Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

NPPD Conference

University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow

    • 18:00
      Registration and Drinks Reception Hunterian Gallery

      Hunterian Gallery

      University of Glasgow

    • Division Plenary Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 1
        Welcome from the Principal and Vice Chancellor
      • 2
        Detectors - enabling more than science?
        Speaker: Val O'Shea (Department of Physics and Astronomy)
      • 3
        Light on dark matter
        Speaker: Prof. Subir Sarkar (Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics - University of Oxford)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Hunter Halls

      Hunter Halls

      University of Glasgow

    • Group Plenary A Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 4
        ATLAS: recent results and future prospects
        Speaker: Dan Tovey (University of Sheffield)
      • 5
        CMS: the first year of data-taking
        Speaker: Claire Shepherd-Themistocleous (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Particle Physics)
    • Group Plenary B Humanities Lecture Theatre

      Humanities Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 6
        Frontiers of nuclear physics
        Speaker: Witold Nazarewicz
      • 7
        Topical applications of nucleon knockout reactions
        Speaker: Edward Simpson
      • 8
        What is it that makes light nuclei so interesting?
        Speaker: Martin Freer
    • 12:30
      Lunch 12:30-14:00 Hunter Halls

      Hunter Halls

      University of Glasgow

    • Group Plenary A Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 9
        Rare kaon decays
        Speaker: Cristina Lazzeroni (High Energy Physics Group, University of Birmingham)
      • 10
        Testing Time Reversal: the search for the neutron electric dipole moment
        Speaker: Philip Harris (Particle Physics)
      • 11
        The Tevatron: recent results and prospects
        Speaker: Gavin Davies (Imperial College)
    • Group Plenary B Humanities Lecture Theatre

      Humanities Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 12
        The Search for Dark Matter
        Speaker: Anne Green
      • 13
        Searching for Wimps Underground: the experimental quest
        Speaker: Henrique Araujo (Unknown)
      • 14
        Probing the Dark Energy and Dark Matter with Euclid
        Speaker: Andy Taylor
    • Nuclear Physics 1: Parallel session 1.1 Senate Room

      Senate Room

      University of Glasgow

    • Nuclear Physics 2: Parallel session 1.2 East Quad Lecture Theatre

      East Quad Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 20
        γ- spectroscopic study of key resonances in 31S for the 30P(p,γ)31S reaction in ONe novae
        Speaker: Daniel Doherty
      • 21
        Time-reversed measurement of the 18Ne(α,p)21Na cross-section relevant to breakout from the Hot-CNO cycle in X-ray bursts
        Speaker: Philip Salter
      • 22
        The first direct measurement of 17O(α,γ)21Ne
        Speaker: Matthew Taggart
      • 23
        Resonances in 19Ne with relevance to the astrophysically important 18F(p,α)15O reaction
        Speaker: David Mountford
      • 24
        Beta – proton emission from Mg, and the breakout from the hot CNO cycles
        Speaker: Jennifer Wallace
    • Nuclear Physics 3: Parallel session 1.3 Concert Hall

      Concert Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 25
        Performance of an Asymmetric AGATA Detector
        Speaker: Carl Unsworth
      • 26
        A new implantation detection system on the Argonne FMA for studies of the structure of nuclei in the region of 100Sn and the astrophysical rp-process
        Speaker: Helena David
      • 27
        TACTIC and SHARC: Detector Developments at the University of York
        Speakers: Simon Fox, Simon.P Fox (University of York)
      • 28
        Polycrystalline diamond detectors for fast timing applications at FAIR
        Speaker: Lianne Scruton
      • 29
        DIRC counters for the PANDA experiment at FAIR
        Speakers: Tibor Keri, Tibor Keri (University of Glasgow)
      • 30
        Development of a Fast-Timing LaBr3(Ce) Array for NuSTAR
        Speaker: Oliver Roberts
    • Nuclear Physics 4: Parallel session 1.4 Fore Hall

      Fore Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 31
        X-ray Rocking Curve and Topography Study of High Quality Coherent Bremsstrahlung Radiators
        Speaker: Guangliang Yang
      • 32
        Eta Photoproduction on the Proton
        Speaker: Joe Mancell
      • 33
        The excited hadron spectrum from lattice QCD
        Speaker: Justin Foley
      • 34
        DVCS spin asymmetries on the proton with the CLAS detector
        Speaker: Gary Smith
      • 35
        Global features of proton-proton collisions at LHC energies using the ALICE detector
        Speaker: Arvinder Singh Palaha (School of Physics and Astronomy-University of Birmingham)
      • 36
        Polarisation Observables for Strangeness Photoproduction on a Frozen Spin Target with CLAS at Jefferson Lab
        Speaker: Stuart Fegan
    • 14:30
      Coffee Hunter Halls

