatiotherapy is one of the main tools for treatment cancer disases, alone or together with other techniques. RadiotherapyGrid demonstration shows the usage of new remote computational-based tools to help medical physicists to plan the treatments: a verification tool based on Monte Carlo method and an optimization tool to end a suitable treatment plan for the doctor's prescriptions. Both tools use computational Grid resources to speed-up the calculations and to improve the security and trustworthness of the platform. In this demonstration, the integration of four modules is shown: GridWay, which has been enhanced with a new plugin which negotiates resources using BEinGRID SLA Negotiation component; a Policy Enforcement Point (Vordel's XML Gateway)which acts as a XML security gateway to check and validate service requests; and a Policy Decision Point (Axiomatics Policy Server) as an authorization server based on XACML standard.
Welcome Cocktail
Technical Plenary: Operational Grid Infrastructures after EGEE Barcelona B-C
Barcelona B-C
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaAt the heart of any production grid infrastructure is an operational organisation that ensures that services are delivered to meet the needs of its user communities. These services will encompass the deployment of middleware, verifying its operational effectiveness, and supporting its users as they undertake their work. For nearly a decade Europe has been pioneering the delivery of distributed computing infrastructures to support the European research community and their collaborators through a series of pioneering projects – the European Data Grid (EDG), EGEE I, EGEE II & EGEE III. One of the key ‘customers’ of these research infrastructures is to support the pan-European research projects defined within the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures that will be the subject of the first keynote presentation by John Wood. At the heart of EGI is the federation of independent National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) into the EGI structure. The second and third keynote presentations will describe how two NGIs, the UK National Grid Service (NGS) and the Nordic DataGrid Facility (NDGF) not only support their current user base, but how they are evolving to federate their resources into the EGI model.
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Identity federation and data privacy assurance with SOA3 Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaSOA3 (pron. soa-cube) is the service-oriented multidomain security solution recently put
forward by the Engineering R&D Labs. The SOA3 flexible architecture
allows to easily plug-in existing security technologies. SOA3 consists
of three core services for authentication, authorization and secure
storage. The authentication service provides a common layer to manage
heterogeneous authentication credentials. The authorization service
streamlines the management and distribution of authorization policies in
multidomain enviroments. The secure storage service allows to (a)
protect sensitive data on untrusted storage nodes while (b) harnessing
grid resources to parallelize encryption via a context-based strategy.The online demo will present how a grid service can be protected by
SOA3. For this purpose, it will be shown how SOA3 can integrate
Shibboleth, for identity federation, the MyProxy and the Globus
SimpleCA, for X.509 credentials management, and VOMS, for VO attributes
management. -
Medical Data Manager graphical interface: a medical browser for the EGEE grid Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe new graphical interface of the Medical Data Manager (MDM) enables to search for medical images in DICOM compliant systems such as a PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) throw the EGEE grid. The complexity of the MDM is hidden by the graphical interface that gives an easy way to search for patient information or medical pictures from multiple medical site as radiology enterprise, hospital or medical image analysis site. To ensure the strong medical data protection required, the MDM, developed in the context of the EGEE project, uses gLite components to enable strict data access control and encryption. The graphical interface is completed by the Moteur workflow engine that runs complex medical workflows on the grid and the VisioNeuroLog software of Visioscopie that provide a professional DICOM viewer.
neuGRID - A Grid-Brained Infrastructure to Understand and Defeat Brain Diseases Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaLaunched early 2008 by the EC Research Infrastructure Unit, the neuGRID project aims to establish a distributed e-Infrastructure interconnecting major clinical research centres in Europe, ultimately supplying neuroscientists with the most advanced ICT to defeat Alzheimer's disease and neurodegenerative pathologies in general. Based on EGEE gLite, neuGRID is pioneering a harmonized and powerful environment to develop and assess new disease markers. The recently deployed infrastructure already offers a promising algorithm pipeline, i.e. the analysis of cortical thickness from 3D magnetic resonance brain images, as a demonstrator of its underlying computing engine capacity. The proposed demonstration will show the results of neuGRID's current analysis challenge which consists in using the grid to execute the former pipeline on the large US-ADNI dataset to assess this imaging disease marker. This will be the 1st time such a challenge is undergone in the neuroscientific community.
Computational Chemistry -- Cluster status and evolution L'Eixample
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaChemical community is very rapidly adopting EGEE Grid as a computational platform for numerical experiments becoming third resource consumer. Numerous applications of computational chemistry methods cover wide area ranging from quantum dynamics simulations for small molecules through ab initio computations up to molecular dynamics modelling of large molecular systems of biological and industrial importance helping to design new materials and study their properties. Despite this success the community utilizes only about 8 percent of EGEE Grid. Therefore Chemistry and Material Science and Technology (CMST) Specialized Support Centre (SSC) – a successor of Computational Chemistry Cluster, will invest into complementing software, computational tools and advanced services as a highly rewarding task in promoting grid computing among chemical and material science and technology community.
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Deploying e-Infrastructures to enable multidisciplinary collaboration in Environmental Science Montjuic
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThere is growing evidence that the requirements raised by cross-disciplinary research may not be satisfied within the boundaries of a single organization, regardless of how wide in geographical scale and in aggregating resources this organization can be. Rather, the expectation is that scientific collaboration will need to involve scientists and resources from different institutions, disciplines and countries. This session will exemplify these needs by presenting typical requirements of Environmental scientists. It will then illustrate the contribute that e-Infrastructures, like EGEE and D4Science, already offer to satisfy them. The session will be closed by a panel, attended by representatives of projects operating in the area of Environmental Science and e-Infrastructures, that will discuss how EGI might contribute to remove barriers between disciplines and facilitate the take-up of e-Infrastructures that integrate and increase research capacities in this area.
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ESFRI & e-Infrastructure Collaborations (2) Barcelona B
Barcelona B
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures Roadmap states that Research Infrastructures “often require structured information systems related to data management, enabling information and communication. These include ICT-based infrastructures such as Grid, computing, software and middleware.” and continues with “e-Infrastructures are critical to all projects in this roadmap”.
A dialog has started between individual ESFRI projects and existing ICT-based infrastructures, such as EGEE, to understand how best they can make use of e-Infrastructures. This session aims to push forward this dialog by bringing together the relevant experts to elaborate suitable ICT architectures for ESFRI projects and guide the e-Infrastructures in their priorities for the future.
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DEISA/PRACESpeakers: Dr Hermann Lederer (Max Planck), Patrick Aerts
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Conclusions and next steps
Monitoring a Grid Site Using Nagios Sants
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaNagios is the monitoring solution put forward by the EGEE Operations Automation Team for grid sites to help them improve the reliability and availability of their site. In this session we will demonstate the installation and configuration of Nagios, using standard EGEE tools such as YAIM. we will show how it is linked to the testing that will be done ( SAM) by their ROC and tools such as the EGEE regional dashbaord and GGUS, allowing them to quickly respond to operations problems.
