6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP2017)

from Thursday 17 August 2017 (08:00) to Tuesday 29 August 2017 (21:30)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
17 Aug 2017
18 Aug 2017
19 Aug 2017
20 Aug 2017
21 Aug 2017
22 Aug 2017
23 Aug 2017
24 Aug 2017
25 Aug 2017
26 Aug 2017
27 Aug 2017
28 Aug 2017
29 Aug 2017
Welcome (until 08:30) ()
Lectures - Boris Kopeliovich (UTFSM) (until 10:30) ()
08:30 Elements and applications of Relativistic Quantum Information - David Edward Bruschi (University of York)   ()
09:10 Infrared Quantum Information - Gordon Semenoff (University of British Columbia)   ()
09:50 Gravity Wave signatures of Electroweak Phase Transition in Split NMSSM - Prof. Dmitry Gorbunov   ()
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Lectures - Dmitry Gorbunov (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)) (until 13:00) ()
11:00 Self-Interacting Dark Matter, Right-Handed Neutrinos and Small-Scale Cosmology ``Crisis'' - Prof. Nikos Mavromatos (King's College London, University of London (GB))   ()
11:40 Collider searches for DM (ATLAS+CMS) - Yoram Rozen   ()
08:15 --- Welcome from organizers ---
08:30 --- Welcome from the director of OAC - Dr. Zormpas Konstantinos ---
08:45 --- Welcome from Emanuela Larentzakis ---
Opening talk of the Conference (until 10:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:00 Great Russian mathematical physicist Ludvig Faddeev and his main scientific results - Lev Lipatov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Mini-workshop on Highly Ionising Avatars of New Physics - James Pinfold (University of Alberta (CA)) (until 10:30) (Room 2)
10:00 Perspectives on Detection of supersymmetric Dark Matter - Wim De Boer (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   (Room 2)
Special Session on QCD - Yongmin Cho (Konkuk University) (until 10:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
10:00 Pion-Dressing Effects in Nucleon and Delta Masses and Form Factors - Prof. Willibald Plessas (University of Graz)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Mini-workshop on Highly Ionising Avatars of New Physics -Prof. Nick Mavromatos (until 13:30) (Room 2)
11:00 Cosmic Electroweak Monopole - Yongmin CHO (Konkuk University)   (Room 2)
11:30 LHC Constraint on Light-by-light Scattering, Born-Infeld theory and the mass of an Electroweak Monopole - John Ellis (CERN)   (Room 2)
12:00 Magnetic Monopoles from Global Monopoles in the presence of a Kalb-Ramond Field - Prof. Sarben Sarkar (King's College London)   (Room 2)
12:30 Status of the searches for Magnetic Monopoles - Laura Patrizii   (Room 2)
13:00 Magnetic monopole searches with IceCube - Frederik Lauber (IceCube)   (Room 2)
Special Session on QCD - Hugo Reinhardt (Universität Tübingen) (until 12:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:00 Hamiltonian approach to QCD in Coulomb gauge - Hugo Reinhardt (Universität Tübingen)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:30 Quark, gluon and meson correlators of unquenched QCD - Mario Mitter   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Mini-Workshop on Latest Results and New Physics in the Higgs Sector - Maxime Gouzevitch (Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I (FR)) (until 09:25) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
08:30 Introduction to the Mini-Workshop on Latest Results and New Physics in the Higgs Sector - Maxime Gouzevitch (Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
08:55 BEH overview (ATLAS) - Clara Jean May Nellist   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Mini-Workshop on Latest Results and New Physics in the Higgs Sector - Maxime Gouzevitch (Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I (FR)) (until 10:30) (Room 2)
09:30 Higgs parameters measurement with CMS data - Anna Kropivnitskaya (The University of Kansas (US))   (Room 2)
10:00 Measurement of cross sections and couplings of the Higgs Boson in fermionic production and decay modes with the ATLAS detector - Liaoshan Shi (Academia Sinica (TW))   (Room 2)
Special Session on QCD - Christian Lang (until 10:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:30 Weyl symmetric Abelian Decomposition and Monopole - Prof. Yongmin Cho (Konkuk University)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
10:00 SU(2) Yang-Mills thermodynamics: a priori estimate and radiative corrections - Dr Ralf Hofmann (ITP, U Heidelberg)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Mini-Workshop on Latest Results and New Physics in the Higgs Sector - Maxime Gouzevitch (Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I (FR)) (until 13:30) (Room 2)
11:00 Measurements of the Higgs H(125) boson at CMS - Valeria Botta (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Room 2)
11:30 ttH Coupling Measurement with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC - Asma Hadef (Royal Holloway University of London) Asma Hadef (CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS/IN2P3)   (Room 2)
11:55 The Higgs and cosmology - Prof. Oleg Lebedev   (Room 2)
12:25 Search for rare and exotic Higgs Boson decay modes at CMS - Junquan Tao (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))   (Room 2)
12:55 Search for rare and exotic Higgs Boson decay modes and Higgs boson pair production with the ATLAS detector - Suyog Shrestha   (Room 2)
Special Session on QCD - Hugo Reinhardt (Universität Tübingen) (until 11:50) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:00 Confinement-deconfinement phase transition in two-color QCD with nonzero baryon density - Andrey Kotov   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:25 Gluon correlators and gluon effective mass in lattice QCD - Dr Igor Bogolubsky (JINR, Dubna)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
W. Greiner Memorial Session - Dirk Rischke (until 13:20) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:50 Eighty Years of Research on Super-heavy Elements - Sigurd Hofmann (GSI)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:20 Exotic Matter in Neutron Stars - Stefan Schramm   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:50 Vorticity and polarization in baryon-rich matter formed in heavy ion collisions - Prof. Alexander Sorin (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Excursion 1 (until 17:00) (1)
Excursion 2 (until 17:00) (2)
Excursion 3 (until 17:00) (3)
A Particle Physics - Victor Kim (St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute - PNPI, Gatchina) (until 10:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
08:30 What Physics Beyond the Standard Model? - John Ellis (CERN)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:00 CMS Overview - Malgorzata Kazana (NCBJ Warsaw (PL))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:30 ATLAS overview highlight talk - Lorenzo Bellagamba   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
10:00 LHCb overview - Yasmine Sarah Amhis (Unknown)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
10:30 --- Coffee ---
A Particle Physics - Alex Bondar (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU)) (until 12:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:00 Flavourful roads to New Physics - Vladimir Gligorov (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:30 ATLAS and CMS prospects for Higgs measurements and searches at the high luminosity LHC - Rainer Mankel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:00 Prediction and discovery of doubly-heavy baryon - Prof. Marek Karliner (Tel Aviv U.)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Special session on Astro-Cosmo-Gravity - D. Blaschke (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw, 50-204 Wroclaw, Poland; Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR Dubna, 141980 Dubna, Russia; National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), 115409 Moscow, Russia) (until 13:30) (Room 6)
11:00 Cosmological bounce and Genesis beyond Horndeski - Roman Kolevatov (Lomonosov MSU, INR RAS)   (Room 6)
11:30 On perturbations in Horndeski theories - Ms Victoria Volkova (MSU)   (Room 6)
12:00 Fermions from Oscillons - Dr Paul Saffin (University of Nottingham)   (Room 6)
12:30 Self-consistent calculations of supernova matter - Igor Mishustin   (Room 6)
13:00 Observation of ultra-high energy cosmic rays with the Telescope Array experiment - Dr Ryuji Takeishi (ICRR Univ. Tokyo)   (Room 6)
Workshop on continuous variables and quantum information - Natalia Korolkova (University of St. Andrews) (until 13:30) (Room 2)
11:00 Phase supersensitivity in an unbalanced SU(1,1) interferometer - Dr Maria Chekhova   (Room 2)
11:30 Squeezed light enhanced sensing of a micro-mechanical oscillator - Prof. U L Andersen (Technical University of Denmark)   (Room 2)
12:00 Highly nonlinear quantum optics and optomechanics - Prof. Radim Filip (Palacky University in Olomouc)   (Room 2)
12:30 From Quantum-Limited Measurements towards Quantum Squeezing Detection over Satellite Links - Dr Christian Ralf Müller (Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light)   (Room 2)
C Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (until 10:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
08:30 Models of spontaneous wave function collapse: what they are and how they can be tested - Prof. Angelo Bassi (University of Trieste)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:00 Nature's optics and our understanding of light - Michael Berry   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:45 Finally making sense of the double-slit experiment - Prof. Yakir Aharonov (Tel Aviv University and Chapman University)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
