International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders, LCWS2021

from Monday 15 March 2021 (09:00) to Thursday 18 March 2021 (20:50)
Zoom (Online Conference)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
15 Mar 2021
16 Mar 2021
17 Mar 2021
18 Mar 2021
8th Linear Collider Physics School - Gudrid Moortgat-Pick (until 13:15) ()
09:00 LC School Lecture: Linear Collider Physics - Georg Ralf Weiglein (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   ()
10:15 --- Break ---
10:30 LC School Lecture: Accelerator Physics - Wolfgang Hillert (University of Hamburg)   ()
11:45 --- Break ---
12:00 LC School Lecture: Detector Physics - Roman Poeschl (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   ()
PD3: Physics Analyses - Christopher Thomas Potter (University of Oregon (US)) Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (University of Warsaw) Roman Poeschl (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Akimasa Ishikawa (KEK) (until 08:00) (Online Conference)
06:00 SiD Analyses for Snowmass Physics LoIs: Status and Plans - Christopher Thomas Potter (University of Oregon (US))   (Online Conference)
06:20 Di-Higgs production in e+e- Collisions and Measurement of the Higgs Self-Coupling - Peter Onyisi (University of Texas at Austin (US))   (Online Conference)
06:40 Study of HγZ coupling using e+e- -> γ H at the ILC - Yumi Aoki (KEK/SOKENDAI)   (Online Conference)
07:00 Measurement of σ(e+e− → HZ) × Br(H → ZZ∗ ) at the 250 GeV ILC - Evgeny Antonov (Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science)   (Online Conference)
07:20 Potential of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) to measure branching fraction of the Higgs to ZZ* decays 350 GeV and 3 TeV center-of-mass energy - Ms Natasa Vukasinovic (VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade)   (Online Conference)
07:40 Measurement of the Higgs to di-photon branching fraction at 3 TeV CLIC - Goran Kacarevic (University of Belgrade (RS))   (Online Conference)
PD1/PD2: Theoretical Developments / Global Interpretations - Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin)) Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES)) Shigeki Matsumoto (Kavli IPMU) Stefania Gori (UC Santa Cruz) Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 U.) Junping Tian (The University of Tokyo) Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara) Jürgen Reuter (DESY Hamburg, Germany) Dirk Zerwas (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) (until 11:00) (Online Conference)
09:00 Di-Higgs production ($\gamma \gamma \to h h$) in Composite Models - Dr Daisuke Harada (Rudjer Boskovic Institute)   (Online Conference)
09:20 Precision Higgs Couplings in Neutral Naturalness Models - Huayang Song (University of Arizona)   (Online Conference)
09:40 Probing dimension-six Higgs couplings at future e+ e- colliders. - Mr Oscar Ochoa-Valeriano (IPPP, Durham University)   (Online Conference)
10:00 Measuring Higgs Boson Self-couplings with 2->3 VBS Processes - Junmou Chen (Jinan University)   (Online Conference)
10:20 Scalar and fermion on-shell amplitudes in generalized Higgs effective field theory - Mr Yoshiki Uchida (Department of Physics, Nagoya University)   (Online Conference)
10:40 Non-perturbative Effects on Electroweakly Interacting Massive Particles at Collider - Taisuke Katayose (kavil IPMU)   (Online Conference)
PD6: Calorimeters - David Miller (University of Chicago (US)) Ivanka Bozovic-Jelisavcic (University of Belgrade (RS)) Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University (JP)) Katja Kruger (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) (until 10:30) (Online Conference)
09:00 Status of the technological prototype of the CALICE highly granular silicon tungsten calorimeter" - Adrian Irles (IFIC CSIC/UV)   (Online Conference)
09:20 Test beam performance of a digital pixel calorimeter - Fabian Pliquett (Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))   (Online Conference)
09:40 A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the Phase-II upgrade of ATLAS: detector concept, description and R&D and beam test results - Xin Shi (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))   (Online Conference)
10:00 Latest results from beam tests of CMS HGCAL silicon and scintillator/SiPM prototypes - Debabrata Bhowmik (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (IN))   (Online Conference)
Special Event: Industry Forum - Marc Winter (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Tohru Takahashi (Hiroshima University) Jie Gao (Institute of High Energy Physics, China) Hugh Montgomery (Jefferson Lab) Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia (ES)) Juan Fuster Verdú (IFIC-Valencia (ES)) Nuria Catalan Lasheras (CERN) Maxim TITOV (CEA Saclay) (until 14:00) (Online Conference)
10:00 Status of the ILC in Japan - Tatsuya Nakada (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Online Conference)
10:20 Overview of the AAA Activities - Masanori Matsuoka (Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science & Technology, Japan)   (Online Conference)
10:40 Positron source investigation through Industry-Prefectural Industrial Technology Center-Academia collaboration - Shinichi Takizawa (Kondo Equipment Co., Ltd., Japan)   (Online Conference)
11:00 SRF Technology Industry Developments in China - Jiyuan Zhai (IHEP)   (Online Conference)
11:20 --- Coffee Break ---
11:25 Spanish Science Industry: Technological interests in the ILC - Erik Fernández (INEUSTAR, Spain)   (Online Conference)
11:45 SRF Cavity Production at ZANON and Outlook for ILC - Ambra Gresele (ZANON Research & Innovation Srl, Italy)   (Online Conference)
12:05 SRF Cavity Production at RI and Outlook for ILC - Michael Pekeler (Research Instruments, Germany)   (Online Conference)
12:25 Experience with Couplers Production and Outlook for ILC - Florian Geslin (THALES, France)   (Online Conference)
12:45 --- Coffee Break ---
12:50 US Office of Accelerator R&D and Production - Eric Colby (Department of Energy, USA)   (Online Conference)
13:10 US SRF Cavity Fabrication Experiences and Preparation for ILC - Charles (Ted) Roark (C.F. Roark Welding & Engineering Co., Inc. USA)   (Online Conference)
13:30 Concluding Remarks / Discussion   (Online Conference)
PD3: Physics Analyses - Christopher Thomas Potter (University of Oregon (US)) Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (University of Warsaw) Akimasa Ishikawa (KEK) Roman Poeschl (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) (until 12:40) (Online Conference)
