QWG 2021 - The 14th International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium

Daniel Cebra (University of California, Davis), Jianwei Qiu (Jefferson Lab), Manuel Calderon De La Barca Sanchez (University of California Davis (US)), Peter Petreczky (BNL), Ramona Vogt (LLNL), Feng Yuan (LBNL), Vincent Cheung (LLNL)

14 March 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the QWG meeting.   The Zoom instructions, sent by email on Friday, 12 March, are also available on the "Zoom and Gather.Town Guide" tab on this site.  The meeting password for both Zoom and Gather.Town was included in the email.  Please contact Vincent Cheung at the address provided in the welcome email with any technical difficulties.

Please also note that the local time zone is Pacific Daylight Time as of 14 March.

We ask speakers to please upload their slides on the Indico 12 hours ahead of their session so that the Zoom host can present the slides in case of technical difficulty.  Speakers can test screen share 10 minutes before their scheduled session begins.

At the end of each session, we invite you to join the breakout room in Gather.Town (link and instructions also to be provided in the email with meeting instructions) where you can chat with other participants.

We virtually welcome you to Davis and hope that you will have an opportunity to visit the area in person in the future.

best regards,

Ramona Vogt

on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee.

The QWG workshop is the premier opportunity for experimentalists and theorists to gather to discuss topics related to quarkonium physics. The scientific program will include topics related to heavy quarkonium in particle and nuclear physics as well as those in related fields. The workshop will start on Monday March 15, and close on Friday, March 19.  The schedule will be announced closer to the meeting.

We note that the QWG meeting will be followed by the virtual Quarkonia as Tools workshop and invite our participants to register for that meeting also.

QWG Conveners

  • Geoffrey Bodwin, ANL, USA
  • Nora Brambilla, TU Munich, Germany
  • Roberto Mussa, INFN Torino, Italy
  • Vaia Papadimitriou, FNAL, USA
  • Antonio Vairo, TU Munich, Germany

Subgroup Conveners: Theory/Experiment

  • Spectroscopy

    G. Bali, N. Brambilla, J. Soto / R. Mizuk, R. Mitchell, R. Mussa
  • Decays

    E. Eichten, A. Vairo / C. Patrignani, C.Z. Yuan, C.P. Shen
  • Production

    G. Bodwin, E. Braaten, J. Qiu / V. Kartvelishvili, V. Papadimitriou
  • Standard Model Measurements

    A. Kronfeld, A. Pineda / S. Eidelman
  • Quarkonium in Media

    P. Petreczky, R. Vogt / A.D. Frawley, E. Scomparin
  • Beyond the Standard Model

    A. Petrov, P. Ko / D. Wang

Local organizing committee

  • Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez (UC Davis)
  • Daniel Cebra (UC Davis)
  • Peter Petreczky (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
  • Jianwei Qiu (Jefferson Laboratory)
  • Ramona Vogt (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and UC Davis)
  • Feng Yuan (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
  • Vincent Cheung (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and UC Davis)


Quarkonium Working Group

QWG homepage

QWG Workshops on Heavy Quarkonium

QWG13:: INFN Torino, 13-17 May, 2019
QWG12: Peking University, 6-10 November, 2017
QWG11: PNNL, 6-10 June, 2016
QWG10: CERN, Geneva, 10-14 November 2014
QWG9: IHEP, Beijing, 22-26 April 2013
QWG8: GSI, 3-7 October 2011
QWG7: Fermilab, 18-21 May 2010
QWG6: Nara, Japan, 2-5 December 2008
QWG5: DESY, 17-20 October 2007
QWG4: Brookhaven, June 27 to 30, 2006
QWG3: Beijing, October 12 to 15, 2004
QWG2: Fermilab, September 20 to 22, 2003
QWG1: CERN, November 8 to 10, 2002



    • 06:50
      QWG 2021 - Welcome
    • Day 1 Morning: Decay

      Chair for the first four talks: Chengping Shen
      Chair for the last three talks: Antonio Vairo

      Conveners: Antonio Vairo, Chengping Shen (Fudan University (CN))
      • 1
        Hyperon polarization and decay properties from J/Psi and Psi' at BESIII
        Speaker: Ronggang Ping (IHEP Beijing)
      • 2
        New chi_cJ results at BESIII
        Speaker: Jianbing Jiao (Shandong U.)
      • 3
        Measurements of eta_c and h_c decay into light hadrons at BESIII
        Speaker: Meike Kuessner (U. Bochum)
      • 4
        psi(2S) decays involving baryon final states
        Speaker: Liang Yan (Fudan U.)
      • 08:20
        Coffee Break
      • 5
        O(alpha_s v^2) corrections to hadronic decay of vector quarkonia
        Speaker: Feng Feng (IHEP Beijing)
      • 6
        Quarkonium decays at Belle
        Speaker: Zachary Stottler (Virginia Tech)
      • 7
        Dipion transitions and bottomoniumlike states
        Speaker: Christoph Hanhart (Juelich)
    • 09:30
      Breakout Session
    • Day 1 Afternoon: Spectroscopy (I)

