FCC Week 2023
Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington
The ninth edition of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) Conference will take place in London, United Kingdom from 5 to 9 June 2023. The meeting brings together the international scientific community pursuing a feasibility study for a visionary post-LHC research infrastructure at CERN and is organized with the support of the EU-funded H2020 FCCIS project.
Leading experts from academia and industry will review the recent progress en route to the completion of the feasibility study in 2025 and set the near-term goals for the coming years. The physics opportunities opened by the FCC integrated programme as well as the status of key technology R&D programmes will be discussed along with the technological opportunities on offer for building new collaborative projects. The meeting is an excellent opportunity to reinforce the bonds between the FCC collaborating institutes and to draft the work plans for the submission of the FCC mid-term review to the CERN's Council later this year.
The FCC Week 2023 will follow the traditional layout of plenary and parallel sessions covering all aspects of the study: physics, experiments, machine design, technologies, infrastructures and civil engineering. Monday features a set of plenary keynote presentations with top-ranking international speakers from the world of science, industry and European affairs, offering an overview about the ongoing activities across all parts of the study and serve to inform study members about the updated boundary conditions from placement studies, the latest machine parameters and progress on understanding the physics potential that the FCC integrated programme can offer during its lifetime. Parallel sessions will focus on specific areas. Satellite meetings for UK-related projects and for the governance bodies of the FCC study will be included in the programme that is being developed. Participation of industry is highly encouraged as addressing the technological challenges of a new research infrastructure presents opportunities for co-innovation.
The work carried out in the framework of the FCC Feasibility Study will inform the next update of the European Strategy and benefit society in areas beyond particle physics. We strongly encourage submission of proposals for posters via Indico on the FCCW2023 site. Oral contributions are by invitation.
![]() | FCCIS – The Future Circular Collider Innovation Study. This INFRADEV Research and Innovation Action project receives funding from the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 951754. |
Monday plenaries: Opening Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Ian Shipsey (University of Oxford (GB))- 08:30
- 08:45
A CERN Council perspective on the FCC 15mSpeaker: Eliezer Rabinovici (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
Practical information about the conference 5mSpeaker: Guy Wilkinson (University of Oxford (GB))
Key note: Physics perspectives 1hSpeaker: Gavin Salam (University of Oxford)
Coffee break 30m Sentosa suite
Sentosa suite
Monday plenaries Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Philippe CHOMAZ-
FCC Feasibility Study Status 25mSpeaker: Michael Benedikt (CERN)
Reference implementation scenario and work with the host states 35mSpeaker: Johannes Gutleber (CERN)
Civil Engineering 35mSpeaker: Timothy Paul Watson (CERN)
Lunch break 1h 30m Santosa Suite
Santosa Suite
Monday plenaries Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Lenny Rivkin (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH))-
FCC Accelerator 1hSpeaker: Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
Technical infrastructure 30mSpeaker: Klaus Hanke (CERN)
Coffee break 30m Santosa Suite
Santosa Suite
Monday plenaries: PED Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Sarah Eno (University of Maryland (US))- 16:00
Theoretical calculation strategy 20mSpeaker: Janusz Gluza (University of Silesia (PL))
Detector requirements from physics 20mSpeaker: Michele Selvaggi (CERN)
Welcome reception 2h Conservatory
FCC-ee accelerator (FCCIS WP2): Baseline design Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Dr Angeles Faus-Golfe (IJClab IN2P3 CNRS-Université Paris-Saclay (FR))-
Layout, optics, parameters 30mSpeaker: Dr Katsunobu Oide (Universite de Geneve (CH))
Top-up injection baseline scenario 30m
The FCC-ee collider requires continuous injection not only to maximize the average luminosity but also to ensure the stability of the beams by maintaining the charge of colliding bunches. The full energy booster will accelerate electron and positron beams to the collider energy which will then be injected into the collider ring.
Several schemes are being studied but a conventional top-up bumped injection scheme has been identified as the current baseline scenario. This contribution presents the status of that scheme and its integration into the present collider lattice. Potential hardware choices will also be presented to account for realistic operation scenario as well as possible failure cases and related machine protection considerations.
Speaker: Yann Dutheil (CERN) -
Beam lifetime due to radiative Bhabha scattering 30m
A good understanding of radiative Bhabha scattering at high energy e+e- colliders is important as it might become the limiting factor for the beam lifetimes. In this talk, the impact of beam-size effects will be presented, in particular the strong suppression of the radiative Bhabha scattering due to small lateral beam sizes at the interaction points. The resulting beam lifetime limits will be discussed for all FCC-ee collision energies and as a function of collision parameters. In addition, the effects of the coherent radiative Bhabha scattering will be briefly described.
Speaker: Krzysztof Piotrzkowski (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
FCCIS WP3: Integrate Europe (I) Cromwell 3+4
Cromwell 3+4
Convener: Philippe Lebrun (European Scientific Institute (FR))-
Reference implementation scenario PA31 30mSpeaker: Johannes Gutleber (CERN)
Highway access study results 30mSpeakers: Patrycja Laidouni (CERN), Pierre Boillon, Mr Pierre Boillon (Cerema)
Railway access study preliminary results 30mSpeakers: Mr Charles Barre (EGIS), Mr Tristan Halle (EGIS)
PE&D: Physics Case + Theoretical calculations (I) Cromwell 1+2
Cromwell 1+2
Convener: Bill Murray (University of Warwick (GB))-
Precision electroweak 30mSpeaker: Christoph Paus (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
- 09:00
- 09:30
UK session: Industry meeting Kensington Suite
Kensington Suite
Convener: Richard Charles Farrow-
Welcome 30m
Brief introduction 5mSpeaker: Guy Wilkinson (University of Oxford (GB))
Welcome & Introduction (STFC and the UK ILO Office) 10mSpeaker: Richard Charles Farrow
Introduction to CERN and the FCC Project 20mSpeaker: Michael Benedikt (CERN)
Civil Engineering requirements and ongoing investigations 25mSpeaker: Timothy Paul Watson (CERN)
Coffee break 20m
Energy and sustainability issues 25mSpeaker: Jean-Paul Burnet (CERN)
Radiofrequency (RF) Systems at CERN 25mSpeaker: Olivier Brunner (CERN)
Procurement Strategy for LHC and a forward outlook for FCC 25mSpeaker: Anders Unnervik (CERN)
Q&A 10m
Lunch Break 1h
Coffee break 30m Santosa Suite
Santosa Suite
FCC-ee accelerator (FCCIS WP2): Collimation & collective effects Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))- 10:30
Technical challenges and required studies for FCC-ee BIDs 20mSpeaker: Antonio Perillo Marcone (CERN)
Collective effects 25mSpeaker: Mauro Migliorati
Electron cloud studies 15mSpeaker: Luca Sabato (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
FCCIS WP3: Integrate Europe (II) Cromwell 3+4
Cromwell 3+4
Convener: Friedemann Eder (CERN)-
Excavation materials management strategy 30mSpeaker: Luisa Ulrici (CERN)
First results from the environmental aspects analysis 30m
In the context of the feasibility study of the future FCC, the objectives are:
- To investigate the current environmental conditions for the temporary use of the soil for drilling boreholes and to investiguate seismic lines.
- To investigate the current environmental conditions of future surface sites.
All preliminary results will be presented, including stakes for birds, frogs and plants. Remarkable species will be highlighted.
Speakers: Amael Damien Paillex (ECOTEC ENVIRONNEMENT SA), Mr Amael Paillex (Ecotec) -
Evolution of the geophysical and geotechnical investigation locations 30m
This presentation will give a brief description of the locations of subsurface investigations for FCC Feasibility Study and how it's being sharpened according to legal context and environmental concerns.
Speaker: Antoine Mayoux (CERN)
PE&D: Physics Case + Theoretical calculations (II) Cromwell 1+2
Cromwell 1+2
Convener: Eleni Vryonidou (University of Manchester (GB))- 10:30
- 11:00
Latest developments in FCC Analysis 30mSpeaker: Juraj Smiesko (CERN)
Lunch break 1h 30m Santosa Suite
Santosa Suite
Scientific Advisory Committee (closed session) Bromton room
Bromton room
Convener: Andy Parker (University of Cambridge (GB)) -
FCCIS WP4: Impact & Sustainability (I) Cromwell 3+4
Cromwell 3+4
Convener: Riccardo Crescenzi-
The impact potentials of FCC on the global and regional job markets 25mSpeaker: Gerhard Streicher (WIFO)
The value estimation of a collaborative platform in a global project 25mSpeaker: Irene Del Rosario Crespo Garrido (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
The value estimation of an open scientific data and documentation platform in a global project 25mSpeaker: Irene Del Rosario Crespo Garrido (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
Funding options and integration of the FCC ee construction and operation in CERN’s financial plan 20mSpeaker: Dr Florian Sonnemann (CERN)
Joint FCC-ee Accelerator and PED: Machine Detector Interface (I) Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: John Seeman-
MDI Overview 15m
The design of the interaction region of the positron-electron future circular collider must comply with various important constraints, imposed by high beam energy, high luminosity, need for polari-zation, and crossing scheme. An overview of the MDI design will be presented with a picture of the recent updates in the layout and ongoing studies. The status of the MDI activity will be summarised with goals and milestones for the feasibility study.
Speaker: Manuela Boscolo (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT)) -
Mechanical integration of the IDEA detector in the FCC-ee interaction region 20m
The Future Circular Collider FCC-ee aims at unprecedented luminosities to be obtained with the crab-waist collision scheme. In this talk we will describe the mechanical model of the interaction region layout including its assembly procedure.
After a discussion on the requirements and constraints, we will present the engineered design of the vacuum chamber with the cooling system, the bellows, the vertex and outer tracker detectors and their integration in a carbon-fibre lightweight structure that will support also the luminosity calorimeter.
The vacuum chamber consists of a central beam-pipe (18 cm long and 2 cm inner diameter, surrounded by a cooling manifold of 3.7 mm thickness) and a 1.1 meter long chamber that extends up to the bellows.
The vertex detector comprises three barrel layers between 13.7 and 34 mm radius, covering an angular acceptance of |cos(θ)|<0.99, made of a lightweight mechanical structure supporting MAPS Silicon detectors, air-cooled and is supported by the beam pipe.
The outer tracker, located at a larger radius , is composed of a barrel section and forward disks, made of DMAPS pixel detectors. It is cooled with distilled water pipes, and covers the same angular acceptance of the vertex detector.
The Luminosity calorimeter, placed at about 1 meter at either sides of the interaction point, is a multilayered active structure, in which 26 passive Tungsten circular disks, each of 3.5 mm thickness, are interleaved with 25 Silicon pad detectors, in a 1 mm housing. Its total weight is 65 kg per side. In order to measure the luminosity with an accuracy of the order of 10^(-4) the calorimeter has a stringent requirement on the knowledge of its boundaries.
We will present the detailed structural simulations and the assembly sequence of all elements.Speaker: Fabrizio Palla (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT)) -
Progress on the IDEA vertex detector implementation in key4hep full simulation 20m
A plethora of measurements at the FCC-ee crucially depend on efficient flavour tagging and precise flight distance measurements. To achieve this, the innermost piece of the FCC-ee detectors, the vertex detector, has to precisely locate the collision vertices, while adding only a minimal amount of material to the detector to limit multiple scattering deteriorating the detector performance.
This contribution presents the progress of the implementation of the IDEA vertex detector in full simulation using the key4hep and DD4hep frameworks.
Next steps in the full simulation work considering alternative vertex detector designs and the related sensor R&D will be briefly discussed as well.
