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IAS Program on High Energy Physics (HEP 2023)

from Sunday 12 February 2023 (00:00) to Thursday 16 February 2023 (23:59)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
12 Feb 2023
13 Feb 2023
14 Feb 2023
15 Feb 2023
16 Feb 2023
Mini-workshop: Experiment/Detector - Zhijun LIANG (IHEP) (until 10:40) ()
09:00 VTX Detector Prototype and Progress - Tianya WU (IHEP)   ()
09:20 Progress of Silicon Tracker for the CEPC - Yiming LI (IHEP)   ()
09:40 Jadepix 3 Telescope Activities - Sheng DONG (IHEP)   ()
10:00 CEPC ToF Detector R&D Using LGAD - Yunyun FAN (IHEP)   ()
10:20 Pixel Detector R&D for EICC [Zoom] - Chengxin ZHAO (Institute of Modern Physics)   ()
Mini-workshop: Theory - Liming ZHANG (Tsinghua University) (until 10:40) ()
09:00 Low Energy FCNC Searches for Light Scalars and Pseudoscalars [Zoom] - Jure ZUPAN (University of Cincinnati)   ()
09:25 Lepton-flavour-violating Z and Quarkonium Decays - Lorenzo CALIBBI (Nankai University)   ()
09:50 Recent Progress on CP Violation - Qin QIN (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   ()
10:15 Status of CEPC Flavor Physics Study - Tsz Hong KWOK (HKUST)   ()
10:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Mini-workshop: Experiment/Detector - Lorenzo CALIBBI (Nankai University) (until 12:40) ()
11:00 New Results on Lepton Flavour Universality Tests [Zoom] - Shanzhen CHEN (IHEP)   ()
11:25 Observation of New Structures in the J/ψJ/ψ Mass Spectrum at CMS - Zhen HU (Tsinghua University)   ()
11:50 J/ψJ/ψ Mass Spectrum at LHC & CEPC - Kai YI (Nanjing Normal University)   ()
12:15 Highlights from LHCb Experiment? - Liming ZHANG (Tsinghua University)   ()
Mini-workshop: Theory - Yu GAO (IHEP) (until 12:40) ()
11:00 Photon-jet Events as a Probe of Axion-like Particles at the LHC - Mengchao ZHANG (Jinan University)   ()
11:25 Models for the Muon EDM - Yuichiro NAKAI (Shanghai Jiaotong University)   ()
11:50 Time-varying Resonant Mass at Collider and Beam Dump Experiments - Xiao-ping WANG (Beihang University)   ()
12:15 Z' and Leptoquark Searches at the P2 Experiment - Yong Chao ZHANG (Southeast University)   ()
Mini-workshop: Combined Session - Jia Liu (Peking University) (until 10:40) ()
09:00 Atom Interferometer Experiments to Search for Ultralight Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves [Zoom] - John ELLIS (CERN)   ()
09:20 FASER Experiment at HL-LHC - Shin-Chieh HSU (University of Washington) Ke LI (University of Washington)   ()
09:40 New Physics Searches at EIC - Keping XIE (University of Pittsburgh)   ()
10:00 Study Neutrinos at Future Muon Collider - Qiang Li (Peking University)   ()
10:20 Pheno Demands for Future Colliders - Zhen LIU (University of Minnesota)   ()
10:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Mini-workshop: Experiment/Detector - Gang LI (IHEP) (until 12:40) ()
11:00 Status of CEPC Offline Software and Computing - Xingtao HUANG (Shandong University)   ()
11:25 Development of CEPC Drift Chamber Software - Weidong LI (IHEP)   ()
11:50 Reconstruction of Crystal Bar ECAL - Sheng-Sen SUN (IHEP)   ()
12:15 CEPC Computing - Xiaomei ZHANG (IHEP)   ()
Mini-workshop: Theory - Xiaoping WANG (Beihang University) (until 12:40) ()
11:00 HNL Search at Future Electron and Muon Colliders - Ariel ROCK (HKUST)   ()
11:25 ILC Beam Dump Experiment and New Physics Search - Kento ASAI (The University of Tokyo)   ()
11:50 Decay of the Mediator Particle at the Threshold [Zoom] - Shigeki MATSUMOTO (The University of Tokyo)   ()
12:15 Long Lived Particles at FCC-ee [Zoom] - Suchita KULKARNI (University of Graz)   ()
Conference: Plenary Sessions - Andrew COHEN (HKUST) (until 09:00) ()
