Simplified Agenda


09:00:00 Opening and Welcome

Convener: Alessandro Marchioro   -  CERN

Location:   Earth and Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building, UCSC

09:00 Alessandro Marchioro (202) Opening CERN
09:25 Alex Grillo (203) Welcome University of California,Santa Cruz (US)

10:20:00 Invited Talk

Convener: Alex Grillo   -  University of California,Santa Cruz (US)

Location:   Earth and Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

10:20 Prof. Jason Nielsen (208) Welcome to SCIPP - Research at SCIPP and at UCSC  
11:05 Prof. Alexander Sher (209) Neuron detectors: electrical and optical interactions with neural networks. UCSC

14:00:00 Invited Talk

Convener: Philippe Farthouat   -  CERN

Location:   Earth and Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

14:00 David M. Fritz (191) LCLS-II: A High Repetition Rate X-Ray Laser Facility SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

14:50:00 Trigger

Convener: Philippe Farthouat   -  CERN

Location:   Thimann I Lecture Hall

14:50 Davide Cieri (61) An FPGA-Based Track Finder for the L1 Trigger of the CMS Experiment at HL-LHC STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)
15:15 Paschalis Vichoudis (23) The ATLAS Muon-to-Central Trigger Processor Interface for the Phase-I Muon Trigger Upgrade CERN
15:40 Marcel Weirich (27) Development of the jet Feature EXtractor (jFEX) for the ATLAS Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger upgrade at the LHC Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE)

14:50:00 Radiation Tolerant Components and Systems

Convener: Salvatore Danzeca   -  CERN

Location:   Earth and Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

14:50 Vlad-Mihai PLACINTA (57) Radiation Hardness Studies and Evaluation on SRAM-Based FPGA for High Energy Physics Experiments Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) & Polytechnic University of Bucharest
15:15 Stefania Antonia Stucci (101) Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Leakage Current in CMOS Readout Chips for the ATLAS Upgrade Silicon Strip Tracker at the HL-LHC Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)
15:40 Denis Fougeron (103) A SEU Tolerant Latches Study for the RD53A Chip Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)

16:30:00 Systems, Planning, Installation, Commissioning and Running Experience

Convener: Julie Whitmore   -  Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)

Location:   Thimann I Lecture Hall

16:30 Xueye Hu (50) Development of Trigger and Readout Electronics for the ATLAS New Small Wheel Detector Upgrade Umich
16:55 Daniel Charlet (14) NEBULA Large Band Digitiser for Radio Astronomy  
17:20 Adrian Fiergolski (38) A Data Acquisition System for the CLIC Vertex Detector Readout Chip. CERN
17:45 Garrett Joseph Scott (51) Design and Results from a Front-End Board for Micromegas Chambers in the ATLAS New Small Wheel University of Arizona (US)

16:30:00 ASIC

Convener: Christophe De La Taille   -  OMEGA (FR)

Location:   Earth and Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

16:30 Mark Prydderch (21) CBC3: a CMS Micro-Strip Readout ASIC with Logic for Track-Trigger Modules at HL-LHC STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
16:55 Jeffrey Prinzie (3) A 2.56 GHz Radiation Hard Phase Locked Loop ASIC for High Speed Serial Communication Links KU Leuven (BE)
17:20 Evgenia Voulgari (16) Characterization of a 9-Decade Femtoampere ASIC Front-End for Radiation Monitoring CERN
17:45 Markus Fras (58) An 8-Channel ASD in 130 nm CMOS with Superior Performance of Rise Time, Noise and Threshold Uniformity for ATLAS Drift Tube Readout at the HL-LHC Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik (DE)


08:30:00 Production, Testing and Reliability

Convener: Alex Grillo   -  University of California,Santa Cruz (US)

Location:   Thimann I Lecture Hall

08:30 Shanshan Gao (42) The Development of Front-End Readout Electronics for ProtoDUNE-SP LAr TPC Brookhaven National Laboratory
08:55 Tomasz Gadek (13) Quality Control Considerations for the Development of the Front End Hybrid Circuits for the CMS Outer Tracker Upgrade CERN
09:20 Marius Preuten (48) Functional Tests of 2S Modules for the CMS Phase-2 Tracker Upgrade with a MicroTCA-Based Readout System Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE)