The tutorial is in two halfs:
- Installing Site and ROC Nagios
- Messaging between Site and ROC Nagios
Network session: EGEE SA2 / TERENA NRENs & Grids joint workshop Sant Gervasi
Sant Gervasi
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThis joint workshop between EGEE and the 8th TERENA NRENs and Grids workshop will bring together Grid people and network providers (NRENs). The workshop will mainly focus on Grid requirements and advanced network services. Examples of advanced network services and their integration into the middleware will be presented within advanced network services session. The requirement of the Grid will be broached in monitoring and project-wide network operation sessions.
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11:10 AM
Advanced Network Services Session
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Support for MPI Applications within EGEE Sarrià
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe session covers current experiences with MPI use on the EGEE grid, both from the application perspective and the operational side. The central question to address is why MPI is little used, as there is clearly a great potential both in available resources and application demand. The MPI Working Group will present its findings and recommendations, followed by a discussion on the way forward.
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Panel discussion: MPI, the way forwardSpeaker: Dennis Van Dok
The EGI Proposal Barcelona C
Barcelona C
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe presentation in the keynote session will have provided an overview of EGI and the EGI Proposal. This session will provide an opportunity to provide more detail on the EGI 'Proper' proposal (as it is sometimes called) and how it relates to the other EC proposals being submitted into the upcoming call. The goal of this session is to collect feedback on the proposal and identify the issues that need to be addressed before submission.
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Operations ObjectivesSpeakers: Dr John Gordon (STFC-RAL), Dr Tiziana Ferrari (INFN CNAF)SA1 Operations
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Bio-inspired Algorithms in Grid. Parallel
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaBio-inspired Algorithms are techniques aim to optimize problems being widely applicable to diverse scientific areas. During the last two years, some emerging examples have appeared where bio-inspired algorithms together with grid computing are used to find optimal solutions in complex problems.
In this session, it is intended to overview the suitability of these algorithms to the grid computing paradigm, as well as, the most relevant showing cases. These cases should have a demonstration effect on the community cheering up the appearance of new collaborations. Furthermore, a brief study of the suitability of diverse techniques (genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization, etc.) to the grid computing paradigm will be presented.
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EU-Asia seed of a global surveillance network for flu pandemics Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe present demonstration shows the integration of existing data sources towards a global surveillance network for molecular epidemiology, based on Service Oriented Architecture and Grid technologies. Its relevance is being tested through the current H1N1 outbreak. The idea is to dynamically analyze the molecular biology data, made available on public databases (such as IVR, IVDB, or EpiFlu), using computing, storage and automatic updating services offered by Grid. Bioinformatics methods of sequence alignment will highlight mutations on virus genome. Phylogenetic analyzes will characterize evolutionary history, key point to understand the geographic and molecular source of this outbreak where the virus seems to be a reassortant from avian and human forms. Dynamical database management and deployment of phylogenic workflow on EGEE and EUAsiaGrid resources will be presented using the interoperable WISDOM production environment. The goal is to be ready to impact the next pandemics.
Global Grid User Support - A worldwide distributed user support infrastructure Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaGrid user support is a challenging task due to the distributed nature of the grid. The variety of users and Virtual Organisations adds further to the challenge. With the GGUS infrastructure, EGEE provides a portal where users can find support in their daily use of the grid. The current use of the system shows that this goal has been achieved with success. During the remainder of the EGEE-III project the focus will be on preparing for the transition to EGI.
This demo will give an overview of the functionalities of the GGUS system. During EGEE-III a number of new features have been introduced in GGUS. Direct ticket routing to sites, alarm and team tickets have been implemented to accommodate for requirements of the LHC VOs, nevertheless they could be of interest to other VOs as well. A Ticket Timeline Tool aims at giving a quick graphical overview of all tickets under the responsibility of a support unit. These and other features would be appropriately shown as a live demonstration. -
Network demonstration Demo booth nr 13
Demo booth nr 13
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaAt 14:00PM-14:30PM
• Advanced network services
o AMPS: An automatic tool to provision premium IP circuit over
European NRENs (EGEE-SA2: GRNET - video) o the Harmony and Phosphorus project (i2CAT)At 16:30PM-17:00PM • Network grid monitoring o PerfSONAR: monitoring of the LHCOPN (DANTE) At 19:00PM • Grid
middleware and Grid Operation o Grid Operation: Ticket normalization
(EGEE-SA2: GRNET) o Grid certificate within minutes (NDGF, UNINETT,
Visualization e-services and tools for grid build by gLite Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaEnchanted visualization e-services and tools developed within collaborative project BalticGrid-II and Lithuanian NGI will be presented in this demonstration.
Grid visualization e-Service VizLitG developed in Lithuanian NGI is designed for convenient access and interactive visualization of remote data files located in grid. VizLitG build by Java and GlassFish includes automatic HDF5 data management and VTK visualization engine. Moreover, transfer of interactively selected parts of datasets located in experimental Storage Element has been implemented.
VisPartDEM is interactive visualization tool for particle systems simulated by the Discrete Element Method. VTK based tool is implemented in grid environment by using GVid software. It includes parallel rendering and extended functionality like visualization of propagating cracks.
The open-source ParaView software has been deployed in BalticGrid-II testbed for interactive distributed visualization of large datasets. -
Administrative Federation Committee meeting (Closed) Parallel
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Barcelona -
Application Porting and User Support Sarrià
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaTo help the user community take advantage of the benefits of grid computing, EGEE provides a range of support services to its users: application porting support, direct user support, regional support, Virtual Organization (VO) support. The project also provides beginner and expert training on various topics.
In this session the members of the EGEE User Support Activities and their collaborators with give presentations about the services they provide, the experiences they gained, and about the applications, communities and solutions they work with since the start of the EGEE-III project.
The session provides opportunity for new and existing users of the infrastructure to meet members of the support teams, to learn about latest advances of user services, hear about engagement of new applications and to network with each other.
Representatives of NGIs will hear about tools and processes that they can apply in EGI to provide user support services for their communities.
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EGEE Operations : COD-21 towards FORUM-1 (closed) Sants
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe meeting of COD-on-duty teams is held quaterly. These teams of the 11 federations operate the daily monitoring of production sites of the EGEE/LCG grid infrastructure.
COD-21 will focus on the feedback from the four remaining federations to join the new operations model, which was introduced in January 2009. Assessment of the move to regionalization in operations will be achieved in this meeting as this move is now completed since June 2009.