11:00 Search for the pair-production of charged IDM scalars at high energy CLIC - Jan Franciszek Klamka (University of Warsaw (PL))   (Online Conference)
11:20 Stau Searches at the ILC - Dr Maria Teresa Nunez Pardo de Vera (DESY)   (Online Conference)
11:40 A combined fit to the Higgs Branching Ratios at ILD - Jonas Kunath (LLR – CNRS, École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91120 Palaiseau, France.)   (Online Conference)
12:00 Optimising top-quark threshold scan at $e^+e^-$ colliders using genetic algorithm - Kacper Nowak (University of Warsaw)   (Online Conference)
12:20 Photon-Photon Processes at the ILC and BSM signatures with small mass differences - Swathi Sasikumar (Deutches Elektronen Synchrotron)   (Online Conference)
PD4/PD6: Software & Detector Performance / Calorimeters (until 12:30) (Online Conference)
11:00 Prospects of fast timing detectors for particle identificationat future Higgs factories - Mr Bohdan Dudar (DESY)   (Online Conference)
11:20 Using a precise time measurement in a highly granular calorimeter - Henri Videau Henri Videau (LLR – CNRS, École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris)   (Online Conference)
11:40 Novel reconstruction algorithms for an imaging calorimeter for HL-LHC - Erica Brondolin (CERN)   (Online Conference)
12:00 Jet energy calibration using e+e- →γZ process at the ILC - Takahiro Mizuno   (Online Conference)
PD5: Tracking Detectors - Dominik Dannheim (CERN) Shinya Narita (Iwate University (JP)) Ivan Vila Alvarez (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC)) Alain Bellerive (Carleton University (CA)) Marcel Stanitzki (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) (until 12:30) (Online Conference)
11:00 CMOS pixels sensors for the ILC vertex detector - Auguste Guillaume Besson (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Online Conference)
11:18 Silicon Pixel Tracker for ILC - Dr Konstantin Stefanov (Open University)   (Online Conference)
11:36 Test-beam studies of the monolithic CMOS silicon sensor CLICTD - Katharina Dort (CERN, Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen (DE))   (Online Conference)
11:54 Vertex detectors: beyond CMOS sensors pixel detectors - Nicolas Thierry Fourches (IRFU-CEA - Centre d'Etudes de Saclay (CEA))   (Online Conference)
12:12 Performance Evaluation of Stitched Passive CMOS Strip Sensors - Sven Mägdefessel (University Freiburg)   (Online Conference)
PD1/PD3: Theoretical Developments / Physics Analyses - Roman Poeschl (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Christopher Thomas Potter (University of Oregon (US)) Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 U.) Jürgen Reuter (DESY Hamburg, Germany) Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (University of Warsaw) Shigeki Matsumoto (Kavli IPMU) Akimasa Ishikawa (KEK) Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES)) Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara) (until 08:00) (Online Conference)
06:00 Study of energy deposition patterns in hadron calorimeter for prompt and displaced jets using convolutional neural network - Ms Rhitaja Sengupta (Indian Institute of Science)   (Online Conference)
06:20 Testing CP violating Higgs sectors at the International Linear Collider - Mr Mitsunori Kubota (Osaka University)   (Online Conference)
06:40 Search for Extra Scalars Produced in Association with Muon Pairs at the ILC - Yan Wang (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Institute of High Ener)   (Online Conference)
07:00 CLIC sensitivity to invisible scalar decays - Mr Krzysztof Mekala (University of Warsaw)   (Online Conference)
07:20 Dark matter production via light mediator exchange at future $e^+e^-$ colliders - Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (University of Warsaw)   (Online Conference)
07:40 Dark Matter at future $e^+e^-$ colliders: chances of detection vs DM spin - Michał Iglicki (University of Warsaw)   (Online Conference)
PD4: Software & Detector Performance - Graham Wilson (The University of Kansas (US)) Adrian Irles (IFIC CSIC/UV) Andre Sailer (CERN) Jan Strube (PNNL) Manqi Ruan (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) Frank-Dieter Gaede (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Daniel Jeans (KEK) (until 07:59) (Online Conference)
06:00 Alternative approach of kinematic fitting for arbitrary resolution functions - Mr Yu Kato (The University of Tokyo)   (Online Conference)
06:20 R&D of the Machine Learning Application to the Collider Experiments - Masako Iwasaki (Osaka City Univ. / RCNP, Osaka Univ.)   (Online Conference)
06:40 Construct Deep Jet Clustering - Masakazu Kurata (University of Tokyo)   (Online Conference)
07:00 Development of a Vertex Finding Algorithm using Recurrent Neural Network - Mr Kiichi Goto (Kyushu University) Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University (JP))   (Online Conference)
07:20 Machine Learning for Tau identification in the IDEA Dual readout calorimeter - Stefano Giagu (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)) luca torresi   (Online Conference)
07:40 High Fidelity Shower Simulation with Generative Networks - Frank-Dieter Gaede (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Engin Eren (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   (Online Conference)
PD7/A3/A4: MDI / BDS / CFS (until 07:59) (Online Conference)
06:00 Study Status on CEPC MDI IR Design - Haoyu Shi (IHEP)   (Online Conference)
06:20 The circular electron-positron collider beam energy measurement with microwave-beam Compton backscattering - Ms Meiyu SI (IHEP)   (Online Conference)
06:40 Polarimetry at the ILC - a reminder on GDE work - Jenny List (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Online Conference)
A3: BDS / DR / Dumps / ATF (until 10:40) (Online Conference)
09:00 General report in ATf2 - Dr Kiyoshi Kubo (KEK)   (Online Conference)
09:20 Ultra-low beta studies in ATf2 - Dr Renjun Yang (KEK)   (Online Conference)
09:40 From ATF2 to ATF3: Status and Perspectives in the ILC pre-lab - Dr Angeles Faus-Golfe (IJClab IN2P3 CNRS-Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Online Conference)
10:00 Wakefield calculations for the extraction/ATF2 beamline - Yuki Abe (SOKENDAI)   (Online Conference)
10:20 BDS Wakefieleds simulation, issues and challenges for ILC and CLIC - Dr Pierre Korysko (CERN)   (Online Conference)
