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Blois 2023: 34th Rencontres de Blois on "Particle Physics and Cosmology"

Gaston d'Orléans

Gaston d'Orléans

Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin)), Jacques Dumarchez (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))

This will be the 34th meeting in this series of annual international multidisciplinary meetings, created in 1989 by Jean Trân Than Vân and which has in the past covered many topics in physics, astronomy and biology. All sessions take place in the Château of Blois, a beautiful renaissance castle which has housed many French kings, and notably François 1st. The 34th Rencontres de Blois on "Particle Physics and Cosmology" (Blois2023) will emphasize the increasing interplay between high energy accelerator based physics and cosmology. The conference will consist of plenary sessions for invited in-depth oral presentations (review talks) and contributed papers, in the form of relatively short oral papers. We will aim to achieve a balance between review talks, provocative talks given by recognized specialists, and shorter contributions. Special emphasis is being placed on active participation by younger researchers and post-docs. Parallel sessions are foreseen, and are being organised as the need arises.

    • 16:00 19:00
      Registration Secretariat


    • 19:00 20:00
      Reception Chateau's Courtyard

      Chateau's Courtyard

    • 20:00 22:00
      Dinner Dinning Room @ Chateau

      Dinning Room @ Chateau

    • 09:00 09:30
      Opening Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Jean TRAN THANH VAN
    • 09:30 10:00
      Coffee Break Margueritte de Valois, Ground Floor

      Margueritte de Valois, Ground Floor

    • 10:00 12:30
      Highlights Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Daniel Froidevaux (CERN)
      • 10:00
        Future Colliders 30m
        Speaker: Jorgen D'Hondt (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE))
      • 10:30
        Gamma Ray Bursts 30m
        Speaker: Andrew Taylor (DESY)
      • 11:00
        Theoretical challenges in inflationary cosmology 30m
        Speaker: Vincent Vennin (LPENS Paris)
      • 11:30
        CMB B-mode polarisation observation status and perspectives 30m
        Speaker: Josquin Errard (CNRS)
      • 12:00
        Large Scale Survey theory and observational prospects 30m
        Speaker: Camille Bonvin (Université de Genève)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch Dinning Room @ Chateau

      Dinning Room @ Chateau

    • 14:00 15:30
      Beyond Standard Model Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin))
      • 14:00
        Higgs and cosmology 30m
        Speaker: David Weir (University of Helsinki)
      • 14:30
        Long Lived Particles (and beyond colliders) 30m
        Speaker: Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (Uppsala University (SE))
      • 15:00
        Highlights on BSM/exotic searches 30m
        Speaker: Swagata Mukherjee (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
    • 15:30 15:40
      Conference Photograph Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

    • 15:40 16:00
      Coffee Break Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

    • 16:00 17:00
      Higgs Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin))
    • 17:15 18:45
      Visit of the Chateau
    • 20:00 22:00
      Dinner Dinning Room @ Chateau

      Dinning Room @ Chateau

    • 09:00 10:30
      Collider Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Javier Mazzitelli (Paul Scherrer Institut (CH))
      • 09:00
        State of the art in perturbative QCD for LHC 30m
        Speaker: Alexander Yohei Huss (CERN)
      • 09:30
        Electoweak sector with single and multi bosons 30m
        Speaker: Karol Krizka (University of Birmingham (GB))
      • 10:00
        Top quark rare or BSM interactions and the studies at new energy at CMS 30m
        Speaker: Laurids Jeppe (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee Break Margueritte de Valois Ground Floor

      Margueritte de Valois Ground Floor

    • 11:00 12:30
      BSM/DM Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Christopher McCabe (King's College London)
      • 11:00
        Status of searches in the long-lived particle and dark sectors 30m
        Speaker: Marianna Liberatore (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 11:30
        Searches for supersymmetry and additional Higgses 30m
        Speaker: Sarah Louise Williams (University of Cambridge (GB))
      • 12:00
        Dark Matter Theory 30m
        Speaker: Kimberly Boddy (University of Texas at Austin)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch Dinning Room @ Chateau

      Dinning Room @ Chateau

    • 14:00 16:30
      Dark Matter and Astroparticles Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Nicholas Llewellyn Rodd (CERN)
    • 16:30 17:00
      Coffee Break Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

