Standard methods for higher-order pQCD calculations of cross
sections in hadron-induced collisions are time-consuming.
The fastNLO project uses multi-dimensional interpolation
techniques to convert the convolutions of perturbative
coefficients with parton distribution functions and the
strong coupling into simple products. By integrating the
perturbative coefficients for a given observable with
interpolation kernels, fastNLO can store the results of
the time-consuming calculation in tables which can subsequently
be used for very fast calculations of the same observable
for arbitrary PDFs, alpha_s, and different scales. These
tables and corresponding user codes are currently available
for a large number of jet measurements at the LHC, the Fermilab
Tevatron, and HERA. fastNLO is currently used in publications
of experimental results by the ATLAS, CMS, CDF, D0, and H1
collaborations, and in all recent global PDF analyses by
This talk will focus on new developments, implemented in
the new version 2 of fastNLO, which enhance
and broaden the functionality.