PD2: Global Interpretations - Junping Tian (The University of Tokyo) Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin)) Stefania Gori (UC Santa Cruz) Dirk Zerwas (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) (until 10:40) (Online Conference)
09:00 Tests of EFT positivity constraints at future colliders - Jiayin Gu (JGU Mainz)   (Online Conference)
09:20 Low-energy SMEFT and interplay with future e+e- - Jordy de Vries (Nikhef)   (Online Conference)
09:40 Z pole run impact on Higgs/EW fits - Gauthier Durieux (CERN)   (Online Conference)
10:00 Isolating systematic effects with beam polarisation at e+e- colliders - Jakob Beyer (DESY / Hamburg University)   (Online Conference)
10:20 Precise EW precision tests & their impact on BSM resonance bounds - Juan José Sanz-Cillero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid & IPARCOS)   (Online Conference)
PD3: Physics Analyses - Roman Poeschl (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Christopher Thomas Potter (University of Oregon (US)) Akimasa Ishikawa (KEK) Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (University of Warsaw) (until 10:40) (Online Conference)
09:00 Impact of the HL-LHC detector upgrades on the physics program - Susanne Kuehn (CERN)   (Online Conference)
09:30 Measurements of rare SM processes at LHC - Xunwu Zuo (University of Florida (US))   (Online Conference)
10:00 Prospects of measuring the branching fraction of the Higgs boson decaying into muon pairs at the ILC - Dr Shin-ichi Kawada (DESY)   (Online Conference)
10:20 Heavy quark production in high energy electron positron collisions at ILC250 - Adrian Irles (IFIC CSIC/UV)   (Online Conference)
PD5: Tracking Detectors - Marcel Stanitzki (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Alain Bellerive (Carleton University (CA)) Shinya Narita (Iwate University (JP)) Dominik Dannheim (CERN) Ivan Vila Alvarez (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC)) (until 10:45) (Online Conference)
09:00 Pixel detector hybridization and integration with Anisotropic Conductive Films - Mateus Vicente Barreto Pinto (CERN)   (Online Conference)
09:18 Future Prospects of the EUDET/AIDA Beam Telescopes - Adrian Herkert (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Online Conference)
09:36 Lycoris: A Silicon Beam Telescope based on the SiD Strip Tracker - Uwe Kraemer (DESY)   (Online Conference)
09:54 Technology Developments on Thin iLGAD Sensors for Pixelated Timing Detectors - Albert Doblas Moreno   (Online Conference)
10:12 AC-LGAD sensors for low-mass, low power high precision particle tracking - Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino (IT))   (Online Conference)
10:30 A powerful new technology platform to address new R&D strategies in timing sensor technologies: When silicon technology meets ultrafast lasers at ELI. - Prof. Gordana Lastovicka-Medin (University of Montenegro (ME))   (Online Conference)
A4: CFS (until 12:30) (Online Conference)
11:00 Study on Civil Engineering Design for Electron Driven Positron Source - Hitoshi Hayano   (Online Conference)
11:20 Progress of the overall tunnel design toward the basic design - Hitoshi Hayano   (Online Conference)
11:40 Environmental assessment in Pre-lab phase - Nobuhiro Terunuma   (Online Conference)
12:00 FCC Civil Engineering Status - John Andrew Osborne (CERN)   (Online Conference)
PD1/PD3: Theoretical Developments / Physics Analyses - Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 U.) Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (University of Warsaw) Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara) Christopher Thomas Potter (University of Oregon (US)) Shigeki Matsumoto (Kavli IPMU) Roman Poeschl (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Akimasa Ishikawa (KEK) Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES)) Jürgen Reuter (DESY Hamburg, Germany) (until 13:00) (Online Conference)
11:00 The bottom quark mass and the Higgs boson - Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia (ES))   (Online Conference)
11:20 Measuring the CP properties of the Higgs sector at electron-positron colliders - Tatjana Agatonovic-Jovin (University of Belgrade (RS))   (Online Conference)
11:40 Heavy Neutrinos at Future Linear e+e- Colliders - Mr Krzysztof Mekala (University of Warsaw)   (Online Conference)
12:00 Hunting scalar lepton partners - an example of direct BSM searches at lepton colliders - - Sebastian Baum (Stanford University)   (Online Conference)
12:20 Prospects for SUSY discovery or exclusion at future e+e- and pp colliders - Mikael Berggren (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Online Conference)
12:40 NuTools for Colliders - Richard Ruiz (Institute of Nuclear Physics (IFJ) PAN)   (Online Conference)
PD2: Global Interpretations - Junping Tian (The University of Tokyo) Stefania Gori (UC Santa Cruz) Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin)) Dirk Zerwas (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) (until 12:45) (Online Conference)
11:00 Higgs Interpretations in ATLAS - Sarah Heim (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Online Conference)
11:25 Combined Higgs/Top/EW SMEFT fit with current data - Tevong You (University of Cambridge)   (Online Conference)
11:45 High pT observables impact on global fit (aka Energy helps accuracy) - Riccardo Torre (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))   (Online Conference)
12:05 Advantages of a very high energy lepton collider for global fit - Dario Buttazzo (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))   (Online Conference)
12:25 Implication of Higgs/EW precision on 2HDM - wei su (university of Adelaide)   (Online Conference)
PD6: Calorimeters - David Miller (University of Chicago (US)) Ivanka Bozovic-Jelisavcic (University of Belgrade (RS)) Katja Kruger (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University (JP)) (until 12:30) (Online Conference)
11:00 FCAL Collaboration: progress report on forward calorimeters for future electron-positron collider experiments - Dr Alina Neagu (Institute of Space Science (RO))   (Online Conference)
11:30 Luminosity Monitor and Forward Region at FCC-ee - Mogens Dam (University of Copenhagen (DK))   (Online Conference)
12:00 Integrated luminosity measurement at CEPC - Ivan Smiljanic (Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade (RS))   (Online Conference)