Potential necessary adjustments to the operations model in the last year of EGEE-III will namely be discussed in COD-21. Subsequent implication on tools and procedures as well as on metrics and on internal work organization will be planned in dedicated thematic working groups, assessed in plenary and validated through the whole activity in order for the daily operations to be, by the end of EGEE-III, as EGI compatible as possible.Detailed agenda is available at -
Governance models for the long-term sustainability model of EGI Barcelona C
Barcelona C
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaIn the 2009 European Commission Communication stated that the structuring of the e-Science grid landscape for Future European e-Science grids should continue to build upon the success of current initiatives, driven by the common needs of different scientific disciplines, and to seek uptake by industry.To reinforce long-term sustainability, governance models need to evolve towards a European Grid Initiative (EGI) building upon the emerging National Grid Initiatives (NGIs). This policy oriented session wishes to look more closely at the long term sustainability model proposed for EGI. Through the careful selection of representatives from policy bodies or organisations such as the leading representatives of the EC, EGI organisation task force, e-IRG and ESFRI who may offer the audience further, valuable recommendations will be drawn on key success factors of sustainability:
-How both the legal framework and the migration towards the EGI new governance model will be addressed.
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Panel DiscussionSpeakers: Aerts Patrick (NCF, The Netherlands), Dr David Wallom (OeRC), Prof. Dieter Kranzlmüller (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Dr Steven Newhouse (CERN)
Joint Middleware and Operational Security Session (MWSG/OSCT) Montjuic
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThis meeting addresses software developers, site administrators and
security personnel. It aims to give security
recommendations and present good security practices to the audience,
including software development, deployment
and operations with a specific emphasis on grid middleware. It also
presents security policies and procedures all
grid participants are bound to.- 115
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Discussion - Q&ASpeaker: Dr Mingchao Ma (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
Network session: EGEE SA2 / TERENA NRENs & Grids joint workshop Sant Gervasi
Sant Gervasi
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThis joint workshop between EGEE and the 8th TERENA NRENs and Grids workshop will bring together Grid people and network providers (NRENs). The workshop will mainly focus on Grid requirements and advanced network services. Examples of advanced network services and their integration into the middleware will be presented within advanced network services session. The requirement of the Grid will be broached in monitoring and project-wide network operation sessions.
2:30 PM
Network monitoring session
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4:00 PM
IPv6 Session
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2:30 PM
WLCG Operations: Perspectives for Imminent Data Taking Barcelona B
Barcelona B
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaA Scale Test of Experiment Production (STEP'09) is being executed in June 2009. This full production activity will stress a number of critical areas, including tape writing / reading at Tier1s (and Tier0) as well as analysis. The main period of STEP'09 is the first two weeks of June, with a post-mortem workshop to be held early July.
The most likely outcome of this exercise is that there will be a number of areas where limitations are found. This session will focus on the post-STEP'09 activities and improvements, defining the 'final' WLCG operations environment that will be used for the first pp run of the LHC.
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Lustre setup at QMUL
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Your Tubes: Grids, New Media and Video L'Eixample
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaAn interactive discussion on how to engage with the press and public outside the normal print and broadcast media, including an opportunity to gain presenting experience in front of the camera. EGEE NA2 and the GridCast team will discuss their experiences in using websites, blogs, social media sites and videocasts to spread the word about grid computing. The session will include a workshop on videocasting your work, giving researchers the opportunity to gather some hints and tips on how to put together a video presentation similar to the GridCast video podcasts. The workshop will include opportunities for some researchers to practice presenting their projects in front of the camera, with feedback on how to get their message across clearly and succinctly.
Availability Monitoring in EGEE and Beyond Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThis demo will describe in detail the Nagios monitoring infrastructure that has been developed to replace SAM in the post-EGEE era. It will show how all the components, such as the Aggregated Topology Provider, Metrics Description Database, Metric Results Store, Nagios Config Generator, Message Bus and the new MyEGEE portal, all tie together.
The components are available for deployment in regions and NGIs alike.
The overall flow of a metric in the Nagios infrastructure will be used as the thread for the demo.
Migrating Desktop – Intuitive Interface to Grid Resources Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe success of computing technologies depends heavily on interfaces that should enable easy and transparent access to underlying infrastructures. To achieve this goal we propose The Migrating Desktop – a powerful user interface, that hides the middleware complexity and provides user-friendly and intuitive access to the resources.
Key product features include: simple applications integration, easy job defining, submission, and tracking as well as intuitive management of grid data. Intuitive interface, open architecture and possibility of interoperation between various middlewares makes the Migrating Desktop a valuable tool that could be used both: by inexperienced user or skilled application developer with their work with grid.
Migrating Desktop was created in the CrossGrid project and proved its usefulness in everyday work of BalticGrid int.and eu.grid project users communities. Accepted for EGEE RESPECT program, currently is developed in the BalticGrid-II and PL-Grid (Polish NGI). -
Network demonstration Demo booth nr 13
Demo booth nr 13
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaAt 14:00PM-14:30PM
• Advanced network services
o AMPS: An automatic tool to provision premium IP circuit over
European NRENs (EGEE-SA2: GRNET - video) o the Harmony and Phosphorus project (i2CAT)At 16:30PM-17:00PM • Network grid monitoring o PerfSONAR: monitoring of the LHCOPN (DANTE) At 19:00PM • Grid
middleware and Grid Operation o Grid Operation: Ticket normalization
(EGEE-SA2: GRNET) o Grid certificate within minutes (NDGF, UNINETT,
Weather simulations on the GRID using WRF4G Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaWRF for GRID (WRF4G) is a port of the WRF Modelling System to the GRID. Small modifications to the source code of the model allow the monitoring and output data management in a flexible way. In addition to the model, the WRF Grid Enabling Layer (WRFGEL) is an interface between the model and the GRID, allowing the model to inform about its status, get the required input data and save the output data to the GRID.
Limited area models (LAMs) require a large amount of input data to build the boundary conditions. The heterogenous GRID infrastructure is subject to common failures and intermittent availability of resources the numerical weather models are not prepared for. For those reasons, in this contribution we present a new execution framework providing a software wrapper for a numerical weather model. A wrapper for the WRF Model has been developed to enable LAM simulations on the GRID. This WRF for GRID wrapper (WRF4G) is "gridifying" a complex workflow application as the WRF System. -
Application Porting and User Support Sarrià
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaTo help the user community take advantage of the benefits of grid computing, EGEE provides a range of support services to its users: application porting support, direct user support, regional support, Virtual Organization (VO) support. The project also provides beginner and expert training on various topics.
In this session the members of the EGEE User Support Activities and their collaborators with give presentations about the services they provide, the experiences they gained, and about the applications, communities and solutions they work with since the start of the EGEE-III project.
The session provides opportunity for new and existing users of the infrastructure to meet members of the support teams, to learn about latest advances of user services, hear about engagement of new applications and to network with each other.
Representatives of NGIs will hear about tools and processes that they can apply in EGI to provide user support services for their communities.
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General questions and answers
EGEE External Advisory Board meeting (Closed) Parallel
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Barcelona -
MiddleWare Security Group Montjuic
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThis is the joint security meeting of the EGEE, OSG and NorduGrid and Unicore.