      Chair for the first four talks: Joan Soto
      Chair for the last three talks: Ryan Mitchell

      Conveners: Joan Soto (Universitat de Barcelona), Ryan Mitchell
    • 16:35
      Breakout Session
    • Day 2 Morning: Spectroscopy (II)

      Chair for the first four talks: Nora Brambilla
      Chair for the last three talks: Roman Mizuk

      Conveners: Nora brambilla, Roman Mizuk (Lebedev Physical Institute)
      • 15
        Excited bottomonium spectroscopy
        Speaker: Sinead Ryan (Trinity College Dublin)
      • 16
        Properties of X(3872) at LHCb
        Speaker: Matthew David Needham (The University of Edinburgh (GB))
      • 17
        X Atoms, Feng Kun Guo
        Speaker: Prof. Feng-Kun Guo (Insitute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 18
        Charmonium-like resonances in DDbar scattering
        Speaker: Dr Padmanath Madanagopalan (Universitaet Regensburg)
      • 08:20
        Coffee Break
      • 19
        Zc and Zcs studies at BESIII
        Speaker: Yuping Guo (Fudan University)
      • 20
        News of X(3872) from BESIII
        Speaker: Zhiqing Liu (Shandong University)
      • 21
        Charmonium(like) states at Belle
        Speaker: Yang Li (Beihang U.)
    • 09:35
      Breakout Session
    • Day 2 Afternoon: BSM

      Chair for the first three talks: Alexey Petrov
      Chair for the last three talks: Dayong Wang

      Conveners: Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University), Dayong Wang (Peking University (CN))
      • 22
        Accurate decay constants from lattice QCD for BSM physics
        Speaker: Christine Davies (University of Glasgow)
      • 23
        Muonium-antimuonium oscillations in effective field theory
        Speaker: Renae Conlin (Wayne State University)
      • 24
        Light Dark Sectors through the Fermion Portal
        Speaker: Sebastian Ellis (SLAC)
      • 15:00
        Coffee Break
      • 25
        BSM in bottomonia at Babar
        Speaker: Alexei Sibidanov (University of Victoria)
      • 26
        Searching for charged LFV and BNV in J/psi decays at BESIII
        Speaker: Mengzhen Wang
      • 27
        Search for new light vector boson using J/Ψ at BESIII and Belle II
        Speaker: Youngjoon Kwon (Yonsei University)
    • 16:10
      Breakout Session
    • Day 3 Morning: SM (I)
      Convener: Simon Eydelman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))
      • 28
        R measurement (e+e– → light hadrons) at BESIII
        Speaker: Weiping Wang (USTC, Hefei, China)
      • 29
        Recent results from KEDR detector
        Speaker: Tatiana Kharlamova (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia)
      • 30
        Quarkonium properties from 2+1+1-flavor lattice QCD + QED
        Speaker: Jonna Koponen (Universität Mainz)
      • 31
        Determination of the charm quark mass in lattice QCD with 2+1 flavors
        Speaker: Mr Simon Kuberski (Münster University)
      • 08:20
        Coffee Break
    • Day 3 Morning: Spectroscopy (III)
      Convener: Prof. Gunnar Bali (Universität Regensburg)
    • 09:50
      Breakout Session
    • Day 3 Afternoon: Production (I)

      Chair for the first four talks: Geoff Bodwin
      Chair for the last three talks: Vato Kartvelishvili

      Conveners: Geoffrey Bodwin (Argonne National Laboratory), Vato Kartvelishvili (Lancaster University (GB))
      • 36
        Constraints on the chi_c1 and chi_c2 polarizations at CMS
        Speaker: Thomas Madlener (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
      • 37
        T​owards the understanding of quarkonium production through global-fit analyses of LHC data​
        Speaker: Mariana Araujo (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part)
      • 38
        J/ψ and Upsilon(nS) production vs. event activity at CMS
        Speaker: Daniele Fasanella (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
      • 39
        Inclusive Hadroproduction of P-wave Heavy Quarkonia in pNRQCD
        Speaker: Hee Sok Chung (Technical University of Munich)
      • 15:20
        Coffee Break
      • 40
        Quarkonium production studies in pp collisions at ATLAS
        Speaker: Ivan Yeletskikh (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))
      • 41
        Production of heavy quarkonia at LHCb
        Speaker: Valeriia Zhovkovska (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 42
        An effective field theory approach to quarkonium at small transverse momentum
        Speaker: Yiannis Makris
    • 16:30
      Breakout Session
    • Day 4 Morning: SM (II)

      Chair for the first four talks: Andreas Kronfeld
      Chair for the last four talks: Antonio Pineda