PD4/PD5: Software & Detector Performance / Tracking Detectors - Graham Wilson (The University of Kansas (US)) Andre Sailer (CERN) Marcel Stanitzki (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Ivan Vila Alvarez (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC)) Dominik Dannheim (CERN) Frank-Dieter Gaede (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Adrian Irles (IFIC CSIC/UV) Shinya Narita (Iwate University (JP)) Manqi Ruan (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) Alain Bellerive (Carleton University (CA)) Jan Strube (PNNL) Daniel Jeans (KEK) (until 12:45) (Online Conference)
11:15 Study of 2-track separation for a MPGD-based TPC - Aiko Shoji (Iwate University)   (Online Conference)
11:30 Simulation of particle identification with cluster counting technique - Federica Cuna (INFN Lecce, Università del Salento)   (Online Conference)
11:45 High Precision ILC Tracker Momentum-Scale Calibration with Particle Decays - Graham Wilson (The University of Kansas (US))   (Online Conference)
12:00 Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector in Run 2 - Jesus Guerrero Rojas (IFIC-Valencia (UV/EG-CSIC))   (Online Conference)
A5: Advanced & Novel Accelerators (ANA) - Philippe Piot (Northern Illinois University) (until 08:00) (Online Conference)
06:00 Dicussion   (Online Conference)
06:15 cryocooled high-gradient structure - Sami Tantawi (SLAC)   (Online Conference)
06:30 Short pulse operation of high-gradient SWFA - Chunguang Jing   (Online Conference)
06:45 discussion on BDS - Spencer Gessner   (Online Conference)
PD1: Theoretical Developments (until 08:00) (Online Conference)
06:00 Probing extended Higgs sectors by the synergy between the LHC and the ILC - Kentarou Mawatari (Iwate U.)   (Online Conference)
06:20 Probing light quark Yukawa couplings through angularity distributions in Higgs boson decay - Dr Bin Yan (Los Alamos National Laboratory)   (Online Conference)
06:40 Phenomenology of Minimal Leptophilic Dark Matter Models at Linear Colliders - Dr Adil Jueid (Konkuk University)   (Online Conference)
07:00 Leptophilic fermion WIMP ~Role of future lepton colliders~ - Dr Ipsita Saha (Kavli IPMU)   (Online Conference)
07:20 Possibility of a general U(1) extended theory and its implications - Arindam Das (Kyungpook National University)   (Online Conference)
07:40 Linear Collider Signals of $Z'$ bosons in GUT inspired Gauge-Higgs Unification - Naoki Yamatsu (Kyushu University)   (Online Conference)
PD3/PD4: Physics Analyses / Software & Detector Performance - Akimasa Ishikawa (KEK) Jan Strube (PNNL) Andre Sailer (CERN) Frank-Dieter Gaede (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (University of Warsaw) Roman Poeschl (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Christopher Thomas Potter (University of Oregon (US)) Adrian Irles (IFIC CSIC/UV) Manqi Ruan (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) Daniel Jeans (KEK) Graham Wilson (The University of Kansas (US)) (until 07:59) (Online Conference)
06:00 Long-lived dark photons at the ILC - Laura Jeanty (University of Oregon (US))   (Online Conference)
06:19 Tau reconstruction study at ILC250 - Daniel Jeans (KEK) Keita Yumino (KEK/SOKENDAI)   (Online Conference)
06:39 Strange quark tagging with ILD to search for new physics in the Higgs sector - Matthew Basso (University of Toronto (CA))   (Online Conference)
06:59 Towards ee->ss - Yuichi Okugawa (Tohoku University)   (Online Conference)
07:19 ILC prospects for bottom quark mass measurements from three-jet rates - Seidai Tairafune (Tohoku University)   (Online Conference)
07:39 Reconstruction of $b$- and $c$- jets at $e^{+}e^{-}$ Higgs Factories with ParticleFlow detectors - Yasser Radkhorrami (DESY)   (Online Conference)
PD5: Tracking Detectors - Marcel Stanitzki (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Alain Bellerive (Carleton University (CA)) Shinya Narita (Iwate University (JP)) Ivan Vila Alvarez (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC)) Dominik Dannheim (CERN) (until 07:59) (Online Conference)
06:00 Commissioning and analyzing of TPC prototype integrated with 266nm UV laser - Dr Huirong Qi (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)   (Online Conference)
06:25 Incident angle effect on the spatial resolution of an Asian GEM module - Jurina Nakajima (SOKENDAI)   (Online Conference)
06:50 ATLAS Muon Thin Gap Chamber technology for a detector at the ILC - Mohsen Naseri (Carleton University (CA))   (Online Conference)
07:15 Results from a beam test of four ‘Encapsulated Resistive Anode Micromegas’ modules - Paul Colas (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Online Conference)
PD7/A3/A4: MDI / BDS / CFS (until 07:59) (Online Conference)
06:00 Implications of one vs two detectors for infrastructures - Karsten Buesser (DESY)   (Online Conference)
06:20 Detector hall update - Yasuhiro Sugimoto (Japan/KEK)   (Online Conference)
06:35 ILC site issues - Prof. Tomoyuki Sanuki   (Online Conference)
06:55 Conceptual plan of ILD solenoid magnet manufacture - yasuhiro makida (KEK)   (Online Conference)
07:15 Plans for EDR and Pre-Lab Phase - Discussion   (Online Conference)
PD1: Theoretical Developments - Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 U.) Jürgen Reuter (DESY Hamburg, Germany) Shigeki Matsumoto (Kavli IPMU) Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara) Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES)) (until 10:30) (Online Conference)
09:00 Higgs precision calculations for e+e- colliders - Shinya KANEMURA (Osaka University)   (Online Conference)
09:30 Two-loop corrections to the Higgs trilinear coupling in BSM models with classical scale invariance - Dr Johannes Braathen (DESY)   (Online Conference)
09:50 A light boson search at linear colliders - Dr Tanmoy Mondal (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)   (Online Conference)
10:10 Aligned Higgs couplings originated from the twisted custodial symmetry at high energies - Masashi Aiko (Osaka University)   (Online Conference)
PD2: Global Interpretations - Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin)) Junping Tian (The University of Tokyo) Stefania Gori (UC Santa Cruz) Dirk Zerwas (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) (until 10:45) (Online Conference)
09:00 Dark Matter (global picture) - ATLAS+CMS - Sergio Gonzalez Fernandez (The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) (ES))   (Online Conference)
09:25 DM EFT analysis - Tilman Plehn Tilman Plehn (Heidelberg University)   (Online Conference)