10:30 --- Coffee ---
S. Belyaev Memorial Session - Vladimir Zelevinsky (Michigan State University) (until 13:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:00 Some Aspects of Neutron-Antineutron Oscillation - Arkady Vainshtein (University of Minnesota)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:30 Exploring collective modes in mesoscopic systems with new techniques - Alexander Volya (Florida State University)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:00 Quartet condensation in nuclear systems. A nuclear Quantum Phase Transition. - Peter Schuck (Institut de Physique Nucleaire Orsay)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:30 Self-consistent description of particle-phonon coupling effects. Pole and tadpole diagrams. - Prof. Eduard Saperstein (NRC “Kurchatov Institute'', 123182 Moscow, Russia)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
13:00 The Gamow Shell Model - Towards the unified theory of nuclear structure and reactions - Prof. Marek Ploszajczak (GANIL)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Special session on Astro-Cosmo-Gravity - David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw) (until 13:30) (Room 6)
11:00 DAMA/LIBRA results and perspectives - Vincenzo Caracciolo (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Room 6)
11:30 Pedal coordinate, dark Kepler and other force problems - Petr Blaschke (Silesian University in Opava)   (Room 6)
12:00 Direct dark matter search with ultra-low thresholds in the CRESST-III experiment - Martin Stahlberg (Vienna University of Technology)   (Room 6)
12:30 Anisotropy of dark matter velocity distribution measured with directional detection - Dr Keiko Nagao (National Institute of Technology, Niihama College)   (Room 6)
13:00 Viable production mechanism of keV sterile neutrino with large mixing angle - Anton Chudaykin (Institute for Nuclear Research)   (Room 6)
Workshop on Exotic Hadrons - Roman Mizuk (Lebedev Physical Institute) Alex Bondar (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU)) Tomasz Skwarnicki (Syracuse University (US)) (until 13:40) (Room 3)
11:00 The X(3872) and other charmonium puzzles - Stephen Lars Olsen   (Room 3)
11:40 Z_c states observed in pipi transitions to charmonium states - Xiao-Rui Lyu (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Room 3)
12:20 Charged bottomonium-like states at Belle - Alex Bondar (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))   (Room 3)
13:00 Vector states above open charm threshold - Prof. Zhi-yong Wang (IHEP,CAS)   (Room 3)
Workshop on continuous variables and quantum information - Ulrik Lund Andersen (Technical University of Denmark) (until 13:30) (Room 2)
11:00 Quantum Frequency Combs: generation, characterization and applications - Prof. Claude Fabre (UPMC Sorbonne Universite)   (Room 2)
11:30 Continuous quantum variables: from quantum computing to relativistic quantum information - Nicolas Menicucci (RMIT University)   (Room 2)
12:00 Work is the source of gravity - David Edward Bruschi (University of York)   (Room 2)
12:30 Tripartite continuous-variables coherence and entanglement from vacuum fluctuations - Dr Sorin Paraoanu (Aalto University)   (Room 2)
C Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (until 09:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
08:30 Weak measurements and weak values – recent theoretical and experimental results - Eliahu Cohen (University of Bristol)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
C Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (until 10:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:00 Gravity in the quantum lab - Ivette Fuentes   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:45 Boson sampling, quantum simulators and the quest for superior quantum devices - Jens Eisert (FU Berlin)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
10:30 --- Coffee ---
A Particle Physics - John Ellis (CERN) (until 12:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:00 Hunting New Physics with ATLAS [ATLAS] - Vasiliki Mitsou (IFIC Valencia & CERN)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:30 Exotica searches at CMS - Dr Anastasia Karavdina (Hamburg University (DE))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:00 New Searches in High Energy Particle Physics - Alexandra Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira (UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Joint Quantum Session - Friedrich Koenig (University of St. Andrews) (until 13:30) (Room 2)
11:00 Quantum time mechanism, towards quantum spacetime - lorenzo maccone   (Room 2)
11:30 Fundamental quantum effects in the laboratory? - Ralf Schuetzhold (University Duisburg-Essen)   (Room 2)
12:00 From measurement of non-local variables to relativistic quantum cryptography and continuous variables teleportation - Prof. Lev Vaidman (Tel Aviv University)   (Room 2)
Workshop on Exotic Hadrons - Tomasz Skwarnicki (Syracuse University (US)) Alex Bondar (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU)) Roman Mizuk (Lebedev Physical Institute) (until 13:30) (Room 3)
11:00 Hunting for exotic doubly hidden-charm/bottom $QQ\bar Q\bar Q$ tetraquark states - Prof. Wei Chen (Sun Yat-sen University)   (Room 3)
11:30 Charmed states on the lattice - Olga Solovjeva (Alikhanov Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics)   (Room 3)
12:00 Understanding X(3862), X(3872), and X(3930) in a Friedrichs-model-like scheme - Dr Zhiguang Xiao (University of Science and Technology of China)   (Room 3)
12:30 Quark-Gluon Mixing in Abelian Decomposition of QCD - Prof. Yongmin Cho (Konkuk University)   (Room 3)
13:00 Amplitude analysis of the exotic states - Mikhail Mikhasenko (University of Bonn (DE))   (Room 3)
Workshop on NCG - Anna Pachol (Queen Mary University of London) (until 10:30) (Room 4)
08:30 What is the standard model of particle physics trying to tell us? - Latham Boyle (Perimeter Institute)   (Room 4)
09:10 A Noncommutative Geometry inspired GUT - Nadir Bizi (UPMC (Paris VI))   (Room 4)
09:50 Applications of non-associative geometry in particle physics - Shane Farnsworth   (Room 4)
A Particle Physics - Chi Yang (Shandong University) (until 10:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
08:50 Probing the Origin of the Proton Spin at STAR - Prof. Carl Gagliardi (Texas A&M University)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:15 PHENIX spin overview - Ralf Seidl (RIKEN)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:40 Latest results on diffraction at HERA - Mariusz Przybycien (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
10:05 Precision RENORM / MBR Diffraction Predictions Tested by Recent LHC Results - Prof. Konstantin Goulianos   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Workshop on Physics at FAIR-NICA-SPS-BES/RHIC - Alexander Sorin (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU)) (until 10:30) (Room 3)
09:30 Three-fluid Hydrodynamics-based Event Simulator Extended by UrQMD final State interactions (THESEUS) for FAIR-NICA-SPS-BES/RHIC energies - Yu. B. Ivanov (National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", 123182 Moscow, Russia; {National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), 115409 Moscow, Russia)   (Room 3)
10:00 Two-particle correlations using THERMINATOR model for BES program - Dr Hanna Zbroszczyk (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Room 3)
Workshop on Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information - Avshalom Elitzur (Iyar) Eliahu Cohen (University of Bristol) Prof. Yakir Aharonov (Tel Aviv University and Chapman University) (until 10:30) (Room 2)
09:00 One quantum shutter can close two slits simultaneously - Prof. Ryo Okamoto (Kyoto University)   (Room 2)
09:30 Novel manifestations of quantum oblivion - Prof. Avshalom Elitzur (The Israeli Institute for Advanced Research)   (Room 2)
10:00 Locality and nonlocality in the interaction-free measurement - Dr Daniel Rohrlich (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)   (Room 2)
10:30 --- Coffee ---
A Particle Physics - mikhail itkis (joint institute for nuclear research) (until 13:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:00 Jet and photon production and extraction of $\alpha_s$ at HERA. - Mr Radek Zlebcik (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:30 GERDA: first background free search for neutrinoless double beta decay - Konstantin Gusev   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:00 Future Prospects (ATLAS) - Marcello Bindi   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:30 Overview talk on upgrades, future plans and prospects of the CMS experiment at the future HL-LHC - Kerstin Hoepfner (RWTH Aachen)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Workshop on NCG - Anna Pachol (Queen Mary University of London) (until 13:00) (Room 4)
11:00 Families of spectral triples and foliations of spacetime - Dr Koen van den Dungen (SISSA)   (Room 4)
11:40 Causal relations in noncommutative spacetime - Tomasz Miller (Warsaw University of Technology)   (Room 4)
12:20 Physical models from noncommutative causality - Nicolas Franco (University of Namur)   (Room 4)
Workshop on Physics at FAIR-NICA-SPS-BES/RHIC - Alexander Sorin (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU)) (until 13:30) (Room 3)
