5th Joint HiLumi LHC-LARP Annual Meeting

from Monday 26 October 2015 (08:30) to Friday 30 October 2015 (18:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
26 Oct 2015
27 Oct 2015
28 Oct 2015
29 Oct 2015
30 Oct 2015
Collaboration Board (restricted to CB members) (until 12:30) (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
WP5 Session: Materials (until 12:00) (30/7-010)
10:30 Overview of EuCARD2 study and plans for EuCARD3 - Adriana Rossi (CERN)  
11:00 Status of the BNL tests and plans for new ones including simulations - Nick Simos (BNL)  
11:30 Brief recall of HRM tests: Preliminary considerations on jaw robustness for HL beams - Federico Carra (CERN)  
Plenary Session Tuesday 27.10 AM - Oliver Bruning (CERN) (until 12:30) (500/1-001 - Main Auditorium)
08:30 LARP and its evolution as construction project & sustainability of US collaboration on LHC operation - Michael Procario (US Department of Energy)  
09:00 From US-LARP to US-HiLumi - Giorgio Apollinari (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))  
09:30 Baseline parameters, feedback from MD and outcome from the HL-LHC/LIU day - Gianluigi Arduini (CERN)  
10:00 Overview of the new magnets for HiLumi - Ezio Todesco (CERN)  
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 Crab Cavity design and production status - Ofelia Capatina (CERN) Rama Calaga (CERN)  
11:30 Collimation status and recent baseline changes - Stefano Redaelli (CERN)  
12:00 Cold powering new baseline - Amalia Ballarino (CERN)  
Joint Session WP2-WP4 (until 10:30) (30/7-010)
08:30 Transverse emittance growth due to CC RF noise, and requirements for the CC RF - Philippe Baudrenghien (CERN)  
09:00 Effect of noise (crab cavities, damper, power converters, etc) on colliding beam in the LHC and implication to HL-LHC - Javier Barranco Garcia (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH)) Ji Qiang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)  
09:30 Cavity impedance summary - Graeme Burt (Lancaster University)  
10:00 Impedance and beam stability - Nicolo Biancacci (CERN)  
WP3 Session: Triplet specifications (until 09:30) (30/6-019)
08:30 Presentation by Ruben - Ruben Horacio Carcagno  
Joint Session WP3-WP6-WP7-WP11 (until 10:30) (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
09:30 Introduction - Daniel Wollmann (CERN)  
09:40 Nb-Ti circuit protection (20+5) - Ezio Todesco (CERN)  
10:05 SC Link protection (20+5) - Amalia Ballarino (CERN)  
WP5 Session: FP7 HiLumi (until 10:30) (112/R-028)
10:00 Introduction - Stefano Redaelli (CERN)  
10:10 Tracking simulations - where we are and what needs to be done - Roderik Bruce (CERN)  
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Joint Session WP2-WP4 (until 11:30) (30/7-010)
11:00 Transverse feedback in the HL-LHC era - Wolfgang Hofle (CERN) Kevin Shing Bruce Li (CERN)  
Joint Session WP3-WP6-WP7-WP11 (until 12:30) (30-7-018 Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
11:00 MQXF protection & HQ-program experience (20+10) - Giorgio Ambrosio (Fermilab)  
11:30 Triplet circuit protection with heaters and CLIQ (20+10) - Emmanuele Ravaioli (Twente Technical University (NL))  
12:00 11 T protection (20+10) - Susana Izquierdo Bermudez (CERN)  
WP5 Session: FP7 HiLumi (until 12:30) (112/R-028)
11:00 Energy deposition - where we are and what needs to be done - Anton Lechner (CERN)  
11:20 Collimation designs for HL - where we are and what needs to be done - Alessandro Bertarelli (CERN)  
11:35 Collimation backgrounds at HL-LHC - Regina Kwee-Hinzmann (Royal Holloway University of London (GB))  
11:55 Collimation cleaning during optics changes at HL-LHC - Sam Tygier  
12:15 CERN/UK: prospect for UK contributions to collimation - Stephen Gibson (Royal Holloway, University of London)  
Joint Session W2-WP9 (until 12:00) (30/7-010)
11:30 Results of the scrubbing run and implications for HL-LHC: stability and heat loads from electron clouds, implications for the design of the beam screen (baffles, no baffles) - Giovanni Iadarola (CERN)  
Joint Plenary Session with Experiments 29.10 AM - Beniamino Di Girolamo (CERN) (until 10:30) (500/1-001 - Main Auditorium)
08:30 Introduction - Beniamino Di Girolamo (CERN)  
08:45 Overview of aperture, risks, losses, collimation and background - Helmut Burkhardt (CERN)  
09:15 Collimation hierarchy and tracking for extraction failures - Roderik Bruce (CERN)  
09:30 Sources of failures and their tracking - Kyrre Ness Sjobaek (CERN)  
09:50 Effects of losses and LHC/HL-LHC comparison in ATLAS and CMS - Moritz Guthoff (CERN)  
10:10 Experiments upgrade plans - Sergio Bertolucci (CERN)  
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Joint Plenary Session with Experiments 29.10 AM - Beniamino Di Girolamo (CERN) (until 12:00) (500/1-001 - Main Auditorium)