09:45 Anomalies in B meson decays: present status and future colliders prospects - Jorge Alda (Universidad de Zaragoza)   (Online Conference)
10:05 Global interpretation of LHC indications within the Georgi-Machacek Higgs model - Francois Richard (LAL-Orsay)   (Online Conference)
10:25 Artificial Proto-Modelling: Building Precursors of a Next Standard Model - Sabine Kraml (LPSC Grenoble)   (Online Conference)
PD5: Tracking Detectors - Dominik Dannheim (CERN) Marcel Stanitzki (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Alain Bellerive (Carleton University (CA)) Ivan Vila Alvarez (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC)) Shinya Narita (Iwate University (JP)) (until 10:30) (Online Conference)
09:00 Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor R&D in 65nm for high-resolution, minimal-mass, wafer-scale, bent tracking detectors - Magnus Mager (CERN)   (Online Conference)
09:23 ATLAS ITk Pixel Detector Overview - Lingxin Meng (CERN)   (Online Conference)
09:46 The Mu3e experiment: Toward construction of the HV-MAPS vertex detector - Thomas Rudzki (University Heidelberg)   (Online Conference)
10:09 The vertex detector upgrade of the Belle II experiment - Benjamin Schwenker (Göttingen University)   (Online Conference)
PD6: Calorimeters (until 10:30) (Online Conference)
09:00 Development of scintillator electromagnetic calorimeter - Naoki Tsuji (The University of Tokyo)   (Online Conference)
09:20 scintillator ECAL development in Shinshu - Dr Tohru Takeshita (Shinshu University (JP))   (Online Conference)
09:40 Study on SiPM readout method and simulation for scintillator-based electromagnetic calorimeter - Ryunosuke Masuda (University of Tokyo)   (Online Conference)
10:00 Study on saturation of SiPM for ILC scintillator-based electromagnetic calorimeter - Tatsuki Murata (University of Tokyo)   (Online Conference)
PD1: Theoretical Developments - Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES)) Shigeki Matsumoto (Kavli IPMU) Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara) Jürgen Reuter (DESY Hamburg, Germany) Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 U.) (until 12:30) (Online Conference)
11:00 Precision calculations and tools for e+e- colliders - Wolfgang Kilian (University of Siegen)   (Online Conference)
11:30 Using a collinear factorisation approach at e+e- colliders - Stefano Frixione (INFN)   (Online Conference)
11:50 Next-to-leading-power factorization in QED: a diagrammatic approach - Lorenzo Zoppi (DESY)   (Online Conference)
12:10 WHIZARD 3.0: Status and News - Pascal Stienemeier (DESY)   (Online Conference)
PD4/PD6: Software & Detector Performance / Calorimeters - Katja Kruger (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Ivanka Bozovic-Jelisavcic (University of Belgrade (RS)) Adrian Irles (IFIC CSIC/UV) Graham Wilson (The University of Kansas (US)) Manqi Ruan (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) David Miller (University of Chicago (US)) Jan Strube (PNNL) Andre Sailer (CERN) Daniel Jeans (KEK) Frank-Dieter Gaede (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University (JP)) (until 12:30) (Online Conference)
11:00 Simulation of a SiW pixel calorimeter - Tim Sebastian Rogoschinski (Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))   (Online Conference)
11:20 SDHCAL technological prototype test beam results - Gerald Grenier (IP2I, CNRS, Univ Lyon 1 (FR)) Hector Garcia Cabrera (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)   (Online Conference)
11:40 Analysis of testbeam data recorded with the large CALICE AHCAL technological prototype - Lorenz Konrad Emberger (Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik (DE))   (Online Conference)
Plenary 1 - First Day (until 17:05) (Online Conference)
14:00 Welcome - Steinar Stapnes (CERN)   (Online Conference)
14:10 Report on ILC status - Shinichiro MICHIZONO (KEK)   (Online Conference)
14:30 Activities of Tohoku ILC Project Development Center - Atsuto Suzuki (Iwate Prefectural University)   (Online Conference)
14:50 Report on CLIC status - Philip Nicholas Burrows (University of Oxford (GB))   (Online Conference)
15:10 Report of the International Development Team - Tatsuya Nakada (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Online Conference)
15:35 Report from KEK - Masanori Yamauchi (KEK)   (Online Conference)
15:55 Report from Japan Association of High Energy Physicists' ILC Steering Panel - Satoru Yamashita (University of Tokyo)   (Online Conference)
16:15 Report on ILC status in the Americas - Andrew James Lankford (University of California Irvine (US))   (Online Conference)
16:35 Review of the Physics Case - Javi Serra (TUM Munich)   (Online Conference)
PD1: Theoretical Developments (until 19:30) (Online Conference)
17:30 The THDMa revisited - Tania Natalie Robens (Rudjer Boskovic Institute (HR))   (Online Conference)
17:50 Exotic Vectorlike Quark Phenomenology in the Minimal Linear Sigma Model - Mr Javier Alonso González (Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC)   (Online Conference)
18:10 Improved muon (g − 2) Measurements and Supersymmetry at existing and future colliders - Manimala Chakraborti Manimala Chakraborti   (Online Conference)
18:30 Family Non-Universal UMSSM at the Linear Colliders - Dr Yasar Hicyilmaz (University of Southampton)   (Online Conference)
18:50 Brane-Higgs sensitivities - Grégory Moreau (Université Paris-Saclay)   (Online Conference)
19:10 Neutrino Masses and Hubble Tension via a Majoron in MFV - Fernando Arias Aragón (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)   (Online Conference)
A1: SRF -Dr Enrico Cenni (CEA) Dr Mattia Checchin (FNAL) Yasuchika Yamamoto (KEK) Marc Wenskat (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY) (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 High Gradient Module Project - Sam Posen (Fermilab)   (Online Conference)
22:20 Certification of the XFEL cold linac and lessons learnt - Serena Barbanotti (INFN Milano LASA)   (Online Conference)
22:40 Licensing of pressurized cryomodule components manufactured in Europe and installed in Japan: example of the IFMIF/EVEDA cryomodule - Nicolas Bazin (Irfu-CEA)   (Online Conference)
23:00 Experience on superconducting cavities series productions - Daniele Sertore (INFN Milano)   (Online Conference)
23:20 Robotization of Clean Room Processing and Assembly at IMP - Hao Guo   (Online Conference)