      Hunter Halls

      University of Glasgow

    • Group Plenary B Humanities Lecture Theatre

      Humanities Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 37
        Planck: post launch mission status and early results
        Speaker: George Efstathiou
      • 38
        Experimental Gravitation
        Speaker: Dr Clive Speake (University of Birmingham)
    • Particle Physics 1: Parallel session 1.1 Senate Room

      Senate Room

      University of Glasgow

      • 39
        Analysis of Bd->J/psi K* at LHCb
        Speaker: Ailsa Sparkes (University of Edinburgh-Unknown-Unknown)
      • 40
        Early measurements of the decay Bs->J/psi phi at LHCb
        Speaker: Conor Fitzpatrick (University of Edinburgh-Unknown-Unknown)
      • 41
        Measuring the branching fraction ratio between Bs->Psi'Phi and Bs->J/PsiPhi
        Speakers: Paul Nicholas Schaack, Paul Schaack (Imperial College-Unknown-Unknown)
      • 42
        Delta md and delta ms measurements from LHCb
        Speaker: Thomas Bird (University of Southampton)
      • 43
        The observation of the D*+→D0(K3π) π+ decay and a charm production cross section measurement at LHCb
        Speaker: Philip John Hunt (Particle Physics-University of Oxford-Unknown)
      • 44
        The D to K and D to pi semileptonic decay form factors from Lattice QCD
        Speaker: Jonna Koponen
      • 45
        Model-independent determination of the (D0,D0bar) -> K(S,L)K+K- strong phase difference and its impact on the measurement of the CKM angle gamma
        Speaker: Christopher Thomas (University of Oxford/RAL)
      • 46
        B->DK* studies at LHCb
        Speaker: Mr Mark Peter Whitehead (University of Warwick)
    • Particle Physics 2: Parallel session 1.2 East Quad Lecture Theatre

      East Quad Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 47
        Search for Supersymmetry with dilepton final state at ATLAS
        Speaker: Muhammad Aftab Alam (Royal Holloway College-University of London-Unknown)
      • 48
        Search for New Physics with Same-Sign Dileptons with the CMS detector at the LHC
        Speakers: A Guneratne Bryer (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med.), Arlo Guneratne Bryer (Imperial College London)
      • 49
        Searching for Supersymmetry in 7TeV pp collisions at CMS with 35pb-1 of data in events with one low-pT lepton, jets and missing transverse energy
        Speakers: Z Hatherell (Imperial College-Unknown-Unknown), Z Hatherell (Imperial College-Unknown-Unknown)
      • 50
        ATLAS Search for Supersymmetry in Events with Jets, one Electron or Muon and Missing Transverse Momentum
        Speaker: Daniel Short (University of Oxford-Unknown-Unknown)
      • 51
        QCD background to SUSY searches with no leptons at ATLAS
        Speaker: Simon Owen (University of Sheffield)
      • 52
        Data-Driven Estimation of the Invisible Z background to SUSY Searches at the LHC
        Speaker: Tanya Sandoval (University of Cambridge)
      • 53
        SUSY with b-jets
        Speaker: Graham John Sellers (University of Liverpool-Unknown-Unknown)
      • 54
        The Role of the Messenger Scale in Gauge Mediated SUSY Breaking
        Speaker: Chris Wymant
    • Particle Physics 3: Parallel session 1.3 Concert Hall

      Concert Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 55
        The T2K Experiment and θ_13
        Speakers: Benjamin Still, Benjamin Still (University of Sheffield)
      • 56
        Testbeam Performance of the Downstream Electromagnetic Calorimeter Module of the T2K ND280m Detector
        Speaker: Leigh Whitehead
      • 57
        π0 cross section measurement at the T2K experiment
        Speaker: Elzbieta Poplawska
      • 58
        1st Results from the Super-Kamiokande Detector for Muon Neutrino Disappearance at T2K
        Speaker: Alex Hyndman
      • 59
        Measurement of Muon Neutrino Disappearance at T2K
        Speaker: Patrick Masliah
      • 60
        T2K and Neutrino Interaction Errors at Super-Kamiokande
        Speakers: Ryan Terri (Queen Mary, Univeristy of London), Ryan Vincent Terri (Queen Mary University of London-University of London-Unknown)
      • 61
        Calibration of the T2K Near Detector and study of beam contamination as a background to electron neutrino appearance
        Speaker: Sarah Ives
      • 62
        A Study of the Optimal Fiducial Volume of Super-Kamiokande in the T2K experiment
        Speaker: Gil Kogan
    • Particle Physics 4: Parallel session 1.4 Fore Hall

