Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

COSMO-15, the 19th annual International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology

from Monday 7 September 2015 (08:00) to Friday 11 September 2015 (22:00)
Warsaw, Poland

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
7 Sept 2015
8 Sept 2015
9 Sept 2015
10 Sept 2015
11 Sept 2015
08:00 --- Registration ---
Plenary - Carlos Martins (until 10:25) (Main Hall)
09:00 Welcome and introduction - Leszek Roszkowski (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland)   (Main Hall)
09:10 Opening address - Grzegorz Wrochna (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland)   (Main Hall)
09:15 Recent advances in astrophysics of cosmic rays and gamma-ray astronomy - Igor Moskalenko (Stanford University, United States)   (Main Hall)
09:50 How to learn to love the BOSS (Baryon Oscillations Spectroscopic Survey) - Shirley Ho (Carnegie Mellon University, United States)   (Main Hall)
10:25 --- Coffee ---
Plenary - Jun'ichi Yokoyama (until 12:40) (Main Hall)
10:55 The Mysterious Neutrinos - Clues from Astrophysics and Cosmology - John Beacom (Ohio State University, United States)   (Main Hall)
11:30 Leptogenesis and Flavour Models - Stephen King (University of Southampton, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
12:05 Vacuum (meta?)stability and Higgs inflation - Mikhail Shaposhnikov (EPFL, Switzerland)   (Main Hall)
Plenary - Matts Roos (until 10:10) (Main Hall)
09:00 Indirect Searches for Particle Dark Matter - Torsten Bringmann (University of Oslo, Norway)   (Main Hall)
09:35 Viscous dark matter - Nikolaos Tetradis (University of Athens, Greece)   (Main Hall)
10:10 --- Coffee ---
Plenary - Eric Linder (until 12:30) (Main Hall)
10:40 Recent CMB results from Planck - Anthony Challinor (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
11:15 Large scale structure of the Universe: the angular power spectrum and bispectrum - Ruth Durrer (Universite de Geneve, Switzerland)   (Main Hall)
11:50 General Relativity: its creation, classical tests and new effects in rotating systems - Edward Malec (Institute of Physics Jagiellonian University, Poland)   (Main Hall)
CMB, LSS and cosmological parameters - Tomasz Bulik (until 10:40) (Main Hall)
09:00 The Abundance of Extreme Cosmic Voids - Siri Chongchitnan (University of Hull, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
09:20 Tension between the power spectrum of density perturbations measured on large and small scales - Tom Charnock (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
09:40 Intrinsic galaxy size correlations and their importance for weak lensing - Robert Crittenden (Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
10:00 CMB lensing and deflection angles in high precison cosmology - Giuseppe Fanizza (Universita di Bari, Italy)   (Main Hall)
10:20 Is there evidence for anisotropy in CMB data? - Daniela Saadeh (University College London, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
Dark Energy - Marek Biesiada (until 10:40) (Rm 207)
09:00 Numerical Problems in Perturbed Coupled Quintessence - Alexander Leithes (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom)   (Rm 207)
09:20 Cosmology with strong gravitational lensing systems - Aleksandra Piorkowska (University of Silesia, Poland)   (Rm 207)
09:40 Interacting dark energy in light of CMB, lensing, and BAO data - Elina Palmgren (Helsinki institute of physics, Finland)   (Rm 207)
10:00 Dark energy:Testing gravity in Voids and Halos - Douglas Spolyar (Stockholm University OKC, Sweden)   (Rm 207)
10:20 The Dynamical Evolution Of A Galaxy Cluster: The Local Effect Of Dark Energy - Martina Donnari (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)   (Rm 207)