Speaker: Armin Ilg (University of Zurich) -
Mechanical model of the MDI 20mSpeaker: Francesco Fransesini
Towards mechanics and optics evaluation of the vibrations effects for the FCC-ee MDI 15mSpeaker: Laurent Brunetti (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
Technical Infrastructures: RF Points for FCC-ee Cromwell 1+2
Cromwell 1+2
Convener: Frank Gerigk (CERN)-
General Lay-out, integration update RF systems 18m
Following up the updates on RF section studies, the integration studies focus on a new integration scenario where the Collider RF elements (400MHz and 800 MHz cryogenics modules) will be installed at point H, and Booster RF elements (800 MHz cryogenics modules) will be installed at point L. The integration studies is taking into account boundaries in term of space limitations and design requirements, such as straight section length, cryogenics modules length, general services (electrical, cooling and ventilation), reserved volumes (transport, and alignment). All systems shall fit in the 5.5m inner diameter tunnel.
Speaker: Fani Valchkova-Georgieva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BG)) -
FCC cryogenics status, layout, and implementation studies 18m
Having reached the middle of its 5-year duration, the FCC Feasibility Study is now heading towards its mid-term review, which will take place in Fall’23. The aim of this study is to propose a concrete design for the accelerator, serving as input for the next ESPP Update in 2026/2027. The major layout update of early 2022, which reduced the overall length of the machine as well as its total number of access points from 12 to 8, induced a significant revision of the RF architecture layout, and its related cryogenic design. As a result, a new optimised layout was presented during the subsequent RF review at CERN in Fall’22. Finally, and more recently, the latest of the accelerator placement, presented in January’23, required a refinement of the previous proposal to cope with the newly received geographical constraints at the RF access points for the -ee machine.
This presentation will cover the three main areas of the study that have been investigated since early 2022, with placement, energy and cryogens usage optimization as main drivers. First, a significant effort has been made to provide the associated civil engineering studies with the cryogenic requirements in terms of above- and under- ground surface requirements, with an emphasis on the service caverns and the tunnel alcoves. The proposed update of the cryogenic infrastructure, layout, implementation and process will then be addressed (including first cryogenic process study for the RF modules), taking into consideration the most recent update of the accelerator placement and inherent geometry of the RF access points. The related cryogenic needs in terms of electrical power supply and water cooling will be covered. Tentative timeline and upcoming objectives for the end of the feasibility study will be presented.
Speaker: Boyan-Kaloyanov Naydenov Popov (CERN) -
Powering of RF systems – Power converters and infrastructure 18m
The RF systems of the FCCee are expected to be the primary consumers of power and energy. Moreover, the staged approach, ranging from Z to TTbar, necessitates modifications in the RF production method involving klystrons and solid-state devices, posing challenges for the powering infrastructure.
This presentation will outline the RF powering requirements for each stage, including power levels, voltage levels, and system locations. Solutions will be discussed, including the location and general concepts of power converters, as well as power distribution aspects.
Specifically, a centralized and modular power converter solution for high voltage powering of klystrons will be presented, with smaller components installed in the klystron gallery to minimize overall capital expenditure (CAPEX) costs.
Speaker: Davide Aguglia (CERN) -
Cooling & ventilation for RF systems, surface and klystron galleries 18m
The FCC RF areas will be a major challenge from a cooling and ventilation point of view, as these points contain the highest concentration of thermal loads in the entire FCC complex. The total thermal load will depend primarily on the efficiency of the klystrons (currently being upgraded) and of the cryogenic systems. The location of the cryogenic systems will also determine the number and configuration of the cooling circuits. In addition, depending on the water circuit overall heat transfer coefficient, part of the heat load will be taken by the ventilation system. This presentation addresses these and other issues and serves as an in-depth look at the cooling and ventilation systems present at the RF points.
Speaker: Inigo Martin Melero (CERN) -
RF string or continous cryomodule, impact on infrastructure and recory time 18mSpeaker: Vittorio Parma (CERN)
International Steering Committee: (Closed session) Cromwell 6 (CERN)
Cromwell 6
Convener: Fabiola Gianotti (CERN) -
Coffee break 30m Santosa Suite
Santosa Suite
FCCIS WP4: Impact & Sustainability (II) Cromwell 3+4
Cromwell 3+4
Convener: Prof. Maria Loureiro (University of Santiago de Compostela)-
Results of the regional impact pathways in relation to high-tech procurement activities 30mSpeaker: Gabriele Piazza
The public good value of FCC 30mSpeaker: Francesco Giffoni
Overview of the FCC socio-economic impacts 30m
This presentation provides an update on the results of the socio-economic impact analysis of the FCC-ee infrastructure. It draws from extensive research conducted between March 2020 and April 2023 by a collaboration of economists, data scientists, engineers, and policy analysts. The benefits expected to be generated during the FCC project construction and operation phases are identified and quantified to shove the long-term contribution to society of FCC-ee.
Speakers: Dr Emanuela Sirtori (CSIL), Johannes Gutleber (CERN)
Joint FCC-ee Accelerator and PED: Machine Detector Interface (II) Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Manuela Boscolo (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))- 15:30
Beam Losses in the MDI 15mSpeaker: Giacomo Broggi (Sapienza Università di Roma e INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
Synchrotron radiation background studies 20m
The FCC-ee is a high-luminosity circular electron-positron which will have beam energies ranging from 45.6 ($\rm{Z}$ mode) to 182.5 GeV ($\rm{t\bar{t}}$ mode). In this presentation, the synchrotron radiation sources associated to each operating energy are described. The performances of the synchrotron radiation collimation scheme are detailed including the contribution from particles in the tails of the transverse beam distribution. Finally, an estimation of the synchrotron radiation background due to off-axis injection is also provided.
Speaker: Kevin Daniel Joel Andre (CERN) -
Detector background simulations 20mSpeaker: Andrea Ciarma (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
Beamstrahlung dump and radiation levels in the experiment IRs 15m
This talk will provide an overview of the radiation environment and dose studies for the experimental Interaction Region (IR) of FCC-ee. In particular, first considerations and studies for the photon (Beamstrahlung) dump will be presented.
Speakers: Alessandro Frasca (University of Liverpool (GB)), Dr Giuseppe Lerner (CERN)
Technical Infrastructures: Integration and Cooling Cromwell 1+2
Cromwell 1+2
Convener: Klaus Hanke (CERN)-
Integration update tunnel and arcs, caverns, service caverns, etc. 22m
After collecting updated requirements from the different stakeholders (cooling, HVAC, electrical supply, transport, safety systems, and machine systems), the integration studies evolved into optimizing the space in the underground infrastructures. The 3D integration models, and layout configurations were updated wrt these updated requirements for the FCC into the tunnel and the arcs, the experimental and service caverns, and the technical underground infrastructure.
Speaker: Fani Valchkova-Georgieva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BG)) -
Alcoves requirement and integration, cabling concept 22m
The present base line features a 91 km circumference tunnel with eight access points. There will be a number of alcoves distributed around the ring, used to host equipment that needs to be shielded from radiation (e.g. racks, power supplies …) and aimed to deserve a part of FCC tunnel.
In 2022 the known requirements of the systems expected to be installed in the alcoves have been identified and allowed to determine their surface and the recurrence. The analysis of the cabling from the alcoves along the tunnel has been approached as well.
The aim of this presentation is to provide a feedback on the outcome of the studies of the alcoves, and to present the preliminary evaluation of the impact of cabling on the tunnel in terms of space occupancy.Speaker: Charline Marcel (CERN) -
General layout and update of cooling and ventilation systems for arcs 22mSpeaker: Guillermo Peon (CERN)
Heat recovery perspectives 22mSpeaker: Guillermo Peon (CERN)
International Collaboration Board: (Closed session) Cromwell 1+2
Cromwell 1+2
Convener: Philippe CHOMAZ
FCC-ee accelerator (FCCIS WP2): Optics correction and tuning Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Stewart Takashi Boogert (University of London (GB))-
Beam instrumentation for FCC-ee 25m
This talk will present an overview on the beam instrumentation for the FCCee accelerator complex. The specifications and main challenges for the FCCee beam instrumentation will be discussed. A status on the on-going R&D activities will be also reported, together with the plans for future studies.
Speaker: Thibaut Lefevre (CERN) -
Tolerances & BBA strategy 15mSpeaker: Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
- 09:10
Optics measurements & BB alignment 20mSpeaker: Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN)
Simulations of IR tuning 15m
n this talk, we will discuss the critical role of insertion region (IR) tuning tools in the successful simulation and operation of the FCC. Due to the complex design and challenging nature of the FCC, these tools are essential for achieving sufficient luminosity and machine stability. Collaboration with experts in the field is important for designing effective IR tuning tools that meet the requirements of the FCC. The talk will provide an overview of the current status of IR tuning studies.
Speaker: Leon Van Riesen-Haupt (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
FCCIS WP5 (Leverage & Engage): FCC local communication activities Kensington Suite
Kensington Suite
Convener: Friedemann Eder (CERN)-
FCC local communication strategy & progress 20mSpeaker: Andrea Perez Fernandez (CERN)
Developing a territorial communications strategy 20mSpeaker: Domitille Arrivet
Stakeholder engagement strategies 20mSpeaker: Mr Iacopo Faggiani (TELT)
RAL discussing local communications strategy 20mSpeaker: Sophy Palmer (STFC)
Q&A 10m
PE&D: Detector requirements from Physics (I) Cromwell 1+2
Cromwell 1+2
Convener: Andrew Pilkington (University Of Manchester)-
General Higgs performance overview 15mSpeaker: Jan Eysermans (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
Higgs mass, sigma(ZH) and self-coupling 15mSpeaker: Louis Portales (CNRS/IN2P3 - LLR, École Polytechnique)
Higgs hadronic couplings and Higgs to invisible 15mSpeaker: Loukas Gouskos (CERN)
In-situ determination of acceptances 22mSpeaker: Patrick Janot (CERN)
Heavy quark electroweak measurements 22mSpeaker: Lars Rohrig (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
Technology R&D Cromwell 3+4
Cromwell 3+4
Convener: Bernhard Auchmann (PSI/CERN)-
Status of the FCC-ee booster and collider magnet developments 40m
The inter-beam distance in the collider arcs has recently been increased to accommodate the latest design of the SR absorbers in the dipoles. This has led to a modification of the magnet designs, taking advantage of the larger distance between apertures to try minimizing both the aperture coupling in the quadrupoles, and the saturation in the sextupoles.
The presentation will summarize the status of the collider magnet designs, exploring also the possible benefits of reducing the apertures on the power consumption, as well as the status of the booster magnet designs, based on the latest specifications from the beam dynamics studies.Speakers: Carl Jaermyr Eriksson (CERN), Jeremie Bauche (CERN), Luke Von Freeden (CERN), farhad saeidi (ILSF/IPM) -
The FCC-ee HTS4 project: study of superconducting short straight sections for FCC-ee 25m
The FCC-ee HTS4 project studies the possibility of replacing all (warm) short straight sections of FCC-ee with superconducting ones. There are about 2900 short straight sections in the arcs of FCC-ee housing arc quadrupoles, sextupoles and various corrector magnets. In the conceptual design report design, all these magnets are normal-conducting with an important footprint in the overall electrical energy consumption of the accelerator. By replacing these magnets with state-of-the-art high-temperature superconducting ones we can reduce energy consumption for these systems by about 90% at top energies. We will also increase luminosity by about 7%, by increasing the packing factor of the accelerator, and reduce top energy RF voltage by a similar amount. It is envisaged to cool these short straight sections using a dry cryocooling system operating at around 40 K. A ground-breaking cold power supply is also studied with our sister project FCC-ee-CPES.
Speaker: m Koratzinos (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH)) -
Brookhaven National Lab magnet capabilities and projects 25m
From the time of the Brookhaven Summer Study in the summer of 1968 to the present day, Brookhaven National Laboratory’s (BNL’s) Magnet Division has developed advanced technology in support of science and US industry. Magnet Division is a world class magnet development facility which can provide full solutions from modeling, design, robust magnet engineering, and state of the art magnet prototyping and testing. Currently Magnet Division plays a significant role in the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) magnet design and the Accelerator Upgrade project. BNL’s Magnet Division is utilizing its unique direct wind technology for the construction of many of the EIC interaction region (IR) magnets, a magnet design and fabrication technique that allows the production of highly precise field quality magnets and that enables the highly compact IR needed by the EIC. These unique capabilities may also play a critical role in the development of the IR for the future FCC-ee and other future colliders. This talk will give an overview of the many capabilities and magnet projects currently underway at BNL, and the potential synergies with the FCC.