The purpose of the MWSG is to bring together the developers who work in areas
that are touched by security issues. These are not necessarily exclusively
the security software developers. This forum provides a common venue where
security issues can be discussed and, with the other projects, interoperable solutions
reached.- 138
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Network session: EGEE SA2 / TERENA NRENs & Grids joint workshop Sant Gervasi
Sant Gervasi
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThis joint workshop between EGEE and the 8th TERENA NRENs and Grids workshop will bring together Grid people and network providers (NRENs). The workshop will mainly focus on Grid requirements and advanced network services. Examples of advanced network services and their integration into the middleware will be presented within advanced network services session. The requirement of the Grid will be broached in monitoring and project-wide network operation sessions.
5:00 PM
Project-wide Network Operation Session
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Network Trouble Tickets: Normalisation and improvement (GRNET)
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6:00 PM
Grid middleware session
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5:00 PM
Operations Support in EGEE and EGI L'Eixample
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThis session will be dedicated to providing the details of the various regional ticket systems and their interfaces and interactions with the central GGUS system. The focus of the session is on starting to build a community and finding ways to share this knowledge across the ROCs and future NGIs. As more and more NGIs will need to build their interface between the regional support infrastructure and GGUS in the near future.
The session will also describe briefly the evolution of the operations support infrastructure towards and beyond the end of the EGEE project.
A more general and detailed discussion on the future of the whole of the GGUS system and its processes and procedures will be held in another session.Topics to be discussed in this session include:
* New interface standard: Grid Messaging.
* Standard ticket format.
* Overlap between current ROCs and future NGIs.
* Will federations continue to exist?
* Experiences with supporting regional users.- 151
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Round table
Standards and Certifications – Improving the quality of e-Infrastructure software Sants
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe definition of standards is just one step toward their adoption. The lack of general acceptance of standards but also the lack of instruments to help in the adoption of those standards may be the elements that hinder the adoption itself at a large scale. Through OGF-Europe, the EU is playing a leading role in championing the adoption and evolution of distributed computing based open standards. As the only organisation that develops standards specifically for distributed computing, OGF and OGF-Europe are strongly committed to connecting user groups to share best practices and drive specification adoption forward.
ETICS 2 approach demonstrates the usefulness of automation in building and testing distributed software. The quality model conceived within ETICS 2 (A-QCM) can be considered a starting point to create a set of quality measures (including compliance to standards) for the certification of distributed software widely recognised and adopted within the e-Infrastructures communit -
WLCG Operations: Perspectives for Imminent Data Taking Barcelona B
Barcelona B
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaA Scale Test of Experiment Production (STEP'09) is being executed in June 2009. This full production activity will stress a number of critical areas, including tape writing / reading at Tier1s (and Tier0) as well as analysis. The main period of STEP'09 is the first two weeks of June, with a post-mortem workshop to be held early July.
The most likely outcome of this exercise is that there will be a number of areas where limitations are found. This session will focus on the post-STEP'09 activities and improvements, defining the 'final' WLCG operations environment that will be used for the first pp run of the LHC.
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HealthGrid workshop - preparing the Life Sciences Specific Support Center Barcelona C
Barcelona C
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaHealthGrid workshops have been organized regularly at EGEE conferences.
This meeting is the opportunity to discuss and understand the impact of EGGE to EGI transition. In particular, the workshop will discuss the organization of the research community using grid infrastructures and the role the life sciences Specific Support Center. Representatives of National Grid Initiatives and related projects will be invited to present their current achievements and to participate to discussions around the list of requirements for the Life Sciences SSC. -
5th EGEE UF Programme Committee meeting (Closed) Parallel
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaClosed meeting of the programme committee of the 5th EGEE User Forum to be held in Uppsala, April 2010.
Baltic Grid internal meeting Sarrià
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Barcelona -
EGI Science Gateways Initiative Montjuic
Hotel Barcelo Sants
EGI Science Gateway
EUAsiaGrid meeting (Closed) L'Eixample
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaClosed meeting of the Ppoject manager, work package leaders, task leaders and partners.
Network demonstration Demo booth nr 13
Demo booth nr 13
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaAt 14:00PM-14:30PM
• Advanced network services
o AMPS: An automatic tool to provision premium IP circuit over
European NRENs (EGEE-SA2: GRNET - video) o the Harmony and Phosphorus project (i2CAT)At 16:30PM-17:00PM • Network grid monitoring o PerfSONAR: monitoring of the LHCOPN (DANTE) At 19:00PM • Grid
middleware and Grid Operation o Grid Operation: Ticket normalization
(EGEE-SA2: GRNET) o Grid certificate within minutes (NDGF, UNINETT,
gLite Collaboration internal meeting (Closed) Sants
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaInternal meeting of the gLite Collaboration
Technical Plenary: Community Access to Production Resources Barcelona B-C
Barcelona B-C
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe communities that use production infrastructures are critical in driving their development in order to meet their evolving needs. The infrastructure delivered within the EGEE projects have all been developed with the close involvement of the application communities they are aiming to serve. Starting with the High Energy Physics community to support the data analysis challenges presented by the Large Hadron Collider, the user community has expanded until within EGEE-III support is provided for the Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Astronomy & Astrophyiscs, Computational Chemistry, Fusion and the Grid Observatory.
The first keynote presentation will describe how the pioneering communities currently using the EGEE infrastructure will be transitioning to EGI through the establishment of Specialised Support Centres. The second keynote presentation will describe how the TeraGrid project in the USA has increased access to its infrastructure through the provision of Science Gateways – which provide web based access to their computing and storage resources.
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A Virtual Research Environment for Species Distribution Map Generation and Management Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaIn the context of marine species distribution prediction, AquaMaps started providing a service, that by combining survey data with environmental data and habitat profiles, generates model-based species distribution maps. To improve the scientific activity behind this modeling based approach D4Science started a collaboration with AquaMaps by developing a Virtual Research Environment. Through this supporting environment, scientists have a seamless access to all the resources that are needed to experiment different algorithms/models (data and computing resources) and are provided with tools for sharing their research findings. The development of this scenario was facilitated by the exploitation of the EGEE infrastructure: different applications for data elaboration and maps generation have been gridified. The Demo will focus on the data production (data import and indexing, map generation) and
data consumption (search, browse, annotation) facilities -
Further development of P-GRADE Portal for advance user support Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaP-GRADE Portal has been downloaded from sourceforge in about 1400 copies since 2008 January. Its popularity has been constantly growing and has been deployed by new communities (Belgium Grid, WhiteRoseGrid UK, Grid Malaysia, etc.) beyond the previously existed ones. Our mission is to improve the portal for these communities with new features and functionalities. The goal of this demo is to show these new features:
1.) Features requested by SEE-GRID-SCI project:
a. Extending the portal with a community workflow repository based on the D-Space OSS repository system.
b. Creating an infrastructure test portlet by which users can test the grid CEs and SEs with their own certificate proxys.