Inflation and phase transitions - Kari Enqvist (until 10:40) (Rm 111+112)
09:00 Mixed Inflaton and Spectator Field Models: CMB constraints and \\mu distortion - Tomo Takahashi (Saga University, Japan)   (Rm 111+112)
09:20 L-R neutrino oscillation during preheating - Tomohiro Matsuda (Saitama Institute of Technology, Japan)   (Rm 111+112)
09:40 Stabilizing the Planck mass shortly after inflation - Adam Christopherson (University of Florida, United States)   (Rm 111+112)
10:00 Single superfield inflation, moduli stabilization, and supersymmetry breaking - Takahiro TERADA (The University of Tokyo, Japan)   (Rm 111+112)
10:20 Massive primordial black holes from hybrid inflation as dark matter and the seeds of galaxies - Sebastien clesse (University of Namur, Belgium)   (Rm 111+112)
Inflation and phase transitions - Mark Hindmarsh (until 10:40) (Rm 115+116)
09:00 Domain wall formation via axion roulette and axion domain wall baryogenesis - Naoya Kitajima (Tohoku University, Japan)   (Rm 115+116)
09:20 Chasing monopoles - Asier Lopez-Eiguren (University of the Basque Country, Spain)   (Rm 115+116)
09:40 Random walks in deSitter - Gerasimos Rigopoulos (Newcastle University, United Kingdom)   (Rm 115+116)
10:00 The observational position of simple non-minimally coupled inflationary scenarios - David Edwards (Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)   (Rm 115+116)
10:20 Astrophysical and Cosmological Probes of Cosmic String Networks - Andrew Long (KICP, United States)   (Rm 115+116)
10:40 --- Coffee ---
CMB, LSS and cosmological parameters - Tomasz Bulik (until 12:50) (Main Hall)
11:10 New approach to cosmological perturbation theory from an effective action - Mikhail Ivanov (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland)   (Main Hall)
11:30 Anisotropic Correlations in Fourier Phases - Alexander Eggemeier (University of Sussex, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
11:50 Backreaction in Growing Neutrino Quintessence - Florian Fuehrer (Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Germany)   (Main Hall)
12:10 Evading non-linearities: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations at the linear point - Stefano Anselmi (Case Western Reserve University, United States)   (Main Hall)
12:30 .   (Main Hall)
CMB, LSS and cosmological parameters - Marek Biesiada (until 12:50) (Rm 207)
11:10 General relativistic corrections in N-body simulations -- The N-body gauge - Christian Fidler (CP3 , Belgium)   (Rm 207)
11:30 Weak lensing signals induced from second-order vector perturbation - Shohei Saga (Nagoya University, Japan)   (Rm 207)
11:50 Using dark energy to suppress power at small scales - Ignacy Sawicki (University of Geneva, Switzerland)   (Rm 207)
12:10 Constraining higher-order primordial non-Gaussianity from power spectra and bispectra of imaging survey - Ichihiko Hashimoto (Kyoto University, Japan)   (Rm 207)
12:30 How to model the effect of small-scale structures on light propagation? - Pierre Fleury (IAP, France)   (Rm 207)
Inflation and phase transitions - Kari Enqvist (until 12:50) (Rm 111+112)
11:10 Liberating vector fields from their CMB anisotropy constraint - Juan Carlos Bueno Sanchez (Universidad Antonio Narino, Colombia)   (Rm 111+112)
11:30 Renormalization in Higgs inflation - Sander Mooij (FCFM, Universidad de Chile, Chile)   (Rm 111+112)
11:50 Inflation, quantum gravity and the latest Planck data - Ippocratis Saltas (University of Lisbon, Portugal)   (Rm 111+112)
12:10 A universal threat to single-field inflation - Sebastien Renaux-Petel (IAP, France)   (Rm 111+112)
12:30 Non-metric inflation - Tomi Koivisto (Nordita, Sweden)   (Rm 111+112)
Inflation and phase transitions - Mark Hindmarsh (until 12:50) (Rm 115+116)
11:10 Three-Dimensional Quantum Bubble Collisions - Jonathan Braden (University College London, United Kingdom)   (Rm 115+116)