Speaker: Kathleen Amm
Coffee break 30m Santosa Suite
Santosa Suite
FCC-ee injector: Injector (I) Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Barbara Dalena (CEA-Irfu & Université Paris-Saclay (FR))-
Full-energy booster 20mSpeaker: Dr Antoine Chance (CEA Irfu)
Pre-injector baseline and options 20m
In this contribution we will give an overview of the pre-injector complex by introducing the baseline and the different options studied in recent months.
Speaker: Paolo Craievich -
Positron production, capture and acceleration until the damping ring 15mSpeaker: Dr Iryna Chaikovska (CNRS/IJCLab)
Design of the FCC-ee positron source target: current status & challenges 15m
The FCC-ee positron source target is the device in charge of generating particles (i.e. positrons) by colliding a high intensity primary electron beam on it, which produces gamma rays and triggers the pair production mechanism.
At a design level, the positron target presents two main challenges: i) a high-energy deposition density due partly to a small incident beam size and ii) the integration of equipment to accelerate and capture the produced positrons in a limited space. The following talk will focus on the first challenge. To this end, the selected material for the target is tungsten, due to its high Z number and its remarkable thermomechanical properties at high temperatures. However, a specific cooling circuit must be included in the design to properly dissipate the thermal power produced by the beam impact. Once the resulting thermal field is calculated, the associated thermo-mechanical stresses are obtained, which must be within the safety limits of the material.
To sum up, an overview of the positron source target's status will be provided together with the following R&D steps to continue the project.
Speaker: Ramiro Francisco Mena Andrade -
Damping ring and transfer lines for the FCC-ee pre-injector complex 15m
The Future Circular Collider project is built around two main pillars: the construction of 100 km lepton collider running at increasing energies from the Z-pole to the t-tbar threshold (FCC-ee) followed by a hadron collider in the same tunnel (FCC-hh) to explore unprecedented energy frontier.
The realization of FCC-ee relies on a very challenging injector complex that should provide the highest ever realized source of positrons, which will serve the first phase of the collider operations (Z-pole). In this contribution the relevant aspects related to the damping of the high-emittance beam coming from the positron source and the transport of the damped beam within the different LINACs of the injector complex are presented and discussed.Speaker: Catia Milardi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
FCCIS WP5 (Leverage & Engage): FCC global communication activities Kensington Suite
Kensington Suite
Convener: Matthew Chalmers (CERN)-
Communication challenges for complex projects: the ITER experience 20mSpeaker: Mr Laban Coblentz (ITER)
SKA's communications strategy: challenges and perspectives 20mSpeaker: Mr William Garnier (SKA)
Reflections on CERN's and ESA's communications strategies (tbc) 20mSpeaker: Arnaud Marsollier (CERN)
Towards a communications strategy for FCC 20mSpeaker: Mr Markus Mooslechner
Future magnet developments Cromwell 3+4
Cromwell 3+4
Convener: Mike Lamont (CERN)-
Future HFM R&D directions 30mSpeaker: Bernhard Auchmann (PSI/CERN)
US high-field magnet program 30mSpeaker: Soren Prestemon
- 11:30
PE&D: Detector requirements from Physics (II) Cromwell 1+2
Cromwell 1+2
Convener: Elizabeth Brost (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))-
Detector requirements from B to K* tau tau 15mSpeaker: Tristan Miralles (Université Clermont Auvergne (FR))
Prospects for b to snunu and requirements on the detector 15mSpeaker: Matthew William Kenzie (University of Warwick (GB))
Detector requirements from Tau physics 15mSpeaker: Alberto Lusiani (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN, sezione di Pisa)
Detector requirements from BSM: long-lived signatures 22mSpeaker: Sarah Louise Williams (University of Cambridge (GB))
Detector requirements from BSM: prompt signatures 22mSpeaker: Nicolo Valle (INFN Sezione di Pavia (IT))
Lunch break 1h 30m Santosa Suite
Santosa Suite
Civil Engineering Cromwell 1+2
Cromwell 1+2
Convener: John Andrew Osborne (CERN)-
FCC underground civil engineering update 30m
This talk will provide an update on the latest civil engineering design of the FCC feasibility study. It will cover a range of topics, including the latest sub-surface structures, the progress of the construction schedule and cost study, and the geotechnical site investigations that will be carried out to assess the feasibility of the project.
Speakers: Liam Bromiley (CERN), Ms Liliana Florez (ILF) -
Preliminary layouts and designs for two of the FCC surface sites 30m
This presentation will present the outcomes of the collaboration between CERN and Fermilab (US Department of Energy) for the design and preparation of 3D models for one experiment (Point A) and one technical (Point B) of the FCC surface sites. The presentation will discuss the various inputs considered to demonstrate the feasibility and adaptability of the two surface sites in accordance with technical, environmental, and urban constraints. It will also provide some thoughts for future studies on the FCC buildings.
Speakers: Damian Dockery (FNAL), Andrew Federowicz (FNAL), Brian Rubik (FNAL) -
FCC subsurface investigations into areas of geological uncertainty 30m
This presentation will give an update on the subsurface site investigations planned for 2024 and 2025 in the areas of highest geological uncertainty on the proposed future alignment of the FCC.
Beginning briefly by presenting why having a robust 3D geological subsurface model is essential for civil engineering studies, it will go on to describe the level of detail and certainty in the current models as well as highlight where the most uncertainties lie. It will then introduce the types of subsurface investigations planned and present a summary of each of the eight individual sectors describing what CERN is hoping to achieve by carrying out investigations in these areas. The presentation will conclude by describing how results from the investigations will be incorporated into the civil engineering cost and schedule update and will briefly outline the next steps for subsequent future investigations.Speakers: Ms Lucy Rew (EGIS), Roddy Cunningham (CERN)
FCCIS WP5 (Leverage & Engage): Scientific writing Cromwell 6
Cromwell 6
Scientific writing part 1 20mSpeaker: Katherine Arundell (Springer Nature)
- 13:50
Round table discussion 50m
Joint FCC-ee Accelerator and PED: EPOL (I) Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN)-
Introduction to EPOL WG and overview 4mSpeaker: Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN)
Compton polarimeter 21m
A status report of the Compton polarimeter will be provided along with relevant challenges.
Speaker: Aurelien Martens (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) -
Polarisation studies 21mSpeaker: Yi Wu (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
Spin based beam energy measurements 21m
The Future Circular electron-positron collider, FCC-ee, will require precise measurement of its beam energy. The proposed method of resonant depolarization has been successfully used at the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for a long time. With a high amount of available machine physics days, short polarization times and flexible beam conditions, KARA provides a unique opportunity for in-depth systematic studies of the characteristics of this measurement technique. This presentation summarizes the resonant spin polarization efforts at KARA and discusses possible areas for future studies.
Speakers: Bastian Haerer, Edmund Blomley -
Center-of-mass energy shifts 21mSpeaker: Alain Blondel (Universite de Geneve (CH))
Joint FCC-ee Accelerator and PED: Machine Detector Interface (III) Kensington Suite
Kensington Suite
Convener: Kathleen Amm-
SC IR magnets system 20mSpeaker: Brett Parker (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
Magnet design for beamstrahlung photons extraction line 20mSpeaker: Carl Jaermyr Eriksson (CERN)
Preliminary design study of interaction region crab sextupole for FCC-ee collider 20m
The new Future Circular Colliders (FCC), including high-luminosity e⁺e⁻ collider, exploits the crab waist interaction scheme at interaction region (IR) with a beam crossing angle of 30 mrad. The small values of the beta functions at the interaction point requires strong and thin crab sextupole pair for chromaticity correction. Their location between 250 m and 700 m from the interaction region, makes helium bath cooling impractical and dry conduction-cooled sextupole magnet could be an attractive alternative.
For the energy sawtooth and energy scan scenario beyond 182.5 GeV, the required maximum sextupole magnet bore field is 4.72 T at 35 mm radius or a strength of 3850 T/m2 over a magnetic length of 350 mm. Low and high temperature superconductor (LTS and HTS) magnets are viable potential options for such operating field.The HTS option, operating at 10-20 K, requires a simpler conduction cooling setup, and lower power than LTS, operating at around 4 K. Over the last decade, HTS ReBCO coated tape conductors (CC) benefited from substantial price to performance and long lengths availability improvements. Therefore, they are increasingly attractive for building the next generation of energy-efficient high-field magnets that are conduction cooled.
The alternative design options of construction of the cryogen-free conduction-cooled IR crab sextupole will be presented. The preliminary design focuses on the magnetic cross section optimisation for both LTF and HTS conductors and the proposed mechanical structure based on ReBCO tape racetrack winding. A first coil quench protection scheme is proposed and assessed as function of the winding manufacture choices.Index Terms— ReBCO, HTS, cryogen-free conduction cooling, cryocooler-cooled superconducting magnet, high magnetic field, reinforced racetrack coil.
Speaker: Dr Arnaud Pascal Foussat (CERN) -
Alignment systems propositions to face the FCC-ee MDI challenges 15m
The FCC-ee will implement a crab-waist configuration, implying a very dense Machine Detector Interface (MDI), having accelerator components to be placed inside the detector. For the moment, a very elegant but complex design raises challenges, especially regarding the conditions near the components requiring alignment. Alignment sensors will need to be installed and operate in cryogenic temperature, radiations, and magnetic fields etc. while being very compact and accurate enough to fulfil the requirements. This presentation will underline propositions for alignment systems to be used in the MDI, including a new in-line multiplexed and distributed Frequency Scanning Interferometry (IMD-FSI), to monitor the shape of the assembly. Ongoing studies, developments and remaining challenges are also mentioned.
Speaker: Mr Leonard Watrelot (CNAM - Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (FR)) -
Challenges for the IR BPMs 15m
The FCC-ee beam position monitors (BPM) is a non-invasive beam diagnostics system which consists out of ~2000 BPM pickups in each of the two main rings, plus read-out electronics and infrastructure. While most BPM pickups are located in the arcs, rigidly fixed at the quadrupole magnets, 3+3 BPMs are located in each of the interaction regions (IR) with particular challenging real-estate, integration and alignment constraints. This contribution tries to highlight those points for further discussion and R&D, however, will also give a brief overview on the overall FCC-ee BPM system.
Speaker: Manfred Wendt (CERN)
Technology R&D: SRF directions for R&D Cromwell 3+4
Cromwell 3+4
Convener: Ursula Helga Van Rienen-
The SRF system options for FCC-ee 5mSpeaker: Franck Peauger (CERN)
SRF perspectives in UK 18mSpeaker: Dr Oleg Malyshev (UKRI/STFC Daresbury Laboratory)
SRF studies at JLAB 18mSpeaker: Anne-Marie Valente-Feliciano
Review of cavities developments towards FCC 18mSpeaker: Akira Miyazaki (Uppsala University (SE))
R&D towards an 800 MHz cryomodule 18m
As FCC-ee reconfigures to reach higher and higher energies, many 800 MHz SRF cavity cryomodules are planned for installation in the tunnel. In this presentation, we discuss some R&D activities at Fermilab related to these cryomodules. We present relevant R&D towards achieving high Q0 in cavities in this frequency range and at operating gradients relevant for the FCC-ee specification, including treatment and testing of 800 MHz cavities built by Jefferson Lab. We also discuss cryomodule design, particularly in relation to PIP-II cryomodules with similar frequency. Finally, we discuss recent relevant SRF cryomodule production experience at Fermilab.
