L International Meeting on Fundamental Physics and XV CPAN days

www.palaciomagdalena.com (Palacio de la Magdalena)


Palacio de la Magdalena

Santander, Cantabria
Alberto Ruiz Jimeno (Universidad de Cantabria and CSIC (ES))

The series of conferences "International Meetings on Fundamental Physics," organized by the Spanish HEP community, bring together HEP scientists from various research topics within the field of fundamental physics. These meetings aim to foster collaboration, exchange ideas, and discuss the latest advancements in theoretical and experimental fundamental physics.

The XV CPAN days will  bring together the Spanish scientific community integrated into the CPAN Consortium (National Center for Particle, Astroparticle, and Nuclear Physics) for a joint discussion on the current state of the field and its prospects. The conference will feature invited lectures and short scientific presentations on the various research lines covered by CPAN. Additionally, there will be meetings of different networks and parallel discussion sessions for the four areas of CPAN aimed at enhancing cooperation among Spanish research groups and collectively defining priority action lines.



This year's CPAN and IMFP conferences, organized by the IFCA HEP group, will take place at the Magdalena Palace in Santander from October 2nd to October 6th, 2023. 

Local Organizing Committee

Alicia Calderón TazónIFCA (CSIC-UC)
Jordi  Duarte CampderósIFCA (CSIC-UC)
Celso Martínez RiveroIFCA (CSIC-UC)
Alberto Ruiz Jimeno (chair)IFCA (CSIC-UC)
Iván Vila ÁlvarezIFCA (CSIC-UC)
Rocío Vilar CortabitarteIFCA (CSIC-UC)









Instituto de Física de Cantabriawww.ifca.es
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas          www.csic.es
Universidad de Cantabriawww.unican.es
Centro Nacional de Física de Partículas, Astropartículas y Nuclear    www.i-cpan.es
Participación española en Infraestructuras Europeas de Investigación en Física de Partículas, Astropartículas y Nuclear (ERISPAN) 
Red Temática de Física Nuclearinstitucional.us.es/fnuc
Red MULTIDARKwww.multidark.es
Red de Altas Energías 
Centro de Ciencias Pedro Pascualwww.benasque.org
Real Sociedad Española de Física (DFTP)rsef.es
Fundación Gadea Cienciagadeaciencia.org
Fundación Ramón Areceswww.fundacionareces.es
Ateneo de Santanderatesant.es
Ciudad de Santanderturismo.santander.es
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaciónwww.ciencia.gob.es


Registration CPAN-IMFP