UCLA Dark Matter 2023

from Wednesday 29 March 2023 (07:15) to Saturday 1 April 2023 (15:00)
UCLA (PAB- 1-425)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
29 Mar 2023
30 Mar 2023
31 Mar 2023
1 Apr 2023
Morning Coffee (until 07:45) (PAB- 1-425)
Welcome (until 08:00) (PAB- 1-425)
07:45 Welcome from our Department Chair - Stuart Brown (UCLA)   (PAB- 1-425)
07:50 Announcements - Graciela Beatriz Gelmini (University of California Los Angeles (US))   (PAB- 1-425)
SESSION 1: Cosmology and structure formation (CHAIR: Graciela Gelmini- UCLA) (until 10:00) (PAB- 1-425)
08:00 Cosmic Anomalies? - Edward Wright (UCLA)   (PAB- 1-425)
08:30 Dark Energy - Josh Frieman (Fermilab)   (PAB- 1-425)
09:00 Structure Formation in the Universe - Mike Boylan-Kolchin   (PAB- 1-425)
09:30 Dark Matter Searches with Strong Gravitational Lensing - Dr Anna Nierenberg   (PAB- 1-425)
10:00 --- Coffe Break ---
SESSION 2: Astrophysics and Indirect Dark Matter Searches (CHAIR: Ned Wright- UCLA) - Jo Bovy (until 12:30) (PAB- 1-425)
10:30 Dark Matter and Tidal Streams - Jo Bovy   (PAB- 1-425)
11:00 Indirect Dark Matter Detection - Tracy Slatyer   (PAB- 1-425)
11:30 Dark Matter Searches with Neutrino Telescopes - FRANCIS HALZEN   (PAB- 1-425)
12:00 Search for Dark Matter with IACTs and CTA - Elisa Pueschel   (PAB- 1-425)
Morning coffee (until 07:30) (PAB- 1-425)
SESSION 5: Astrophysics and Cosmology-1 (CHAIR: Graciela Gelmini- UCLA) (until 09:45) (PAB- 1-425)
07:30 DM GHOSts: Anomalous low-mass structures induced by the supersonic relative velocity between dark matter and baryons - Claire Williams (University of California - Los Angeles)   (PAB- 1-425)
07:45 Effect of the Large Magellanic Cloud on dark matter direct detection - Nassim Bozorgnia (University of Alberta)   (PAB- 1-425)
08:00 The Primordial Black Holes Variations - Stefano Profumo   (PAB- 1-425)
08:15 What does cosmology tell us about dark matter mass and interactions? - Vera Gluscevic (University of Southern California)   (PAB- 1-425)
08:30 Self-Interacting Dark Matter and Small-Scale Structure - Hai-Bo Yu (University of California Riverside)   (PAB- 1-425)
08:45 Pushing the Limits of Detectability: Mixed Dark Matter from Strong Gravitational Lenses - Ryan Keeley (UC Merced)   (PAB- 1-425)
09:00 Early Dark Matter-less Star Clusters as tests to ΛCDM - William Lake   (PAB- 1-425)
09:15 Dark Stars in JWST and Roman Space Telescope - Katherine Freese   (PAB- 1-425)
09:30 Velocity-dependent J-factors in FIRE simulations of Milky-Way size galaxies for indirect detection experiments - James Bullock (University of California, Irvine)   (PAB- 1-425)
09:45 --- Coffee Break ---
SESSION 6: Astrophysics and Cosmology-2 (CHAIR: Tommaso Treu- UCLA) (until 12:35) (PAB- 1-425)
10:15 Fuzzy dark matter constraints using a single VLBI observation of a gravitationally lensed radio jet - Dr Devon Powell (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)   (PAB- 1-425)
10:30 Cosmological Simulations with Novel Dark Matter Physics - Ethan Nadler   (PAB- 1-425)
10:45 How could we probe the angular dependence of dark matter self-interactions? - Moritz Fischer (University Observatory Munich)   (PAB- 1-425)
11:00 A Model-Independent Radio Telescope Search for Dark Matter in the S Band - Aya Keller   (PAB- 1-425)
11:15 Galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization in Alternative Dark Matter -- Insights from the Thesan Simulations - Xuejian Shen   (PAB- 1-425)