Speaker: Sam Posen
Coffee break 30m Santosa Suite
Santosa Suite
UK session Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Prof. Dave Newbold (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB))-
Square Kilometre Array Observatory 30mSpeaker: Prof. Anna Scaife (University of Manchester)
- 16:00
- 16:30
Governance (closed session) Cromwell 6
Cromwell 6
Reception 45m Barry Rooms (The National Gallery)
Barry Rooms
The National Gallery
Conference dinner 2h 30m Wohl Room (The National Gallery)
Wohl Room
The National Gallery
Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN
FCC-ee injector: Injector (II) Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Conveners: Heung-Sik Kang, 흥식 강-
Linac beam dynamics 20m
Several linacs will bring the beam energy up to the nominal initial booster energy of 20 GeV. This will be achieved in several sections. The electron linac, from the exit of the gun section at 200 MeV up to 1.54 GeV will increase the bunch energy to 6 GeV, the common linac, where both electrons and positrons will travel, from 1.54 GeV up to 6 GeV, and the high energy linac to the final 20 GeV. We considered several options to reach the target parameters requested by the booster in terms of energy spread, bunch length, and emittance growth as well. In this presentation we will show the different configurations that we investigated including some considerations on the energy compressor, realistically installed in the transverse line from the linac exit to the booster. We will finally show the configuration to be used as a baseline for the pre-injector, which allow satisfying all the booster requests with some margin and the possibility of independently tune the final parameters.
Speaker: Simona Bettoni (Paul Scherrer Institut) -
Layout and design of positron and electron linacs up to 20 GeV 20m
Layout and design of positron and electron linacs up to 20 GeV will be presented and discussed including the baseline and alternative options.
Speaker: Alexej Grudiev (CERN) -
SPS pre-booster option 20mSpeaker: Hannes Bartosik (CERN)
- 09:30
Joint FCC-ee Accelerator and PED: EPOL (II) Cromwell 1+2
Cromwell 1+2
Convener: Dr Angeles Faus-Golfe (IJClab IN2P3 CNRS-Université Paris-Saclay (FR))-
Depolarizer for the FCC-ee 22mSpeaker: Ivan Koop (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))
The challenges of collision-energy calibration above the Z pole 22m
Many key measurements at FCC-ee, such as the determination of the W-boson and top-quark mass and widths, require excellent knowledge of the collision energy. Resonant depolarisation, which will be the principal tool for calibration of the beam energy at the Z pole, will be much more demanding in the W+W- regime, and impossible at higher energies. Related challenges exist for the measurement of certain properties of the Higgs boson. These challenges are reviewed, and strategies proposed by which they may be overcome.
Speaker: Guy Wilkinson (University of Oxford (GB)) -
Monochromatisation optics for FCC-ee lattices 22mSpeaker: Zhandong Zhang (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
The roadmap to the final report 22mSpeaker: Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN)
Technical Infrastructures: Electricity and Energy Management Cromwell 3+4
Cromwell 3+4
Convener: Klaus Hanke (CERN)-
Update of the power demand and energy consumption, gird connection 18m
The FCC-ee will be the largest accelerator ever built and it requires to be connected to the European grid for electricity supply. The power demand is a key parameter to define the grid connection. The identification of the main loads was performed and presented in 2022 as well as the energy consumption depending on the machine configurations. The studies for grid connection were launched based on these numbers and the results will be presented. Last changes and optimisation of the machine parameters will be presented with their impact on the grid connection
Speaker: Jean-Paul Burnet (CERN) -
RTE preliminary study for grid connection 18m
On demand of the Technical and Infrastructure Working Group for Electricity & Energy Management Work Package, the French Transmission System Operator has led a preliminary study of the FCC connexion for electricity supply. The goal of the pre-study is:
- to define how to connect the FCC to the French grid,
- to evaluate the impact on the electric system and on the other users connected to the grid,
- and to identify the infrastructure to be built for the project.
Several points of connexion are forecasted with particular power demand & back-up expectation. Each of them presents specificity in terms of grid ability for power delivery and electric infrastructures to be build. The presentation will display a draft of what could be the future connexions and the forecasted impacts, costs and delays to consider for them.
RTE preliminary study is the first step of a regulated procedure of connexion which includes further studies et civil works to be led.Speaker: Mr Jean-François Billerot (RTE France) -
Electrical distribution concept and layout 18m
Starting from the baseline presented during the FCC week of 2022 and from the studies for the grid connection, the study of the electrical distribution network has been updated and developed.
The load forecast is being detailed per zone for the most relevant consumers, this allows now to have a better load mapping to assess the electrical needs and the required infrastructure per point and per facility.
The voltage levels for internal distribution are under analysis and are being assessed based on CAPEX criteria and on voltage requirements of the most relevant equipment such as the RF converters.
The concept of underground transmission substation has also been studied, to allow an optimization of the surface footprint of each point and to bring the power at high voltage the closest to the highest loads.
The aim of this presentation is to show the progress of the studies on FCC electrical network since 2022, and to provide an overview on the general concepts and schemes of the electrical distribution.Speaker: Charline Marcel (CERN) -
DC Networks for the Powering of the FCC-ee and FCC-hh 18m
With the advent of power electronics in recent years, DC networks have become an interesting solution for the distribution of electrical energy due to their advantages in terms of efficiency, controllability, volume reduction, and integration of energy storage. Considering the particularities of the FCC, DC networks could be used to supply power to specific machine parts.
At a larger scale, DC networks could transfer power around the machine's circumference, reducing the required cable section and improving active and reactive power control. At the access point level, DC networks could reduce the number of conversion stages, increasing overall efficiency. Additionally, the use of high-frequency transformers and DC cables with lower voltage drops could contribute to reducing the required volume.
This presentation will showcase the available technologies for constructing such a network and the primary challenges that must be addressed to enable the grid's construction.Speaker: Manuel Colmenero Moratalla (Valencia Polytechnic University (ES)) -
Powering of magnet concept and requirements 18m
The focus of this presentation is to address the challenge of evaluating the most effective powering solutions for the FCC-ee and FCC-hh. This involves selecting the optimal circuit configurations for the different magnet types, determining the best location for the power converters, and choosing the energy storage systems. To achieve this, we must consider various factors, such as the capital cost (e.g. impact on civil engineering), as well as the operational costs (e.g. power losses).
To assess these various factors, multiple models of the different systems, including infrastructure, magnets, power converters, cables, and losses, have been developed and interlinked.
The presentation will provide an overview of an optimisation tool that has been developed to allow for the easy testing of multiple circuit configurations, enabling a comparison of their effectiveness in minimising both total capital and operational costs.
Speaker: Byamba Wicki (CERN)
Technology R&D: SRF Technology (I) Kensington Suite
Kensington Suite
Convener: Dr Oleg Malyshev (UKRI/STFC Daresbury Laboratory)-
Common RF system for the ZH option + RF frequ. consideration 18mSpeaker: Alice Lucie Vanel (CERN)
1-cell and 2-cell 400 MHz cavity RF designs for FCC_ee 18mSpeaker: Shahnam Gorgi Zadeh (CERN)
Alternative 800 MHz cavity RF design for FCC_ee 18mSpeaker: Mr Sosoho-Abasi Udongwo (UROS)
Engineering developments toward seamless substrates 18m
The study and optimisation of manufacturing processes for copper substrates of Nb-coated cavities is a subject of renewed interest, due to the challenging demands on SRF performance for the Future Circular Collider (FCC).
This contribution will highlight related activities, currently being performed at CERN, namely on the R&D and optimization of welding processes, and on the production of seamless cavities; the latter with a focus on simulation of fabrication processes and corresponding studies in terms of material and failure characterization.Speakers: Joanna Sylwia Swieszek, Thomas Demaziere -
Nb coatings, from 1.3GHz to 400MHz 18m
CERN developed significant know-how in the design and fabrication of niobium-coated copper superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities for accelerators, from LEP to the LHC and HIE-ISOLDE. While 400MHz Nb-coated Cu cavities are being considered for the leptonic machine variants of the FCC, further optimization is required to comply with the established performance targets.
The work presented will focus on recent R&D efforts performed at CERN on the Nb thin film-coatings to ultimately raise the performance of the Nb/Cu cavities, as they constitute key elements to achieve running-feasibility for the FCC. Fundamental studies performed on samples and 1.3 GHz test cavities will be summarized. Recent advances and planned activities on the 400 MHz Nb/Cu coatings program at CERN will also be presented.Speaker: Carlota Pereira Carlos (Universite de Geneve (CH))
Coffee break 30m Santosa Suite
Santosa Suite
FCC-hh accelerator Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Vladimir Shiltsev-
FCC-hh ring: overview of the new layout 25m
Since the publication of the CDR, much progress has been made on the layout of the FCC-hh ring. Driven by the recent result of the ring placement studies and updates of the FCC-ee layout, major changes have been implemented in the FCC-hh ring layout. In this talk, I review the main features of the new layout, and I also provide an outlook of future studies and activities.
Speaker: Massimo Giovannozzi (CERN) -
New FCC-hh ring layout: arc and insertion optics 20m
We present the latest developments in the optics design of the FCC-hh particle collider. The main change with respect to previous designs is the change of the arc cells from 12 to a 16-dipole FODO scheme which makes full use of the available aperture and increases the dipole filling factor. The updated design of insertions is also discussed, adapting the changes in the layout requirements from the placement study and are made compatible with the new arcs and their dispersion suppressors.
Speaker: Gustavo Perez Segurana (CERN) -
Collimation in FCC-hh 20mSpeaker: Dr Roderik Bruce (CERN)
Transfer lines for injection from LHC or scSPS, and comparison of injector options 25mSpeaker: Wolfgang Bartmann (CERN)
PE&D: Detectors (I) Cromwell 1+2
Cromwell 1+2
Convener: Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (Uppsala University (SE))-
Introduction to detectors 5mSpeakers: Felix Sefkow (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Mogens Dam (University of Copenhagen (DK))
Calorimetry R&D for FCC-ee and FCC-hh 22mSpeaker: Gabriella Gaudio (INFN-Pavia)
Si tracking and vertexing R&D for FCC 22mSpeaker: Prof. Daniela Bortoletto (University of Oxford (GB))
- 11:19
Gaseous detector R&D for FCC 22mSpeaker: Dr Maksym Titov (IRFU, CEA Saclay, Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
Technical Infrastructures: Safety, Transport & Survey Cromwell 3+4
Cromwell 3+4
Convener: Christian Prasse-
Update of transport concept for personnel and material 15m
The presentation will provide the status of the design of the vehicles that will be used for the underground transport of personnel and material.
A specific concept vehicle has been developed for the transport and installation of the material, in particular the collider and the booster components; the talk will cover the constraints to be respected, the vehicle characteristics, the most important design features and the procedure for the installation of the several accelerator parts.
The vehicle for the personnel transport will be based instead on the customization of existing concepts currently available on the market; the second part of the presentation will show the assessment done to identify the best solution and the vehicle characteristics which fulfill the needs during the different construction and the operation phases, both in normal and in emergency conditions.Speaker: Roberto Rinaldesi (CERN) -
Update on material logistic concept 15m
After collecting all the requirements from the different users, a preliminary logistic study has been conducted with the purpose of simulating the material flow and the installation operations for the magnets of the collider ring and booster ring in the underground tunnel; the study analysed several scenarios based on different boundary conditions such as the number of shafts available for the transfer of magnets and the number of transport vehicles.
For each scenario, the simulation tool provided key performance indicators such as the overall installation time and process bottlenecks which will be of crucial importance for the definition of the overall project schedule.
The presentation will give an overview of the simulation model used, the scenarios that have been assessed and the related results.
For the future it is planned to expand the simulation to include other materials of the technical infrastructure.Speaker: Benedikt Oliver Müller -
Radiation protection studies for the FCC-ee 15m
The radiation protection study for the FCC-ee shall assure the FCC-ee design compatibility with radiation protection objectives and constraints and provides input to the radiological environmental impact study.
In this particular contribution it provides an evaluation of the relevant radiological parameters in the arc section of FCC-ee, covering its entire operational life, including the Z pole (45.6 GeV), WW threshold (80 GeV), HZ production peak (120 GeV), and tt threshold (182.5 GeV) modes.