10:55 LHC VAX Displacement and impact on experiments - Francisco Sanchez Galan (CERN)  
11:15 Pile-up and bunch length: experiments input - Pippa Wells (CERN)  
11:45 Pile-up (maximum and density) and bunch length - Discussion - Beniamino Di Girolamo (CERN) Stephane Fartoukh (CERN) Didier Claude Contardo (Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR)) Kevin Einsweiler (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))  
Joint Session WP4-WP9-WP12-WP15 - Rama Calaga (CERN) (until 10:30) (376/1-020)
08:30 WP4 Introduction - Rama Calaga (CERN)  
08:40 Cryomodule layout update - Ofelia Capatina (CERN)  
09:00 Cryogenic update for SPS & LHC - Laurent Paul Delprat (CERN)  
09:20 Vacuum considerations for SPS and LHC - Vincent Baglin (CERN)  
09:40 SPS integration in LSS6 - Yvon Muttoni (CERN)  
10:00 Discussion  
WP3 Niobium Ti magnets - Ezio Todesco (CERN) (until 10:30) (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
08:30 D1 status - Michinaka Sugano  
08:55 D2 status - Pasquale Fabbricatore (Universita e INFN Genova (IT))  
09:20 Q4 status - Jean-Michel Rifflet  
09:45 Orbit corrector status - Fernando Toral (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES)  
10:10 High order correctors status - Giovanni Volpini (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))  
WP6 Session (until 10:30) (30/6-019)
09:00 Update on integration of the Cold Powering system at P1 and P5 - Paolo Fessia (CERN)  
09:30 Overview on cryostat design for the HiLumi magnets: where are we at the end of the HiLumi activity - Yifeng Yang  
10:00 Progress on quench measurements on high current MgB2 cables - Sebastiano Giannelli (CERN)  
WP5 Workshop (until 10:30) (30/7-010)
WP2 Session (in room 6-R-012) (until 10:30) (6/R-012 - conference room)
09:00 How precisely can we control our magnets? Experience and impact on the expected control of machine parameters (tune and chromaticity) - Matteo Solfaroli Camillocci (CERN)  
09:30 Challenges of optics control for HL-LHC and beta* luminosity levelling - Rogelio Tomas Garcia (CERN)  
10:00 Beam-beam effects and stability of the beams during operational cycle - Claudia Tambasco (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))  
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Triplets: construction and assembly - Paolo Ferracin (CERN) Giorgio Ambrosio (Fermilab) (until 12:30) (30-7-018 Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
11:00 Status and plan - Paolo Ferracin (CERN) Giorgio Ambrosio (Fermilab)  
11:30 MQXF magnet alignment - Herve Prin (CERN)  
12:00 Coil fabrication update - Eddie Holik (Fermilab) Eugenio Cavanna  
WP2 Session (in room 6-R-012) (until 12:30) (Salle conference BE 6-R-012)
11:00 BBLR compensation in HL-LHC - Aleksander Valishev (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))  
11:30 BBLR compensation simulations for SPS/LHC tests - Yannis Papaphilippou (CERN)  
12:00 Luminosity modelling for HL-LHC - Fanouria Antoniou (CERN)  
WP4 Session (until 12:30) (376/1-020)
WP5 Workshop (until 12:05) (30/7-010)
WP6 Session (until 12:30) (30/6-041)
11:00 Update on cryogenics cooling - Amalia Ballarino (CERN) Serge Claudet (CERN)  
11:10 Conclusions on energy deposition studies for the Cold Powering system - Francesco Broggi (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))  
12:30 --- Registration ---
Plenary Session Monday 26.10 PM - Lucio Rossi (CERN) (until 18:00) (500/1-001 - Main Auditorium)
14:00 Welcome: HiLumi LHC in the CERN program and a personal recollection - Rolf Heuer (CERN)  
14:20 CERN plan for accelerator & schedule (ions, other exp.) - Frederick Bordry (CERN)  
14:50 LHC Run 2: experience and prospects - Mike Lamont (CERN)  
15:20 KEK and HiLumi: support and competition from other project - Katsuo Tokushuku (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))  
15:50 --- Coffee break and Collaboration photography ---
16:30 Status of HiLumi: from Design Study to construction Project - Lucio Rossi (CERN)  
17:00 HiLumi: new governance and project office - Oliver Bruning (CERN)  
17:30 Status report of the LIU project - Malika Meddahi (CERN)  
18:00 --- Welcome Drink ---
19:30 --- Collaboration Board Working Dinner (for CB members) ---
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
Plenary Session Tuesday 27.10 PM - Isabel Bejar Alonso (CERN) (until 18:00) (500/1-001 - Main Auditorium)
14:00 Cryogenics re-baseline for HiLumi and operational experience - Serge Claudet (CERN)  
14:20 Circuit protection: progress and challenges at HL-LHC - Bernhard Auchmann (CERN)  
14:40 Vacuum system design and progress - Vincent Baglin (CERN)  
15:00 Beam diagnostics - Thibaut Lefevre (CERN)  
15:20 Lessons learnt from LHC operation for the upgrade of the injection and beam dumping systems - Jan Uythoven (CERN)  