      Fore Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 63
        Review of the Inclusive Jet Measurement at ATLAS in the Forward Calorimeter Region
        Speakers: Gareth Brown (University of Manchester), Gareth Brown (University of Manchester-Unknown-Unknown)
      • 64
        Forward jet physics at ATLAS
        Speaker: James Robinson (University College London)
      • 65
        Measurement of inclusive two-particle angular correlations and cluster properties with the ATLAS Detector
        Speakers: Cristina Oropeza Barrera (Department of Physics and Astronomy-University of Glasgow), Cristina Oropeza Barrera (University of Glasgow)
      • 66
        Measurement of dijet production with a jet veto using the ATLAS detector
        Speaker: Graham Jones (University of Manchester)
      • 67
        Forward-Backward Correlations and Event Shapes as probes of Minimum-Bias Event Properties
        Speaker: Kenneth Gibb Wraight (Department of Physics and Astronomy-University of Glasgow-Unknow)
      • 68
        Jet performance and inclusive cross section measurement with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
        Speaker: Ms Caterina Doglioni (University of Oxford)
      • 69
        Jet Measurements using ATLAS at the LHC
        Speakers: Sarah Baker (University College London-University of London-Unknown), Sarah Baker (UCL)
      • 70
        An alternative subtraction scheme for next-to-leading order QCD calculations
        Speakers: Tania Robens (RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany), Tania Robens (University of Glasgow)
    • Group Plenary A Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 71
        MYRRHA: building a high power proton accelerator driven system for nuclear research
        Speaker: Paul Schuurmans
      • 72
        Generalised Parton Distributions: low-energy nucleon structure in pp collisions at LHC
        Speaker: Christian Weiss (Jefferson Lab)
    • 18:45
      Civic Reception - buses depart from University of Glasgow at 18:45 City Chambers (George Square, Glasgow)

      City Chambers

      George Square, Glasgow

    • Division Plenary Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 73
        Direct Detection of Gravitational Waves: status and prospects
        Speaker: Bruce Allen
      • 74
        Explosive Nuclear Astrophysics
        Speaker: Prof. Marialuisa Aliotta (University of Edinburgh)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Hunter Halls

      Hunter Halls

      University of Glasgow

    • Group Plenary A Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 75
        The Equation State of Neutron-rich Matter
        Speaker: Charles Horowitz
      • 76
        Nuclear Matter at the Highest Energies - results from ALICE
        Speakers: Peter.G Jones (School of Physics and Astronomy), Peter.G Jones (School of Physics and Astronomy-University of Birmingham), Peter.G Jones (School of Physics and Astronomy-University of Birmingham)
      • 77
        Search for Dark Matter and Beyond: studies at the Boulby Deep Underground Science Facility
        Speaker: Sean Paling
    • Group Plenary B Humanities Lecture Theatre

      Humanities Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 78
        Gauge-Gravity Duality and Transport in Strongly Interacting Quantum Systems
        Speaker: Andrei Starinets (Institute for Advanced Study)
      • 79
        Putting a Spin on Gravitational-wave Models
        Speaker: Mark Hannam
      • 80
        Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars and the Nuclear Equation of State
        Speaker: Ian Jones
    • Particle Physics 1: Parallel session 2.1 Senate Room

      Senate Room

      University of Glasgow

      • 81
        Prompt hadron production at LHCb
        Speaker: Andrea Contu (CERN)
      • 82
        B and Bottomonium spectroscopy from lattice NRQCD
        Speaker: Rachel Dowdall
      • 83
        Search for Bs->Ds+Ds- at LHCb
        Speaker: James Edwin Mylroie-Smith (Oliver Lodge Laboratory-University of Liverpool-Unknown)
      • 84
        Measurement of y_CP and A_Γ via direct lifetime measurements
        Speaker: Mr Michael Thomas Alexander (University of Glasgow)
      • 85
        CP violation and lifetime measurement in Bs->KK
        Speaker: Lars Eklund (University of Glasgow)
      • 86
        Can the Inertia of Highly-Accelerated Particles Be Modified Electromagnetically?
        Speaker: Mike McCulloch
    • Particle Physics 2: Parallel session 2.2 East Quad Lecture Theatre

      East Quad Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 87
        Search for New Physics in the Dilepton channel using the ATLAS Detector at CERN
        Speaker: Daniel Hayden (Royal Holloway College-University of London)
      • 88
        Exotic Di-Photon Resonances at the ATLAS Experiment
        Speakers: Mr Peter Waller (University of Liverpool), Peter Waller (University of Liverpool-Unknown-Unknown)
      • 89
        Phenomenology of doubly charged Higgs bosons at hadron colliders
        Speaker: Andrew Akeroyd
      • 90
        Using an effective charges method to extract the strong coupling constant
        Speaker: Katy Morgan
      • 91
        Re-evaluation of the muon g-2 and QED coupling constant at the Z-boson mass
        Speaker: Ruofan Liao
      • 92
        Search for CPT Violation in the Top Quark Sector at ATLAS
        Speakers: Vikash Chavda (University of Manchester-Unknown-Unknown), Vikash Suresh Chavda (School of Physics and Astronomy Schuster Building-University of)
    • Particle Physics 3: Parallel session 2.3 Concert Hall

