9:00 AM
Prasanth Shyamsundar
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Savannah Jennifer Thais
(Princeton University (US))
(until 10:40 AM)
(Multipurpose Room (aka Livingston Hall))
9:00 AM
Infra-red and collinear safe Graph Neural Networks
Vishal Singh Ngairangbam
(Multipurpose Room (aka Livingston Hall))
9:20 AM
Resilience of Quark-Gluon Tagging
Lorenz Vogel
(ITP, Heidelberg University)
(Multipurpose Room (aka Livingston Hall))
9:40 AM
Boost-Invariant Polynomials: an efficient and interpretable approach to jet tagging
- Mr
Jose Miguel Munoz Arias
(EIA University)
(Multipurpose Room (aka Livingston Hall))
10:00 AM
Learning to Identify Semi-Visible Jets
Taylor James Faucett
(University of California, Irvine)
(Multipurpose Room (aka Livingston Hall))
10:20 AM
Feature selection with Distance Correlation
(Multipurpose Room (aka Livingston Hall))
9:00 AM
Christina Peters
(University of Delaware) Prof.
Joel Walker
(Sam Houston State University)
(until 10:40 AM)
9:00 AM
Machine learning for particle flow at CMS
Dylan Sheldon Rankin
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
9:20 AM
Point Cloud Deep Learning Methods for Pion Reconstruction in the ATLAS Experiment
Piyush Karande
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
9:40 AM
Particle reconstruction in jets with set transformer and hypergraph prediction architectures
Nilotpal Kakati
(Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
Etienne Dreyer
(Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
10:00 AM
Optimal transport solutions for pileup mitigation at hadron colliders
Fabio Iemmi
(Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
10:20 AM
ν-flows: Conditional neutrino momentum regression
- Mr
Matthew Leigh
(University of Geneva)
10:40 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:10 AM
Purvasha Chakravarti
(University College London)
Abhijith Gandrakota
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
(until 12:50 PM)
(Multipurpose Room (aka Livingston Hall))
11:10 AM
Jet tagging with deep sets of subjets
Dimitrios Athanasakos
(Multipurpose Room (aka Livingston Hall))
11:30 AM
Blueprints for Training Information Bottlenecks for Collider Analyses
Prasanth Shyamsundar
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
(Multipurpose Room (aka Livingston Hall))
11:50 AM
Weakly Supervised Learning for Muon Discrimination in Unlabeled Collider Data
Edmund Witkowski
(Multipurpose Room (aka Livingston Hall))
12:10 PM
Can You Hear the Shape of a Jet?
Rikab Gambhir
(Multipurpose Room (aka Livingston Hall))
12:30 PM
Neural Estimation of Energy Movers Distance
Ouail Kitouni
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
(Multipurpose Room (aka Livingston Hall))
11:10 AM
Julia Lynne Gonski
(Columbia University (US))
Etienne Dreyer
(Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
(until 12:50 PM)
11:10 AM
Advances in developing deep neural networks for finding primary vertices in proton-proton collisions at the LHC
Michael David Sokoloff
(University of Cincinnati (US))
11:30 AM
Graph Neural Networks for a Deep-learning based Full Event Interpretation (DFEI) at the LHCb trigger
Julian Garcia Pardinas
(Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
11:50 AM
Likelihood-Free Frequentist Inference for Calorimetric Muon Energy Measurement
Luca Masserano
(Carnegie Mellon University)
12:10 PM
A boosted kNN regressor with 66 million parameters
Tommaso Dorigo
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
12:30 PM
Jet SIFT-ing
Joel Walker
(Sam Houston State University)