11:00 Separate freeze-out of strange particles and the quark-hadron phase transition - Oleksii Ivanytskyi (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (UA))   (Room 3)
11:30 Probing the tricritical endpoint of QCD phase diagram at NICA-FAIR energies - Kyrill Bugaev (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev, Ukraine)   (Room 3)
12:00 New Baryonic and Mesonic Observables from NA61/SHINE - Dr Antoni Marcinek (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   (Room 3)
12:30 Flow at SIS energies - overview of SIS18 results and prospect for SIS100 - Dr Andrej Kugler (Nuclear Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences)   (Room 3)
13:00 The STAR detector upgrade and future plan - Dr Chi Yang (Shandong University)   (Room 3)
Workshop on Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information - Avshalom Elitzur (Iyar) Prof. Yakir Aharonov (Tel Aviv University and Chapman University) Eliahu Cohen (University of Bristol) (until 13:00) (Room 2)
11:00 The fascinating properties of weak values - Yakir Aharonov (Chapman University)   (Room 2)
11:45 Faster than Fourier (pre)visited: vorticulture, noise, fractals... - Prof. Michael Berry   (Room 2)
12:30 The controversy about the past of a quantum particle - Lev Vaidman (Tel Aviv University)   (Room 2)
D Astroparticle, Cosmology,d Gravity, Math Phys (until 10:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
08:30 Resolving the singularities in General Relativity - Slava Mukhanov   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:00 Core-collapse supernovae explored by neutrino transfer and nuclear data - Kosuke Sumiyoshi (Numazu College of Technology)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:30 Overview of Dark Matter Direct Searches - Giuliana Fiorillo (Universita e INFN, Napoli (IT))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
10:00 Indirect dark-matter searches with gamma-rays experiments : status and future plans from 300 KeV to 100 TeV - Aldo Morselli (INFN)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Workshop on Physics at FAIR-NICA-SPS-BES/RHIC - Peter Senger (GSI) (until 10:30) (Room 3)
08:30 BM@N experiment for studies of Baryonic Matter at the Nuclotron - Mikhail Kapishin (JINR, Dubna)   (Room 3)
09:00 Physics with the CBM experiment - Dr Volker Friese (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))   (Room 3)
09:30 Event topology reconstruction in the CBM experiment at FAIR - Prof. Ivan Kisel (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))   (Room 3)
10:00 Multi Purpose Detector at NICA: Status and Prospects - Prof. Vladimir Kekelidze (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Room 3)
Workshop on Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information - Yakir Aharonov (Chapman University) (until 10:30) (Room 2)
09:00 Quantum Uncertainty Relations and Related - Prof. Shao-Ming Fei (Capital Normal University)   (Room 2)
09:30 Quantum Mechanics is Two-Thirds Local Realistic - Dr Eli Cohen (University of Bristol)   (Room 2)
10:30 --- Coffee ---
A Particle Physics - Valentin Zakharov (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (RU)) (until 13:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:00 Searching for exotic long lived particles with dedicated experiments at the LHC - Prof. Albert De Roeck   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:30 Search for asymptotic QCD effects at collider energies - Victor Kim (St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute - PNPI, Gatchina)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:30 Gauge Theories and non-Commutative Geometry. A review - Jean Iliopoulos (LPTENS)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Joined Session of Workshop on Physics at FAIR-NICA-SPS-BES/RHIC and Mini-workshop:Correlations and Fluctuations in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions (until 12:30) (Room 3)
11:30 Pion and kaon Bose-Einstein correlations from the BES program at STAR - Grigory Nigmatkulov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)   (Room 3)
12:00 Equations of anisotropic hydrodynamics for quark and gluon fluids - Ewa Maksymiuk (Jan Kochanowski University)   (Room 3)
Workshop on Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information - Yakir Aharonov (Chapman University) (until 13:30) (Room 2)
11:00 Counter-intuitive phenomena in quantum mechanics emerging in matter-wave optical experiments - Yuji Hasegawa (Vienna University of Technology)   (Room 2)
11:30 Weak Measurements: from Measuring Non-Commuting Observables and Testing Quantum Contextuality to Protective Measurements - Dr Fabrizio Piacentini (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, strada delle Cacce 91, IT-10135 Torino, Italy)   (Room 2)
12:00 Ultrafast Optical Homodyne - Measuring the Fundamental Variables of Quantum Optics $10^5$ Times Faster - Prof. Avi Pe'er (Bar Ilan University)   (Room 2)
12:30 Quantum Cryptography with Structured Photons - Prof. Ebrahim Karimi (University of Ottawa)   (Room 2)
A Particle Physics - Arkady Vainshtein (University of Minnesota) (until 10:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:00 : Possible origin(s) of RD(*) flavor anomalies - Dr Amarjit Soni (Brookhaven National Lab)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:30 Scale hierarchies in particle physics and cosmology - Ignatios Antoniadis (Ecole Polytechnique)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
10:00 Chiral fluids: a few theoretical issues - Prof. Valentin Zakharov (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (RU))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
10:30 --- Coffee ---
D Astroparticle, Cosmology,d Gravity, Math Phys - Slava Mukhanov (until 12:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:00 LIGO/VIRGO Overview talk - Giovanni Andrea Prodi (Universita' di Trento and INFN, Italy)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:30 Status of Advanced Virgo - Dr Annalisa Allocca (Università di Pisa / INFN Pisa)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
07:00 Excursion   ()
Workshop on Future of Fundamental Physics - Sergio Bertolucci (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Frascati (IT)) (until 10:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:00 The challenges of large infrastructure physics projects in the 21st century - John William Womersley (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:45 The CEPC/SppC project: status and challenges - Jie Gao (Institute of High Energy Physics, China)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Parallel session (until 10:30) (Room 3)
10:00 Recent Tests of the Standard Model with Multi boson final states at the ATLAS Detector - Mario Campanelli   (Room 3)
Parallel session (until 10:30) (Room 5)
Parallel session (until 10:30) (Room 6)
10:00 Search for Charged Lepton Flavour Violation at CMS - Swagata Mukherjee (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   (Room 6)
10:30 --- Coffee ---
A Particle Physics - Andrzej Bozek (Krakow) (until 13:20) (Room 3)
11:00 Collective phenomena from high energy proton-proton to heavy-ion collisions at the LHC - Dr Daniele Fasanella (Università and INFN, Bologna (IT))   (Room 3)
12:00 Search for magnetic monopoles with the MoEDAL forward trapping detector in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC - Anthony Lionti (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Room 3)
Parallel session - Kyrill Bugaev (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev, Ukraine) (until 13:05) (Room 4)
11:00 Magnetic structure of vector mesons in lattice QCD - Elena Luschevskaya (State Scientific Center of Russian Federation - Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics)   (Room 4)
11:30 TBA - Mr Konstantin Astapov (INR of RAS)   (Room 4)
11:50 Excited Charmed Baryons - Dr Elena Solovieva (MIPT, LPI)   (Room 4)
12:15 Probing QCD with Photons and Jets at the ATLAS Detector - Giuseppe Callea   (Room 4)
12:40 Tracking and Vertexing with the ATLAS Inner Detector in the LHC Run2 and Beyond - Stewart Patrick Swift   (Room 4)
Parallel session - Claudio Ciofi degli Atti (until 13:30) (Room 5)
11:00 Electromagnetic field effects on ϒ meson suppression in PbPb collisions at LHC energies - Johannes Hoelck (University of Heidelberg)   (Room 5)
11:30 Low Momentum Direct Photon Measurement - Wenqing Fan (PHENIX)   (Room 5)
12:30 The measurement of J/$\Psi$ production as function of multiplicity in pp and p-pb collisions with ALICE - Ms Anisa Khatun (Aligarh Muslim University (IN))   (Room 5)
Parallel session - Marios Petropoulos (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)) (until 13:30) (Room 6)
11:00 Double Chooz double-detector results - Ms Denise Hellwig (RWTH Aachen University)   (Room 6)
11:30 Measurement of the hadronic cross sections with the CMD-3 and SND detectors at the VEPP-2000 collider - Dr Aleksandr Korol (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))   (Room 6)
12:00 Top quark production cross-section measurements - Ye Chen   (Room 6)
12:30 Critical nucleus charge in a superstrong magnetic field - Sergey Godunov (ITEP)   (Room 6)
Workshop on (Super)gravity, String theory and Related Topics (until 13:25) (Room 2)
11:00 Introduction - Augusto Sagnotti (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN-Sezione di Pisa (IT))   (Room 2)
11:10 Non-perturbative Gauge-Higgs Unification - Nikos Irges (NTUA)   (Room 2)
11:55 Supergravity solutions from the double copy - Dr Silvia Nagy   (Room 2)
12:40 Exotic branes and non-geometric fluxes in string theory - Fabio Riccioni (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Room 2)
