from Monday 7 September 2015 (08:00) to Friday 11 September 2015 (18:40)
Ecole Polytechnique (Amphi Gay-Lussac)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
7 Sept 2015
8 Sept 2015
9 Sept 2015
10 Sept 2015
11 Sept 2015
Registration (until 09:30) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
Welcome (until 09:40) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
09:30 Welcome - Cyrille Marquet (CPHT - Ecole Polytechnique) Franck Sabatié (CEA Saclay)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
Keynote (until 10:20) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
09:40 The US-based Electron-Ion Collider: Imaging the Gluons and Quark Sea of Nucleons and Nuclei - Rolf Ent (Jefferson Lab)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
10:20 --- Coffee Break ---
Future facilities - Franck Sabatié (CEA Saclay) (until 12:20) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
10:40 Overview of the LHeC Project - Paul Richard Newman (University of Birmingham (GB))   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
11:05 Design of High-energy High-luminosity electron-ion collider eRHIC - Vladimir Litvinenko (Stony Brook University)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
11:30 The JLab/MEIC Detector Design and Integration with the Accelerator Lattice - Charles Hyde (Old Dominion University)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
11:55 The design of the MEIC Accelerator at Jefferson Lab - Fulvia Pilat (Department of Physics)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
pp-pA-AA - Raphael Dupre (IPN Orsay) (until 10:40) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
09:00 The initial stages of heavy ion collisions - Francois Gelis   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
09:25 Forward di-jet production in dilute-dense collisions - Elena Petreska (Ecole Polytechnique)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
09:50 Forward dijet production and improved TMD factorization in dilute-dense hadronic collisions - Sebastian Piotr Sapeta (CERN)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
10:15 Nuclear suppression in p-A collisions from induced gluon radiation - Stephane Peigne   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
Conference Photo (until 10:50) (Grand Hall)
10:50 --- Coffee Break ---
Spin-3D - Lech Szymanowski (until 12:25) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
11:10 Lattice QCD calculations of transverse momentum-dependent parton distributions (TMDs) - Michael Engelhardt (New Mexico State University)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
11:35 Dispersion representation of the D-term form factor deeply virtual Compton scattering - Barbara Pasquini (University of Pavia)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
12:00 Towards a Direct Measurement of the Quark Orbital Angular Momentum Distribution - Prof. simonetta liuti (university of virginia)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
BSM - Ingo Schienbein (Universite Joseph Fourier) (until 10:40) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
09:00 Electroweak and Beyond the Standard Model Physics at the EIC - Prof. Krishna Kumar (Stony Brook University)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
09:25 Precision measurement of the weak mixing angle at MESA - Hubert Spiesberger (Mainz University)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
09:50 The neutrino-nucleon cross section at UHE and its astrophysical implications - Ms Alba Soto Ontoso (Universidad de Granada)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
10:15 Proton radius puzzle: the status - Misha Gorshteyn (KPH Universtät Mainz)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
10:40 --- Coffee Break ---
PDFs - Gregory Soyez (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR)) (until 12:15) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
11:00 Frontiers of QCD with Precision nPDFs - Fred Olness (Southern Methodist University)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
11:25 Progress on nuclear modifications of structure functions - Prof. Shunzo Kumano (KEK)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
11:50 nCTEQ15 nuclear parton distributions with uncertainties - Aleksander Kusina (LPSC Grenoble)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
Small-x - Raju Venugopalan (Brookhaven National Laboratory) (until 10:40) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
09:00 Di-jet production and angular correlations in DIS at NLO - Jamal Jalilian-Marian (Baruch College)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
09:25 Ultra-peripheral collisions and photoproduction with ALICE at the LHC: results and perspectives - Daniele De Gruttola (Universita e INFN, Salerno (IT))   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
09:50 Central Exclusive Production in pp collisions at LHCb - Ronan Mcnulty (University College Dublin (IE))   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
10:15 Gluon saturation with forward photons at LHC: prospects for a high-granularity calorimeter upgrade for ALICE - Marco Van Leeuwen (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
10:40 --- Coffee Break ---
PDFs - Markus Diehl (DESY) (until 12:15) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
11:00 Proton PDFs at the LHeC - Claire Gwenlan (University of Oxford (GB))   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
11:25 Nuclear PDFs in eA collisions at the LHeC - Max Klein (University of Liverpool (GB))   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
11:50 Lattice Calculation of Parton Distributions - Fernanda Steffens (DESY - Zeuthen)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
Spin-3D Parallel - Michel Garçon (until 10:40) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
09:00 Timelike Compton Scattering : calculation of observables and experimental perspectives at Jefferson Lab at 12 GeV - Marie BOER   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
09:20 Revealing transversity GPDs through the production of a rho meson and a photon - Renaud Boussarie (LPT Orsay)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