      Concert Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 93
        LSND Oscillations in T2K
        Speaker: Abbey Waldron
      • 94
        SNO+ Experiment Phase 1
        Speaker: Philip Jones
      • 95
        The SNO+ Experiment
        Speaker: Kenneth Clark
      • 96
        Optimisation of the Low-Energy Neutrino Factory
        Speaker: Peter Ballett
      • 97
        Searching for sterile neutrino mixing in low energy neutrino factory
        Speaker: Steven Wong
      • 98
        Loop induced neutrino mass in a gauged B-L model
        Speaker: Osamu Seto
    • Particle Physics 4: Parallel session 2.4 Fore Hall

      Fore Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 99
        The Z/gamma* transverse momentum distribution at D0
        Speaker: Mika Vesterinen
      • 100
        Measuring σ(Z➝μμ) at LHCb
        Speaker: Emma Hicks (University of Liverpool)
      • 101
        Measurement of QED Final State Radiation in Z➝μμ
        Speaker: Da Xu (Department of Physics and Astronomy-University of Sheffield-Unkn)
      • 102
        Studies on the Measurement of the W --> eΝν Channel with the ATLAS 2010 Data
        Speaker: Bozydar Wrona (Department of Physics-Oliver Lodge Laboratory-University of Live)
      • 103
        First Measurement of the W Polarisation in the Electron Channel at CMS
        Speakers: Alex Sparrow, Alex Sparrow
      • 104
        Measurement of the top anti-top quark cross section using Soft Muon Tagging
        Speakers: Matthew Rose (Royal Holloway College-University of London-Unknown), Matthew. Rose (Royal Holloway College-University of London)
    • 12:30
      Lunch 12:30-13:30 Hunter Halls

      Hunter Halls

      University of Glasgow

    • Group Plenary B Humanities Lecture Theatre

      Humanities Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 105
        Asymmetric Nuclear Matter Explored with Relativistic Radioactive Beams at GSI/FAIR
        Speaker: Marielle Chartier
      • 106
        Perspectives for Ab-Initio Theory in Mid-Mass Isotopes
        Speaker: Carlo Barbieri
      • 107
        RISING to NuSTAR
        Speaker: Patrick Regan
    • Astroparticle Physics: Parallel session 2.1 East Quad Lecture Theatre

      East Quad Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 108
        Mass composition of cosmic rays and particle physics at ultra high energies with the Pierre Auger Observatory
        Speaker: Ronald Bruijn
      • 109
        Systematic uncertainties in air shower measurements from high-energy hadronic interaction models
        Speaker: Robert Parsons
      • 110
        Studying Cosmic Ray Electrons with CTA
        Speaker: Robert Parsons
      • 111
        Can WR140, WR146 and WR147 be detected by CTA?
        Speaker: Paul Brook
      • 112
        Monte Carlo Simulations for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
        Speaker: Cameron Rulten
      • 113
        Latest results and future plans for the Edelweiss dark matter search
        Speaker: Sam Henry
      • 114
        Background reduction & spin-dependent results from DRIFT
        Speaker: Mark Pipe
    • Gravitational Physics 1: Parallel session 2.1 Senate Room

      Senate Room

      University of Glasgow

      • 115
        The status of searches for continuous gravitational waves
        Speaker: Matthew Pitkin
      • 116
        Modern optical techniques for gravitational wave detectors
        Speaker: Matt Edgar
      • 117
        Thermal noise performance of advanced gravitational wave detector suspensions
        Speaker: Alan Cumming
      • 118
        The UK hardware contribution to LISA Pathfinder
        Speaker: Christian Killow
    • Group Plenary A Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 119
        Neutrino Oscillations: current excitement and plans for the future
        Speaker: Christofas Touramanis Douramanis (Department of Physics-Oliver Lodge Laboratory-University of Live)
      • 120
        No-Neutrino Physics: the search for neutrinoless double beta decay
        Speaker: David Waters (University College London)
      • 121
        Recent Developments in Particle Phenomenology
        Speaker: James Stirling (Cambridge University)
    • 14:30
      Coffee Hunter Halls

      Hunter Halls

      University of Glasgow

    • Nuclear Physics 1: Parallel session 2.1 Senate Room

      Senate Room

      University of Glasgow

      • 122
        New Measurements of Low Lying Isomers in the Experimental Storage Ring at GSI
        Speaker: Matthew Reed
      • 123
        Measurements of Picosecond Lifetimes in the Transitional Nucleus 100Pd using the RDDM in Inverse Kinematics
        Speaker: Vasiliki Anagnostatou
      • 124
        Low energy magnetic and electric dipole excitations in 182W
        Speaker: Filiz Ertugral
      • 125
        New high-spin states in 219Ra: Evidence for the condensation of rotationally-aligned octupole phonons?
        Speaker: Christopher Wilson
      • 126
        The changing structure of 160Er from low to ultrahigh spin
        Speaker: James Ollier
    • Nuclear Physics 2: Parallel session 2.2 East Quad Lecture Theatre

