RADCOR-LoopFest 2021

from Monday, 17 May 2021 (08:00) to Friday, 21 May 2021 (16:30)
Florida State University, Virtual Conference

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
17 May 2021
18 May 2021
19 May 2021
20 May 2021
21 May 2021
Monday Plenary I - Laura Reina (Florida State University (US)) Fernando Febres Cordero (Florida State University) Manfred Kraus (Florida State University) (until 09:55) (Main)
08:00 Welcome - The Organizers (FSU)   (Main)
08:15 Physics at the Precision Frontier: Then, Now, and Tomorrow - Harrison B. Prosper (FSU)   (Main)
09:00 New frontiers in the determination of PDFs at the LHC - Maria Ubiali   (Main)
09:30 The interplay between the muon (g-2) and EW precision fits - Massimo Passera (INFN Padova)   (Main)
Break (until 10:25) (Main)
Monday Plenary II - Sally Dawson (BNL) (until 12:25) (Main)
10:30 Two-Loop renormalization of QCD operators and Higgs EFT amplitudes - Prof. Gang Yang (Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS)   (Main)
11:00 Double Virtual Contributions for Massless 2→3 Scattering in NNLO QCD - Dr Vasily Sotnikov (Max Planck Institute for Physics)   (Main)
11:30 Mixed QCD-EW corrections to W- and Z-boson production and their impact on the W-mass measurement - Arnd Behring (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))   (Main)
12:00 Single-top-quark production in the t-channel at NNLO - Tobias Neumann (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Main)
Tuesday Parallel I.A - S. Moch (UHH) (until 09:55) (Room A)
08:00 3 Loop heavy flavor corrections to DIS Structure Functions - Prof. Johannes Bluemlein (DESY)   (Room A)
08:30 The kinetic mass of heavy quarks to three loops - Dr Matteo Fael (University of Siegen)   (Room A)
09:00 MSbar-onshell quark mass relation with two mass scales - Matthias Steinhauser (KIT)   (Room A)
09:30 New Results on Pions and Muons - Andrzej Czarnecki   (Room A)
Tuesday Parallel I.B - Mao Zeng (ETH Zürich) (until 09:55) (Room B)
08:00 Mixed QCD × QED corrections to Drell-Yan and Higgs boson productions beyond SV at N^3LO - Aparna Sankar (IMSc, Chennai)   (Room B)
08:30 Power corrections to event shapes using eikonal dressed gluon exponentiation - Sourav Pal (IIT Hyderabad, India)   (Room B)
09:00 The role of NLP threshold corrections in dQCD and SCET - Melissa van Beekveld   (Room B)
09:30 On the difference between the FOPT and CIPT approach for the hadronic tau decay rate - Andre Hoang (University of Vienna)   (Room B)
Break (until 10:25) (Main)
Tuesday Parallel II.A - Gudrun Heinrich (KIT) (until 12:25) (Room A)
10:30 (Semi-)automated numerical computation of multiloop Feynman integrals from differential equations - Martijn Hidding (Uppsala University)   (Room A)
11:00 Two-Loop Integrals for Five-Point One-Mass Scattering - Ben Page (CERN)   (Room A)
11:30 Analytic representation of all planar two-loop five-point Master Integrals with one off-shell leg - Konstantinos Papadopoulos (Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos (GR))   (Room A)
12:00 Evaluating planar master integrals for Bhabha scattering - Vladimir Smirnov (Moscow State University)   (Room A)
Tuesday Parallel II.B - Laura Reina (Florida State University (US)) (until 12:25) (Room B)
10:30 On the universality of the KRK factorization scheme and improved Catani-Seymour scheme - Staszek Jadach (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   (Room B)
11:00 New Developments in KKMC-hh: Quark-Level Exponentiated Radiative Corrections and Semi-analytical Results - Scott Alan Yost (The Citadel - The Military College of South Carolina (US))   (Room B)
11:30 NNLO Photon Fragmentation within Antenna Subtraction - Robin Schuermann (University of Zurich)   (Room B)
12:00 Fully differential photon production at LHC with N3LO QCD corrections - Xuan Chen (University of Zurich)   (Room B)
Wednesday Parallel I.A - Ayres Freitas (University of Pittsburgh) (until 09:55) (Room A)
08:00 Top quark contribution to two-loop helicity amplitudes for W/Z boson pair production in gluon fusion - Chen-Yu Wang (TTP, KIT)   (Room A)