11:30 Fate of the Primordial Higgs Condensate - Sami Nurmi (University of Jyvaskyla, Finland)   (Rm 115+116)
11:50 Bounds on the hidden Universe - Subodh Patil (University of Geneva, Switzerland)   (Rm 115+116)
12:10 Gravitational Waves in the Supersymmetric Extensions of the SM - Germano Nardini (DESY, Germany)   (Rm 115+116)
12:30 Vector and tensor contributions to the curvature perturbation at second order - Pedro Gregorio Carrilho (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom)   (Rm 115+116)
Plenary - Ruth Gregory (until 10:10) (Main Hall)
09:00 Theoretical approaches to the Dark Energy paradigm - David Polarski (University Montpellier, France)   (Main Hall)
09:35 Quantum break time for cosmological constant - Gia Dvali (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Germany)   (Main Hall)
10:10 --- Coffee ---
Plenary - Fernando Quevedo (until 12:30) (Main Hall)
10:40 Aligned Axionic Inflation - Hans-Peter Nilles (University of Bonn, Germany)   (Main Hall)
11:15 Cosmological Collider Physics - Juan Maldacena (IAS, United States)   (Main Hall)
11:50 Area Law and Second Law in Cosmology - Raphael Bousso (UC Berkeley, United States)   (Main Hall)
Plenary - Hans-Peter Nilles (until 10:10) (Main Hall)
09:00 Dark Energy at the Crossroads - Dragan Huterer (University of Michigan, United States)   (Main Hall)
09:35 Creation of the Inflationary Universe - Jun'ichi Yokoyama (RESCEU The University of Tokyo, Japan)   (Main Hall)
10:10 --- Coffee ---
Plenary - Katherine Freese (until 12:40) (Main Hall)
10:40 Realisations of de Sitter space and inflation in string compactifications - Fernando Quevedo (The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy)   (Main Hall)
11:15 Searches for new physics at the LHC - Livia Soffi (Cornell University, United States)   (Main Hall)
11:50 From precision spectroscopy to fundamental cosmology: current and future tests of the stability of fundamental couplings - Carlos Martins (CAUP, Portugal)   (Main Hall)
12:25 Outlook - Leszek Roszkowski (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland)   (Main Hall)
12:40 --- Lunch ---
Plenary - John Beacom (until 15:45) (Main Hall)
14:00 Perspectives of discoveries in intergalactic space - Matteo Viel (INAF OATs, Italy)   (Main Hall)
14:35 Numerical simulations of large scale structure: overview and outlook - Debora Sijacki (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
15:10 Overview of WIMP Dark Matter - Katherine Freese (Nordita, Sweden and University of Michigan, United States)   (Main Hall)
15:45 --- Coffee ---
Plenary - Stephen King (until 18:00) (Main Hall)
16:15 Beyond the thermal WIMP dark matter - Ki-Young Choi (KASI, Republic of Korea)   (Main Hall)
16:50 Direct Searches for WIMP Dark Matter - Marc Schumann (University of Bern, Switzerland)   (Main Hall)
17:25 The battlegrounds of gamma-ray detection of dark matter: the Galactic Center and dwarf galaxies - Miguel Sanchez-Condé (Oskar Klein Centre and Stockholm University, Sweden)   (Main Hall)
19:00 --- Welcome Reception ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Poster Session (until 13:30) ()
12:30 Aspects of topos theory in cosmology - Krzysztof Bielas (Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, Poland)   ()
12:31 Constructing N-body Simulations with General Relativistic Dynamics - Mateja Gosenca (Astronomy Centre, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Sussex, United Kingdom)   ()
12:32 Lambda Units and Lambda Quantum of Action have they any physical sense - Ludwik Kostro (Ateneum-University in Gdansk, Poland)   ()
12:33 The local effect of Dark Energy on the evolution of galaxy clusters: the formation of massive structures in the cluster centre - Manuel Arca Sedda (University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy)   ()
