Mechanical & Materials Engineering for Particle Accelerators and Detectors, 2-15 June 2024, Sint-Michielsgestel, Netherlands
Hotel De Ruwenberg
In collaboration with NIKHEF (Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics) the CERN Accelerator School is organising a topical course on:
Mechanical & Materials Engineering for Particle Accelerators and Detectors
For the first time in the history of CAS, the CERN Accelerator School organises a course on Mechanical & Materials Engineering.
The course is proposed to engineers and applied physicists desiring to deepen their knowledge in mechanics for particle accelerators.
A complete lecture program will be covering a wide range of mechanical engineering and material science aspects, complemented by a series of talks about applications in the field of accelerators. In addition, various blocks of “hands-on” experiments are foreseen, during which the participants will be guided to do practical work, as well as organised visits of professional companies with specific expertise close by.