During the operation of the facility, two distinct source terms, namely beam gas interaction and synchrotron radiation, may contribute to stray radiation and subsequent activation of materials in the machine tunnel. The residual dose rates resulting from this activation can significantly impact the maintenance scheduling and accessibility of the area, whereas the release of activated air may pose radiological risks to the environment.
The primary objective is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the radiological parameters in the FCC-ee arc section by estimating the levels of prompt and residual radiation and activation to evaluate their impact on the operation and maintenance of the facility (operational objective) and ensure that the FCC-ee design aligns with the environmental objectives and constraints (environmental objective).
FLUKA Monte Carlo simulations are performed across multiple operational modes, along with the implementation of a ventilation model to analyse the impact of air activation during tunnel access and the release of activated air into the environment.
The operational objective is attained through the evaluation of the residual dose rate, inhalation dose and immersion dose during a beam stop scenario. The environmental objective is accomplished by estimating the activity released into the surrounding environment through the ventilation system and by comparing the activation levels of the accelerator materials to the established clearance limits.
Speaker: Giacomo Lavezzari (CERN) -
Overview of safety systems and evacuation study in the FCC tunnel 15m
Within the framework of the FCC feasibility study, additional safety studies were developed to provide a quantitative assessment on the main risks identified during the CDR.
The safety systems initially proposed in the CDR were studied in detail and adjustments were made to the baseline proposals, namely with regards to the smoke and helium extraction, as well as for the size of the safe areas at the bottom of the shafts. The application of a performance-based design approach was adopted. These results would feed into the layout of the underground installations for a more accurate cost & feasibility analysis.
This presentation will provide a general overview of the current baseline regarding the safety systems proposed in the FCC tunnel, which will be presented at the mid-term review. In addition, the authors will present the methodology and results of the most recent evacuation study defining the required size (m2) to be reserved for the safe areas at the bottom of the shafts within the pressurized zones.Speaker: Andre Henriques (CERN) -
Geodesy and survey update 15m
Building the FCC tunnel, installing and aligning each component and experiment of the machine at the intended location will be a challenging task relying notably on the quality and accuracy of the geodetic infrastructure. A solid geodetic foundation for the planning, construction, alignment and operation of the FCC will be implemented to support the different levels of accuracy required, from the initial decametric coarse placement study to the final and perpetually refined submillimetric alignment. The geodetic infrastructure must be compatible with each phase of the project.
In collaboration with ETHZ, HEIG-VD, IGN and Swisstopo studies are ongoing to update the CERN geodetic infrastructure making it ready for the FCC.The presentation will cover the status of the development of the CERN Geodetic Reference Frame focusing on the implementation of the primary surface geodetic network covering the FCC area and will give an overview of the remaining challenges requiring new developments like the geoid modelling, the coordinates transfer and the underground geodetic network.
Speaker: Benjamin Weyer (CERN)
Technology R&D: SRF Technology (II) Kensington Suite
Kensington Suite
Convener: Anne-Marie Valente-Feliciano-
WOW cavity progress and status 18mSpeaker: Fabian Manke (CERN)
The Wide-Open Waveguide represents a novel type of Crab Cavity, proposed for the hadronic versions of the FCC [1]. Compared to the bulk-niobium cavities under production for the High Luminosity LHC, the WOWCC is a copper cavity, whose inner surface is to be coated with a niobium thin film [2]. This approach is advantageous for both manufacturing and cryogenic aspects. To match the bulk SRF performance, the niobium film must however be dense, defect free and homogeneous throughout the complex 3D inner geometry of the cavity. This challenge has been addressed by a concerted RnD effort over the past years. Experimentally, the achievement of the requisite film quality has been demonstrated on both flat and complex shaped samples using the HiPIMS coating technique [3]. Numerical studies guided the design of a coating set-up with six cylindrical cathodes and movable magnets [4]. Heat-load management was likewise addressed. Currently, the full-scale coating set-up has entered a testing phase for both the mechanical and electrical components, which is proceeding successfully [5]. A first coating of the full-scale cavity prototype is thus foreseen in the coming months. A dedicated in-situ X-Ray Fluorescence diagnostic to assess the film-thickness distribution in the cavity is likewise coming to fruition.
[1] K. Papke et al, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 22, 072001, 2019
[2] S. Calatroni, Phys. C, 441, 95, 2006, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physc.2006.03.044
[3] F. Manke et al, HiPIMS Today Conference, online, 03/2023, breakout room presentation
[4] F. Manke et al, 18th Conference for Plasma Surface Engineering, Erfurt, 09/2022
[5] F. Manke et al, 6th CERN SRF workshop, 02/2023
SWELL progress and status 18m
The Slotted Waveguide ELLiptical (SWELL) cavity is a novel concept of superconducting cavity proposed as an alternative option for the FCCee RF system. The presentation will give an update on the fabrication of the 1.3 GHz SWELL prototype used as a first step of the feasibility demonstration. The mechanical design, the precise machining results and the blank assembly tests of the cavity quadrants in clean room will be presented. Accurate RF measurements (resonant frequency and Q0 factor) of the cavity at room temperature will be also be reported, together with the plans for future steps towards the surface preparation and the test at cold temperature.
Speakers: Franck Peauger (CERN), Marc Timmins (CERN) -
Final SWELL mock-up cooling test results 18m
The cooling concept of the SWELL prototype is based on a self-sustained convection loop (open thermosyphon) in He I saturated conditions. The estimated heat load for one quarter of the SWELL 1.3 GHz prototype is 17.5 W. The 30 mm-diameter cooling tube has a length of 131 mm, which corresponds to the length of the SWELL main copper body. In the vertical SRF test arrangement, a 10 mm x 8 mm centered stainless steel tube creates a ring-shaped space to the 30 mm Cu tube surface of the SWELL quarter block and functions as the supply of saturated liquid helium. The generated flow in this cooling loop is caused by the density changes of the helium itself (mostly convection or nucleate boiling in the ring-shaped space). Tests of the heat transfer performance from that copper mock-up structure to the He flow have been conducted at the CERN Cryolab in forced flow He I saturated conditions. Additionally the same setup showed an interesting and unstable boiling condition when operated in a He II saturated bath. Short bursts of helium gas blowouts are recorded in the 30 mm tube cross section for a heat flux of 2.5 W/cm2. The observed effects can be traced back to exceeding the critical heat flux in He II in the SWELL vertical cooling arrangement. The measured temperature gradients in the mock-up by nucleate boiling in He I and He II saturated conditions are compared and recommendations for possible cooling regimes of future SWELL cavities are made.
Speaker: Dr Torsten Koettig (CERN) -
The FCC-ee SRF system, machine layouts and cryomodules 18m
In the past year, infrastructure and integration studies have led to a new choice of the two straight sections dedicated to the FCC-ee SRF system. Point H is now entirely dedicated to the collider while Point L integrates the booster. This new configuration offers a more convenient arrangement of the cryomodules which are now all placed at ground level for the collider and at a higher level for the booster for integration compatibility with the arcs. Meanwhile, the SRF requirements have evolved to comply with updated physics parameters and cavity operational parameters. Cavity numbers, types and RF designs have evolved and provide now a stable basis for the layout studies. The baseline architecture of the machines features standalone cryomodules individually cooled via cryogenic distribution lines. This configuration, which is the most effective in terms of tunnel installation for staged energy upgrades and offers the best operational flexibility, is now being challenged by continuous cryostat architectures which are more cost-effective and energy efficient. Tunnel integration
needs for these new architectures will be compared with the present baseline and future work will be outlined.Speaker: Vittorio Parma (CERN) -
New SRF Facility at CERN 18m
RF requirements for projects such as FCC impose to keep the manufacturing of SRF objects under extremely strict process control to prevent any performance degradation due to surface contamination.
In this regard, thin film on copper technology is particularly demanding.Current SRF facilities at CERN cannot meet these requirements, increasing the risk of defects and of high rejection rates.
A new SRF facility, that is currently being designed, will regroup surface chemistry, thin film deposition and cleanrooms operating under a fully controlled environment.
This facility will house a series of interconnected ISO 4 class cleanrooms dedicated to the preparation of superconducting cavities, adjacent to a large ISO 8 clean hall for the assembly of cryomodules.
The facility will be able to process large multi-cell sputtered cavities and sustain a high throughput even during extended periods of cryomodule assembly, maintenance or repair.The new SRF infrastructure is expected to be operational by 2029.
Speaker: David Smekens (CERN)
Lunch break 1h 30m Santosa Suite
Santosa Suite
FCC-ee accelerator (FCCIS WP2): code development Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Dr Tatiana Pieloni (EPFL)-
Code development status 20m
With the increasing complexity of colliders, it is crucial to consider many physical phenomena in accelerator simulation studies, including complex effects such as radiation, beam-beam, and impedance. However, existing simulation tools are often outdated or focus on a single aspect. To address this challenge, the CHART collaboration is developing a software framework that integrates different existing tools and actively contributes to the development of new modern simulation tools in collaboration with external colleagues. These tools can also be included in the framework. The tools enable studies of beam stability, luminosity, and lifetime, incorporating multiple effects simultaneously. This talk will provide an overview of the collaboration's work on simulation tools and present first beam dynamics studies obtained using these tools.
Speaker: Leon Van Riesen-Haupt (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH)) -
Accelerating Beam Dynamic Simulations 5mSpeaker: Davide Di Croce (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
Beam-beam code progress 20mSpeaker: Peter Kicsiny (EPFL)
Review of MAD-X for FCC-ee studies 15m
The design of the electron-positron Future Circular Col-
lider (FCC-ee) challenges the requirements on optics codes
(like MAD-X) in terms of accuracy, consistency, and per-
formance. This paper analyses MAD-X TWISS, TRACK
and EMIT modules by comparing their mutual consistency,
absolute accuracy and stability and will make improvement
proposals.Speaker: Guillaume Simon (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) -
Electron cloud studies for the FCC-ee 15m
We investigate the effects of the updated beam and machine parameters on the electron cloud instability for the FCC-ee arc dipole & drift regions by considering ‘ECLOUD’ and ‘Furman-Pivi’ secondary emission yield models and realistic photoemission yield values.
Speaker: Fatih Yaman (Izmir Institute of Technology (IYTE)) - 14:45
FCC-eh accelerator Kensington Suite
Kensington Suite
Convener: Oliver Bruning (CERN)-
FCC-eh and LHeC: Project overview and developments on ERL and sustainable technology 30m
Speaker: Jorgen D'Hondt (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE)) -
PERLE: Status and prospects for high power ERL 15mSpeaker: Walid KAABI
Design and optimisation of the ep (and possibility joint ep/pp) Interaction Region 15m
The Future Circular Collider for electron-hadron collisions (FCC-eh) is a design study, that investigates colliding one of the hadron beams of the FCC with an intense, high energy electron beam.
The e-p collisions for deep inelastic scattering physics (DIS) would take place in one of the FCC interaction regions, concurrently to the on-going p-p collisions in the other interaction points. Since only one of the two proton beams from the FCC collides with the electron beam, the second proton beam needs to be guided around this interaction point, as to enable p-p collisions in the remaining interaction points.
The electrons would be accelerated in an energy recovery linear accelerator (ERL) adjacent to the FCC, to a final energy of 60 GeV. After the e-p collisions, the electron beam is guided back into the ERL in counter phase, so that the beam is decelerated and its energy recovered. The impact of the electron bending and focusing scheme on the proton beam dynamics has been investigated and a separation scheme for the two proton beams in the e-p interaction region has been designed with MAD-X.Speaker: Tiziana Von Witzleben (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE)) -
Physics and design of the eh detector 15m
The Future Circular Collider in electron-hadron mode [1] will make possible the study of DIS in the TeV regime providing electron-proton (nucleus) collisions with per nucleon instantaneous luminosities around 1034 (1033) cm−2s−1. Here we describe the main physics goals of this experiment and current detector design that realises the objective [1,2], and the key developments needed.
[1] LHeC Collaboration and FCC-he Study Group: P. Agostini et al., J. Phys. G 48 (2021) 11, 110501, e-Print: 2007.14491 [hep-ex].
