Phenomenology 2014 Symposium

University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260
The 2014 Phenomenology Symposium will be held May 5-7, 2014 at the University of Pittsburgh.  It will cover the latest topics in particle phenomenology and theory plus related issues in astrophysics and cosmology.  Join us as we set a course for the next discovery!

Early registration ends April 13, 2014.

Talk submission ends April 20, 2014.

The tentative plenary program is now available.

The tentative full program is now available.

Tentative plenary topics and speakers:
  • Daniela Bortoletto (Purdue):  Measurements of the Higgs boson mass, width, and spin at the LHC
  • Steven Blusk (Syracuse):  Recent LHCb physics results
  • Keisuke Fujii (KEK):  Physics potential at the ILC
  • Yuri Gershtein (Rutgers):  Recent BSM results from ATLAS & CMS
  • Karen Gibson (Case Western Reserve):  Direct searches for WIMP dark matter
  • Garabed Halladjian (MSU):  Higgs boson production and coupling measurements at the LHC
  • Valentin Hirschi (SLAC):  Bridging theory and experiments
  • Joey Huston (MSU):  PDFs for Standard Model physics and beyond
  • Bhuv Jain (U Penn): Cosmology: dark energy and beyond
  • Chang Kee Jung (Stony Brook):  Neutrino Oscillations: Present and Future
  • Albrecht Karle (Wisconsin-Madison):  High energy astrophysical neutrinos - observations and implications
  • Alex Kusenko (UCLA):  Recent excitement in astro-particle physics
  • Andy Lankford (Irvine):  HEP in the LHC Era
  • Irina Mocioiu (Penn State):  Neutrino oscillations theory and phenomenology
  • Alexey Petrov (Wayne State):  Flavor physics in the LHC era
  • Clem Pryke (Univ. of Minnesota):  Evidence for Inflationary Gravitational Waves from BICEP2
  • Pearl Sandick (Utah):  Dark matter theory and searches
  • Martin Schmaltz (Boston):  Electroweak symmetry breaking after the Higgs
  • Jacob Searcy (Michigan):  Standard Model physics results from ATLAS and CMS
  • Ruth Van de Water (FNAL):  Modern lattice QCD: progress and prospects 
  • Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS):  Future perspectives

Parallel session mini-reviews:
  • Mu-Chun Chen (UC Irvine):  Theory of lepton flavors
  • Jack Gunion (Davis):  News in two-Higgs doublet models
  • Arthur Kosowsky (Pitt): Theory of CMB polarization
  • Tilman Plehn (Heidelberg):  SM Higgs properties
  • Shufang Su (Arizona):  New physics under the Higgs lamp post
  • Xerxes Tata (Hawaii):  SUSY at the LHC
  • Lian-Tao Wang (Chicago):  Dark matter at colliders

Note: Particle Fever will be shown to all participants on Tuesday, from 8:00-10:00 PM in the Alumni Hall 7th floor Auditorium (the same location as the plenary sessions).

PITT PACC Travel Awards: With support from the NSF and DOE, there are a number of awards (up to $300 each) available to domestic graduate students for travel and accommodation to Pheno 14. A student applicant should send an updated CV and a statement of financial need, and arrange for a short recommendation letter sent from their thesis advisor, by email to The decision will be based on the academic qualification, the talk submission to Pheno 14, and the financial need. The deadline for the application is the same as the talk submission April 20, and the winners will be notified by April 26.  (Each university may be limited to one awardee. Winners in the previous years may have lower priority for consideration.)

PHENO 2014 ORGANIZERS: Cindy Cercone, Neil Christensen, Ayres Freitas, Tao Han (chair), Adam Leibovich, Josh Sayre, Brock Tweedie, and Susanne Westhoff.

PHENO 2014 PROGRAM ADVISORS: Vernon Barger, Lisa Everett, Kaoru Hagiwara, JoAnne Hewett, Xerxes Tata, and Dieter Zeppenfeld.