12:34 General formalism for bigravity perturbations - Giulia Cusin (Département de Physique Théorique and Center for Astroparticle Physics, University of Geneva, Switzerland)   ()
12:35 Revisiting f(R) cosmology - Luisa Jaime (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University, Germany)   ()
12:36 Cosmic acceleration with a negative cosmological constant in higher dimensions - Nobuyoshi Ohta (Department of Physics, Kinki University, Japan)   ()
12:37 Bigravity from gradient expansion in DGP 2-brane model - Yasuho Yamashita (Yukawa Institute for Theoritical Physics, Japan)   ()
12:38 Corrections from the quantum sub-structure of the background metric - Sebastian Zell (Department of Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Germany)   ()
12:39 Relativistic systems of Fermions with anisotropy and cutoff energy in their distribution function - Martina Donnari (Department of Physics, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy)   ()
12:40 Supersymmetric dark matter with low reheating temperature - Sebastian Trojanowski (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland)   ()
12:41 Sensitivity of CTA to dark matter annihilations in the galactic centre - Andrew Williams (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland)   ()
12:42 The end of the beginning: isocurvature modes in primordial black hole dark matter - Sam Young (Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, United Kingdom)   ()
12:44 Inflation from radion gauge-Higgs potential at Planck scale - Yugo Abe (Shinshu University, Japan)   ()
12:45 Evolution of density perturbations in inflationary models with two scalar fields and with different sound speeds - Lukasz Dulny (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland)   ()
12:47 Avoiding the Higgs deflation - Vera-Maria Enckell (Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland)   ()
12:48 Particle production in the expanding universe - Olga Czerwinska (University of Warsaw, Poland)   ()
12:49 Field range bound and consistency in generalized G-inflation - Taro Kunimitsu (RESCEU University of Tokyo, Japan)   ()
12:50 Scale-invariant top condensate model as the solution to the hierarchy problem and its cosmological implications - Jie Liang (School of Physics, University of Sydney, Australia)   ()
12:51 Hill crossing after hilltop inflation - Stefano Orani (University of Basel, Switzerland)   ()
12:52 Universality classes for models of inflation - Mauro Pieroni (AstroParticle and Cosmology laboratory, Paris Diderot University-Paris 7, France)   ()
12:53 A Recipe for a Strong First Order Electroweak Phase Transition - Christopher Harman (University of Sussex, United Kingdom)   ()
12:54 Gravitational waves from slow-roll inflation in Lorentz-violating Weyl gravity - Kohji Yajima (Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Japan)   ()
12:55 Model-independent constraints on modified gravity from current and future RSD and Supernovae Ia measurements - Laura Taddei (ITP Heidelberg, Germany)   ()
12:56 Scaling in a network of cosmic necklaces - David Weir (University of Stavanger, Norway)   ()
CMB, LSS and cosmological parameters - Ruth Durrer (until 15:40) (Main Hall)
14:00 CMB Lensing and Scale Dependent New Physics - Eric Linder (UC Berkeley, United States)   (Main Hall)
14:20 On soft limits of large-scale structure correlation functions - Laura Sagunski (DESY, Germany)   (Main Hall)
14:40 Intensity Mapping and One-Point Statistics - Patrick Breysse (Johns Hopkins University, United States)   (Main Hall)
15:00 Measuring the speed of light with Baryon Acoustic Oscillations - Vincenzo Salzano (University of Szczecin, Poland)   (Main Hall)