08:30:00 Programmable Logic, Design Tools and Methods

Convener: Magnus Hansen   -  CERN

Location:   Earth and Marine Sciences (E&MS) building

08:30 Sandeep Miryala (117) SEE Tolerant Standard Cell Based Design While Guaranteeing Specific Distance Between Memory Elements Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)
08:50 Jozsef Imrek (63) Clock and Trigger Distribution for ALICE Using the CRU FPGA Card Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU)
09:10 Davide Falchieri (89) DRM2: the Readout Board for the ALICE TOF Upgrade Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT)

10:15:00 Invited Talk

Convener: Alessandro Marchioro   -  CERN

Location:   Earth and Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

10:15 Dr. Boyd Fowler (197) Advances in Image Sensors Technologies Omnivision

11:05:00 Systems, Planning, Installation, Commissioning and Running Experience

Convener: Jean-Pierre Cachemiche   -  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)

Location:   Thimann I Lecture Hall

11:05 Oskar Hartbrich (73) Commissioning and First Running Experiences with the TOP Barrel PID Detector in the Belle II Experiment University of Hawaii at Manoa
11:30 Antonio Fernandez Prieto (59) Validation of the Front-End Electronics and Firmware for LHCb Vertex Locator. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES)
11:55 Yasuyuki Horii (53) Upgrade of the ATLAS Thin Gap Chamber Electronics for HL-LHC Nagoya University (JP)
12:20 Attila Racz (65) CMS DAQ Current and Future Hardware Upgrades up to Post Long Shutdown 3 (LS3) Times CERN

11:05:00 ASIC

Convener: Angelo Rivetti   -  Universita e INFN Torino (IT)

Location:   Earth & Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

11:05 Elia Conti (77) Development of a Large Pixel Chip Demonstrator in RD53 for ATLAS and CMS Pixel Upgrades CERN
11:30 Christophe De La Taille (62) ALTIROC0, a 20 Pico-Second Time Resolution ASIC for the ATLAS High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) OMEGA (FR)
11:55 Dr. Jiajun Qin (85) A 2 Gsps Waveform Digitizer ASIC in CMOS 180 nm Technology State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics, University of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
12:20 David Schimansky (70) MuTRiG: A Silicon Photomultiplier Readout ASIC with High Timing Precision and High Event Rate Capability Heidelberg University

14:00:00 Invited Talk

Convener: Salvatore Danzeca   -  CERN

Location:   Earth and Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

14:00 Stephanie Weeden-Wright (198) Trends in Radiation Effects for sub-65 nm Technologies Lipscomb University

14:50:00 Trigger

Convener: Jean-Pierre Cachemiche   -  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)

Location:   Thimann I Lecture Hall

14:50 Frans Philip Schreuder (98) FELIX: the New Detector Readout System for the ATLAS Experiment Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL)
15:15 Prof. Brian Winer (109) A High Luminosity LHC Track Trigger for the CMS Detector The Ohio State University
15:40 Riccardo Cenci (144) Development of a High-Throughput Tracking Processor on FPGA Boards SNS and INFN-Pisa, Italy

14:50:00 ASIC

Convener: Marcus Julian French   -  STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)

Location:   Earth & Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

14:50 Krzysztof Piotr Swientek (143) The SALT, a 128-Channel Readout ASIC for Upstream Tracker in the Upgraded LHCb Experiment AGH University of Science and Technology (PL)
15:15 Damien Thienpont (91) Test Vehicles for CMS HGCAL Readout ASIC IN2P3/OMEGA
15:40 Luca Pacher (93) Results from CHIPIX-FE0, a Small Scale Prototype of a New Generation Pixel Readout ASIC in 65nm CMOS for HL-LHC Universita e INFN Torino (IT)