Workshop on Future of Fundamental Physics - John Womersley (European Spallation Source) (until 13:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:00 Status and plans of the Compact Linear Collider project - Davide Gamba (CERN)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:35 Low emittance muon beam for multi-TeV muon collider - Mario Antonelli (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:10 AWAKE: the proton-driven plasma wakefield accelerator experiment at CERN - Erik Adli (University of Oslo (NO))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:45 Accelerators in the 21st century (Preliminary title, TBC) - Frank Zimmermann (CERN)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Parallel session - Peter Minkowski (Universitaet Bern (CH)) (until 10:30) (Room 4)
08:30 Low-energy K$^-$ interaction with light nuclei by the AMADEUS collaboration - Raffaele Del Grande (LNF-INFN)   (Room 4)
09:00 LEGEND: new opportunity to discover the neutrinoless double beta decay - Konstantin Gusev   (Room 4)
10:00 New results from the OPERA experiment - Sergey Dmitrievsky (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)   (Room 4)
Parallel session (until 10:30) (Room 3)
10:00 Overview of LHCf results for Cosmic Ray Studies - Dr Lorenzo Bonechi (INFN Florence (IT))   (Room 3)
Special session on Astro-Cosmo-Gravity - Igor Mishustin (Goethe University) (until 10:30) (Room 6)
09:00 Cooling of Compact High Mass Twin Stars - Dr Hovik Grigorian (JINR)   (Room 6)
Workshop on Future of Fundamental Physics - Jie Gao (Institute of High Energy Physics, China) (until 10:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
08:30 Snapshots of neutrino oscillation physics today and a preview of tomorrow - Steven Laurens Manly (University of Rochester (US))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:00 The Electron Ion Collider - elke-caroline Aschenauer (BNL)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
09:30 Recent Borexino results and perspectives of the SOX measurement - Dr Alessio Porcelli (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
10:00 Challenges and approaches of unveiling the nature of antimatter at CERN (with a particular focus on the AEgIS experiment) - Dr Lillian Smestad (The Research Council of Norway/CERN, the AEgIS collaboration)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Workshop on (Super)gravity, String theory and Related Topics - Augusto Sagnotti (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN-Sezione di Pisa (IT)) (until 10:30) (Room 2)
09:00 String Theory and the Omega Background - Carlo Angelantonj (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (Room 2)
09:45 Non-Linear Supersymmetry and some Applications - Emilian Dudas (Ecole Polytechnique)   (Room 2)
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Parallel session - Luis Gonzalez-Mestres (John Naisbitt University) (until 13:30) (Room 3)
11:00 Directional dark matter search with nuclear emulsion - Dr Takashi Asada (LNGS)   (Room 3)
11:25 Hadronic molecules in a constituent quark model - Pablo G. Ortega (University of Salamanca)   (Room 3)
Parallel session - Erik Adli (University of Oslo (NO)) (until 12:25) (Room 4)
Special session on Astro-Cosmo-Gravity - Igor Mishustin (Goethe University) (until 13:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:00 Hot and dense nuclear matter in astrophysics - Dr Constantinos Constantinou   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
11:30 Domain Walls in the Early Universe and Generation of Matter and Antimatter Domains - Sergey Godunov (ITEP)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Workshop on (Super)gravity, String theory and Related Topics - Augusto Sagnotti (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN-Sezione di Pisa (IT)) (until 13:15) (Room 2)
11:00 On higher spin supertranslations and superrotations - Dario Francia (Scuola Normale Superiore)   (Room 2)
11:45 Corner contributions to holographic entanglement entropy in AdS4/BCFT3 - Domenico Seminara (Physics Department)   (Room 2)
12:30 Primordial Inflation and Power Spectra - Tsamis Nikolaos   (Room 2)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Lectures - Alexander Sorin (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU)) (until 15:50) ()
14:30 Chaotic Quantum Many-Body Systems and Philosophy of Thermalization - Prof. Vladimir Zelevinsky (Department of Physics and Astronomy and National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University)   ()
15:10 Fragmentation of highly virtual partons - Boris Kopeliovich (UTFSM)   ()
16:00 --- Coffee ---
Lectures - Alexander Sorin (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU)) (until 17:50) ()
16:30 Advances in Relativistic Fluid Dynamics, Observables, and Applications - Laszlo Pal Csernai (University of Bergen)   ()
17:10 Fluctuations and correlations - Evgeny Zabrodin (University of Oslo (NO))   ()
19:00 Culture event and talk by Katerina Karkala in the Church of OAC   ()
20:30 --- Dinner ---
21:00 Talk history of Crete in the veranda by Emanuela Larentzakis   ()
W. Greiner Memorial Session - Laszlo Csernai (until 13:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:00 Anisotropic dissipative fluid dynamics - Dirk Rischke (University Frankfurt)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:30 Comparison of hydrodynamical and transport theoretical calculations for p+A and A+A collisions - Carsten Greiner (University of Frankfurt)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
13:00 Super Heavy Elements - experimental developments - Prof. Gottfried Münzenberg (GSI Darmszadt)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
13:30 --- Lunch ---
14:30 --- Break ---
Mini-workshop on Highly Ionising Avatars of New Physics - Vasiliki Mitsou (IFIC Valencia & CERN) (until 16:00) (Room 2)
15:00 Searching for monopoles in polar ice samples - Adrian Bevan (Queen Mary University of London (GB))   (Room 2)
15:30 Magnetic monopole production in heavy ion collisions - Mr Oliver Gould (Imperial College London)   (Room 2)
W. Greiner Memorial Session -Prof. Laszlo Pal Csernai (University of Bergen) (until 16:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
15:00 Greiner and exotic matter - Igor Mishustin (Goethe University)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
15:30 Experimental investigation of fusion-fission mechanisms for superheavy nuclei - Mikhail Itkis   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
Mini-workshop on Highly Ionising Avatars of New Physics - Laura Patrizii (until 19:00) (Room 2)
16:30 The MoEDAL Experiment Past, Present and Future. - James Pinfold (University of Alberta (CA))   (Room 2)
17:00 The MoEDAL Detector at the LHC - Dr Richard Soluk (University of Alberta (CA))   (Room 2)
18:00 Machine LEarning, Monopoles and MoEDAL - Jonathan Hays (University of London (GB))   (Room 2)
18:30 Distributed Computing for Small Collaborations - Daniela Bauer (Imperial College (GB))   (Room 2)
Special Session on QCD - Hugo Reinhardt (Universität Tübingen) (until 19:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
16:30 Form factor decompositions of the QCD four-gluon vertex - Christian Schubert (IFM/UMSNH)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
17:00 Worldline colour fields and non-Abelian quantum field theory - Dr James Edwards (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
17:30 SU(2N_F) symmetry of confinement in QCD and its observation at high T - Leonid Glozman   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
18:00 Effective locality and non-abelian gauge-invariance - Thierry Grandou (UMR-CNRS-7335, INLN, France.)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
18:30 Non-linear effect of the fluctuation for the inhomogeneous chiral phase transition - Ryo Yoshiike (Kyoto university)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Mini-workshop on Highly Ionising Avatars of New Physics (until 20:00) (Room 2)
19:00 Magnetic monopole production in photon fusion process. - Arka Santra (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))   (Room 2)
19:30 Long-lived charged supersymmetric particles and MoEDAL - Dr Kazuki Sakurai (University of Warsaw) Oscar Manuel Vives Garcia (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES)) Roberto Ruiz De Austri (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (ES)) Dr Vasiliki Mitsou (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))   (Room 2)
20:00 Concert of classical music   ()
20:30 --- Dinner and welcome drink ---
13:30 --- Lunch ---
14:30 --- Break ---
Mini-Workshop on Latest Results and New Physics in the Higgs Sector - Gouzevitch Maxime (Laboratoire LLR) (until 16:00) (Room 2)
15:00 Single Higgs production at LHC as a probe for anomalous Higgs self coupling - Pier Paolo Giardino (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Room 2)
15:30 Search for new physics in HH final state in CMS - Konstantin Androsov (INFN Pisa (IT))   (Room 2)
Parallel session - Maria Vasileiou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Faculty of Physics) (until 16:00) (Room 5)
15:00 Resonance production in Pb-Pb collisions measured with the ALICE experiments at the LHC - Viktor Riabov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institut (RU))   (Room 5)
15:30 Measurements of D-meson production in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions with the ALICE detector at the LHC - Cristina Bedda (Utrecht University (NL))   (Room 5)