[2] K.D. J. Andre et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 82 (2022) 1, 40, e-Print: 2201.02436 [hep-ex]. -
EIC and FCC synergies 15mSpeaker: Maria Chamizo Llatas (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
PE&D: Software and Computing / Detectors Cromwell 1+2
Cromwell 1+2
Convener: Marc-Andre Pleier (BNL)-
Status of software for detector studies 25mSpeaker: Brieuc Francois (CERN)
IDEA vertex detector in Key4hep 15mSpeaker: Armin Ilg (University of Zurich)
RICH full sim implementation in Key4hep 20mSpeaker: Alvaro Tolosa Delgado (CERN)
IDEA Dual readout calorimeter in Key4hep 15mSpeaker: Sang Hyun Ko (Seoul National University (KR))
FCC-ee TileCal simulation and reconstruction 15mSpeaker: Michaela Mlynarikova (CERN)
Scientific Advisory Committee (closed session) Cromwell 6
Cromwell 6
Convener: Andy Parker (University of Cambridge (GB)) -
Technology R&D Cromwell 3+4
Cromwell 3+4
Convener: Prof. Toms Torims (Riga Technical University (LV))-
Arc half-cell configuration and mock-up 20m
This talk will give a summary of the studies performed during the first year of the FCC-ee arc half-cell mock-up project. Details of the design of the interfaces between the main systems, their supporting and placement principles, will be described. The talk will also review the task timeline and milestones. Finally, the current status of the configuration of the half-cell mock-up will be showed.
Speaker: Federico Carra (CERN) -
Update on vacuum technologies R&D 20mSpeaker: Sam Rorison (CERN)
X-ray beam profile monitor 15mSpeaker: Mirko Siano (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Investigating next generation of accelerators : the KITTEN test facility for sustainable research infrastructures 20m
To efficiently and reliably enable the operation of future large-scale research facilities, it is indispensable to conduct multi-area and multi-disciplinary research, taking into account in the facility design not only scientific aspects, but also energy-related challenges. At the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the innovative research laboratory KITTEN has recently been developed, connecting two of the largest research infrastructures at KIT : the particle accelerator KARA, and the energy research facility Energy Lab 2.0. The goal of KITTEN is to study in a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary way novel solutions for improving the energy use in particle accelerators, and, in general, in any energy-intensive research infrastructure. The questions to be addressed in the joint research encompasses the impact of new grid architectures, the integration of various storage technologies, novel efficient hardware, control strategies, and the seamless integration of renewable energy sources. This presentation will introduce the KITTEN research infrastructure and will describe the current research activities at KIT, that have been developed in the direction of energy efficient and sustainable research infrastructure.
Speaker: Prof. Giovanni De Carne (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)) -
Digital twins: current activities in Mechanical and Materials Engineering group at CERN and perspectives for FCC-ee 15m
In the frame of FCC-ee, where the radiation level and the large scale of the facility impose remote activities and cost optimization, the deployment of dynamic models of physical mechanical systems has great potential.
Ability to provide real-time feedback on the system’s state and to perform predictive modelling can contribute -among others- to diagnostic optimization, reduction of number of sensors and to effective predictive maintenance.
This contribution will present the ongoing effort by Mechanical and Materials Engineering group at CERN, to develop digital twins dedicated to mechanical components for particle accelerators. The current state of the project and initial trials will be discussed.Speaker: Lucie Baudin (CERN)
Coffee break 30m Santosa Suite
Santosa Suite
Early Career Researchers Kensington Suite
Kensington Suite
Convener: Sarah Louise Williams (University of Cambridge (GB)) -
FCC-ee accelerator (FCCIS WP2): Alternative FCC-ee optics development Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Prof. Mark James Boland (University of Saskatchewan (CA))-
Alternative HFD/DFD optics 30mSpeaker: Dr Pantaleo Raimondi (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
Dynamic aperture and momentum acceptance for alternative optics 20m
An alternative lattice design for the FCC-ee collider ring has been proposed, which aims to provide large Dynamic Aperture and Momentum acceptance through the dedicated correction of higher order nonlinear terms excited by the chromaticity correction sextupoles.
A large acceptance of the machine is required to provide a sufficient beam lifetime and good injection efficiency, which are both key components in achieving the target luminosity.
Moreover, compared to the baseline lattice, the new lattice design also simplifies the powering scheme of the arc-sextupoles.
In this presentation, the results of the Dynamic aperture studies using this new lattice are presented and compared to the baseline lattice.Speaker: Michael Hofer (CERN) -
Combined function lattice with constant partition numbers for FCC-ee 20m
In order to explore potential improvements to the current lattice design for FCC-ee, this work looks at the use of Combined Function Magnets (CFM) within the short straight sections of the arc cells. The use of CFMs introduces a change in the damping partition numbers. To avoid this it is necessary to maintain the values of the Synchrotron Radiation Integrals (I2 and I4), which are used to describe the effects of Synchrotron Radiation (SR). New optics solutions are explored to achieve this. SR power could be reduced by 17%. The explored optical solutions could be applied both for normal conducting CFMs and High Temperature Superconductors (HTS).
Speaker: Cristobal Garcia (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH)) -
Synchrotron radiation background for an alternative FCC-ee optics 20m
An alternative lattice and beam optics have been developed for the FCC-ee which aim to provide large dynamic aperture and momentum acceptance via the correction of high order nonlinearities. In this presentation, the synchrotron radiation sources have been evaluated and a synchrotron radiation collimation scheme has been developed to protect the central beam pipe within the particle detector as well as the superconducting quadrupoles closest to the interaction point. Besides, the collimation scheme performances are compared against the baseline lattice.
Speaker: Kevin Daniel Joel Andre (CERN)
PE&D: Detectors (II) Cromwell 1+2
Cromwell 1+2
Convener: Paolo Giacomelli (INFN Sezione di Bologna)-
Tracking system requirements ALICE-3 versus FCC-ee 30mSpeaker: Didier Claude Contardo (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
Si detector development for ALICE ITS3 and ALICE 3 30mSpeaker: Magnus Mager (CERN)
Detector activities and plans in the US 30mSpeaker: Srini Rajagopalan (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
Technology R&D Cromwell 3+4
Cromwell 3+4
Convener: m Koratzinos (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH))-
The FCC-ee alignment: questions, answers and challenges 20m
The FCC-ee will be installed in a 91 km long tunnel at around 200 m underground. The size of the project, the tunnel configuration and stability, the number of components to align and the alignment tolerances raise unprecedented challenges. From the manufacturing of the components to the relative alignment of these components during technical shutdowns, all the alignment steps are impacted. This presentation will highlight the questions at stake for this alignment, covering the manufacturing control, fiducialization and assembly aspects, the first installation, the relative alignment, the maintenance of the alignment in the arcs, the LSSs and the MDIs. The proposed direction of research and ongoing studies are also mentioned.
Speaker: Leonard Watrelot (CNAM - Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (FR)) -
The availability challenge: targets, shortfalls and game-changing opportunities 20m
To reach integrated luminosity goals, the FCC-ee must be operational for minimum 80% of the scheduled 185 physics days each year. For comparison, the LHC achieved 77% in Run 2, 2016-2018. There are additional challenges in operation and maintenance of the FCC-ee due to its scale, complexity and ambitious technical objectives. Availability is therefore a significant risk to physics deliverables. This presentation deconstructs the availability challenge in the FCC-ee according to its top-level systems. Contributions are in three parts: (I) For the first time, availability requirements are defined for each system, scaled according to the complexity of delivery. The methodology also provides a platform to translate changes in system availability to that of the collider overall. (II) Following a blueprint to be repeated for each system, availability of the RF is projected in Monte Carlo simulation from existing colliders to the FCC-ee. Forecasts for the Z and W modes are highly inadequate, suggesting a radical change in operation and maintenance paradigm is required. (III) Solutions to the availability problem are proposed and exploratory simulations analysed for several potentially game-changing R&D opportunities.
Speaker: John W. Heron (CERN) -
Robotics for accelerator maintenance 20m
The fourth industrial revolution, the current trend of automation and data interconnection in industrial technologies, is becoming an essential tool to boost maintenance and availability for space applications, warehouse logistics, particle accelerators and for harsh environments in general. The main pillars of Industry 4.0 are Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Sensors, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and Robotics. Core to success and future growth in this field is the use of robots to perform various tasks, particularly repetitive, unplanned or dangerous, which humans either prefer to avoid or are unable to carry out due to hazards, size constraints, or the extreme environments in which they take place. During the last years at CERN, robotic technologies have been developed and integrated within the accelerators to support maintenance tasks reducing human exposure to hazards and boosting machines availability. Extrapolating the state of robotic solutions by about two decades, the time when robotics solutions could be applied in the FCC tunnels, such systems will be able to handle most of the planned interventions, that are currently mainly conducted manually, and many of the unplanned or emergency situations. Additionally, most of the manually performed interventions in the LHC complex cannot be applied to the three times longer FCC tunnel, without either increasing efforts in workforce and costs or accepting longer machine down times. The work presents the current state of the art in industrial robotics and applied robotics in big science facilities, providing a future vision on how these technologies could fulfil maintenance tasks within the FCC accelerator complex, underlying current aspects that should be further developed to guarantee robust remote operations of future cybernetic systems for FCC.
Speaker: Dr Mario Di Castro (CERN)
Poster session and Wine & cheese Santosa Suite
Santosa Suite
Wakefields of the FCC-ee collimation system 1m
The purpose of this paper is to calculate the longitudinal and transverse wakefields of the FCC collimators by using the electromagnetic codes ECHO3D and IW2D. We cross-checked our results using CST particle studio for long bunches, and found them to be in good agreement. The obtained results show that the collimators give one of the highest contributions to the overall FCC-ee wake potentials. Using the code PyHEADTAIL, we have found that the presence of the geometric wakefield of the collimators leads to the occurrence of transverse mode coupling instability (TMCI) at a significantly lower bunch population as compared to that of all other contributions and solutions to reduce this geometric term must be found.
Speaker: Dr Mostafa Behtouei (INFN-LNF) -
Recent developments in surface conditioning measurements and vacuum simulations 1m
We present recent developments and PSD data from the FCC-BESTEX experimental beamline at the KARA synchrotron at KIT on one FCC-hh beam screen, as well as future plans for measuring FCC-ee vacuum paper prototypes at the beamline. In addition, we demonstrate VacuumCOST, a new software tool that has been developed to enable more dynamic MolFlow simulations, including the pressure evolution in case of suddenly occurring leaks, the conditioning of vacuum chamber surfaces, and the propagation of NEG coating saturation.
Speaker: Peter Lindquist Henriksen (CERN) -
Study status on CEPC MDI IR design 1m
The machine-detector interface (MDI) issues are one of the most complicate and challenging topics at the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). Comprehensive understandings of the MDI issues are decisive for achieving the optimal overall performance of the accelerator and detector. The CEPC machine will operate at different beam energies, from 45.5 GeV up to 120 GeV, with an instantons luminosity increasing from $5 × 10^{34} cm^{−2}s^{−1}$ for the highest energy to $1.9×10^{36} cm^{−2} s^{−1}$ or even higher for the lowest energy.
A flexible interaction region design will be plausible to allow for the large beam energy range. However, the design has to provide high luminosity that is desirable for physics studies, but keep the radiation backgrounds tolerable to the detectors. This requires careful balance of the requirements from the accelerator and detector sides.
In this talk, the latest design of the CEPC MDI based on the design parameters showed in the CEPC Technical Design Report (TDR) will be presented, covering the following issues:
The design of the beam pipe, which would foresee several constraints: In the central region (z = ±12 cm), it should be placed as close as possible to the interaction point and with a minimal material budget to allow the precise determination of the track impact parameters. But it should still stay far away enough not to interfere with the beam backgrounds. The material and coolants must be carefully chosen based on the heat load calculation. In the forward region, the beam pipe must be made of proper materials to conduct away the deposited heat in the interaction region and shield the detectors from the beam backgrounds.