11:30 Searching for the fundamental nature of dark matter in the cosmic large-scale structure - Keir Rogers   (PAB- 1-425)
11:45 Small-scale clumping of dark matter and the mean free path of ionizing photons at z = 6 - Christopher Cain (University of California, Riverside)   (PAB- 1-425)
12:00 Cosmic-Ray Antinuclei from Dark Matter and the GAPS Experiment - Philip Von Doetinchem (University of Hawaii at Manoa)   (PAB- 1-425)
12:20 The GRAMS (Gamma-Ray and AntiMatter Survey) Project - Tsuguo Aramaki   (PAB- 1-425)
Morning Coffee (until 07:30) (PAB- 1-425)
SESSION 10: Direct Detection: status of liquid/gas WIMP detectors (CHAIR: Alvine Kamaha -UCLA) (until 09:45) (PAB- 1-425)
07:30 Recent progress and plan of PandaX experiment - Ning Zhou   (PAB- 1-425)
07:45 The NEWS-G light Dark Matter search experiment: Physics results from a 10 day exposure with pure methane gas - Mr Daniel Durnford (University of Alberta)   (PAB- 1-425)
08:00 Recent developments of the PICO dark matter detectors - Colin Moore   (PAB- 1-425)
08:15 Dark Matter search results from the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Experiment - Dr Maria Elena Monzani   (PAB- 1-425)
08:30 XENONnT: first WIMP search results - Luca Grandi (The University of Chicago)   (PAB- 1-425)
08:45 DarkSide-20k: The Next Stage in the Direct Dark Matter Search Using Liquid Argon - Thomas Nathan Thorpe (University of California Los Angeles (US))   (PAB- 1-425)
09:00 Dark matter search in DEAP-3600: results and prospects - Dr Michela Lai   (PAB- 1-425)
09:15 DARWIN and the Future of Liquid Xenon Dark Matter Detectors - Abigail Kopec (UC San Diego)   (PAB- 1-425)
09:30 New constraints on ultra heavy dark matter from the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment - Ibles Olcina Samblas   (PAB- 1-425)
Coffe break (until 10:15) (PAB- 1-425)
SESSION 11: Direct Detection: status of crystalline WIMP detectors (CHAIR: Bernard Sadoulet - Berkeley) (until 12:00) (PAB- 1-425)
10:15 Results and perspectives from DAMA/LIBRA - Pierluigi Belli   (PAB- 1-425)
10:30 The SABRE project - Aldo Ianni (INFN LNGS)   (PAB- 1-425)
10:45 ANAIS-112: testing the DAMA/LIBRA signal beyond 3 sigma - Maria Martinez   (PAB- 1-425)
11:00 COSINUS - Progressing towards shedding light on the DAMA/LIBRA claim - Karoline Julia Schaeffner (Max-Planck Institute for Physics)   (PAB- 1-425)
11:15 Dark Matter Direct Detection Searches with COSINE Experiment - Govinda Adhikari (Yale University)   (PAB- 1-425)
11:30 Resolving DAMA - Reina Maruyama   (PAB- 1-425)
11:45 Status and prospects of CDEX experiment - Dr Hau-Bin Li (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)   (PAB- 1-425)
Morning Coffee (until 07:30) (PAB- 1-425)
SESSION 16: Direct detection: New Concepts (CHAIR: Alvine Kamaha -UCLA) (until 08:15) (PAB- 1-425)
07:30 The Snowball Chamber: Supercooled Water for Dark Matter, Neutrinos, and General Particle Detection - Matthew Szydagis   (PAB- 1-425)
07:45 Mineral Detectors for Neutrinos and Dark Matter - Sebastian Baum (Stanford University)   (PAB- 1-425)
08:00 The NOA Facility @ LNGS - Roberto Tartaglia   (PAB- 1-425)
SESSION 17: Direct detection: Ultra-Light DM (Axions, ALPs, WISPs) searches-1 (CHAIR: Reina Maruyama -Yale University) (until 09:30) (PAB- 1-425)
08:15 An overview of Axion Dark Matter eXperiment: current status and future plans - Dan Zhang (University of Washington)   (PAB- 1-425)
08:30 Low Mass Axion Searches from ABRACADABRA Results to the DMRadio Program - Maria Simanovskaia (Stanford University)   (PAB- 1-425)