A2: Sources (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 Polarized Electron Source R&D for the EIC - Dr Erdong Wang (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Online Conference)
22:20 Development of a 500 kV Polarized Electron Source - C. Hernandez-Garcia (JLAB)   (Online Conference)
22:40 Development of the Polarized Electron Source at MESA - Kurt Aulenbacher (Institut für Kernphysik, Universität Mainz)   (Online Conference)
23:00 Record-level quantum efficiency from a high polarization strained GaAs/GaAsP superlattice photocathode with distributed Bragg reflector - W. Liu (BNL)   (Online Conference)
23:20 Discussion of future R&D - Joseph Grames   (Online Conference)
23:40 Status of the FCC-ee positron source - Dr Iryna Chaikovska (CNRS/IJCLab)   (Online Conference)
N3: Beams for Accelerator and Detector R&D and Irradiation - Steinar Stapnes (CERN) Mark Hogan (SLAC) Yoshihisa Iwashita (until 01:00) (Online Conference)
22:00 Welcome   (Online Conference)
22:05 A programme with a low energy electron beam - CLEAR at CERN - Wilfrid Farabolini (CEA DAPNIA)   (Online Conference)
22:25 Beam requirements for plasma acceleration R&D, examples from LNF planning and CERN studies - Patric Muggli (Max Planck Institute for Physics)   (Online Conference)
22:45 Testbeam and irradiation facilities - Marcel Stanitzki (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Online Conference)
23:05 Exploring Strong Field QED with ILC Beams - Meuren Sebastian (SLAC)   (Online Conference)
23:25 Brilliant muon beam production at the ILC - Takayuki Yamazaki (KEK)   (Online Conference)
23:45 Photon science using gamma-rays in future linear colliders - Takehito Hayakawa (QST)   (Online Conference)
00:05 New Research Opportunities with Ultrahigh Intensity Lasers at the ILC - James Koga (QST)   (Online Conference)
00:25 A high luminosity SC e+e-twin linear collider with energy recovery - Prof. Valery Telnov (Budker INP and Novosibirsk State Univ.) Valery Telnov (BINP)   (Online Conference)
PD1: Theoretical Developments - Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 U.) Shigeki Matsumoto (Kavli IPMU) Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES)) Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara) Jürgen Reuter (DESY Hamburg, Germany) (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 Importance of Z-pole and WW running for LC physics - Ayres Freitas (University of Pittsburgh) Enrico Fermi   (Online Conference)
22:30 Forward-backward asymmetries of heavy quark pair production in $e^+e^-$ collisions at $\mathcal{\alpha_s^2}$ - Dr Long Chen (RWTH Aachen University)   (Online Conference)
22:50 Zooming in on compositeness at the TeraZ - Abhishek Iyer (IP2I Lyon)   (Online Conference)
23:10 Subleading Logarithmic QED Initial State Corrections to $e^+ e^- \to \gamma^*/Z^*$ - Kay Schönwald (DESY)   (Online Conference)
23:30 Importance of fermion loops in Vector Boson Scattering - Mr Carlos Quezada Calonge (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)   (Online Conference)
PD4: Software & Detector Performance - Manqi Ruan (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) Andre Sailer (CERN) Daniel Jeans (KEK) Frank-Dieter Gaede (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Adrian Irles (IFIC CSIC/UV) Graham Wilson (The University of Kansas (US)) Jan Strube (PNNL) (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 The mini-DST - a high-level LCIO format - Dr Shin-ichi Kawada (DESY)   (Online Conference)
22:20 EDM4hep an event data model for future collider studies - Thomas Madlener (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))   (Online Conference)
22:40 Key4hep: Progress on Common Software - Valentin Volkl (University of Innsbruck (AT))   (Online Conference)
23:00 Integrating iLCSoft into Key4hep - Placido Fernandez Declara (CERN)   (Online Conference)
23:20 iLCDirac Status and Plans - Andre Sailer (CERN)   (Online Conference)
23:40 Status of ILD new 250 GeV common MC sample production - Hiroaki Ono   (Online Conference)
PD7/A3/A4: MDI / BDS / CFS (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 Possible benefits of longer L* for detectors - Yasuhiro Sugimoto (Japan/KEK)   (Online Conference)
22:15 Large L* optics update for CLIC - Dr Plassard Fabien (BNL)   (Online Conference)
22:35 Further optimizations of BDS for CLIC 380 GeV (including shorter FDs and long L*) - Andrii Pastushenko (CERN)   (Online Conference)
22:55 Long L* optics issues for ILC - Toshiyuki Okugi (KEK)   (Online Conference)
23:15 Dual BDS System for CLIC - Vera Cilento (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Online Conference)
23:35 Plans on FF magnet design work for Pre-Lab Phase - Brett Parker (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   (Online Conference)
Plenary 2 - Accelerator - Shinichiro Michizono Philip Nicholas Burrows (University of Oxford (GB)) Benno List (DESY) Shinichiro Michizono Steinar Stapnes (CERN) (until 17:00) (Online Conference)
14:00 ILC Sources: Status and R&D plans - Kaoru Yokoya   (Online Conference)
14:25 ATF, ILC BDS and Damping Rings - Angeles Faus-Golfe (IJClab IN2P3 CNRS-Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Online Conference)
15:00 Highlights from the nanobeam technology workshop - Nuria Catalan Lasheras (CERN)   (Online Conference)
15:25 CLIC high-luminosity studies - Chetan Gohil (University of Oxford (GB)) Chetan Gohil (University of Oxford)   (Online Conference)
15:50 High-gradient RF status - Walter Wuensch (CERN)   (Online Conference)
16:15 ILC Main Linac and Superconducting RF: Status and R&D plans - Sergey Belomestnykh (Fermilab)   (Online Conference)
PD1: Theoretical Developments (until 19:29) (Online Conference)
17:30 BSM physics at LCs - Georg Ralf Weiglein (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Online Conference)
18:00 Precise calculations of charged Higgs boson decays in NMSSM - Kodai Sakurai   (Online Conference)
18:20 Triple Higgs couplings in the 2HDM at future linear colliders - Francisco Arco (IFT)   (Online Conference)
18:40 Testing the THDMS - Steven Paasch (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   (Online Conference)
19:00 A 96 GeV Higgs Boson in the 2HDMS - Cheng Li (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   (Online Conference)
A1: SRF - Mattia Checchin (FNAL) Dr Enrico Cenni (CEA) Yasuchika Yamamoto (KEK) Marc Wenskat (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY) (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 Robotization experience at FRIB facility - Laura Popielarski (Michigan State University)   (Online Conference)