Parallel session - Sergei Voloshin (Wayne State University) (until 16:00) (Room 6)
15:00 Electron and Photon ID - Tetiana Hryn'ov   (Room 6)
15:30 CMS Search for new physics in events with jets, b-tagged jets, and large missing transverse momentum in the all-hadronic channel at √s = 13 TeV - Dr Samuel Louis Bein (Hamburg University (DE))   (Room 6)
Special Session on QCD - Hugo Reinhardt (Universität Tübingen) (until 16:00) (Room 4)
15:00 The linear covariant gauge beyond perturbation theory - David Dudal   (Room 4)
15:30 Hadron Resonances from Lattice QCD - Christian Lang   (Room 4)
Special session on Astro-Cosmo-Gravity - Kyrill Bugaev (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics) (until 16:00) (Room 3)
15:00 Neutron stars equation of state consistent with high-energy nuclear physics data - Dr Violetta Sagun (Centro Multidisciplinar de Astrofisica/BITP)   (Room 3)
15:30 Strongly interacting matter in neutron stars - Prof. Alex Gezerlis (University of Guelph)   (Room 3)
W. Greiner Memorial Session - Laszlo Csernai (Department of Physics and Technology) (until 16:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
15:00 Relaxation to Equilibrium in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions - Prof. Larissa Bravina   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
15:30 Atomic physics with highly-charged heavy ions at GSI/FAIR - Alexandre Gumberidze   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
16:00 --- Coffee ---
Mini-Workshop on Latest Results and New Physics in the Higgs Sector - Gouzevitch Maxime (Laboratoire LLR) (until 19:00) (Room 2)
16:30 Search for neutral and charged BSM Higgs Bosons with the ATLAS detector - Pawel Bruckman De Renstrom (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   (Room 2)
17:00 Phenomenological scenarios to fit a possible excess in the di-muon + jets channel - Dr Luca Panizzi (Universita' di Genova & INFN (Italy) - University of Southampton & STFC (UK) - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (UK))   (Room 2)
17:30 Measurement of $Z \rightarrow b\bar{b}$ cross section and search for Higgs-like particle produced in association with b quarks at CDF - Dr Luigi Marchese (University of Oxford (GB))   (Room 2)
18:00 Search for Anomalous Quartic Photon Coupling at the LHC - Mr Justin Andrew Williams (The University of Kansas (US))   (Room 2)
Parallel session - Viktor Riabov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institut (RU)) (until 18:00) (Room 5)
16:30 Transverse momentum spectra and nuclear modification factors of identified charged hadrons in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV with ALICE - Prof. Maria Vasileiou on behalf of the ALICE Collaboration (National and Kapodidtrian University of Athens)   (Room 5)
17:00 Measurements of the CP violating phase phi_s at LHCb - Varvara Batozskaya (National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL))   (Room 5)
17:30 Fluctuations in non-ideal pion gas with dynamically fixed particle number - Evgeni Kolomeitsev (Matej Bel University)   (Room 5)
Parallel session -Prof. Oleg Lebedev (until 18:30) (Room 6)
16:30 Inclusive searches for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector - Shunsuke Adachi   (Room 6)
16:55 Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric gauginos and sleptons with the ATLAS detector - Athina Kourkoumeli-Charalambidi (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (GR))   (Room 6)
17:20 Recent CMS B physics results - Sergey Polikarpov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (RU))   (Room 6)
17:50 The Belle II Experiment - Andrzej Bozek (Krakow)   (Room 6)
Special Session on QCD - Hugo Reinhardt (Universität Tübingen) (until 18:00) (Room 4)
16:30 Stiff self-interacting strings in high temperature phase of QCD. - Dr Ahmed Bakry (Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou, China)   (Room 4)
16:55 Temperature dependence of shear viscosity of SU(3)–gluodynamics within lattice simulation - Nikita Astrakhantsev   (Room 4)
W. Greiner Memorial Session - Gottfried Münzenberg (GSI Darmstadt) (until 18:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
17:00 Superheavy Nuclei to Hypernuclei: A Tribute to Walter Greiner - Prof. Chhanda Samanta (Virginia Military Institute)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
17:30 Predictability analysis of α decay formulae and the α partial half-lives of exotic nuclei. - Prof. Nabanita Dasgupta-Schubert (Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Parallel session (until 17:50) (Room 4)
B Heavy Ion Physics Session (until 18:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
18:00 Vorticity and global polarization in heavy ion collisions - Prof. Sergei Voloshin (Wayne State University)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
19:00 Culture event   ()
20:30 --- Dinner ---
20:30 --- Dinner ---
B Heavy Ion Physics Session (until 13:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:30 ALICE Overview - Torsten Dahms (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
13:00 Overview of recent heavy-flavor and jet results from STAR - Dr Jaroslav Bielcik (Czech Technical University (CZ))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Special Session on Instruments and Methods in HEP - Rachid Nouicer (BNL) (until 13:30) (Room 5)
13:00 Overview talk on trigger performances (CMS) - Dr Silvio Donato (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (Room 5)
13:30 --- Lunch ---
14:30 --- Break ---
S. Belyaev Memorial Session - Boris Sharkov (JINR) (until 16:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
15:00 Introduction - Vladimir Zelevinsky (Michigan State University)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
15:30 Covariant density functionals in nuclear physics and their microscopic origin. - Prof. Peter Ring (Technical University Munich)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Special Session on Instruments and Methods in HEP - Rachid Nouicer (BNL) (until 16:00) (Room 5)
15:00 Lecture on Statistical analysis methods by ATLAS - Nicolas Berger (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Room 5)
Special session on Astro-Cosmo-Gravity - David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw) (until 16:00) (Room 6)
15:00 Observationally constraining gravitational wave emission from short gamma-ray burst remnants - Kostas Glampedakis (Universidad de Murcia)   (Room 6)
15:30 Relativity with a preferred frame. Astrophysical and cosmological implications - Georgy Burde (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)   (Room 6)
Workshop on Exotic Hadrons - Tomasz Skwarnicki (Syracuse University (US)) Alex Bondar (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU)) Roman Mizuk (Lebedev Physical Institute) (until 16:00) (Room 3)
15:00 Exotic Baryons at MAMI - Dominik Werthmüller (University of Glasgow)   (Room 3)
15:30 Prospects for Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy at PANDA - Johan Messchendorp   (Room 3)
Workshop on continuous variables and quantum information - Natalia Korolkova (University of St. Andrews) (until 16:00) (Room 2)
15:00 Dynamics of quantum correlations in two-mode Gaussian open quantum systems - Aurelian Isar (National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)   (Room 2)
15:20 Gaussian quantum steering of two bosonic modes in a squeezed thermal environment - Mihaescu Tatiana (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Department of Theoretical Physics)   (Room 2)
16:00 --- coffee break ---
S. Belyaev Memorial Session - Boris Sharkov (JINR) (until 18:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
16:30 DAMPING OF SIMPLE MODES OF HIGH-ENERGY NUCLEAR EXCITATIONS - Michael Urin (National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
17:00 Isospin dynamics in nuclear structure - Dr Elena Litvinova (Western Michigan University)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
17:30 Bose condensation of triplons in quantum magnets - Prof. Oleg Sushkov (University of New South Wales)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
18:00 Bose Condensate - Igor Mishustin (Goethe University)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Special Session on Instruments and Methods in HEP - Rachid Nouicer (BNL) (until 19:00) (Room 5)
16:30 The Short Baseline Neutrino Detector at Fermilab - Thomas Josua Mettler (Universitaet Bern (CH))   (Room 5)
17:00 The LUCID-2 detector - Antonio Sbrizzi (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   (Room 5)
Special session on Astro-Cosmo-Gravity - David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw) (until 17:30) (Room 6)
16:30 Search for rare processes with DAMA experimental set-ups - Fabio Cappella (INFN, sez. Roma, 00185 Rome, Italy)   (Room 6)
Workshop on Exotic Hadrons (until 19:30) (Room 3)
16:30 light exotic hadrons at BESIII - Jianbin Jiao (Shandong University)   (Room 3)
17:10 Structure of excited charmed baryons studied by pion emission decays - Prof. Hideko Nagahiro (Nara Women's University)   (Room 3)
17:40 Heavy hadron production for the study of their structure - Atsushi Hosaka (Osaka University)   (Room 3)
18:00 Strange and Charm Baryon Spectroscopy at J-PARC - Prof. H. Noumi   (Room 3)
18:40 Excited vector mesons: phenomenology and predictions for a yet unknown vector $\bar{s}s$ state with a mass of about 1.93 GeV - Milena Piotrowska (Jan Kochanowski University)   (Room 3)
19:00 “Dipole model analysis of highest precision HERA data, including very low Q^2” - Agnieszka Łuszczak (Cracow University of Technology@DESY Hamburg)   (Room 3)
