18:53 Tram no.18 from CERN to Geneva Cornavin + 15' walk to the Débarcadère des Pâquis. Ticket incl. in conf. folder (if requested upon registration)Tram Station opposite the Globe. Please refer to your conf. folder for details
Tram Station opposite the Globe. Please refer to your conf. folder for details
7:45 PM
EuCARD'13 Conference Dinner on the Lake of Geneva
11:31 PM
23:31 Tram no 18 from Gare Cornavin to CERN. Please refer to conf.folder for more details.
- discussion on performance targets (Je, length, mechanics, magnetization,...)
- cable geometry and size options
- material procurement strategy
- test plan
- talk form Bruker
DrCarmine Senatore(University of Geneva), DrLuca Bottura(CERN)
- Status of YBCO performance and production
- Overview of HTS cables: geometries and performance
- Experience from YBCO magnets design, construction and test
-Quench detection and protection in HTS: issues and solutions
- Status of BSCCO performance and production (2 talks among NHMFL, Nexans, OST)
- Experience from BSCCO magnets design, construction and test (2 talks among NHMFL, LBL, OST)
- TBD: a presentation that gives the global picture EU/US/JA