The estimation and mitigation of beam-induced backgrounds. The detailed simulation covering the main contributions from synchrotron radiation, pair production, and off-momentum beam particles has been performed. The suppering/mitigating schemes have also been studied.
The layout of the CEPC IR and the engineering efforts for several key components like the position of LumiCal/Lumi Monitor, the design of the Final Focusing system, and the Cryostat Chamber.Speaker: Haoyu Shi -
Code development with real lattice and its initial application 1m
Simulation study is more and more essential in the design and study of a modern e+e- collider. Existing tools often simplify the lattice model in beam-beam or collective effects study. GPU provide the feasibility to implement element-by-element tracking with large amount of particles and limited computing resources. New e+e- collider need more self-consistent simulation to predict the beam stability or machine performance quantitatively. We have developed a GPU-based parallel code (APES-T) which make it feasible to use 1 million macro-particles per bunch in element-by-element tracking besides beam-beam interaction and other effects. Some applications at superKEKB and BEPCⅡ has started using the new codes. Very initial results will be presented.
Speaker: Zhiyuan Li -
Precision studies at FCC-hh with diboson production. 1m
Diboson production processes constitute an interesting probe of New Physics related to the Higgs boson and the EW sector. We study the 𝑊ℎ and 𝑍ℎ production processes, with leptonically decaying gauge bosons and both $h\to b\bar b$ and $h\to\gamma\gamma$ decay channels. We study these processes in the SMEFT framework and derive bounds on six dimension-6 operators. The possibility of using the $h\to\gamma\gamma$ decay channel is exclusive to FCC-hh and is an example of new processes made available on this collider. On the other hand, the $h\to b \bar b$ channel is already available at LHC and offers a direct comparison between hadron colliders. We compare the reach and features of each channel at FCC-hh. Finally, we analyse and stress the complementarity of these measurements with EW precision measurements to be carried out at FCC-ee. Based on arXiv: 2004.06122, 2011.13941, and 2208.11134.
Speaker: Alejo Nahuel Rossia (University of Manchester) -
FCC as a Tera-Z-plus flavor factory 1m
Recent studies reveal the potential of the Tera-Z phase of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) for advancing our understanding of flavor physics. By operating at the Z-pole, the FCC enables the production of vast amounts of heavy flavor final states, making it an ideal platform to study Standard Model (SM) and Beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics. With a high integrated luminosity and large cross-sections for heavy flavor production, the FCC will generate an abundance of b, c, and tau pairs. The surplus of energy from Z decays allows for the creation of various hadrons, including rare and exotic species, and facilitates the investigation of extremely rare decay modes. Additionally, unexpected discoveries may arise from phases beyond the Z-pole run, such as the WW-threshold or Higgs factory phases.
Speaker: LINGFENG LI (Brown U.) -
Preliminary study of the passive machine protection for CEPC 1m
The energy stored in Circular Electron and Positron Collider (CEPC) is in the order of MJ, which will make the beam pipe and other equipment broken once the beam loses control. Avoiding damage to accelerator is the first priority for machine protection. There are two kinds of protection schemes. One is active protection in which an action should be triggered when a failure signal is detected, such as extracting a beam to dumps. The other is passive protections in which there is no action so response time is not considered, for example, the collimators and shields. CEPC will operate in different operation scenarios: tt , Higgs, W and Z. In this study, beam loss for Higgs mode is investigated. Some fast beam loss can be observed from the SAD simulation, which requires passive protection. The global arrangement of collimator is preliminarily investigated to achieve the passive protection.
Speaker: 王欲听 wangyuting (IHEP, CAS) -
Modeling beam-beam effects for the FCC-ee with Xsuite 1m
The understanding of beam-beam effects, drivers of the FCC-ee parameter design in several aspects, require sophisticated and high-performance numerical simulations. The self-consistent study of the interplay of several nonlinear dynamical phenomena resulting from collisions in the machine is key to accurately assess its potential performance. Although current simulation frameworks can address specific aspects of the dynamics separately, they are difficult to interface with each other for more complex studies. To address this challenge, Xsuite, a new general purpose software framework for beam dynamics simulations, is currently under development. This poster aims to discuss first results using the beam-beam interaction model in this new toolkit, including benchmarks and the combination with an element by element lattice model.
Speaker: Peter Kicsiny (EPFL) -
First high power testing of conductive ceramic windows for the SRF cavity couplers 1m
Euclid Techlabs LLC, in collaboration with JLab and Fermilab, has developed a new ceramic material with a finite DC electrical conductivity combined with a low RF loss tangent for use in high power coupler windows. The goal of the project was to develop windows with a loss tangent not exceeding that of alumina but with significantly increased DC conductivity for effective electrical discharge. Several SRF coupler windows operating in the 650 MHz and 1.5 GHz frequency ranges were fabricated and successfully tested at high power.
Euclid developed magnesium titanate ceramic elements with relative dielectric constant ε=15.2, a figure of merit, Q×f, in the range of 60,000–125,000 GHz, providing tan δ ~5.2×10-6 - 2.1×10-5 at 650 MHz, and increased conductivity from 10-12 S/m to 10-9 S/m correspondingly. This ability to tune the conductivity will allow the selection of the ideal combination of loss tangent and conductivity required to allow a window to effectively discharge any deposited charge.
Two 1.5 GHz waveguide window assemblies were fabricated using a tin-silver-titanium-magnesium active solder produced by S-Bond. Both were successfully tested at high power in vacuum up to 12 kW CW power, which was the limit of the klystron in travelling wave mode. The maximum temperature recorded on Window 1 was approximately 92°C, and on Window 2 was approximately 78°C. There was no evidence of multipacting or sparking during the high power test of the waveguide windows, or inspection afterward.
A 650 Mhz coaxial window assembly was fabricated using the same active solder as the waveguide window assemblies. The conductive ceramic coupler assembly was tested at Fermilab in conjunction with a spare alumina window coupler assembly. A 4.6 kV bias was applied to both uncoated windows during testing to suppress multipacting. Four field configurations were tested; a CW power of 30 kW was achieved with a stable window temperature for each. For three of the configurations, 50 kW CW was achieved, and 80 kW CW was reached for two configurations. The temperature of the conductive ceramic window as measured with an IR camera did not exceed 61°C for any configuration. For the configuration in which 30 kW CW was the limit, the alumina window flange temperature reached 39°C while the conductive ceramic window flange temperature was only 26°C. Residual gas analysis scans collected at the maximum conductive ceramic window operating temperature revealed no presence of any solder material components.*alexkan@euclidtechlabs.com
Speaker: Alexei Kanareykin (Euclid Techlabs LLC) -
Active learning for DA simulations 1m
The study of Dynamic Aperture (DA) plays a crucial role in understanding non-linear beam dynamics in circular accelerators. The DA defines the phase-space region where particles' motion remains bounded over a finite number of turns. It is affected by various elements such as the regular magnetic lattice, magnetic field imperfections, beam-beam effects, electron clouds, and other nonlinear phenomena. Investigating the DA offers valuable insights into beam loss evolution, which is vital for the design of future accelerators like the Future Circular Collider.
Traditionally, numerical evaluation of the DA involves computationally-intensive simulations of initial conditions distributed in phase space over a realistic time interval. In this work, we propose a novel approach utilizing two deep neural networks: the first network regresses the DA values, while the second network estimates the error associated with the DA estimation, leveraging machine parameters.
Through extensive training, our models enable fast and smart sampling. When the estimated error from the second network is within an acceptable range, we utilize the DA value provided by the first network. However, if the estimated error exceeds the threshold, we resort to the conventional simulation approach with tracking simulations, accumulating sufficient samples for subsequent training.
This active learning framework allows for efficient exploration of machine parameters space, reducing computational demands while maintaining accuracy. Our approach demonstrates the potential for accelerating DA simulations and offers a promising avenue for improving the design and tuning of machine parameters for future circular accelerators.Speaker: Davide Di Croce (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH)) -
Higgs studies at the FCC-ee 1m
The study of the Higgs boson self-coupling at the $e^+e^-$ Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee) is extremely challenging due to the small di-Higgs production cross section. This is however a crucial property, which may have far-reaching implications in our understanding of particle physics. It will be studied at the HL-LHC but with an expected sensitivity limited by the foreseen data statistics. An alternative experimental path to this search is the study of loop-induced corrections to the single-Higgs production cross section. We investigate the kinematics of $e^{+} e^{-} \longrightarrow e^{+} e^{-} H $ with Higgs decaying into a b-quark pair at two centre of mass energies, of $\sqrt{s} = 240$ and 365 GeV, seeking to achieve experimental sensitivity to the Higgs boson self-coupling at the FCC-ee collider.
Speaker: Francisco Gameiro Casalinho -
The CEPC radiation protection issues 1m
My poster has three topics: the dump designs for the CPEC collider and linac, the synchrotron radiation shielding for magnet insulations, and the estimation for radioactivity production in the surrounding materials.
A design for the collider dump including a dilution system is updated. The material of the dump core is made of graphite while this core is surrounded with iron. The maximum temperature rises in the collider dump are obtained for Z pole, WW, Higgs, and ttbar operations. These maximum temperature rises are lower than the graphite melting point. The Linac dump designs are also finished. The dimensions of the collider dump and Linac dumps are optimized so that the dose equivalent next to the dumps surfaces are lower than 5.5mSv/h. The response time of the collider dump is about 1 ms, which means if the beam loss happens in a time scale less than 1 ms, the collider dump cannot respond in time. So collimators are needed.
The second part shows synchrotron radiation simulation and shielding design for magnet insulations. The FLUKA simulations are performed for Z pole, WW threshold, Higgs, and ttbar operations. Lead shielding can reduce the absorbed doses to insulations. We optimize the thickness of the lead shielding according to the upper limit of the absorbed dose to the insulations. The dose distribution in the collider tunnel is also obtained.
The third part shows radioactivity production in the tunnel's air, cooling water, and rocks surrounding the tunnel. The major element compositions of rocks are used in our simulations. We shall work more carefully to make sure these results meet the requirement of the mandatory Chinese standards.
Speaker: Dr Guangyi Tang (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science) -
Prototype design of an electro-optical diagnostic for longitudinal bunch profile measurements at FCC-ee 1m
The operation of the Future Circular Electron Positron Collider (FCC-ee) necessitates a robust longitudinal bunch diagnostics system for precise beam energy calibration and efficient top-up injection monitoring. As part of the FCC Innovation Study (FCCIS), an electro-optical (EO) bunch profile monitor is developed, based on the developments of the EO near-field monitor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The monitor at the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA) is used for turn-by-turn single shot bunch profile measurements with bunch lengths around 10 ps at a repetition rate of 2.7 MHz and studies are ongoing towards higher repetition rates. A new adapted design for FCC-ee is being developed to cope with the specific beam parameters at FCC-ee, such as bunch lengths of up to about 40 ps, higher charge density and the requirement to measure every individual bunch. In this contribution, the design of a first prototype of an EO near-field monitor for FCC-ee beam conditions is presented, which aims to address these challenges and serves as a proof-of-principle.
Speaker: Micha Reißig -
A positron source demonstrator for future colliders 1m
Regarding high current e+ sources, the almost universal usage of target-based production schemes combined with conventional capture technology has led to poor transmission efficiencies. This long-standing difficulty to handle the extreme e+ transverse emittance and energy spread has been a major impediment for future, high luminosity lepton collider designs. The PSI Positron Production (P-cubed or P$^3$) experiment, framed in the FCC-ee study, is a demonstrator for a e+ capture system with potential to improve the state-of-the-art e+ yield by an order of magnitude. The experiment will be hosted at the SwissFEL facility at PSI as of 2025, where installation works are ongoing. This paper is an overview of P$^3$, with a particular focus on the novel capture system and its effects on the beam dynamics. A concept for the experiment diagnostics is also introduced.