08:45 Searching for axion-like dark matter with precision NMR: the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiments - Alexander Sushkov   (PAB- 1-425)
09:00 Dark Matter Axion Search Using 18T High Temperature Superconducting Magnet - Prof. JONGHEE YOO (Seoul National University)   (PAB- 1-425)
09:15 MADMAX: post-inflationary axion dark matter search - Chang Lee (Max Planck Society (DE))   (PAB- 1-425)
09:30 --- Coffee Break ---
SESSION 18: Direct detection: Light DM & Ultra-Light DM (Axions, ALPs, WISPs) searches-2 (CHAIR: Sebastian Baum- Stanford University) (until 12:15) (PAB- 1-425)
10:00 The ORGAN Experiment: Results, Status, and Future Plans - Ben McAllister   (PAB- 1-425)
10:15 Searching for axions with metamaterials: the ALPHA detector - Andrea Gallo Rosso   (PAB- 1-425)
10:30 Probing the axion-photon coupling with the QUAX haloscope - Dr Antonios Gardikiotis (Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany)   (PAB- 1-425)
10:45 The Windchime Project - Rafael Lang   (PAB- 1-425)
11:00 The TESSERACT Project - Bjoern Penning   (PAB- 1-425)
11:15 Progress Toward a Superfluid 4He Detector for Light Dark Matter (HeRALD) - Scott Hertel   (PAB- 1-425)
11:30 Search for dark matter axion with TASEH - Yung-Fu Chen (National Central University)   (PAB- 1-425)
11:45 Broadband Reflector Experiment for Axion Detection (BREAD) - Andrew Sonnenschein (Fermilab)   (PAB- 1-425)
12:00 New Results from HAYSTAC’s Phase II Operation with a Squeezed State Receiver - Michael Jewell (Yale University)   (PAB- 1-425)
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
SESSION 3: Dark Matter Particle Candidates and Accelerator Searches (CHAIR: Tracy Slatyer - MIT) (until 16:00) (PAB- 1-425)
13:30 Dark Matter Particle Candidates - Kathryn Zurek (Caltech)   (PAB- 1-425)
14:00 Axions and Axion-Like Particles Dark Matter - Surjeet Rajendran   (PAB- 1-425)
14:30 Sterile Neutrino  Dark Matter - George Fuller (UCSD)   (PAB- 1-425)
15:00 Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter - Volodymyr Takhistov   (PAB- 1-425)
15:30 Dark Matter Searches at Accelerators - Jonathan Lee Feng (University of California Irvine (US))   (PAB- 1-425)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
SESSION 4: Direct Dark Matter Detection (CHAIR: Jonathan Feng- UCI) (until 18:30) (PAB- 1-425)
16:30 Direct Detection with Xenon - Elena Aprile (Columbia U.)   (PAB- 1-425)
17:00 Direct Detection with Argon - Cristiano Galbiati (Princeton University)   (PAB- 1-425)
17:30 Direct Detection Without Noble Gases - Priscilla Cushman   (PAB- 1-425)
18:00 New Ideas for Sub-GeV Dark Matter Direct Detection - Rouven Essig (Stony Brook University)   (PAB- 1-425)
Reception and Poster Session in the same room (until 20:00) ()
19:00 Detection of dark matter-baryon matter non-gravitational interaction - Marco Fedi (Ministero dell'Istruzione, Italy)   ()
19:01 Developing Qubit-based Detectors for Low-threshold Dark Matter Searches in the LOUD Facility at Fermilab - Ryan Linehan   ()
19:02 Toward a Dark Matter Search with Phonon-Mediated MKID Devices at NEXUS - Dylan Temples (Fermilab)   ()
19:03 Amplified J-factors in the Galactic Center for velocity-dependent darkmatter annihilation in FIRE simulations - Daniel Mckeown (University of California-Irvine)   ()
19:04 Interpretation of modulating amplitude and phase from the DAMA/LIBRA analysis method - Sophia Hollick (Ya)   ()