09:40 New results on deep exclusive pi0 and photon electroproduction in Jefferson Lab Hall A - maxime defurne   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
10:00 Single hadron double longitudinal spin asymmetries at $p_T \gt 1$ GeV/c and $Q^2 \lt 1$ GeV$^2$ measured at COMPASS and prospects for EIC - Maxime Levillain (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
10:20 Non-dipolar Wilson links for transverse-momentum-dependent wave functions - Dr Yu-Ming Wang (TU Munich)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
pp-pA-AA Parallel - Javier L Albacete (Universidad de Granada) (until 10:40) (Amphi Becquerel)
09:00 Forward J/psi production in pA collisions at the LHC - Bertrand Ducloue (University of Jyvaskyla)   (Amphi Becquerel)
09:20 D^* and B^* Mesons in Strange Hadronic Medium at Finite Temperature. - Mr Rahul Chhabra (Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Punjab India)   (Amphi Becquerel)
09:40 Thermalization of mini-jets in a quark-gluon plasma - Dr Bin Wu (IPhT Saclay)   (Amphi Becquerel)
10:00 $X(3872)$ production in high energy heavy ion collisions - Dr Marina Nielsen (Universidade de São paulo)   (Amphi Becquerel)
10:20 Holographic approaches of thermalization in confining geometries - Anastasios Taliotis   (Amphi Becquerel)
10:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Future facilities Parallel - Charles Hyde (Old Dominion University) (until 12:20) (Amphi Becquerel)
11:00 A dedicated eRHIC Detector design - Dr Alexander Kiselev (Brookhaven National Lab)   (Amphi Becquerel)
11:20 The low Q2 chicane and Compton polarimeter at the JLab mEIC - Alexandre Camsonne (Jefferson Laboratory)   (Amphi Becquerel)
11:40 Interaction region design and auxillary detector systems for an EIC - Dr Richard Petti (Brookhaven National Lab)   (Amphi Becquerel)
12:00 A study of neutron structure with (un)polarized deuterons and forward spectator tagging at EIC - Dr Kijun Park (Old Dominion University)   (Amphi Becquerel)
Small-x Parallel - Stephane Munier (Ecole polytechnique) (until 12:20) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
11:00 Gluon saturation in leading neutron production - Dr Fernando Navarra (Institute of Physics - University of Sao Paulo)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
11:20 Di-photon correlations in dilute-dense collisions from the CGC - Amir Rezaeian (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
11:40 Elliptic azimuthal anisotropy and the distribution of linearly polarized gluons in DIS dijet production at high energy - Adrian Dumitru (Baruch College (City University of New York))   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
12:00 Numerical precision of the running coupling Balitsky-Kovchegov equation solution - Marek Matas (FNSPE CTU in Prague)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
12:20 --- Lunch Break ---
Small-x -Dr Samuel Wallon (until 16:15) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
14:10 Small-x Physics at the LHeC - Nestor Armesto Perez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
14:35 JIMWLK: From concepts to observables - Heribert Weigert (University of Oulu)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:00 Resumming large radiative corrections in the high-energy evolution of the Color Glass Condensate - Edmond Iancu (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:25 Collinearly improved BK equations versus HERA data - Javier L Albacete (Universidad de Granada)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:50 Single inclusive particle production at NLO: improved CGC treatment. - Alex Kovner (University of Connecticut)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
16:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Spin-3D - Bernard Pire (until 18:50) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
16:45 What do we know and expect from TMDs? - Mauro Anselmino (Torino University and INFN)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
17:10 Phenomenological status of Generalized Parton Distributions - Dr Dieter Mueller (University of Cape Town)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
17:35 Towards high accuracy in QCD predictions in DVCS - Vladimir Braun (University of Regensburg)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
18:00 Status of DVCS fits after 2015 JLab data - Kresimir Kumericki (University of Zagreb)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
18:25 Fit of Compton Form Factors - Michel GUIDAL (CNRS)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
19:00 --- Reception ---
12:25 --- Lunch Break ---
Small-x - Edmond Iancu (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR)) (until 15:50) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
13:45 Gluon TMD studies at EIC - Daniel Boer (University of Groningen)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
14:10 TMDs in the Saturation Picture: Quasi-Classical Approximation and Quantum Evolution - Prof. Yuri Kovchegov   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
14:35 Rapidity evolution of gluon TMD from low to moderate x - Ian Balitsky (ODU/JLab)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:00 Polarized Gluon TMDs at small x - Dr jian zhou (Nikhef)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:25 High-energy resummation effects in Mueller-Navelet jets production at the LHC - Dr Samuel Wallon   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:50 --- Coffee Break ---
Small-x Parallel - Francois Gelis (until 17:50) (Amphi Becquerel)
16:10 CGC beyond eikonal accuracy - Tolga Altinoluk   (Amphi Becquerel)
16:30 Quarkonium photoproduction in pp and AA at the LHC - Maria Beatriz De Leone Gay (U)   (Amphi Becquerel)
16:50 NLO evolution of 4-point colorless operators - Andrey Grabovskiy (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))   (Amphi Becquerel)
17:10 Classical Gluon Production Amplitude in Heavy Ion Collisions - Giovanni Antonio Chirilli (The Ohio State University)   (Amphi Becquerel)
17:30 Searching saturation effecs in inclusive and exclusive eA processes - Victor Gonçalves (Universidade Federal de Pelotas)   (Amphi Becquerel)