Workshop on continuous variables and quantum information - Natalia Korolkova (University of St. Andrews) (until 18:30) (Room 2)
16:30 Gaussian intrinsic entanglement - Mr Ladislav Mišta (Department of Optics, Palacký University )   (Room 2)
17:00 Relativistic and Device Independent Verifiable Quantum Computation - Dr Petros Wallden (University of Edinburgh)   (Room 2)
17:30 Gigahertz quantum signatures compatible with telecommunication technologies - Matthew Thornton (University of St Andrews)   (Room 2)
17:50 Quantum advantage and fault tolerant universal quantum computing in continuous variables - Tom Douce (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)   (Room 2)
C Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (until 19:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
18:30 Would Nega-Particles Prove to be Essential Ingredients of Quantum Reality? - Avshalom Elitzur (Iyar)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Poster session (until 20:30) ()
19:30 Antiproton-nucleus annihilation cross section at low energy - Luca Venturelli (Universita di Brescia (IT) and INFN)   ()
19:30 Cylindrical symmetry: II. The Green’s function in 3 + 1 dimensional curved space - Gopinath Kamath (Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati)   ()
19:30 Experimental technique for $\mathrm{\bar{p}}$-nucleus annihilation cross section measurements at low energy - Valerio Mascagna (Universita di Brescia (IT))   ()
19:30 Gravity until equipartition of relativistic kinetic energies. - Igor Bulyzhenkov   ()
19:30 Insecurity of detector-device-independent quantum key distribution - shihan sajeed (University of waterloo)   ()
19:30 Jet-flavour tagging using deep-learning in the CMS experiment - Anna Stakia (CERN)   ()
19:30 Molecular Clouds as the Origin of the Gamma-Ray GeV excess - Wim De Boer (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   ()
19:30 muon performance - Luigi Marchese (University of Oxford (GB)) Luigi Marchese (Fermilab)   ()
19:30 Nuclear phase transition and thermodynamic instabilities in dense nuclear matter - Andrea Lavagno (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)   ()
19:30 Search for R-parity violating supersymmetry and Quantum black-holes in e+mu final state in CMS - Ms Swagata Mukherjee (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   ()
19:30 Search for supersymmetry in events with one lepton, multiple jets and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV - Anna Stakia (CERN)   ()
19:30 Search for the violation of Pauli principle at LNGS - first physics result of VIP2 experiment - HEXI SHI   ()
19:30 ttH Coupling Measurement with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC - Andre Sopczak (Czech Technical University (CZ))   ()
20:00 A-dependence of $\Lambda\Lambda$-bond and charge symmetry energies - Prof. Chhanda Samanta (Virginia Military Institute)   ()
20:00 Applications of Advances in Relativistic Fluid Dynamics to Laser Fusion - Laszlo Pal Csernai (University of Bergen)   ()
20:00 Experimental Relativistic Quantum Information with a Geostationary Satellite - Ömer Bayraktar (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light)   ()
20:00 Latest results on azimuthal anisotropy at RHIC-PHENIX - Ralf Seidl (RIKEN)   ()
20:00 New Mathematical Formulation of the Correspondence Principle - Dr Jorge Alejandro Bernal Arroyo (Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México)   ()
20:00 On bimodal size distribution of spin clusters in the one-dimensional Ising model - Oleksii Ivanytskyi (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (UA))   ()
20:00 Possible Approach to Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking via Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model - Dr Yifan Cheng (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)   ()
20:00 Procedure for event characterization in Pb-Pb collisions at 40AGeV in the NA49 experiment at CERN SPS - Elisaveta Zherebtsova   ()
20:00 Quantization Aspects of a Hypercomplex Field - Alexander Joan Cristo Juárez-Domínguez (Instituto de Física Ing Luis Rivera Terrazas, BUAP.)   ()
20:00 Search for displaced lepton jets with the ATLAS experiment - Cristiano Sebastiani (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   ()
20:00 Surrounding matter theory - Frederic Lassiaille   ()
20:00 The new CMS Barrel Muon Track Finder - Mr Georgios Karathanasis (University of Athens)   ()
20:00 The new front end and DAQ of the ICARUS detector - Christian Farnese (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   ()
20:00 Thermodynamics along individual trajectories of a quantum bit - A. Romito   ()
20:00 --- Buffet and Wine Tasting ---
21:00 --- Concert ---
Special session on Astro-Cosmo-Gravity - D. Blaschke (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw, 50-204 Wroclaw, Poland; Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR Dubna, 141980 Dubna, Russia; National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), 115409 Moscow, Russia) (until 17:00) (Room 6)
15:00 On the Butterfly Effect in 3D Gravity - Mohammad M. Qaemmaqami (Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM))   (Room 6)
16:30 Exotic events in cosmic ray experiments at super high energies: a manifestation of New Physics? - Dr Alexander Borisov (P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences)   (Room 6)
13:40 --- Lunch ---
14:30 --- Break ---
Parallel session - Vladimir Gligorov (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 16:00) (Room 5)
15:00 $f_1 (1285) \to e^+e^-$ decay and direct $f_1$ production in $e^+e^-$ collisions - Alexander Rudenko (Novosibirsk State University)   (Room 5)
15:20 Top-quark results at CMS - Luca Lista (INFN Sezione di Napoli)   (Room 5)
Session on Physics Education and Outreach - Mina Katramatou (Kent State University) (until 16:00) (Room 4)
15:00 Active Learning Teaching for Introductory Physics - Prof. Mina Katramatou (Kent State University)   (Room 4)
15:25 Trends in Undergraduate Physics Education in the US - Gerassimos Petratos (Kent State University)   (Room 4)
Special Session on Instruments and Methods in HEP - Rachid Nouicer (BNL) (until 16:00) ()
15:00 Overview talk on detector performances (CMS) - Silvia Goy Lopez (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)   ()
15:30 New Capabilities of Modern Accelerators for Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics - Boris Sharkov (JINR)   ()
Workshop on Exotic Hadrons (until 16:00) (Room 3)
15:00 Vector bottomonium-like states at Belle - Roman Mizuk (Lebedev Physical Institute)   (Room 3)
15:40 BES III future prospects in exotic hadron spectroscopy - Dr Kai Zhu (Institute of High Energy Physics, China)   (Room 3)
Workshop on continuous variables and quantum information - lorenzo maccone (until 16:00) (Room 2)
15:20 Ultrafast Quantum Key Distribution with Ultra-Broad Squeezed Light - Prof. Avi Pe'er (Bar Ilan University)   (Room 2)
15:40 Observing superradiance in a vortex flow - Mr Théo Torres Vicente (University of Nottingham)   (Room 2)
16:00 --- Coffee ---
Parallel session - Walter Marcello Bonivento (INFN Cagliari) (until 18:35) (Room 5)
16:30 Quantum scattering beyond the plane-wave approximation - Dr Dmitry Karlovets (Tomsk State University)   (Room 5)
17:00 Gluons, Heavy and Light Quarks in the QCD Vacuum - Prof. Mirzayusuf Musakhanov (National University of Uzbekistan)   (Room 5)
17:30 KamLAND-Zen 800 status and future prospects - Masayuki Koga   (Room 5)
18:00 The ICARUS experiment - Christian Farnese (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   (Room 5)
Session on Physics Education and Outreach - Mina Katramatou (Kent State University) (until 19:00) (Room 4)
16:30 The European Researchers' Night: concepts and impact - Georgios Fanourakis (Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos (GR))   (Room 4)
16:55 Learning about A Level Physics students’ understandings of particle physics using concept mapping - Ms Helen Gourlay (Brunel University London)   (Room 4)
17:20 The Hellenic Open University Cosmic Ray Telescope: Research and Educational Activities - Dr Antonios Leisos (Hellenic Open University)   (Room 4)
17:45 Opening up Greek Universities: opencourses.gr - Lazaros Merakos   (Room 4)
Special Session on Instruments and Methods in HEP - Rachid Nouicer (BNL) (until 17:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
16:30 Development of Micro Pattern Gas Detectors for HEP and Nucler Physics experiments and applications - Dr Theodoros Geralis (NCSR Demokritos)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
17:00 Electron Ion Collider: 3D-Imaging the Nucleon - Marco Radici   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Workshop on Exotic Hadrons (until 18:30) (Room 3)
16:30 Exotic meson candidates from amplitude analyses of B meson decays - Tomasz Skwarnicki (Syracuse University (US))   (Room 3)
17:10 Pentaquark candidates in LHCb - Liming Zhang (Tsinghua University (CHINA))   (Room 3)
17:50 Discussion   (Room 3)
Workshop on continuous variables and quantum information - Friedrich Koenig (University of St. Andrews) (until 18:10) (Room 2)
16:30 Counting Unruh particles - Prof. Andrzej Dragan (University of Warsaw)   (Room 2)
17:00 Mixing of positive and negative frequency waves at the optical horizon - Dr Maxime Jacquet (University of St Andrews)   (Room 2)
17:20 Autonomous quantum machines and finite sized clocks - Woods Mischa (ETH)   (Room 2)
17:40 Quantum networks: topology and spectral characterization - Vesna Berec (University of Belgrade)   (Room 2)