2.) Accounting portlet (requested by Grid Malaysia)
3.) gUSE/WS-PGRADE for advance users:
a. embeding workflows
b. generator and collector nodes in workflows
4.) Application specific portals:
a. Rendering portal (by Univ. of Westminster)
b. OmNet simulation portal
c. CancerGrid portal -
Interoperation of gLite and OurGrid in the Context of the EELA-2 Project -DEMO Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Barcelonan this demo we present our approach to interoperate a service grid (SG) based on the gLite middleware with an opportunistic grid (OG) based on the OurGrid middleware. In addition to the traditional gateway-based approach, we have also leveraged on the facilities of OurGrid to provide a way to opportunistically explore the SG resources whenever they are idle. The advantages of this approach are threefold: firstly, it allows idle resources belonging to the SG to be used in an opportunistic way, improving the efficiency of the service grid; secondly, the provision of an OG allows shared resources to be added to the infrastructure, a feature that turns out to be very important for consortia in which many of the member institutions cannot afford the provision of dedicated resources; finally, the OG can efficiently execute the embarrassingly parallel workload, liberating the SG to execute mostly tightly-coupled applications, with a great reduction on the response time of these applications.
EGEE Collaboration Board (Closed) Barcelona B
Barcelona B
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaClosed Meeting of the EGEE Collaboration Board which has respresentation from all of the EGEE-III partners.
EGEE'09 Business Workshop Barcelona C
Barcelona C
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaEGEE’s Business Forum teams up with BEinGRID, Europe’s largest Integrated Project under FP6 for a one-day business track on Wednesday 23 September 2009 in Barcelona, Spain. The three sessions will showcase achievements from a business and technology transfer perspective and define the next steps as we move towards new frontiers in the arena of clouds and grids.
The opening session spotlights the main focus of EGEE’s business activities ( and the BEinGRID project ( as well as the transition to a sustainable European Grid infrastructure with business and technology transfer firmly in mind. The session also presents Gridipedia and its focus on the business value of service oriented IT, playing a pivotal role in connecting the business and technology communities through dedicated services of interest to both with a direct Return on Investment (RoI) for the user experience through independent, expert analysis.
The second session centres on clouds and service level agreement (SLA) management with examples of an industrial collaboration for the convergence of grids and clouds and an in-depth analysis of these technologies in terms of business findings presented in the BEinGRID book due for release this autumn.
The third and final session looks at technology transfer with a series of case studies on how scientific research has been commercialized in relation to clouds and grids. This session also showcases examples of scientific applications leading to a new start-up, the business benefits of GRIA middleware, as well as the advantages of grid-related technologies for the healthcare sector with particular emphasis on paediatrics and radio therapy.
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Monitoring of the activities of the user communities on the EGEE infrastructure Sants
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaReliable monitoring is one of the most important conditions for ensuring of the production quality of the EGEE infrastructure. Various systems provide monitoring of the Grid services focusing on the needs of the operations. On the other hand, the most important indicator of the quality of the infrastructure is the ability to effectively implement the tasks of the user communities on the Grid. The monitoring systems which can follow activities of the user communities and are able to provide the reliable monitoring picture from the user perspective is of big importance. Experiment Dashboard is an example of such a system. It serves one of the biggest EGEE user communities - LHC experiments and covers full range of the LHC computing activities on the Grid.The session includes overview of the architectural principles of the monitoring infrastructure in general, the current status of the Experiment Dashboard system and of its main monitoring applications, user experience and future plans
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NA5 coordination activity (closed) Parallel
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaAbstract of Demo or Poster Closed session to track progress in the NA5 activity and coordinate next steps
Regional Extensions of Grid Infrastructures: Part1 - State of the art of external e-Infrastructures Sarrià
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe session is dedicated to the discussion of the present and future collaboration between EGI and non-European e-Infrastructures.
In the past 3-4 years several projects have been launched to promote the European vision on e-Infrastructures in other regions of the world and/or explore the interoperation and interoperability issues between European and non-European Grid Infrastructures.
It's time to take stock of all the achievements and to discuss an agreed coordinated path towards a sustainable coordination and inteoperation of EGI with other non-European e-Infrastructures.
The session will try to highlight the possible convergences and the unavoidable differences that have to be taken into account when collaborating with different regions of the world.
The session has thus been organised in two parts to: present the state of the art of the existing projects and infrastructures and discuss the new projects and initiatives that will be in place or proposed in the near future.
The last part of the session will be dedicated to the discussion on the future directions of such projects and initiatives and the cooperation/coordination with the EGI infrastructure.- 177
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Science Gateways Montjuic
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaA Science Gateway is a community-developed set of tools, applications,
and data that is integrated via a portal or a suite of applications, usually in a graphical user interface, that is customized to meet the needs of the targeted community. Existing gateways employ at a greater and lesser extent some combination of the following relevant technologies and methodologies: Grid, e-collaboration, Service Oriented Architecture, Web services, and semantic and ontology Web, and offer a large variety of services. They are built by and for a specific community and are strategically of key importance. During this session in particular the gateway in TeraGrid will be detailed. The goal of this session is to understand how to install such Gateway in EGEE and benefit from the Teragrid experience in order to anticipate the SSC gateways in EGI.Session Description (include details of proposed agenda, potential speakers and expected outcomes) 500 car.
Proposed Agenda:
Introduction of the Session with key questions 5min
Survey on existing gateways –H. Schwichtenberg based on the survey made in DEGREE 15min
Portal Group Feeback and Examples of Public Web Interfaces in Bioinformatics - C. Blanchet - 15min
Virtual Observatory (A&A) 15mn
Nancy Wilkins-Diehr –Gateways activity in Tera Grid 30min
Discussion 40minProject(s) or EGEE activities organising the session (project or activity names only) 200 car.
Monique Petitdidier, Christophe Blanchet, Horst SchwichtenbergProject(s) or EGEE activities involved in the session (or names of persons) 200 car.
EGEE/Clusters, SeeGrid, ….Expected attendance(ca 20/40/60/80 or more) and any other special room requirements (a projector will be provided) 200 car.
We expect around 40Session duration 1hr, 2hrs (session), 4hrs (half a day), 6hrs (full day)
2hrs- 182
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TeraGrid - Second partSpeaker: Nancy Wilkins-Diehr
USAG @ EGEE'09 L'Eixample
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaFor today's detailed agenda: CLICK HERE!
For the composition and mandate of the User Support Advisory Group (USAG) check the USAG Information twiki .
For results obtained check the USAG themes from the USAG Indico meeting index .
Future directions in Grid Security Sant Gervasi
Sant Gervasi
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe various middleware stacks each follow their overall security models and
implementations. These security models have become entrenched over the
projects' lifetimes and could be revisited. In the context of future unification
and interoperability of the middleware stacks, it is necessary to ensure the
security models are coherent.- 189
Security aspects of PGISpeaker: Mr Morris Reidel
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Availability Monitoring in EGEE and Beyond Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThis demo will describe in detail the Nagios monitoring infrastructure that has been developed to replace SAM in the post-EGEE era. It will show how all the components, such as the Aggregated Topology Provider, Metrics Description Database, Metric Results Store, Nagios Config Generator, Message Bus and the new MyEGEE portal, all tie together.
