The Big Bang and the little bangs - Non-equilibrium phenomena in cosmology and in heavy-ion collisions

from Monday 15 August 2016 (08:00) to Friday 26 August 2016 (16:45)
CERN (4/3-006)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
15 Aug 2016
16 Aug 2016
17 Aug 2016
18 Aug 2016
19 Aug 2016
22 Aug 2016
23 Aug 2016
24 Aug 2016
25 Aug 2016
26 Aug 2016
09:30 Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Nuclear Collisions - Paul Romatschke (University of Colorado, Boulder)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:00 Nonlinear dynamics from the relativistic Boltzmann equation in the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe - Mauricio Martinez Guerrero (The Ohio State University)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:30 Phonons, vortex lines, vortex rings, and rotons - Alberto Nicolis (Unknown)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:00 Fluctuations in the quark-gluon plasma and in the cosmological fluid - Stefan Floerchinger   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:30 Viscous Cosmology -- Is the dark sector perfect? - Dominik Schwarz   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:00 Next to leading order nPI calculations - Margret Carrington   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:30 Quantum Scalar Corrections to the Gravitational Potentials on de Sitter Background - Tomislav Prokopec (Utrecht University)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:00 New formulations of relativistic hydrodynamics - Wojciech Florkowski (Institute of nuclear Physics, Krakow)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:30 Hydrodynamics at large orders - Michal Heller (Jagiellonian University)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:00 Testing General Relativity with Large Scale Structure observations - Ruth Durrer   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:30 Inflation with Dissipation and Metastability - Alessio Notari   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:00 Semi-holography for heavy-ion collisions - Anton Rebhan   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:30 Far from equilibrium particle production and thermalization: From cosmology to heavy-ion collisions - Jürgen Berges   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:00 Towards an effective theory of structure formation with new dark matter physics - Jesus Zavala   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:30 Real-time dynamics of fermion production in gauge theories -- Schwinger pair production and string breaking - Florian Hebenstreit   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:00 Heating up the big bang - Paul Saffin (University of Nottingham)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:30 On chemical equilibration of long-lived heavy particles - Mikko Sakari Laine (Universitaet Bern (CH))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:00 Simulating a first-order electroweak phase transition - David Weir (University of Stavanger)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:30 Resonance and exotics production from Heavy Ion Collisions - Su Huong Lee   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:00 Particle production and equilibration rates: the case of right-handed neutrinos in the broken phase - Jacopo Ghiglieri (Universitaet Bern (CH))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:00 Evolution of Jets in Strongly Coupled Plasma - Krishna Rajagopal (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:30 Scalar field damping and transport coefficients - Dietrich Bodeker   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:00 Chiral magnetic effect and anomalous transport from real-time lattice simulations - Soeren Schlichting (Brookhaven National Lab)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:30 Reheating process after inflation - Kyohei Mukaida (Kavli IPMU)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
18:00 --- Reception ---
14:00 The QCD Critical Point and Heavy-Ion Collisions (TH colloquium) - Misha Stephanov (UIC)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:30 The SM Higgs as the origin of the hot Big Bang - Daniel G. Figueroa (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:30 The Standard Model equation of state and the sphaleron rate - Kari Rummukainen (University of Helsinki)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:00 Thermalization of soft mode in quark-gluon plasmas - Jean-Paul Blaizot   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:30 Issues with Baryogenesis at Electroweak Scale - Kimmo Juhani Kainulainen (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:00 Nonhydro modes in relativistic hydrodynamics - Michal Spalinski   (500/1-001 - Main Auditorium)
15:30 IR and UV effects in the evolution of the Large Scale Structure - Massimo Pietroni   (500/1-001 - Main Auditorium)
14:00 A non-equilibrium field theory for cosmic structure formation - Matthias Bartelmann   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:30 Holographic Heavy Ion Collisions - David Mateos (ICREA & U. Barcelona)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:00 Hydrodynamic descriptions of nuclear collisions — successes and limitations - Ulrich Heinz (The Ohio State University)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:30 Self-Interacting Dark Matter - Hai-Bo Yu (University of Michigan)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
18:00 --- Reception ---
14:00 Cosmological constraints on the Higgs-gravity coupling - Arttu Rajantie (Imperial College (GB))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:30 Applications of Closed Time Path QFT in Heavy Ion Collisions: CGC, Thermalization, Milne vacuum and Beyond - Sangyong Jeon (McGill University)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:30 Effective description of dark matter as a viscous fluid - Nikolaos Tetradis   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:00 Found in translation: Applying the methods of QFT to Cosmic Structure - Sergey Sibiryakov (CERN & EPFL & INR RAS)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:30 Hydrodynamics without (local) Equilibrium - Jorge Casalderrey Solana (University of Barcelona (ES))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:00 Forced Turbulence in Non-Abelian Plasmas - Yacine Mehtar-Tani (INT, University of Washington)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)