    • 17:00 19:30
      Parallel Session Tuesday - Dark Matter
      Convener: Francesca Calore (LAPTh, CNRS)
      • 17:00
        The COSINUS dark matter search with cryogenic NaI detectors 20m
        Speaker: Leonie Einfalt (HEPHY & TU Vienna)
      • 17:20
        The CRESST-III Dark Matter Search: Status and Outlook 20m
        Speaker: Anna Bertolini (Max Planck Society (DE))
      • 17:40
        Search for new physics with the XENONnT detector 20m
        Speaker: Riccardo Biondi
      • 18:00
        Dark Matter Search with Cherenkov Telescope Array 20m
        Speaker: Nagisa Hiroshima (University of Toyama)
      • 18:20
        A landscape of H.E.S.S. results on indirect dark matter search 20m
        Speaker: Alessandro Montanari
      • 18:40
        Implications of photon-flux upper limits at ultra-high energies on scenarios of superheavy dark matter 20m
        Speaker: Olivier Deligny
      • 19:00
        Insights on Galactic dark matter from polarized synchrotron emission 20m
        Speaker: Silvia Manconi (LAPTh, CNRS)
    • 17:00 19:30
      Parallel Session Tuesday - Heavy Ions and QCD
      Convener: Laure Marie Massacrier (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 17:00
        Studies on the hadronization of charm and beauty quarks with ALICE 20m
        Speaker: Luigi Dello Stritto (Universita e INFN, Salerno (IT))
      • 17:20
        Long-range correlation at low-multiplicity in pp collisions at 13TeV with ALICE 20m
        Speaker: Jasper Parkkila (CERN)
      • 17:40
        Recent results on J/psi photoproduction in UPCs with ALICE 20m
        Speaker: Tomas Herman (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))
      • 18:00
        New directions in the study of (hyper)nuclei formation in ALICE 20m
        Speaker: Bhawani Singh (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
      • 18:20
        ALICE insights into strangeness production in pp collisions 20m
        Speaker: Francesca Ercolessi (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
      • 18:40
        Heavy-flavour jet measurements in pp and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE 20m
        Speaker: Vit Kucera (Inha University (KR))
    • 17:00 19:30
      Parallel Session Tuesday - Neutrinos, BSM, Collider Physics
      Convener: Spencer Chang (University of Oregon)
      • 17:00
        First Physics Results from FASER 20m
        Speaker: Charlotte Cavanagh (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 17:20
        Probing Beyond the Standard Model physics with the GERDA experiment 20m
        Speaker: Elisabetta Bossio
      • 17:40
        ttH production in NNLO QCD 20m
        Speaker: Simone Devoto (UNIMI)
      • 18:00
        Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles with the ATLAS detector 20m
        Speaker: Tina Potter (University of Cambridge (GB))
      • 18:20
        Highlights on top quark physics with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC 30m
        Speaker: Lucio Cerrito (University and INFN Rome Tor Vergata (IT))
    • 20:00 21:30
      Dinner Dinning Room @ Chateau

      Dinning Room @ Chateau

    • 08:00 12:00
      Excursion to Chateau de Chenonceau
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch Dinning Room @ Chateau

      Dinning Room @ Chateau

    • 14:30 15:35
      Flavour Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Bolek Pietrzyk (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 14:30
        Rare decays 30m
        Speaker: Christoph Michael Langenbruch (Heidelberg University (DE))
      • 15:00
        Heavy quarkonium and multiquark states 35m
        Speaker: Roberto Mussa
    • 15:35 16:00
      Coffee Break Marguerite de Valois Ground Floor

      Marguerite de Valois Ground Floor

    • 16:00 19:20
      Parallel Session Wednesday - Colliders Physics Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Luca Buonocore (University of Zurich)
      • 16:00
        Measurements of Higgs boson properties (mass, width, and Spin/CP) with the ATLAS detector 20m
        Speaker: Stylianos Angelidakis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR))
      • 16:20
        Measurements of Higgs boson production and decay rates and their interpretation with the ATLAS experiment 20m
        Speaker: Maria Teresa Camerlingo (Universita e INFN sezione di Napoli (IT))
      • 16:40
        Higgs boson cross section measurements at CMS 20m
        Speaker: Benedetta Camaiani (Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
      • 17:00
        Probing the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking with Higgs boson pairs in ATLAS 20m
        Speaker: Angela Maria Burger (Université Clermont Auvergne (FR))
      • 17:20
        Vector boson production in CMS 20m
        Speaker: Cristiano Tarricone (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
      • 17:40
        Measurement of electroweak gauge boson production in association with jets at ATLAS 20m
        Speaker: Danning Liu (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (CN) & Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.(CN))
      • 18:00
        Weak boson production at hadron colliders: combined QCD-QED transverse-momentum resummation formalism 20m
        Speaker: Andrea Autieri
      • 18:20
        Results from muon reconstruction performance with ATLAS at Run-3 20m
        Speaker: Marco Sessa (INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
      • 18:40
        Redefining Performance: New Techniques for ATLAS Jet & MET Calibration 20m
        Speaker: Peter Berta (Charles University, Prague (CZ))
    • 16:00 19:20
      Parallel Session Wednesday - Dark Matter & Cosmology Rotonde