Spin-3D Parallel - Carlos Munoz Camacho (until 17:50) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
16:10 Dual parametrization of GPDs v.s. the Mellin Barnes integral techniques - Kirill Semenov-Tian-Shansky (CPHT Ecole Polytechnique)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
16:30 Internal structure of the nucleon (Proton / Neutron) by Virtual Compton Scattering at low and high energy - Meriem Benali (LPC Clermont Ferrand)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
16:50 Probing transversity spin structure of a nucleon in neutrino-production of a charmed meson - Dr Lech Szymanowski (National Centre for Nuclear Reserarch)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
17:10 Studies of the nucleon structure in back-to-back SIDIS - harut avakian   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
17:30 Radiative decays of resonances in lattice QCD - Mr Andria Agadjanov (University of Bonn)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
12:15 --- Lunch Break ---
Spin-3D - Abhay Deshpande (Stony Brook University) (until 15:50) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
13:45 The 3D structure of QCD - Piet Mulders (VU/Nikhef)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
14:10 Measurements of transverse spin and transverse momentum effects at COMPASS - Andrea Bressan (Universita e INFN, Trieste (IT))   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
14:35 New contributions to gluon poles in semi-inclusive processes - Dr Igor Anikin (JINR)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:00 Wide Angle Compton Scattering within the SCET factorization framework - Nikolay Kivel (Helmholtz Institute Mainz)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:25 Spin-Directed Momentum Transfers in the SIDIS Target Fragmentation Region - Dennis Sivers (Portland Physics Institute)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:50 --- Coffee Break ---
PDFs Parallel - Cédric Lorcé (University of Liege) (until 17:50) (Amphi Becquerel)
16:10 Tagged spectator DIS off the deuteron as a tool to extract neutron structure - Wim Cosyn   (Amphi Becquerel)
16:30 Hadron multiplicities @ COMPASS - Marcin Stolarski (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part)   (Amphi Becquerel)
16:50 Intrinsic bottom and its impact on heavy new physics at the LHC - Dr Florian Lyonnet (SMU)   (Amphi Becquerel)
17:10 New developments in the statistical approach of parton distributions: tests and predictions up to LHC energies - Prof. Jacques SOFFER (Physics Dept. TEMPLE University, Philadelphia, PA)   (Amphi Becquerel)
Spin-3D Parallel - Daniel Boer (University of Groningen) (until 17:50) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
16:10 Results on longitudinal spin physics at COMPASS - Malte Christian Wilfert (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
16:30 Probing Spin Dependent Quark and Gluon Distributions Through Azimuthal and Polarization Asymmetries - Prof. Gary Goldstein (Tufts University)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
16:50 GPDs in heavy mesons production and Compton scattering - Jakub Wagner (Institute for Nuclear Studies)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
17:10 The unpolarized TMD fragmentation function at two loops - Ignazio Scimemi (Universidad Complutense (ES))   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
17:30 Using AdS / QCD models to get a Light - Front Wave Functions for Hadrons with arbitrary twist - Dr Alfredo Vega (Universidad de Valparaiso)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
12:15 --- Lunch Break ---
Spin-3D - Marco Contalbrigo (Dipartimento di Fisica) (until 15:50) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
13:45 Overview of HERMES results - Dr Charlotte Van Hulse (University of the Basque Country)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
14:10 The gauge-invariant canonical energy-momentum tensor - Cédric Lorcé (University of Liege)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
14:35 Husimi distribution for nucleon tomography - Dr Yoshitaka Hatta (Kyoto University)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:00 DIS on light nuclei with spectator tagging: New applications at intermediate and small x - Christian Weiss (Jefferson Lab)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:25 Sketching the pion's valence-quark Generalised Parton Distribution - Hervé MOUTARDE   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
Information - Marco Contalbrigo (Dipartimento di Fisica) (until 16:00) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:50 Banquet information - Franck Sabatié (CEA Saclay)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
16:00 --- Free time in Paris ---
Conference Banquet (until 22:00) ()
12:20 --- Lunch Break ---
pp-pA-AA - Francois Arleo (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet) (until 15:50) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
13:45 What do we need an eA collider for: questions from pp, pA and AA - Guilherme Teixeira De Almeida Milhano (Instituto Superior Tecnico (PT))   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
14:10 Quark-Hadron Transition and Hadronization Studies at an EIC - Kawtar Hafidi   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
14:35 Multiparton interactions in pp collisions: between bug and feature - Markus Diehl (DESY)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:00 Color fluctuation phenomena in photon(proton) – nucleus collisions - Mark Strikman (Penn State University)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:25 Electro- and hadro-production of charmonia off nuclei - Boris Kopeliovich (UTFSM)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
15:50 --- Coffee Break ---
Closing Talks - Cyrille Marquet (CPHT - Ecole Polytechnique) (until 17:30) (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
16:10 Physics opportunities at an EIC beyond the White paper - elke-caroline Aschenauer (BNL)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)
16:50 Trying to understand high energy hadronic physics - Prof. Alfred Mueller (Columbia University)   (Amphi Gay-Lussac)