16:30:00 POSTER Session 1 - Packaging and Interconnects

Convener: Mitchell Franck Newcomer   -  University of Pennsylvania (US)

Location:   Porter College Dining Hall

F3 Dr. Michele Caselle (75) A Gold-Stud Bump Bonding Process for Silicon Drift Detectors in Space Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

16:30:00 POSTER Session 1 - Power, Grounding and Shielding

Convener: Mitchell Franck Newcomer   -  University of Pennsylvania (US)

Location:   Porter College Dining Hall

A6 Vincent Bobillier (78) Low Voltage Powering of On-Detector Electronics for HL-LHC Experiments Upgrades CERN
A5 Ashley Greenall (18) ATLAS ITk Short-Strip Stave Prototype Module with Integrated DCDC Powering and Control University of Liverpool (GB)
A7 Esko Mikkola (160) Gallium Nitride DC-to-DC Converter Alphacore, Inc.

16:30:00 POSTER Session 1 - Optoelectronics and Links

Convener: Mitchell Franck Newcomer   -  University of Pennsylvania (US)

Location:   Porter College Dining Hall

16:30:00 POSTER Session 1 - Production, Testing and Reliability

Convener: Mitchell Franck Newcomer   -  University of Pennsylvania (US)

Location:   Porter College Dining Hall

F8 Matthias Bonora (133) Electrical and Functional Characterisation with Single Chips and Module Prototypes of the 1.2 Gb/s Serial Data Link of the Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for the Upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System. University of Salzburg (AT)
E7 Tiankuan Liu (141) The Quality Assurance of a Low-Latency, Low-Overhead, Dual-Channel Transmitter ASIC for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Phase-I Upgrade Southern Methodist University (US)
E6 Tiankuan Liu (140) The Quality Assurance Test of a VCSEL Driver ASIC for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Phase-I Upgrade Southern Methodist University (US)
F9 Katherine Dunne (173) Quad Module Hybrid Development for the ATLAS Pixel Layer Upgrade Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
F7 Nikolaos Trikoupis (72) Electro-Migration Driven Failures on Miniature Silver Fuses at the Large Hadron Collider CERN
F5 Vitaliy Fadeyev (8) Characterization of a Prototype Batch of Long Polyimide Cables Designed for Fast Data Transmission on ATLAS ITk Strip Staves University of California,Santa Cruz (US)
F6 Prof. Alessandro Gabrielli (44) A Multi-Channel PCI Express Readout Board Proposal for the Pixel Upgrade at LHC INFN and Physics and Astronomy Dep. University of Bologna

16:30:00 POSTER Session 1 - Other

Convener: Mitchell Franck Newcomer   -  University of Pennsylvania (US)

Location:   Porter College Dining Hall

A2 Tom Coates (80) DQM4HEP - A Generic Online Monitor for Particle Physics Experiments University of Sussex (GB)
A3 Mr. Olivier Duarte (81) The Calorimeter Control Card Unit Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR)
A4 Dr. Pawel Marciniewski (162) An FPGA-Based Sampling-ADC for the Crystal Barrel Calorimeter Angstrom Laboratoriet

16:30:00 POSTER Session 1 - ASIC

Convener: Mitchell Franck Newcomer   -  University of Pennsylvania (US)