Conference: Plenary Sessions - Tao LIU (HKUST) (until 10:30) ()
09:00 Perspective Talk [Zoom] - Nima ARKANI-HAMED (Princeton University)   ()
09:45 New Physics Opportunities at ee Colliders - Liantao WANG (The University of Chicago)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Conference: Plenary Sessions - Joao GUIMARAES DA COSTA (IHEP) (until 12:30) ()
11:00 CEPC Progress - Haijun YANG (Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)   ()
11:45 FCC Progress - Michael HOFER (CERN)   ()
Conference: Plenary Sessions - Jie GAO (IHEP) (until 10:30) ()
09:00 ILC Progress [Zoom] - Akira YAMAMOTO (KEK)   ()
09:45 CLIC Progress - Andrea LATINA (CERN)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Conference: Plenary Sessions - Manqi RUAN (IHEP) (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Quantum Simulation for High Energy Physics - Ying-Ying LI (University of Science and Technology of China)   ()
11:30 New Dark SHINE Exp - Kun LIU (Shanghai Jiaotong University)   ()
12:00 Excesses at the LHC and Potential Implications for the HL-LHC and e+e- Colliders - Bruce MELLADO (University of the Witwatersrand and iThemba LABS)   ()
Conference: Plenary Sessions - Tao LIU (HKUST) (until 10:30) ()
09:00 New Approaches on DM Detection - Tien-Tien YU (University of Oregon)   ()
09:45 Close Talk - Tao HAN (University of Pittsburgh)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Conference: Plenary Sessions - Tao LIU (HKUST) (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Forum Discussion - Yifang WANG (IHEP) Akira YAMAMOTO [Zoom] (KEK) Tao HAN (University of Pittsburgh) Michael HOFER (CERN) Andrea LATINA (CERN)   ()
12:40 --- Lunch Break (Self-arranged) ---
Mini-workshop: Experiment/Detector - Huaqiao ZHANG (IHEP) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 Calorimeter: Prototype Test Beam Results - Yong LIU (IHEP)   ()
14:25 High Density Glass and Its Application at Future Collider - Sen QIAN (IHEP)   ()
14:50 Status of Dual Readout Calorimeter - Roberto FERRARI (INFN Pavia)   ()
15:15 Graph Neural Networks for Particle Physics - Huilin QU (CERN)   ()
Mini-workshop: Theory - Hao ZHANG (IHEP) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 Weak Mixing Angle Determination and BSM Searches: Theoretical Issues [Zoom] - Alessandro VICINI (The University of Milan)   ()
14:25 Searching for the New Physics with Jet Charge [Zoom] - Bin YAN (IHEP)   ()
14:50 SMEFT at Future Lepton Colliders with Machine Learning - Jiayin GU (Fudan University)   ()
15:15 Tau Polarization Measurement at FCC-ee [Zoom] - Jean-Claude BRIENT (École polytechnique)   ()
15:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Mini-workshop: Combined Session - Jiayin GU (IHEP) (until 17:40) ()
16:00 Reconstruction of Hadronic System: Requirement, Status & Perspective - Manqi RUAN (IHEP)   ()
16:25 TBD (Calorimeter Review) [Zoom] - Roman POESCHL (IJClab)   ()
16:50 Review of VTX/Silicon Technology - Zhijun LIANG (IHEP)   ()
17:15 TPC R&D and Operability at a Circular Collider [Zoom] - Paul COLAS (CEA)   ()
12:40 --- Lunch Break (Self-arranged) ---
Mini-workshop: Experiment/Detector - Mingyi DONG (IHEP) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 Pixelated and Pad Readout TPC Technology R&D for the Future e+e- Collider - Huirong QI (IHEP)   ()
14:25 Drift Chamber for the CEPC Detector - Mingyi DONG (IHEP)   ()
14:50 Pixelated Time Projection Chamber Tracker Detector Technology [Zoom] - Peter KLUIT (NIKHFF)   ()
15:15 IDEA Drift Chamber [Zoom] - Brunella Brunella D’ANZI (INFN and Bari University)   ()
Mini-workshop: Theory - Qin QIN (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 Hidden-charm Exotics and Their Productions [Zoom] - Feng-Kun GUO (Institute of Theoretical Physics)   ()