15:20 Non-parametric Reconstruction of the Hubble Expansion History - Hu Zhan (National Astronomical Observatories of China, China)   (Main Hall)
Dark Energy - Dragan Huterer (until 15:40) (Rm 115+116)
14:00 Cosmology of massive gravity - Matteo Fasiello (Stanford University, United States)   (Rm 115+116)
14:20 UV inspired f(R) - Benedict Broy (Theory Group, DESY, Germany)   (Rm 115+116)
14:40 Modified gravity inside astrophysical bodies - Ryo Saito (Laboratoire APC, France)   (Rm 115+116)
15:00 Numerical forecasts for atom interferometry experiments constraining modified gravity - Sandrine Schloegel (UNamur, Belgium)   (Rm 115+116)
15:20 Equation of state of dark energy in f(R) gravity - Kazufumi Takahashi (RESCEU The University of Tokyo, Japan)   (Rm 115+116)
Dark Matter - Ki-Young Choi (until 15:40) (Rm 207)
14:00 Detecting Particle Dark Matter Signatures by Cross-Correlating Gamma-Ray Anisotropies with Weak Lensing - Stefano Camera (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, United Kingdom)   (Rm 207)
14:20 Interplay of ID, DD, and LHC searches in the MSSM - Enrico Maria Sessolo (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland)   (Rm 207)
14:40 Explaining the Galactic Center Excess with the MSSM - Alejandro Lopez (University of Michigan, United States)   (Rm 207)
15:00 The relic density of heavy neutralinos - Andrzej Hryczuk (TU Munich, Germany)   (Rm 207)
15:20 Nano-explosive detector for Dark Matter and Neutrinos - Maciej Gorski (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland)   (Rm 207)
Inflation and phase transitions - Kari Enqvist (until 15:40) ()
14:00 Dynamically Induced Planck Scale and Inflation - Antonio Racioppi (NICPB, Estonia)   ()
14:20 Composite Cosmology - Djuna Croon (University of Sussex, United Kingdom)   ()
14:40 Tensor and scalar perturbations from dilaton-induced gauge fields - Kiwoon Choi (KAIST, Republic of Korea)   ()
15:00 Is it Inflation? - Will Kinney (SUNY Buffalo, United States)   ()
15:20 Inflationary fossils in large scale structures - Emanuela Dimastrogiovanni (ASU, United States)   ()
15:40 --- Coffee ---
CMB, LSS and cosmological parameters - Bronisław Rudak (until 18:10) (Main Hall)
16:10 The SPIDER experiment: Instrument review, flight performance, and preliminary results - Jon Gudmundsson (Stockholm University, Sweden)   (Main Hall)
16:30 Oscillations in the CMB bispectrum - Moritz Munchmeyer (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Institute Astrophysique de Paris, France)   (Main Hall)
16:50 CMB bispectrum - Takashi Hiramatsu (Kyoto University, Japan)   (Main Hall)
17:10 Theoretical Predictions of Large Scale Clustering in the Lyman-alpha Forest - Agnieska Cieplak (Brookhaven National Laboratory, United States)   (Main Hall)
17:30 On Planck Asymmetries, Alignments and Calibration. - Alessio Notari (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)   (Main Hall)
17:50 The effect of clustering dark energy on cosmological parameter estimation - Caroline Heneka (Dark Cosmology Centre, Denmark)   (Main Hall)
Dark Energy - Dragan Huterer (until 18:10) (Rm 115+116)
16:10 Bimetric gravity is cosmologically viable - Frank Koennig (Institut fuer Theoretische Physik -Uni Heidelberg, Germany)   (Rm 115+116)
16:30 Tensor Modes in Bigravity: Primordial to Present - Alexandra Terrana (York University, Canada)   (Rm 115+116)
16:50 Consistent metric combinations in cosmology of massive bigravity - Henrik Nersisyan (Heidelberg University ITP, Germany)   (Rm 115+116)
17:10 Mapping dark energy with fundamental couplings - Ana Caterina Leite (Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto, Portugal)   (Rm 115+116)
17:30 The Effective Field Theory approach to dark energy and modified gravity phenomenology - Marco Raveri (SISSA, Italy)   (Rm 115+116)