      East Quad Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 127
        Development of a simulation package for fragmentation reactions at GSI
        Speaker: Daniel Bloor
      • 128
        Methodology development for analysis of in-beam AGATA data
        Speaker: Fay Filmer
      • 129
        Characterisation of AGATA HPGe detectors for Pulse Shape Analysis
        Speaker: Samantha Colosimo
      • 130
        A Focussing disc DIRC for PANDA
        Speaker: Euan Cowie
      • 131
        A new Differential Plunger to measure lifetimes of unbound states in exotic nuclei
        Speaker: Michael Taylor
      • 132
        Developments of the new laser-IGISOL facility
        Speaker: Duncan Johnson
    • Nuclear Physics 3: Parallel session 2.3 Concert Hall

      Concert Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 133
        Constraining on the Equation of State of Asymmetric Nuclear Matter with Collective Flow Observables
        Speakers: Zoe Louise Matthews (School of Physics and Astronomy-University of Birmingham), Zoe Matthews
      • 134
        Role of Short-Range and Tensor Correlations in Nuclei
        Speaker: Arnau Rios Huguet
      • 135
        Exploring Nuclear Halos with the Ratio Method
        Speaker: Ronald Johnson
      • 136
        Nuclear Symmetry Energy in Ca+Ca Collisions
        Speaker: Peter Wigg
      • 137
        Absorbing Boundary Conditions in Time-Dependent Problems
        Speaker: Chris Pardi
      • 138
        Tensor force effects in fusion reactions
        Speaker: Paul Stevenson
    • Nuclear Physics 4: Parallel session 2.4 Fore Hall

      Fore Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 139
        A Shell model study of the high spin states in 88Y
        Speaker: Michael Bunce
      • 141
        Single-neutron adding reactions outside the N=50 isotones
        Speaker: David Sharp
      • 142
        Evidence for a spin-aligned neutron-proton paired phase from the level structure of 92Pd
        Speaker: Harith Al-Azri
      • 143
        Spectroscopy of competing electromagnetic and radioactive decays from a high-spin isomer in the neutron-deficient nucleus, 158Ta
        Speaker: Robert Carroll
      • 144
        Lifetime of the Iπ=4- intruder state in 34P using LaBr3:Ce fast timing
        Speaker: Peter Mason
    • Group Plenary A Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

    • Group Plenary B Humanities Lecture Theatre

      Humanities Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 147
        Physical measurements from Maps of Galaxy Positions
        Speaker: Will Percival (University of Portmsouth)
      • 148
        The Einstein Gravitational Wave Telescope
        Speaker: Stefan Hild
    • Division Plenary Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 149
        Nuclear Physics since Rutherford
        Speaker: Jim Al-Khalili
    • 19:00
      Conference Dinner Kelvingrove Museum

      Kelvingrove Museum

    • Astroparticle Group AGM East Quad Lecture Theatre

      East Quad Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

    • Gravitational Group AGM Concert Hall

      Concert Hall

      University of Glasgow

    • HEPP Group AGM Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

    • Nuclear Group AGM Humanities Lecture Theatre

      Humanities Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

    • Division Plenary Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 150
        Impact of Modern Accelerator Beam Technology Developments
        Speaker: Prof. Philip Burrows (University of Oxford)
      • 151
        Advances in Astronomy
        Speaker: Graham Woan
    • 11:00
      Coffee Hunter Halls

      Hunter Halls

      University of Glasgow

    • Gravitational Physics 1: Parallel session 3.1 Senate Room

      Senate Room

      University of Glasgow

      • 152
        Cauchy Horizon Stability in the Self-Similar LTB Spacetime
        Speaker: Emily Duffy
      • 153
        Beyond the single mode approximation
        Speaker: David Bruschi
      • 154
        Wheeler-DeWitt's Equation Corrected for Quantum Geometry
        Speaker: Michael Fil'chenkov
      • 155
        Search for gravitational waves associated with short hard Gamma Ray Bursts
        Speaker: Valeriu Predoi
    • Gravitational Physics 2: Parallel session 3.2 Carnegie Room

      Carnegie Room

      University of Glasgow

      • 156
        Global stability: from vacuum to matter
        Speaker: Christian Luebbe
      • 157
        The Coincidence Problem in a Phantom Cyclic Model of the Universe
        Speaker: Hui-Yiing Chang
      • 158
        Black holes with SU(N) gauge fields and superconducting horizons
        Speaker: Ben Shepherd
      • 159
        The search for gravitational waves from low mass compact binary coalescences with the LIGO-Virgo network
        Speaker: Duncan Macleod
    • Group Plenary A Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 160
        Light Sources and Future Prospects
        Speaker: riccardo bartolini (Diamond Light Source and John Adams Institute)
      • 161
        New Applications of Particle Accelerators
        Speaker: Andrei Seryi (SLAC)
      • 162
        R&D for Enabling Accelerator Technologies
        Speakers: Peter McIntosh (STFC), Peter McIntosh (STFC)
    • Group Plenary B Humanities Lecture Theatre

