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Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe Tools 2024 - 5th World Summit

from Sunday 2 June 2024 (08:45) to Friday 7 June 2024 (22:45)
Île de Noirmoutier, France

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
3 Jun 2024
4 Jun 2024
5 Jun 2024
6 Jun 2024
7 Jun 2024
Registration and Welcome (until 09:15) ()
Dark Matter 1 - Aaron Vincent (Queen's University) (until 11:10) ()
09:15 Quantum gravity suggests a Dark Matter candidate that does not require new physics beyond the Standard Model and quantum General relativity - Carlo Rovelli (Marseille University)   ()
09:40 Status of NaIce direct dark matter experiments - Karoline Schaeffner (Max-Planck Institute for Physics)   ()
10:05 New perspective on DM detection : From Edelweiss to Tesseract - Alex Juillard (IP2I/IN2P3)   ()
10:30 Super CDMS overview and status - Madeleine Zurowski (University of Toronto)   ()
10:55 The SABRE South Experiment at the Stawell Underground physics Laboratory - Owen Stanley (The University of Melbourne, SUBATECH Laboratory)   ()
11:10 --- Coffee break ---
Cosmology 1 - Sophie Henrot-Versillé (IJCLab/IN2P3/CNRS) (until 13:00) ()
11:30 Cosmology from the Abundance of Massive Halos – Bayesian Hierarchical Population Modeling of Multi-Wavelength Cluster Datasets - Sebastian Bocquet (LMU Munich)   ()
11:55 Exploring theoretical solutions to the H0 and S8 tensions - Guillermo Franco Abbelan (GRAPPA Institute, University of Amsterdam)   ()
12:20 CMB-LSS Probe Combination in Cosmology - Carlo Baccigalupi   ()
12:45 Learning Reionization History with Quasar IGM Damping Wings - Timo Kist (Leiden Observatory)   ()
Dark Matter 2 - Céline Boehm (Sydney University) (until 10:00) ()
08:30 ATLAS searches for Dark Matter - Ngoc Khanh Vu (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (CN))   ()
08:55 Signals and Constraints from Gamma-ray Observations of the Galactic Center on Weakly-Interacting Massive Particle Dark Matter - Kevork Abazajian (University of California, Irvine)   ()
09:20 Impact of massive satellites on direct dark matter searches - Nassim Bozorgnia (University of Alberta)   ()
09:45 Hunting the invisible with MeerKAT: A radio-frequency WIMP search. - Natasha Lavis (SARAO, University of the Witwatersrand)   ()
10:00 --- Coffee break ---
Neutrino 1 - Boris Tuchming (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) (until 12:00) ()
10:30 Deep learning at LHC : from data to analysis - Corentin Allaire (IJCLab, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3)   ()
10:55 Reconstruction of Electromagnetic Showers in Calorimeters Using Deep Learning - Mehmet Ozgur Sahin (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   ()
11:20 The ECFA Detector R&D Roadmap - Roxanne Guenette   ()
11:45 Tools and Techniques in High-Precision Particle Physics - A Case Study of the LHCb Experiment - Marion Lehuraux (University of Warwick (GB))   ()
Enlarging tools for physics - Gilles Gerbier (Queen's Univesrity) (until 09:10) ()
Planets - Gilles Gerbier (Queen's Univesrity) (until 10:40) ()
09:10 Exoplanets and us - Michel Mayor (University of Geneva)   ()
09:40 Habitability of ocean worlds in the outer solar system - Gael Choblet (LPG (CNRS/Nantes Université))   ()
10:10 Can we search for signs of life in the atmosphere of exoplanets? - Frank Selsis (Université de Bordeaux)   ()
10:40 --- Coffee break ---
Quantum - Dominique THERS (until 12:30) ()
11:10 Towards quantum computation with superconducting circuits - Alexandre Blais (U of Sherbrooke, CA)   ()
11:50 Development and operational utilization of quantum gravity sensors - Bruno Desruelle (Exail)   ()
Neutrino 3 - Laurent Serin (IJCLab-CNRS/IN2P3 Orsay(Fr)) (until 10:45) ()