17:50 Perturbations of Cosmological and Black hole Solution in Bi-gravity - Daisuke Yoshida (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)   (Rm 115+116)
Dark Matter - Ki-Young Choi (until 18:10) (Rm 207)
16:10 The Warmness of Dark Matter from the Lyman alpha forest - Antonella Garzilli (Leiden University, Netherlands)   (Rm 207)
16:30 Minimal Asymmetric Dark Matter - Martin Krauss (INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy)   (Rm 207)
16:50 XENON Dark Matter Search - Christopher Geis (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany)   (Rm 207)
17:10 Dark-Matter Bound States from Feynman Diagrams - Marieke Postma (Nikhef, Netherlands)   (Rm 207)
17:30 A search for dark matter annihilation in the newly discovered dwarf galaxy Reticulum 2 - Savvas Koushiappas (Brown University, United States)   (Rm 207)
17:50 Cosmological black holes and accretion: causal structure and models for the dark sector - Daniel Guariento (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada)   (Rm 207)
Inflation and phase transitions - Kari Enqvist (until 18:10) (Rm 111+112)
16:10 CP-violating top-Higgs coupling and electroweak phase transition - Jason Tsz Shing Yue (University of Sydney, Australia)   (Rm 111+112)
16:30 Correlation Functions in Stochastic Inflation - Vincent Vennin (ICG, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom)   (Rm 111+112)
16:50 Shaft Inflation - Konstantinos DIMOPOULOS (Lancaster University, United Kingdom)   (Rm 111+112)
17:10 The squeezed limit of the bispectrum for multifield inflation - Zachary Kenton (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom)   (Rm 111+112)
17:30 How does canonical quantum gravity affect scalar and tensor perturbations during inflation? - Manuel Krämer (Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin, Poland)   (Rm 111+112)
17:50 Warm intermediate inflation in the Randall–Sundrum II model in light of Planck 2015 and BICEP2 results. - Nelson Videla (Universidad de Chile, Chile)   (Rm 111+112)
12:50 --- Lunch ---
14:00 --- Excursion ---
19:30 --- Banquet ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
CMB, LSS and cosmological parameters - Marek Demiański (until 15:40) (Main Hall)
14:00 Cosmology on the Largest Scales - Stefano Camera (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
14:20 How much useful cosmological information can we capture beyond the linear regime of structure formation? - Julien Carron (University of Sussex, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
14:40 Decaying Dark Matter and the Discrepancy in sigma_8 - Toyokazu Sekiguchi (University of Helsinki, Finland)   (Main Hall)
15:00 An introduction to 21cm cosmology using HI intensity mapping - Alkistis Pourtsidou (University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
15:20 Robust forecasts on inflationary science from the foreground-obscured, gravitationally lensed CMB polarisation - Stephen Feeney (Imperial College London, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
Dark Energy - Ruth Gregory (until 15:40) (Rm 115+116)
14:00 Structure formation in fast transition UDM models - Francesco Pace (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)   (Rm 115+116)
14:20 A magnified glance into the Dark Sector: Probing cosmological models with strong lensing in A1689 - Juan Magana (Institute of Physics and Astronomy Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile)   (Rm 115+116)
14:40 Cosmology in delta Gravity: A Classical Analysis and Phenomenology - Pablo Gonzalez (Universidad de Chile, Chile)   (Rm 115+116)
15:00 Constraints on hybrid metric-Palatini models from background evolution - Vanessa Smer Barreto (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)   (Rm 115+116)