      Humanities Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 163
        Solar Flare Energetic Particles
        Speaker: Eduard Kontar
      • 164
        Science and Engineering Challenges of the European Extremely Large Telescope
        Speaker: Mr Colin Cunningham (UK ATC)
      • 165
        Nuclei and Gamma-rays: from the lab to the stars
        Speaker: Dr Alison Laird (University of York)
    • Particle Physics 2: Particle/Nuclear/Applications Parallel session 3.1 East Quad Lecture Theatre

      East Quad Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 166
        Purification Studies Towards Giant Liquid Argon TPC without Evacuation
        Speaker: Konstantinos Mavrokoridis (University of Sheffield)
      • 167
        Reconstruction Challenges in Large Volume Liquid Argon Detectors
        Speaker: Andrew Bennieston (University of Warwick)
      • 168
        Multivariate Data Visualisation and Lepton Jets
        Speaker: Benjamin Radburn-Smith
      • 169
        Multianode Photomultiplier Tube Studies for Imaging Applications
        Speaker: Rachel Montgomery
      • 170
        Recursive algorithms for digital nuclear pulse processing
        Speaker: Mohammad Nakhostin
    • Particle Physics 3: Parallel session 3.2 Concert Hall

      Concert Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 171
        SNEMO Calibration Software and NEMO3 Ca48 analysis
        Speaker: Benjamin Richards
      • 172
        The Coherent Muon to Electron Transition (COMET) Experiment
        Speaker: Ajit Kurup (Imperial College London)
      • 173
        Charged Lepton Flavour Violation (cLFV) via experimental Coherent Muon-to-Electron Transition (CoMET)
        Speaker: Richard D'Arcy
      • 174
        CryoEDM: building a simulation framework for ultra-cold neutrons
        Speaker: Matthew Raso-Barnett
      • 175
        The Final Measurement of the Muon Decay Parameters from the TWIST Experiment
        Speaker: Ryan Bayes
    • Particle Physics 4: Parallel session 3.3 Fore Hall

      Fore Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 176
        On the search for the Higgs at the ATLAS experiment
        Speaker: Gemma Holly Wooden (Department of Theoretical Physics-University of Oxford-Unknown)
      • 177
        The search for a Standard Model Higgs boson in the Vector Boson Fusion llnunu final state with the ATLAS detector
        Speaker: Clive Andrew Edwards (Royal Holloway College University of London)
      • 178
        Searches for a Light Charged Higgs Boson with H+->csbar in Early ATLAS Data
        Speaker: Alex Christopher Martyniuk (School of Physics and Astronomy Schuster Building-University of)
      • 179
        Antenna Subtraction in pQCD at NNLO
        Speaker: James Currie
      • 180
        Speakers: Brian Colquhoun, Christopher Bell, Dave Ireland, Jon Mackew, Lauren Stacy, Paul Campsie
    • 12:30
      Lunch 12:30-13:45 Hunter Halls

      Hunter Halls

      University of Glasgow

    • Astroparticle Physics: Parallel session 3.1 East Quad Lecture Theatre

      East Quad Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 181
        Results from the second run of the ZEPLIN-III dark matter experiment
        Speaker: Henrique Araujo (Unknown)
      • 182
        Measurement of nuclear recoil scintillation and ionisation yields of liquid xenon using ZEPLIN-III
        Speaker: Alastair Currie
      • 183
        The ZEPLIN-III Veto Detector: Performance and Results
        Speaker: Chamkaur Ghag
      • 184
        Using the ZEPLIN-III veto detector as a diagnostic tool
        Speaker: Anthony Hollingsworth
      • 185
        Single electron detection in liquid xenon and its application to neutrino detection
        Speaker: Markus Horn
      • 186
        Low Energy Quenching Factors for a Plastic Scintillator
        Speaker: Lea Reichhart
    • Gravitational Physics 1: Parallel session 3.3 Concert Hall

      Concert Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 187
        Testing Relativity with Gravitational Wave Observations
        Speaker: John Veitch
      • 188
        r-modes, gravitational waves and extreme physics
        Speaker: Nils Andersson
      • 189
        A Search For Gravitational Waves Associated With The August 2006 Timing Glitch Of The Vela Pulsar
        Speaker: James Clark
      • 190
        Information extraction and GR testing from a black hole ringdown radiation
        Speaker: Ioannis Kamaretsos
      • 191
        Tracking the precession of compact binaries
        Speaker: Patricia Schmidt
      • 192
        Fundamental physics and astrophysics with the Einstein Telescope
        Speaker: Thomas Dent
    • Gravitational Physics 2: Parallel session 3.4 Fore Hall