The components are available for deployment in regions and NGIs alike.
The overall flow of a metric in the Nagios infrastructure will be used as the thread for the demo.
Deployment of the Chelonia storage system in 30 mins. Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaChelonia is a user-friendly, grid-enabled storage system from the developers of the ARC middleware. Chelonia talks fluently with ARC and users can easily upload and download files and collections to the storage cloud managed by Chelonia and share their files (data, photos, movies etc) with any other user of the system. Chelonia is also capable of interacting with other storage solutions, allowing users to map third party storage elements into the storage cloud managed by Chelonia. Chelonia has a distributed, non-intrusive architecture that allows for flexible setup and the elimination of single points of failure. Based on SOAP, Chelonia consists of four web services residing within the ARC service container HED. All the services are replicated and all metadata are consistently replicated to ensure high availability. We aim to demonstrate how a fully operational system can be installed and configured in less then 30 minutes. Additionally we will demonstrate its usability and robustnes.
Disaster Mitigation on Earthquake in EUAsiaGrid Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaEarthquake was chose to be the target based on partners’ common interest, impacts of casualty and economic loss, regional collaboration in place, domain knowledge and community engagement, and also the technology maturity for gLite. Disaster mitigation lies on accurate risk estimation and then effective mitigation plan could be devised accordingly. Even though global model is available in terms of computing system and data, regional model is necessary for much accurate impact analysis. Moreover, historical data, seismic wave propagation analysis model and also the alleviation strategy have to be taken into account altogether. Though earthquake is still not predictable, in aid of accurate wave propagation analysis, potential hazards could be scrutinized beforehand with designated hypocenter and parameters. A synergetic lifecycle from data collection and management, analysis, mitigation assessment and understanding the sciences could be enforced.
A Specialised Support Centre for Large International Scientific Communities: Grid Services and Support for the WLCG, HEP and Related Communities Barcelona B
Barcelona B
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThis session exposes in detail the status of discussions and planning for a proposed Specialised Support Centre (SSC) that would serve large existing scientific communities. The tentative list includes
Astro-particle physics
Nuclear physics
International initiatives - e.g. EnviroGRIDS, UNOSAT, ...These communities are 'linked' by either the science that they perform and / or the technologies that they use - e.g. Ganga, Dashboards, AMGA, ...
More information can be found at the Wiki for this activity
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EGEE Project Management Board (CLOSED) Parallel
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Barcelona -
EGEE'09 Business Workshop Barcelona C
Barcelona C
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaEGEE’s Business Forum teams up with BEinGRID, Europe’s largest Integrated Project under FP6 for a one-day business track on Wednesday 23 September 2009 in Barcelona, Spain. The three sessions will showcase achievements from a business and technology transfer perspective and define the next steps as we move towards new frontiers in the arena of clouds and grids.
The opening session spotlights the main focus of EGEE’s business activities ( and the BEinGRID project ( as well as the transition to a sustainable European Grid infrastructure with business and technology transfer firmly in mind. The session also presents Gridipedia and its focus on the business value of service oriented IT, playing a pivotal role in connecting the business and technology communities through dedicated services of interest to both with a direct Return on Investment (RoI) for the user experience through independent, expert analysis.
The second session centres on clouds and service level agreement (SLA) management with examples of an industrial collaboration for the convergence of grids and clouds and an in-depth analysis of these technologies in terms of business findings presented in the BEinGRID book due for release this autumn.
The third and final session looks at technology transfer with a series of case studies on how scientific research has been commercialized in relation to clouds and grids. This session also showcases examples of scientific applications leading to a new start-up, the business benefits of GRIA middleware, as well as the advantages of grid-related technologies for the healthcare sector with particular emphasis on paediatrics and radio therapy.
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From abstract to international news story Sants
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaHow does a science abstract become an international news story? NA2 discusses the need for dissemination and the impact that it can have for the grid community using the example of an abstract from the EGEE 4th User Forum that became a full page feature in the London Times. Domenico Vicinanza, the scientist involved discusses his experiences with the media, with additional insight from a journalist from New Scientist.
The session concludes with a hands on section where the participants will work in small groups to review the abstracts from the conference and pick out a demo or poster that could be newsworthy. The presenters will lead them through creating a press release and/or an iSGTW news item. The leader of each group will finally present which item they chose, why, and how they would publicise it. The journalist will also pick out their preferred item and approach and discuss why they felt it was newsworthy.
Orienting the gLite lifecycle to EGI Sant Gervasi
Sant Gervasi
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaProduct Teams: Changes have been made to the EGEE-III description of work in order to orient the project towards a decentralised EGI era. This session reexamines the changes and discusses their effectiveness in the light of experience
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Regional Extensions of Grid Infrastructures: Part2 - New and continuing initiatives Sarrià
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe session is dedicated to the discussion of the present and future collaboration between EGI and non-European e-Infrastructures.
In the past 3-4 years several projects have been launched to promote the European vision on e-Infrastructures in other regions of the world and/or explore the interoperation and interoperability issues between European and non-European Grid Infrastructures.
It's time to take stock of all the achievements and to discuss an agreed coordinated path towards a sustainable coordination and inteoperation of EGI with other non-European e-Infrastructures.
The session will try to highlight the possible convergences and the unavoidable differences that have to be taken into account when collaborating with different regions of the world.
The session has thus been organised in two parts to: present the state of the art of the existing projects and infrastructures and discuss the new projects and initiatives that will be in place or proposed in the near future.
The last part of the session will be dedicated to the discussion on the future directions of such projects and initiatives and the cooperation/coordination with the EGI infrastructure.- 204
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Discussion and Round Table
Ensuring reliable User Support beyond EGEE-III: Focusing on the user communities Montjuic
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe main aim of this session is to give an overview of the evolution from the current user support infrastructure as it is operational in EGEE to a model accommodated to the fit the distributed operations model EGI will implement.
There are several areas that need to be adapted and we want to present the current ideas and plans for these activities and discuss the in a wider audience.Topics to be presented and discussed include:
* Middleware support: How to interface the UMD activity and the different middleware providers.
* First line support: How to organise a reliable firstline support in a distributed and heterogeous environment.
* Operations support: How to move from ROCs to NGIs as main organisational building blocks in user support for operations problems.
* User support management: How to transfer the successful management concepts and how to involve the future stake holders.All these topic have both technical and procedural aspects that need to be considered.
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Panel discussion
GOCDB Advisory Group (closed) L'Eixample
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe GOCDB Advisory Group (GAG) exists to advise and steer the development of the GOC DB.
This meeting is on invitation only, and is not meant to be a general informative meeting on GOCDB progress.