15:20 Brans –Dicke supergravity and the $\\Lambda$ naturalness problem - Mike Hewitt (Canterbury Christ Church University, United Kingdom)   (Rm 115+116)
Dark Matter - Kiwoon Choi (until 15:40) (Rm 207)
14:00 Inflationary Imprints on Dark Matter - Tommi Tenkanen (University of Helsinki, Finland)   (Rm 207)
14:20 Cogeneration and Pre-annihilation of Dark Matter by a New Gauge Interaction - Stephen Barr (University of Delaware, United States)   (Rm 207)
14:40 Diluting the inflationary axion fluctuation by a stronger QCD in the early Universe - Sang Hui Im (Institute for Basic Science, Republic of Korea)   (Rm 207)
15:00 Generating Luminous and Dark Matter During Inflation - Neil Barrie (University of Sydney, Australia)   (Rm 207)
15:20 Dark matter with low reheating temperature - Krzysztof Turzynski (University of Warsaw, Poland)   (Rm 207)
Inflation and phase transitions - Arttu Rajantie (until 15:40) (Rm 111+112)
14:00 Corpuscular Considerations on Cosmological Observables and Eternal Inflation - Florian Kuhnel (The Oskar Klein Centre, Sweden)   (Rm 111+112)
14:20 Gauge and fermion preheating and the end of axion inflation - Evangelos Sfakianakis (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States)   (Rm 111+112)
14:40 Massive vector multiplet inflation with DBI type action - Yusuke Yamada (Waseda University, Japan)   (Rm 111+112)
15:00 Thermalization after Inflation - Kyohei Mukaida (Kavli IPMU, Japan)   (Rm 111+112)
15:20 Acoustically generated gravitational waves at a first order phase transition - David Weir (University of Stavanger, Norway)   (Rm 111+112)
15:40 --- Coffee ---
CMB, LSS and cosmological parameters - Marek Demiański (until 18:10) (Main Hall)
16:10 Halo/Galaxy Bispectrum with Equilateral-type Primordial Trispectrum - Shuntaro Mizuno (Waseda University, Japan)   (Main Hall)
16:30 Dark energy and non-linear power spectrum - Jinn-Ouk Gong (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Republic of Korea)   (Main Hall)
16:50 Cross-correlation between the CMB lensing potential measured by Planck and high-redshift Herschel-ATLAS galaxies - Pawel Bielewicz (SISSA, Italy)   (Main Hall)
17:10 Non-local bias in the halo bispectrum with primordial non-Gaussianity - Matteo Tellarini (ICG, Portsmouth, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
17:30 The bispectrum of relativistic galaxy number counts - Giovanni Marozzi (Universite de Geneve, Switzerland)   (Main Hall)
17:50 Primordial black holes as biased tracers - Yuichiro Tada (Kavli IPMU, Japan)   (Main Hall)
Dark Energy - David Polarski (until 18:10) (Rm 115+116)
16:10 Quasi-Static Solutions for Compact Objects in Chameleon Models - Ilia Musco (LUTH - Observatoire de Paris, France)   (Rm 115+116)
16:30 String Gas Cosmology with Varying Spped of Light - Ali Nayeri (Chapman University, United States)   (Rm 115+116)
16:50 The two faces of mimetic Horndeski gravity: disformal transformations and Lagrange multiplier - Purnendu Karmakar (Universita degli Studi di Padova, Italy)   (Rm 115+116)
17:10 Random potentials in Cosmology - Thorsten Battefeld (University of Goettingen, Germany)   (Rm 115+116)
17:30 Initial conditions for simulations of arbitrary modified gravity, beyond quasi-static approximations - Wessel Valkenburg (Leiden University, Netherlands)   (Rm 115+116)
17:50 Covariantised Vector Galileons - Mathew Hull (University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom)   (Rm 115+116)
Dark Matter - Kiwoon Choi (until 18:10) (Rm 207)
16:10 Newtonian linear perturbations from the Schroedinger-Poisson equations - Adam Christopherson (University of Florida, United States)   (Rm 207)
16:30 IceCube potential for detecting Q-ball dark matter - Shinta Kasuya (Kanagawa University, Japan)   (Rm 207)