08:30 Gluon-induced ZZ and ZH productionat NLO - Go Mishima   (Room A)
09:00 2-loop helicity amplitudes for gg->ZZ with full top mass dependence - Bakul Agarwal (Michigan State University)   (Room A)
09:30 A pitfall in applying a non-anticommuting gamma_5 in qqbar to Z+Higgs amplitudes - Dr Taushif Ahmed (University of Torino)   (Room A)
Wednesday Parallel I.B - Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder (ETH, Zurich) (until 09:55) (Room B)
08:00 2-loop anti-kT jet function - Hao-yu Liu (Beijing Normal University)   (Room B)
08:30 Resumming next to leading power threshold corrections in QCD - Pooja Mukherjee (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India)   (Room B)
09:00 A consistent framework for the regularization of chiral theories in 4D: a two-loop study - Adriano Cherchiglia (Universidade Federal do ABC)   (Room B)
09:30 Electric charge renormalization to all orders - Stefan Dittmaier (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   (Room B)
Break (until 10:25) (Main)
Wednesday Parallel II.A - Ciaran Williams (SUNY Buffalo) (until 12:25) (Room A)
10:30 Two-loop QCD corrections to Wbb production at hadron colliders - Heribertus Bayu Hartanto (Cambridge University)   (Room A)
11:00 Two-loop helicity amplitudes for diphoton plus jet production in full color - Federico Buccioni (University of Oxford)   (Room A)
11:30 Two-loop QCD helicity amplitudes for 2->3 processes - Herschel Chawdhry (University of Oxford)   (Room A)
12:00 NNLO EWxQCD corrections to on-shell Z production - Dr Narayan Rana (INFN Milan)   (Room A)
Wednesday Parallel II.B - Samuel Abreu (CERN) (until 12:25) (Room B)
10:30 Geometry and causality for efficient multiloop representations - German Sborlini (Università di Milano, INFN Milano and IFIC-Valencia)   (Room B)
11:00 Causal representation and numerical evaluation of multi-loop Feynman integrals - Dr William J. Torres Bobadilla (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics)   (Room B)
11:30 Local Unitarity and Infrared Safety - Zeno Capatti (ETH Zurich)   (Room B)
12:00 Numerical integration of one-loop integrals through local cancellation of threshold singularities - Dario Kermanschah (ETH Zurich)   (Room B)
Thursday Parallel I.A - Massimiliano Grazzini (Universitaet Zuerich (CH)) (until 09:55) (Room A)
08:00 Time-like Transition Form Factor for CP-odd Higgs Boson Production - Tsuneo Uematsu   (Room A)
08:30 ZH production in gluon fusion: NLO corrections with full top quark mass dependence - Matthias Kerner (University of Zürich)   (Room A)
09:00 Full NLO predictions for ZZ scattering and its irreducible background at the LHC - Timo Schmidt (University of Wuerzburg)   (Room A)
09:30 Calculation of NLO cross sections for opposite-sign WW scattering - Robert Franken (JMU Würzburg)   (Room A)
Thursday Parallel I.B - David Kosower (IPhT, Saclay) (until 09:55) (Room B)
08:00 The pion-photon transition form factor at two loops - Tobias Huber (University of Siegen)   (Room B)
08:30 Third order corrections to the semi-leptonic b->c and the muon decays - Kay Schönwald (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))   (Room B)
09:00 NNLO QCD corrections to the B-meson mixing - Vladyslav Shtabovenko (KIT)   (Room B)
09:30 Radiative corrections in neutrino physics - Dr Oleksandr Tomalak (University of Kentucky)   (Room B)
Break (until 10:25) (Main)
Thursday Parallel II.A - Alexander Penin (University of Alberta) (until 12:25) (Room A)
10:30 Nested soft-collinear subtractions for deep inelastic scattering - Konstantin Asteriadis (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Room A)
11:00 Importing perturbative QCD methods into gravitational wave physics - Mao Zeng (ETH Zürich)   (Room A)
11:30 Feynman integrals for binary systems of black holes - Stefan Weinzierl (Universität Mainz)   (Room A)
12:00 The gravitational potential at fifth order - Andreas Maier (DESY)   (Room A)