Those with general interest in GOCDB development should attend the GOCBD presentation during the "introduction to regional tools" on Monday afternoon, and/or come to meet us around poster 35 "GOCDB: a new architecture and design for working in a European Grid Infrastructure"
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Data privacy and security in GOCDB4
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Installation of a regional GOCDB: discussion and feedback
EDGeS: Extending resources of EGEE VOs with desktop grid resources Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaEDGeS developed a bridging technology by which the resources of EGEE VOs can be extended with inexpensive desktop grid (DG) resources. This technology is now in production and applied for several applications developed by the EGEE community. The goal of this demo is to show
1. how a usual EGEE VO can extend its resource with DG resources that are coming either from a public DGs or private DGs.
2. how existing EGEE application can be ported and executed on such extended EGEE VO systems
3. those EGEE application that were already ported to the extended EGEE-EDGeS infrastructure: fusion, biomedical, e-market place, etc.
4. how the gLite CLI can be used to submit such applications into the extended EGEE-EDGeS infrastructure
5. how the P-GRADE portal can be used to transparently submit such applications into the extended EGEE-EDGeS infrastructure
6. how a new public DG system (specialized to support EGEE applications and called as EGEE@home) has been set up and used for EGEE users. -
Identity federation and data privacy assurance with SOA3 Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaSOA3 (pron. soa-cube) is the service-oriented multidomain security solution recently put
forward by the Engineering R&D Labs. The SOA3 flexible architecture
allows to easily plug-in existing security technologies. SOA3 consists
of three core services for authentication, authorization and secure
storage. The authentication service provides a common layer to manage
heterogeneous authentication credentials. The authorization service
streamlines the management and distribution of authorization policies in
multidomain enviroments. The secure storage service allows to (a)
protect sensitive data on untrusted storage nodes while (b) harnessing
grid resources to parallelize encryption via a context-based strategy.The online demo will present how a grid service can be protected by
SOA3. For this purpose, it will be shown how SOA3 can integrate
Shibboleth, for identity federation, the MyProxy and the Globus
SimpleCA, for X.509 credentials management, and VOMS, for VO attributes
management. -
Weather simulations on the GRID using WRF4G Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaWRF for GRID (WRF4G) is a port of the WRF Modelling System to the GRID. Small modifications to the source code of the model allow the monitoring and output data management in a flexible way. In addition to the model, the WRF Grid Enabling Layer (WRFGEL) is an interface between the model and the GRID, allowing the model to inform about its status, get the required input data and save the output data to the GRID.
Limited area models (LAMs) require a large amount of input data to build the boundary conditions. The heterogenous GRID infrastructure is subject to common failures and intermittent availability of resources the numerical weather models are not prepared for. For those reasons, in this contribution we present a new execution framework providing a software wrapper for a numerical weather model. A wrapper for the WRF Model has been developed to enable LAM simulations on the GRID. This WRF for GRID wrapper (WRF4G) is "gridifying" a complex workflow application as the WRF System. -
A Specialised Support Centre for Large International Scientific Communities: Grid Services and Support for the WLCG, HEP and Related Communities Barcelona B
Barcelona B
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThis session exposes in detail the status of discussions and planning for a proposed Specialised Support Centre (SSC) that would serve large existing scientific communities. The tentative list includes
Astro-particle physics
Nuclear physics
International initiatives - e.g. EnviroGRIDS, UNOSAT, ...These communities are 'linked' by either the science that they perform and / or the technologies that they use - e.g. Ganga, Dashboards, AMGA, ...
More information can be found at the Wiki for this activity
Specialised Support Centre: communities supported & workplan
a) Distributed Analysis Support: workplan & discussionSpeaker: Dr Massimo Lamanna (CERN)
d) Other activities: Networking & Joint Research activities - discussionSpeaker: ALL
Next steps in Proposal Preparation & Wrap-up
Accounting in EGEE: Status and Future L'Eixample
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaEGEE has a complex accounting ecosystem that involves different accounting providers publishing to a common central repository. Accounting records are periodically aggregated to be finally displayed in the EGEE accounting portal that acts as a connection point between all the different providers and presents the information in an common interface.
The EGEE/WLCG accounting portal is currently one of the most complete grid accounting portals in the world providing different views that go from a global and public view to very specialized views.
In the current EGEE accounting ecosystem the most extended provider is APEL which is included in the standard gLite middleware distribution. Other accounting providers include DGAS in Italy, SGAS in NorduGrid and Gratia in OSG.
The session will provide an opportunity to the different accounting providers to present the current status and their plans towards the new EGI ecosystem.
WelcomeSpeaker: Mr Carlos Fernandez Sanchez (CESGA)
APELSpeaker: Mrs Cristina Del Cano Novales (Science and Technology Facilities Council, United Kingdom)
DGASSpeaker: Luciano Gaido (INFN)
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Bioinformatics and Grid - On the way to ordinary usage Sant Gervasi
Sant Gervasi
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe Bioinformatics domain studies genes, proteins, and all components of living organisms. These include enabling system biology on grid, oncology study at the molecular level, genome wide association studies of human complex diseases, binding of protein and DNA in the cell nucleus, complete genome comparison, as well as portals or web services that enable grid access for users in areas such as protein sequence or genome level analysis. Several bioinformatics applications are now established as regular users of the grid infrastructure, and collaboration with related projects to port a broad spectrum of applications to the EGEE grid. The main goal of this session is to bring together the bioinformatics community of scientists using the grid and to discuss results about biological databases and tools on the EGEE platform. The session will focus on challenging points that are still under development in the biosciences domain.
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Distributed testing and testbed management Sants
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaTesting grid middleware and applications in realistic environments is a challenging task that requires the availability and management of distributed testbeds and efficient tools. In addition, the transition from the current EGEE software development structure based on centralized integration and certification to the foreseen EGI/UMD structure based on distributed product development units calls for even more dynamic and efficient management of the testbeds and the testing and certification tools. This session discusses the possible transition plans to the foreseen certification strategies and how existing test management systems like ETICS can help in the organization and coordination of this type of distributed software certification
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EGEE Project Management Board (CLOSED) Parallel
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Barcelona -
EGEE'09 Business Workshop Barcelona C
Barcelona C
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaEGEE’s Business Forum teams up with BEinGRID, Europe’s largest Integrated Project under FP6 for a one-day business track on Wednesday 23 September 2009 in Barcelona, Spain. The three sessions will showcase achievements from a business and technology transfer perspective and define the next steps as we move towards new frontiers in the arena of clouds and grids.
The opening session spotlights the main focus of EGEE’s business activities ( and the BEinGRID project ( as well as the transition to a sustainable European Grid infrastructure with business and technology transfer firmly in mind. The session also presents Gridipedia and its focus on the business value of service oriented IT, playing a pivotal role in connecting the business and technology communities through dedicated services of interest to both with a direct Return on Investment (RoI) for the user experience through independent, expert analysis.