19:05 Primordial Black Hole and Gravitational Wave Production from ALP String-Wall Networks - ANNA SIMPSON (UCLA) Jonah Hyman (UCLA)   ()
19:06 Halo-independent analysis of direct DM detection through electron scattering - Muping Chen   ()
19:07 Calibrating the DMRadio-50L Detector - Jessica Fry (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   ()
19:08 Searching for Dark Matter From The Sun With Ten Years of IceCube Data - Jeffrey Lazar (University of Wisconsin-Madison)   ()
19:09 Xenoscope — a full-scale vertical demonstrator for the DARWIN observatory - Laura Baudis   ()
19:10 Exploration of Wire-Array Metamaterials for the Plasma Axion Haloscope - Nolan Kowitt (University of California Berkeley)   ()
19:11 A mobile neutron spectrometer for the LNGS underground laboratory - Melih Solmaz   ()
19:12 Towards Quantum Charge Parity Detectors with meV Resolution for sub-GeV Dark Matter Detection - Karthik Ramanathan   ()
19:13 Backgrounds from Frenkel defects in direct detection experiments - Mukul Sholapurkar   ()
19:14 Calibrating the Migdal Effect in Semiconductors - Daniel Baxter (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)   ()
19:15 Low energy calibration and characterization of solid-state dark matter detectors - Kelly Stifter (Fermilab)   ()
19:16 Status for COSINE-100 Upgrade and COSINE-200 - Kim Jinyoung   ()
19:17 A signal search for the dark axion portal in the NEON experiment - Byoung-cheol KOH   ()
19:18 Experimental tests for the fundamental properties of the electron with COSINE-100 - Yujin Lee   ()
19:19 DMRadio-50L Experiment Status and Overview - Alexander Friedrich Leder   ()
19:20 DMRadio-m3: An Overview - Nicholas M. Rapidis (Stanford University)   ()
19:21 Observing gravitational waves at sub-nanohertz frequencies - William De Rocco   ()
19:22 Potential for definitive discovery of a 70 GeV dark matter WIMP with only second-order gauge couplings - Roland Allen   ()
19:23 Searching for Light Dark Matter with Narrow-gap Semiconductors - the SPLENDOR Experiment - Samuel Watkins (Los Alamos National Laboratory)   ()
19:24 Searches of light dark matter and B8 neutrino events at PandaX-4T - Shuaijie Li   ()
19:25 The first Stars in the Universe as Dark Matter Laboratories - Cosmin Ilie (Colgate University)   ()
19:26 Peering into the Gap: Learning about Dark Matter from the Pair Instability Mass Gap - Joshua Ziegler   ()
19:27 Kinetic Simulations of Collisionless Shock Formation in the Dark Sector - Pierce Giffin   ()
19:28 Analyzing High-Redshift Galaxy Candidates as Supermassive Dark Star Candidates with JWST Data - Jillian Paulin (Colgate University)   ()
19:29 Probing Dark Matter with exoplanets - Caleb Levy   ()
19:30 Searching for High-Frequency Gravitational Waves with ABRACADABRA-10cm - Kaliroe Pappas (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory For Nuclear Science)   ()
19:31 𝑆8 Tension in the Context of Dark Matter-Baryon Scattering - Adam He   ()
19:32 Structure Formation and the Global 21-cm Signal in the Presence of Coulomb-like Dark Matter-Baryon Interactions - George Driskell (University of Southern California)   ()
19:33 Recent progress on BSM and dark matter searches in CUORE - Rebecca Kowalski   ()
19:34 Extremes in Mixing Angle Space: Constraining Sterile Neutrinos for the Next Generation of Searches - Helena Garcia Escudero (UCI) Cannon Vogel (UC Irvine)   ()
19:35 Core Collapse in Self-Interacting Dark Matter Halos - Sophia Gad-Nasr Maya Silverman   ()