16:50 Constraining the dark matter by 21cm signals - Kenji Kadota (Institute for Basic Science, Republic of Korea)   (Rm 207)
17:10 Super-weakly interacting Dark Matter - Alexey Boyarsky (Leiden University, Netherlands)   (Rm 207)
17:30 Constraining the lifetime of Dark Matter - Thomas Tram (ICG Portsmouth University, United Kingdom)   (Rm 207)
17:50 A stable Higgs portal with vector dark matter - Mateusz Duch (University of Warsaw, Poland)   (Rm 207)
Inflation and phase transitions - Arttu Rajantie (until 18:10) (Rm 111+112)
16:10 Inflation and dark energy from alpha-attractors - Marco Scalisi (Van Swinderen Institute - University of Groningen, Netherlands)   (Rm 111+112)
16:30 Consistency relations for features in the primordial spectra - Gonzalo Palma (FCFM, Universidad de Chile, Chile)   (Rm 111+112)
16:50 Spacetime curvature and the Higgs stability before and after inflation - Tommi Markkanen (Imperial College, United Kingdom)   (Rm 111+112)
17:10 Generation and evolution of cosmological magnetic fields at the electroweak epoch - Oleg Ruchayskiy (EPFL, Switzerland)   (Rm 111+112)
17:30 Heavy neutrinos in cosmology and particle physics - Marco Drewes (TU Munich, Germany)   (Rm 111+112)
17:50 Particle production after inflation with non-minimal derivative couplings to gravity - Yohei Ema (The University of Tokyo, Japan)   (Rm 111+112)
19:30 --- Panel discussion ---
12:40 --- Lunch ---
CMB, LSS and cosmological parameters - Bożena Czerny (until 15:40) (Main Hall)
14:00 A convergent perturbation theory for Newtonian cosmological structure formation - Cornelius Rampf (Portsmouth University, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
14:20 Measuring CMB Polarization with POLARBEAR and the Simons Array: Towards New Constraints on Neutrino Masses and Inflation - Christian Reichardt (University of Melbourne, Australia)   (Main Hall)
14:40 The structure of the real line and cosmology - Pawel Klimasara (University of Silesia, Poland)   (Main Hall)
15:00 Post-Newtonian Cosmological Modelling - Viraj Sanghai (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom)   (Main Hall)
15:20 The decay of primordial magnetic fields and CMB spectral distortions - Jacques Wagstaff (Hamburg University, Germany)   (Main Hall)
Inflation and phase transitions - Marek Demiański (until 15:40) (Rm 111+112)
14:00 Gravitational effects on inflaton decay - Ryusuke Jinno (The University of Tokyo, Japan)   (Rm 111+112)
14:20 Production of magnetic fields in axion inflation and their post-inflationary evolution - Ryo Namba (Kavli IPMU, Japan)   (Rm 111+112)
14:40 Generation of sparse and localized curvature perturbation from inflation - Teruaki Suyama (Research Center for the Early Universe, University of Tokyo, Japan)   (Rm 111+112)
15:00 Warm quartic inflation in light of Planck 2015 results - Grigorios Panotopoulos (Department of Physics, University of Chile, Chile)   (Rm 111+112)
15:20 Influence of interactions terms on non-perturbative particle production and preheating - Seishi ENOMOTO (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland)   (Rm 111+112)
Inflation and phase transitions - Mariusz Dąbrowski (until 15:40) (Rm 115+116)
14:00 Scale Invariant Top Condensate Model - Shelley Liang (School of Physics, University of Sydney, Australia)   (Rm 115+116)
14:20 Primordial magnetic fields from cosmic defects - Kouichirou Horiguchi (Nagoya University, Japan)   (Rm 115+116)
14:40 QCD corrections to Leptogenesis - Sebastian Mendizabal (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile)   (Rm 115+116)
15:00 Cosmology With Negative Absolute Temperatures - Jose Pedro Pinto Vieira (Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Sussex, United Kingdom)   (Rm 115+116)
15:20 Helical Magnetic Fields from Creation to Detection - Andrew Long (KICP, United States)   (Rm 115+116)