Location:   Porter College Dining Hal

B3 Dr. Ganesh Jagannath Tambave (6) ALICE SAMPA-ASIC Second-Prototype Qualification Studies for LHC Run 3 and Beyond University of Bergen (NO)
B2 Mr. Bram Faes (4) Low Jitter, Radiation Hardened by Design, 2.56 Gbps LVDS/SLVS Based Receiver for Analog Time Transmission KU Leuven (BE)
B4 Mr. Hans Kristian Soltveit (19) Multi-Gigabit Wireless Data Transfer for High Energy Physics Applications University of Heidelberg, Germany
E5 Nicolo Cartiglia (171) A Full Custom ASIC for Large Area 4-Dimensional Tracking INFN
B5 Dr. Andrej Seljak (25) ASICs and Readout System for a High Resolution UV Single Photon Imagining Detector UH Hawai'i Manoa
B6 Niklaus Lehmann (32) Prototype Chip for a Control System in a Serial Powered Pixel Detector at the ATLAS Phase II Upgrade Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE)
C8 Roberto Cardella (169) LAPA, a 5 Gb/s Modular LVDS Driver in 180 nm CMOS with Capacitively Coupled Pre-Emphasis CERN
E4 Raimon Casanova Mohr (170) A Monolithic HV/HR-MAPS Detector with a Small Pixel Size of 50 m x 50 m for the ATLAS Inner Tracker Upgrade Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona (ES)
C3 Mr. Peter Orel (74) Development of a Waveform Sampling ASIC with Femtosecond Timing for a Low Occupancy Vertex Detector University of Hawaii at Manoa
C4 Dr. Chaosong Gao (90) A 4-Channel Parallel 56 Gb/s CMOS Optical Receiver for VCSEL-Based Optical Links Department of Physics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei 430079, P.R. China
C5 Ms. Pavithra Muralidharan (94) A Digital Processing Unit of a Highly Integrated Receiver Chip for PMTs in JUNO Forschungszentrum Juelich
C6 Dr. Di Guo (108) Development of 4 28-Gbps and 4 14-Gbps VCSEL Array Drivers in 65 nm CMOS for HEP Applications Southern Methodist University (US)
B7 Francesco De Canio (34) Characterization of SLVS Driver and Receiver in a 65 nm CMOS Technology for High Energy Physics Applications Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT)
B8 Ms. ANNAGREBAH Amina (36) Time-to-Digital Converter with Adjustable Resolution Using a Digital Vernier Ring Oscillator Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR)
C1 Mr. Elias Jonhatan Olave (43) MATISSE: a Low Power Front-End Electronics for MAPS Characterization INFN di Torino e Politecnico di Torino
C2 Fabrice Guilloux (60) CACTS : High-Voltage CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for Tracking and Time Tagging of Charged Particles CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR)
E3 Davide Braga (113) Design and Test of a 65nm CMOS Front-End with Zero Dead Time for Next Generation Pixel Detectors FERMILAB
C7 Dr. Quan Sun (110) A 3.2 Gbps Serial Link Transmitter for CMOS Pixel Sensors in 0.18 m CMOS Technology Southern Methodist University
D7 Alessandro Caratelli (157) Short-Strip ASIC (SSA): A 65nm Silicon-Strip Readout ASIC for the Pixel-Strip (PS) Module of the CMS Outer Tracker Detector Upgrade at HL-LHC Microelectronic Systems Laboratory, cole polytechnique fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
D6 Davide Ceresa (156) A 65 nm Macro-Pixel Readout ASIC (MPA) for the Pixel-Strip (PS) Module of the CMS Outer Tracker Detector Upgrade at HL-LHC CERN
D8 Lorenzo Rota (155) Development of a Front-End ASIC for 1D Detectors with 12 MHz Frame-Rate KIT
D4 Dr. Datao Gong (139) The Characterization of a Low-Power, Low-Latency, Dual-Channel Serializer ASIC for Detector Front-End Readout Department of Physics, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275, USA
D3 Dr. Datao Gong (138) The Latency Validation of the Optical Link for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Phase-I Trigger Upgrade Department of Physics, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275, USA
D5 Fabrice Guilloux (119) Performance of the CATIA ASIC, the APD Readout Chip Foreseen for the CMS Barrel ECAL Electronics Upgrade at the HL-LHC CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR)
D2 Wei Zhou (118) Two High-Speed Dual-Channel VCSEL Driver Central China Normal University
D1 Amanda Krieger (115) A Micropower Readout ASIC for Pixelated Liquid Ar TPCs Berkeley Lab
E1 Mr. Guido Magazzu (159) Radiation tolerant serial links for high-speed data transfer in High Energy Physics experiments INFN - Sezione di Pisa
E2 Mr. Mangmang An (167) A Low-Noise CMOS Pixel Direct Charge Sensor, Topmetal-IIa, for Low Background and Low Rate-Density Experiments Central China Normal University