22:20 SRF Pressure Safety at Fermilab - Arkadiy Klebaner (Fermilab)   (Online Conference)
22:40 Plasma processing for SRF cryomodules - Tom Powers   (Online Conference)
23:00 Summary talk from Crab Cavity Workshop - Peter Mcintosh   (Online Conference)
23:20 Crab Cavity Discussion panel   (Online Conference)
A2: Sources (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 Status of KEKB positron source - yoshinori enomoto (KEK)   (Online Conference)
22:15 Simulation studies for ILC and SKEKB E-Driven positron soruce - Masafumi Fukuda (K)   (Online Conference)
22:30 Overview of R&D status of ILC E-Driven positron source - Tsunehiko Omori (KEK)   (Online Conference)
23:00 Compensation of the transient beamloading effect in the capture linac of E-Driven positron source - masao kuriki (Hiroshima University)   (Online Conference)
23:15 Transient property analysis of the APS cavity in E-Driven catpure linac - S. Konno   (Online Conference)
23:30 Update on the flux concentrator activities - Hugo Bajas (CERN)   (Online Conference)
23:45 Simulations to optimize the CLIC and FCC source - Mr Yongke Zhao (CERN & Shandong University (CN))   (Online Conference)
A5: Advanced & Novel Accelerators (ANA) - Philippe Piot (Northern Illinois University) (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 Introduction & Objectives - Philippe Piot (Northern Illinois University)   (Online Conference)
22:20 Dielectric Linear Accelerators - Joel England (Stanford)   (Online Conference)
22:40 Laser Wakefield Accelerators - Eric Esarey   (Online Conference)
23:00 Plasma Wakefield Accelerators - Patric Muggli (Max Planck Institute for Physics)   (Online Conference)
23:20 Structure Wakefield Accelerators - John Power   (Online Conference)
23:40 Discussion   (Online Conference)
N1: Dark Sector, Fixed-Target and Beam Dump Experiments - Michael Peskin Benno List (DESY) Matthew Wing (University College London) (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 Landscape of accelerator-based dark sector experiments - Natalia Toro (SLAC)   (Online Conference)
22:25 Tour of the ILC accelerator infrastructure - Kaoru Yokoya   (Online Conference)
22:50 Dark particle production in the ILC beam dumps - Yasuhito Sakaki (KEK)   (Online Conference)
23:15 First estimates of the dark sector capabilities at ILC - Maxim Perelstein (Cornell)   (Online Conference)
PD1/PD3: Theoretical Developments / Physics Analyses - Akimasa Ishikawa (KEK) Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara) Roman Poeschl (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Christopher Thomas Potter (University of Oregon (US)) Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (University of Warsaw) Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES)) Shigeki Matsumoto (Kavli IPMU) Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 U.) Jürgen Reuter (DESY Hamburg, Germany) (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 Current Status of Bhabha Luminosity at 0.01% - Maciej Skrzypek (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   (Online Conference)
22:20 Higgs-to-invisible Prospects with SiD - Amanda Steinhebel (University of Oregon (US))   (Online Conference)
22:40 H --> tau+,tau- CP Violation Analysis for SiD - Lucas Braun   (Online Conference)
23:00 Probing the NMSSM and MSSM with light neutralino dark matter through Higgs invisible measurements at the ILC - Rahool Kumar Barman (Oklahoma State University)   (Online Conference)
23:20 Resolving a challenging supersymmetric low-scale seesaw scenario at the ILC - JOAQUIN MASIAS TEVES (PUCP)   (Online Conference)
23:40 Exploring Right Handed Neutrinos at ILC - Jurina Nakajima (SOKENDAI)   (Online Conference)
PD6: Calorimeters - Katja Kruger (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Ivanka Bozovic-Jelisavcic (University of Belgrade (RS)) Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University (JP)) David Miller (University of Chicago (US)) (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 Precision Calorimetry at HL-LHC: Upgrade of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter - Stefano Argiro (Universita di Torino and INFN (IT))   (Online Conference)
22:20 A new Front-End Board for the ILD SiW-ECAL - Jerome Nanni (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Online Conference)
22:40 The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter performance and its upgrade towards the High-Luminosity LHC - Merve Nazlim Agaras (The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) (ES))   (Online Conference)
23:00 Hardware Developments for the CALICE AHCAL - Konrad Briggl   (Online Conference)
23:20 The Semi-Digital Hadronic Calorimeter - Maria Fouz Iglesias (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)   (Online Conference)
Plenary 3 - Physics & Detectors - Aidan Robson (University of Glasgow (GB)) Jenny List (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Claude Vallee (Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille) Hitoshi Murayama (University of California Berkeley (US)) (until 17:00) (Online Conference)
14:00 IDT WG3 introduction and plans - Hitoshi Murayama (University of California Berkeley (US))   (Online Conference)
14:20 SiD: Plans for IDT and opportunities to contribute - Marcel Stanitzki (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Online Conference)
14:40 ILD: Plans for IDT and opportunities to contribute - Ties Behnke (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Online Conference)
15:00 New developments in tracking - Simon Spannagel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Online Conference)
15:20 New developments in calorimetry - David Miller (University of Chicago (US))   (Online Conference)
15:40 Software for future colliders: challenges and opportunities - Frank-Dieter Gaede (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Online Conference)
16:00 WG3 Physics potential and opportunities group - introduction and plans - Aidan Robson (University of Glasgow (GB))   (Online Conference)
16:20 Higgs and BSM at a linear collider - Tomohiko Tanabe (KEK)   (Online Conference)
16:40 Top, flavour, and electroweak at a linear collider - Adrian Irles (IFIC CSIC/UV)   (Online Conference)
PD1: Theoretical Developments (until 19:29) (Online Conference)
17:30 Top precision physics at LCs - Andre Hoang (University of Vienna)   (Online Conference)