Thursday Parallel II.B - Thomas Kurt Gehrmann (Universitaet Zuerich (CH)) (until 12:25) (Room B)
10:30 Higher-order beta functions in the Standard Model and beyond - Florian Herren (Fermilab)   (Room B)
11:00 Complete analytic four-loop cusp and collinear anomalous dimensions - Robert Schabinger   (Room B)
11:30 The full angle-dependence of the four-loop cusp anomalous dimension in QED - Christoph Dlapa (Max Planck Institute for Physics)   (Room B)
12:00 Three-loop soft anomalous dimensions in QCD - Nikolaos Kidonakis (Kennesaw State University)   (Room B)
Friday Parallel I.A - Claude Duhr (CERN) (until 09:55) (Room A)
08:00 N3LO calculations for 2 to 2 processes using Simplified Differential Equations - Dhimiter Canko (NSCR "Demokritos")   (Room A)
08:30 Di-scalar production in qqbar annihilation at 2 loops in perturbative QCD - Surabhi Tiwari (Institute of Mathematical Sciences)   (Room A)
09:00 Decoupage at 5 loops - Alessandro Georgoudis (ENS Paris)   (Room A)
09:30 Two-loop Rational Terms - Hantian Zhang (University of Zurich)   (Room A)
Friday Parallel I.B - Matthias Steinhauser (KIT) (until 09:55) (Room B)
08:00 Apply NLP SCET in Higgs amplitudes induced by light quarks - Xing Wang   (Room B)
08:30 Next-to-soft virtual correction to differential cross section at LHC - Ajjath A H   (Room B)
09:00 Two-parton scattering in the high-energy limit: climbing two- and three-Reggeon ladders - Leonardo Vernazza (INFN, Torino)   (Room B)
09:30 Regge limit constraints for the soft anomalous dimension at four loops - Niamh Maher (University of Edinburgh)   (Room B)
Break (until 10:25) (Main)
Friday Parallel II.A - Stefan Weinzierl (Universität Mainz) (until 11:55) (Room A)
10:30 NNPDF4.0: The Structure of the Proton at 1% Precision - Tommaso Giani   (Room A)
11:00 NLO EW corrections for a global PDF fit and PineAPPL - Mr Christopher Schwan (Università degli Studi di Milano)   (Room A)
11:30 PDF4LHC21: benchmarking for the LHC - Joey Huston (Michigan State University (US))   (Room A)
Friday Parallel II.B - German Rodrigo (IFIC CSIC-UV) (until 11:55) (Room B)
10:30 Amplitude Evolution beyond Leading Order - Simon Platzer (University of Vienna (AT))   (Room B)
11:00 IR-Improved Amplitude-Based Resummation in Quantum Field Theory: New Developments and New Issues - Bennie Ward (Baylor University (US))   (Room B)
Virtual Picture Session (until 12:40) ()
12:45 --- Meal Break ---
Monday Parallel III.A - Ben Page (CERN) (until 16:25) (Room A)
14:30 Multiscale pentagon integrals to all orders - Nikolaos Syrrakos (NCSR DEMOKRITOS)   (Room A)
15:00 The tropical approach to numerical Feynman integration - Michael Borinsky (Nikhef)   (Room A)
15:30 The diagrammatic coaction and cuts of the double box - Aris Ioannou (The University of Edinburgh)   (Room A)
16:00 On the evaluation of two-loop electroweak box diagrams for e+ e- to HZ production - Qian Song (University of Pittsburgh)   (Room A)
Monday Parallel III.B - Andreas von Manteuffel (Michigan State University) (until 16:25) (Room B)
14:30 Background Field Method and Generalized Field Redefinitions in Effective Field Theories - Andrea Quadri (INFN, Sez. di Milano)   (Room B)
15:00 Scale Evolution of the SMEFT dipole operators in the presence of an ALP - Anne Galda (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz)   (Room B)
15:30 Renormalization of the flavor-singlet axial-vector current and its anomaly at N^3LO in QCD - Long Chen (RWTH Aachen University) Mr Long Chen (Max Planck Institute for Physics)   (Room B)
16:00 Operator mixing in massless QCD-like theories and Poincare’-Dulac theorem - Matteo Becchetti (University of Torino)   (Room B)
12:30 --- Meal Break ---
RADCOR IAB Meeting (until 14:00) ()
Tuesday Parallel III.A - Zvi Bern (University of California Los Angeles (US)) (until 16:25) (Room A)
14:30 NNLO QCD predictions for W+c-jet production at the LHC - Mathieu Pellen (University of Freiburg)   (Room A)
15:00 Bottom-quark hadroproduction in NNLO QCD - Simone Devoto (UNIMI)   (Room A)