08:30:00 Optoelectronics and Links

Convener: Ferdinand Hahn   -  CERN

Location:   Earth and Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

08:30 Jan Troska (83) The VTRx+, an Optical Link Module for Data Transmission at HL-LHC CERN

08:30:00 Production, Testing and Reliability

Convener: Philippe Farthouat   -  CERN

Location:   Thimann I Lecture Hall

08:30 Peter Phillips (56) ATLAS ITk Short-Strip Stave Prototypes with 130nm Chipset STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)
08:55 Pawel Marciniewski (132) A Compact Size, 64-Channel, 80 MSPS, 14-Bit Dynamic Range ADC Module for the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter Uppsala University
09:20 Evangelos Gkougkousis (97) A Combined Versatile Platform for Silicon Strip Hybrids Reliability Assessment Conseil Europeen Recherche Nucl. (CERN)-Unknown-Unknown

08:55:00 Other

Convener: Ferdinand Hahn   -  CERN

Location:   Earth and Marine Sciences (E&MS) building

08:55 Hartmut Sadrozinski (178) Timing and Position Measurements with Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors SCIPP, UC santa Cruz
09:20 Julian Maxime Mendez (130) CERN-IPMC Solution for AdvancedTCA Blades CERN

10:15:00 Invited Talk

Convener: Julie Whitmore   -  Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)

Location:   Earth and Marine Sciences (E&MS) Buillding

10:15 Hucheng Chen (188) Readout Electronics Systems for Liquid Argon TPCs in Neutrino Experiments Brookhaven National Laboratory

11:05:00 ASIC

Convener: Ping Gui   -  Southern Methodist University (US)

Location:   Earth & Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

11:05 Roberta Arcidiacono (161) Laboratory and Beam Test Results of TOFFEE ASIC and Ultra Fast Silicon Detectors Universita e INFN Torino (IT)
11:30 Raimon Casanova Mohr (152) Design and Characterisation of the Monolithic Matrices of the H35DEMO Chip Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona (ES)
11:55 Vera Stankova (151) KlauS4: A Multi-Channel Silicon-Photomultiplier Charge Readout ASIC in 0.18 m UMC CMOS  
12:20 Pierpaolo Valerio (153) A high-Precision Timing ASIC for TOF-PET Applications CERN

11:05:00 Systems, Planning, Installation, Commissioning and Running Experience

Convener: Ferdinand Hahn   -  CERN

Location:   Thimann I lecture hall

11:05 Eduardo Brandao De Souza Mendes (100) Demonstrating TTC-PON Robustness and Flexibility CERN
11:30 Gilles De Lentdecker (99) Development of the Readout System for Triple-GEM Detectors for the CMS Forward Muon Upgrade Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE)
11:55 Andreas Kornmayer (86) Integration of the CMS Phase 1 Pixel Detector CERN
12:20 Dominik Steffen (102) Integration of Intelligence and Redundancy Elements into the FPGA-Based DAQ of the COMPASS Experiment Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE)

14:00:00 Invited Talk

Convener: Christophe De La Taille   -  OMEGA (FR)

Location:   Earth and Marine Sciences (E&MS) Buillding

14:00 Marc Verdiell (199) Beyond 100Gbps High-Speed Optical Data Interconnects Samtec Optical Group

14:50:00 Working Group Power

Convener: Magnus Hansen   -  CERN

Location:   Thimann I lecture hall

14:50:00 Working Group Micro-electronics User Group

Convener: Federico Faccio   -  CERN

Location:   Earth & Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

14:50:00 Working Group FPGA

Convener: Salvatore Danzeca   -  CERN

Location:   Natural Sciences Annex

14:50 Salvatore Danzeca (204) SmartFusion2 and Arty7 radiation test results for the new developments CERN
15:05 Vlad-Mihai Placinta (205) First results on KINTEX-7 FPGA testing in mixed field radiation at CHARM facility Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH RO)
15:20 Matthias Bonora (206) Methodology, experimental testing and results for the evaluation of Kintex-7 operation in radiation environment University of Salzburg (AT)
15:35 Jean-Pierre Cachemiche (207) High speed links in AMC40/PCIe40 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)