18:00 Top quark mass and physics beyond the standard model from Higgs Parity - Dr Keisuke Harigaya (Institute for Advaned Study)   (Online Conference)
18:20 Improved strong coupling determinations from hadronic decays of electroweak bosons at N$^3$LO accuracy - David d'Enterria (CERN)   (Online Conference)
18:40 Precision top mass measurement - Dr Aditya Pathak (University of Manchester)   (Online Conference)
19:00 On the evaluation of two-loop electroweak box diagrams for $e^+e^- \to HZ$ production - Qian Song (University of Pittsburgh)   (Online Conference)
A2: Sources (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 Undulators @ XFEL - W. Decking   (Online Conference)
22:15 Superconducting undulator technology at ANL - Yury Ivanyushenkov (ANL)   (Online Conference)
22:30 Design of Photon Masks for the ILC Positron Helical Undulator - K. Alharbi   (Online Conference)
22:45 The Optical Matching Device for the ILC Undulator driven Positron Source and its Perspectives - Peter Sievers   (Online Conference)
23:00 Designing a plasma lens for the ILC - N. Hamann   (Online Conference)
23:15 Plasma Lens for the Positron Source: Challenges and Prospects - M. Formela   (Online Conference)
23:30 Target for the Undulator e+ Source - Sabine Riemann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Online Conference)
23:45 A first look at the ILC positron source for nuclear and particle physics - Ian Bailey   (Online Conference)
A1: SRF - Yasuchika Yamamoto (KEK) Marc Wenskat (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY) Mattia Checchin (FNAL) Dr Enrico Cenni (CEA) (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 Alternative polishing technique of Niobium for SRF applications - Oleksandr HRYHORENKO (CNRS)   (Online Conference)
22:20 Annealing R&D at FNAL - Daniel Bafia (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)   (Online Conference)
22:40 MidT Bake studies at IHEP - He Feisi (IHEP)   (Online Conference)
23:00 Forged Ingot Niobium Technology for Accelerators - Takayuki SAEKI (KEK)   (Online Conference)
23:20 900deg Annealing/Cold EP/2-steps baking at KEK - Ryo Katayama (KEK)   (Online Conference)
N2: New Technologies & Ideas for Collider Detectors - Philipp Roloff (CERN) Sarah Eno (University of Maryland (US)) Frank Simon (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik) (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 Introduction - Frank Simon (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)   (Online Conference)
22:10 SiD: New Ideas under Study - Marcel Stanitzki (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Andrew White (University of Texas at Arlington)   (Online Conference)
22:18 ILD: New Ideas under Study - Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia (ES))   (Online Conference)
22:26 Future plans of CALICE - Roman Poeschl (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Online Conference)
22:34 CMOS MAPS-based digital ECAL - Fergus Wilson (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))   (Online Conference)
22:42 Precision EM calorimetry for particle flow - Marco Toliman Lucchini (Princeton University (US))   (Online Conference)
22:50 Timing Detector Technologies - Artur Apresyan (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Online Conference)
22:58 Solid-State Timing Sensors: The Push Towards High Granularity - Prof. Bruce Andrew Schumm (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   (Online Conference)
23:06 Wireless Readout and GaAs Sensors for FCAL - Yan Benhammou (Tel Aviv University (IL))   (Online Conference)
23:14 Discussion: Evolving / Revolutionising LC Detectors - Frank Simon (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)   (Online Conference)
PD1/PD4: Theoretical Developments / Software & Detector Performance - Adrian Irles (IFIC CSIC/UV) Frank-Dieter Gaede (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 U.) Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES)) Jürgen Reuter (DESY Hamburg, Germany) Andre Sailer (CERN) Daniel Jeans (KEK) Graham Wilson (The University of Kansas (US)) Jan Strube (PNNL) Manqi Ruan (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) Shigeki Matsumoto (Kavli IPMU) Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara) (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 The SGV fast detector simulation program - Mikael Berggren (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Online Conference)
22:20 Simulating hard photon production with WHIZARD - Dr Wojciech Kotlarski (TU - Dresden)   (Online Conference)
22:40 KKMCee for high precision two-fermion production at future electron colliders - Stanislaw Jadach (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   (Online Conference)
23:00 Resummed predictions for jet-resolution scales in multijet production in $e^- e^+$ annihilation - Daniel Reichelt   (Online Conference)
23:20 YFS Resummation in Sherpa - Alan Price (Siegen University)   (Online Conference)
PD2: Global Interpretations - Dirk Zerwas (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Stefania Gori (UC Santa Cruz) Junping Tian (The University of Tokyo) Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin)) (until 23:59) (Online Conference)
22:00 Constraining the top quark EFT using the top quark pair production in association with a jet at future lepton colliders - Mojtaba Mohammadi Najafabadi (Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IR))   (Online Conference)
22:20 Top EFT Interpretations with CMS - Reza Goldouzian (University of Notre Dame (US))   (Online Conference)
22:45 Top quark EW couplings and EFT fits - Victor Miralles (IFIC)   (Online Conference)
Plenary 4 - Last Day (until 17:00) (Online Conference)
14:00 Welcome - Tatsuya Nakada (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Online Conference)
14:10 CERN and European reports - Steinar Stapnes (CERN) Joachim Mnich (CERN)   (Online Conference)
14:40 Report from Industry Forum - Maxim TITOV (CEA Saclay)   (Online Conference)
15:05 Summary of Dark Sector, Fixed-Target and Beam Dump Experiments - Michael Peskin   (Online Conference)
15:25 Summary of New Technologies & Ideas for Collider Detectors - Frank Simon (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)   (Online Conference)
15:50 Summary of Beams for Accelerator and Detector R&D and Irradiation - Steinar Stapnes (CERN)   (Online Conference)
16:15 Snowmass Update - with an ILC focus - Michael Peskin   (Online Conference)
16:35 Closing and 2021 Outlook   (Online Conference)