A Particle Physics (until 18:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
17:30 Azimutal angular correlations in high energy processes in QCD - Jamal Jalilian-Marian (Baruch College/Ecole Polytechnique)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
18:00 Coherent Diffusive Photonics - Dr Natalia Korolkova (University of St. Andrews)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
19:00 --- Concert of classical music ---
Persian poems (until 20:30) ()
19:30 What are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? - John Ellis (CERN)   ()
20:30 --- Dinner ---
B Heavy Ion Physics Session (until 13:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:30 Cosmic matter in the laboratory - the Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment at FAIR - Peter Senger (GSI Darmstadt)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
13:00 Status of the NICA project - Prof. Vladimir Kekelidze (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
13:30 --- Lunch ---
14:30 --- Break ---
Workshop on Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information - Yakir Aharonov (Chapman University) (until 16:00) (Room 2)
14:45 Opening words   (Room 2)
15:00 Ubiquitous non-local entanglement with Majorana bound states - Dr Alessandro Romito (Lancaster Univwersity)   (Room 2)
15:30 Quantum Dynamical Simulation by Quantum Walk - Yutaka Shikano (The University of Tokyo)   (Room 2)
A Particle Physics - Dmitry Gorbunov (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)) (until 16:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
15:00 The Quark Parton Model of the Nucleon - Missing Links - Prof. Gerassimos Petratos (Kent State University)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
15:30 Physics perspectives of PANDA at FAIR - Johan Messchendorp   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Workshop on Exotic Hadrons (until 16:00) (Room 3)
15:00 Threshold effects in hadron spectrum: a new spectroscopy? - Dr Pablo G Ortega (IUFFyM Universidad de Salamanca)   (Room 3)
15:30 Narrow-width tetraquarks in large-N_c QCD - Prof. Hagop Sazdjian (IPN, University Paris-Sud, Orsay)   (Room 3)
16:00 --- Coffee ---
Parallel session - Vladimir Kekelidze (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU)) (until 18:00) (Room 3)
16:30 Measurement of cross sections and couplings of the Higgs Boson in bosonic decay channels with the ATLAS detector - Nikita Belyaev   (Room 3)
17:00 Search for K+ to pi+ nu nu at NA62 - Riccardo Aliberti (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))   (Room 3)
17:30 Search for heavy neutrinos at the NA48 and NA62 experiments at CERN - Letizia Peruzzo (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))   (Room 3)
Parallel session - Nicolas Berger (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 18:30) (Room 4)
16:30 ATLAS Jet Reconstruction, Energy Scale Calibration, and Tagging of Lorentz-boosted Objects - Steven Schramm   (Room 4)
17:00 Measurements of the Vector boson production with the ATLAS Detector - Konstantinos Kordas   (Room 4)
17:30 The ATLAS Run-2 Trigger Menu for higher luminosities: Design, Performance and Operational Aspects - Arantxa Ruiz Martinez (Carleton University (CA))   (Room 4)
18:00 Unruh effect in heavy ion collisions - Maksym Teslyk (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)   (Room 4)
Parallel session - Silvio Donato (Universitaet Zuerich (CH)) (until 18:30) (Room 5)
16:30 Heavy Ions (CMS) - Jovan Milosevic (University of Belgrade (RS))   (Room 5)
17:30 On the relationship between electromagnetic curvature and acceleration of charges - Dr Yaron Hadad (University of Arizona)   (Room 5)
18:00 Beyond the phenomenology of the BCS model - Dr Dragos-Victor Anghel (IFIN-HH)   (Room 5)
Parallel session - Wim De Boer (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) (until 18:30) (Room 6)
16:30 Dark Matter searches at CMS - Annapaola De Cosa (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (Room 6)
17:00 Non-exponential decay in a quantum field theoretical treatment - Prof. Francesco Giacosa (Kielce University)   (Room 6)
17:30 Sub-leading flow modes in PbPb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV from HYDJET++ model - Jovan Milosevic (University of Belgrade, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences)   (Room 6)
18:00 Mass problem in the Standard Model - Prof. Roberto Martinez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)   (Room 6)
Workshop on Exotic Hadrons (until 18:35) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
16:30 Issues at forefront of heavy quark spectroscopy - Prof. Marek Karliner (Tel Aviv U.)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
17:15 Is there a common Ariadne thread for all Exotic Hadrons? - Luciano Maiani   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
18:00 Round Table Discussion   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Workshop on Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information - Yakir Aharonov (Chapman University) (until 18:30) (Room 2)
16:30 Pure state post-selection is universal - Lajos Diosi (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)   (Room 2)
17:00 Wave function collaspe and gravity - Prof. Angelo Bassi (University of Trieste)   (Room 2)
17:30 Matter waves exposed to the external world: Decoherence, gravity, complementarity and time irreversibility - Prof. Ron Folman   (Room 2)
18:00 Testing the superposition principle with individual trapped atoms - Dr Andrea Alberti (Institut für Angewandte Physik)   (Room 2)
B Heavy Ion Physics Session (until 18:30) (Room 3)
18:00 Correlations of anisotropic flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions at the LHC - You Zhou (Niels Bohr Institute (DK))   (Room 3)
20:30 --- Conference dinner ---
D Astroparticle, Cosmology,d Gravity, Math Phys (until 13:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
13:00 The Pierre Auger Observatory: latest results and future perspectives - Mario Buscemi (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
13:30 --- Lunch ---
14:30 --- Break ---
H. Oeschler Memorial Session - Jean Cleymans (University of Cape Town) (until 16:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
15:00 Helmut’s Oschler’s early days at GSI - Peter Senger (GSI)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
15:30 Helmut Oeschler and Particle Chemistry in Heavy Ion Collisions - Jean Cleymans (University of Cape Town)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Workshop on NCG - Latham Boyle (Perimeter Institute) (until 16:00) (Room 4)
15:00 Introduction to noncommutative digital geometry - Dr Anna Pachol   (Room 4)
Workshop on Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information - Eliahu Cohen (University of Bristol) Prof. Avshalom Elitzur (The Israeli Institute for Advanced Research) Prof. Yakir Aharonov (Tel Aviv University and Chapman University) (until 16:00) (Room 2)
15:00 Experimental realization of a shortcut to adiabaticity by synthetic Aharonov-Bohm effect in a qutrit - Dr Sorin Paraoanu (Aalto University)   (Room 2)
15:30 Statistical superdegeneracy and quantum foundations - Dr Daniel Sheehan (Dept. Physics, University of San Diego)   (Room 2)
16:00 --- Coffee ---
H. Oeschler Memorial Session - Jean Cleymans (University of Cape Town) (until 18:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
16:30 Linking the particle yields data in HIC and lattice QCD results - Krzysztof Redlich (University of Wroclaw)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
17:00 Using the Tsallis distribution for hadron spectra in pp collisions - Dr Smbat Grigoryan (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
17:30 Probing resonance matter with HADES - Dr Malgorzata Gumberidze (TU Darmstadt)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Parallel session - Sergei Voloshin (Wayne State University) (until 18:30) (Room 5)
16:30 Forward Physics at CMS - Dr Sercan Sen (Hacettepe University (TR))   (Room 5)
17:00 Standard Model Measurements at CMS - Norbert Neumeister (Purdue University (US))   (Room 5)
17:30 Ultra long-lived particles searches with MATHUSLA - Cristiano Alpigiani (University of Washington, Seattle)   (Room 5)
18:00 Search for new physics in events with two low momentum opposite-sign leptons and missing transverse energy at √s = 13 TeV - Mr Georgios Karathanasis (University of Athens)   (Room 5)
Parallel session - Andre Sopczak (Czech Technical University (CZ)) (until 18:00) (Room 6)
16:30 Top quark properties and mass measurements with the ATLAS detector - Tomas Dado   (Room 6)
17:00 Searches for direct pair production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector - Nicolas Maximilian Koehler   (Room 6)
17:30 Search for pair production of new particles in ATLAS - Simon Paul Berlendis   (Room 6)
Workshop on NCG -Dr Koen van den Dungen (SISSA) (until 18:30) (Room 4)
16:30 Noncommutative Spherically Summetric Spacetimes at Semicalssical Order - Mr Christopher Fritz (Sussex Univetsity)   (Room 4)
Workshop on Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information - Eliahu Cohen (University of Bristol) Prof. Avshalom Elitzur (The Israeli Institute for Advanced Research) Prof. Yakir Aharonov (Tel Aviv University and Chapman University) (until 18:25) (Room 2)
17:00 Logical Information Theory: New Foundations for Classical and Quantum Information Theory - Dr David Ellerman (University of California Riverside)   (Room 2)