14:25 Measurement of Vus with Tau Decays to Test of First Row CKM Matrix Unitarity [Zoom] - Alberto LUSIANI (Scuola Normale Superiore)   ()
14:50 Long-lived Scalar at FASER - Wei SU (Sun Yat Sen University)   ()
15:15 New Physics in Meson Mixing [Zoom] - Luiz Vale SILVA (Universitat de Valencia)   ()
15:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Mini-workshop: Experiment/Detector - Mingshui CHEN (IHEP) (until 17:40) ()
16:00 Status & Progress of the IDEA Detector Concept - Roberto FERRARI (INFN Pavia)   ()
16:25 EEC at High Energy Frontier - Huaxing ZHU (Zhejiang University)   ()
16:50 High Precision Calculation Towards Future ee Factory? [Zoom] - Zhao LI (IHEP)   ()
17:15 Measurements of the Partons Inside the Proton [Zoom] - Siqi YANG (University of Science and Technology of China)   ()
Mini-workshop: Theory - Zhen LIU (University of Minnesota) (until 17:40) ()
16:00 Going Beyond the Dimension 6 EFT in the High Energy/Luminosity Era - Rick S. GUPTA (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)   ()
16:25 Probing Heavy Neutral Leptons at Future Experiments [Zoom] - Juraj KLARIC (Catholic University of Louvain)   ()
16:50 Machine Learning at Higgs Factory - Shengdu CHAI (Fudan University)   ()
17:15 Probing R-parity Violation in B-meson Decays to a Baryon and a Light Neutralino [Zoom] - Zeren Simon WANG (National Tsing Hua University)   ()
12:30 --- Program Lunch for Registered Participants only ---
Conference: Parallel Sessions (Accelerator) - Maria BIAGINI [Zoom] (INFN) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 Super KEK B Status [Zoom] - Makoto TOBIYAMA (KEK)   ()
14:20 CEPC Collider Lattice Design - Yiwei WANG (IHEP)   ()
14:40 CEPC Booster and Damping Ring - Dou WANG (IHEP)   ()
15:00 CEPC Linac Injector Design Status [Zoom] - Cai MENG (IHEP)   ()
15:20 CEPC MDI Issues in Accelerator - Sha BAI (IHEP)   ()
Conference: Parallel Sessions (Experiment/Detector) - Yong LIU (IHEP) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 IR Design for High Lumi & Low Background [Zoom] - Michael Kenneth SULLIVAN (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)   ()
14:25 Update of CEPC Lumical Design - Suen HOU (Institute of Physics)   ()
14:50 Study of Beam Background for the CEPC - Haoyu SHI (IHEP)   ()
15:15 Study of Radiation Protection for the CEPC - Guangyi TANG (IHEP)   ()
Conference: Parallel Sessions (Theory) - Yongchao ZHANG (Southeast University) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 New Physics Opportunities in Triangle Singularity - Yu GAO (IHEP)   ()
14:20 Origin of Neutrino Masses and Seesaw Effective Field Theories - Shun ZHOU (IHEP)   ()
14:40 A complete tree-level dictionary between BSM models and SMEFT (d ≤ 7) operators - Xu-Xiang LI (Peking University)   ()
15:00 Macroscopic Dark Matter from Cosmic Phase Transitions - Sida LU (HKUST)   ()
15:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Conference: Parallel Sessions (Accelerator) - Jie GAO (IHEP) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Electron Positron Collider Power Consumptions [Zoom] - Frank ZIMMERMANN (CERN)   ()
16:20 Vacuum System Development in HEPS - Yongsheng MA (IHEP)   ()
16:40 Magnets Development in HEPS - Wen KANG (IHEP)   ()
17:00 HEPS Power Source Development - Bin CHEN (IHEP)   ()
17:20 HEPS Injection/Extraction Hardware Development - Jinhui CHEN (IHEP)   ()
17:40 HEPS Injector Linac Developments - Jingru ZHANG (IHEP)   ()
Conference: Parallel Sessions (Experiment/Detector) - Xuai ZHUANG (IHEP) (until 18:05) ()
16:00 CEPC Higgs Physics Update - Yaquan FANG (IHEP)   ()
