QWG 2021 - The 14th International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium
14 March 2021
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the QWG meeting. The Zoom instructions, sent by email on Friday, 12 March, are also available on the "Zoom and Gather.Town Guide" tab on this site. The meeting password for both Zoom and Gather.Town was included in the email. Please contact Vincent Cheung at the address provided in the welcome email with any technical difficulties.
Please also note that the local time zone is Pacific Daylight Time as of 14 March.
We ask speakers to please upload their slides on the Indico 12 hours ahead of their session so that the Zoom host can present the slides in case of technical difficulty. Speakers can test screen share 10 minutes before their scheduled session begins.
At the end of each session, we invite you to join the breakout room in Gather.Town (link and instructions also to be provided in the email with meeting instructions) where you can chat with other participants.
We virtually welcome you to Davis and hope that you will have an opportunity to visit the area in person in the future.
best regards,
Ramona Vogt
on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee.
The QWG workshop is the premier opportunity for experimentalists and theorists to gather to discuss topics related to quarkonium physics. The scientific program will include topics related to heavy quarkonium in particle and nuclear physics as well as those in related fields. The workshop will start on Monday March 15, and close on Friday, March 19. The schedule will be announced closer to the meeting.
We note that the QWG meeting will be followed by the virtual Quarkonia as Tools workshop and invite our participants to register for that meeting also.
QWG Conveners
- Geoffrey Bodwin, ANL, USA
- Nora Brambilla, TU Munich, Germany
- Roberto Mussa, INFN Torino, Italy
- Vaia Papadimitriou, FNAL, USA
- Antonio Vairo, TU Munich, Germany
Subgroup Conveners: Theory/Experiment
G. Bali, N. Brambilla, J. Soto / R. Mizuk, R. Mitchell, R. Mussa -
E. Eichten, A. Vairo / C. Patrignani, C.Z. Yuan, C.P. Shen -
G. Bodwin, E. Braaten, J. Qiu / V. Kartvelishvili, V. Papadimitriou -
Standard Model Measurements
A. Kronfeld, A. Pineda / S. Eidelman -
Quarkonium in Media
P. Petreczky, R. Vogt / A.D. Frawley, E. Scomparin -
Beyond the Standard Model
A. Petrov, P. Ko / D. Wang
Local organizing committee
- Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez (UC Davis)
- Daniel Cebra (UC Davis)
- Peter Petreczky (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Jianwei Qiu (Jefferson Laboratory)
- Ramona Vogt (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and UC Davis)
- Feng Yuan (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Vincent Cheung (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and UC Davis)
Quarkonium Working Group
QWG homepage
QWG Workshops on Heavy Quarkonium
QWG13:: INFN Torino, 13-17 May, 2019
QWG12: Peking University, 6-10 November, 2017
QWG11: PNNL, 6-10 June, 2016
QWG10: CERN, Geneva, 10-14 November 2014
QWG9: IHEP, Beijing, 22-26 April 2013
QWG8: GSI, 3-7 October 2011
QWG7: Fermilab, 18-21 May 2010
QWG6: Nara, Japan, 2-5 December 2008
QWG5: DESY, 17-20 October 2007
QWG4: Brookhaven, June 27 to 30, 2006
QWG3: Beijing, October 12 to 15, 2004
QWG2: Fermilab, September 20 to 22, 2003
QWG1: CERN, November 8 to 10, 2002