16:30:00 POSTER Session 2 - Programmable Logic, Design Tools and Methods

Convener: Mitchell Franck Newcomer   -  University of Pennsylvania (US)

Location:   Porter College Dining Hall

A8 Matthew Kilpatrick (164) FED Firmware Interface Testing with Pixel Phase 1 Emulator Rice University (US)
A6 Dominique Gigi (96) The FEROL40, a MicroTCA Card Interfacing Custom Point-To-Point Links and Standard TCP/IP. CERN
A7 Nikola Lazar Whallon (145) Upgrade of the YARR DAQ System for the ATLAS Phase-II Pixel Detector Readout Chip University of Washington (US)
A5 Carsten Dlsen (87) Studies on the Readout of the ATLAS Inner Tracker Using Commercial Networking Hardware Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE)
A4 Joao Vitor Viana Barbosa (68) The New Version of the LHCb SOL40_SCA Core to Drive Front-End GBT-SCAs for the LHCb Upgrade CERN
A2 Jozsef Imrek (17) Design and Implementation of Custom DMA Controller for the ALICE CRU, to Optimize Data Transfer Reducing the CPU Utilization Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU)
A3 Dr. Xue Tao (46) Prototype Hardware Design and Performance Test of Readout Electronics for CDEX-10 in CJPL Tsinghua University

16:30:00 POSTER Session 2 - Systems, Planning, Installation, Commissioning and Running Experience

Convener: Mitchell Franck Newcomer   -  University of Pennsylvania (US)

Location:   Porter College Dining Hall

E4 Dirk Wiedner (184) Readout Electronics for the First Large HV-MAPS Chip for Mu3e Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE)
E3 Isar Mostafanezhad (181) A Compact Tiled Readout for Hamamatsu H13700 PMTs with 256 Pixels Nalu Scientific, LLC
E2 Lorenzo Rota (154) KALYPSO: a 1D Detector for High-Repetition Rate Experiments at Light Sources KIT
C8 Rui Gao (148) Precision Time-of-Flight Electronics for the TORCH Prototype Detector University of Oxford (GB)
C7 Wesley Smith (142) Next Generation ATCA Control Infrastructure for the CMS Phase-2 Upgrades University of Wisconsin-Madison (US)
B7 Jason Nielsen (84) ATLAS Phase-II-Upgrade Pixel Data Transmission Development University of California,Santa Cruz (US)
C6 ANNAGREBAH Amina (137) Data Acquisition Board for a Beam-Tagging Hodoscope Used in Hadrontherapy Monitoring  
C4 Fabrice Guilloux (121) Design of the New Front-End Electronics for the Readout of the Upgraded CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the HL-LHC CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR)
C5 Stephen Goadhouse (122) Design Studies for the Off-Detector Electronics of the Upgraded CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the HL-LHC University of Virginia (US)
C2 Andres Guillermo Delannoy Sotomayor (114) Commissioning Experience and Upgrade Plans of the Pixel Luminosity Telescope for Luminosity Measurement at CMS University of Tennessee (US)
C3 Richard Thalmeier (116) Electronics and Firmware of the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector Readout System Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)
B8 Dr. John Coughlan (92) The TrainBuilder Data Acquisition System for the European-XFEL STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)
C1 Philipp Horn (111) Development of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics for the HL-LHC Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE)
B1 Dr. Claudio Bortolin (12) ATCA Thermal Management Study for the ATLAS Phase-II Upgrade CERN
B3 Prof. Alessandro Gabrielli (45) Commissioning of ROD Boards for the Entire ATLAS Pixel Detector INFN and Physics and Astronomy Dep. University of Bologna
B2 Weihao Wu (40) Development of Telescope Readout System Based on FELIX for Testbeam Experiments Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)
B5 Tomoyuki Saito (52) Simulation of the ATLAS New Small Wheel Trigger System University of Tokyo (JP)
B4 Xueye Hu (49) Upgrade of the ATLAS Monitored Drift Tube Frontend Electronics for the HL-LHC Umich
B6 Mr. Liu HengShuang (76) Readout Electronics System of the CASCA Front-End Chip for the TPC Based X-Ray Polarimeter  