      Conveners: Andreas Kronfeld (Fermilab), Antonio Pineda
      • 43
        Hyperasymptotic approximation to the pole mass
        Speaker: Cesar Ayala (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria)
      • 44
        The kinetic mass of heavy quarks
        Speaker: Matteo Fael (KIT)
      • 45
        Five-loop QCD effects to the relation between the pole and running heavy quark masses within different estimating procedures and probe of extra theoretical uncertainties
        Speaker: Victor Molokoedov (INR RAS and MIPT)
      • 46
        New method for renormalon subtraction using Fourier transform
        Speaker: Yuuki Hayashi (Tohoku University)
      • 08:20
        Coffee Break
      • 47
        Determination of the QCD coupling from the static energy and the free energy
        Speaker: Johannes Weber
      • 48
        MSbar renormalization of S-wave quarkonium wavefunctions at the origin
        Speaker: Hee Sok Chung (TUM)
      • 49
        Determination of $\alpha (Mz)$ from an hyperasymptotic approximation to the energy of a static quark-antiquark pair
        Speaker: Xabier Lobregat (IFAE)
      • 50
        Strong coupling constant from moments of quarkonium correlators revisited
        Speaker: Peter Petreczky (BNL)
    • 09:50
      Breakout Session
    • Day 4 Afternoon: Production (II)

      Chair for the first four talks: Eric Braaten
      Chair for the last four talks: Jianwei Qiu

      Conveners: Eric Braaten (Ohio State University), Jianwei Qiu (Jefferson Lab)
      • 51
        Recent production and spectroscopy results from D0
        Speaker: Alexey Drutskoy (LPI)
      • 52
        J/psi production at ALICE
        Speaker: Fiorella Fionda (University of Bergen (NO))
      • 53
        Quarkonium TMD fragmentation functions in NRQCD
        Speaker: Dr Miguel Echevarria (University of Alcala)
      • 54
        New results on Bc(2S) and Bc*(2S) production at CMS
        Speaker: Daniel Alejandro Perez Navarro (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN (MX))
      • 15:20
        Coffee Break
      • 55
        Doubly heavy mesons and baryons at LHCb
        Speaker: Jibo He (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
      • 56
        Next-to-Next-to-Leading-Order Radiative Corrections to Heavy Charmonium Exclusive Production at B factories
        Speaker: Wen-Long Sang (SouthWest University, ChongQing, China)
      • 57
        Quarkonium fragmentation function and test of NRQCD factorization
        Speaker: Peng Zhang (Peking U)
      • 58
        Triangle singularities in production of X(3872)
        Speaker: Liping He (Ohio State University)
    • 16:50
      Breakout Session
    • Day 5 Morning: In-Media (I)

      Chair for the first four talks: Enrico Scomparin
      Chair for the last three talks: Peter Petreczky

      Conveners: Enrico Scomparin (Universita e INFN Torino (IT)), Peter Petreczky (BNL)
      • 59
        Charmonium production studies in nuclear collisions with ALICE

        Laure Massacrier

        Speaker: Laure Marie Massacrier (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 60
        Bottomonium production studies in nuclear collisions with ALICE
        Speaker: Dr Biswarup Paul (Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT))
      • 61
        Quarkonium production in nuclear collisions with ATLAS
        Speaker: Martin Spousta (Charles University)
      • 62
        "Quarkonium production in nuclear collisions with CMS",
        Speaker: Guillaume Falmagne
      • 08:20
        Coffee Break
      • 63
        Quarkonium production in nuclear collisions with LHCb
        Speaker: Jana Crkovska (Los Alamos National Laboratory (US))
      • 64
        Bottomonium thermal width in NRQCD on the lattice
        Speaker: Rasmus Larsen (University of Stavanger, Norway)
      • 65
        Complex static potential in lattice QCD
        Speaker: Johannes Heinrich Weber (Michigan State University)
    • 09:30
      Breakout Session
    • Day 5 Afternoon: In-Media (II)
      Convener: Anthony Frawley (Florda State University)
      • 66
        Bottomonium suppression in open quantum systems
        Speaker: Michael Strickland (Kent State University)
      • 67
        CNM J/psi production at SeaQuest
        Speaker: Ramona Vogt (LLNL)
      • 68
        Diffractive J/psi production to probe short-range correlations in the deuteron at EIC
        Speaker: Zhoudunming Tu (BNL)
      • 69
        Towards dissipative in-medium quarkonium dynamics from the complex interquark potential
        Speaker: Dr Alexander Rothkopf (University of Stavanger)
      • 15:20
        Coffee Break
    • Day 5 Afternoon: Facilities and Future
      Convener: Roberto Mussa (INFN)
      • 70
        Can we resolve the nature of the $chi_c1(3872)$ with PANDA?
        Speaker: Klaus Goetzen (GSI Darmstadt)
      • 71
        GlueX - Recent Quarkonium results and prospects
        Speaker: Sean Dobbs (Florida State University)
      • 72
        Quarkonium Measurements at JLab and prospectsfor the EIC
        Speaker: Zein-Eddine Meziani (Argonne National Laboratory)
      • 73
        First results from Belle-II
        Speaker: Bryan Fulsom (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
      • 74
        A cornucopia of antineutrons and hyperons from superJ/ψfactory
        Speaker: Marek Karliner (Tel Aviv University (IL))
    • 17:10
      Breakout Session