15:40 SPS Crab cavity integration and test programme - Rama Calaga (CERN)  
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
16:30 Integration status and issues - Paolo Fessia (CERN)  
17:00 From PDR to TDR: open issues, technical infrastructure and integrating collaborations - Isabel Bejar Alonso (CERN)  
17:30 The new Civil Engineering lay-out: technical and planning challenge - John Andrew Osborne (CERN)  
18:45 --- Bus transfer: CERN to Kempinski ---
19:30 --- Collaboration Banquet ---
22:00 --- Bus transfer: Kempinski to CERN ---
Joint Session WP2-WP9-WP12 (until 12:30) (30/7-010)
12:00 Heat loads due to impedance: uodate and required upgrades - Benoit Salvant (CERN)  
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
Joint Session WP2-WP3: Field quality (until 15:00) (30-7-018 Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
14:00 Field quality update (including fringe fields) - Ezio Todesco (CERN)  
14:30 Field quality update and recent tracking results - Massimo Giovannozzi (CERN)  
Joint Session WP5-WP7-WP8-WP14 (until 16:00) (30/7-010)
14:00 Status and plan to determine damage limits of magnets in the injection and dump region - Vivien Raginel (Vienna University of Technology (AT))  
14:30 FLUKA simulations of beam losses during and injection and beam dump - Anton Lechner (CERN)  
15:00 Material testing for injection and transfer line absorbers - Francois-Xavier Nuiry (CERN)  
15:30 Material testing for collimators - Federico Carra (CERN)  
WP4 Session - Ofelia Capatina (CERN) (until 16:10) (376/1-020)
14:00 UK pre-series bid - Graeme Burt (Lancaster University)  
14:20 FPC and HOM test boxes - Adam Richard John Tutte (Lancaster University (GB))  
14:40 DQW, cavity measurements and treatment procedure - Silvia Verdú Andrés (Brookhaven National Laboratory BNL)  
15:00 RFD, cavity measurements and treatment procedure - Subashini De Silva (Old Dominion University (US))  
15:20 EP status at KEK - Rama Calaga (CERN)  
15:30 Discussion  
Joint Session WP2-WP3-WP9-WP12: Vacuum and cooling (until 16:00) (30-7-018 Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
15:00 Beam screen/cold bore design and tolerances - Cedric Garion (CERN)  
15:30 IR magnet cooling - Rob Van Weelderen (CERN)  
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
Joint Session WP2-WP3-WP10 (until 17:00) (30-7-018 Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
16:30 Energy deposition in the triplets and matching section - Andrea Tsinganis (CERN)  
Joint Session WP5-WP7-WP8-WP14 (until 17:00) (30/7-010)
16:30 Crab cavity failure modes and IR protection - Mrs Andrea Santamaria Garcia (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))  
Joint Session WP2-WP5-WP7-WP8-WP14 (until 18:00) (30-7-018 Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
17:00 Aperture in case of an asynchronous beam dump with ATS optics - Roderik Bruce (CERN)  
17:30 Aperture and protection tolerance for the injection into LHC - Francesco Maria Velotti (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))  
WP4 Session: LHC harmonic cavities - Rama Calaga (CERN) (until 18:00) (376/1-020)
17:00 800 MHz HOM coupler simulations - Toon Roggen (CERN)  
17:30 800 MHz 2-Cavity module simulations - Yaroslav Shashkov  
12:00 --- Lunch break ---
Joint Plenary Session with Experiments 29.10 PM - Beniamino Di Girolamo (CERN) (until 15:30) (500/1-001 - Main Auditorium)
13:30 LHCb request for running at nominal LHC luminosity - Eric Thomas (CERN)  
13:50 Optics aspects and impact on luminosity - Riccardo De Maria (CERN)  
14:10 Energy deposition aspects for LHCb request - Francesco Cerutti (CERN)  
14:30 Hardware changes around LHCb - Ilias Efthymiopoulos (CERN)  
14:50 Heavy ions requests for all experiments - Johannes Peter Wessels (Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (DE))  
15:10 Heavy ions perfomance - John Jowett (CERN)  
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
Close-out Session - Oliver Bruning (CERN) (until 17:15) (500/1-001 - Main Auditorium)
16:00 11T on the road towards higher field - Luca Bottura (CERN)  
16:30 Physics prospects at the HL-LHC and beyond - Fabiola Gianotti (CERN)  
17:00 Closing remarks - Lucio Rossi (CERN)  
FP7 Steering Committee (restricted) (until 13:00) (30/6-041)
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
Visits (until 16:00) (Pick-up on "Flag" car park outside of)
WP3 Triplets: status and plan - Giorgio Ambrosio (Fermilab) Paolo Ferracin (CERN) (until 15:30) (30-7-018 Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
14:00 Discussion on magnet requirements - Ruben Horacio Carcagno  
15:00 Test communication and data sharing - GianLuca Sabbi (LBNL)  
WP5 Workshop (until 15:30) (30/7-010)
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
WP5 Workshop (until 17:45)