19:36 Corrections to Hawking Radiation from Asteroid Mass Primordial Black Holes: I. Formalism of Dissipative Interactions in Quantum Electrodynamics - Gabriel Vasquez (The Ohio State University)   ()
19:37 New technologies for future direct detection LXe TPCs: a large-diameter test platform and hermetic TPC - Adam Brown (University of Freiburg)   ()
19:38 Dark matter particle mass and properties from scaling laws in galaxy rotation curves and N-body simulations - Zhijie (Jay) Xu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)   ()
12:35 --- Lunch Break ---
SESSION 7: Searches at Accelerators (CHAIR: Jay Hauser - UCLA) (until 15:00) (PAB- 1-425)
13:30 Recent dark-sector results from Belle II - Steven Robertson (IPP / University of Alberta)   (PAB- 1-425)
13:45 Recent Results of Dark Sector Searches with the BaBar Experiment - Brian Shuve (Harvey Mudd College)   (PAB- 1-425)
14:00 New Results from the Heavy Photon Search Experiment - Cameron Bravo   (PAB- 1-425)
14:15 First search for inelastic dark matter at the LHC with the CMS detector - Andre Frankenthal (Princeton University (US))   (PAB- 1-425)
14:30 First results of the PADME Experiment and near-term plans - Andre Frankenthal (Princeton University (US))   (PAB- 1-425)
14:45 The FASER experiment - David Casper (UC Irvine)   (PAB- 1-425)
SESSION 8: Sterile Neutrinos (CHAIR: George Fuller- UCSD) (until 16:05) (PAB- 1-425)
15:00 Astrophysical Constraints on Warm Dark Matter - Prof. Kevork N. Abazajian   (PAB- 1-425)
15:20 Search for keV-scale sterile neutrinos with KATRIN/TRISTAN - Andrew Gavin   (PAB- 1-425)
15:35 The HUNTER Sterile Neutrino Search - Paul Hamilton (UCLA)   (PAB- 1-425)
15:50 MAGNETO-ν: Searching for keV sterile neutrino dark matter in 241Pu beta decays - Geon-Bo Kim (LLNL)   (PAB- 1-425)
16:05 --- Coffee Break ---
SESSION 9: Dark Matter Theory (CHAIRS: Volodymyr Takhistov- QUP-KEK, Japan, and Edoardo Vitagliano- Hebrew U. of Jerusalem, Israel) (until 19:15) (PAB- 1-425)
16:30 Strong Supernova 1987A Constraints on Bosons Decaying to Neutrinos - Edoardo Vitagliano   (PAB- 1-425)
16:45 Cosmology of Axion Rotation - Keisuke Harigaya (University of Chicago)   (PAB- 1-425)
17:00 Dark matter direct detection from single phonons to nuclear recoils - Tongyan Lin   (PAB- 1-425)
17:15 Light thermal dark matter and MeV gamma-ray observation - Dr Shigeki Matsumoto (Kavli IPMU)   (PAB- 1-425)
17:30 New Constraints on Dark Matter, Cosmic Neutrino Profiles, and Neutrino Masses through Gravity and Quantum Sensors - Yu-Dai Tsai (University of California, Irvine)   (PAB- 1-425)
17:45 Axion detection with optomechanical cavities - Clara Murgui   (PAB- 1-425)
18:00 SUSY dark matter: waxing, not waning - Howard Baer   (PAB- 1-425)
18:15 Dark Matter Direct Detection and Collider Search Complementarity - Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES))   (PAB- 1-425)
18:30 Spin 3/2 FIMP: direct detection and collider bounds - Francesco Costa   (PAB- 1-425)
18:45 Constraints on Spin dependent and Spin Independent Dark Matter-Electron Scattering - Mukesh Kumar Pandey (National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan)   (PAB- 1-425)
19:00 Experimental signatures for direct, indirect, and collider detection of a 70 GeV dark matter WIMP with precisely-defined second-order gauge couplings - Roland Allen   (PAB- 1-425)
Banquet (until 22:00) ()
12:00 --- Lunch Break ---
SESSION 12: Direct Detection: status of sub-GeV DM detection (CHAIR: Maria Martinez - IUCA - Universidad de Zaragoza) (until 15:00) (PAB- 1-425)