      Convener: Asher Berlin (Fermilab)
      • 16:00
        Dark Matter searchs with the MAGIC telescopes 20m
        Speakers: Vincenzo Vitale, Vincenzo Vitale (Dip. Fisica Roma 2)
      • 16:20
        Updated constraints on sub-GeV Dark Matter 20m
        Speaker: Jordan Koechler (LPTHE - Sorbonne Université)
      • 16:40
        NEWSdm : directional dark matter searches with nuclear emulsion 20m
        Speaker: Andrey Alexandrov (INFN sez. di Napoli)
      • 17:00
        DAMIC-M: Status and First results 20m
        Speaker: Agustin Lantero Barreda (Universidad de Cantabria and CSIC (ES))
      • 17:20
        Spectral Distortions from Dark Turbulence 20m
        Speaker: Wolfram Ratzinger (Weizmann Institute)
      • 17:40
        Unveiling dark fifth forces with linear cosmology and LSS 20m
        Speaker: Salvatore Bottaro (Tel Aviv University)
      • 18:00
        Gravitational production of matter and radiation during reheating 20m
        Speaker: Simon Clery (IJCLab - Théorie)
      • 18:20
        Probing solutions to the S8 tension with galaxy clustering 20m
        Speaker: Pedro Carrilho (University of Edinburgh)
    • 16:00 19:20
      Parallel Session Wednesday - Heavy Flavour & QCD
      Convener: Christoph Michael Langenbruch (Heidelberg University (DE))
      • 16:00
        Recent Belle II results on time-dependent CP violation and charm physics 20m
        Speaker: Jakub Kandra (Charles University)
      • 16:20
        Recent Belle II results on hadronic B decays 20m
        Speaker: Shu-Ping Lin (National Taiwan University)
      • 16:40
        Recent tau and dark-sector results at Belle II 20m
        Speaker: Zuzana Gruberova
      • 17:00
        Lepton flavour universality tests and related measurements at LHCb 20m
        Speaker: Razvan-Daniel Moise (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
      • 17:20
        Recent Belle II results on semileptonic B decays and LFU tests 20m
        Speaker: Lau Tak-Shun (IJCLab, Orsay)
      • 17:40
        Rare decays and flavor anomalies at CMS 20m
        Speaker: Luca Guzzi (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
      • 18:00
        Interplay between Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) and new physics 20m
        Speaker: Elie Hammou
      • 18:20
        Measurements of jet production and the strong coupling constant at ATLAS 20m
        Speaker: Henry Day-Hall (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))
      • 18:40
        Improving ATLAS Hadronic Object Performance with ML/AI Algorithms 20m
        Speaker: Xiang Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CN))
      • 19:00
        R value measurement at BESIII 20m
        Speaker: Weiping Wang (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
    • 20:00 22:00
      Dinner Dinning Room @ Chateau

      Dinning Room @ Chateau

    • 20:30 22:00
      Conférence Grand Public (in french): De quoi le vide est-il plein ? Halle aux Grains

      Halle aux Grains

      Convener: Etienne Klein (CEA Saclay)
    • 22:00 23:00
      Sound and Light Show Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

    • 09:00 10:30
      Collider 2 Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Alexander Yohei Huss (CERN)
      • 09:00
        Heavy ion experimental results at the LHC 30m
        Speaker: Laure Marie Massacrier (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 09:30
        Top quark physics 30m
        Speaker: Javier Mazzitelli (MPP Munich)
      • 10:00
        Leptons in the proton 30m
        Speaker: Luca Buonocore (University of Zurich)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee Break Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

    • 11:00 12:30
      Neutrinos Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Sotiris Loucatos (Université Paris-Saclay (FR) and APC)
      • 11:00
        Neutrino masses and mixing 30m
        Speaker: Mariam Tórtola
      • 11:30
        Neutrinoless Beta Decay: present and future 30m
        Speaker: Ben Jones (UTA)
      • 12:00
        Reactor neutrinos: spectra and oscillations 30m
        Speaker: Patrick Huber
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch Dinning Room @ Chateau

