Abstract: In this talk I will briefly introduce several on-going and near-future space X-ray astronomy missions of China: 1) Insight-HXMT X-ray mission (launched on June 15th, 2017, , mostly on X-ray binaries and GRBs); 2) GECAM (launched on December 10th of 2020, small satellites on GRBs and other transients from several keV to MeV); 3) SVOM (to be launched by the end of 2024, carrying optical and X-ray telescopes, a wide FoV hard X-ray imager and three gamma-ray monitors, mostly on GRBs and other transients); 4) EP (to be launched by the end of 2023, carrying many wide FoV lobster-eye X-ray telescopes and two narrow FoV X-ray follow-up telescopes, mostly on tidal disruption events, GRBs and many other transients); (5) CATCH (a proposed large constellation of small satellites carrying light-weight focusing X-ray telescopes, to follow and characterize many transients simultaneously, with the first path-finder satellites to be launched in 2023-2024); 6) POLAR-2 (the successor of POLAR operated on China’s Tianggong-2 spacelab in 2016, to be placed onboard China’s Space Station in 2024-2026, carrying GRB polarimeters covering several keV to several hundred keV energy range with spectroscopic and localization capabilities); (7) HERD (a large cosmic-ray experiment developed by a Sino-European consortium onboard China’s Space Station for operation around 2027, with unprecedented acceptance and energy range for direct measurements of cosmic-rays, electrons and gamma-rays in space). Finally, I will present as a showcase the eXTP (enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry) mission, a large X-ray observatory studying neutron stars, black holes and many other high energy explosions, developed by a large Sino-European consortium for launch around 2029, carrying large arrays of X-ray timing, spectroscopy and polarimetry telescopes, as well as a wide field monitor.
Lecturer: Current position: Director of Particle Astrophysics Division, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Chief Scientist of Space Science Research Division and Director of X-ray Imaging Laboratory of National Astronomical Observatories of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Education and work experience: 1984, Bachelor Degree, Tsinghua University; 1989, PhD Degree, University of Southampton, U.K.; 1989-1992, Postdoctoral research associate, University of Pennsylvania, USA; 1992-1998, Senior scientist, Universities Space Research Association and NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA; 1998-2014, assistant, research associate professor and full professor, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA; 2002-2009, Distinguished professor, Physics Department, Tsinghua University.
Awards & Honors: NASA Group Achievement Award; Zhao-Jiu-Zhang “Space Science Award”; National Distinguished Young Investigator of National Science Foundation of China; Copernicus Visiting Scientist Award, University of Ferrara, Italy; Yangtze Scholar Distinguished Professorship of the Ministry of Education of China; Distinguished Team Achievement Award of the Chinese Academy of sciences.
Space science projects: Principal Investigator of the Astronomy and Astrophysics Program of China’s Space Station, POLAR experiment onboard China’s TG-2 Spacelab (launched in Sept. 2016), the Insight-HXMT astronomy satellite mission (launched in June 2017), the future High Energy Cosmic-ray Detection (HERD) facility onboard China’s Space Station and the future enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry (eXTP) space observatory; Co-PI of the China-France Space Variable Object Monitor (SVOM) space astronomy mission (2024 launch); Science Advisor of the Einstein Probe X-ray satellite mission (2023 launch).
Publications: More than 400 refereed publications with more than 14000 citations.
Publication link: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/public-libraries/lrpptWUZQAK5d_jLVRq16A (Text informed by the Lecturer)