16:25 Searches for BSM Higgs Decays at CMS - Mingshui CHEN (IHEP)   ()
16:50 Higgs to Fermion Couplings @ LHC - Huaqiao ZHANG (IHEP)   ()
17:15 Investigating Higgs Self-interaction through Di-Higgs Plus Jet Production - Hao ZHANG (IHEP)   ()
17:40 Higgs Global Analysis - Gang LI (IHEP)   ()
Conference: Parallel Sessions (Theory) - Haipeng AN (Tsinghua University) (until 17:40) ()
16:00 Fermion Mass Hierarchies and Modulus Stabilisation in Modular-invariant Theories of Flavour [Zoom] - Serguey PETCOV (SISSA)   ()
16:20 Light Dark Matter [Zoom] - Wen YIN (Tohoku University)   ()
16:40 Higgs CP Properties and Their EFT Interpretation - Bo Liu (IHEP)   ()
17:00 Coupling a Cosmic String to a TQFT [Zoom] - Sung Woo HONG (KAIST)   ()
12:30 --- Self-arranged Lunch ---
Conference: Parallel Sessions (Accelerator) - Yuhui LI (IHEP) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 Superconducting Technology for Accelerators Frontier > — High-Field Magnet, SRF, and Cryogenics/Cryogen [Zoom] - Akira YAMAMOTO (KEK)   ()
14:20 CEPC SRF System and Cavities Studies - Jiyuan ZHAI (IHEP)   ()
14:40 Klystrons and RF Power Sources - Zusheng ZHOU (IHEP)   ()
15:00 SC Quadrupoles Design and R&D Status for CEPC [Zoom] - Yingshun ZHU (IHEP)   ()
15:20 SppC High Field Magnets R&D and International Collaboration - Qingjin XU (IHEP)   ()
Conference: Parallel Sessions (Experiment/Detector) - Yaquan FANG (IHEP) (until 15:20) ()
14:00 New Physics Search at CEPC - Xuai ZHUANG (IHEP)   ()
14:20 Search for Dark Matter in the Events with Missing Transverse Momentum at Colliders - Jinfei WU (IHEP)   ()
14:40 Searching for Quirk Signal at the LHC - Junle PEI (IHEP)   ()
15:00 Quantum computing for CEPC/HEP [Zoom] - Abdualazem Fadol MOHAMMED (IHEP)   ()
Conference: Parallel Sessions (Theory) - Yongchao ZHANG (Southeast University) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 New Physics at the Forward Physics Facility (FPF) [Zoom] - Kingman CHEUNG (National Tsing Hua University)   ()
14:25 GW from Early Phase Transition - Haipeng AN (Tsinghua University)   ()
14:50 Inert Doublet Model [Zoom] - Bin GONG (IHEP)   ()
15:15 Astro & Particle Physics Relevant - Yusheng WU (University of Science and Technology of China)   ()
15:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Conference: Parallel Sessions (Accelerator) - Angeles FAUS-GOLFE [Zoom] (IJClab) (until 17:40) ()
16:00 Future e+e-Higgs Factories [Zoom] - Angeles FAUS-GOLFE (IJCLab)   ()
16:20 Beam-beam Study Status - Yuan ZHANG (IHEP)   ()
16:40 CEPC Collective Instability Study Status - Na WANG (IHEP)   ()
17:00 CEPC Polarization Study Status [Zoom] - Zhe DUAN (IHEP)   ()
17:20 CEPC Plasma Injector Study Status and Test Facility Plan - Dazhang LI (IHEP)   ()
Conference: Parallel Sessions (Experiment/Detector) - Yiming LI (IHEP) (until 17:15) ()
16:00 Preliminary Design of the CEPC det. Hall and Detector Installation Scheme - Junsong ZHANG (IHEP)   ()
16:25 CEPC Beam Energy/Polarization Measurement [Zoom] - Yongsheng HUANG (Zhongshan University)   ()
16:50 Status Report from LCTPC - Huirong QI (IHEP)   ()
Conference: Parallel Sessions (Theory) - Hao ZHANG (IHEP) (until 17:40) ()
16:00 Tau Polarization Measurement at FCC-ee [Zoom] - Jean-Claude BRIENT (École polytechnique)   ()
16:25 Representation of Fermions in Pati-Salam Model [Zoom] - Desheng LI (Hunan Institute of Engineering)   ()
16:50 High-quality Axion in the Grand Unified Theories Beyond the SU(5) [Zoom] - Ning CHEN (Nankai University)   ()
17:15 Testing Neutrino Dipole Portal at Electron Colliders and at the LHC by Long-lived Particle Detectors [Zoom] - Yu ZHANG (Hefei University of Technology)   ()
12:30 --- Self-arranged Lunch ---