      Dinning Room @ Chateau

    • 14:00 15:00
      AstroParticle Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Subodh Patil (University of Leiden (NL))
      • 14:00
        Results from Pierre Auger collaboration 30m
        Speaker: Olivier Deligny
      • 14:30
        Atom interferometry for GW and DM search 30m
        Speaker: Christopher McCabe (King's College London)
    • 15:00 15:30
      Coffee Break Marguerite de Valois Ground Floor

      Marguerite de Valois Ground Floor

    • 15:30 18:10
      Parallel Session Thursday - BSM Rotonde


      Convener: Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (Uppsala University (SE))
      • 15:30
        Searches for new physics in the Higgs sector at ATLAS 15:50- 20m
        Speaker: Imma Riu (IFAE Barcelona (ES))
      • 15:50
        Searches for new physics in CMS in events with jets, leptons and photons in the final state 20m
        Speaker: Devin Mahon (University of Minnesota (US))
      • 16:10
        Searches for leptoquarks with the ATLAS detector 20m
        Speaker: Volker Andreas Austrup (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 16:30
        Search for new physics with long-lived and unconventional signatures in CMS 20m
        Speaker: Soham Bhattacharya (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • 16:50
        Searches for BSM resonances in ATLAS 30m
        Speaker: Elise Maria Le Boulicaut (Duke University (US))
    • 15:30 18:10
      Parallel Session Thursday - Cosmology and Dark Matter salle Le Sueur

      salle Le Sueur

      Convener: David Weir (University of Helsinki)
      • 15:30
        The case for, and against, solar-mass primordial black holes as dark matter 20m
        Speaker: Samuel Young (University of Leiden)
      • 15:50
        Latest results from the Dark Energy Survey 20m
        Speaker: Agnes Ferte (SLAC Stanford University)
      • 16:10
        The Simons Observatory: Science Goals, Sensitivity Forecasting, and Instrumentation 20m
        Speaker: Ben Westbrook
      • 16:30
        Constraining the Spectral Signatures of Cosmic Strings 20m
        Speaker: Bryce Cyr (McGill U.)
      • 16:50
        Searching for Neutrinos with Solar WIMP Annihilation with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory 20m
        Speaker: Jeffrey Lazar
      • 17:10
        Scalar Dark Matter Production from the inflaton 20m
        Speaker: Mathias Pierre
      • 17:30
        Studying the sterile baryonic neutrino using direct detection and spallation source experiments 20m
        Speaker: Dr Martín de los Rios (ICTP-SAIFR)
    • 15:30 18:10
      Parallel Session Thursday - Neutrinos Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Mariam Tórtola
      • 15:30
        A new Scattering and Neutrino Detector at the LHC (SND@LHC) 20m
        Speaker: Carlo Battilana (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
      • 15:50
        Towards the implementation of the ENUBET neutrino cross section experiment at CERN 20m
        Speaker: Anselmo Meregaglia (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 16:10
        Status of the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory to measure Neutrino Mass Ordering 20m
        Speaker: Mariam Rifai
      • 16:30
        The ESSnuSB+ project 20m
        Speaker: Eric Baussan
      • 16:50
        LEGEND: a new generation experiment for neutrinoless double beta decay search 20m
        Speaker: Michele Morella
      • 17:10
        The KM3NeT neutrino telescope: first results and perspectives 20m
        Speaker: Sergio Navas Concha (Universidad de Granada (ES))
      • 17:30
        Probing heavy neutrino physics 20m
        Speaker: Juraj Klaric (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain))
    • 20:00 23:00
      Dinner: Cocktail and Conference Dinner Dinning Room @ Chateau

      Dinning Room @ Chateau

    • 08:45 10:15
      Highlights & Cosmology Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Kimberly Boddy (University of Texas at Austin)
      • 08:45
        GW now and future 30m
        Speaker: Mario Martinez-Perez (The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) (ES))
      • 09:15
        Spectral distortions of the CMB: new portals to BSM physics 30m
        Speaker: Subodh Patil (University of Leiden (NL))
      • 09:45
        Machine learning and artifical intelligence for physics 30m
        Speaker: Ayan Paul (Northeastern University)
    • 10:15 10:30
      Coffee Break Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

    • 10:30 11:30
      Summary Talk Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Convener: Jean TRAN THANH VAN
      • 10:30
        Perspective and Vision 1h
        Speaker: Tim M.P. Tait (University of California, Irvine)
    • 11:30 11:40
      Concluding Remarks Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

    • 11:40 13:10
      Lunch Dinning Room @ Chateau

      Dinning Room @ Chateau