16:30:00 POSTER Session 2 - Trigger

Convener: Mitchell Franck Newcomer   -  University of Pennsylvania (US)

Location:   Porter College Dining Hall

F2 Mr. Federico Fausti (5) A Multi-Level Triggering System for the Mini-EUSO UV Telescope Polytechnic University of Turin, INFN Turin
F10 Alessandro Lonardo (183) The NaNet Project: Heterogeneous Real-Time Stream Processing in the Low Level Trigger of the NA62 Experiment Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)
F9 Wieslaw Iwanski (104) Functionality and Performance of the ALFA_CTPIN Module University of Innsbruck (AT)
F3 Jia Fu Low (95) BDTs in the Level 1 Muon Endcap Trigger at CMS University of Florida
F6 Mr. Johannes Wittmann (64) Data Analysis at Level-1 Trigger Level Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)
F5 Shaochun Tang (29) The Development of the Global Feature eXtractor (gFEX) for the ATLAS Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger at the LHC Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)
F8 Simon Voigt Nesbo (47) Simulations of Busy Probabilities in the ALPIDE Chip and the Upgraded ALICE ITS Detector Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (NO)
  Thiago Costa De Paiva (31) Hardware Trigger Processor for the ATLAS MDT System Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US)
F4 Atsushi Mizukami (24) Development of the New Trigger Processor Board for the ATLAS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger for Run-3 High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)
F7 Marian Krivda (9) ALICE Trigger System for LHC Run 3 University of Birmingham (GB)

16:30:00 POSTER Session 2 - Radiation Tolerant Components and Systems

Convener: Mitchell Franck Newcomer   -  University of Pennsylvania (US)

Location:   Porter College Dining Hall

D2 Aude Marie Grabas (37) Concentration Card Prototype SOLAR and Readout Electronics Principle for ALICE Muon Tracking Chambers Upgrade CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR)
D4 Peter Goettlicher (106) The End-Of-Substructure Card for the ATLAS ITk Strip Tracker Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)
D6 Timon Heim (147) A SEU-Immune Self-Tuned Pixel Chip Architecture Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)
D5 Dr. Stefan Lauxtermann (124) Development of a Monolithic Low Power, High Speed Pixel Sensor for Particle Tracking in High Energy Physics Experiments Sensor Creations, Inc.
D7 Dr. Petr Burian (163) General-Purpose Solution for Timepix3 Katherine Readout University of West Bohemia (CZ), Czech Technical University (CZ)
D3 Jeremy Blanc (71) Rad-Hard Fibre Optics Cabling Design for LHC Detectors Upgrades CERN
D8 Nikolaos Trikoupis (189) Design and Radiation Tests on a LED Based Emergency Evacuation directional light CERN
D1 Sohail Musa Mahmood (20) Irradiation Test Results of the ALICE SAMPA ASIC University of Oslo (NO)


08:30:00 Systems, Planning, Installation, Commissioning and Running Experience

Convener: Mitchell Franck Newcomer   -  University of Pennsylvania (US)

Location:   Thimann I lecture hall

08:30 Oliver Sander (165) Software Defined Radio Based Readout of Microwave SQUID Multiplexed MMC Arrays KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)
08:55 Colin Jessop (120) Prospects for a Precision Timing Upgrade of the CMS PbWO Crystal Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the HL-LHC Notre Dame
09:20 Ines Ochoa (112) The Phase-I Trigger Readout Electronics Upgrade for the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeters Columbia University (US)

08:55:00 Radiation Tolerant Components and Systems

Convener: Geoff Hall   -  Imperial College (GB)