      Fore Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 193
        A self-similar cylindrically symmetric gravitational collapse model
        Speaker: Louise Nolan
      • 194
        Self-similar cylindrical spacetimes coupled to a scalar field
        Speaker: Eoin Condron
      • 195
        Pre-inflationary homogenization of the Universe
        Speaker: Krzysztof Bolejko
      • 196
        Binary systems of extreme black holes
        Speaker: Vladimir Manko
      • 197
        Gravitational Self-Force Calculations for Extreme Mass-Ratio Inspirals: the 2+1D approach
        Speaker: Sam Dolan
      • 198
        A classical variational approach to dissipation in general relativity
        Speaker: Cesar Lopez-Monsalvo
    • Group Plenary A Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 199
        Particle Physics Theory Overview
        Speaker: Jonathan R. Ellis (CERN)
      • 200
        Lattice QCD 2011
        Speaker: Prof. Christine Davies Davies (University of Glasgow)
      • 201
        Is String Theory Useful?
        Speaker: David Tong (University of Cambridge)
    • Particle Accelerators and Beams Group AGM Senate Room

      Senate Room

      University of Glasgow

    • Group Plenary B Humanities Lecture Theatre

      Humanities Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 202
        Pseudoscalar Meson Photoproduction
        Speaker: Douglas MacGregor
      • 203
        Nucleon Structure Studies through Elastic Electron Scattering
        Speaker: Kees de Jager
      • 204
        Generalised Parton Distributions
        Speaker: Michel Guidal (CNRS)
    • Particle Accelerators and Beams 1: Parallel session 3.1 Senate Room

      Senate Room

      University of Glasgow

      • 205
        The ALICE Accelerator R&D Facility
        Speaker: Dr Frank Jackson (Daresbury Laboratory)
      • 206
        First lasing of the ALICE free electron laser
        Speaker: David Dunning
      • 207
        Developments of high brightness, high repetition rate photoelectron injectors at STFC ASTeC
        Speaker: Boris Militsyn
      • 208
        Design of the Max-IV Injector
        Speaker: Peter Williams
      • 209
        High intensity proton FFAG accelerator challenges
        Speaker: Suzanne Sheehy
      • 210
        Studies of Ionization Cooling Lattices for the Neutrino Factory
        Speaker: Androula Alekou
    • Particle Accelerators and Beams 2: Parallel session 3.2 Carnegie Room

      Carnegie Room

      University of Glasgow

      • 211
        Energy spoiler design for CLIC
        Speakers: Dr Juan Fernandez Hernando (STFC/ASTeC), Luis Fernandez Hernando (Technical University of Catalonia)
      • 212
        Pomeron exchange modelling of elastic and diffractive scattering applied to collimation studies for LHC
        Speakers: Adina Toader (University of Manchester), Adina Toader (University of Manchester)
      • 213
        Beam Gas simulations for LHCb at 3.5 TeV beam energy
        Speaker: David Robert Brett (School of Physics and Astronomy Schuster Laboratory-University o)
      • 214
        Crab Cavities for High Energy Colliders
        Speaker: Graeme Burt (Cockcroft Institute)
      • 215
        Latest results from the FONT5 intra-train beam-based feedback system at ATF2
        Speaker: Douglas Bett
      • 216
        Undulator Based Positron Sources
        Speaker: Mike Jenkins
    • Group Plenary B Humanities Lecture Theatre

      Humanities Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 217
        Green Functions and Radiation Reaction from a Spacetime Perspective
        Speaker: Barry Wardell
      • 218
        Theoretical and Experimental Gravity: current and future opportunities
        Speaker: Dr Giles Hammond (University of Birmingham)
      • 219
        Astroparticle Physics and Multi-messenger Astronomy
        Speaker: Alan Watson
    • Nuclear Physics 1: Parallel session 3.1 Senate Room

      Senate Room

      University of Glasgow

      • 220
        An Oveview of Recent DVCS Results at HERMES
        Speaker: David Mahon
      • 221
        Measurement of identified charged particle spectra in p-p collisions with the ALICE detector
        Speakers: Plamen Rumenov Petrov (School of Physics and Astronomy-University of Birmingham-Unknown), Plamen Rumenov Petrov (School of Physics and Astronomy-University of Birmingham)
      • 222
        Measurement of the Double Polarisation Observable in Pion Photoproduction with the Crystal Ball at MAMI
        Speaker: Pauline Hall Barrientos
      • 223
        Exploring QCD with Anti-protons - PANDA at FAIR
        Speaker: Matthias Hoek
      • 224
        Electromagnetic Theory of the Nuclear Interaction. Application to the Hydrogen and Helium Isotopes
        Speaker: Bernard Schaeffer
      • 225
        Form factor measurements in the presence of two-photon exchange
        Speaker: Inti Lehmann
      • 226
        Prospects for Meson Spectroscopy with CLAS12
        Speaker: Derek Glazier
    • Nuclear Physics 2: Parallel session 3.2 East Quad Lecture Theatre