The second session centres on clouds and service level agreement (SLA) management with examples of an industrial collaboration for the convergence of grids and clouds and an in-depth analysis of these technologies in terms of business findings presented in the BEinGRID book due for release this autumn.
The third and final session looks at technology transfer with a series of case studies on how scientific research has been commercialized in relation to clouds and grids. This session also showcases examples of scientific applications leading to a new start-up, the business benefits of GRIA middleware, as well as the advantages of grid-related technologies for the healthcare sector with particular emphasis on paediatrics and radio therapy.
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Regional Extensions of Grid Infrastructures Sarrià
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe session is dedicated to the discussion of the present and future collaboration between EGI and non-European e-Infrastructures.
In the past 3-4 years several projects have been launched to promote the European vision on e-Infrastructures in other regions of the world and/or explore the interoperation and interoperability issues between European and non-European Grid Infrastructures.
It's time to take stock of all the achievements and to discuss an agreed coordinated path towards a sustainable coordination and inteoperation of EGI with other non-European e-Infrastructures.
The session will try to highlight the possible convergences and the unavoidable differences that have to be taken into account when collaborating with different regions of the world.
The session has thus been organised in two parts to: present the state of the art of the existing projects and infrastructures and discuss the new projects and initiatives that will be in place or proposed in the near future.
The last part of the session will be dedicated to the discussion on the future directions of such projects and initiatives and the cooperation/coordination with the EGI infrastructure. -
Ensuring reliable User Support beyond EGEE-III: Focusing on the middleware support Montjuic
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe main aim of this session is to give an overview of the evolution from the current user support infrastructure as it is operational in EGEE to a model accommodated to the fit the distributed operations model EGI will implement.
There are several areas that need to be adapted and we want to present the current ideas and plans for these activities and discuss the in a wider audience.Topics to be presented and discussed include:
* Middleware support: How to interface the UMD activity and the different middleware providers.
* First line support: How to organise a reliable firstline support in a distributed and heterogeous environment.
* Operations support: How to move from ROCs to NGIs as main organisational building blocks in user support for operations problems.
* User support management: How to transfer the successful management concepts and how to involve the future stake holders.All these topic have both technical and procedural aspects that need to be considered.
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Panel discussion
Transport to Gala Dinner
More details will follow
Conference Gala Dinner Maremagnum, Barcelona
Maremagnum, Barcelona
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaMore information will follow.
Technical Plenary: European Middleware Development and Support Barcelona B-C
Barcelona B-C
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaMiddleware is the software ‘glue’ that binds together distributed computing resources. At its core it provides consistent mechanism for authenticating users, verifying that they are authorised to access the resource and then providing an interface to the underlying physical resource. Around this core are established foundation services that allow user applications to be run on large scale computer clusters and to access file stored on disk or tape at the different sites. Higher-level services build on top of these foundation services to coordinate the running of jobs and the movement of files across different sites.
EGEE uses the gLite middleware distribution, itself composed from developers within the project and from collaborators around the world. But this is not the only middleware used in production within Europe. The ARC middleware is used primarily within the Nordic DataGrid Facility while the UNICORE middleware is used primarily to link European supercomputing centres. The first keynote presentation reflects on the experiences of the European middleware community over the last decade highlighting on its achievements and the lessons learned. The second keynote presentation will describe how middleware development will evolve over the next few years to meet the challenges presented by the adoption of the European Grid Initiative.
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EU-Asia seed of a global surveillance network for flu pandemics Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Using e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaThe present demonstration shows the integration of existing data sources towards a global surveillance network for molecular epidemiology, based on Service Oriented Architecture and Grid technologies. Its relevance is being tested through the current H1N1 outbreak. The idea is to dynamically analyze the molecular biology data, made available on public databases (such as IVR, IVDB, or EpiFlu), using computing, storage and automatic updating services offered by Grid. Bioinformatics methods of sequence alignment will highlight mutations on virus genome. Phylogenetic analyzes will characterize evolutionary history, key point to understand the geographic and molecular source of this outbreak where the virus seems to be a reassortant from avian and human forms. Dynamical database management and deployment of phylogenic workflow on EGEE and EUAsiaGrid resources will be presented using the interoperable WISDOM production environment. The goal is to be ready to impact the next pandemics.
LiveWN: Desktop Grids are as simple as using a CD Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Running e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaLiveWN was initially prototyped in year 2006 as a bootable CD with Scientific Linux, supporting diskless, easy-to-deploy grid Worker Nodes, requiring virtually zero administration upon deployment. Recent evolutions during year 2009 brought even more results:
* scalability and reliability tests over WAN deployment scenarios,
* integration with Shibboleth (ShibGrid) and,
* design prototype for a deployment on an infrastructure with a potential of 60000+ nodes.
LiveWN mixes key technologies including LiveCD (a self-booting Linux CD), gLite (the grid middleware stack), OpenVPN (virtual private network) and OpenAFS (open distributed filesystem). It includes a full desktop environment and some extra scientific software, including a set of tools in relation to the high energy physics project ATLAS, Wine, PovRay and other. LiveWN implements also a convenient UI (User Interface) from which all grid resources are available (EGEE and LCG VOs, combined with all Desktop Grid resources) -
Visualization e-services and tools for grid build by gLite Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Demo booth - Developing e-Infrastructure
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaEnchanted visualization e-services and tools developed within collaborative project BalticGrid-II and Lithuanian NGI will be presented in this demonstration.
Grid visualization e-Service VizLitG developed in Lithuanian NGI is designed for convenient access and interactive visualization of remote data files located in grid. VizLitG build by Java and GlassFish includes automatic HDF5 data management and VTK visualization engine. Moreover, transfer of interactively selected parts of datasets located in experimental Storage Element has been implemented.
VisPartDEM is interactive visualization tool for particle systems simulated by the Discrete Element Method. VTK based tool is implemented in grid environment by using GVid software. It includes parallel rendering and extended functionality like visualization of propagating cracks.
The open-source ParaView software has been deployed in BalticGrid-II testbed for interactive distributed visualization of large datasets. -
Astronomy and Astrophysics Applications in Grids Sant Gervasi
Sant Gervasi
Hotel Barcelo Sants
BarcelonaAstronomy and Astrophysics, one of the disciplinary clusters of EGEE-III NA4, counts currently eighteen partners. All of them contribute to the cluster with applications and tools/services mainly thought to make smoother the gridification of applications. According to the past experience, the official events organized by EGEE-III (User Forums and Conferences) represent the most important occasion for members of our community to meet, exchange their own experiences and the acquired know-how with the Grid and establish inter-disciplinary collaborations with other clusters in EGEE-III NA4.
This session is a milestone toward EGI; it is therefore particularly important to gather as many members of the community as possible and have a complete overview of relevant activity carried out since the beginning of the EGEE-III project. The event will be broadly publicized to involve also astronomical research groups that have not contributed to the EGEE-III astrophysical cluster so far.- 248
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