09:00 Results and prospects for accelerator-based neutrino physics (overview) - Sara Bolognesi (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   ()
09:25 Machine learning methods for event reconstruction in accelerator neutrino experiments - Saul Alonso Monsalve (ETH Zurich)   ()
09:50 Near detectors in neutrino oscillation analyses and the PRISM technique - Ciaran Hasnip (CERN) Ciaran Hasnip (University of Oxford)   ()
10:15 High dimensional fitting tools for neutrino oscillation and cross section analyses - Kamil Skwarczynski (Royal Holloway, University of London)   ()
10:30 Challenges in multi-experiment neutrino oscillation analyses - Clarence Wret   ()
10:45 --- Coffee break ---
Gravitation 3 - Edwige TOURNEFIER (LAPP-CNRS) (until 13:00) ()
11:15 Very Large Scale Atom Interferometry for Fundamental Physics - Oliver Buchmuller (Imperial College (GB))   ()
11:40 Science with LISA and Status of the LISA Mission - Antoine Petiteau   ()
12:05 International Pulser Timing Array Results - Gilles Theureau   ()
12:30 Searching for the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background with Ground-Based Detectors - Jishnu Suresh (Université catholique de Louvain)   ()
12:45 Mitigating the viewing angle bias for standard siren - Alberto Salvarese   ()
Gravitation 4 - Chloe Malbrunot (CERN) (until 10:30) ()
09:00 Gravitational quantum states measurements with neutrons and (anti)atoms - Valery Nesvishevsky (Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin, Grenoble, France)   ()
09:25 Gravity Experiments with Muonium Atoms - Anna Soter   ()
09:50 Latest ALPHA-g results - Danielle Hodgkinson (University of California at Berkeley)   ()
10:15 Magnetic Noise Injection Scripts and Preliminary Results for The Virgo Detector - Catalina Miritescu   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Cosmology 4 - Narei Lorenzo Martinez (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 12:30) ()
11:00 BAO Cosmology with Hydrogen Intensity Mapping and HIRAX - Devin Crichton (ETH Zürich)   ()
11:25 Measuring the Universe with Artificial Intelligence. - Miguel Aragon-Calvo   ()
11:50 Brokers, recommendation systems and adaptable machine learning: preparing for precision cosmology in the Rubin era - Emille Ishida (LPCA/CNRS)   ()
12:15 Standardized benchmark for field-level cosmological inference of galaxy surveys - Simon Hugo Onfroy (CEA Paris-Saclay, Irfu)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Standard Model (I) - Sara Bolognesi (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) (until 15:30) ()
14:00 Neutrino mass direct measurement - Christoph Wiesinger (Technical University of Munich)   ()
14:25 Searching for neutrinoless double beta decay with gas and liquid Time Projection Chambers - Paola Ferrario (Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) (ES))   ()
14:50 0nBB with bolometers - Giovanni Benato (Gran Sasso Science Institute)   ()
15:15 Light detectors for 0vbb experiments - Vladyslav Berest (CEA/IRFU/DPhP)   ()
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
Gravitation 1 - Pierre Petroff (Laboratoire de l''Accelerateur Lineaire (LAL) (IN2P3) (LAL)) (until 17:30) ()
16:00 Effective Field Theories of (massive) Gravity - Claudia de Rham (Imperial College London)   ()
16:25 How to Define Scattering Amplitudes on a Causal Set - Stav Zalel   ()
16:50 Measurement of gravitationally induced phase shift on entangled photons - Eleonora Polini (MIT)   ()
12:00 --- Lunch ---
Gravitation 2 - Claudia de Rham (Imperial College London) (until 14:30) ()
13:00 Cosmology with gravitational waves and latests results from LVK - Nicola TAMANINI (L2IT / CNRS)   ()
13:25 Overview of gravitational wave detection techniques with LIGO and Virgo and their future upgrades - Annamaria Effler (LIGO Livingston Observatory)   ()