Speaker: Paolo Craievich -
Ferroelectric Fast Reactive Tuner for SRF Cavities – Material Properties and its Applications 1m
Ferroelectric ceramic materials with low loss tangent at RF frequencies allow development of electrically controlled devices (tuners) with extremely fast switching times (τ<100 ns). This offers the possibility of a Ferroelectric fast reactive tuner (FE-FRT) ferroelectric cavity tuner, operating at room temperature, that can: (1) alter the coupling between the transmission line and the acceleration structure, (2) electronically control the cavity frequency within a bandwidth needed for active compensation of microphonics.
FE-FRTs can be foreseen for a wide variety of RF use cases including microphonics suppression, RF switching, and transient beam loading compensation. This promises entirely new operational capabilities, increased performance, and cost savings for a variety of existing and proposed accelerators.
The ferroelectric material at the heart of FE-FRTs is a BST ferroelectric ceramic, which can be synthesized in the form of polycrystalline ceramic layers and in bulk. Very fast permittivity response times, high dielectric breakdown strength, low gas permeability and simplicity of mechanical treatment make such ferroelectric ceramics an attractive solution for the loading material in fast tuning and switching devices of RF accelerator systems. The material properties of the BST (M) ferroelectric (BST ferroelectric with Mg-based additives, as developed by Euclid Techlabs) in the frequency range 80 MHz – 1.5 GHz, have been assessed in terms of applicable material properties, including dielectric constant and loss tangent variations in the 50C – 550C temperature range. The results of these measurements are presented here.
The potential for fast reactive tuning with ferroelectric material is presently under development, with CERN considering a potential FE- FRT based beam loading compensation scheme for LHC injection scenarios. Such a use case takes advantage of the fast response time of the ferroelectric material in order to alter the cavity detuning during gaps in bunch trains, which in turn translates to appreciable reductions of required RF power whilst maintaining a constant cavity phase in the presence of transient beam loading.Speaker: Dr Alexei Kanareykin (Euclid Techlabs LLC) -
Future Circular Collider (FCC) Dual Readout: a step closer to a scalable solution 1m
Future ElectroWeaK factories require unprecedented highly granular jet calorimeters energy resolution. This goal appears to be achievable only with an imaging calorimeter it exploits particle flow algorithms or a fiber sampling Dual Readout (DR) calorimeter using scintillation and Cerenkov effects, the former produced by all ionising particles, the latter only by relativistic charged particles. In both cases, many problems are still open and R&D is needed to build a hadron-sized prototype and evaluate the performance. Finally, new digital devices as digital SiPMs, currently not in the schedule, could lead to a simpler and innovative readout architecture.
The DR features absorber composed of stainless steel, and detector which are composed of scintillating and clear fibers. The former are sensitive to all kind of charged particles, to measure the total deposited energy, the latter are sensitive to Cherenkov light to measure EM shower parameters.
The Hidra-2 project aims to design, build and qualify prototype of fiber sampling granular DR calorimeter to evaluate:
a) a stand-alone hadronic resolution around 30%/√E or better, both for single hadrons and for jets, while maintain a resolution for isolated electromagnetic (em) showers close to 10%/√E;
b) a transversal resolution of O(1 mrad)/√E;
c) a longitudinal one of a few cm (by phasing);
d) a modular and scalable construction technique;
e) an innovative reading architecture based on SiPM;
f) the performance of Deep Neural Network algorithms in exploiting such a large amount of (3D) information.Speakers: Prof. Alessandro Gabrielli (Università e INFN, Bologna (IT)), Paolo Giacomelli (INFN Sezione di Bologna) -
Structural Optimization of Future Circular Collider Interaction Region Support Structure 1m
This poster presents a study on the structural optimization of the support structure for the interaction region (IR) of the Future Circular Collider (FCC). The aim is to optimize the structure to reduce the mass, maintaining the stifness needed. Finite element analysis (FEA) is used to develop a detailed numerical model considering complex geometries, material properties, and loading conditions. The study seeks to identify design improvements using optimization algorithms, such as SIMP, Generative Design and Lattice approach, to ensure the respect of requirements of the FCC IR support structure during operation.
Speaker: Francesco Fransesini -
Circulant Matrix Model For Flat Beams: First Steps. 1m
The circulant matrix model was succefuly used to study mode coupling instabilities in the presence of electromagnetic wakefields, space-charge, beam-beam interactions and active feedbacks. The following work shows the implementation of beam-beam interactions with flat beams in the code BimBim in order to address issues encountered in electron positron collider such the FCC-ee or SuperKEKB. The computation of the linearised coherent beam-beam force is optimised using a semi analytical approach. The tune shifts obtained with the new model are benchmarked against theoretical predictions. First results related to collective instabilities driven by synchrobetatron resonance, so called <x,z> instabilities, are compared to those obtained with existing models. The promising results show the potential of this model for the estimation of performance limitations linked to beam instabilities in high energy electron-positron colliders.
Speaker: Roxana Soos (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) -
Proposal of an alternative coupling correction scheme at FCC-ee 1m
We present preliminary results for an alternative coupling compensation scheme for the FCC-ee IR, based on the novel HFD lattice recently proposed by P. Raimondi, but that in principle can be implemented also in the baseline IR design. The study shows a very good correction of the IR coupling induced by the detector solenoid using skew quads, resulting in an increase of the vertical emittance of only few percents with respect to the nominal value of 1 pm. We discuss the approximations used for these first results, and the plans to continue the study.
Speaker: Andrea Ciarma (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT)) -
Characterisation of the Beamstrahlung radiation at FCC-ee 1m
Beamstrahlung is a dominant effect in the beam dynamics of the high luminosity next-generation lepton collider FCC-ee. We characterize the beamstrahlung radiation for the beam parameters at the four operating energies, and present the effect of this radiation in the Machine-Detector-Interface region. We discuss the conceptual need for a photon dump due to the high power produced, which is in the order of hundreds of kilowatts.
Speaker: Andrea Ciarma (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT)) -
FCC-ee: Vacuum System Technologies R&D 1m
The Vacuum Group at CERN are undertaking various studies for FCC-ee R&D. One avenue of work is focused on the vacuum chamber (beam screen) and its associated components. The designs for the interconnections between the beam screens have been completed and are now undergoing intensive impedance simulation for beam stability checks. The enormous scale of FCC-ee poses a significant challenge in terms of cost scalability, as such, innovative approaches to the design are necessary. We are studying how to implement additive manufacturing processes, not only for cost optimisation, but to meet the rigorous requirements of FCC-ee.
Speaker: Mr Sam Rorison (CERN) -
Monochromatization Interaction Region Optics Design for Direct s-channel production at FCC-ee 1m
One of the most fundamental measurements since the Higgs boson discovery, is its Yukawa couplings. Such a measurement is only feasible, if the centre-of-mass (CM) energy spread of the e+e- collisions can be reduced from ~50 MeV to a level comparable to the Higgs boson’s natural width of ~4 MeV. To reach such desired collision energy spread and improve the CM energy resolution in colliding-beam experiments, the concept of a monochro-matic colliding mode has been proposed as a new mode of operation in FCC-ee. This monochromatization mode could be achieved by generating a nonzero dispersion function of opposite signs for the two beams, at the Inter-action Point (IP). Several methods to implement a mono-chromatization colliding scheme are possible, in this paper we report the implementation of such a scheme by means of dipoles. More in detail a new Interaction Re-gion (IR) optics design for FCC-ee at 125 GeV (direct Higgs s-channel production) has been designed and the first beam dynamics simulations are in progress.
Speaker: Zhandong Zhang (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) -
The FCC-ee HTS4 Project 1m
The FCC-ee HTS4 (High-Temperature-Superconducting Short Straight Section) project, a collaboration between CERN and PSI, aims at the replacement of normal conducting short straight sectors of the FCC-ee main storage ring with high-temperature-superconducting (HTS) ones. The study focuses on the creation of a 1-meter-long (full-size) prototype module, which consists of a nested quadrupole - sextupole magnet and uses high temperature superconductors (HTS, ReBCO tape), which can operate at 40K. The main pillars of this new design are minimizing power consumption, gaining luminosity and flexibility in optics and constructing a smaller and lighter system, with a vision for a more sustainable, green, cutting-edge technology with no additional costs.
Speakers: Mrs Vasiliki Batsari (CERN), Michael Koratzinos (PSI/CERN) -
FCC-ee Arc Half-Cell Mock-up Project: Dynamic stability analysis 1m
A dedicated study is being undertaken at CERN, together with the FCC Feasibility Study collaborators, to propose a robust configuration for the FCC-ee arc half-cell considering all integration aspects of the elements. This study includes engineering analyses performed to design the supporting system of the booster and of the collider. The proposed layout must meet requirements in terms of stiffness, static alignment and dynamic stability. It must also take into consideration pre-alignment, handling and installation operations, as well as remote re-adjustment and maintenance. Finally, given the very large scale of the facility, a robust and cost-effective design must be proposed that is suitable for large-scale industrialization. This document presents the methodology related to the dynamic stability analysis implemented to help in the design of the supporting system of the collider short straight section.
Speakers: Ms Audrey Piccini (Junior Fellow), Federico Carra (CERN), Lucie Baudin (CERN) -
Review of MAD-X for FCC-ee studies 1m
The design of the electron-positron Future Circular Col-
lider (FCC-ee) challenges the requirements on optics codes
(like MAD-X) in terms of accuracy, consistency, and per-
formance. This paper analyses MAD-X TWISS, TRACK
and EMIT modules by comparing their mutual consistency,
absolute accuracy and stability and will make improvement
proposals.Speaker: Guillaume Simon (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) -
Overview of Kicker Magnets for FCC-ee and equivalent circuit modelling for the beam dump kicker magnet. 1m
This paper summarizes the first iteration of the FCC-ee kicker magnet design parameters. There will be 5 different kicker and septum systems in the FCC-ee complex. This work mainly focuses on the kicker magnet design for the beam dump system. A MATLAB script was created for automatized iteration on the design and optimization of the kicker magnet. The input parameters of this script are the required kicker magnet parameters, whilst the output parameters are the values of the equivalent electronic circuit and other parameters, such as the pulse current and voltage values. A simulation model was developed that approximates the parameters of the proposed kicker magnet as an equivalent circuit model. Results from the simulation of the equivalent circuit are presented. These are frequency simulation, transient simulation and electrical impedance simulation. In the next stages of development, the magnet model will be refined. A 3D simulation model of the electromagnetic field will be created and the principle will be applied to other FCC-ee kicker systems.
Speaker: Petr Martinek (FCC) -
Design of the FCC-ee Positron Damping Ring and Transfer Line 1mSpeakers: Alex Keyken (Royal Holloway University of London), Darren Zeming Chan (University of Toronto (CA)), Emily Rose Howling (Univ. of Oxford University College (GB)), Mr John Patrick Salvesen (University of Oxford, CERN)
Initial Studies on Input signals for FCCee Interaction Point Fast Feedback Systems 1mSpeaker: Mr John Patrick Salvesen (University of Oxford, CERN)
Public event The Royal Society
The Royal Society
Friday summaries Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Sergey Belomestnykh-
Civil Engineering summary 15mSpeaker: Timothy Paul Watson (CERN)
Technical Infrastructure summary 15mSpeaker: Klaus Hanke (CERN)
FCC-ee summary 25mSpeaker: Frank Zimmermann (CERN)
Poster prize winner's presentation 5m
FCC-ee injector summary 20mSpeaker: Paolo Craievich
FCC-hh & magnet summary 20mSpeaker: Vladimir Shiltsev
FCC-eh summary 10mSpeaker: Yannis Papaphilippou (CERN)
Coffee break 30m Santosa Suite
Santosa Suite
Friday summaries Orchard Suite
Orchard Suite
Convener: Prof. Daniela Bortoletto (University of Oxford (GB))-
MDI summary 15mSpeaker: Manuela Boscolo (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
EPOL Summary 15mSpeaker: Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN)
- 11:10
Closing remarks 15mSpeaker: Michael Benedikt (CERN)