17:30 Fundamental mechanism of the quantum computational speedup - Dr Giuseppe Castagnoli (Elsag Bailey, Quantum Information Laboratory)   (Room 2)
20:00 --- Dinner ---
21:30 Opera gala   ()
D Astroparticle, Cosmology,d Gravity, Math Phys (until 12:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:00 Noncommutative geometry at the new frontiers of theoretical physics - Michal Eckstein (Jagiellonian University)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
13:30 --- Lunch ---
B Heavy Ion Physics Session (until 15:35) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
14:30 Heavy Ion Physics (ATLAS) - Prof. Mariusz Przybycien (AGH University of Science and Technology)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
14:55 Heavy Ion Physics - Emilie Maurice (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
15:15 PHENIX Measurements of Charm and Bottom Decays - Timothy Rinn (Iowa State University)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Parallel session (until 15:30) (Room 2)
14:30 Invisible Trojan-horse attack - Mr shihan sajeed (university of waterloo)   (Room 2)
Parallel session - Roberto Martinez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) (until 15:30) (Room 3)
14:30 Initial state correlations in the CGC wave function - Michael Lublinsky   (Room 3)
15:00 Forward Physics at the LHC: from the Pomeron structure to the search for anomalous coupling - Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))   (Room 3)
Parallel session - Albert De Roeck (CERN) (until 15:30) (Room 4)
14:30 SUSY (CMS) - Alexis Kalogeropoulos (DESY)   (Room 4)
15:00 SUSY (ATLAS) - Andre Sopczak (Czech Technical University (CZ))   (Room 4)
Parallel session (until 15:30) (Room 5)
14:30 The analogy of equation of rotation in complex plane with the Dirac equation, and its foundation - Dr Mohammed Sanduk (University of Surrey)   (Room 5)
Parallel session (until 15:30) (Room 6)
15:00 Towards topological quantum computer - Sergey Mironov (INR)   (Room 6)
15:35 --- Coffee ---
16:00 Excursion in Chania   ()
20:30 Concert of classical music in Great Arsenal of Chania   ()
Persian poems (until 21:45) ()
21:00 Η γεννεση της μαζας στο αρχεγονο συμπαν (The generation of mass in the early universe) - Jean Iliopoulos (LPTENS)   ()
Excursion 4 (until 23:30) ()
A Particle Physics - Ignatios Antoniadis (Ecole Polytechnique) (until 13:30) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:00 Review of neutrino properties - Prof. Peter Minkowski (AEC-ITP, University of Bern)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
12:30 The Hyper-Kamiokande Experiment - Sandro Bravar (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
13:00 Summary of the Workshop on Exotic Hadrons - Tomasz Skwarnicki (Syracuse University (US))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
13:30 --- Lunch ---
14:30 --- Break ---
Parallel session - Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US)) (until 16:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
15:00 Measurements of low energy observables, elastic pp interactions and exclusive production in proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS Detector - Peter Bussey   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Parallel session - Ivan Kisel (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE)) (until 16:00) (Room 2)
Parallel session - Sergey Godunov (ITEP) (until 16:00) (Room 4)
15:00 Searches for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decays - Bernhard Schwingenheuer (Max-Planck-Insitut Kernphysik)   (Room 4)
15:30 Towards the first measurement of matter-antimatter gravitational interaction - Craig William Evans (Politecnico di Milano (IT))   (Room 4)
Parallel session - Steven Laurens Manly (University of Rochester (US)) (until 16:00) (Room 5)
15:00 Recent Results from T2K - Sandro Bravar (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Room 5)
15:30 The MURAVES project and parallel activities on cosmic-ray muon absorption radiography - Dr Lorenzo Bonechi (INFN Florence (IT))   (Room 5)
Parallel session - Elena Luschevskaya (State Scientific Center of Russian Federation - Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics) (until 16:00) (Room 3)
15:00 Lattice QCD at finite baryon density using analytic continuation - Vitaly Bornyakov (IHEP)   (Room 3)
15:30 Entanglement entropy in Yang-Mills theory: lattice measurements and qualitative features - Valentin Zakharov (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (RU))   (Room 3)
16:00 --- Coffee ---
18:00 Classical music (violin, cello, piano)   ()
Persian poems (until 19:00) ()
18:20 Religion, Science and Philosophy - Prof. Georgios Pavlos (Democritus University of Thrace)   ()
Persian poems (until 19:15) ()
19:00 Poems from Iran - Mohammad M. Qaemmaqami (Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM))   ()
Poems from India (until 19:30) ()
Persian poems (until 20:00) ()
Classical music (until 20:30) ()
20:30 --- Dinner ---
21:30 Concert of classical music   ()
19:00 Round Table discussion on “High Energy Physics after the LHC” (Sergio Bertolucci, University of Bologna and ex-CERN research director, Jie Gao, CEPC institution board vice-chairman and chairman of the Asia Linear Collider Steering Committee, Victor A. Matveev, director of JINR, Russia, Albert de Roeck, CERN, leader of the CERN neutrino group, Frank Zimmermann, CERN, deputy leader of FCC, John Womersley, Director General of the European Spallation Source, Moderator: Michael Koratzinos, ETH Zurich, CH)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
20:30 --- Dinner ---
13:30 --- Lunch ---
14:30 --- Break ---
Parallel session - Emilian Dudas (Ecole Polytechnique) (until 16:00) (Room 3)
15:00 Modified Navier-Stokes equation for conceptual tests of pure field physics - Prof. Igor Bulyzhenkov (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)   (Room 3)
Parallel session - Nikos Mavromatos (University of London (GB)) (until 16:00) (Room 4)
15:00 Recent PHENIX results on high-pT light hadron production - Wenqing Fan   (Room 4)
15:30 New evidence for a flowing medium - Prof. Claude Andre Pruneau (Wayne State University (US))   (Room 4)
Parallel session -Prof. Georgios Pavlos (Democritus University of Thrace) (until 16:00) (Room 6)
15:30 Quantum simulators, boson sampling, and the quest for superior quantum devices - Jens Eisert (FU Berlin)   (Room 6)
Special session on Astro-Cosmo-Gravity - Igor Mishustin (Goethe University) (until 16:00) (Room 5)
15:30 Pontryagin trace anomaly - Predrag Dominis Prester (University of Rijeka - Department of Physics)   (Room 5)
Workshop on (Super)gravity, String theory and Related Topics - Augusto Sagnotti (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN-Sezione di Pisa (IT)) (until 16:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
15:00 Cosmology with PLANCK: exploring the early Universe via the CMB - Paolo Natoli (Università di Ferrara)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
16:00 --- Coffee ---
Workshop on (Super)gravity, String theory and Related Topics - Augusto Sagnotti (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN-Sezione di Pisa (IT)) (until 18:45) (Room 2)
16:30 Quantum aspects of 3D higher-spin gauge theories - Andrea Campoleoni   (Room 2)
17:15 Recent progress on M5-branes at singularities - Prof. Alessandro Tomasiello (Milan Bicocca University)   (Room 2)
18:00 Anti-de Sitter gravity/fluid correspondence and its flat/Carrollean limit - Marios Petropoulos (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS))   (Room 2)
Workshop on Future of Fundamental Physics - m Koratzinos (Universite de Geneve (CH)) (until 17:50) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
16:30 Advances in Direct CP violation - Dr Amarjit Soni (Brookhaven National Lab)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
17:10 Overview on |Vxb| determination - Giulia Ricciardi (Univ. Napoli Federico II)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Interdisciplinary Session (until 19:10) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
18:30 Complexity and unification in Physical theory - Prof. Georgios Pavlos (Democritus University of Thrace)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
20:30 --- Dinner ---
21:30 Concert   ()
13:30 --- Lunch ---
14:30 --- Break ---
Workshop on (Super)gravity, String theory and Related Topics - Augusto Sagnotti (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN-Sezione di Pisa (IT)) (until 16:00) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
15:00 Using Numerical Relativity to explore Fundamental Physics and Astrophysics - Luciano Rezzolla (Goethe University Frankfurt)   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
16:00 --- Coffee ---
Workshop on (Super)gravity, String theory and Related Topics - Augusto Sagnotti (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN-Sezione di Pisa (IT)) (until 16:35) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
16:30 Conclusion - Augusto Sagnotti (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN-Sezione di Pisa (IT))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
Workshop on Future of Fundamental Physics - Frank Zimmermann (CERN) (until 17:45) (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
16:35 The FCC-ee study (TBC) - m Koratzinos (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
17:05 LBNF/DUNE: status and future plans (Preliminary title TBC) - Sergio Bertolucci (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Frascati (IT))   (Room 1 (Auditorium, Main Session))
17:45 Сlosing of the conference   ()
19:30 --- Dinner ---