13:50 Overview on KAGRA and 3rd Generation Detectors (ET, Cosmic Explorer) - Shinji Miyoki (ICRR, The University of Tokyo)   ()
14:15 Observations of Compact Binary Coalescences by LIGO-Virgo-Kagra Collaboration - Amazigh Ouzriat   ()
14:30 --- Coffee break ---
Cosmology 2 - Christophe Yeche (CEA-Saclay) (until 16:30) ()
15:00 Images and first science results from the Euclid Early Release Observations - Jean Charles Cuillandre (CEA Paris-Saclay)   ()
15:25 DESI 2024: Survey overview and cosmological constraints from Baryon Acoustic Oscillations - Arnaud de Mattia   ()
15:50 Supernovae Cosmology in the era of large surveys - Benjamin Racine (CNRS/IN2P3/CPPM)   ()
16:15 Is the Universe the Same as its Mirror Image? - Matthew Craigie (University of Queensland)   ()
Social Event (until 19:00) ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Photonics - Carlo Rovelli (Marseille University) (until 15:20) ()
13:50 Polarized Dynamic Coherent light: from the planet to skin microvascularization - Elise Colin (ONERA, ITAE, FR)   ()
14:20 Photonics for life: Optical antenna and light-induced organization. - Jean Michel Nunzi (Queen's U, CA)   ()
14:50 Photosynthesis seen throuh quantum physics - Alexandra Olaya-Castro (UCL UK)   ()
15:20 --- Coffee break ---
Dark Universe - Elena Aprile (until 17:20) ()
15:50 A 100 y challenge : the nature of Dark Matter - Laura Baudis (University of Zurich (CH))   ()
16:20 Dark energy or modified gravity? - Camille Bonvin (U of Geneva, CH)   ()
16:50 Geoneutrinos: a new tool to study the deep Earth - Livia Ludhova (Forschungszentrum Jülich, DE)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Cosmology 3 - Sophie Henrot-Versillé (IJCLab/IN2P3/CNRS) (until 15:50) ()
14:05 Modified gravity - philippe brax (CEA)   ()
14:30 Cosmic Inflation at the crossroads - Christophe Ringeval (Cosmology, Universe and Relativity @ Louvain, UCLouvain, Belgium)   ()
14:55 CMB B-mode polarisation observation status and perspectives - Benjamin Beringue (APC, CNRS)   ()
15:20 Constraining Cosmic Inflation with the LiteBIRD mission - Gilles Weymann-Despres (IJCLab)   ()
15:50 --- Coffee break ---
Dark Matter 3 - Sara DIGLIO (SUBATECH/CNRS/In2p3) (until 18:05) ()
16:20 Paving the way for the ultimate rare-events observatory with a ultra-low background liquid xenon detector - Elena Aprile   ()
16:45 Lighting up dark matter in underground liquid argon with DarkSide - Davide Franco (APC)   ()
17:10 Searching for Dark Matter High and Low - Bjoern Penning   ()
17:35 Innovation and evolution of the NEWS-G dark matter experiment - Jean-Marie Coquillat (Queen's University)   ()
17:50 The XENONnT Neutron Veto: Status and Latest Results - Emanuele Angelino (INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso)   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Dark Matter 4 - Julien MASBOU (until 15:15) ()
13:55 Exploring dark matter models with global fits - Tomas Gonzalo (KIT)   ()
14:20 Gaseous detectors in light dark matter searches: The case of NEWS-G and MIGDAL experiments - Kostas Nikolopoulos   ()
14:45 Exploring Potential: ALPS II’s TES Detection System for Direct Dark Matter Investigations - Christina Schwemmbauer (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY)   ()
15:00 New results for thermal axion production in the early Universe - Killian Bouzoud   ()
15:15 --- Coffee break ---
Neutrino 14 - David Attie (until 17:15) ()
15:45 Recent Dark Sector results from Belle and Belle II - Sourav Dey (Postdoctoral Researcher)   ()
16:10 CEvENs at reactor - Matthieu Vivier   ()
16:35 Compatibility and combination of W-boson mass measurements - Boris Tuchming (CEA Saclay)   ()
17:00 The TRIUMF Ultra Cold Advanced Neutron (TUCAN) source and EDM experiment - Alexis Brossard (Queen's University)   ()