13:00 The SNOLAB SuperCDMS experiment - Emanuele Michielin   (PAB- 1-425)
13:15 Sub-GeV Dark Matter Searches with EDELWEISS and CRYOSEL - Jules GASCON   (PAB- 1-425)
13:30 Status and first results of the DAMIC-M experiment - Dr Jean-Philippe Zopounidis (Sorbonne University / LPNHE)   (PAB- 1-425)
13:45 Sub-GeV dark matter searches with SENSEI - Kelly Stifter (Fermilab)   (PAB- 1-425)
14:00 The Oscura experiment - Brenda Cervantes   (PAB- 1-425)
14:15 Probing light Dark Matter with the CRESST-III experiment - Paolo Gorla   (PAB- 1-425)
14:30 Search for Solar Boron-8 neutrino and light dark matter with XENON detectors - Prof. Fei Gao (Tsinghua University)   (PAB- 1-425)
14:45 EXCESSES in low-mass dark matter and CEvNS experiments - Florian Reindl (Vienna University of Technology (AT))   (PAB- 1-425)
SESSION 13: Direct detection: Technical Development-1 (CHAIR: Chamkaur Ghag - University College London) (until 16:30) (PAB- 1-425)
15:00 Background Determination for the LUX-ZEPLIN Experiment - Amy Cottle   (PAB- 1-425)
15:15 The XENONnT Neutron Veto - Marco Selvi (INFN Bologna)   (PAB- 1-425)
15:30 Radon mitigation strategies for current and future liquid xenon detectors - Florian Jörg (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg)   (PAB- 1-425)
15:45 From Photoelectrons to Bytes in DarkSide-20k - Andrea Capra (TRIUMF (CA))   (PAB- 1-425)
16:00 First measurement of discrimination between helium and electron recoils in liquid xenon as a means for detecting sub-GeV dark matter (HydroX) - Scott Haselschwardt   (PAB- 1-425)
16:15 Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors for Dark Matter Detection - Matthew Shaw (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)   (PAB- 1-425)
Coffee Break (until 17:00) (PAB- 1-425)
SESSION 14: Direct detection: Technical Development-2 (CHAIR: Rafael Lang - Purdue University) (until 19:00) (PAB- 1-425)
17:00 Migdal Search in LUX-ZEPLIN Dark Matter Experiment - Jeanne Bang (Brown University)   (PAB- 1-425)
17:15 Experimental result on measuring the Migdal effect with neutron-induced nuclear recoils at the keV level in liquid xenon - Dr Jingke Xu (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)   (PAB- 1-425)
17:30 Phonon-mediated kinetic inductance detectors for sub-GeV dark matter searches - Osmond Wen   (PAB- 1-425)
17:45 Results from the KDK experiement - Philippe Di Stefano   (PAB- 1-425)
18:00 The innovative Underground Argon Project: the path from procurement to purification for search of Dark Matter - Federico Gabriele (Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT))   (PAB- 1-425)
18:15 A crystalline xenon TPC to reach the neutrino detection limit - Hao Chen   (PAB- 1-425)
18:30 Update from the Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC) Collaboration - Prof. Eric Dahl   (PAB- 1-425)
18:45 A Strategy for Low-Mass Dark Matter Searches with Cryogenic Detectors in the SuperCDMS SNOLAB Facility - Sunil Golwala   (PAB- 1-425)
SESSION 15- Directional Direct Detection (CHAIR: Philippe Di Stefano - Queen's University) (until 19:35) (PAB- 1-425)
19:00 Directional Dark Matter Detection - Sven Vahsen (University of Hawaii (US))   (PAB- 1-425)
19:20 Directional dark matter detection in diamond: principles and experimental progress - Reza Ebadi   (PAB- 1-425)
19:35 --- Dinner on your own (explore Westwood area) ---
Final Talk (until 12:45) (PAB- 1-425)
12:15 FINAL TALK - Michael Turner   (PAB- 1-425)