Location:   Earth and Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

08:55 Markus Preston (150) Measurements and Simulations of Single-Event Upsets in the Kintex-7 FPGA Stockholm University (SE)
09:20 David Lynn (107) Radiation Hard GaNFET High Voltage Multiplexing (HV-Mux) for the ATLAS Upgrade Silicon Strip Tracker Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)

10:15:00 Invited Talk

Convener: Angelo Rivetti   -  Universita e INFN Torino (IT)

Location:   Earth & Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

10:15 Arjang Hassibi (200) CMOS Biochips: The Good, the Bad, and the Hype InSilixa

11:05:00 Programmable Logic, Design Tools and Methods

Convener: Angelo Rivetti   -  Universita e INFN Torino (IT)

Location:   Thimann I Lecture Hall

11:05 Mr. Balaji Srinivasan (176) FPGA Based Wireless Time Interval Measurement System with Picosecond Resolution LICET
11:25 Julian Maxime Mendez (131) New Slow Control FPGA IP for GBT Based Systems and Status Update of the GBT-FPGA Project CERN
11:45 Marco Vogt (146) Characterization and Verification Environment for the 65 nm Pixel Readout-Chip RD53A Universitaet Bonn (DE)

11:05:00 ASIC

Convener: Christophe De La Taille   -  OMEGA (FR)

Location:   Earth & Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

11:05 Fabio Cossio (174) Design and Characterization of the Readout ASIC for the BESIII CGEM Detector Politecnico di Torino e INFN Torino (IT)
11:30 Piotr Rymaszewski (136) Development of Depleted Monolithic Pixel Sensors in 150 nm CMOS technology for the ATLAS Inner Tracker Upgrade University of Bonn (DE)
11:55 Timon Heim (172) FE65-P2: a Pixel Prototype Readout Chip in 65nm Technology for HL-LHC Upgrades Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)
12:20 Thanushan Kugathasan (177) Monolithic Pixel Development in 180 nm CMOS for the Outer Pixel Layers in the ATLAS Experiment CERN

14:00:00 Invited Talk

Convener: Geoff Hall   -  Imperial College (GB)

Location:   Earth and Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

14:00 Ping Gui (190) ADCs Approaching 100 GS/s Southern Methodist University (US)

14:50:00 Trigger

Convener: Julie Whitmore   -  Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)

Location:   Thimann I Lecture Hall

14:50 Pierluigi Bortignon (185) Design and Performance of the Upgrade of the CMS L1 Trigger University of Florida (US)
15:15 Mr. Guido Magazzu (158) A Real-Time Demonstrator for Track Reconstruction in the CMS L1 Track-Trigger System Based on Custom Associative Memories and High-Performance FPGAs INFN - Sezione di Pisa
15:40 Tomoya Lizawa (166) The ATLAS Fast Tracker System Waseda University (JP)

14:50:00 Packaging and Interconnects

Convener: Magnus Hansen   -  CERN

Location:   Earth & Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

14:50 Mark Istvan Kovacs (15) Manufacturing Experience and Test Results of the PS Prototype Flexible Hybrid Circuit for the CMS Tracker Upgrade CERN

15:15:00 Power, Grounding and Shielding

Convener: Magnus Hansen   -  CERN

Location:   Earth & Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

15:15 Stella Orfanelli (105) Serial Powering Optimization for CMS and ATLAS Pixel Detectors within RD53 Collaboration for HL-LHC: System Level Simulations and Testing CERN
15:40 Giacomo Ripamonti (55) A 2.5V Step-Down DC-DC Converter for Two-Stages Power Distribution Systems Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH)


09:30:00 TUTORIAL

Convener: Alessandro Marchioro   -  CERN

Location:   Earth & Marine Sciences (E&MS) Building

09:30 Sravasti Nair (192) Advance Node Impact on Physical Design and Resulting Tool Support - Electrically Aware Design Flow Cadence Design Systems
11:15 Ping Chen (194) Designing CMOS Chips Beyond 65 nm Cadence Design Systems