      East Quad Lecture Theatre

      University of Glasgow

      • 227
        Relative quadrupole moments of exotic shapes in 154Er
        Speaker: John Revill
      • 228
        Gamma-ray spectroscopy of excited states in the highly neutron-deficient nucleus 158W
        Speaker: Liliana Donosa
      • 229
        Recoil-decay tagging studies of the highly neutron-deficient nucleus 159Ta
        Speaker: Bahadir Saygi
      • 230
        Mass & Energy Distributions of Cf Fission Fragments using STEFF
        Speaker: Andrew Pollitt
      • 231
        Beta delayed fission studies of the neutron deficient Tl and Fr nuclei
        Speaker: Valentina Liberati
      • 232
        Mass Fragmentation of 241Am Fission by Neutrons of Energy 14.8 MeV
        Speaker: Mohammad Saleem
    • Nuclear Physics 3: Parallel session 3.3 Concert Hall

      Concert Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 233
        Preliminary Compton imaging results of the AGATA A006 detector
        Speaker: Mike Slee
      • 234
        Study of Hamamatsu H8500 Multi-Anode Photo Multiplier Tubes with a focus on the dynode 12 Signal
        Speaker: Sian Nutbeam
      • 235
        Development of the CRIS (Collinear Resonant Ionisation Spectroscopy) beam line
        Speaker: Thomas Procter
      • 236
        Characterisation of the Bucharest LaBr3:Ce - HPGe Fast-Timing gamma-ray array
        Speaker: Thamer Alharbi
      • 237
        Compton imaging with a planar semiconductor system using pulse shape analysis
        Speaker: Anthony Sweeney
      • 238
        Sage Spectrometer: Comparison of First Results and Geant4 Simulation
        Speaker: Daniel Cox
    • Nuclear Physics 4: Parallel session 3.4 Fore Hall

      Fore Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 239
        TZ = -1 to 0 beta decays and the ΔT = 0, M1 transition “quasi-rule”
        Speaker: William Gelletly
      • 240
        Non-yrast structures at low spin in the gamma-soft nucleus 156Er
        Speaker: Joseph Rees
      • 241
        Measurements of octupole collectivity in 220,222Rn and 222,224Ra using Coulomb excitation at ISOLDE, CERN
        Speaker: Liam Gaffney
      • 242
        Deformation in the mid fp shell: isomer tagging in 59Cr
        Speaker: Alick Deacon
      • 243
        A Kπ = 8+ isomer in 162Dy and the relative importance of competing K-mixing mechanisms for 2- quasiparticle isomer decays in the 82≤N≤126 region
        Speaker: Tom Swan
      • 244
        Neutron activation analysis for contraband detection using a 241Am-Be source
        Speaker: Adwan Al-Ajili
      • 245
        Nuclear Data for Space Radiation
        Speaker: John Norbury
    • Group Plenary A Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 246
        Accelerators at the Intensity Frontier
        Speaker: Chris Prior (Unknown)
      • 247
        Colliders at the Energy Frontier
        Speaker: Brian Foster (Unknown)
    • NPP Division Meeting Kelvin Building

      Kelvin Building

      University of Glasgow

    • Division Plenary Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 248
        B Physics with the D0 Detector: extending the limits
        Speakers: Dr Guennadi Borissov (Lancaster University), Dr Guennadi Borissov (Lancaster University)
      • 249
        Poster Prizes Presentation
      • 250
        Radiation and Particle Sources based on Laser-Plasma Interactions
        Speaker: Dino Jaroszynski
    • 10:45
      Coffee Hunter Halls

      Hunter Halls

      University of Glasgow

    • Particle Accelerators and Beams Senate Room

      Senate Room

      University of Glasgow

      • 251
        Commissioning of EMMA, a novel FFAG
        Speaker: Susan Smith (STFC)
      • 252
        The Future of Neutron Sources
        Speaker: Andrew Taylor
    • Division Plenary Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 253
        SPECT Imaging with Semiconductor Detectors
        Speaker: Dr Andrew Boston (University of Liverpool)
      • 254
        Perspectives of Nuclear Physics in Europe - a forward look
        Speaker: Prof. Guenther Rosner (Glasgow)
      • 255
        The Energy Frontier: results and prospects
        Speaker: Rolf Heuer (CERN)
    • 13:30
      Lunch 13:30-14:00 Hunter Halls

      Hunter Halls

      University of Glasgow

    • STFC Town Meeting Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow

      • 256
        STFC: John Womersley / Janet Seed
        Speakers: Janet Seed (STFC), Dr John Womersley (RAL)
      • 257
        Speaker: Dr Jordan Nash (Imperial College)
    • 15:15
      Coffee Hunter Halls

      Hunter Halls

      University of Glasgow

    • STFC Town Meeting Bute Hall

      Bute Hall

      University of Glasgow