15:30 Predictions for Z boson production in association with a b-jet at alpha_s^3 - Rhorry Gauld (Nikhef)   (Room A)
16:00 NNLO corrections to bottom-induced Higgs plus jet production - Ciaran Williams (SUNY Buffalo)   (Room A)
Tuesday Parallel III.B - Konstantinos Papadopoulos (Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos (GR)) (until 16:25) (Room B)
14:30 Towards NNLO corrections to muon-electron scattering - Syed Mehedi Hasan (INFN Sezione di Pavia)   (Room B)
15:00 Top quark mass corrections to single and double Higgs boson production in gluon fusion - Joshua Davies   (Room B)
15:30 Some Leading Fermionic Three-Loop Corrections to Electroweak Precision Observables - Lisong Chen   (Room B)
16:00 Light Quark Mediated Higgs Boson Threshold Production in the Next-to-Leading Logarithmic Approximation - Alexander Penin (University of Alberta)   (Room B)
12:30 --- Meal Break ---
Wednesday Parallel III.A - Doreen Wackeroth (SUNY Buffalo) (until 16:25) (Room A)
14:30 Two-loop amplitude generation in OpenLoops - Dr Max Zoller (PSI)   (Room A)
15:00 Expansion by regions with pySecDec - Emilio Villa (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   (Room A)
15:30 Prospects for numerical calculation of massive multi-loop Feynman integrals using Mellin-Barnes representations - Ievgen Dubovyk (University of Silesia (PL))   (Room A)
16:00 Integral Reduction with Kira 2 and Finite Field Methods - Johann Usovitsch   (Room A)
Wednesday Parallel III.B - Malgorzata Maria Worek (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE)) (until 16:25) (Room B)
14:30 Precision studies for Drell-Yan processes at NNLO - S. Moch (UHH)   (Room B)
15:00 NLO QCD corrections for off-shell ttbb - Michele Lupattelli (RWTH Aachen University)   (Room B)
15:30 NLO electroweak and QCD corrections to off-shell ttW production at the LHC - Giovanni Pelliccioli (Würzburg University) Giovanni Pelliccioli (Würzburg University)   (Room B)
16:00 On the QCD modelling of ttW signatures - Manfred Kraus (Florida State University)   (Room B)
12:30 --- Meal Break ---
Thursday Parallel III.A - Tobias Neumann (Brookhaven National Laboratory) (until 16:25) (Room A)
14:30 Mixed QCD-EW corrections to pp to e nue + X at the LHC - Luca Buonocore (University of Zurich)   (Room A)
15:00 Automation of Beam and Jet functions at NNLO - Dr Goutam Das (University of Siegen)   (Room A)
15:30 The 2-Loop radiative Gluon Jet Function - Marvin Schnubel (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz)   (Room A)
16:00 Subleading power resummation and the divergent endpoint contribution in DIS - Robert Szafron (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Room A)
Thursday Parallel III.B - Doreen Wackeroth (SUNY Buffalo) (until 16:25) (Room B)
14:30 The dimension-shift conjecture - Guy Jehu (Trinity College Dublin)   (Room B)
15:00 Applications of the Perturbative Gradient Flow - Fabian Lange (KIT)   (Room B)
15:30 A new Wilson line-based classical action for gluodynamics - Piotr Kotko (AGH UST)   (Room B)
16:00 The PMC$_\infty$: Infinite-Order Scale-Setting method using the Principle of Maximum Conformality and preserving the Intrinsic Conformality ({\it iCF}) - Leonardo di Giustino (Insubria University)   (Room B)
Friday Plenary II - Manfred Kraus (Florida State University) (until 12:25) (Main)
12:00 Mixed EW-QCD helicity amplitudes for Drell-Yan lepton pair production - Andreas von Manteuffel (Michigan State University)   (Main)
12:30 --- Meal Break ---
Friday Plenary III -Prof. Michal Wiktor Czakon (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE)) (until 16:25) (Main)
14:30 Two-loop leading-colour QCD helicity amplitudes for top-quark pair production in the gluon fusion channel - Ekta Chaubey (University of Turin)   (Main)
15:00 NNLO QCD predictions for 2 to 3 processes - Rene Poncelet (Cambridge University)   (Main)
15:30 From cross sections in colliders to gravitational wave observables - Julio Parra-Martinez (Caltech)   (Main)
16:00 Three-loop amplitudes in massless QCD - Lorenzo Tancredi (University of Oxford (GB))   (Main)